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In a modern application of Stokes formula for geoid determination, regional terrestrial gravity is combined with long-wavelength gravity information supplied by an Earth gravity model. Usually, several corrections must be added to gravity to be consistent with Stokes formula. In contrast, here all such corrections are applied directly to the approximate geoid height determined from the surface gravity anomalies. In this way, a more efficient workload is obtained. As an example, in applications of the direct and first and second indirect topographic effects significant long-wavelength contributions must be considered, all of which are time consuming to compute. By adding all three effects to produce a combined geoid effect, these long-wavelength features largely cancel. The computational scheme, including two least squares modifications of Stokes formula, is outlined, and the specific advantages of this technique, compared to traditional gravity reduction prior to Stokes integration, are summarised in the conclusions and final remarks. AcknowledgementsThis paper was written whilst the author was a visiting scientist at Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia. The hospitality and fruitful discussions with Professor W. Featherstone and his colleagues are gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

B. Heck  K. Seitz 《Journal of Geodesy》2003,77(3-4):182-192
The geodetic boundary value problem (GBVP) was originally formulated for the topographic surface of the Earth. It degenerates to an ellipsoidal problem, for example when topographic and downward continuation reductions have been applied. Although these ellipsoidal GBVPs possess a simpler structure than the original ones, they cannot be solved analytically, since the boundary condition still contains disturbing terms due to anisotropy, ellipticity and centrifugal components in the reference potential. Solutions of the so-called scalar-free version of the GBVP, upon which most recent practical calculations of geoidal and quasigeoidal heights are based, are considered. Starting at the linearized boundary condition and presupposing a normal field of Somigliana–Pizzetti type, the boundary condition described in spherical coordinates is expanded into a series with respect to the flattening f of the Earth. This series is truncated after the linear terms in f, and first-order solutions of the corresponding GBVP are developed in closed form on the basis of spherical integral formulae, modified by suitable reduction terms. Three alternative representations of the solution are discussed, implying corrections by adding a first-order non-spherical term to the solution, by reducing the boundary data, or by modifying the integration kernel. A numerically efficient procedure for the evaluation of ellipsoidal effects, in the case of the linearized scalar-free version of the GBVP, involving first-order ellipsoidal terms in the boundary condition, is derived, utilizing geopotential models such as EGM96.  相似文献   

Today the combination of Stokes formula and an Earth gravity model (EGM) for geoid determination is a standard procedure. However, the method of modifying Stokes formula varies from author to author, and numerous methods of modification exist. Most methods modify Stokes kernel, but the most widely applied method, the remove compute restore technique, removes the EGM from the gravity anomaly to attain a residual gravity anomaly under Stokes integral, and at least one known method modifies both Stokes kernel and the gravity anomaly. A general model for modifying Stokes formula is presented; it includes most of the well-known techniques of modification as special cases. By assuming that the error spectra of the gravity anomalies and the EGM are known, the optimum model of modification is derived based on the least-squares principle. This solution minimizes the expected mean square error (MSE) of all possible solutions of the general geoid model. A practical formula for estimating the MSE is also presented. The power of the optimum method is demonstrated in two special cases. AcknowledgementsThis paper was partly written whilst the author was a visiting scientist at The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. He is indebted to Professor W. Kearsley and his colleagues, and their hospitality is acknowledged.  相似文献   

Assuming that the gravity anomaly and disturbing potential are given on a reference ellipsoid, the result of Sjöberg (1988, Bull Geod 62:93–101) is applied to derive the potential coefficients on the bounding sphere of the ellipsoid to order e 2 (i.e. the square of the eccentricity of the ellipsoid). By adding the potential coefficients and continuing the potential downward to the reference ellipsoid, the spherical Stokes formula and its ellipsoidal correction are obtained. The correction is presented in terms of an integral over the unit sphere with the spherical approximation of geoidal height as the argument and only three well-known kernel functions, namely those of Stokes, Vening-Meinesz and the inverse Stokes, lending the correction to practical computations. Finally, the ellipsoidal correction is presented also in terms of spherical harmonic functions. The frequently applied and sometimes questioned approximation of the constant m, a convenient abbreviation in normal gravity field representations, by e 2/2, as introduced by Moritz, is also discussed. It is concluded that this approximation does not significantly affect the ellipsoidal corrections to potential coefficients and Stokes formula. However, whether this standard approach to correct the gravity anomaly agrees with the pure ellipsoidal solution to Stokes formula is still an open question.  相似文献   

