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We compute two-point correlation functions and measure the shear signal due to galaxy–galaxy lensing for 80 000 optically identified and 5700 radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGN) from Data Release 4 of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Halo occupation models are used to estimate halo masses and satellite fractions for these two types of AGN. The large sample size allows us to separate AGN according to the stellar mass of their host galaxies. We study how the halo masses of optical and radio AGN differ from those of the parent population at fixed   M *  . Halo masses deduced from clustering and from lensing agree satisfactorily. Radio AGN are found in more massive haloes than optical AGN: in our samples, their mean halo masses are  1.6 × 1013  and  8 × 1011  h −1 M  , respectively. Optical AGN follow the same relation between stellar mass and halo mass as galaxies selected without regard to nuclear properties, but radio-loud AGN deviate significantly from this relation. The dark matter haloes of radio-loud AGN are about twice as massive as those of control galaxies of the same stellar mass. This boost is independent of radio luminosity, and persists even when our analysis is restricted to field galaxies. The large-scale gaseous environment of the galaxy clearly plays a crucial role in producing observable radio emission. The dark matter halo masses that we derive for the AGN in our two samples are in good agreement with recent models in which feedback from radio AGN becomes dominant in haloes where gas cools quasi-statically.  相似文献   

In an earlier paper, we quantified the mean merger rate of dark matter haloes as a function of redshift z , descendant halo mass M 0, and progenitor halo mass ratio ξ using the Millennium simulation of the Λ cold dark matter cosmology. Here, we broaden that study and investigate the dependence of the merger rate of haloes on their surrounding environment. A number of local mass overdensity variables, both including and excluding the halo mass itself, are tested as measures of a halo's environment. The simple functional dependence on   z , M 0  , and ξ of the merger rate found in our earlier work, is largely preserved in different environments, but we find that the overall amplitude of the merger rate has a strong positive correlation with the environmental densities. For galaxy-mass haloes, we find mergers to occur ∼2.5 times more frequently in the densest regions than in voids at both   z = 0  and higher redshifts. Higher mass haloes show similar trends. We present a fitting form for this environmental dependence that is a function of both mass and local density and valid out to   z = 2  . The amplitude of the progenitor (or conditional) mass function shows a similar correlation with local overdensity, suggesting that the extended Press–Schechter model for halo growth needs to be modified to incorporate environmental effects.  相似文献   

The kinematics of satellite galaxies reflect the masses of the extended dark matter haloes in which they orbit, and thus shed light on the mass–luminosity relation (MLR) of their corresponding central galaxies. In this paper, we select a large sample of centrals and satellites from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and measure the kinematics (velocity dispersions) of the satellite galaxies as a function of the r -band luminosity of the central galaxies. Using the analytical framework presented in More, van den Bosch & Cacciato, we use these data to infer both the mean and the scatter of the MLR of central galaxies, carefully taking account of selection effects and biases introduced by the stacking procedure. As expected, brighter centrals on average reside in more massive haloes. In addition, we find that the scatter in halo masses for centrals of a given luminosity,  σlog  M   , also increases with increasing luminosity. As we demonstrate, this is consistent with  σlog  L   , which reflects the scatter in the conditional probability function   P ( L c| M )  , being independent of halo mass. Our analysis of the satellite kinematics yields  σlog  L = 0.16  ±  0.04  , in excellent agreement with constraints from clustering and group catalogues, and with predictions from a semi-analytical model of galaxy formation. We thus conclude that the amount of stochasticity in galaxy formation, which is characterized by  σlog  L   , is well constrained, independent of halo mass and in a good agreement with current models of galaxy formation.  相似文献   

Using a high-resolution cosmological N -body simulation, we identify the ejected population of subhaloes, which are haloes at redshift   z = 0  but were once contained in more massive 'host' haloes at high redshifts. The fraction of the ejected subhaloes in the total halo population of the same mass ranges from 9 to 4 per cent for halo masses from  ∼1011  to  ∼1012  h −1 M  . Most of the ejected subhaloes are distributed within four times the virial radius of their hosts. These ejected subhaloes have distinct velocity distribution around their hosts in comparison to normal haloes. The number of subhaloes ejected from a host of given mass increases with the assembly redshift of the host. Ejected subhaloes in general reside in high-density regions, and have a much higher bias parameter than normal haloes of the same mass. They also have earlier assembly times, so that they contribute to the assembly bias of dark matter haloes seen in cosmological simulations. However, the assembly bias is not dominated by the ejected population, indicating that large-scale environmental effects on normal haloes are the main source for the assembly bias.  相似文献   

