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Analysis of tidal effects on aquifer systems plays an important role in coastal aquifer management owing to various hydrological, engineering and environmental problems in coastal areas. Using the real-world data of unconfined and confined aquifers, a data-driven approach is presented in this study for the analysis of tide–aquifer interaction in coastal aquifers. Six analytical tide–aquifer interaction models were selected which take into account the effects of vertical beach, sloping beach, tidal loading, aquifer leakage, outlet capping, and combined leakage and outlet capping on tide-induced groundwater fluctuations. The tide–aquifer interaction datasets were obtained from the Konan groundwater basin (unconfined aquifer) of Japan and the Dridrate groundwater basin (confined aquifer) of Morocco. The analysis of the results obtained by the sloping beach model revealed that for a given beach slope, the amplitude of groundwater level increases with an increase in aquifer diffusivity and a decrease in aquifer thickness. However, no significant effect of beach slope was observed in this study at unconfined sites for all the datasets. The influence of tidal loading was found to be considerably less for all the three confined sites. Further, the analysis of the results of the leakage model indicated that with an increase in leakage into the aquifer, the amplitude of groundwater level as well as the phase shift (time lag) decreases. Of all the confined and unconfined datasets, only two confined sites were found to be affected by outlet capping. Overall, it is concluded that the coastal beach bordering the Konan basin is not significantly sloping, the contribution of tidal loading to tide-induced groundwater fluctuations in the Dridrate aquifer is not appreciable, and that the aquifer leakage and outlet capping do not exist at the unconfined sites under investigation.  相似文献   

Currently, aquifers are considered to be ecosystems that interchange materials and energy with other systems located in their surroundings. The aquifer system of Doñana (southwest Spain) has been studied over recent decades from a hydrogeological point of view, although nothing is known about its biological or ecological aspects. In order to describe the general characteristics of its microbial communities, bacterial abundance, cell biomass, bacterial biomass and microbial activities of functional groups were investigated by sampling, over a 2-year period, 13 wells located in the vicinity of four very productive shallow lakes in the most superficial part of this coastal, sandy aquifer system. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) indicated differences in abundance and biomass variables among sampling locations, seasons and sampling locations × seasons. Principal component analysis showed that temperature and dissolved oxygen appeared to be the most important factors controlling the temporal variability of microbial communities. Hydrological connectivity between surface water and groundwater was important in the control of the spatiotemporal distribution of microbial communities. Due to this hydrological connection, the aquifer system and the wetlands constitute a unique entity, a unique ecosystem, called the “hydroecosystem”, where microbial communities could play a central ecological role.  相似文献   

Groundwater of the unconfined aquifer (1,100 sq. km) of a two-tier coastal aquifer located in the Amol–Ghaemshahr plain, Mazandaran Province, Northern Iran, is classified into fresh and brackish water types. Fresh groundwater (FGW) samples (n = 36) are characterized by Ca2+ > Na> Mg2+ > K+ and HCO3 ? > Cl? > SO4 2? > NO3 ?. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient matrices, factor analysis data, values of the C-ratio (av. = 0.89) and CAI and values of the molar ratios of Ca2+/HCO3 ?, Ca2+/SO4 2?, Mg2+/HCO3 ? and Mg2+/SO4 2? indicate that the ionic load in the FGW is derived essentially from carbonic acid-aided weathering of carbonates and aluminosilicates, saline/sea water trapped in the aquifer sediments (now admixed with the groundwater) and ion exchange reactions. Values of the CAI and Na+/Cl? molar ratio suggest that the part of the Ca2+ (±Mg2+) content in 23 FGW samples is derived from clay minerals of the aquifer matrix, and part of the Na+ content in 20, 12, and 3 FGW samples is derived, respectively, from alkali feldspar weathering, clay minerals of the aquifer matrix and rain water and/or halite. Brackish groundwater (BGW) samples (n = 4) contain Cl? as the dominant anion and their average total ionic concentration (38.65 meq/L) is 1.79 times higher than that of the FGW samples (21.50 meq/L). BGW pockets were generated by non-conservative mixing of FGW with the upconed saline water from the underlying saline groundwater zone of the semi-confined aquifer along bore wells involved in excessive extraction of groundwater from the unconfined aquifer. Groundwater belongs essentially to “high salinity, low sodium” irrigation water class.  相似文献   

