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为了较好地描述软土塑性应变发展规律,提出了一种改进的塑性流动模型。该模型采用了与屈服函数形式相同,但具有一定倾角γ的塑性势函数。土体在变形过程中,塑性流动方向会依赖于塑性势面的旋转而变化,直至达到破坏状态。通过对常规三轴试验结果的分析可以发现:在剪切过程中,塑性势面旋转角的初值γ0与终值γd较为稳定,不受围压变化影响。在此试验观察基础上,引入了归一化的旋转角参数γ’以及描述土体应力状态的参数ξ,在采用蛋形势函数的情况下二者具有良好的分段线性关系。利用该关系,建立了改进的塑性流动法则,只需要2个额外的模型参数。对所提出的塑性流动模型进行了验证,计算结果表明该模型能较好地反映塑性应变的变化趋势。  相似文献   

刘长春  吕和祥  关萍 《岩土力学》2008,29(11):2961-2966
传统的黏塑性统一本构模型只能用于金属类材料的本构分析,而不适用于混凝土的本构分析.基于此,以不可逆热力学理论为基础,选定了涉及混合硬化参量的Helmholtz自由能函数,推导出混凝土的黏塑性损伤耦合本构模型.通过对混凝土硬化模型的分析,构造了含运动硬化和等向硬化内变量的非相关流动势函数,又推导出流动方程以及内变量演化方程.所建模型对混凝土试验曲线的数值模拟显示,其能够正确描述混凝土的率相关性、非弹性体积膨胀特性、加载过程的软硬化特性以及由断裂和损伤引起的应力软化现象.  相似文献   

祝恩阳  李晓强 《岩土力学》2018,39(1):112-122
结构性土颗粒间的胶结使试样剪切破坏最终应力比高于相应重塑土,也限制了试样剪切时体积应变的自由发挥。在考虑结构垮塌为主的结构性土统一硬化(UH)模型基础上,将应力空间中静止的临界状态线扩展为动态的移动临界状态线。据此,通过建立新的屈服面方程并修正剪胀方程,将结构性土统一硬化(UH)模型扩展为胶结结构性土统一硬化(UH)模型。相对于原模型,新模型增加了1个模型参数,即初始胶结应力,反映土颗粒之间的初始胶结作用。通过4种结构性土试验数据与模型预测对照表明:所提模型能够较合理地描述结构性土等向压缩、常规三轴排水与不排水剪切等特性。  相似文献   

岩土材料在非关联流动法则下剪胀角选取探讨   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
孔位学  芮勇勤  董宝弟 《岩土力学》2009,30(11):3278-3282
岩土材料属于摩擦型材料,其强度特性时参数指标的选取至关重要。当前对剪胀角存在模糊认识,导致在理论分析和数值模拟分析中常会产生较大误差。在分析传统的滑移线场理论的基础上,采用广义塑性理论,证明了岩土材料在非关联流动法则条件下的剪胀角应取? /2,且此时体变必为0。通过对具有精确理论解的经典Prandtl地基承载力课题的数值模拟分析,分别对关联流动法则、非关联流动法则剪胀角取? /2及非关联流动法则剪胀角取0三种情况下地基的承载力进行了计算。结果表明,上述3种情况下得到的极限荷载的误差为2 %,但滑移线场与理论解有较大差异。其中,在非关联流动法则条件下,采用剪胀角? =? /2所得到的滑移线场与Prandtl理论解一致,而采用? =0所得到的滑移线场与理论解有较大的偏差。这说明目前在非关联流动法则条件下采用? = 0虽然可得到相应的正确的极限荷载,但是相应的滑移线场具有较大的误差,同时也证明了岩土材料在非关联流动法则条件下的剪胀角应该选取? /2,而不是目前通常采用的0。  相似文献   

A series of two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) finite element analyses using the Hardening Soil (HS) model were carried out to investigate the influences of soil properties, wall stiffness, excavation length, excavation depth, clay thickness at the base of the excavation and wall embedment depth, on the maximum wall deflection induced by braced-excavation. The results show that the 3D maximum wall deflections are generally much smaller than those for 2D. Comparisons were also made with other commonly used semi-empirical charts. Based on the finite element results in this study, a simple wall deflection equation was developed for estimating the maximum wall deflection that takes the 3D effects into consideration through different ratios of excavation length over excavation width.  相似文献   

