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We use three-dimensional (3D) seismic reflection data to analyse the structural style and growth of a normal fault array located at the present-day shelf-edge break and into the deepwater province of the Otway Basin, southern Australia. The Otway Basin is a Late Jurassic to Cenozoic, rift-to-passive margin basin. The seismic reflection data images a NW-SE (128–308) striking, normal fault array, located within Upper Cretaceous clastic sediments and which consists of ten fault segments. The fault array contains two hard-linked fault assemblages, separated by only 2 km in the dip direction. The gravity-driven, down-dip fault assemblage is entirely contained within the 3D seismic survey, is located over a basement plateau and displays growth commencing and terminating during the Campanian-Maastrichtian, with up to 1.45 km of accumulated throw (vertical displacement). The up-dip normal fault assemblage penetrates deeper than the base of the seismic survey, but is interpreted to be partially linked along strike at depth to major basement-involved normal faults that can be observed on regional 2D seismic lines. This fault assemblage displays growth initiating in the Turonian-Santonian and has accumulated up to 1.74 km of throw.Our detailed analysis of the 3D seismic data constraints post-Cenomanian fault growth of both fault assemblages into four evolutionary stages: [1] Turonian-Santonian basement reactivation during crustal extension between Australia and Antarctica. This either caused the upward propagation of basement-involved normal faults or the nucleation of a vertically isolated normal fault array in shallow cover sediments directly above the reactivated basement-involved faults; [2] continued Campanian-Maastrichtian crustal extension and sediment loading eventually created gravitational instability on the basement plateau, nucleating a second, vertically isolated normal fault array in the cover sediments; [3] eventual hard-linkage of fault segments in both fault arrays to form two along-strike, NW-SE striking fault assemblages, and; [4] termination of fault growth in the latest Maastrichtian. We document high variability of throw along-strike and down-dip for both fault assemblages, thereby providing evidence for lateral and vertical segment linkage. Our results highlight the complexities involved in the growth of both gravity-driven normal fault arrays (such as those present in the Niger Delta and Gulf of Mexico) and basement-linked normal fault arrays (such as those present in the North Sea and Suez Rift) with the interaction of an underlying and reactivating basement framework. This study provides an excellent example of spatial variability in growth of two normal fault assemblages over relatively short spatial scales (∼2 km separation down-dip).  相似文献   

The geometry and architecture of a well exposed syn-rift normal fault array in the Suez rift is examined. At pre-rift level, the Nukhul fault consists of a single zone of intense deformation up to 10 m wide, with a significant monocline in the hanging wall and much more limited folding in the footwall. At syn-rift level, the fault zone is characterised by a single discrete fault zone less than 2 m wide, with damage zone faults up to approximately 200 m into the hanging wall, and with no significant monocline developed. The evolution of the fault from a buried structure with associated fault-propagation folding, to a surface-breaking structure with associated surface faulting, has led to enhanced bedding-parallel slip at lower levels that is absent at higher levels. Strain is enhanced at breached relay ramps and bends inherited from pre-existing structures that were reactivated during rifting. Damage zone faults observed within the pre-rift show ramp-flat geometries associated with contrast in competency of the layers cut and commonly contain zones of scaly shale or clay smear. Damage zone faults within the syn-rift are commonly very straight, and may be discrete fault planes with no visible fault rock at the scale of observation, or contain relatively thin and simple zones of scaly shale or gouge. The geometric and architectural evolution of the fault array is interpreted to be the result of (i) the evolution from distributed trishear deformation during upward propagation of buried fault tips to surface faulting after faults breach the surface; (ii) differences in deformation response between lithified pre-rift units that display high competence contrasts during deformation, and unlithified syn-rift units that display low competence contrasts during deformation, and; (iii) the history of segmentation, growth and linkage of the faults that make up the fault array. This has important implications for fluid flow in fault zones.  相似文献   

