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Cenomanian (mid Cretaceous) oysters from the Sergipe Basin in northeastern Brazil are described, with revisions of previously described forms. Nine genera and subgenera, including eleven species, are distinguished: Rastellum diluvianum (Linné, 1767), Amphidonte (Ceratostreon) reticulata (Reuss, 1846), A. (Ceratostreon) flabellata (Goldfuss, 1833), Exogyra (Costagyra) olisiponensis Sharpe, 1850, Ilymatogyra (Afrogyra) africana (Lamarck, 1801), Rhynchostreon (Rhynchostreon)mermeti (Coquand, 1862), R. (Laevigyra) obliquatum (Pulteney, 1813), R. (Laevigyra) sp., Pycnodonte (Phygraea) vesiculosa (J. Sowerby, 1823), Curvostrea rouvillei (Coquand, 1862) and Ambigostrea sp. No undoubted Turonian oysters are known from Sergipe, althoughR. (R.) mermeti possibly straddles the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary. This is in sharp contrast with the situation in the more northerly Brazilian basins, from where several Turonian but no Cenomanian forms have been described. Well-preserved material from Sergipe confirms the close relationship between Exogyra (Costagyra) Vialov andVultogryphaea Vialov. The palaeobiogeographical affinity of the oyster fauna is typically Tethyan with many taxa that are known particularly from the southern Tethys. The inferred palaeoenvironment as implied by the oysters is that of a shallow shelf.  相似文献   

Upper Cretaceous platform carbonates of the Vocontian Basin (southeastern France) have been investigated in a cross-section from the proximal deposits exposed in the lower Rhône Valley to the distal part of the basin in the Southern Subalpine Ranges north of Nice. The stratigraphic interval studied in detail spans the uppermost Turonian and Coniacian.Palynofacies patterns were used to detect eustatic signals at a third-order scale and are the tool for correlation of proximal and distal platform deposits. The organic constituents observed in the studied samples have been grouped into a continental fraction, including higher plant debris (phytoclasts) and sporomorphs, and a marine fraction with dinoflagellate cysts, acritarchs, prasinophytes, and foraminiferal test linings. The main factors influencing the stratigraphic and spatial distribution of land-derived, allochthonous, and marine, relatively autochthonous, organic particles are the proximity of land, the organic productivity, the degree of biodegradation and the hydrodynamic conditions of the depositional system. Palynofacies parameters used for the sequence stratigraphic interpretation are: (1) the ratio of continental to marine constituents (CONT/MAR ratio); (2) the ratio of opaque to translucent phytoclasts (OP/TR ratio); (3) the phytoclast particle size and shape; and (4) the relative proportion and species diversity of marine plankton. Ternary diagrams illustrating significant proximality changes were used to decipher transgressive-regressive trends within the succession.High amounts of translucent phytoclasts and decreasing values of the CONT/MAR ratio occur during the phase of relative sea-level rise in the upper Turonian. The stratigraphic interval of maximum flooding around the Turonian/Coniacian boundary is marked by the highest abundance and species diversity of dinoflagellate cysts, and by high percentages of opaque, equidimensional particles within the phytoclast group. The OP/TR ratio is still high within the lower Coniacian representing the early highstand deposits, whereas the relative abundance of marine constituents is again decreasing. Sedimentary organic matter of the upper Coniacian is dominated by large, blade-shaped, mainly opaque phytoclasts, which are a characteristic palynofacies signature of late highstand deposits.The present study demonstrates the high potential of palynofacies analysis in high-resolution stratigraphy and correlation of sedimentary series of shallow epeiric seas.  相似文献   

