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We examined the structure and spatial organization of ciliature base-associated microtubules (BAM) in three hypotrichous ciliates (Stylonychia mytilus, Pseudourostyla cristata, Euplotes woodruffi) in fluorescence microscopy. The results revealed that BAM, including the anterior (ALM), posterior longitudinal microtubule (PLM) and the transverse microtubule (TM) bands, are composed of tubulin. The respective microtubular bands have cytoplasmic polarization patterns that are significantly asymmetric. The BAM of the midventral files in P. cristata appear cord-shaped compared with the ALM bands of transverse cirri in both S. mytilus and E. woodruffi, which extend to the left anterior side of the cell before converging. The TM bands of the left marginal cirri (MC) in S. mytilus extend to the right side of the cell, while those of the right MC bands extend to the left. Our observations suggest that BAM traits are common in hypotrichous ciliates even though different species possess different microtubule arrangements related to the conserved cirral morphogenetic patterns in the respective species. The differing development of BAM in the three ciliate suggests that the microtubules may be conserved in different hypotrichs. We have also demonstrated that the BAM, which appear polar and asymmetric, are localized in specific cytoskeletal positions and extend in different orientations within the cortex to connect with other ciliature-associated structures and, thus, strengthen the cortex. These BAM features indicate that they are directly associated with cell motion.  相似文献   

We examined the structure and spatial organization of ciliature base-associated microtubules (BAM) in three hypotrichous ciliates (Stylonychia mytilus, Pseudourostyla cristata, Euplotes woodruffi) in fluorescence microscopy. The results revealed that BAM, including the anterior (ALM), posterior longitudinal microtubule (PLM) and the transverse microtubule (TM) bands, are composed of tubulin. The respective microtubular bands have cytoplasmic polarization patterns that are significantly asymmetric. The BAM of the midventral files in P. cristata appear cord-shaped compared with the ALM bands of transverse cirri in both S. mytilus and E. woodruffi, which extend to the left anterior side of the cell before converging. The TM bands of the left marginal cirri (MC) in S. mytilus extend to the right side of the cell, while those of the right MC bands extend to the left. Our observations suggest that BAM traits are common in hypotrichous ciliates even though different species possess different microtubule arrangements related to the conserved cirral morphogenetic patterns in the respective species. The differing development of BAM in the three ciliate suggests that the microtubules may be conserved in different hypotrichs. We have also demonstrated that the BAM, which appear polar and asymmetric, are localized in specific cytoskeletal positions and extend in different orientations within the cortex to connect with other ciliature-associated structures and, thus, strengthen the cortex. These BAM features indicate that they are directly associated with cell motion.  相似文献   

Total suspended particulate (TSP) samples were collected at three sites along the coast of Qingdao, China, before and during a major dust storm in March, 2002. For comparison, PM10(particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters less than 10μm) samples were collected at one of the three sites. The morphological observation and compositional analysis of bulk and individual particles were performed by using scanning electron microscopy equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray system (SEM/EDX) for the TSP and PM10 samples. The results showed that the particles of different kinds of morphology had different elemental compositions, but the particles of similar morphology did not always have the same elemental composition for non-dust samples. The morphology and composition of non-dust particles were different at different sites. The fractal and spherical particles existed mainly in the coarse fraction for non-dust samples, while in the fine mode (〈 10μm) there were floccules formed by fine particles flocking together and containing crustal elements. Compared with the non-dust particles, the dust particles were more homogeneous in terms of morphology, particle size and composition. Particles with irregular shapes and well-distributed sizes dominated in the dust samples, containing crustal elements such as Mg, A1, Si, Ca, Fe, etc. The high sulfur content indicated that homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions took place on the surfaces of the dust particles in the specific environment of Qingdao.  相似文献   

The secretion function of mantle is closely related to shell formation in some bivalves and gastropods. Up to now, few researches have been reported for cuttlebone formation in the class Cephalopoda. In this study, the structure and secretion function of cuttlebone sac of the golden cuttlefish Sepia esculenta was analyzed using the histological and histochemical methods. The results showed that high and columnar cells located in sac epithelium, and flat cells existed near the base membrane. A lot of fibroblasts were found in the lateral mantle collective tissue. Some mucus, mucopolysaccharide and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were found in the sac. The ultrastructural characteristics of Quasi-connective-tissue-calcium cells (QCTCC) were observed using a transmission electron microscope (TEM). The relationship between cuttlebone sac secretion function and shell formation was discussed.  相似文献   