The Halten Terrace, offshore mid-Norway, is underlain by a Triassic evaporitic package that is rheologically weak, and led to decoupling of fault systems during Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous rifting. We use 2D and 3D reflection seismic data, constrained by wells, from the southern Bremstein Fault Complex of the Halten Terrace to map faults and key stratigraphic horizons, and analyse throw variations along faults, allowing us to constrain patterns of fault segmentation and linkage within the complex. The Bremstein Fault Complex has an overall tilted monoclinal geometry with localised fault systems at base salt level associated with overlying, highly distributed systems of normal faults. Vertical strain partitioning across the evaporite package means that sub-evaporite and supra-evaporite fault populations acted as semi-independent fault systems. Supra-evaporite faults are partly gravity-driven, and controlled by sub-evaporite faulting and consequent tilting of the evaporitic package. This behaviour leads to a wide variety of possible vertical linkage patterns of faults across the evaporite package. A greater variety of lateral segment linkage patterns occurs in evaporite-detached normal fault systems than in normal fault systems developed in the absence of evaporite units. Segment boundary styles can also be modified by migration of evaporite. Some segment boundaries are associated with a footwall anticline and hanging-wall syncline, in contrast to the footwall synclines and hanging-wall anticlines widely described in studies of normal fault systems.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine the structural evolution of a normal fault array using detailed kinematic analysis of normal fault tip propagation and linkage, adding to the growing pool of research on normal fault growth. In addition, we aim to provide further insight into the evolution of the offshore Otway Basin, Australia. We use three-dimensional (3D) seismic reflection data to analyse the temporal and spatial evolution of a Late Cretaceous–Cenozoic age normal fault array located in the Gambier Embayment of the offshore Otway Basin, South Australia. The seismic reflection data cover a NW–SE-oriented normal fault array consisting of six faults, which have grown from the linkage of numerous, smaller segments. This fault array overlies and has partial dip-linkage to E–W-striking, basement-involved faults that formed during the initial Tithonian–Barremian rifting event in the Otway Basin. Fault displacement analysis suggests four key stages in the post-Cenomanian growth history of the upper array: (1) nucleation of the majority of faults resulting from resumed crustal extension during the early Late Cretaceous; (2) an intra-Late Cretaceous period of general fault dormancy, with the nucleation of only one newly formed fault; (3) latest Cretaceous nucleation of another newly formed fault and further growth of all other faults; and (4) continued growth of all faults, leading to the formation of the Cenozoic Gambier Sub-basin in the Otway Basin. Our analysis also demonstrates that Late Cretaceous faults, which are located above and dip-link to basement-involved faults, display earlier nucleation and greater overall throw and length, compared with those which do not link to basement-involved faults. This is likely attributed to increased rift-related stress concentrations in cover sediments above the upper tips of basement faults. This study improves our understanding of the geological evolution of the presently under-explored Gambier Embayment, offshore Otway Basin, South Australia by documenting the segmented growth style of a Late Cretaceous normal fault array that is located over, and interacts with, a reactivated basement framework.  相似文献   

Normal faulting and the deep subsurface flow of salt are key processes controlling the structural development of many salt-bearing sedimentary basins. However, our detailed understanding of the spatial and temporal relationship between normal faulting and salt movement is poor due to a lack of natural examples constraining their geometric and kinematic relationship in three-dimensions. To improve our understanding of these processes, we here use 3D seismic reflection and borehole data from the Egersund Basin, offshore Norway, to determine the structure and growth of a normal fault array formed during the birth, growth and decay of an array of salt structures. We show that the fault array and salt structures developed in response to: (i) Late Triassic-to-Middle Jurassic extension, which involved thick-skinned, sub-salt and thin-skinned supra-salt faulting with the latter driving reactive diapirism; (ii) Early Cretaceous extensional collapse of the walls; and (iii) Jurassic-to-Neogene, active and passive diapirism, which was at least partly coeval with and occurred along-strike from areas of reactive diapirism and wall collapse. Our study supports physical model predictions, showcasing a three-dimensional example of how protracted, multiphase salt diapirism can influence the structure and growth of normal fault arrays.  相似文献   