We confirm and extend the recent finding that the central surface density  μ0D≡ r 0ρ0  of galaxy dark matter haloes, where r 0 and  ρ0  are the halo core radius and central density, is nearly constant and independent of galaxy luminosity. Based on the co-added rotation curves (RCs) of ∼1000 spiral galaxies, the mass models of individual dwarf irregular and spiral galaxies of late and early types with high-quality RCs, and the galaxy–galaxy weak-lensing signals from a sample of spiral and elliptical galaxies, we find that  log μ0D= 2.15 ± 0.2  in units of  log(M pc−2)  . We also show that the observed kinematics of Local Group dwarf spheroidal galaxies are consistent with this value. Our results are obtained for galactic systems spanning over 14 mag, belonging to different Hubble types and whose mass profiles have been determined by several independent methods. In the same objects, the approximate constancy of  μ0D  is in sharp contrast to the systematical variations, by several orders of magnitude, of galaxy properties, including  ρ0  and central stellar surface density.  相似文献   

We examine the accretion and merger histories of central and satellite galaxies in a smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) cosmological simulation that resolves galaxies down to  7 × 109 M  . Most friends-of-friends haloes in the simulation have a distinct central galaxy, typically 2–5 times more massive than the most massive satellite. As expected, satellites have systematically higher assembly redshifts than central galaxies of the same baryonic mass, and satellites in more massive haloes form earlier. However, contrary to the simplest expectations, satellite galaxies continue to accrete gas and convert it to stars; the gas accretion declines steadily over a period of 0.5–1 Gyr after the satellite halo merges with a larger parent halo. Satellites in a cluster mass halo eventually begin to lose baryonic mass. Typically, satellites in our simulation are 0.1–0.2 mag bluer than in models that assume no gas accretion on to satellites after a halo merger. Since   z = 1  , 27 per cent of central galaxies (above  3 × 1010 M  ) and 22 per cent of present-day satellite galaxies have merged with a smaller system above a 1:4 mass ratio; about half of the satellite mergers occurred after the galaxy became a satellite and half before. In effect, satellite galaxies can remain 'central' objects of halo substructures, with continuing accretion and mergers, making the transition in assembly histories and physical properties a gradual one. Implementing such a gradual transformation in semi-analytic models would improve their agreement with observed colour distributions of satellite galaxies in groups and with the observed colour dependence of galaxy clustering.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the angular momentum properties of simulated dark matter haloes at high redshifts that likely host the first stars in the Universe. Calculating the spin distributions of these  106– 107 M  haloes in redshift slices from   z = 15  to 6, we find that they are well fit by a lognormal distribution as is found for lower redshift and more massive haloes in earlier work. We find that both the mean value of the spin and dispersion are largely unchanged with redshift for all haloes. Our key result is that subsamples of low- and high-spin, 106 and  107 M  , haloes show difference in clustering strength. In both mass bins, higher spin haloes are more strongly clustered in concordance with a tidal torquing picture for the growth of angular momentum in dark matter haloes in the cold dark matter paradigm.  相似文献   

The stochasticity in the distribution of dark haloes in the cosmic density field is reflected in the distribution function   P V ( N h| δ m)  , which gives the probability of finding N h haloes in a volume V with mass density contrast δ m. We study the properties of this function using high-resolution N -body simulations, and find that   P V ( N h| δ m)  is significantly non-Poisson. The ratio between the variance and the mean goes from ∼1 (Poisson) at  1+ δ m≪1  to <1 (sub-Poisson) at  1+ δ m∼1  to >1 (super-Poisson) at  1+ δ m≫1  . The mean bias relation is found to be well described by halo bias models based on the Press–Schechter formalism. The sub-Poisson variance can be explained as a result of halo exclusion, while the super-Poisson variance at high δ m may be explained as a result of halo clustering. A simple phenomenological model is proposed to describe the behaviour of the variance as a function of δ m. Galaxy distribution in the cosmic density field predicted by semi-analytic models of galaxy formation shows similar stochastic behaviour. We discuss the implications of the stochasticity in halo bias to the modelling of higher order moments of dark haloes and of galaxies.  相似文献   

