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河南淅川盆地的恐龙蛋发现与研究始于1974年,淅川盆地恐龙蛋具有非常高的多样性,共计发现4个蛋科、6个蛋属、6个蛋种,尤其以树枝蛋类最为丰富。近年来,河南地质博物馆对全省地质遗迹调查过程中,在淅川盆地再次有新的恐龙蛋类型的发现,本文对其中的部分标本进行记述,根据壳单元呈多分叉的不规则树枝状,蛋壳厚度为1.62~1.74 mm,锥体间隙明显,壳单元自锥体上部开始出现分枝,蛋壳中部大多具有3~4个分枝,近蛋壳外表面形成融合层,蛋壳具有复杂的气孔系统等特征区别于其他类型的树枝蛋类,建立一新蛋种:大石桥树枝蛋(Dendroolithus dashiqiaoensis oosp. nov.)。通过对淅川盆地恐龙蛋分类与对比、不同类型恐龙蛋在地层中的分布研究,将有助于盆地内白垩纪红层的划分,也将为秦岭东段各盆地中同一时期红层的划分与对比、古地理、古环境和古气候等研究提供更加翔实的古生物学证据。  相似文献   

New hadrosaurid material is recorded from Fontllonga (Ager syncline, province of Lleida), in the Catalonian Pyrenees, comprising a dentary with part of the dental battery, recovered from Late Maastrichtian strata (Tremp Formation), close to the presumed Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. This hadrosaurid is more derived than is Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus from the Haeg Basin (Romania), but lacks a number of features that diagnose the clade Hadrosaurinae plus Lambeosaurinae. It is attributed to the Euhadrosauria on the basis of the following synapomorphies: dentary teeth not recurved distally, narrow dentary crowns, and denticles not supported by subsidiary ridges. The phylogenetic relationships of the best-known iguanodontids and hadrosauroids are evaluated using mandibular and dentary tooth characters. On the basis of a cladistic analysis, the family of Hadrosauridae is diagnosed by more than 29 dentary tooth positions, parallel-sided vertical furrows formed by dentary alveoli, and absence of caudal secondary ridges. Within Hadrosauridae, successive sister-groups of Hadrosaurinae plus Lambeosaurinae are the Fontllonga taxon and Telmatosaurus. The clade Hadrosaurinae plus Lambeosaurinae is characterised mainly by a coronoid process inclined rostrally and by the absence of secondary ridges on dentary crowns. The Fontllonga find suggests the diversity of European hadrosaurids at the end of the Cretaceous to have been greater than previously thought. Moreover, the primitive character of European hadrosaurids as compared to western North American and Asian relatives may be explained in terms of geographical isolation during the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Three palynological biozones are proposed for the Maastrichtian Stage of South Carolina. In ascending stratigraphic order, the biozones are the Carolinapollis triangularis (Ct) Interval Biozone, the Holkopollenites chemardensis (Hc) Interval Biozone, and the Sparganiaceaepollenites uniformis (Su) Interval Biozone. Integration of the biostratigraphy with lithologic and geophysical log data suggests that within the study area, the upper and lower boundaries of each zone are bounded by regional unconformities, and that a three-fold subdivision of the Maastrichtian Stage is warranted. The biozonation is based on the analysis of 114 samples from 24 subsurface and three outcrop sections from the Coastal Plain of South Carolina; samples from an additional seven subsurface and 18 outcrop sections from North Carolina and Georgia were examined to evaluate the geographic extent of the biozones. One new genus and five new species of pollen are described, and emendations are presented for two genera and one species of pollen.  相似文献   

