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A 235.5 km2 headwater catchment of the Krishna River in the Deccan plateau lavas is dry for eight months of the year but receives intense monsoonal rains during four months. High initial suspended sediment concentrations fall as rapid vegetation growth provides increasing protection. During a six-year period annual suspended sediment yields from the deeply weathered kaolinitic soils ranged between 36.9 and 275.3 t km?2 in dry and wet years respectively.  相似文献   

Intense rainfall in November 1984 caused several slope failures on the steep slopes of the Ochil Hills. Each failure was of soil and till, no more than 2 m thick over bedrock, in a steep bowl. From 30–350 m3 of sediment was removed. Failure seems to have been by shallow sliding triggered by saturation, but each slide became a debris flow, the largest one (Menstrie) filling a house with mud which was at twice the liquid limit two days after the event. The storm which caused the failures had an estimated recurrence interval of 50 years but the frequency of heavy rain is increasing and similar failures occurred nearby the following year.  相似文献   

In contrast to much previous research on blanket peat moorland, which has concentrated upon studies of the form and causes of gully erosion, this paper attempts to investigate sediment transport and to estimate both short-term and long-term sediment yields in such terrain. The research was conducted on Wessenden Head Moor to the west of Huddersfield, Yorkshire, where automatic stream sampling continued over a period of two years. Use of corrected rating curves (Ferguson, 1988) provided a mean estimate of sediment yield over this period of 55 t km?2 yr?1. In addition an estimate of longer-term sediment yield was derived from four reservoir sediment surveys in the Wessenden Valley. Total yield was 203.69 t km?2 yr?1, including an organic fraction of 38.82 t km ?2 yr?1. Stream sampling at three sites on Shiny Brook, including headwaters and the outflow to the reservoir, suggested that there is great temporal and spatial variability in mineral and organic inputs to the reservoirs. Although not excessive in gravimetric terms, the low density of peat means that there is a serious erosion problem. Estimates of erosion rates for the peat gully network at Shiny Brook appear to confirm earlier evidence concerning the relatively recent occurrence of this erosion, within the last two centuries.  相似文献   

泥沙问题是三峡工程建设与运行中的关键技术问题之一,只有妥善处理好泥沙问题,才能保证三峡工程长期有效使用,维持水库功能的全面发挥。本文首先结合实测水文、河道地形观测资料,对三峡水库运行近20年来的泥沙淤积特性及水库排沙比进行了较为全面的分析研究,并与已有研究成果进行了对比;其次,围绕防洪、航运以及坝前段的泥沙淤积等方面,进一步分析了水库淤积产生的影响。结果表明:三峡水库蓄水以来,在不考虑区间来沙的情况下,三峡水库共淤积泥沙20.484亿t,近似年均淤积1.102亿t,水库排沙比为23.6%,水库年均淤积量为原论证预测值的33%。其中,库区干流段累计淤积泥沙17.835亿m3(变动回水区冲刷0.694亿m3;常年回水区淤积18.529亿m3),淤积在水库防洪库容内的泥沙为1.648亿m3(干、支流分别淤积1.517亿m3和0.131亿m3),占水库防洪库容的0.74%,“十一五”攻关阶段研究得出的多年平均淤积量及排沙比较实测值均偏大,变动回水区冲淤则出现反向的...  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to explore the contribution of living phytoplankton carbon to vertical fluxes in a coastal upwelling system as a key piece to understand the coupling between primary production in the photic layer and the transfer mechanisms of the organic material from the photic zone. Between April 2004 and January 2005, five campaigns were carried out in the Ría de Vigo (NW Iberian Peninsula) covering the most representative oceanographic conditions for this region. Measurements of particulate organic carbon (POC), chlorophyll-a (chl a), phaeopigments (phaeo), and identification of phytoplankton species were performed on the water column samples and on the organic material collected in sediment traps.The POC fluxes measured by the sediment traps presented no seasonal variation along the studied period ranging around a mean annual value of 1085±365 mg m−2 d−1, in the upper range of the previously reported values for other coastal systems. The fact that higher POC fluxes were registered during autumn and winter, when primary production rates were at their minimum levels points to a dominant contribution of organic carbon from resuspended sediments on the trap collected material. On the contrary, fluxes of living phytoplankton carbon (Cphyto) and chl a clearly presented a seasonal trend with maximum values during summer upwelling (546 mg m−2 d−1 and 22 mg chl m−2 d−1, respectively) and minimum values during winter (22 mg m−2 d−1 and 0.1 mg chl m−2 d−1, respectively). The contribution of Cphyto to the vertical flux of POC ranged between 2% and 49% in response to the pelagic phytoplankton community structure. Higher values of Cphyto fluxes were registered under upwelling conditions which favour the dominance of large chain-forming diatoms (Asterionellopsis glacialis and Detonula pumila) that were rapidly transferred to the sediments. By contrast, Cphyto fluxes decreased during the summer stratification associated with a pelagic phytoplankton community dominated by single-cell diatoms and flagellates. Minimal Cphyto fluxes were observed during the winter mixing conditions, when the presence of the benthic specie Paralia sulcata in the water column also points toward strong sediment resuspension.  相似文献   