Using cosmological hydrodynamic simulations, we measure the mean transmitted flux in the Lyα forest for quasar sightlines that pass near a foreground quasar. We find that the trend of absorption with pixel quasar separation distance can be fitted using a simple power-law form including the usual correlation function parameters r 0 and γ, so that     . From the simulations, we find the relation between r 0 and quasar host mass, and formulate this as a way to estimate quasar host dark matter halo masses, quantifying uncertainties due to cosmological and IGM parameters, and redshift errors. With this method, we examine data for ∼9000 quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 5, assuming that the effect of ionizing radiation from quasars (the so-called transverse proximity effect) is unimportant (no evidence for it is seen in the data). We find that the best-fitting host halo mass for SDSS quasars with mean redshift z = 3 and absolute G -band magnitude −27.5 is  log  M /M= 12.68+0.81−0.67  . We also use the Lyman-Break Galaxy (LBG) and Lyα forest data of Adelberger et al. in a similar fashion to constrain the halo mass of LBGs to be  log10  M /M= 11.41+0.54−0.59  , a factor of ∼20 lower than the bright quasars. In addition, we study the redshift distortions of the Lyα forest around quasars, using the simulations. We use the quadrupole to monopole ratio of the quasar Lyα forest correlation function as a measure of the squashing effect. We find its dependence on halo mass difficult to measure, but find that it may be useful for constraining cosmic geometry.  相似文献   

We use cosmological Λ cold dark matter (CDM) numerical simulations to model the evolution of the substructure population in 16 dark matter haloes with resolutions of up to seven million particles within the virial radius. The combined substructure circular velocity distribution function (VDF) for hosts of 1011 to  1014 M  at redshifts from zero to two or higher has a self-similar shape, is independent of host halo mass and redshift, and follows the relation  d n /d v = (1/8)( v cmax/ v cmax,host)−4  . Halo to halo variance in the VDF is a factor of roughly 2 to 4. At high redshifts, we find preliminary evidence for fewer large substructure haloes (subhaloes). Specific angular momenta are significantly lower for subhaloes nearer the host halo centre where tidal stripping is more effective. The radial distribution of subhaloes is marginally consistent with the mass profile for   r ≳ 0.3 r vir  , where the possibility of artificial numerical disruption of subhaloes can be most reliably excluded by our convergence study, although a subhalo distribution that is shallower than the mass profile is favoured. Subhalo masses but not circular velocities decrease towards the host centre. Subhalo velocity dispersions hint at a positive velocity bias at small radii. There is a weak bias towards more circular orbits at lower redshift, especially at small radii. We additionally model a cluster in several power-law cosmologies of   P ∝ kn   , and demonstrate that a steeper spectral index, n , results in significantly less substructure.  相似文献   

We investigate the role that dry mergers play in the build-up of massive galaxies within the cold dark matter paradigm. Implementing an empirical shut-off mass scale for star formation, we find a nearly constant dry merger rate of  ∼6 × 10−5 Mpc−3 Gyr−1  at   z ≤ 1  and a steep decline at larger z . Less than half of these mergers are between two galaxies that are morphologically classified as early-types, and the other half is mostly between an early- and late-type galaxy. Latter are prime candidates for the origin of tidal features around red elliptical galaxies. The introduction of a transition mass scale for star formation has a strong impact on the evolution of galaxies, allowing them to grow above a characteristic mass scale of   M *, c ∼ 6.3 × 1010 M  by mergers only. As a consequence of this transition, we find that around   M *, c   , the fraction of 1:1 mergers is enhanced with respect to unequal mass major mergers. This suggests that it is possible to detect the existence of a transition mass scale by measuring the relative contribution of equal mass mergers to unequal mass mergers as a function of galaxy mass. The evolution of the high-mass end of the luminosity function is mainly driven by dry mergers at low z . We however find that only 10–20 per cent of galaxies more massive than   M *, c   experience dry major mergers within their last Gyr at any given redshift   z ≤ 1  .  相似文献   