Fragmentary remains, including cervical vertebrae and limb bones, of a large pterosaur from the Upper Cretaceous of Tous, province of Valencia (Spain), are described. The material was recovered from lacustrine beds in the upper part of the Calizas y Margas de Sierra Perenchiza Formation, which is probably Maastrichtian in age. Six fragments of vertebrae allow a reconstruction of the anatomy of the mid-series cervicals of the animal. The general morphology of the cervical vertebrae is closely similar to that of the long-necked Azhdarchidae. Compared to other azhdarchids, the Valencia pterosaur shows minor differences from the genera Azhdarcho and Quetzalcoatlus, and is here provisionally referred to as Azhdarchidae indet. A wingspan of about 5.5 m is calculated by comparison with other known azhdarchids. This is the second azhdarchid pterosaur described from the Iberian peninsula. It confirms the wide distribution of this group of large pterosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The John Martin Reservoir tracksites from the Dakota Group of Bent County, in southeastern Colorado form part of the mid Cretaceous Dinosaur Freeway characterized by abundant ornithopod footprints (Caririchnium). Over 350 tracks (331 Caririchnium, 1 Magnoavipes, 22 crocodiles, and a few pterosaurs) were discovered at 10 new tracksites. All tracks were found as natural casts, including Caririchnium trackways that were still in-situ, parallel and regularly spaced, suggesting gregarious behavior. Most crocodile tracks are swimming tracks that consist of three or four scratch marks also with parallel orientations in many cases. A few pterosaur tracks consist of pes footprints and scratch marks suggesting swimming or floating activity in shallow water. This is the first pterosaur evidence from the Dakota Group. The Caririchnium size structure from John Martin Reservoir is consistent with the size structure tendency of the whole Dinosaur Freeway, which shows larger track size in the north. This tendency could be interpreted as evidence for more than one ornithopod species spread out across the Dinosaur Freeway. The alternative, that there was one ornithopod species that migrated north and south seasonally is less likely. The John Martin paleoecosystem is interpreted from the track evidence as a well-vegetated coastal plain environment with many ornithopods and a few theropods on land, crocodiles in the water, and pterosaurs in the skies and on the water.  相似文献   

The Cretaceous outcrop belt of the Mississippi Embayment in the Gulf Coastal Plain (GCP) spans the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary. A detailed reconstruction of this time interval is critical for understanding the nature of biotic and environmental changes preceding the end-Cretaceous Mass Extinction event and for deciphering the likely extinction mechanism (i.e., bolide impact versus volcanism). Eight sections encompassing the K/Pg succession across the Mississippi Embayment were analyzed using biostratigraphic sampling of ammonites, dinoflagellates, and nannofossils. An upper Maastrichtian ammonite zonation is proposed as follows, from oldest to youngest: Discoscaphites conradi Zone, D. minardi Zone, and D. iris Zone. Our study documents that the ammonite zonation established in the Atlantic Coastal Plain (ACP) extends to the GCP. This zonation is integrated with nannofossil and dinoflagellate biostratigraphy to provide a framework to more accurately determine the age relationships in this region. We demonstrate that ammonites and dinoflagellates are more reliable stratigraphic indicators in this area than nannofossils because age-diagnostic nannofossils are not consistently present within the upper Maastrichtian in the GCP. This biostratigraphic framework has the potential to become a useful tool for correlation of strata both within the GCP and between the GCP, Western Interior, and ACP. The presence of the uppermost Maastrichtian ammonite D. iris, calcareous nannofossil Micula prinsii, and dinoflagellates Palynodinium grallator and Disphaerogena carposphaeropsis suggests that the K/Pg succession in the GCP is nearly complete. Consequently, the GCP is an excellent setting for investigating fine scale temporal changes across the K/Pg boundary and ultimately elucidating the mechanisms causing extinction.  相似文献   

A new, large tyrannosaurine theropod from the Upper Cretaceous of China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Tyrannosaurids are primarily gigantic, predatory theropod dinosaurs of the Cretaceous. Here we report a new member of the tyrannosaurid clade Tyrannosaurinae from the Upper Cretaceous Wangshi Group of Zhucheng, Shandong Province, China, based on a maxilla and associated dentary. The discovery of this animal, here named Zhuchengtyrannus magnus gen. et sp. nov., adds to the known diversity of tyrannosaurids in Asia. Z. magnus can be identified by a horizontal shelf on the lateral surface of the base of the ascending process, and a rounded notch in the anterior margin of the maxillary fenestra. Several additional features contribute to a unique combination of character states that serves to further distinguish Z. magnus from other taxa. Comparisons with other tyrannosaurids suggest that Zhuchengtyrannus was a very large theropod, comparable in size to both Tarbosaurus and Tyrannosaurus.  相似文献   

