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The precise integration method (PIM) is proposed for the dynamic response analysis of rigid strip footing resting on arbitrary anisotropic multi-layered half-space. In the frequency domain, the governing equation of wave motion is converted into dual vector form of first-order ordinary differential equations which is solved by PIM. Each layer is divided into a large number (say, 2N) of mini-layers of equal thickness, within which characteristic matrices are assumed to vary following the Taylor series expansion to the fourth order. As a result, any desired accuracy of the displacements and stresses can be achieved by PIM. In addition, dual vector form equation makes it quite easily to combine two adjacent mini-layers into a new one. Each pass of combination reduces the total number of mini-layers by a half. The computational effort for the evaluation of the dynamic impedance of rigid strip footing can be reduced to a great extent. Numerical examples are provided to validate the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

A stochastic thin-layer method is developed for the analysis of wave propagation in a layered half-space. A random field of shear moduli in the layered system is considered in terms of multiple correlated random variables. Expanding the random moduli and uncertain responses by means of Hermite polynomial chaos expansions and applying the Galerkin method in the spatial as well as stochastic domains, stochastic versions of thin-layer methods for a layered half-space in plane strain and antiplane shear are obtained. In order to represent the infinite half-space, continued-fraction absorbing boundary conditions are included in the thin-layer models of the half-space. Using these stochastic methods, dynamic responses of a layered half-space subjected to line loads are examined. Means, coefficients of variance, and probability density functions of the half-space responses with a varying correlation coefficient of the shear moduli are computed and verified by comparison with Monte Carlo simulations. It is demonstrated that accurate probabilistic dynamic analysis is possible using the developed stochastic thin-layer methods for a layered half-space.  相似文献   

A new algorithm is proposed for calculating the complete synthetic seismograms from a point source in the form of the sum of a single force and a dipole with an arbitrary seismic moment tensor in a plane layered medium composed of homogenous elastic isotropic layers. Following the idea of (Alekseev and Mikhailenko, 1978), an artificial cylindrical boundary is introduced, on which the boundary conditions are specified. For this modified problem, the exact solution (in terms of the displacements and stresses on the horizontal plane areal element) in the frequency domain is derived and substantiated. The unknown depth-dependent coefficients form the motion-stress vector, whose components satisfy the known system of ordinary differential equations. This system is solved by the method that involves the matrix impedance and propagator for the vector of motion, as previously suggested by the author in (Pavlov, 2009). In relation to the initial problem, the reflections from the artificial boundary are noise, which, to a certain degree, can be suppressed by selecting a long enough distance to this boundary and owing to the presence of a purely imaginary addition to the frequency. The algorithm is not constrained by the thickness of the layers, is applicable for any frequency range, and is suitable for computing the static offset.  相似文献   

本文采用Novak薄层法推导粘弹性地基的扭转动力阻抗,并将其用于考虑桩土相互作用的单桩扭转动力阻抗,又通过传递矩阵法将此公式推广到求取层状地基单桩扭转动力阻抗。而且本文以工程中常用的端承桩为例,推导了层状地基中端承桩扭转动力阻抗的简化计算公式。根据此公式,分析了频率、上覆软土层厚度、上覆软土层刚度等因素对单桩扭转动力阻抗的影响,分析结果表明,随着振动频率提高,层状地基中端承单桩的扭转动力阻抗的实部有缓慢下降的趋势,而虚部则增大;随着上覆土层厚度的增加,层状地基中端承单桩的扭转动力阻抗的实部和虚部均减小;随着上覆土层刚度的减小,层状地基中端承单桩的扭转动力阻抗的实部减小,虚部在低频段减小,而在较高频率段则增大。  相似文献   

A general method is developed for the study of transient thermoelastic deformation in a transversely isotropic and layered half-space by surface loads and internal sources. A Laplace transform is first applied to the field quantities; Cartesian and cylindrical systems of vector functions are then introduced for reducing the basic equations to three sets of simultaneous linear differential equations. General solutions are obtained from these sets, and propagator matrices from the solutions by a partitioned matrix method.

Source functions for a variety of sources are derived in the Cartesian and cylindrical systems, and the Laplace transformed expressions of the field variables at the surface presented explicitly in the two systems in terms of a layer matrix. The effect of gravity is included by multiplying simply an effect matrix resulting from the modification of continuity conditions at the surface and the layer interfaces.