We examine the properties of dark matter haloes within a rich galaxy cluster using a high-resolution simulation that captures the cosmological context of a cold dark matter universe. The mass and force resolution permit the resolution of 150 haloes with circular velocities larger than 80 km s−1 within the cluster virial radius of 2 Mpc (with Hubble constant H 0 = 50 km s−1 Mpc−1). This enables an unprecedented study of the statistical properties of a large sample of dark matter haloes evolving in a dense environment. The cumulative fraction of mass attached to these haloes varies from close to zero per cent at 200 kpc to 13 per cent at the virial radius. Even at this resolution the overmerging problem persists; haloes that pass within 100–200 kpc of the cluster centre are tidally disrupted. Additional substructure is lost at earlier epochs within the massive progenitor haloes. The median ratio of apocentric to pericentric radii is 6:1, so that the orbital distribution is close to isotropic, circular orbits are rare and radial orbits are common. The orbits of haloes are unbiased with respect to both position within the cluster and the orbits of the smooth dark matter background, and no velocity bias is detected. The tidal radii of surviving haloes are generally well-fitted using the simple analytic prediction applied to their orbital pericentres. Haloes within clusters have higher concentrations than those in the field. Within the cluster, halo density profiles can be modified by tidal forces and individual encounters with other haloes that cause significant mass loss —'galaxy harassment'. Mergers between haloes do not occur inside the cluster virial radius.  相似文献   

Using eight dark matter haloes extracted from fully self-consistent cosmological N -body simulations, we perform microlensing experiments. A hypothetical observer is placed at a distance of 8.5 kpc from the centre of the halo measuring optical depths, event durations and event rates towards the direction of the Large Magellanic Cloud. We simulate 1600 microlensing experiments for each halo. Assuming that the whole halo consists of massive astronomical compact halo objects (MACHOs),   f = 1.0  , and a single MACHO mass is   m M= 1.0 M  , the simulations yield mean values of  τ= 4.7+5.0−2.2× 10−7  and  Γ= 1.6+1.3−0.6× 10−6  events star−1 yr−1. We find that triaxiality and substructure can have major effects on the measured values so that τ and Γ values of up to three times the mean can be found. If we fit our values of τ and Γ to the MACHO collaboration observations, we find   f = 0.23+0.15−0.13  and   m M= 0.44+0.24−0.16  . Five out of the eight haloes under investigation produce f and m M values mainly concentrated within these bounds.  相似文献   

We study the structure and evolution of 'quasi-stars', accreting black holes embedded within massive hydrostatic gaseous envelopes. These configurations may model the early growth of supermassive black hole seeds. The accretion rate on to the black hole adjusts so that the luminosity carried by the convective envelope equals the Eddington limit for the total mass,   M *+ M BH≈ M *  . This greatly exceeds the Eddington limit for the black hole mass alone, leading to rapid growth of the black hole. We use analytic models and numerical stellar structure calculations to study the structure and evolution of quasi-stars. We show that the photospheric temperature of the envelope scales as   T ph∝ M −2/5BH M 7/20*  , and decreases with time while the black hole mass increases. Once   T ph < 104 K  , the photospheric opacity drops precipitously and T ph hits a limiting value, analogous to the Hayashi track for red giants and protostars, below which no hydrostatic solution for the convective envelope exists. For metal-free (Population III) opacities, this limiting temperature is approximately 4000 K. After a quasi-star reaches this limiting temperature, it is rapidly dispersed by radiation pressure. We find that black hole seeds with masses between 103 and  104 M  could form via this mechanism in less than a few Myr.  相似文献   

A parametrized model of the mass distribution within the Milky Way is fitted to the available observational constraints. The most important single parameter is the ratio of the scalelength R d* of the stellar disc to R 0. The disc and bulge dominate v c( R ) at R ≲ R 0 only for R d,*/ R 0≲0.3. Since the only knowledge we have of the halo derives from studies like the present one, we allow it to contribute to the density at all radii. When allowed this freedom, however, the halo causes changes in assumptions relating to R  ≪  R 0 to affect profoundly the structure of the best-fitting model at R  ≫  R 0. For example, changing the disc slightly from an exponential surface-density profile significantly changes the form of v c( R ) at R  ≫  R 0, where the disc makes a negligible contribution to v c. Moreover, minor changes in the constraints can cause the halo to develop a deep hole at its centre that is not physically plausible. These problems call into question the proposition that flat rotation curves arise because galaxies have physically distinct haloes rather than outwards-increasing mass-to-light ratios.   The mass distribution of the Galaxy and the relative importance of its various components will remain very uncertain until more observational data can be used to constrain mass models. Data that constrain the Galactic force field at z ≳ R and at R  >  R 0 are especially important.  相似文献   

