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青藏铁路穿越多年冻土区因地温和含冰量的不同而采取了不同的路基结构形式,以减小或避免气温和工程扰动对其下部多年冻土的影响。为了把握多年列车振动荷载作用下多年冻土区不同结构路基的动力响应特征,对青藏铁路北麓河段典型结构路基进行了实时强震动测试,得到了多年冻土区铁路路基的振动加速度衰减规律,对于研究机车动荷载对青藏铁路多年冻土区路基变形的定量影响规律,保障青藏铁路安全运营具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

为研究打桩荷载作用下自由场土体振动衰减规律,建立了考虑桩-土相互作用的二维有限元数值模型,并通过Lamb问题解析解验证了数值模型的有效性。通过分析打桩深度、土体阻尼比、打桩荷载等级和土质条件等因素的影响,研究了土体表面振动特性及振动衰减规律。参数分析表明,打桩深度对微振动的影响较小,在距振源一定距离处的土体表面振动响应基本保持一致;土体阻尼比对土体表面振动的影响显著,阻尼比越小,土体表面振动响应越剧烈;不同场地软硬条件影响微振动的限制距离,在一定距离范围内,土质越软,土体表面振动响应越显著,防振距离越长。基于参数分析结果,对峰值速度衰减曲线进行拟合,拟合公式计算结果与模拟结果较吻合,可为振动敏感建筑场地的选择提供参考。  相似文献   

Finite element analysis of structure-borne vibration from high-speed train   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Finite element analyses were used to investigate the behavior of the building vibration induced by high-speed trains moving on bridges. The model includes the bridge, nearby building, soil and train. Finite element results indicate that trainload frequencies are more important than the natural frequencies of bridges and trains for building vibrations. If the building natural frequencies approach to the trainload frequencies, which equal an integer times the train speed over the compartment length, the resonance occurs and the building vibration will be large. Moreover, the vibration shape is similar to the mode shape of the resonance building frequency. To isolate the building vibration induced by moving trains, this paper investigates three common types of foundations, which include the extension of retaining walls, pile foundation and soil improvement around the building. Soil improvement around the building is the best way to reduce the building vibration both in horizontal and vertical directions.  相似文献   

我国每天有数千趟高铁列车驰骋在纵横交错的高铁线路上,构成了十分理想的均布震源,但寻找适合高铁震源地震信号的处理方法是充分挖掘信息的关键.传统的频谱分析结果表明高铁震源所产生的地震信号具有明显的窄带分立谱特征,但无法精确获得高铁震源地震信号的时频变化规律.本文首次将挤压时频分析这种分析工具引入到高铁震源地震信号处理中,对中国南方某高铁沿线采集到的高铁震源地震数据进行了分析.处理结果表明:利用挤压时频分析能够更加精确地刻画频率成分随时间的变化,能够利用单检波器精确刻画高铁列车的运行状态(匀速、加速等);同时利用挤压时频变换还可高精度地重构出所需频带的信号,为提取高铁震源地震信号的特征成分提供了一种有力工具.  相似文献   

This paper simulates soil vibration under the train speed below and over the soil Rayleigh speed using the three-dimensional finite element method. Two vibration isolation schemes were studied including the soil improvement around the railway and the concrete slab constructed between the rail and soil. Numerical results indicate that the vibration increases considerably and decays slowly when the train speed exceeds the soil Rayleigh speed. The wave direction and dominant frequencies are the simple functions of the train speed, the soil Rayleigh speed and the train compartment length. When the train speed exceeds the shear wave speed, the vibration magnitude is critical and not sensitive to the train speed. To reduce this vibration, the two isolation schemes investigated in this study are useful for the train speed over the soil Rayleigh speed, but they are not efficient for the train speed below the soil Rayleigh speed.  相似文献   

Non-secant anchored piling support is one of the most frequent earth-retaining systems for temporary deep excavations in Santiago, Chile. The main advantages of using non-secant piling support are their relatively low cost and ease of installation. This system is particularly efficient on stiff soils with deep groundwater table, conditions usually found in Santiago. This paper presents the results of a numerical investigation aimed to study the characteristics of earthquake-induced lateral pressures on a recent pile-supported excavation 26 m deep. The estimated static deformations of the piles were compared against some measurements performed during the excavation. The dynamic pressures, and their influence on the piles׳ internal forces, were evaluated using a synthetic Ricker wavelet in the numerical FE model. Two kinds of FE models were developed, an approximate 2D-plain strain model and a fully 3D model. The accuracy of the 2D model on predicting static and dynamic lateral pressures was also investigated.  相似文献   