The Bauru Basin was one of the great Cretaceous desert basins of the world, evolved in arid zone called Southern Hot Arid Belt. Its paleobiological record consists mainly of dinosaurs, crocodiles and turtles. The Bauru Basin is an extensive region of the South American continent that includes parts of the southeast and south of Brazil, covering an area of 370,000 km2. It is an interior continental basin that developed as a result of subsidence of the central-southern part of the South-American Platform during the Late Cretaceous (Coniacian–Maastrichtian). This sag basin is filled by a sandy siliciclastic sequence with a preserved maximum thickness of 480 m, deposited in semiarid to desert conditions. Its basement consists of volcanic rocks (mainly basalts) of the Lower Cretaceous (Hauterivian) Serra Geral basalt flows, of the Paraná-Etendeka Continental Flood Basalt Province. The sag basin was filled by an essentially siliciclastic psammitic sequence. In lithostratigraphic terms the sequence consists of the Caiuá and Bauru groups. The northern and northeastern edges of the basin provide a record of more proximal original deposits, such as associations of conglomeratic sand facies from alluvial fans, lakes, and intertwined distributary river systems. The progressive basin filling led to the burial of the basaltic substrate by extensive blanket sand sheets, associated with deposits of small dunes and small shallow lakes that retained mud (such as loess). Also in this intermediate context between the edges (more humid) and the interior (dry), wide sand sheet areas crossed by unconfined desert rivers (wadis) occurred. In the central axis of the elliptical basin a regional drainage system formed, flowing from northeast to southwest between the edges of the basin and the hot and dry inner periphery of the Caiuá desert (southwest). Life in the Bauru Basin flourished most in the areas with the greatest water availability, in which dinosaurs, crocodiles, turtles, fish, amphibians, molluscs, crustaceans, and charophyte algae lived. The fossil record mainly consists of transported bones and other skeletal fragments. In the northeastern and eastern marginal regions fossils are found in marginal alluvial fan deposits, broad plains of braided streams and ephemeral alkaline water lakes. In the basin interior the fossil record is related to deposits in sand sheets with braided streams, small dunes, and shallow lakes. In the great Caiuá inner desert a few smaller animals could survive (small reptiles and early mammals), sometimes leaving their footprints in dune foreset deposits. The aim of this article is to present and link the basin sedimentary evolution, palaeoecological features and palaeontological record.  相似文献   

Tyrannosaurs and hadrosaurs from the Late Cretaceous of eastern North America (Appalachia) are distinct from those found in western North America (Laramidia), suggesting that eastern North America was isolated during the Late Cretaceous. However, the Late Cretaceous fauna of Appalachia remains poorly known. Here, a partial maxilla from the Campanian Tar Heel Formation (Black Creek Group) of North Carolina is shown to represent the first ceratopsian from the Late Cretaceous of eastern North America. The specimen has short alveolar slots, a ventrally projected toothrow, a long dentigerous process overlapped by the ectopterygoid, and a toothrow that curves laterally, a combination of characters unique to the Leptoceratopsidae. The maxilla has a uniquely long, slender and downcurved posterior dentigerous process, suggesting a specialized feeding strategy. The presence of a highly specialized ceratopsian in eastern North America supports the hypothesis that Appalachia underwent an extended period of isolation during the Late Cretaceous, leading the evolution of a distinct dinosaur fauna dominated by basal tyrannosauroids, basal hadrosaurs, ornithimimosaurs, nodosaurs, and leptoceratopsids. Appalachian vertebrate communities are most similar to those of Laramidia. However some taxa-including leptoceratopsids-are also shared with western Europe, raising the possibility of a Late Cretaceous dispersal route connecting Appalachia and Europe.  相似文献   

