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Spatial variability of recent lacustrine sedimentary structures and sedimentation rates are examined for Green Lake, a morphologically complex lake basin of the southern Coast Mountains, British Columbia. A dense, 100 m grid sampling scheme was used for sediment coring within the 2 km2 lake basin. Deltaic, massive, weakly laminated, and varved sediment sequences are identified within the sediment record. Spatial patterns among these sedimentary deposits are related to within‐lake sediment transfer processes, morphometric controls, and the extent of post‐depositional mixing by bioturbation. Unconformities, turbidites, and cohesive slump failure deposits, observed within the contemporary varve sequences, could all be correlated with major flooding events in the catchment area and direct anthropogenic disturbances along the shoreline. There is an overall, non‐linear decrease in sedimentation rates with increasing distance from the lake inflows; however, this pattern is disrupted in deep water sites of intervening lake sub‐basins where locally higher accumulation rates are observed. Spatial sedimentation patterns are quantitatively described by an empirically‐derived model. Systematic variations in the model parameters are observed for different lake sub‐regions and are associated with changing sediment transfer dynamics between proximal and distal sub‐basin settings. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A 487‐year annually laminated (varved) sediment record from Nicolay Lake, Cornwall Island, in the Canadian High Arctic was evaluated to determine the impact that years with high sediment yields had on sediment yields in subsequent years. All of the 40 largest years showed evidence for increased sediment yield in the subsequent 10–30 years. The positive anomalies in lagging years were approximately scaled according to the size of the initiating year, although many intermediate years (25‐ to 100‐year recurrence) showed weak or variable responses. The smallest events considered (10‐ to 25‐year recurrence) showed a consistent, but low‐amplitude response. Additionally the 10‐year events revealed frequent negative sediment yield anomalies in the preceding decade. This behaviour was interpreted as a frequent sediment activation cycle initiated by the modest year, and leading to sediment yield hysteresis lasting 15–25 years. The largest years (greater than 50‐year recurrence) showed consistently above‐average sediment yields in the preceding decade, in part due to the frequent occurrence of moderate (Q10) years. It is hypothesized that temporary storage of sediment and previous initiation of erosion sites resulted in extraordinary sediment yields during intense summer rainfall events. This study demonstrates the potential use of varved lake sediment records to improve our understanding of long‐term sediment dynamics. These records present an opportunity to further develop and test sediment dynamic and routing models to gain insight into the interaction of time and space in fluvial and sediment delivery processes. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地早更新世湖相非冰川碎屑纹泥的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪永进 《湖泊科学》1995,7(3):203-212
柴达木盆地东部三湖地区早更新世湖相沉积层中,阶段性地发育了具季节性韵律层理的钙质泥岩和泥灰岩。组构、粒度、矿物成分、氧碳同位素及沉积相等研究表明:这是一种成因上与湖水年季节性分层相关的非冰川碎屑纹泥。冬季泥质层中粘土矿物和泥晶碳酸盐矿物的混合沉积呼应于总体气候干旱背景。纹泥的发育与大幅度湖侵的同步性反映了区域构造运动对湖相纹泥形成的宏观控制;纹泥的物质组成、厚度等差异则指示了细微的环境变化。  相似文献   

Lars Nyberg 《水文研究》1996,10(1):89-103
The spatial variability of soil water content was investigated for a 6300 m2 covered catchment on the Swedish west coast. The catchment podzol soil is developed in a sandy—silty till with a mean depth of 43 cm and the dominant vegetation is Norway spruce. The acid precipitation is removed by a plastic roof and replaced with lake water irrigated under the tree canopies. On two occasions, in April and May 1993, TDR measurements were made at 57–73 points in the catchment using 15 and 30 cm long vertically installed probes. The water content pattern at the two dates, which occurred during a relatively dry period, were similar. The range of water content was large, from 5 to 60%. In May 1993 measurements also were made in areas of 10 × 10 m, 1 × 1 m and 0·2 × 0·2 m. The range and standard deviation for the 10 × 10 m area, which apart from a small-scale variability in soil hydraulic properties and fine root distribution also had a heterogeneous micro- and macro-topography, was similar to the range and standard deviation for the catchment. The 1 × 1 m and 0·2 × 0·2 m areas had considerably lower variability. Semi-variogram models for the water content had a range of influence of about 20 m. If data were paired in the east-–west direction the semi-variance reflected the topography of the central valley and had a maximum for data pairs with internal distances of 20–40 m. The correlation between soil water content and topographic index, especially when averaged for the eight topographically homogeneous subareas, indicated the macro-topography as the cause of a large part of the water content variability.  相似文献   