We assessed the potential of marine ciliate community as an indicator to coastal water quality using water samples collected from four stations in the Yellow Sea in the summer 2000. The four stations were characterized by different levels of pollution. The ciliate communities consisted primarily of tintinnids and aloricate ciliates that were <30 μm. A total of 78 species were classified: 55 species at Station 2, 51 species each at Stations 1 and 4, and 47 species at Station 3. The mean number of species at each site was 29.2±2.0 (Station 1), 28.5±2.9 (Station 2), 27.8±1.7 (Station 3), and 24.5±2.3 (Station 4). The abundance was highly variable: 19 331±11 187 ind./L at Station 1, 7 960±5 639 ind./L at Station 2, 29 015±12 999 ind./L at Station 3, and 8 190±4 658 ind./L at Station 4. Our results suggest that neither the simple chemical analysis (e.g. chemical oxygen demand, dissolved inorganic nitrogen, and phosphate) nor the eutrophication/pollution index adequately described the water quality at the four stations. The same was true of the number of species and their abundance, both of which had no correlation with the chemical indices. In contrast, Margalef’s diversity index values (3.12 at Station 2, 2.89 at Station 1, and 2.64 at Stations 3 and 4) generally discriminated the water quality status of the four stations. The difference in water quality among the stations was strongly supported by the pattern of species richness (i.e. the total number of species) of ciliates at each station. Our evaluation was consistent with the results of long-term water quality monitoring at the four stations. With increasing eutrophication, we observed also a compositional and functional shift in the ciliate assemblages from algivorous oligotrich/choreotrich to nonselective-omnivorous gymnostomatids to bacterivorous-detrivorous scuticociliatids. Thus, ciliates may be used to indicate the coastal water quality status of a given site.  相似文献   

The ciliate community in the Bohai Sea (China) was studied from 23 September to 7 October 1998. A hurricane struck the study area between the two grid station investigations, which were six days apart. Six tintinnid species ( Favella panamensis, Leptotintinnus nordqvisti, Tintinnopsis but-schlii, T. karajacensis , T. Radix and Wangiella dicollaria ) were identified. Total cililate abundance in the surface layer ranged from 20 to 770 ind/l. In the first grid investigation, Tintinnopsis karajacensis dominated in the warm, low salinity waters at the Huanghe River mouth. Aloricate ciliate sp. 1 dominated in the cold, high salinity waters in the northwest of the study area and the Bohai Strait. In the second grid investigation, T. Karajacensis almost disappeared. The abundance of aloricate ciliate sp. 1 decreased drastically. The aloricate ciliate sp. 2 dominated at the Bohai Strait. The change of ciliate abundance may be due to the disturbance of hurricane.  相似文献   

Morphotaxonomy and seasonal abundance of dinoflagellates of the genera Prorocentrum and Mesoporos(Prorocentrales) were studied from nutrient-rich waters,Karachi Harbor and the mouth of the Manora Channel,Pakistan during May 2002-July 2003.Using both light and scanning electron microscopy,13 species of Prorocentrales were identified according to cell shape,size,ornamentation of thecal plates,and architecture of apical platelets,apical pore area,marginal pores,and intercalary bands.P.sigmoides,P.arcuatum,P.scutellum,P.donghaiense,P.balticum,P.minimum,P.emarginatum,P.lima,P.faustiae,and Mesoporos perforatus constitute new records for sindh coast of Pakistan.The most abundant species were P.minimum/P.balticum(4.5×103 cells/L),P.micans(1.1×103 cells/L),P.gracile/P.sigmoides(2.5×102 cells/L) and P.donghaiense(6.6×103 cells/L) at temperatures of 29-31℃ and salinities of 35-40.Maximum abundance was observed in winter and lower abundance in summer.There was no significant change in the distribution of species between stations except for the benthic species which occurred close to Karachi Harbor waters.Significant positive correlations were observed between Prorocentrum spp.and temperature(R 2 =0.27) and negative correlations with salinity(R 2 =-0.32) except for P.minimum and P.emarginatum which has negative correlation with temperature(R 2 =-0.24) and positive with salinity(R 2 =0.08,0.19).The finding of potential okadaic-acid producing species of benthic Prorocentrum call for monitoring for possible human health problems in this region.  相似文献   

To study population dynamics of marine ciliates in different artificial seawaters (ASW), the population growth dynamics of a common marine ciliate Euplotes vannus were investigated using beef extract media and rice media for five types of ASW and natural seawater (NSW). The results show that: (1) the population growth rate was in the order of NSW>Flack ASW>Nakamula ASW>Schmadz ASW>Oshima ASW>Subow ASW and was considerably higher in rice media than in beef extract media (apart from Subow ASW); (2) the maximum density of E. vannus in stationary phase in each treatment was ranked as Flack ASW>Nakamula ASW>Schmadz ASW>NSW>Oshima ASW>Subow ASW, and was again higher in rice media than in beef extract media (except for Subow ASW); (3) the exponential and stationary phases were longer in rice media than in beef extract media; (4) strains of E. vannus that had been domesticated for >1 year in ASW grew significantly slower, with lower maximum density and longer stationary phase than those isolated and maintained in NSW. It was demonstrated that: (1) E. vannus may grow well in Flack, Nakamula and Schmads ASW compared with NSW (mainly in terms of growth rate); and (2) Oshima ASW is the preferred choice for stock cultures of E. vannus, but the ASWs Flack, Nakamula and Schmadz are preferred for mass culture. These findings suggest that these three ASWs are effective for the cultivation of marine protozoa for experimental studies on ecology, toxicology and molecular biology.  相似文献   