An abundant and diverse nannoflora occurs across the Cenomanian/Turonian (C/T) boundary at Tazra in the Tarfaya Basin of southern Morocco. The nannoflora of this sequence permits recognition of three biozones (CC10-CC12), three subzones (CC10a, CC10b and CC10c), and thirteen important nannolith bioevents previously reported from this interval elsewhere. The floral record shows erratic species abundance fluctuations that clearly vary with lithology and reflect at least in part preservational bias and diagenetic processes. In general, four dissolution resistant taxa are dominant: Watznaueria barnesae, Eiffellithus turriseiffelii, Eprolithus floralis, and Zeugrhabdotus spp. The late Cenomanian Zone CC10 marks a rapid excursion in ∂13C and is characterized by the successive extinction of four taxa, which are widely recognized as reliable biomarkers: Corollithion kennedyi, Axopodorhabdus albianus, Lithraphidites acutus, and Helenea chiastia. This interval is also marked by high species richness and high abundance of the tropical species Watznaueria barnesae, suggesting warm tropical waters. The subsequent ∂13C plateau and organic carbon-rich black shale deposition of the oceanic anoxic event (OAE2) is characterized by low species richness, but high nannofossil abundance, and peak abundance of the cool water and high productivity indicator Zeugrhabdotus spp., followed by the first peak abundance of cool water Eprolithus floralis. This interval correlates with the planktic foraminiferal diversity minimum and the Heterohelix shift, which marks the expansion of the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ). The C/T boundary is identified based on the FO of Quadrum gartneri, which is <1 m below the FO of the planktic foraminifer C/T marker Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica. In the early and middle Turonian, the two dominant species, tropical W. barnesae and cool water E. floralis, alternate in abundance and suggest fluctuating climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Tectonic forcing of delta progradation is increasingly being invoked to explain stratal stacking patterns in foreland basins. Nonetheless, the recognition of different types of tectonic forcing and their consequences for the spatial and temporal distribution of accommodation often rely on incomplete data sets and indirect sequence stratigraphic criteria. Previous work has concluded that the Cenomanian–Turonian Frontier Formation of northern Utah, north‐west Colorado and south‐west Wyoming (‘Vernal Delta’) owes its origin largely to tectonic overprinting of depositional patterns, although the lack of a comprehensive sequence stratigraphic framework for the unit has hampered evaluation of this claim. This study provides detailed facies and sequence stratigraphic analyses based on outcrop sections and wireline log suites from the Uinta, Piceance and Green River basins. Four genetically related intervals were defined and mapped by using regionally traceable stratigraphic horizons (flooding surfaces and sequence boundaries). Internally, intervals are composed of distal and proximal delta front lithologies, and coastal plain facies. Overall, Intervals 1 to 4 form a major basinward projection of coarse clastic strata generated in response to four separate, high‐frequency regressions. Furthermore, a change through time from southward projection of elongate lobes (Intervals 1 and 2) to eastward dispersal and development of a broad, arcuate planform (Intervals 3 and 4) can be explained in terms of changes in prevailing tectonic forcing mechanisms. North–south trending Sevier Orogeny forebulge structures controlled Intervals 1 and 2. West–east progradation (Intervals 3 and 4) was probably controlled by Proterozoic basement lineament reactivation due to Laramide foreland uplifts. Therefore, this study provides direct geological evidence for the initiation of local Laramide deformation as early as 90 Ma. These findings contribute to a more complete understanding of tectonic forcing of coastal to shallow marine successions in foreland basins and the tectonic evolution of the western USA.  相似文献   

孢粉相是反映沉积物及其成岩作用环境的沉积有机质组合。为了评价柴达木盆地北缘东段中下侏罗统烃源岩生烃潜力,对中下侏罗统孢粉相进行了详细研究,基于有机质组份的鉴定和统计,将中下侏罗统划分为5个孢粉相带:第Ⅰ孢粉相带为煤质—具结构陆生质有机质组合,分布在小煤沟组;第Ⅱ孢粉相带为无定型有机质组合,分布在大煤沟组1段;第Ⅲ孢粉相带为煤质—草质有机质组合,分布在大煤沟组2~4段。第Ⅳ孢粉相带为无定型—草质有机质组合,分布在大煤沟组5段;第Ⅴ孢粉相带为无定型—半无定型—结构水生质有机质组合,分布在大煤沟组第7段。大煤沟组第1段、第7段烃源岩孢粉相带有机质类型最好,是最有利的生油气层段,其次是大煤沟组第5段,其它层段生烃潜力差。  相似文献   