Modern diatom distribution patterns in the surface sediment of the Ferrol Ría and their relationship to the hydrography and diatom patterns in the water column were studied to determine the hydrographic influence on the record of these biogenic components. Diatom abundance in the water column was assessed for different oceanographic periods and compared with the biosiliceous sedimentary record. Very low abundances were found in the water column during the winter, whereas in spring and summer, diatoms proliferated. Chaetoceros spp. formed the bulk of the water column community during spring and summer, followed by Thalassionema nitzschioides and Rhizosolenia spp. Nitzschia longissima represented a significant portion of the winter assemblage, together with Paralia sulcata and benthic taxa. Leptocylindrus danicus, N. longissima and Skeletonema costatum characterized the autumn campaign, when stratification of the waters occurs, with L. danicus being especially abundant in the outer ría.Seasonal hydrographic and associated productivity patterns govern the abundance and assemblage of the diatoms preserved in surface sediments. Samples located in the inner ría area and its margins exhibited the highest abundances of diatoms, and were primarily dominated by benthic species. The freshwater group, crysophycean cysts and phytoliths were present in the landward stations influenced by river runoff. The middle ría was characterized by P. sulcata and Thalassiosira spp., with minor occurrences of the benthic and freshwater group. Chaetoceros R.S., L. danicus R.S. and T. nitzschioides typified the outer ría, an assemblage that corresponds to nutrient-rich coastal areas of high productivity influenced by oceanic waters, demonstrating the impact of oceanic waters flowing into the embayment due to enhanced tidal mixing through the narrow channel. Therefore, sediment diatom assemblages reflect diatom production patterns in the water column of the Ría. However, we must proceed with caution when interpreting the paleorecord in the inner area due to the high contribution of allochthonous taxa, which is indicative of low water depths. This paper contributes to a better understanding of diatom thanatocoenosis in the Galician Rías, where very few studies of this kind have been done to date.  相似文献   

Wildfires can profoundly alter rates, magnitudes, and ecological influences of aeolian redistribution of sediments and nutrients. This study examines the influence of fire in a semi-arid ecosystem using 2 years of continuous passive dust trap data in the northern Great Basin, USA. We analyse the mass flux, organic material content, grain size distribution, and geochemistry of the collected samples to trace the fingerprint of the 2015 Soda Fire through space and time. In areas not affected by fire, dust is characterized by silt-sized median grains, a geochemical signature consistent with a playa source area, and spatially consistent but seasonally variable dust flux rates. Following fire, dust flux increases significantly within and near the burned area. At burned and topographically sheltered sites, dust deposition in the eighth month following fire was 190% higher than dust deposition 2 years post-revegetation. Topographically exposed sites recorded only modest increases in dust deposition following fire. Analysis of organic matter indicates all dust samples (both burned and unburned) contained an average of 45% organic matter compared to a watershed average of 1.6% organic matter in soils. Geochemical and seasonal dust deposition data from 12 dust traps at a range of elevations indicate that with the removal of stabilizing vegetation after wildfire, differences in topographic position and wind direction lead to preferential redistribution of material across a burned landscape over hillslope scales (0–10 km). We posit post-fire aeolian redistribution of locally derived material to topographically controlled positions is an important control on the spatial variability of soil depth and characteristics in drylands with complex topography. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We evaluated wind as the main structuring force in driving phycoperiphyton structure, community composition and succession in a warm, polymictic shallow lake in southern Brazil. Mangueira Lake is continuously mixed due to its exposure to wind, and during cold fronts the wind changes from the dominant NE direction to a SSW direction. Our question was: could changes in wind forces induce phycoperiphyton succession and determine population structure? To answer this question, we studied the phycoperiphyton successional response to a change in wind forces under three different situations: on clean macrophyte leaves in an open site (Open) and in an enclosed site protected from the wind (Enclosure), and the Natural community growing on uncleaned macrophyte leaves in an open site. Cold fronts improved nutrient availability and changed the algal community. The phycoperiphyton natural community was dominated by Epithemia spp bound in gross masses of green filaments during cold fronts. However, the wind direction typically changes when cold fronts are over (NE-E) and wind blowing from the off-shore direction dislodged the attached algae biomass and pushed it toward to lake shore, inducing community changes. The macrophyte bank exhibited rapid colonization and acted as a refuge for phycoperiphyton, providing habitat heterogeneity, whereas the enclosure acted as a buffer against wind forces, delaying the succession derived from settlement of loosely adhered algae. Furthermore, in the enclosure, the succession only started after a strong disturbance (rain and wind > 10 m s−1) in which lake water flooded the mesocosm inducing colonization. Phycoperiphyton showed resilience and recovered rapidly after the disturbance, when the rain supplied inocula and wind favored colonization with growth forms that take advantage of local conditions, depending of wind dynamics.  相似文献   