正断层的阶区构造及生长机制:以狼山山前断层带为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
正断层带在生长过程中内部发育有阶区构造,阶区在正断层的相互作用、连接过程中起重要控制作用,同时阶区还影响地表径流和沉积盆地的发展、流体的运移和圈闭的形成。位于内蒙古河套断陷西缘的狼山山前断裂是晚新生代以来持续活动的大型正断层系统,断层带内部发育有不同类型的阶区构造。识别出了两种类型阶区的连接方式,一种是两条平行断层之间的斜坡从"软连接"到"硬连接"的演化过程;另一种是楔状阶区通过一条断层向另一条断层扩展的方式连接产生。基岩中的先存构造要素控制并影响山前正断层的展布方位及阶区的形态:基底内部NNE向糜棱面理控制山前断层带的走向,早期向SE倾斜的逆冲断层面被正断层局部利用。沿断层倾向方向,山前正断层逐渐向盆地方向扩展,最新活动的断层位于盆地边缘甚至盆地内部;沿断层走向方向,狼山山前正断层逐渐向南西侧扩展。  相似文献   

The geometry of a fault zone exerts a major control on earthquake rupture processes and source parameters. Observations previously compiled from multiple faults suggest that fault surface shape evolves with displacement, but the specific processes driving the evolution of fault geometry within a single fault zone are not well understood. Here, we characterize the deformation history and geometry of an extraordinarily well-exposed fault using maps of cross-sectional exposures constructed with the Structure from Motion photogrammetric method. The La Quinta Fault, located in southern California, experienced at least three phases of deformation. Multiple layers of ultracataclasite formed during the most recent phase. Crosscutting relations between the layers define the evolution of the structures and demonstrate that new layers formed successively during the deformation history. Wear processes such as grain plucking from one layer into a younger layer and truncation of asperities at layer edges indicate that the layers were slip zones and the contacts between them slip surfaces. Slip surfaces that were not reactivated or modified after they were abandoned exhibit self-affine geometry, preserving the fault roughness from different stages of faulting. Roughness varies little between surfaces, except the last slip zone to form in the fault, which is the smoothest. This layer contains a distinct mineral assemblage, indicating that the composition of the fault rock exerts a control on roughness. In contrast, the similar roughness of the older slip zones, which have comparable mineralogy but clearly crosscut one another, suggests that as the fault matured the roughness of the active slip surface stayed approximately constant. Wear processes affected these layers, so for roughness to stay constant the roughening and smoothing effects of fault slip must have been approximately balanced. These observations suggest fault surface evolution occurs by nucleation of new surfaces and wear by competing smoothing and re-roughening processes.  相似文献   

The structure of the 25 km long northeastern portion of the Murchison–Statfjord North Fault Zone and adjacent syn-rift stratigraphy are integrated to reconstruct the temporal and spatial evolution during c. 30.5 myr of Late Jurassic, North Sea rifting. Based on a structural analysis (Dd data) alone, approximately 14 precursor fault strands are identified. Incorporation of stratigraphic data shows that only six of these strands were important in controlling stratal architecture and distribution. Three main stages in the evolution of the fault zone are recorded in the syn-rift stratigraphy and are biostratigraphically constrained. These are: (1) following initiation of rifting, six isolated fault strands developed (each <4 km long) and controlled the stratigraphy for c. 13 myr; (2) the isolated strands linked along-strike forming two >9 km long fault segments separated by a 2 km wide relay ramp, that controlled the stratigraphy for at least the following c. 10.5 myr; and (3) the two fault segments hard-linked forming a single, continuous fault trace during the final c. 7 myr of rifting. The results of this study reveal the necessity to adopt an integrated structural and stratigraphic approach when reconstructing the evolution of normal fault zones. The results may also help to further constrain models of fault evolution.  相似文献   