地铁列车曲线运行引起学校建筑物振动响应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
地铁以其快捷、准时、运量大等优点,已成为重要的轨道交通形式,但由此引起的环境振动问题日益突出.针对杭州市地铁3号线曲线地段的某中学建设工程,利用有限元软件ABAQUS,对车辆-普通整体道床轨道系统的竖向耦合模型进行振动响应分析,得到考虑轨道高低不平顺影响的轨道振动源强.应用有限元软件MIDAS GTS/NX,建立双孔平...  相似文献   

将列车移动荷载简化为多个移动轮轴荷载,基于列车-轨道-路基解析模型推求的列车运行时不同时刻、不同位置时作用于路基的振动荷载时程,采用多点输入方式实现列车荷载的移动施加方式,建立路(地)基-场地体系三维有限元动力分析模型,基于Abaqus软件的并行计算集群平台,对轨道交通振动荷载下路(地)基-场地体系的动力反应进行数值模拟,研究了列车荷载作用线正下方地基中的动应力特征及土单元应力状态变化,分析了列车轮轴荷载移动过程中不同深度处土单元的应力路径和主应力轴的旋转。  相似文献   

郁雯  刘杰  刘航  李凯 《震灾防御技术》2021,16(1):157-164
为探究高速铁路两侧隔振屏障隔振效果,采用有限元与无限元边界结合的方式进行分析,研究不同连续型隔振屏障及布置形式对隔振效果的影响。通过现场试验与同尺寸、同属性有限元模型对比试验,验证有限元模型合理性。计算结果表明:不同连续型隔振屏障中,空沟隔振效果最优,空沟隔振措施适合高速列车隔振;隔振屏障宽度为0.6~2.5倍波长时,其对隔振效果的影响较小,随着宽度的改变,隔振效果变化幅度较小;隔振屏障深度为3.8~15.2倍波长时,其对隔振效果的影响较明显,随着深度的增加,隔振效果增强;屏障位置对隔振效果的影响较大,建议屏障应靠近路基布置;连续型隔振屏障对高频的隔振效果优于低频。  相似文献   

论文根据磁浮交通道岔梁的结构及受力特点,通过建立合理的瞬态动力学数值模型,把列车作为高速运行的荷载动态作用于道岔梁上。采用瞬态拟动力学方法模拟钢结构梁动力响应特性。研究了道岔梁上关键点位置相应的振幅、反应加速度及其时效特性。通过计算比较精确地获得工程实际中最为关注的梁的最大振动位移和加速度。研究成果可为高速磁浮实际工程设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

高铁列车运行过程中绝大部分时间都是行驶在高架桥上的,高铁列车经过桥梁时,通过与大地耦合的桥墩激发地震波发震过程和平地不完全一样.本文探索高铁列车行驶经过高架桥桥墩,通过桥墩对地下介质激发地震波的机理及过程.为了便于理论分析,文中将高铁列车简化为在高架桥上沿一个方向运动的移动线源,通过每节车厢前后组轮对,对每一个桥墩施加力的作用,而桥墩插入地面几十米深至围岩,与表层土壤和深层围岩双重耦合,由此给出高铁列车通过桥墩激发地震波的震源时间函数.同时,基于广义连续介质力学框架下的修正偶应力理论,推导包含介质特征尺度的弹性波动方程,并应用此弹性波动方程以及构建的高铁震源时间函数,采用优化的交错网格有限差分算法,实现数值模拟,将合成的地震记录与实际地震记录对比分析,其结论将为进一步的基于高铁震源的成像和反演研究提供理论依据.  相似文献   




网壳结构的粘弹阻尼器减振分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文将粘弹阻尼器引入网壳结构,针对网壳结构粘弹阻尼器减振系统,编制了有限元分析程序,利用该程序对单层球面网壳和单层柱面网壳进行了大量的减振分析。计算结果表明,粘弹阻尼器减振系统对大跨网壳结构的减振效果是十分明显的,是一种适合大跨网壳结构的减振系统。  相似文献   

单层柱面网壳的粘滞阻尼器减振分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用粘滞阻尼器减振系统对单层柱面网壳的减振效果进行了较为系统的分析,分别考虑了阻尼系数C0、结构自身阻尼比ζ、屋面质量和结构自身刚度对结构减振系数δ的影响,同时考察了设置阻尼器的数目以及阻尼器的位置的影响。通过较大规模参数化分析,基本了解了粘滞阻尼器减振系统在单层柱面网壳中的减振规律。  相似文献   