Braarudosphaera -rich sediments occur in the Turonian (nannofossil zones CC13 and UC9a) epicontinental marine sediments of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. This phenomenon is linked to the input of terrigenous material during deceleration of sea-level rise, or stillstand in sea level, which possibly both triggered the Braarudosphaera bigelowii bloom and reduced the diversity of the nannoplankton assemblages. The occurrence of Marthasterites furcatus and Lithastrinus septenarius probably reflects depositional conditions that were suitable for their preservation. Hence, the resultant limitations to their use as local zonal markers in the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin are discussed. The influence of the Tethyan Bioprovince is documented by the coincident first occurrences of L. septenarius and M. furcatus. The presence of the high-latitude species Thiersteinia ecclesiastica indicates penetration of Boreal biota into this depositional area within the Turonian.  相似文献   

The sedimentary record of the Arabian Shelf offers a unique opportunity to study the Cretaceous (Albian–Turonian) greenhouse climate from a palaeoequatorial perspective. In particular, hemipelagic to pelagic carbonate successions from the extensive Shilaif intra‐shelf basin have the potential to produce an excellent record of carbon cycle perturbations during this interval. This study presents a 269 m thick chemostratigraphic (carbonate δ13C and δ18O) record from the Middle Albian to Early Turonian of central Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), representing over 14 Myr of uninterrupted carbonate sedimentation. The Mauddud to Shilaif formations represent outer ramp to basinal intra‐shelf carbonates with variations from laminated organic‐rich to clean bioturbated intervals. Isotopic evidence of the latest Albian Anoxic Event (Oceanic Anoxic Event 1d), Middle Cenomanian Event I and the Cenomanian–Turonian Anoxic Event (Oceanic Anoxic Event 2) are confirmed and biostratigraphically calibrated by means of calcareous nannofossils. The carbon isotope record allows correlation with other regional records and well‐calibrated records across the Tethyan Ocean and represents a significant improvement of the chronostratigraphic framework of the United Arab Emirates (Shilaif) and Oman (Natih) intra‐shelf basins. The study further confirms that low carbon isotope values corresponding to the two source rock intervals in the Shilaif Formation clearly precede the isotopic expressions of Oceanic Anoxic Event 1d and Oceanic Anoxic Event 2.  相似文献   

湖相碳酸盐岩研究正处于不断探索和认识阶段,近年来国内外大量湖相碳酸盐岩储层的发现,使主要借鉴海相碳酸盐岩理论的湖相碳酸盐岩研究得到关注和重视,并取得一定的成果和认识。巴西桑托斯盆地白垩系藻叠层石礁是湖相碳酸盐岩一种特殊的储层类型,对于丰富湖相碳酸盐岩理论具有重要意义。通过对地震剖面的振幅反射结构,钻井岩性剖面,岩芯沉积结构、构造观察,岩芯薄片孔渗及成岩分析,测井曲线反映的沉积物粒序变化及旋回组合特征等现象的综合分析,总结出了白垩系藻叠层石礁的主要特征及主控因素。藻叠层石礁以叠层石为格架,藻类的黏结作用使其成为大面积连片发育的黏结礁,其孔渗发育,是良好的储层。发育和分布主要受物源供给、古隆起、水体变化和藻类改造四种因素的控制。咸水环境下,在远离碎屑物源影响的水下古隆起上,水侵体系域时期,适应环境较强的叠层石繁盛,藻类的黏结作用使其成为具有格架结构的黏结礁,沿巴西桑托斯盆地东部隆起带大面积发育。  相似文献   

坎普斯盆地为典型的被动大陆边缘拉伸裂谷盆地,由前裂谷期(非海相)、同裂谷期(过渡相)及后裂谷期(海相)三个构造层组成.含盐层序为区域盖层,盐下层序泥页岩和盐上层序坎普斯组泥页岩为局部盖层;主要烃源岩为下白垩统拉高亚费耶组湖相黑色钙质页岩;古近系和新近系浊积砂岩为主力储集体,上白垩统浊积岩也是重要储层,下白垩统尼欧克姆阶...  相似文献   

The Cenomanian–Turonian succession of southern Mexico is characterized by an abrupt change from shallow marine to pelagic facies. The drowning of the platform coincides with the widely documented Cenomanian–Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Event (CTOAE). A proper understanding of the drowning event and the effects of the OAE requires, as an essential first step, the construction of a detailed stratigraphic framework. This has been achieved and utilizes sedimentological data as well as a combination of benthic and planktonic biostratigraphic schemes.