This work addresses an enrichment technique for the three-dimensional (3D) finite element (FE) analysis of a vertical drain foundation because (1) 1D and 2D simulations are insufficient to integrally describe the consolidation behaviour and (2) drains are small both in spacing and size, resulting in enormous computational costs for a traditional 3D FE analysis. Based on the idea of the semi-analytical finite element method (FEM), which combines general FEM with the high accuracy of a closed-form solution, a new spatial element that contains a drain well and its neighbouring smear zone is presented. This new combined element is depicted by eight global independent nodes and two local dependent nodes, and a classical analytical theory is introduced to set up the relationship between the two kinds of nodes. Because permeability diversity between the drain and the smear zone is considered, both the effects of smearing and well resistance are taken into account with the composite element method (CEM). A detailed derivation of the CEM is performed using the weighted residual method. The accuracy of the proposed method is validated with a totally penetrating, single-drain ground analysis for seven calculation conditions. Additionally, the proposed CEM saves 1/4–1/2 mesh elements and helps to avoid slender elements for the FEM analysis of the drained foundation.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new approach for the development of an elastoplastic constitutive model to predict the strength and deformation behaviour of soils under general stress conditions. The proposed approach was based on characteristic stress, which considers the effect of the intermediate principal stress on the material strength. Referring to the Cam-clay model, the shear dilatancy equation, plastic potential function and hardening parameter for the developed model were all derived using the characteristic stress. The model predictions indicated that the established model could quantitatively reproduce the negative dilatancy behaviour, positive dilatancy behaviour, and three-dimensional strength properties of soils.  相似文献   

美国在2004年通过NCHRP 1-37A项目提出了用于路基土评估的新的动态回弹模量模型。该模型由于考虑了体应力和偏应力的影响,已得到广泛应用。然而,目前对于该模型的有限元实现均采用基于等效动三轴试验的等效切线模量进行材料点的局部迭代。为克服该实现方法在复杂应力状态下因模型简化带来的偏差,基于广义虎克定律推导了该回弹模量模型的精确一致切线刚度矩阵。通过编写的ABAQUS用户自定义材料子程序(UMAT)对轴压和围压加载情形进行有限元模拟,发现新推导的有限元实现方法较现有基于等效三轴试验的简化方法具有更高的计算效率和精度。最后对典型沥青路面结构的分析表明,为提高复杂应力状态下路基响应计算精度,在路面结构分析中采用基于当前应力状态的一致切线刚度矩阵代替等效切线刚度矩阵是十分必要的。  相似文献   

This article presents three-dimensional structural optimization in geotechnical engineering for foundations in granular soil. The general design (topology) of a shallow foundation is optimized with respect to its deformational behaviour within the service limit state. The SIMP (solid isotropic material with penalization) method is applied to optimize the distribution of foundation material. The soil is modelled as a hypoplastic material with a constitutive model suitable for optimization using finite element analysis. Two load cases are examined. The optimized topology is validated against two-dimensional optimization and 1g-model test results. The present study proves the applicability and shows the potential of topology optimization in geotechnical engineering.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an approach to extend a modified hardening soil model into the time-dependent analysis of high rockfill dams. The key feature of the extended model is the integration of a creep model and the double yield surface elasto-plastic model, via modifying the hardening functions. The integrated model is validated by a laboratory multistage creep test. Results from three-dimensional analyses including the without creep and with creep considerations of the Nam Ngum 2 dam have been compared with the in-situ measurements. The prediction of dam deformation can be significantly enhanced by the proposed model.  相似文献   

粗粒土的一种应变硬化模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐明  宋二祥 《岩土力学》2010,31(9):2967-2972
堆石料等粗粒土在经受剪切时不仅其强度和刚度随应力水平而变化,其体积变化特征也和应力水平密切相关。在Mohr-Coulomb模型的基础上,提出一个针对这类粗粒土剪切特征的应变硬化模型。模型以Mohr-Coulomb准则作为屈服准则,但考虑土体强度、刚度和体积变化特征均随应力水平而变化等重要特性。对Rowe剪胀理论的推导及其试验基础进行了深入讨论,指出该理论对于粗粒土的局限性,并在此基础上针对粗粒土的剪胀特性进一步发展给出其机动剪胀角的变化规律。与试验结果的计算对比表明,该模型能较为全面地反映粗粒土的主要剪切特性,特别是剪切时的体积变化特性,且相对简便实用。  相似文献   

堆石料的应力-应变曲线具有应变硬化和软化的特性,并且体积变形会伴随着剪缩和剪胀现象的发生;此外,应力水平、应力路径和密度等因素均会对堆石料的力学特性产生显著的影响。基于临界状态土力学的理论框架,建立了适用于堆石料的分数阶下加载面模型,该模型为典型的双屈服模型。在平均主应力p-剪应力q平面,剪切过程中堆石料当前应力状态点和参考应力点分别位于下加载面和参考屈服面上,两者之间的相对位置与孔隙比之差ρ相关。相比于状态参量Ψ,ρ能够额外考虑应力路径对堆石料剪胀特性的影响。新模型的另一个显著特点在于能够考虑堆石料塑性流动方向与加载方向之间的差异性。在不引入塑性势函数的情况下,新模型对屈服函数进行Caputo微分并得到分数阶塑性流动法则,进而统一描述相关联和非相关联的塑性流动法则。新模型具有形式简单且参数较少等优点,所包含的7个材料参数均具有明确的物理意义,并且可以采用常规的室内试验结果进行标定。通过将模型计算结果与Tacheng堆石料在不同初始孔隙比和围压条件下的三轴压缩排水试验结果进行对比分析,结果表明新模型能够准确地描述堆石料的应力-应变曲线和体积变形特点;同时,新模型也能够合理地描述初始孔隙比对堆石料在e-lnp平面(e为孔隙比)临界状态线的影响。  相似文献   