Spatio‐temporal patterns of throughfall (TF) have often been studied under forest canopies. Few reports, however, have been made on small‐scale TF variability in deciduous forest stands. In the present research, the spatial heterogeneity and temporal stability of TF under five individual persian oak trees (Quercus brantii var. Persica) was quantified. The research site was in the Zagros forests in western Iran, where mean annual precipitation and temperature are equal to 587.2 mm and 16.9 °C, respectively. Data from 23 rainfall events were aggregated to assess the spatial correlation of TF. Variograms for TF beneath two of the five trees reached a stable sill at the range of 5–6 m. The redistribution of TF within the canopy was highly variable in time, attributable to seasonal variation in canopy foliation and meteorological factors. As the length of the sampling period increased, the spatial variability of TF decreased and the temporal stability of the TF pattern increased. Time stability plots of TF normalized with respect to mean and variance showed a moderate general persistence for all individual trees. We conclude that single trees modify the spatial distribution of TF reaching the forest floors. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

湖泊年纹层以其精确到年乃至季节尺度的高分辨率优势,成为研究古气候环境变化的重要载体.X射线荧光(XRF)岩芯扫描由于其有分辨率高、分析快速等特点,在湖泊年纹层研究中发挥了重要的作用.本文以青藏高原东南缘新路海年纹层为研究对象,采用X射线荧光(XRF)岩芯扫描,对新路海湖泊纹层计年、纹层形成机理及古气候重建进行了研究.结果表明:利用X射线图像明暗层、Rad峰值、Zr和Fe元素峰值标记法获得的年代序列基本一致,并且与独立的放射性测年(210Pb/137Cs)结果吻合,证实了上述各种纹层计年方法的可行性和可靠性.新路海年纹层层偶是由粗颗粒碎屑层和细颗粒碎屑层交互组成的,较厚且Zr和Si元素高的粗颗粒层形成于春、夏季,而较薄且Fe元素含量高的细颗粒层形成于秋、冬季.纹层的厚度能够指示西南季风降水量的大小,近100年以来新路海纹层厚度反映的西南季风演化,与利用昆明地区历史文献重建的湿度记录(干旱/洪水指数)、树轮δ18O重建的尼泊尔喜马拉雅地区的季风降水基本一致.近100年来新路海的纹层厚度具有7~8、4~5和2年的周期,表明新路...  相似文献   

Salt-loaded effluents were introduced into the river Wipper during the mining period for almost a century. Beginning with the year 1990, the waste water load was strongly reduced due to the termination of the potash industry. Prior to 1990, monthly means of the chloride concentrations at times exceeded 6,000 mg l−1 in the strongly polluted sections. Maximum concentrations reached twice these values. Up to 1998, mean annual chloride concentrations decreased to values below 2,000 mg l−1. This led to more balanced fluctuations in salinity which had been pronounced before, depending on discharge and short-term changes in production. Similarly, the physiologically adverse ion conditions improved due to decrasing potassium and increasing calcium proportions.

In 1963/64, 1986 and 1998, samples of epilithic, epiphytic and epipsammic diatoms were taken at locations of different salinities along the river and examined for the effects of the salinization on the structure of the diatom assemblages. These structures changed in dependence on salinity. Increasing salt concentrations coincided with decreasing oligohalophilic and increasing mesohalophilic and polyhalophilic species numbers. Above a chloride concentration of about 3,000 mg l−1, the proportion of the latter exceed that of the former (halobion index > 50). Corresponding to different conditions of salinization along the river, characteristic diatom assemblages occur differring from each other and which are specific for the river section. Spring and autumn aspects of the diatom assemblages show also salt-dependent differences. The assemblages found in 1998 after decrease of salinization have changed markedly in comparison to those from 1963/64 and 1986. Halobiontic species predominating formerly occurred only occasionally or not at all. They were replaced by oligohalobic-indifferent forms.