Environmental Earth Sciences - Hydrogeochemistry data collected from three multi-level monitoring wells in a sandy alluvial aquifer located in the Keum River watershed, South Korea, are used in...  相似文献   

The shallowly buried marginal part of the Cambrian–Vendian confined aquifer system of the Baltic Basin is characterised by fresh and low δ18O composition water, whereas the deeply settled parts of the aquifer are characterized by typical Na–Ca–Cl basinal brines. Spatial variation in water geochemistry and stable isotope composition suggests mixing origin of the diluted water of three end-members—glacial melt water of the Weichselian Ice Age (115 000–10 000 BP), Na–Ca–Cl composition basin brine and modern meteoric water. The mixing has occurred in two stages. First, the intrusion and mixing of isotopically depleted glacial waters with basinal brines occurred during the Pleistocene glacial periods when the subglacial melt-water with high hydraulic gradient penetrated into the aquifer. The second stage of mixing takes place nowadays by intrusion of meteoric waters. The freshened water at the northern margin of the basin has acquired a partial equilibrium with the weakly cemented rock matrix of the aquifer.  相似文献   

A numerical simulation has been carried out to investigate the effects of below-sea-level (b.s.l.) excavation on the raw material quality of a cement quarry in Turkey. The model simulates variations in the hydrodynamic and hydrogeochemical mechanisms in the coastal aquifer upon BSL excavation. In this context, behavior of the seawater intrusion zone, changes in water levels, and salt concentrations have been simulated. In the development of the model, previous geological and hydrogeological reports of the quarry site and the near vicinity have been considered. Eleven new wells (BH-1,...BH-11) have been drilled to reveal hydrogeological features of the area and also for periodical observations of the water levels and hydrogeochemical monitoring. These wells were utilized to develop and calibrate the model to the field conditions. Physical and hydrogeochemical parameters used in the model have been evaluated using available hydrogeological data, the field test results and the related literature. The model has been verified using the field observations. It is based on the virgin conditions of the aquifer as well as on the data for years 1990 and 2001. An average raw material production rate for the cement factory was considered during development of the model, and for making future predictions. Two alternative production scenarios have been considered and probable effects of above-sea-level (a.s.l.) and b.s.l. excavations on seawater intrusion into the aquifer have been studied. Future prediction studies are based on these two production scenarios that assume 43 years of total production (30 years of a.s.l. and 13 years of b.s.l. production) in the quarry. The first scenario, Scenario I, assumes that starting from 2001, the next 30 years would be devoted only to ASL and then the remaining 13 years would be used for b.s.l. production. Scenario II, on the other hand, assumes simultaneous operations both at a.s.l. and b.s.l. levels for the next 43 years after 2001. Effects of b.s.l. production in the quarry site have been simulated accordingly, and seawater intrusion into the aquifer as well as water discharge rates have been predicted for –10, –20 and –30 m production levels.  相似文献   

Aquifer vulnerability assessment techniques have been developed to predict which areas are more likely than others to become contaminated as a result of activities at or near the land surface. This research focuses on the evaluation of groundwater vulnerability to pollution in an urban area. Among several assessment methods, DRASTIC has been selected for this study. ArcGIS has been used to overlay and calculate different layers and obtain the vulnerability map. In order to show the importance of fuzzy algorithms in classification, both Boolean and fuzzy algorithms were used and compared. The fuzzy algorithm could recognize the areas with low and negligible vulnerability potentials whereas the Boolean model classified them as moderate. Two sensitivity tests, the map removal sensitivity analyses and single-parameter sensitivity analysis, were performed to show the importance of each parameter in the index calculation.  相似文献   