The dynamic responses of a slab track on transversely isotropic saturated soils subjected to moving train loads are investigated by a semi-analytical approach. The track model is described as an upper Euler beam to simulate the rails and a lower Euler beam to model the slab. Rail pads between the rails and slab are represented by a continuous layer of springs and dashpots. A series of point loads are formulated to describe the moving train loads. The governing equations of track-ground systems are solved using the double Fourier transform, and the dynamic responses in the time domain are obtained by the inverse Fourier transform. The results show that a train load with high velocity will generate a larger response in transversely isotropic saturated soil than the lower velocity load, and special attention should be paid on the pore pressure in the vicinity of the ground surface. The anisotropic parameters of a surface soil layer will have greater influence on the displacement and excess pore water pressure than those of the subsoil layer. The traditional design method taking ground soil as homogeneous isotropic soil is unsafe for the case of RE 1 and RG 1, so a transversely isotropic foundation model is of great significance to the design for high train velocities.  相似文献   

联络通道是长距离盾构隧道结构中不可缺少的部分,常设置于两条隧道之间,用于逃生、防火及排水等.与此同时,联络通道与隧道的连接处构造复杂,空间效应明显.在地下结构截面突变处,在地震荷载作用下易产生应力集中,造成结构的破坏,从而带来不可估量的震害.基于有限差分软件FLAC3D,以天津的典型粉质黏土为例,建立双线并行隧道及联络...  相似文献   


中国约80%的高铁运行于高架桥上, 高铁振动通过桥墩传入地面.本文对运行于等间隔桥墩的高架桥上高铁振动产生的地下地震波场形态进行了理论分析, 根据其在特定方向形成相干相位稳相点区域的特征, 设计了一种基于多个不同速度高铁列车振动记录叠加, 分离单桥墩激发虚拟地震波场的方法, 并对单层与多层介质的情形进行了理论验证.


In the last 50 years, there have been many incidences of failure of gravity quay walls. These failures are often associated with significant deformation of liquefiable soil deposits. Gravity quay wall failures have stimulated great progress in the development of deformation-based design methods for geotechnical structures. In this paper, the effective-stress analysis method has been used in conjunction with a generalised elasto-plasticity constitutive model implemented into a finite element procedure. Various monotonic and cyclic triaxial paths are simulated in order to demonstrate the capabilities of the constitutive model. The FEM is validated by back analysis of a typical Port Island PC1 caisson type quay wall, which was damaged during the 1995 Hyogoken-Nanbu earthquake. The numerical results are compared with the observed data obtained consisting of seaward displacement, settlement and tilting. In addition, both the influence of permeability, on the generation of pore water pressure and the influence of the relative density of the backfill and foundation layers, on the residual deformation of gravity quay walls are investigated.  相似文献   

A methodology using modal analysis is presented to evaluate dynamic displacements of a circular flexible foundation on soil media subjected to vertical vibration. The interaction effects between the foundation and the underlying soil are represented using modal soil impedance functions determined by an efficient procedure developed. The displacements of the foundation can then be easily solved by modal superposition. Comparing with existing solutions, the presented method is found to provide accurate results with less computational effort using only a few vibration modes. In addition, parametric studies for modal responses of the flexible foundation indicate that the response of the foundation are significantly influenced by relative stiffness between the foundation and the soil medium, load distributions, vibration frequency range, and the foundation mass. Besides, justification for flexible foundations to be considered as rigid are investigated.  相似文献   

This study is intended to investigate the seismic response of steel monorail bridges using three‐dimensional dynamic response analysis. We particularly consider monorail bridge–train interaction when subjected to ground motion that occurs with high probability. A monorail train car with two bogies with pneumatic tires for running, steering and stabilizing wheels is assumed to be represented sufficiently by a discrete rigid multi‐body system with 15 degrees of freedom (DOFs). Bridges are considered as an assemblage of beam elements with 6 DOFs at each node. Modal analysis is used for dynamic response analysis under moderate earthquakes. The seismic response of an advanced monorail bridge that adopts a simplified structural system and composite girders is investigated through comparison with seismic responses of a conventional bridge. The acceleration response of a monorail train is also calculated to investigate the effect of structural types of bridges on the train's dynamic response during earthquakes. Results show that the seismic responses of the advanced bridges are greater than those of the conventional monorail bridge because of the simplified structural system and increased girder weight that is attributable to composite girders of the advanced bridge. Moreover, the train on the advanced bridge shows greater dynamic response than that on the conventional bridge. Observations reveal that the dynamic monorail train system acts as a damper on the monorail bridge. That fact shows that the existing design, which considers a train as additional mass, yields a conservative result. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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