Deposition of the Cenomanian–Turonian sedimentary rocks of the Guerrero–Morelos basin was controlled by tectonic and oceanographic factors resulting in depositional environments ranging from a semi-restricted shelf, ramp, pelagic and prodelta deposits. Facies analysis indicates that shallow marine limestones of the Morelos Formation (lower-upper Cenomanian) were deposited in intertidal–shallow supratidal and subtidal environments in a semi-restricted shelf. Peloidal-bioclastic packstone–wackestones with minor grainstones are the predominant texture of these rocks. Abundant large benthic foraminifers, calcareous algae (dasycladacean) and mollusks (gastropods and rudists) characterize the fossil assemblage.

The Cuautla Formation (uppermost Cenomanian–Turonian) represents sedimentation on a low-energy, wave-dominated, carbonate ramp. The inner ramp accumulated bioclastic banks and shoals composed of peloidal-benthic foraminifer-grainstone, calcareous red and green algae, rudists and minor solitary corals. The middle ramp is represented by nodular packstones with a diverse assemblage of echinoderms, green and red algae, bryozoan, rudists, solitary corals, roveacrinids, calcisphaerulids, and non-keeled planktonic foraminifers. The outer ramp is dominated by argillaceous wackestone–packstone characterized by calcisphaerulids, roveacrinids, and non-keeled planktonic foraminifers. An increase in terrigenous-clastic material towards the eastern part of the area indicates progradation of a deltaic system while the Mexcala Formation (uppermost Cenomanian–Turonian) was deposited in a pelagic setting.

The drowning of the platform is at the contact between the Morelos and Cuautla or Mexcala formations and is dated as latest Cenomanian. The drowning is a hiatus in most sections and it began before the end of the Cenomanian by a minimum of 150 ky if the top of the Morelos is not eroded.  相似文献   

基于萨利莫斯盆地基础地质条件,以石油地质理论为指导,对盆地的生储盖条件及成藏特征进行了研究,并利用多因素叠合的方法对盆地潜在有利区进行了预测。分析认为,萨利莫斯盆地是新元古代末期克拉通内断陷基础上形成的克拉通盆地,形成古生界和中-新生界两套沉积充填序列。盆地内主力烃源岩和储盖层均发育在古生界序列中。泥盆系然迪亚图巴组页岩是盆地中的主力烃源岩;石炭系朱鲁尔组砂岩和泥盆系俄勒组砂岩是最有利的储集层段,与石炭系卡让利组、朱鲁尔组的蒸发岩和页岩构成良好的储盖组合。受岩浆侵入的影响,烃源岩的生排烃分为岩浆侵入前和侵入后两个阶段,并以第二阶段为主生排烃阶段;受晚期构造运动的影响,盆地具有多期成藏的特征,最后一期成藏决定了油气的最终分布。盆地勘探经验表明,油气田往往位于断裂带周围,并受烃源岩的发育位置控制。因此,认为盆地中烃源岩发育区内的断裂带周围是油气田,特别是气田的有利勘探领域。  相似文献   

The Ipubi Formation in the Araripe Basin (Northeast Brazil) has evaporite-lutite successions rich in gypsum, a mineral of great regional economic relevance, a highlighted stratigraphic mark, and also a natural boundary for underlying successions potentially analogous to “Pre-Salt” hydrocarbon reservoirs of the Brazilian coastal basins. In this study, syngenetic and diagenetic aspects of the Ipubi Formation at Santana do Cariri (Ceará State) were investigated by means of facies analysis, petrography, and mineralogical/chemical analyses of evaporites and shales.The results show that the contact relationship between evaporites and marly shales, without signs of subaerial exposure and laterally adjacent, was associated with shallow, calm and somewhat anoxic waterbodies, locally salt-supersaturated (brines) but under seasonal variations of water levels. This scenario could have shared place with hydrothermal phenomena in a playa lake depositional system. Regarding diagenesis, although there is evidence supporting pseudomorphic replacement of gypsum by anhydrite, the burial of the Ipubi Formation would have been limited due to the frequent occurrence of gypsum without any trace of chemical replacement.  相似文献   