Shortage of water resources in arid and semi-arid areas causes water supply to be one of the most important subjects and major concerns within NGO and governments’ policies in recent years. The Shahrekord Plain aquifer system is located in a semi-arid area and acts as a key source of water supply. Groundwater management in this area is thus very important. Although change in the climatological factors is not possible, long-term fluctuation studies can help in managing the available water resources to overcome from drought or decrease its negative impact. The hydrodynamic study of the aquifer system coupled with the drought indices in each region can be useful in making decisions related to the hydro-ecosystem management of that region. In this article, hydrodynamics of the aquifer system of the Shahrekord Plain coupled with the ratio of P/PET as a drought index, are assessed on the long term. In Shahrekord Plain aquifer, there is a short-term seasonal fluctuation, which is increased by overexploitation during the dry season, when water is needed for irrigation. The hydrodynamic behavior of the plain aquifer on the long term is changing. This fluctuation at first is a function of time. Secondly, it is spatially dependent. Groundwater behavior is directly sensitive to the variation of drought index, both seasonally and on the long term.  相似文献   

The hydrogeochemical characterization of groundwater helps to assess the trend of salinization and freshening of the groundwater. The present study was carried out to understand the lateral and vertical variation of groundwater salinity and the process of salinization and freshening of the groundwater in a coastal aquifer comprising a freshwater lens. The partially isolated unconfined aquifer selected for the present study is lying just south of the Chennai City, one of the densely populated cities on the east coast of South India. Critical problems affecting this aquifer include a thin aquifer which is connected/surrounded by saltwater on all the sides, overexploitation of the groundwater, surface impermeabilization due to increasing residential areas, and destruction of existing dune morphology by conversion of barren land to the residential area which causes a reduction in their barrier effect to seawater intrusion. The process of salinization and freshening of the groundwater was studied and monitored by using electrical resistivity survey and hydrogeochemical analysis. The vertical electrical sounding was carried out at 17 locations, and 400 water samples were collected and analyzed from 50 locations during the period from August 2008 to May 2010 for this study. The apparent resistivity values were analyzed and compared with groundwater quality to demarcate the zone of seawater intrusion. The regional flow direction of the groundwater is westward and eastward with respect to the central stretch and groundwater level ranges from 4.96 m MSL at the dune morphology to 0 m MSL along the boundary on all the sides. Base exchange index indicates that salinization trend in the northern part of the study area is due to the extensive groundwater pumping which increases the possibility of seawater intrusion. The increase of base exchange index towards southern part indicates a better groundwater quality of the aquifer due to proper land use practices. A strong trend of quality alteration is clearly visible from the base exchange index in response to the seasonal change between monsoon and dry season. In the western side, the monsoonal variation in the salinization and freshening of the groundwater was not noticed; however, the salinity is slightly higher than freshwater due to the presence of clay.  相似文献   

The Bengal Basin has been exposed to the most serious As problem in the world. Although it has been agreed well among many researchers that the contamination has been induced by natural geochemical process, detailed mechanisms are still under debate. Arsenic is easily soluble into groundwater as pentavalent arsenate and trivalent arsenite. Their adsorption behavior for various solid phases, particularly for Fe oxyhydroxide (FeOOH), is different. Thus speciation of As in solid phase is essential to examine the process of contamination. However, few studies have been done about As speciation in sediment due to its analytical difficulty. In this study, we applied XANES (X-ray adsorption near the edge structure) spectroscopy to determine oxidation states of As and Fe, and investigate As behavior along change in redox condition. We studied the Sonargaon area located 25 km southeast of Dhaka. Sediment core samples were collected from one site in the area up to the depth of 100 m using penetration-drilling method. The samples were packed into oxygen impermeable film with deoxidizer on site,  相似文献   