In many extensional provinces, large normal faults dip in the same direction forming fault domains. Features variously named transfer faults, transfer zones, and accommodation zones (hereafter non-genetically referred to as fault-domain boundaries) separate adjacent fault domains. Experimental modeling of distributed extension provides insights on the origin, geometry, and evolution of these fault domains and fault-domain boundaries. In our scaled models, a homogeneous layer of wet clay or dry sand overlies a latex sheet that is stretched orthogonally or obliquely between two rigid sheets. Fault domains and fault-domain boundaries develop in all models in both map view and cross-section. The number, size, and arrangement of fault domains as well as the number and orientation of fault-domain boundaries are variable, even for models with identical boundary conditions. The fault-domain boundaries in our models differ profoundly from those in many published conceptual models of transfer/accommodation zones. In our models, fault-domain boundaries are broad zones of deformation (not discrete strike-slip or oblique-slip faults), their orientations are not systematically related to the extension direction, and they can form spontaneously without any prescribed pre-existing zones of weakness. We propose that fault domains develop because early-formed faults perturb the stress field, causing new nearby faults to dip in the same direction (self-organized growth). As extension continues, faults from adjacent fault domains propagate toward each another. Because opposite-dipping faults interfere with one another in the zone of overlap, the faults stop propagating. In this case, the geometry of the domain boundaries depends on the spatial arrangement of the earliest formed faults, a result of the random distribution of the largest flaws at which the faults nucleate.  相似文献   

We present results from petrophysical analysis of a normal fault zone with the aim of defining the flow pathways and their behavior during seismic and interseismic periods. Data are obtained on porosity geometry, strain structure and mineralogy of different domains of a normal fault zone in the Corinth rift. Data point out a close relationship between mineralogy of the clayey minerals, porosity network and strain structures and allow definition of a macroscopic anisotropy of the flow parameters with a strong control by microscopic ultracataclasite structures. The Pirgaki fault zone, developed within pelagic limestone, has a sharp asymmetric porosity profile, with a high porosity volume in the fault core and in the damage zone of the hanging wall. From porosity volumes and threshold measurements, a matrix permeability variation of 6 orders of magnitude could be expected between the protolith and the fault core. Modifications of this pathway during seismic and interseismic phases are depicted. Healing of cracks formed during seismic slip events occurred in the fault core zone and the porous network in the damage zone is sealed in a second step. The lens geometry of the fault core zone is associated with dissolution surfaces and open conduits where dissolved matter could move out of the fault core zone. These elementary processes are developed in particular along Riedel's structures and depend on the orientation of the strain surfaces relative to the local stress and depend also on the roughness of each surface type. P-surfaces are smooth and control shearing process. R-surfaces are rough and present two wavelengths of roughness. The long one controls localization of dissolution surfaces and conduits; the short one is characteristic of dissolution surfaces. The dissolved matter can precipitate in the open structures of the hanging wall damage zone, decreasing the connectivity of the macroscopic conduit developed within this part of the fault zone.  相似文献   

本研究使用山西测震台网记录的2010年1月~2019年12月地震观测数据,使用TomoDD方法,反演得到了山西断陷带南部(110°~114°E,34.5°~38.5°N)分辨率为0.2°的三维P波速度结构以及该区域地震重定位结果。反演结果显示:研究区的地壳速度结构与该区域的地表地质构造和沉积作用有关,5~10 km太原盆地、临汾盆地显示明显Vp低速分布,灵石隆起是以沉积作用为主导的地质活动,存在较大范围的沉积物,在5~10 km同样显示低速分布;峨眉山地台、吕梁山脉、太行山山区显示高速分布。而吕梁山脉在10 km以上为低速分布,可能与大同火山的上地幔岩浆构造活动有关;太原盆地自15 km深度不再延续5~10 km的低速分布而显示高速分布,说明太原盆地不受大同火山区上地幔构造活动影响,受青藏高原的推挤作用形成的可能性更大。重定位结果显示:地震丛集在断陷带内分布,震源深度集中在0~30 km。太原盆地内地震丛集事件发生在太原盆地北部,深度集中在20~25 km之间,速度剖面显示位于低速向高速转换区域内;交城断裂的应力集中以及介质结构的高低速变换是太原北部地震从集的主要原因。运城盆地内地震分布除盐湖序列外没有明显的丛集性。2016年3月12日发生的ML4.8盐湖序列,主震发生在低速向高速过度区域内,其余震震源深度较主震浅,且基本发生在下方存在高速分布的低速区域内。盐湖序列ML4.8主震的震源机制解与附近中条山北麓断裂的高角度正断层性质一致,说明主震受中条山北麓断裂活动影响。余震震源类型复杂,其中,逆断和逆断兼走滑机制与该地区区域背景应力场不符。综合机制解和速度结构的结果认为盐湖序列的发生机理较复杂,可能受该区域介质结构、隐伏断裂分布等综合作用,还需进一步研究。  相似文献   