The Wadi Daya Formation, or the Calcaires crayeux of the older literature, attains a thickness of 10–40 m in the Talerhza Basin of the South Riffian Ridges. Previously, this unit was first dated as “Vraconian” (i.e., late upper Albian), but then reinterpreted as Cenomanian-Turonian and Cenomanian-Coniacian on the basis of foraminiferal and ostracod assemblages, respectively. Here, we record for the first time in the South Riffian Ridges, some typically Turonian ammonoids and a nautiloid species, namely Romaniceras (Yubariceras) cf. ornatissimum (Stoliczka), Spathites (Jeanrogericeras) cf. reveliereanus (Courtiller), Neoptychites cephalotus (Courtiller), Pachydesmoceras linderi (de Grossouvre), Lewesiceras peramplum (Mantell) and Angulithes galea (Fritsch, in Fritsch & Schlönbach). These species are herein described and illustrated. In view of these data, the underlying Marnes et marno-calcaires jaunes Formation, formerly dated as “Vraconian”, could in fact be of a middle to late Cenomanian date, in accordance with the age assignment based on planktonic foraminifera. Deposition of the overlying Marnes jaunes Formation, previously dated as Cenomanian-“Senonian”, probably started during the latest Turonian or earliest Coniacian.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地中、晚奥陶世疑源类组合   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
李军  王怿 《地层学杂志》1999,23(2):124-129
塔里木盆地中、晚奥陶世疑源类被划分为4个组合,自下而上分别为Peteinosphaeridium-Baltisphaeridium组合,Baltisphaerosum-Dichotisphaera组合,Navifusa-Ordovicidium组合及Dactylofusa-Leiosphaeridia组合。下部3个组合产于中奥陶统,代表台地—台缘斜坡相环境,最上部1个组合产于上奥陶统,代表滨海相或陆源碎屑浊积岩沉积  相似文献   

松辽盆地东南隆起区油气地质特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
松辽盆地东南隆起区中生代盆地为断坳叠置式结构,坳陷层位于松辽盆地边缘,由于受嫩江末期构造运动影响。东南隆起区整体抬升。广遭剥蚀,坳陷层残留厚度在盆地各部位差异很大,生烃能力有限,难以成藏,断陷层是本区油气勘探的主要目的层系,各断陷之间长期被基底古隆起分割,彼此相对独立,但它们又是在统一区域构造应力作用下形成的,各断陷层又具相似性,油气能否成藏主要受各断陷盆地资源量及生烃强度的制约。  相似文献   

For the first time, ichthyoliths are described from the Santos sedimentary basin, offshore southern Brazil. Isolated teeth, dermal scales and the first documented otoliths from Cretaceous (Albian) to Recent cuttings from five wells are described. The following groups are represented: Chondrichthyans: Triakidae, Carcharhinidae; Ginglymostomatidae: ?Ginglymostoma sp., Lamnidae indet., Scyliorhinidae; Osteichthyans: Teleostei; Myctophiidae: Diaphus aff. splendidus sp. complex, Diaphus spp., Diaphus cf. garmani, Ceratoscopelus aff. warmingii; Sternoptychidae: Valenciennellus tripunctulatus, teeth of indeterminate Teleostei. The majority of these ichthyofossils represent extant forms, known to occur in the Atlantic Ocean, and are of potential value for stratigraphical correlations between oil‐yielding basins in the region. Ostracods are not well preserved but can be identified to generic level indicating marine environments. The ostracod faunas offer potential for intrabasinal correlation in the Eocene and Oligocene. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Turonian limestones are an important source of water indispensable for industrial, urban and agricultural development in the Phosphates Plateau. This is an elaboration of a vulnerability map of the aquifer, based on a multicriterion approach according to the DRASTIC charter that serves as a tool for assessment, management and protection of the groundwater quality.  相似文献   