Pelagic copepods play an important role in the marine food web. However, a full understanding of the ecological status of this zooplankton group depends on the careful study of their natural diets. In previous PCR-based copepod diet studies, we found many apostome ciliates that live symbiotically under the exoskeleton of the copepods, and their sequences were often over-represented in the 18S rRNA gene (18S rDNA) libraries. As a first step to address this issue, we designed three apostome ciliate 18S rDNA blocking primers, and tested their blocking efficiency against apostome ciliate 18S rDNA under various PCR conditions. Using a semi-quantitative PCR method, we optimized the conditions to efficiently amplify the 18S rDNA of the prey while simultaneously excluding the symbiotic apostome ciliates. This technique will facilitate PCR-based diet studies of copepods and other zooplankton in their natural environments.  相似文献   

Spionid worms of Polydora ciliata inhabit the shells of many commercially important bivalves and cause disease in molluscan aquaculture. Their sperm structure is closely related to their fertilization method. To give an insight into the sperm structure and spermatogenesis, ultrastructure details of the subcellular components of germ cells during spermiogenesis of Polydora ciliata are detected by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In P. ciliata, during spermiogenesis, chromatin is regularly arranged as dense fibrils and becomes more condensed when the nucleus elongates. Microtubules do not surround the nucleus during its elongation. The Golgi phase is characterized by the formation of proacrosomal granules within the Golgi apparatus. The proacrosomal granules fuse to form a single, spherical acrosomal vesicle that migrates to the anterior pole of the cell. At the time of nuclear condensation, mitochondria become reduced in number but increased in size, causing deep indentation at the base of the nucleus. The mid-piece has a few mitochondria. The cap phase includes the spreading of the acrosomal granule over the surface of the nucleus of the differentiating spermatid. The acrosomal phase of spermiogenesis is typically associated with changes in the shape of the nucleus, acrosome and tail. The relationship of sperm ultrastructure to spermiogenesis in spionidae species was discussed.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTherecentyears’rapiddevelopmentofthemarinefishcultureindustryinChinahasbroughtaboutproliferationofviraldiseasesintheindustryasshownbythenotablyfrequentoccurrenceofdiseasesordeathsofthemariculturedfish .Electronmicroscopeexaminationoftheaff…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThesinglecellsandprotoplastsofPorphyragametophytebladescoulddevelopintoplantletsdi rectlyorintocallus likecells (ZhaoandZhang ,1 981 ;Polne Fulleretal.,1 984 ;Chen ,1 989;WangandYan ,1 990 ;Galletal.,1 993;Chen ,1 997;MeiandFei,2 0 0 1 ) ,andtheirgrowthanddevelopmentunder…  相似文献   

Soils in the Knersvlakte are particularly prone to crusting and have lower inherent infiltrability than other soils across western southern Africa. Micromorphological techniques were used to examine the structure and porosity of soil crusts in the Knersvlakte to ascertain why crusting is so intense in this region. Quantile regression using boundary lines was employed to examine the relationships between infiltrability and soil properties for all samples (n = 67). This analysis showed that infiltrability is potentially maximal at low water- dispersible 'clay plus silt' content and low silt content (r^2 = 0.72 and 0.64; respectively, n = 67) (Figure 2). The strength of crusts, pH, EC, clay mineralogy, and water-dispersible clay, silt and 'clay plus silt' content were compared, and a pore analysis using optical microscopy was undertaken on images of six soil thin sections (n = 6) (circular and parallel polarizers). Pore analysis was further undertaken on five horizontal slices of equal dimensions taken through each soil thin section. The porosity samples with low infiltrability (〈 100 mm·hr^-1, n = 4) had greater crust strength, lower porosity (both total and in the least porous slice) and greater water-dispersible 'day plus silt' and silt content than the porosity samples with high infiltrability (〉 100mm·hr^-1, n = 2). The porosity samples with low infiltrability showed a trend of lower pH and greater water dispersible clay percentage. Porosity varied within the porosity samples due to the presence of dense clay/silt bands (〈 0.5 mm in width) with relatively few air vesicles. The porosity samples with horizontal slices of low porosity (but large numbers of air vesicles) had low infiltrability, while those without slices of low porosity (and relatively few air vesicles) had high infiltrability. We conclude that the intense crusting and resultant low infiltrability of soils in the Knersvlakte appears to be related to the formation of thin, dense clay/silt bands in the pedoderm.  相似文献   