Groundwater conditions in a 75- km2 coastal area around the town of Telde in eastern Gran Canaria island have been studied. Pliocene to Recent volcanic materials are found, with an intercalated detrital formation (LPDF), which is a characteristic of the area. Groundwater development has become intensive since the 1950s, mostly for intensive agricultural irrigation and municipal water supply. The LPDF is one order of magnitude more transmissive and permeable than the underlying Phonolitic Formation when median values are compared (150 and 15 m2 day–1; 5 and 0.5 m day–1, respectively). These two formations are highly heterogeneous and the ranges of expected well productivities partly overlap. The overlying recent basalts constituted a good aquifer several decades ago but now are mostly drained, except in the southern areas. Average values of drainable porosity (specific yield) seem to be about 0.03 to 0.04, or higher. Groundwater development has produced a conspicuous strip where the watertable has been drawn down as much as 40 m in 20 years, although the inland watertable elevation is much less affected. Groundwater reserve depletion contributes only about 5% of abstracted water, and more than 60% of this is transmitted from inland areas. Groundwater discharge into the sea may still be significant, perhaps 30% of total inflow to the area is discharged to the sea although this value is very uncertain.
Resumen Se ha llevado a cabo un estudio detallado de una zona costera de 75 km2 situada en la costa del Municipio de Telde, al Este de la isla de Gran Canaria, en el Archipiélago Canario. En ella se encuentran materiales volcánicos de edad Pliocena a Reciente, con una formación detrítica intercalada (FDLP), que constituye la máxima singularidad del área. La explotación de las aguas subterráneas ha sido intensiva a partir de la década de 1950, fundamentalmente para el riego de cultivos intensivos y para el suministro a la población. Comparando las medianas de los valores de transmisividad y permeabilidad entre la FDLP y la Formación Fonolítica que está debajo (140 a 15 m2/día y 5 a 0,5 m/día respectivamente) se comprueba que la primera es un orden de magnitud más transmisiva y permeable que la segunda, aunque ambas formaciones son muy heterogéneas y los rangos de productividad esperables en los pozos se solapan entre sí. Los Basaltos Recientes que están encima fueron un buen acuífero hace algunas décadas, pero en la actualidad han sido drenados casi en su totalidad, excepto en el sector Sur. Los valores medios de la porosidad drenable (eficaz) parecen estar alrededor de 0,03 a 0,04, o más. La explotación de las aguas subterráneas ha producido una franja con un destacado descenso de los niveles piezométricos, que alcanza los 40 m en 20 años, aunque la superficie piezométrica hacia el centro de la isla está menos afectada. El descenso calculado en la reserva de aguas subterráneas alcanza solamente un 5% del agua extraída y más de un 60% se transmite desde las cumbres de la isla. La descarga al mar puede ser aún significativa, quizás el 30% de las entradas totales, aunque esta cifra es muy incierta.

Résumé Les conditions de gisement de leau souterraine dune région de 75 km2 de la côte Est de lîle de la Grande Canarie (archipel des Canaries), dans le secteur de Telde, ont été étudiées, en utilisant seulement les données fournies par les puits dexploitation existants. Les matériaux volcaniques, dâge Pliocène à sub-actuel, sont séparés par une formation détritique (FDLP), qui constitue la principale singularité de cette région. Lexploitation de leau souterraine est devenue intensive à partir de 1950, principalement pour des besoins dirrigation (agriculture intensive) et dalimentation en eau des zones urbaines. La comparaison des valeurs médianes montre que la FDLP est dun ordre de grandeur plus transmissive et perméable que les formations volcaniques phonolitiques au-dessous (respectivement 150 et 15 m2/jour ; 5 et 0,5 m/jour). Néanmoins, ces deux formations sont très hétérogènes et les deux gammes de valeurs de productivité des puits se recouvrent. Les Basaltes récents au-dessus qui constituaient, il y a encore quelques décades, un bon aquifère, sont presque entièrement desaturés à lheure actuelle, a exception faite de la partie sud. Les valeurs moyennes de porosité drainable (efficace) sont de lordre de 0,03 à 0,04, voire localement plus élevées. Lexploitation des eaux souterraines a induit de forts rebattements au long dune zone littorale (denviron 40 m au cours des 20 dernières années), alors que la surface piézométrique est moins affectée en amont vers le centre de lîle. La diminution de la réserve des eaux souterraines dans la zone étudiée représente seulement 5% des volumes deau extraits. Plus de 60% proviennent du centre de lîle. Les écoulements vers la mer peuvent être significatifs, (environ 30% des entrées totales) bien que cette estimation soit sujeté à une très forte incertitude.