Gravimetric geoid determination by Stokes formula requires that the effects of topographic masses be removed prior to Stokes integration. This step includes the direct topographic and the downward continuation (DWC) effects on gravity anomaly, and the computations yield the co-geoid height. By adding the effect of restoration of the topography, the indirect effect on the geoid, the geoid height is obtained. Unfortunately, the computations of all these topographic effects are hampered by the uncertainty of the density distribution of the topography. Usually the computations are limited to a constant topographic density, but recently the effects of lateral density variations have been studied for their direct and indirect effects on the geoid. It is emphasised that the DWC effect might also be significantly affected by a lateral density variation. However, instead of computing separate effects of lateral density variation for direct, DWC and indirect effects, it is shown in two independent ways that the total geoid effect due to the lateral density anomaly can be represented as a simple correction proportional to the lateral density anomaly and the elevation squared of the computation point. This simple formula stems from the fact that the significant long-wavelength contributions to the various topographic effects cancel in their sum. Assuming that the lateral density anomaly is within 20% of the standard topographic density, the derived formula implies that the total effect on the geoid is significant at the centimetre level for topographic elevations above 0.66 km. For elevations of 1000, 2000 and 5000 m the effect is within ± 2.2, ± 8.8 and ± 56.8 cm, respectively. For the elevation of Mt. Everest the effect is within ± 1.78 m.  相似文献   

The issue of optimal regularization is investigated in the context of the processing of satellite gravity gradiometry (SGG) data that will be acquired by the GOCE (Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer) satellite. These data are considered as the input for determination of the Earths gravity field in the form of a series of spherical harmonics. Exploitation of a recently developed fast processing algorithm allowed a very realistic setup of the numerical experiments to be specified, in particular: a non-repeat orbit; 1-s sampling rate; half-year duration of data series; and maximum degree and order set to 300. The first goal of the study is to compare different regularization techniques (regularization matrices). The conclusion is that the first-order Tikhonov regularization matrix (the elements are practically proportional to the degree squared) and the Kaula regularization matrix (the elements are proportional to the fourth power of the degree) are somewhat superior to other regularization techniques. The second goal is to assess the generalized cross-validation method for the selection of the regularization parameter. The inference is that the regularization parameter found this way is very reasonable. The time expenditure required by the generalized cross-validation method remains modest even when a half-year set of SGG data is considered. The numerical study also allows conclusions to be drawn regarding the quality of the Earths gravity field model that can be obtained from the GOCE SGG data. In particular, it is shown that the cumulative geoid height error between degrees 31 and 200 will not exceed 1 cm. AcknowledgmentsThe authors thank Dr. E. Schrama for valuable discussions and for computing the orbit used to generate the long data set. They are also grateful to Prof. Tscherning and two anonymous reviewers for numerous valuable remarks and suggestions. The orbit to generate the short data set was kindly provided by J. van den IJssel. Computing resources were provided by Stichting Nationale Computerfaciliteiten (NCF), grant SG-027.  相似文献   

J. Ågren 《Journal of Geodesy》2004,78(4-5):314-332
One important application of an Earth Gravity Model (EGM) is to determine the geoid. Since an EGM is represented by an external-type series of spherical harmonics, a biased geoid model is obtained when the EGM is applied inside the masses in continental regions. In order to convert the downward-continued height anomaly to the corresponding geoid undulation, a correction has to be applied for the analytical continuation bias of the geoid height. This technique is here called the geoid bias method. A correction for the geoid bias can also be utilised when an EGM is combined with terrestrial gravity data, using the combined approach to topographic corrections. The geoid bias can be computed either by a strict integral formula, or by means of one or more terms in a binomial expansion. The accuracy of the lowest binomial terms is studied numerically. It is concluded that the first term (of power H2) can be used with high accuracy up to degree 360 everywhere on Earth. If very high mountains are disregarded, then the use of the H2 term can be extended up to maximum degrees as high as 1800. It is also shown that the geoid bias method is practically equal to the technique applied by Rapp, which utilises the quasigeoid-to-geoid separation. Another objective is to carefully consider how the combined approach to topographic corrections should be interpreted. This includes investigations of how the above-mentioned H2 term should be computed, as well as how it can be improved by a correction for the residual geoid bias. It is concluded that the computation of the combined topographic effect is efficient in the case that the residual geoid bias can be neglected, since the computation of the latter is very time consuming. It is nevertheless important to be able to compute the residual bias for individual stations. For reasonable maximum degrees, this can be used to check the quality of the H2 approximation in different situations.Acknowledgement The author would like to thank Prof. L.E. Sjöberg for several ideas and for reading two draft versions of the paper. His support and constructive remarks have improved its quality considerably. The valuable suggestions from three unknown reviewers are also appreciated.  相似文献   