We use high-quality optical rotation curves of nine low-luminosity disc galaxies to obtain the velocity profiles of the surrounding dark matter haloes. We find that they increase linearly with radius at least out to the edge of the stellar disc, implying that, over the entire stellar region, the density of the dark halo is about constant.
The properties of the mass structure of these haloes are similar to those found for a number of dwarf and low surface brightness galaxies, but provide a more substantial evidence of the discrepancy between the halo mass distribution predicted in the cold dark matter scenario and those actually detected around galaxies. We find that the density law proposed by Burkert reproduces the halo rotation curves, with halo central densities ( ρ 0∼1–4×10−24 g cm−3) and core radii ( r 0∼5–15 kpc) scaling as ρ 0∝ r 0−2/3.  相似文献   

We study the distribution function (DF) of dark matter particles in haloes of mass range  1014–1015 M  . In the numerical part of this work we measure the DF for a sample of relaxed haloes formed in the simulation of a standard Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) model. The DF is expressed as a function of energy E and the absolute value of the angular momentum L , a form suitable for comparison with theoretical models. By proper scaling we obtain the results that do not depend on the virial mass of the haloes. We demonstrate that the DF can be separated into energy and angular momentum components and propose a phenomenological model of the DF in the form     . This formulation involves three parameters describing the anisotropy profile in terms of its asymptotic values (β0 and  β  ) and the scale of transition between them ( L 0). The energy part   f E ( E )  is obtained via inversion of the integral for spatial density. We provide a straightforward numerical scheme for this procedure as well as a simple analytical approximation for a typical halo formed in the simulation. The DF model is extensively compared with the simulations: using the model parameters obtained from fitting the anisotropy profile, we recover the DF from the simulation as well as the profiles of the dispersion and kurtosis of radial and tangential velocities. Finally, we show that our DF model reproduces the power-law behaviour of phase-space density   Q =ρ( r )/σ3( r )  .  相似文献   

We investigate the correlation between the supermassive black holes (SMBHs) mass ( M bh) and the stellar velocity dispersion  (σ*)  in two types of host galaxies: the early-type bulges (disc galaxies with classical bulges or elliptical galaxies) and pseudo-bulges. In the form  log ( M bh/M) =α+β log (σ*/200 km s−1)  , the best-fitting results for the 39 early-type bulges are the slope  β= 4.06 ± 0.28  and the normalization  α= 8.28 ± 0.05  ; the best-fitting results for the nine pseudo-bulges are  β= 4.5 ± 1.3  and  α= 7.50 ± 0.18  . Both relations have intrinsic scatter in  log  M bh  of ≲0.27 dex. The   M bh–σ*  relation for pseudo-bulges is different from the relation in the early-type bulges over the 3σ significance level. The contrasting relations indicate the formation and growth histories of SMBHs depend on their host type. The discrepancy between the slope of the   M bh–σ*  relations using different definition of velocity dispersion vanishes in our sample, a uniform slope will constrain the coevolution theories of the SMBHs and their host galaxies more effectively. We also find the slope for the 'core' elliptical galaxies at the high-mass range of the relation appears steeper  (β≃ 5–6)  , which may be the imprint of their origin of dissipationless mergers.  相似文献   

We assess the constraints imposed by the observed extragalactic background light (EBL) on the cosmic history of star formation and the stellar-mass density today. The logarithmic slope of the galaxy number–magnitude relation from the Southern Hubble Deep Field imaging survey is flatter than 0.4 in all seven UBVIJHK optical bandpasses, i.e. the light from resolved galaxies has converged from the UV to the near-IR. We find a lower limit to the surface brightness of the optical extragalactic sky of about 15 nW m−2 sr−1, comparable to the intensity of the far-IR background from COBE data. Assuming a Salpeter initial mass function with a lower cut-off consistent with observations of M subdwarf disc stars, we set a lower limit of Ωg+s h 2>0.0013  I 50 to the visible (processed gas + stars) mass density required to generate an EBL at a level of 50  I 50 nW m−2 sr−1; our 'best-guess' value is Ωg+s h 2≈0.0031  I 50. Motivated by the recent microlensing results of the MACHO collaboration, we consider the possibility that massive dark haloes around spiral galaxies are composed of faint white dwarfs, and show that only a small fraction (≲5 per cent) of the nucleosynthetic baryons can be locked in the remnants of intermediate-mass stars forming at z F≲5, as the bright early phases of such haloes would otherwise overproduce the observed EBL.  相似文献   

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