Three-dimensional behaviour of an embankment on soft soils incorporating vertical drains is analysed by a numerical model based on the finite element method. The model, which incorporates the Biot’s consolidation theory (coupled formulation of the flow and equilibrium equations) and constitutive relations simulated by the pqθ critical state model, is applied on both the embankment with vertical drains (three-dimensional analysis) and the same problem but without vertical drains (two-dimensional analysis). Special emphasis is given to the analysis, during and after the construction period, of the excess pore pressures, settlements, horizontal displacements and stress levels.  相似文献   

The polygon scaled boundary finite element method is semi-analytical and known for its high precision. However, the material nonlinearity cannot be maintained because this method uses an analytical solution in the radial direction. In this paper, a novel nonlinear algorithm is developed by introducing internal Gaussian points over a subdomain. The response of nonlinearity for a concrete-faced rockfill dam is modeled. The results correspond well with the results from finite element modelling, which demonstrates the method can be used to describe the nonlinear characteristics of geomaterials. Furthermore, this method offers promising flexibility for analyzing complex geometries without decreasing the precision.  相似文献   

The finite element interpretation is discussed of two load tests carried out on instrumented vibro-piles in a granular deposit. A first back analysis, aimed at assessing the improvement of the mechanical characteristics of soil induced by the vibratory construction process, highlights an apparent contradiction between the experimental variation of the axial load along the pile and the numerical results. This suggests introducing as a free variable, in addition to the elastic and shear strength parameters of the granular soil, also the increase of the nominal diameter of pile caused by vibrations. The second back analysis provides some insight into the variation of the diameter with depth and leads to an acceptable interpretation, from the engineering standpoint, of the load tests. On these bases a quantitative comparison is presented between the calculated load–settlement diagram of the vibro-pile and that of a “standard” pile constructed without vibrations in the same granular deposit.  相似文献   

The finite element interpretation is discussed of two load tests carried out on bentonite slurry piles bored in granular soils. The first case concerns a pile belonging to a 12 pile group. An axisymmetric finite element model that reproduces, with reasonable accuracy, the experimental results is developed. The model is then extended to three-dimensional conditions and applied to the analysis of the entire group. The results suggest some comments on the different assumptions that can be adopted in the calculations and on their effects on the global load–settlement curve of the pile group. The second case concerns a load test in which, in addition to the load–settlement data, also the axial strains along the pile were measured through electrical extensometers. The numerical back analyses highlight an apparent contradiction between the two sets of experimental data. On their bases some conclusions are drawn on the possible causes of the observed inconsistency and on the influence of the construction technology on the interaction between the pile tip and the soil underneath it.  相似文献   

An advanced elasto‐plastic constitutive model for frictional materials, whose incremental version is presented in a companion paper (Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech., 2002; 26 :647), is implemented in a user‐defined material module. The general calculation strategy inside this module is presented and discussed, including the initial intersection of the yield surface and the techniques for updating of stresses and hardening modulus. Several integration schemes are implemented in the module and their capabilities in relation to the advanced, three‐dimensional constitutive model are evaluated. The forward Euler, modified Euler, and Runge–Kutta–Dormand–Prince integration schemes are explained in detail, compared, and evaluated in view of error tolerances and computational efficiency. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The governing equations for an elasto‐plastic constitutive model for frictional materials such as soil, rock, and concrete are presented, and the incremental form is indicated in preparation for implementation of the model in a user‐defined module for finite element calculations. This isotropic, work‐hardening and ‐softening model employs a single yield surface, it incorporates non‐associated plastic flow, and its capability of capturing the behaviour of different types of frictional materials under various three‐dimensional conditions has been demonstrated by comparison with measured behaviour, as presented in the literature. The incrementalization procedure is indicated and the resulting equations for the single hardening model are presented together with parameters for a dense sand. Following the implementation of the model, these parameters are used for evaluation of different integration schemes as presented in a companion paper by Jakobsen and Lade (Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech. 2002; 26 :661). Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Orissa super cyclone which crossed the Orissa coastal region near Paradip on October 29, 1999 proved to be disastrous. The strong winds, torrential rains with heavy rainfall and high storm surge associated with the cyclone caused havoc that resulted in the death of thousands of people, cattle and extensive damage to agricultural land, paddy crop, transmission lines, power supply, roads and buildings. In the present study, a fine resolution finite element model is used to simulate surges due to this super cyclone. The model results are compared with observed surges available from post-storm survey reports. Comparison of results show that they are in good agreement with the observed surges, and the finite element model can be used for real time surge forecasts.  相似文献   

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