The Vogar Fissure Swarm is one of four en-echelon fracture swarms that connect the Reykjanes Ridge to the South Iceland Seismic Zone and the Western Volcanic Zone. Occurring in an area of flat topography, this fissure swarm is clearly visible at the surface, where it can be seen to affect recent postglacial lavas. Using remote sensing methods to identify and measure all the faults and fractures in the swarm, combined with additional field observations and measurements, we measured 478 individual fractures, 33% of them being faults and 67% being fissures. The fracture lengths show roughly log-normal distributions. Most of the individual fractures belong to 68 main composite fractures, seven of which are longer than 2500 m and correspond to the main fault scarps of the fissure swarm. We showed that these main faults are distributed along five, equally spaced zones, ∼500 m apart and a few kilometers long. We drawn 71 across-strike profiles to characterize the shape of the fault scarps, and 5 along-strike profiles to characterize the evolution of vertical throw along the main faults. Each fault consists of a coalescence of individual segments of approximately equal length. Fault throws are never larger than 10 m and are smallest at the junctions between individual segments. Analyses of along-strike throw profiles allowed us to determine the early stages of growth after coalescence. The earliest stage is characterized by an increase in the throw of the central parts of segments. This is followed by a second stage during which the throw increases at the junctions between segments, progressively erasing these small-throw zones.  相似文献   

We investigate the structural style and evolution of a salt-influenced, extensional fault array in the Egersund Basin (Norwegian North Sea) through analysis of 3D reflection seismic and well data. Analysis of fault geometry/morphology, throw distribution and syn-kinematic strata reveal an intricate but systematic style of displacement and growth, suggesting an evolution of (1) initial syn-sedimentary fault growth contemporaneous with salt mobilization initiated during the Late Triassic, (2) cessation of fault activity and burial of the stagnant fault tips, and (3) subsequent nucleation of new faults in the cover above contemporaneous salt re-mobilization initiated during the Late Cretaceous, with downward propagation and linkage with faults. Stage 3 was apparently largely controlled by salt mobilization in response to basin inversion, as reactivated faults are located where the underlying salt is thick, while the non-reactivated faults are found where salt is depleted. Based on the 3D-throw analyses, we conclude that a combination of basement faulting and salt (re-) mobilization is the driving mechanisms behind fault activation and reactivation. Even though the sub- and supra-salt faults are mainly geometrically decoupled through the salt, a kinematic coupling must have existed as sub-salt faults still affected nucleation and localization of the cover faults.  相似文献   

Displacement ratio (Dr) is the ratio between salt thickness (Tv) and sub-salt normal fault displacement (D) (Dr = Tv/D), and it is typically used to predict the degree of geometric and kinematic linkage between sub- and supra-salt fault populations, and the overall structural style in salt-influenced extensional settings. However, we currently lack natural examples of how Dr and the underlying geological controls vary, and how these may control the three-dimensional geometry and evolution of salt-influenced normal fault systems. Furthermore, it is currently unknown if kinematic coherence in salt-influenced extensional settings can be maintained over relatively long length-scales (101–103 m) and for relatively long timeframes, and how this may impact the growth and geometry of large-throw (>500 m), salt-influenced normal fault systems. In this paper we use a 3600 km2, high-quality 3D seismic reflection dataset and borehole data from the Stavanger Fault System (SFS), Egersund Basin, eastern North Sea Basin to investigate; (i) how pre-rift salt thickness (Tv) and sub-salt fault throw (T) control the structural style and evolution of a basin-bounding, salt-influenced normal fault system; and (ii) the role salt plays in maintaining kinematic coherence in normal fault systems. We demonstrate that; (i) pre-rift salt distribution (Tv), specifically its presence in the proto-footwall (i.e., when Tv > 0), is the primary control on partitioning of faulting and (forced) folding along the fault system, and the style of linkage (i.e., hard- or soft-linkage) between sub- and supra-salt fault populations; and (ii) sub- and supra-salt fault populations represent brittle elements of a single, geometrically and kinematically coherent structure, the geometry and evolution of which is related to the ductile translation of strain on a scale (up to 8 km) and duration (c. 65 Myr) that believe is significantly greater and longer than previously documented.  相似文献   