It had been demonstrated that individual cells or protoplasts isolated from Porphyra thallus by enzyme could develop into normal leafy thalli in the same way as monospores, and that isolated cells develop in different way in liquid and on semi solid media. The authors observed the ultrastructure of isolated vegetative cells cultured on semi solid media and compared them with those of monospores and isolated cells cultured in liquid media. The results showed that subcellular structures were quite different among cells in different conditions. In their development, isolated cells on semi solid media did not show the characteristic subcellular feature of monospore formation, such as production of fibrous vesicles. Callus like cells formed on semi solid media underwent a distinctive modification in cellular organization. They developed characteristic cell inclusions and a special 2 layer cell covering. Golgi bodies, ER, starch grains, mitochondria. Vacuoles were not commonly found in them.  相似文献   

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Acute toxicities of potassium permanganate, formalin, and Lugol’s iodine solution to a commonly occurred marine ciliate Pleuronema coronatum (Ciliophora, Scuticociliatida) were measured. Linear regression analysis of the results highlighted the close relationships between doses of the medicines and mortalities of the organisms, thus providing a capability to predict toxicity effects from the dose. Toxic effects of the medicines on the ciliates were described in the present paper, and the median lethal concentrations (LC50 values) were given. Results of measurements indicated that 2 h-LC50 and 12 h-LC50 values of formalin on P. coronatum were 59.00×10−6 and 43.57×10−6, while those of Lugol’s solutions were 90.13 and 67.84×10−6 respectively. The tolerance of P. coronatum to formalin is apparently lower than that to Lugol’s iodine solution and potassium permanganate is a suitable medicine to kill ciliates in short time.  相似文献   

针对山东西部二叠纪奎山组厚层砂岩沉积环境尚存争议这一问题,该文通过在单县地区钻孔系统采样、磨片与室内电子探针测试微量元素等手段,对奎山组砂岩进行成因机制探讨。研究发现,奎山组砂岩其形成环境较复杂,不能简单用某个环境解释,其沉积时受到频繁的海侵海退影响,综合分析其应形成于滨海近岸带和三角洲环境。在此基础上,结合实验及沉积学等方法,分析了海水对奎山组砂岩影响变化,将奎山组砂岩划分出4个沉积旋回,建立了成因模式。  相似文献   

Penguin and skua in the maritime Antarctic have high salt loadings in the body due to almost exclusive diet consumption of marine invertebrates. However, the storage and turnover of sodium and potassium in these animals are poorly investigated. Here we determined the concentration and microscopic distribution of the two elements in the bones of penguin and skua. The average concentrations of sodium and potassium in penguin bone were comparable with that in skua bone (0.18% and 0.82% for penguin bone; 0.19% and 0.76% for skua bone in dry weight). The ratios of sodium to calcium and potassium to calcium (0.0330 and 0.0075 for penguin, 0.0335 and 0.0082 for skua in average by weight) were somewhat higher than the reported ratios for terrestrial animals, indicating these marine animals' bone enrichment of salt. The ratios of sodium to potassium in average by weight were 6.75 and 4.65 for penguin and skua, respectively. This value is much lower compared with the bulk sea water ratio of about 27.0, implying that potassium is favorable to reside in the bone rather than sodium. Both sodium and potassium were found to significant correlation with the content of organic materials in bone based upon the intensity of native signal determined by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). It was estimated that almost all of potassium is kept within the organic phases, while about 30% of sodium is stored in organic phases and the other 70% within mineral phase. The microscopic distributions of potassium in the cross-section and/or surface were revealed by synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence (SR-XRF) technique. The ratio of potassium to calcium based upon the SR-XRF intensity counter varied considerably from the surface to the interior, and on the surface the highest concentration of potassium was observed in the middle section with decreasing amounts toward the edge. This indirectly documented that exchange of potassium between fluid and bone organic phase maybe occur.  相似文献   

Free radical scavenging abilities of polypeptide from Chlamys farreri   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 INTRODUCTION Active oxygen free radicals can damage cell structure, even kill the cells, causing aging and cer- tain serious diseases (Bors et al., 1989). Usually, the production and scavenging of active oxygen free radicals are in balance in healthy hu…  相似文献   

黄铁矿是重要的金属硫化物矿物,在多种矿床中均有产出,其标型特征对矿床成因、矿体空间分布等具有重要的指示意义.以扬子板块西缘攀西地区白草矿区黄铁矿为研究对象,利用矿相学、电子探针等分析方法来对比研究浸染状、致密块状、斑杂状、网脉状矿石中黄铁矿的标型元素特征.结果表明:白草矿区黄铁矿Fe、S平均含量(质量分数,下同)分别为...  相似文献   

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