The Djadokhta Formation of the Gobi Desert is known for the number and diversity of dinosaur and other vertebrate bones and skeletons found there, but only theropod, hadrosaur and supposed ankylosaurid footprints have been reported from this stratum. Dinosaur footprints are also noted from the Nemegt Formation, and occur as typical dinosaur track accumulations (tracksites). An articulated protoceratopsid skeleton - specimen ZPAL Mg D-II/3 - was collected by the Polish-Mongolian Expedition of 1965 from the Djadokhta Formation of Flaming Cliffs in Mongolia. Recently, the natural cast of a tetradactyl digitigrade footprint was found underneath the pelvic girdle while the skeleton and matrix were being prepared. This is possibly the first find of a dinosaur track in close association with an articulated skeleton. Although Protoceratops is an extremely common dinosaur in Mongolia, its footprints have never previously been reported from the Late Cretaceous of the Gobi Desert.  相似文献   

The Fairpoint Member of the Fox Hills Formation (upper Maastrichtian) in Meade County, South Dakota, USA, contains an osteichthyan assemblage indicative of transitional to marine shoreface deposits. The fauna consists of: Lepisosteus sp., Paralbula casei, Cylindracanthus cf. C. ornatus, Enchodus gladiolus, Hadrodus sp., and indeterminate osteichthyans with probable affinities to the Siluriformes and Beryciformes. The Fairpoint fauna is of limited species diversity and in this character mirrors many other Upper Cretaceous North American osteichthyan assemblages. Comparison to Upper Cretaceous chondrichthyan diversity and consideration of the structure of Cretaceous marine food webs suggest that osteichthyans are strongly under-represented in the Upper Cretaceous of North America. The small size and poor preservation potential of many Upper Cretaceous North American osteichthyans probably account for much of this observed paucity. Fairpoint osteichthyans are members of families that survive the Cretaceous–Paleocene boundary extinction event. Some of these genera and families are still extant and occur in a wide array of modern fresh, brackish, and shallow marine environments.  相似文献   

Abstract: The close affinity between Edmontosaurus and Shantungosaurus is corroborated on the basis of the following shared features: an occipital condyle deflected strongly posteroventrally; a posterodorsally reflected, lip-shaped oral margin of the premaxilla, with a deep, oval concavity at the anteromedial corner of the bone; a well-demarcated posterodorsal margin of the deeply excavated circumnarial fossa formed by a prominent arched ridge along the entire posterior half of the lateroventral border of the nasal; an anteroposteriorly broad jugal process of the postorbital; a strongly concave dorsal surface of the paired frontals; seven teeth per alveolus in the middle of the dentary tooth row; and a circular distal blade of the pubis that is much more expanded ventrally than dorsally. A revised phylogenetic analysis of Hadrosauroidea recovers a sister taxon relationship between Edmontosaurus and Shantungosaurus. Kerberosaurus is recovered as the sister taxon to the clade formed exclusively by these two genera. The clade Edmontosaurini could be defined as the least inclusive clade containing Kerberosaurus and Edmontosaurus, which is currently composed of the genera Kerberosaurus, Edmontosaurus, and Shantungosaurus. Zhuchengosaurus and Huaxiaosaurus, both from the Upper Cretaceous Wangshi Group in Zhucheng, are interpreted as junior synonyms of Shantungosaurus. Kundurosaurus is likewise considered a junior synonym of Kerberosaurus. The strict consensus tree together with biogeographic information indicates that the clade Edmontosaurini originated in Asia and subsequently dispersed into North America.  相似文献   

Trackways can provide unique insight to animals locomotion through quantitative analysis of variation in track morphology. Long trackways additionally permit the study of trackmaker foot anatomy, providing more insight on limb kinematics. In this paper we have restudied the extensive tracksite at Barranco de La Canal-1 (Lower Cretaceous, La Rioja, NW Spain) focussing on a 25-m-long dinosaur (ornithopod) trackway that was noted by an earlier study (Casanovas et al., 1995; Pérez-Lorente, 2003) to display an irregular pace pattern. This asymmetric gait has been quantified and photogrammetric models undertaken for each track, thus revealing distinct differences between the right and the left tracks, particularly in the relative position of the lateral digits II–IV with respect to the central digit III. Given that the substrate at this site is homogenous, the consistent repetition of the collected morphological data suggests that differences recorded between the right and the left tracks can be linked to the foot anatomy, but more interestingly, to an injury or pathology on left digit II. We suggest that the abnormal condition registered in digit II impression of the left pes can be linked to the statistically significant limping behaviour of the trackmaker. Furthermore, the abnormal condition registered did not affect the dinosaur's speed.  相似文献   