The present study is an attempt to assess the impact of a saline waste lagoon on the near subsurface through electrical resistivity tomography (ERT). Resistivity and IP imaging data have been collected on profiles close to the lagoon and at a far off location (control location). Water samples have been collected from the lagoon and a municipality drinking well close to it and analysed for the water chemistry. The geoelectrical sections indicate very low resistivity formations in the near subsurface in the vicinity of the lagoon as compared to the control profile. The water chemistry data from the monitoring well close to the profile also indicates very high total dissolved solids (8658 mg/L) and qualitatively supports the contamination of the near subsurface. The conductive formations in the vicinity of the lagoon can be attributed to the overflow from the lagoon or the seepage.  相似文献   

Environmental isotopes including \({\updelta }^{18}\)O, \({\updelta }^{2}\)H and \(^{3}\)H of precipitation, streams and springs were determined in the mountainous Bringi catchment of Kashmir Himalaya, dominated by carbonate lithology. The isotopic signature of winter precipitation is reflected in stream and spring water in late spring and is, therefore, representative of snow melting. The spring waters in September bear the enriched isotopic signatures of summer rainfall. The strong correlation (\(r^{2} = 0.97\)) between the isotopic composition of streams and springs indicates the streams and springs either share similar catchments or the springs are recharged by the streams. Chloride mass balance and isotopic mass balance studies suggest that the surface recharge component averages 337.35 m\(^{3}\)/s, which is about 75% of total stream discharge during the high flow period. Similarly, the contribution of surface water to groundwater recharge during the low flow period averages 7.5 m\(^{3}\)/s, which is about 18.6% of total stream flow. Furthermore, the mean residence time of the springs calculated from the tritium decay equation is very short (<1 year). The residence time is longer for Kongamnag and short for Achabalnag, which is further supported by dye testing.  相似文献   

A hydrogeochemical study was conducted in Thoothukudi district situated in the southeast coast of Tamil Nadu, India to identify the influence of saltwater intrusion and suitability of groundwater for domestic and agricultural purposes. Scattered studies of this coastal region have reported signs of seawater intrusion, salt pan and industrial activity together with natural weathering process. To have a holistic picture of geochemical processes in the entire district, a total of 135 groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for major cations and anions. The geochemical parameters were compared with world and Indian standards and it was found that most samples are unsuitable for drinking purpose. The geochemical facies of the groundwater showed Na–Cl as the dominant water type indicating the saline nature of the groundwater. Chadda’s plots show that most of the samples fall in the Na–Cl type of water due to seawater intrusion. The samples were classified with parameters like sodium absorption ratio, residual sodium carbonate, total hardness, chloride, index to base exchange, electrical conductivity and facies to determine their suitability for irrigation purpose. It was inferred that the samples falling along the coast are not suitable for the irrigation purpose. The seawater-mixing percentage indicates that strong mixing was observed in the near shore and at the proximity of the salt pan. The permanent hardness was predominant in all the samples compared to the carbonate hardness reducing its domestic usability.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to assess the spatial and temporal variability of groundwater level fluctuations in the Amman–Zarqa basin, during the period 2001–2005. In the year 2003, as a consequence of war, there was a sudden increase in the population in this basin. Knowing that the basin is already heavily populated and witnesses most of the human and industrial activities in Jordan, this study was prompted to help make wise water resources management decisions to cope with the new situation. Data from 31 fairly distributed wells in the upper aquifer of the basin were subjected to geostatistical treatment. Kriging interpolation techniques have indicated that the groundwater flow directions remained almost constant over the years. The two main directions are SW–NE and E–W. Kriging mapped fluctuations have also showed that drop and rise events are localized in the basin. Forecasting possibilities for management purposes were tackled using autocorrelation analysis. The constructed autocorrelograms indicated, in general, the temporal dependence of seasonal water level fluctuations, and that forecasting can be carried out within a period of 3–21 months. Several suggestions were made to mitigate the drop and rise hazards in the detected sites.  相似文献   