An ecological assessment of the changes was performed based on the halobion index calculated from all the samples. For the strongly salinized section of the river Wipper, a shift from -mesohalobic/polyhalobic conditions in 1963/64 and 1986 to -oligohalobic/β-mesohalobic conditions in 1998 was found. However, constant -oligohalobic conditions are still not given. With regard to the transition from -oligohalobic (limnetic) to β-mesohalobic (brackish) conditions, a maximum chloride concentration of 600 mg l−1 was found. To guarantee -oligohalobic conditions, a maximum chloride concentration of 400 mg l−1 should not be exceeded.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the spatial and temporal variability of the hydrological response in a small Mediterranean catchment (Cal Rodó). The first part of the analysis focuses on the rainfall–runoff relationship at seasonal and monthly scale, using an 8‐year data set. Then, using storm‐flow volume and coefficient, the temporal variability of the rainfall–runoff relationship and its relationship with several hydrological variables are analysed at the event scale from hydrographs observed over a 3‐year period. Finally, the spatial non‐linearity of the hydrological response is examined by comparing the Cal Rodó hydrological response with the Can Vila sub‐catchment response at the event scale. Results show that, on a seasonal and monthly scale, there is no simple relationship between rainfall and runoff depths, and that evapotranspiration is a factor that introduced some non‐linearity in the rainfall–runoff relationship. The analysis of monthly values also reveals the existence of a threshold in the relationship between rainfall and runoff depths, denoting a more contrasted hydrological response than the one usually observed in humid catchments. At the event scale, the storm‐flow coefficient has a clear seasonal pattern with an alternance between a wet period, when the catchment is hydrologically responsive, and a dry summer period, when the catchment is much less reactive to any rainfall. The relationship between the storm‐flow coefficient and rainfall depth, rainfall maximum intensity and base‐flow shows that observed correlations are the same as those observed for humid conditions, even if correlation coefficients are notably lower. Comparison with the Can Vila sub‐catchment highlights the spatial heterogeneity of the rainfall‐runoff relationship at the small catchment scale. Although interpretation in terms of runoff processes remains delicate, heterogeneities between the two catchments seem to be related to changes in the ratio between infiltration excess and saturation processes in runoff formation. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The mechanisms which controls the fixation and/or release of P in sediment of an extremely acidic lake(pH = 2.0 to 3.0) and its response to the influence of eutrophic urban waste water were investigated.The results,in the chemical composition,in the mineralogy of the sediment and in the material as obtained from sediment traps,show that the lake sediments are mainly volcanic material reflecting volcanic features of the basin.The sedimentation rate calculated for the lake(2.5×10-2 mg m-2 day-1) was higher than that observed in other similar glacial lakes in both Andean Patagonia and also elsewhere in the world.The Total Phosphorus concentration in sediments was higher than figures reported by other authors for mining acid lakes,and the main fraction of P was found associated with organic matter.There was no control by Fe or Al on P,because both are in solution at pH < 3.0.It was concluded that changes in the natural input of nutrients(derivatives of Copahue volcano fluid,the discharge of sewage,or basin run-off) are responsible for a high concentration of SRP and N-NH4+ in the lake.Laboratory experiments showed that sediments have no ability to retain phosphorus and a continuous release of P from the sediments into the water column was observed.The assays where the pH was artificially increased showed that the P still remains in solution until at least pH 7.0.It was concluded that changes in the natural input of nutrients due to:1) the volcanic fluids,2) the increase in sewage charges,or 3) surface runoff upstream,maintain a high trophic state with high concentrations of dissolved P and N-NH4+,although the threshold of neutral pH in the lake is exceeded.This study will enable a better understanding about of the mechanism of release/fixation of phosphorus in acidic sediments in order to assist in making decisions regarding the conservation and management of this natural environment.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation of microbial biomass and activity in the surface sediments (0–10 cm) of the shallow, eutrophic Lake Vallentunasjön was followed during one year. OverwinteringMicrocystis colonies dominated the microbial community during all seasons, constituting 60–90% of the total microbial biomass. Expressed on an areal basis, the benthic biomass was, throughout the year, larger than or similar to the planktonic biomass during the peak of the summer bloom, indicating an ability of the colonies to survive in the sediments for extended periods. Abundance of other, non-photosynthetic bacteria varied in the range 3.0–15.5 · 1010 cells g–1 d. w. over the year with minimum values in summer and maximum values in autumn in connection with the sedimentation of theMicrocystis bloom. A substantial part of the non-photosynthetic bacteria, up to circa 40%, was associated with the mucilage of healthyMicrocystis colonies. Bacterial production (3H-thymidine incorporation) appeared to be strongly temperature dependent and less influenced by the seasonal sedimentation pattern. Our data indicate an increasing proportion of non-growing cells in autumn and winter. Biomass-bound phosphorus constituted a significant portion, circa 10%, of the phosphorus content in Lake Vallentunasjön sediments. This pool has normally been overlooked in studies on phosphorus dynamics in lake sediments. Different mechanisms whereby organic phosphorus can be released from the sediments are discussed.  相似文献   