Hard inorganic substrates (rock clasts and rocky bottom) belonging to the Ka k Member of the Korycany Formation (upper Cenomanian–?lower Turonian) and to the Bílá Hora Formation (lower Turonian) have offered a good opportunity for the study of encrusting faunas of the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary interval. Distributional features of cemented epibionts and the recorded period of phosphogenesis enabled the differentiation of two-phases in the Ka k Member conglomerate formation. During the first phase, the rock substrates were occupied by a so-called A-association of encrusters (29 species, with dominance of oysters and bryozoans). This fauna partly changed during the subsequent phosphogenic period and not only survived the following period of reworking and the second phase of conglomerate formation, but also persisted until the onset of calmer sedimentation in the early Turonian. This changed community is named theAtreta-Bdelloidinacommunity (23 species). The opportunistic agglutinated foraminifersBdelloidina cribrosaand/orAcruliammina longalocally dominated the respective communities during several physico-chemically stressed episodes. On sloping substrates, the bivalvesAtretaandSpondylusattached themselves in a preferred orientation (so-called slope orientation). This feature indicates the original position in which some mobile substrates were colonized. Other questions, such as the taphonomy of encrusters and the character of their substrates are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

微生物碳酸盐岩研究是近年来国内外关注的热点,虽然已经取得了一定的成果和认识,但是在储层精细描述方面研究相对薄弱。以巴西桑托斯盆地盐下白垩系湖相微生物碳酸盐岩油田为例,利用露头、岩心、测井、地震等资料综合分析了研究区储层沉积特征、岩性、物性特征及其主控因素,并在此基础上对储集体内幕结构进行分类和描述,初步建立其定量表征方法。结果表明: ①研究区由3个独立的碳酸盐岩台地沉积组成,可细分为微生物灰岩丘、高能颗粒滩、丘间洼地和台间洼地4个亚相; ②微生物灰岩、生物碎屑颗粒灰岩、介壳颗粒灰岩、层纹岩等是主要的储层岩石类型; ③储层物性较好,孔隙度4%~27%,集中在5%~15%,平均12.5%; 渗透率为(0.01~3 000)×10-3 µm2,平均120×10-3 µm2; ④储层发育受沉积和成岩双重作用,古构造控制优势储层的发育,准同生期溶蚀作用对储层改造作用加强,周期性暴露溶蚀使生物碎屑颗粒填充至丘间洼地形成高孔高渗条带; ⑤研究区储层的内幕结构以微生物灰岩丘群为基础,细分为丘基、丘核、丘翼、丘间和丘间甜点。建立以沉积相和成岩相控制因素为基础的丘群组合模式定量表征方法,在应用中获得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an integrated study of the macrofauna (Cephalopoda), microfauna (Ostracoda and Foraminifera), microflora (Pithonella, Dinoflagellata, Acritarcha and Prasinophyta) and geochemical signals (carbon δ13C and oxygen δ18O stable isotopes) of the upper Cenomanian and lower Turonian succession in Puentedey, Iberian Trough, Spain. This palaeontological and geochemical study has enabled us to identify numerous species of cephalopods (29), ostracods (19), benthic foraminifers (31), planktonic foraminifers (15), dinoflagellates (63), and acritarchs and prasinophytes (11), and to recognise two positive excursions of the δ13C signal related to the OAE2 (in the Metoicoceras geslinianum and the Spathites (Jeanrogericeras) subconciliatus zones, respectively). Variations of these macrofaunal, microfaunal, microfloral and geochemical signals have been interpreted to identify important events of the palaeoenvironmental evolution of the inner platform of the Iberian Trough during the studied interval of the Late Cretaceous. Benthic ecosystems were severely affected by the establishment of the Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE2) at the end of the late Cenomanian. This event is evidenced by the depletion of calcareous microfauna (benthic calcareous free intervals, BCFI) and the survival of opportunistic microfauna (platycopic ostracods and textulariid foraminifers). The response was different for microflora (dinoflagellates and acritarchs), which were less affected by the anoxic event.  相似文献   

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