Accurate and reliable prediction of shallow groundwater level is a critical component in water resources management. Two nonlinear models, WA–ANN method based on discrete wavelet transform (WA) and artificial neural network (ANN) and integrated time series (ITS) model, were developed to predict groundwater level fluctuations of a shallow coastal aquifer (Fujian Province, China). The two models were testified with the monitored groundwater level from 2000 to 2011. Two representative wells are selected with different locations within the study area. The error criteria were estimated using the coefficient of determination (R 2), Nash–Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient (E), and root-mean-square error (RMSE). The best model was determined based on the RMSE of prediction using independent test data set. The WA–ANN models were found to provide more accurate monthly average groundwater level forecasts compared to the ITS models. The results of the study indicate the potential of WA–ANN models in forecasting groundwater levels. It is recommended that additional studies explore this proposed method, which can be used in turn to facilitate the development and implementation of more effective and sustainable groundwater management strategies.  相似文献   

The hydrogeochemical characteristics of the Cabo de Gata coastal aquifer (southeastern Spain) were studied in an attempt to explain the anomalous salinity of its groundwater. This detritic aquifer is characterised by the presence of waters with highly contrasting salinities; in some cases the salinity exceeds that of seawater. Multivariate analysis of water samples indicates two groups of water (G1 and G2). Group G1 is represented in the upper part of the aquifer, where the proportion of seawater varies between 10 and 60%, whilst G2 waters, taken from the lower part of the aquifer, contain 60−70% seawater. In addition, hydrogeochemical modelling was applied, which reveals that the waters have been subject to evaporation between 25 and 35%. There was a good agreement between the modelled results and the observed water chemistry. This evaporation would have occurred during the Holocene, in a coastal lagoon environment; the resulting brines would have infiltrated into the aquifer and, due to their greater density, sunk towards the impermeable base. The characteristics of this water enabled us to reconstruct the interactions that must have occurred between the coastal aquifer and the lagoon, and to identify the environmental conditions that prevailed in the study area during the Middle Holocene.  相似文献   

The characterization of river–aquifer connectivity in karst environments is difficult due to the presence of conduits and caves. This work demonstrates how geophysical imaging combined with hydrogeological data can improve the conceptualization of surface-water and groundwater interactions in karst terrains. The objective of this study is to understand the association between the Bell River and karst-alluvial aquifer at Wellington, Australia. River and groundwater levels were continuously monitored, and electrical resistivity imaging and water quality surveys conducted. Two-dimensional resistivity imaging mapped the transition between the alluvium and karst. This is important for highlighting the proximity of the saturated alluvial sediments to the water-filled caves and conduits. In the unsaturated zone the resistivity imaging differentiated between air- and sediment-filled karst features, and in the saturated zone it mapped the location of possible water- and sediment-filled caves. Groundwater levels are dynamic and respond quickly to changes in the river stage, implying that there is a strong hydraulic connection, and that the river is losing and recharging the adjacent aquifer. Groundwater extractions (1,370 ML, megalitres, annually) from the alluvial aquifer can cause the groundwater level to fall by as much as 1.5 m in a year. However, when the Bell River flows after significant rainfall in the upper catchment, river-leakage rapidly recharges the alluvial and karst aquifers. This work demonstrates that in complex hydrogeological settings, the combined use of geophysical imaging, hydrograph analysis and geochemical measurements provide insights on the local karst hydrology and groundwater processes, which will enable better water-resource and karst management.  相似文献   

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