太行山东缘断裂是华北盆地西边界的控制性断裂,对研究华北盆地中-新生代油气藏、地震分布及成矿作用具有重要意义。通过对太行山东缘断裂南支断层几何学、运动学的详细研究以及对断层泥的X射线衍射分析、K-Ar同位素年代学研究,确定了太行山东缘断裂为枢纽性质正断层,由一系列北北东走向正断层组成,呈左阶阶梯状展布,断层活动时间为113.42±2.31 Ma。断裂在新生代再次活动,形成多幕式的断陷盆地。  相似文献   

Physical models predict that multiphase rifts that experience a change in extension direction between stretching phases will typically develop non-colinear normal fault sets. Furthermore, multiphase rifts will display a greater frequency and range of styles of fault interactions than single-phase rifts. Although these physical models have yielded useful information on the evolution of fault networks in map view, the true 3D geometry of the faults and associated interactions are poorly understood. Here, we use an integrated 3D seismic reflection and borehole dataset to examine a range of fault interactions that occur in a natural multiphase fault network in the northern Horda Platform, northern North Sea. In particular we aim to: i) determine the range of styles of fault interaction that occur between non-colinear faults; ii) examine the typical geometries and throw patterns associated with each of these different styles; and iii) highlight the differences between single-phase and multiphase rift fault networks. Our study focuses on a ca. 350 km2 region around the >60 km long, N–S-striking Tusse Fault, a normal fault system that was active in the Permian–Triassic and again in the Late Jurassic-to-Early Cretaceous. The Tusse Fault is one of a series of large (>1500 m throw) N–S-striking faults forming part of the northern Horda Platform fault network, which includes numerous smaller (2–10 km long), lower throw (<100 m), predominantly NW–SE-striking faults that were only active during the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous. We examine how the 2nd-stage NW–SE-striking faults grew, interacted and linked with the N–S-striking Tusse Fault, documenting a range of interaction styles including mechanical and kinematic isolation, abutment, retardation and reactivated relays. Our results demonstrate that: i) isolated, and abutting interactions are the most common fault interaction styles in the northern Horda Platform; ii) pre-existing faults can act as sites of nucleation for 2nd-stage faults or may form mechanical barriers to propagation; iii) the throw distribution on reactivated 1st-stage faults will be modified in a predictable manner if they are intersected or influenced by 2nd-stage faults; iv) sites of fault linkage and relay-breaching associated with the first phase of extension can act as preferential nucleation sites for 2nd-stage faults; and v) the development of fault intersections is a dynamic process, involving the gradual transition from one style to another.  相似文献   