Bones in the fossil record sometimes exhibit unusual structures that can be attributed to pathologies, taphonomic alterations, or morphological variation. The goal of this work is to describe three bone abnormalities present in the type specimen of Bonitasaura salgadoi from the Cretaceous of north Patagonia, Argentina. The studied material corresponds to a left femur, a left metatarsal III, and a right prezygapophysis of a mid-caudal vertebra. Macroscopic and/or histological examinations were conducted, and a discussion concerning the origin of each abnormality is provided. The results of this study suggest that the anomalous structures are pathologies. In the femur, an osteoblastic tumor was identified by the presence of a large outgrowth of ovoid appearance with a spiculated microstructural pattern. The metatarsal III shows an enthesophyte (or bone spur) based on its location, shape and growth in parallel to the long axis of the bone element. Finally, the abnormal tissue observed in the prezygapophysis of the caudal vertebra was determined to be an infection by the presence of reactive new bone associated with a local widening of the subperiosteal margin and a sinus of drainage. This is the first report of multiple pathologies in a single specimen of a titanosaur, and it provides new insights about paleopathologies in sauropod dinosaurs.  相似文献   

Two closely associated egg types occur at the same locality in the Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) St. Mary River Formation in north central Montana. These specimens represent the first fossil eggs described from this formation. At least fifteen small ovoid eggs or egg portions are scattered through a 25 cm interval of rock. Five significantly larger, round eggs overlie these smaller eggs and are in close proximity to one another on a single bedding plane. The best preserved egg of the smaller size measures 36 mm × 62 mm and exhibits the prismatic, two-layered eggshell structure of a theropod egg. The dispersed distribution and inconsistent angles of these small eggs likely resulted from disturbance by subsequent nesting activity and/or possibly nest predation. At least twelve additional small prismatic eggs also occur at this site. We assign the small eggs as a new oogenus and oospecies, Tetonoolithus nelsoni, within the Prismatoolithidae. The large round eggs measure 130 mm in diameter and the eggshell displays substantial diagenetic alteration. These eggs likely belonged to a hadrosaur due to their similarity in egg size, shape, and eggshell thickness to Maiasaura eggs from the stratigraphically lower Two Medicine Formation. Eggs at different stratigraphic levels at this site indicate that conditions favorable to both dinosaur species persisted for an extended period of time. However, determining whether these dinosaurs occupied the nesting site at the same or different years remains beyond the resolution of the rock record.  相似文献   

Multivariate analysis is used to differentiate shape variations between ichnites of theropod and ornithopod dinosaurs. Tracks of an alleged theropod cf. Tyrannosauropus from the mid-Cretaceous (late Albian-Cenomanian) Winton Formation of Lark Quarry, central-western Queensland, Australia were examined and foot shape ratios calculated. Multivariate analysis of these shape variables indicates this track-maker was an ornithopod dinosaur. A strong morphological similarity exists between the Lark Quarry ichnites and those of the iguanodontian ichnotaxon Amblydactylus gethingi. Considering the grade of ornithopod this ichnogenus is thought to represent (a non-hadrosaurid styracosternan) and the age and geography of Lark Quarry, we suggest that the track-maker may have been a dinosaur similar to Muttaburrasaurus langdoni.  相似文献   

Recently, a paleosurface with microbially-induced sedimentary wrinkle structures that are associated with abundant, well-preserved, iguanodon-type, tridactyl tracks has been documented at the Lotus tracksite near Qijiang (Chongqing, China) in fluvial deposits of the Lower Cretaceous Jiaguan Formation. Two different wrinkle structure types are identified and described from a macroscopic point of view and also by applying microstructure analysis with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and other high-resolution instruments, that detected sheath-like and globular organic matter and thus confirm the microbial origin of the observed wrinkle structures. A model for the formation of the two microbial mat induced wrinkle structure types and associated preservation of dinosaur tracks is proposed. Finally, some human footprints were left in comparable modern environments covered with a thin microbial mat, and they are used as a modern analog in order to better understand the track formation and preservation mechanisms of the dinosaur tracks of the Lotus tracksite.  相似文献   