It should be noted that the present analytical method has great advantages over either the classical thin plate approach or the finite element method, and that the present result can be reduced directly to the solutions of the corresponding isotropic case.  相似文献   

The dynamic soil-tunnel interaction is studied by the model of a rigid tunnel embedded in layered half-space,which is simplified as a single soil layer on elastic bedrock to the excitation of P- and SV-waves.The indirect boundary element method is used,combined with the Green's function of distributed loads acting on inclined lines.It is shown that the dynamic characteristics of soil-tunnel interaction in layered half-space are different much from that in homogeneous half-space,and that the mechanism of soil-tunnel interaction is also different much from that of soil-foundation-superstructure interaction.For oblique incidence,the tunnel response for in-plane incident SV-waves is completely different from that for incident SH-waves,while the tunnel response for vertically incident SV-wave is very similar to that of vertically incident SH-wave.  相似文献   

An indirect boundary integral method to obtain the three-dimensional response of an infinitely long, layered, viscoelastic valley of arbitrary cross-section embedded in a layered viscoelastic half-space is presented. The valley is excited by homogeneous plane waves impinging at an oblique angle with respect to the axis of the valley. The method and associated computer programs are tested by comparison with available results in the limiting two-dimensional case of incidence normal to the axis of the valley. Additional comparisons with previous three-dimensional results obtained by a hybrid finite element-boundary integral method for cylindrical valleys subjected to obliquely incident waves show large differences. However, the results obtained here for an infinitely long valley appear to be in some agreement with earlier results for an elongated prolate semi-ellipsoidal valley and with results obtained by a discrete wavenumber boundary element approach. An extensive bibliography on the dynamic response of valleys is also presented.  相似文献   

半空间异质隆起的出平面动力响应:地表运动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用闭合解析解对水平地表圆形非匀质隆起出平面运动特征进行详细分析。结果表明:(1)隆起区域介质软硬程度对其出平面地表运动影响非常大,软质隆起表面的地表位移较匀质隆起情况有显著放大,地表运动波动效应明显增强,而硬质隆起则减弱地表运动;(2)软质隆起地表位移幅值最大反应和平均反应增大的程度一般来说至少不低于隆起区域波速降低的程度,很多情况是远大于波速降低的程度,但最大反应出现的位置和频段主要受入射波角度控制;(3)当波垂直传播时,地表位移放大出现在隆起顶部,频率随隆起区变软,明显向低频移动,可出现在很低频段内,且随隆起区变软放大更为显著;(4)当波掠入射时,地表最大位移出现在隆起后表面,地表运动仍然十分强烈,甚至比波垂直入射时隆起顶部反应还要大,但出现在较高频段内。  相似文献   

Global optimization methods such as simulated annealing, genetic algorithms and tabu search are being increasingly used to solve groundwater remediation design and parameter identification problems. While these methods enjoy some unique advantages over traditional gradient based methods, they typically require thousands to tens of thousands of forward simulation runs before reaching optimal or near-optimal solutions. Thus, one severe limitation associated with these global optimization methods is very long computation time. To mitigate this limitation, this paper presents a new approach for obtaining, repeatedly and efficiently, the solutions of a linear forward simulation model subject to successive perturbations. The proposed approach takes advantage of the fact that successive forward simulation runs, as required by a global optimization procedure, usually involve only slight changes in the coefficient matrices of the resultant linear equations. As a result, the new solution to a system of linear equations perturbed by the changes in aquifer properties and/or sinks/sources can be obtained as the sum of a non-perturbed base solution and the solution to the perturbed portion of the linear equations. The computational efficiency of the proposed approach arises from the fact that the perturbed solution can be derived directly without solving the linear equations again. A two-dimensional test problem with 20 by 30 nodes demonstrates that the proposed approach is much more efficient than repeatedly running the simulation model, by more than 15 times after a fixed number of model evaluations. The ratio of speedup increases with the number of model evaluations and also the size of simulation model. The main limitation of the proposed approach is the large amount of computer memory required to store the inverse matrix. Effective ways for limiting the storage requirement are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Approximate dynamic-stiffness coefficients of a disk on the surface of a single layer on a half-space may be calculated using cone models. This concept is generalized to the case of a horizontally stratified site consisting of many layers on a homogeneous half-space. After constructing the so-called ‘backbone cone’ determining the radii of the disks at all interfaces, the dynamic-stiffness matrices of the layers (modelled as cone frustums) and the dynamic-stiffness coefficient of the underlying half-space (modelled as a cone) are assembled to that of the site. The dynamic-stiffness matrix of a layer is a complex-valued function of frequency because radiation of energy in the horizontal direction is considered. In this model of the layered half-space the properties of the cone reproduce themselves (cloning). The advantages of using cone models are also present for the layered half-space; in particular, no transformation to the wave-number domain is performed.  相似文献   