张性断裂带内部结构特征及油气运移和保存研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
断裂带是一个宽度、长度和高度均与断距呈正比关系的三维地质体,具有典型的二分结构:即断层核和破碎带。断层核由多种类型的断层岩和后期胶结物组成,具有分选差,粘土含量高,颗粒粒径小等特征,表现为具有比围岩更低的孔渗性。破碎带同围岩相比发育大量的裂缝,裂缝的密度随着离断层核距离的增大而逐渐减小,孔渗性较高。断层岩类型取决于断移地层的岩性、成岩程度和断裂变形时期。对于同生断层而言,泥岩和不纯净的砂岩主要发生泥岩涂抹作用;纯净砂岩发生解聚作用,形成颗粒重排的变形带。中成岩阶段发生断裂变形,泥岩发生泥岩涂抹作用,不纯净的砂岩发生碎裂作用和层状硅酸盐涂抹作用,形成碎裂岩和层状硅酸盐 框架断层岩;纯净砂岩主要发生碎裂作用,形成碎裂岩。晚成岩阶段发生断裂变形,碎裂作用成为主要的变形机制,泥岩破碎形成大量断层泥,不纯净的砂岩和纯净的砂岩均形成碎裂岩,其中纯净砂岩形成的碎裂岩由于石英的压溶胶结变得更致密。因此不同成岩阶段、不同岩性形成的断层岩类型不同,泥岩涂抹的排替压力高于层状硅酸盐 框架断层岩和碎裂岩,即使都是碎裂岩,其渗透率相差7个数量级。从断裂带结构看油气运移和保存,断层垂向封闭主要靠剪切型泥岩涂抹的连续性,侧向封闭能力取决于断层岩物性,物性很高的碎裂岩自身封闭能力很差,依靠两盘岩性对接封闭油气,最小断距决定油水界面位置。物性很低的断层岩一般能封住一定高度的油气柱,其是断裂带中泥质含量的函数。断层在储盖层段变形机制差异,决定了断裂输导与封闭油气的耦合,即破碎带双向输导充注,盖层段剪切型泥岩涂抹顶部封闭,断层核遮挡成藏。  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate normal fault patterns produced by the sliding motion along a gently dipping normal fault by using analogue model tests and numerical modeling. The motivation for this study was offered by microseismic test data that indicate the existence of an active low-angle shear zone at a depth of 9–11 km in the extensional region of high seismic activity of the Gulf of Corinth (Greece). Both modeling techniques seem to support the hypothesis that the system of high-angle normal faults that are responsible for the final asymmetrical graben formation initiate at the tip of the active basal detachment nearest to the free surface. The normal faults propagate upwards with progressive sliding of the inclined basal plane, resulting in a first phase of symmetrical graben configuration that is delimited by a main synthetic fault and an antithetic fault forming a Rankine zone. Subsequent sliding on the inclined base induces a family of secondary antithetic normal faults, which are responsible for the asymmetry of the failure pattern and the diffusive character of deformation in that area. Shear deformation is more intense and localized along the synthetic normal fault than along the antithetic faults. Elaboration on the analogue test results has led to the phenomenological relations among four main parameters that describe the geometry of grabens, namely, (i) the width and (ii) the maximum subsidence of the graben, (iii) the dip angles of the conjugate normal faults, and (iv) the amount of sliding along the low-angle normal fault. However, analogue models do not produce the system of synthetic faults that is observed in the Gulf of Corinth. The effects of both friction angle variation along the detachment base and of the constitutive behavior of the model material on the configuration of the final structural pattern were also studied with a series of numerical continuum models. It was found that (a) the fault pattern of the Gulf of Corinth may be reproduced with either a strain-softening material with low elastic modulus or a constant strength material, and (b) two consecutive grabens, such as those of Gulfs of Corinth and Evia, may also be reproduced by an appropriate combination of variation of dip and frictional properties along the hypothesized detachment zone.  相似文献   

Mapping and understanding distributed deformation is a major challenge for the structural interpretation of seismic data. However, volumes of seismic signal disturbance with low signal/noise ratio are systematically observed within 3D seismic datasets around fault systems. These seismic disturbance zones (SDZ) are commonly characterized by complex perturbations of the signal and occur at the sub-seismic (10 s m) to seismic scale (100 s m). They may store important information on deformation distributed around those larger scale structures that may be readily interpreted in conventional amplitude displays of seismic data. We introduce a method to detect fault-related disturbance zones and to discriminate between this and other noise sources such as those associated with the seismic acquisition (footprint noise). Two case studies from the Taranaki basin and deep-water Niger delta are presented. These resolve SDZs using tensor and semblance attributes along with conventional seismic mapping. The tensor attribute is more efficient in tracking volumes containing structural displacements while structurally-oriented semblance coherency is commonly disturbed by small waveform variations around the fault throw. We propose a workflow to map and cross-plot seismic waveform signal properties extracted from the seismic disturbance zone as a tool to investigate the seismic signature and explore seismic facies of a SDZ.  相似文献   

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