On Helmert’s methods of condensation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
B. Heck 《Journal of Geodesy》2003,77(3-4):155-170
Helmerts first and second method of condensation are reviewed and generalized in two respects: First, the point at which the effects of topographical and condensation masses are calculated may be situated on or outside the topographical surface; second, the depth of the condensation layer below the geoid is arbitrary. While the first extension permits the application of the generalized model to the evaluation of airborne and satellite data, the second one gives an additional degree of freedom which can be used to provide a smooth gravity field after reducing the observation data. The respective formulae are derived for the generalized condensation model in both planar and spherical approximation. A comparison of the planar and the spherical model shows some structural differences, which are primarily visible in the out-of-integral terms. Considering the respective formulae for the combined topographic–condensation reduction on the background of the density structure of the Earths lithosphere, the consequences for the residual gravity field are investigated; it is shown that the residual field after applying Helmerts second model of reduction is very rough, making this procedure unfavourable for downward continuation. Further considerations refer to the question of which sets of formulae should be used in geoid and quasigeoid determination. It is concluded that for high-precision applications the generalized spherical model, involving a depth of the condensation layer of between 20 and 30 km, should be superior to Helmerts second model of condensation, although it requires the direct calculation of the indirect effect, which is larger than in the case of Helmerts second method of condensation.  相似文献   

A technique is proposed for Earths gravity field modeling on the basis of satellite accelerations that are derived from precise orbit data. The functional model rests on Newtons second law. The computational procedure is based on the pre-conditioned conjugate-gradient (PCCG) method. The data are treated as weighted average accelerations rather than as point-wise ones. As a result, a simple three-point numerical differentiation scheme can be used to derive them. Noise in the orbit-derived accelerations is strongly dependent on frequency. Therefore, the key element of the proposed technique is frequency-dependent data weighting. Fast convergence of the PCCG procedure is ensured by a block-diagonal pre-conditioner (approximation of the normal matrix), which is derived under the so-called Colombo assumptions. Both uninterrupted data sets and data with gaps can be handled. The developed technique is compared with other approaches: (1) the energy balance approach (based on the energy conservation law) and (2) the traditional approach (based on the integration of variational equations). Theoretical considerations, supported by a numerical study, show that the proposed technique is more accurate than the energy balance approach and leads to approximately the same results as the traditional one. The former finding is explained by the fact that the energy balance approach is only sensitive to the along-track force component. Information about the cross-track and the radial component of the gravitational potential gradient is lost because the corresponding force components do no work and do not contribute to the energy balance. Furthermore, it is shown that the proposed technique is much (possibly, orders of magnitude) faster than the traditional one because it does not require the computation of the normal matrix. Hints are given on how the proposed technique can be adapted to the explicit assembling of the normal matrix if the latter is needed for the computation of the model covariance matrix.Acknowledgments. Professor R. Klees is thanked for support of the project and for numerous fruitful discussions. The authors are also thankful to Dr. J. Kusche for useful remarks and to Dr. E. Schrama, his solid background in satellite geodesy proved to be very helpful. A large number of valuable comments were made by Dr. S.-C. Han, Dr. P. Schwintzer, and an anonymous reviewer; their contribution is greatly acknowledged. The satellite orbits used in the numerical study were kindly provided by Dr. P. Visser (Aerospace Department, Delft University of Technology). Access to the SGI Origin 3800 computer was provided by Stichting Nationale Computerfaciliteiten (NCF), grant SG-027.  相似文献   

Local geoid determination from airborne vector gravimetry   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Methods are illustrated to compute the local geoid using the vertical and horizontal components of the gravity disturbance vector derived from an airborne GPS/inertial navigation system. The data were collected by the University of Calgary in a test area of the Canadian Rocky Mountains and consist of multiple parallel tracks and two crossing tracks of accelerometer and gyro measurements, as well as precise GPS positions. Both the boundary-value problem approach (Hotines integral) and the profiling approach (line integral) were applied to compute the disturbing potential at flight altitude. Cross-over adjustments with minimal control were investigated and utilized to remove error biases and trends in the estimated gravity disturbance components. Final estimation of the geoid from the vertical gravity disturbance included downward continuation of the disturbing potential with correction for intervening terrain masses. A comparison of geoid estimates to the Canadian Geoid 2000 (CGG2000) yielded an average standard deviation per track of 14 cm if they were derived from the vertical gravity disturbance (minimally controlled with a cross-over adjustment), and 10 cm if derived from the horizontal components (minimally controlled in part with a simulated cross-over adjustment). Downward continuation improved the estimates slightly by decreasing the average standard deviation by about 0.5 cm. The application of a wave correlation filter to both types of geoid estimates yielded significant improvement by decreasing the average standard deviation per track to 7.6 cm.  相似文献   

Baardas reliability measures for outliers, as well as sensitivity and separability measures for deformations, are functions of the lower bound of the non-centrality parameter (LBNP). This parameter, which is taken from Baardas well-known nomograms, is actually a non-centrality parameter of the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the non-central 2-distribution yielding a complementary probability of the desired power of the test, i.e. probability of Type II error. It is investigated how the LBNP can be computed for desired probabilities (power of the test and significance level) and known degrees of freedom. Two recursive algorithms, namely bisection and the Newton algorithm, were applied to compute the LBNP after the definition of a stable and accurate algorithm for the computation of the corresponding CDF. Despite the fact that the recursive algorithms ensure some desired accuracy, it is presented numerically that the Newton algorithm has a faster convergence to the solution than the bisection algorithm.  相似文献   

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