This article describes a unique flood hazard, produced by the dramatic expansion of wetlands in Nelson County, located within the North American Prairie Pothole Region of North Dakota, USA. There has been an unprecedented increase in the number, average size, and permanence of prairie wetlands, and a significant increase in the size of a closed lake (Stump Lake) due to a decade-long wet spell that began in 1993 following a prolonged drying trend. Base-line land cover information from the 1992 USGS National Land Cover Characterization dataset, and a Landsat TM scene acquired 9 July 2001 are used to assess the growth of the closed lake and wetland pond surface areas, and to analyze the type and area of various land cover classes inundated between 1992 and 2001. The open water profile in Nelson County changed from one marked by relatively comparable coverage of closed lake and wetland pond areas in 1992, to one in which wetland open water accounted for the vast majority of total open water in 2001. The bulk of the wetland pond area expansion occurred by displacing existing wetland vegetation and agricultural cropland. Producers responded to the flood hazard by filing Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) claims and enrolling cropland in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), a federal land retirement program. Land taken out of agricultural production has had an enormous impact upon the agricultural sector that forms the economic base of the rural economy. In 2001 the land taken out of production due to CRP enrollment and preventive planting claims represented nearly 42% of Nelson County’s 205.2 K ha base agricultural land. The patterns obtained from this detailed study of Nelson County are likely to be the representative of the more publicized flood disaster occurring within the Devils Lake Basin of North Dakota.  相似文献   

Forty-seven samples from Upper Cretaceous sections penetrated by the Kachi-1 and Inga-1 wells in the South Yellow Sea Basin have been analysed for their spore and pollen content. Thirty-five species of 18 spore genera and 54 species of 28 pollen genera are documented. One new monotypic genus, Diporocolpopollenites, and its type species, D. kachiensis sp. nov., are erected, and Dilwynites Harris, 1965, and its type species, D. granulatus Harris, 1965, are emended. There are also three new combinations: Ephedripites eocaenicus (Selling, 1944), E. praeclarus (Chlonova, 1961), and Retitricolpites anguloluminosus (Anderson, 1960). Two palynological zones are erected: anAquilapollenites attenuatus Assemblage Zone, which encompasses deposits that are considered to be latest Campanian–Early Maastrichtian in age, and an Aquilapollenites eurypteronus Assemblage Zone for sections that have been dated as Late Maastrichtian. The assemblages are typical of the Yenisey-Amur Subprovince of the Aquilapollenites (floral) Province. Lowland floodplain to shallow, commonly mesotrophic, lacustrine environments of deposition are indicated. The climate was probably wet subtropical, with rainfall being somewhat higher during the Late Maastrichtian than through the latest Campanian–Early Maastrichtian.  相似文献   

A new dinosaur sauropod from the Golmayo Formation (upper Hauterivian-lower Barremian) in Soria province (Spain) is described as Soriatitan golmayensis gen. et sp. nov. The new material consists of one tooth, three dorsal vertebrae with ribs, a partial sacrum, five caudal centra, two caudal vertebral spines, one chevron, a humerus, an ulna, a radius, two partial ilia, two ischia, a fragment of pubis, and a partial femur. Cladistic analysis identified the material as belonging to Brachiosaruidae within Titanosauriformes. Sauropod material from the Golmayo Formation shares a diagnostic feature with Abydosaurus, Cedarosaurus, Tastavinsaurus and Venenosaurus including anteriorly deflected anterior–middle caudal neural spines and with Cedarosaurus a proximodistally straight lateral margin between the proximal head and the shaft of the humerus. Eight characters are potential autapomorphies in the sauropod from Spain, including the presence of a large rectangular ventral ridge below the preacetabular process of the ilium, the same length of the pubic and ischiadic blades in the ischium, and two lateral ridges in the lateral area of the deltopectoral crest of the humerus. The presence of Early Cretaceous brachiosarids in both, North America and Europe, give support to the hypothesis of a connection between the tectonic plates of these continents at some point during the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

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