The dynamic soil-tunnel interaction is studied by indirect boundary element method (IBEM), using the model of a rigid tunnel in layered half-space, which is simplified to a single soil layer on elastic bedrock, subjected to incident plane SH waves. The accuracy of the results is verified through comparison with the analytical solution. It is shown that soil-tunnel interaction in layered half-space is larger than that in homogeneous half-space and this interaction mechanism is essentially different from that of soil-foundation-superstructure interaction.  相似文献   

It is important to estimate the influence of layered soil in soil–structure interaction analyses. Although a great number of investigations have been carried out on this subject, there are very few practical methods that do not require complex calculations. In this paper, a simple and practical method for estimating the horizontal dynamic stiffness of a rigid foundation on the surface of multi‐layered soil is proposed. In this method, waves propagating in the soil are traced using the conception of the cone model, and the impulse response function can be calculated directly and easily in the time domain with a good degree of accuracy. The characteristics of the impedance, that is the transformed value to the frequency domain of the obtained impulse response, are studied using two‐ to four‐layered soil models. The cause of the fluctuation of impedance is expressed clearly from its relation to reflected waves from the lower layer boundary in the model. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

饱和两相介质动力基础半空间理论地表波场基本解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以饱和两相介质复模的Biot波动方程为基础,根据弹性动力学半空间理论,严格推导出了饱和两个介质动力基础半空间理论地表面波场基本解。  相似文献   

An integral equation technique to determine the response of foundations embedded in a layered viscoelastic half-space when subjected to various types of seismic waves is presented. The technique is validated by comparison with previous results for rigid hemispherical and cylindrical foundations embedded in a uniform half-space. Illustrative results for rigid cylindrical foundations embedded in layered media are also presented.  相似文献   

A fluid-saturated one-layer continuum underlain by a rigid half-space is considered. An exact solution is developed in frequency domain for analyzing disturbance induced by a strip footing located at the surface with vertical harmonic excitation. Since the analytical solution can be used only for very simple conditions, a finite element model has been developed also and compared with the exact solution. It is shown that finite element results are in close agreement with the results which have been obtained by a transformation technique. The proposed finite element scheme can take into account the complex geometry and inhomogeneity for practical problems. Besides this, the analytical results exhibit the overall characteristic of wave propagation in porous media and will provide a representative test problem which can be used for a quantitative evaluation of the accuracy of various numerical solution methods.  相似文献   

表面矩形基础阻抗函数的集中参数模型   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
本文在系统地研究了Wolf二阶集中参数模型的基础上,完整地给出了表面刚性矩形基础阻抗函数的集中参数模型,同以往的工作相比,本文给出的集中参数模型能在更宽的频段上反映精确解的变化。  相似文献   

Summary The potential functions caused due to anSH-torque pulse from a point source in any of the layers of a three-layered solid half-space have been evaluated in terms of definite integrals, usingCagniard's method. The solution is given as a double infinite series, of which only a finite number of terms contribute to the disturbance at a definite time, and the number of such terms increases with time.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study, which concerns the stochastic dynamic stiffness of foundations for large offshore wind turbines, is to quantify uncertainties related to the first natural frequency of a turbine supported by a surface footing and to estimate the low event probabilities. Herein, a simple model of a wind turbine structure with equivalent coupled springs at the base is calibrated with the mean soil property values. A semianalytical solution, based on the Green׳s function for a layered half-space is utilized for estimation of foundation responses. Soil elastic modulus and layer depth are considered as random variables with lognormal distributions. The uncertainties are quantified, and the estimation of rare events of the first natural frequency is discussed through an advanced reliability approach based on subset simulation. This analysis represents a first step in the estimation of the safety with respect to the failure of a turbine in the fatigue limit state.  相似文献   

Dispersion function of Rayleigh waves in porous layered half-space system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rayleigh wave exploration is based on an elastic layered half-space model. If practical formations contain porous layers, these layers need to be simplified as an elastic medium. We studied the effects of this simplification on the results of Rayleigh wave exploration. Using a half-space model with coexisting porous and elastic layers, we derived the dispersion functions of Rayleigh waves in a porous layered half-space system with porous layers at different depths, and the problem of transferring variables to matrices of different orders is solved. To solve the significant digit overflow in the multiplication of transfer matrices, we propose a simple, effective method. Results suggest that dispersion curves differ in a lowfrequency region when a porous layer is at the surface; otherwise, the difference is small.  相似文献   

An indirect boundary-method formulation to obtain the three-dimensional response of an infinitely long canyon of uniform but arbitrary cross-section cut in a layered viscoelastic half-space is presented. Seismic excitation in the form of plane elastic waves acting at an arbitrary angle with respect to the axis of the canyon is considered. Numerical results for SH-, SV- and P-wave excitation of a circular canyon and of a canyon with a topography similar to that in the vicinity of Pacoima Dam are discussed in some detail.  相似文献   

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