This study addresses the spatial variations in water quality along the River Vène (France). The Vène drains a 67 km2 rural basin, with a large karstic area, located in a Mediterranean context. A 1 day sampling campaign was conducted along the river, in winter low‐flow conditions (February 2003). Physico‐chemical parameters and water flow discharge were measured in situ during the sampling campaign. Water quality was evaluated by determining the concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in water and bed‐sediment samples. Nitrogen and phosphorus loads were evaluated taking into account the measured concentrations and discharge. The campaign included 18 sampling points and concerned the whole river from the spring to the outlet, plus the main inputs, i.e. sewage treatment works, main tributaries and karstic springs. The spatial evolution of nitrogen and phosphorus loads along the river allowed the significant role of point‐source inputs to be demonstrated. The decrease in nutrient loads along the river occurred mainly in specific reaches where fine sediments had accumulated. In these zones, phosphorus is trapped in the bed sediments in calcium‐bound phosphates due to precipitation processes. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Bacterioplankton play critical roles in biogeochemical cycling. Although spatial and temporal variations in bacterioplankton community compositions (BCCs) within individual habitat have been reported, knowledge gaps remain for studies conducted within different habitats. In this work, we examined the seasonal and spatial variability of BCCs in Nanfei River and Lake Chaohu which had significant environmental heterogeneity using a high-throughput sequencing technique of 16S rRNA gene amplicons. The results showed that spatial variation has a more obvious impact on the BCCs than seasonal changes. The microbial diversity gradually decreased and BCCs changed obviously along water flow direction from Nanfei River to the western and estern parts of Lake Chaohu over all seasons. LEfSe analysis showed that Nanfei River had higer abundance of species belonging to the orders Rhodocyclales, Methylococcales, Campylobacterales and Flavobacteriales, samples from eastern part of Lake Chaohu were abundant in taxonomies including the order Rickettsiales, while the western part had high abundance of taxonomies belonging to the order Chroococcales. The redundancy analysis (RDA) indicated that BCCs in Nanfei River were associated with high nutrient (TP, PO4-P, TN, NH3-N, NO2-N and NO3-N) concentrations and electrical conductivity. Variance partitioning RDA analysis indicated that the combined effects of all variables may be most important affecting BCCs. This study may provide a framework for modeling the change in bacterioplankton communities through different habitats from a river to lake.  相似文献   

湖泊沉积物中S、C及其比值的环境意义   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文以浅淡水湖固城湖和微咸水湖岱海为例,研究沉积物中有面碳,总硫和其比值(OC/TS)的垂向分布规律及其沉积环境(沉积时期的气候冷暖及干湿变化等),古盐度及环境污染等方面的意义,固城湖沉积物的氧化还原交界面(5cm深处)上硫高碳低,OC/TS突然变小,岱海在高水位年代OC/TS增高,低水位年则降低,分别属于冷湿和冷干气候条件下的沉积特征,论证了OC/TS指标从海洋沉积研究移植到湖泊沉积研究的可用性及其应用前景。  相似文献   

Identification of greigite in lake sediments and its magnetic significance   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
Detailed rock magnetic investigations and mineralogical analysis were conducted on lacustrine sediments recovered from Zoigê Basin, eastern Tibetan Plateau. Greigite, with fine and homogenous grain size, is found as a main magnetic carrier, which is suspected to be of biochemical origin. In contrast to some reports, greigite within the sediments is not oxidized even after exposure to air for a few years, which could be due to the fact that greigite is sealed by silicate.  相似文献   

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