Soil loss, fluvial erosion, and sedimentation are major problems in semi‐arid environments due to the high associated costs of decreasing services such as provisioning and regulating water resources. The objective of this research is to analyse sediment yield in a mountainous semi‐arid basin, paying special attention to the sources of sediment, the associated uncertainties, and the transport processes involved. The segregation hypothesis along a reservoir of the sediment coming from hillslopes or fluvial systems is also evaluated. For this purpose, bottom‐set and deltaic deposits of a reservoir (110 hm3 ) in southern Spain have been measured and compared with basin erosion and fluvial transport monitoring over a 12‐year period. The volume of sediment stored at the bottomset of the reservoir shows a relative match with parametric predictions based on the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation/Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation hillslope models and rating curves, estimated as being between 7 and 13 t·ha?1·year?1. Similarly, the measured volume of deltaic deposit fits the average value of stochastic simulations from different bedload transport equations. These contributions represent 50–65% of the total volume measured regarding suspended sediment inputs, way above that described in previous works. This highlights the importance of considering bedload when estimating the useful life of reservoirs in semi‐arid environments. The major differences in sediment grain size between hillslopes and river systems, and the size fractions measured along the reservoir, support the assertion of segregation hypothesis. Nonetheless, based on the processes observed and the uncertainty related to modelling, that assertion has to be taken with caution. At basin scale, a specific sediment yield of between 19 and 24 t·ha?1·year?1 has been estimated, which includes hillslopes and fluvial contributions. This rate is in the range of sediment yield reported for Mediterranean mountain areas of a torrential character. The pulse‐like nature of the system and the spatial heterogeneity of fluvial and hillslope erosion rates points out the importance of considering mid to long‐term and process‐based approaches and emphasizes the limitations of annual estimations for management purposes.  相似文献   


Soil erosion vulnerability and extreme rainfall characteristics over the Mediterranean semi-arid region of Tunisia are crucial input for estimation of siltation rate in artificial reservoirs. A comprehensive high-resolution database on erosive rainfall, together with siltation records for 28 small reservoirs, were analysed for this region, the Tunisian Dorsal (the easternmost part of the Atlas Mountains). The general life-span of these reservoirs is only about 14 years. Depending on the soil degradation in the different catchments, the corresponding reservoirs display a wide range of soil erosion rates. The average soil loss was 14.5 t ha?1 year?1 but some catchments display values of up to 36.4 t ha?1 year?1. The maximum 15-min duration rainfall intensity was used to determine the spatial distribution of rainfall erosivity. The northwestern parts of the Tunisian Dorsal display the most extreme rainfall erosivity. Spatial erosion patterns are to some extent similar; however, they vary greatly according to their location in the “soil degradation cycle”. This cycle determines the soil particle delivery potential of the catchment. In general, the northwestern parts of the Dorsal display modest soil erosion patterns due to the already severely degraded soil structure. Here, the soil surface is often the original bedrock. However, the greatest soil erosion occurs in the mid-eastern parts of the Dorsal, which represents the “degradation front”. The latter corresponds to the area with highest erosion, which is continuously progressing westward in the Dorsal. The large variation between the erosive rainfall events and the annual soil loss rates was explained by two important factors. The first relates to the soil degradation cycle. The second factor corresponds to the degradation front with the highest soil loss rates. At present this front is located at 300 m altitude and appears to be moving along an 80-km westward path starting from the east coast. A better understanding of the above can be used to better manage soils and soil covers in the Tunisian Dorsal area and, eventually, to decrease the soil erosion and reservoir siltation risk.

Citation Jebari, S., Berndtsson, R., Bahri, A. & Boufaroua, M. (2010) Spatial soil loss risk and reservoir siltation in semi-arid Tunisia. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(1), 121–137.  相似文献   

During the operations of purging and disposal of sediments of a reservoir it is necessary to know the values of turbidity in the river downstream in natural condition,in the absence of dams or river training works.The paper shows that under these conditions the ratio of the average values of sediment discharge to the annual maximum value of water discharge is a function of the average annual turbidity.Turbidity can be considered as representative synthetic index of the climatic conditions,the lithological features and the land cover of the basin,and the geometric characteristics of the river network.The proposed relationship of sediment discharge as a function of water discharge were validated on the basis of data collected from different Italian regions that have very different morphological,geo-lithological and rainfall features and that are characterised by a basin area changing between a few dozen and thousands of square kilometres.The results can be considered satisfying.  相似文献   

Sediment load reduction in Chinese rivers   总被引:9,自引:9,他引:9  
In this paper, the changes in the annual runoff and sediment transport have been assessed by using the long term observation data from 10 gauging stations on 10 large rivers across China from far north to far south. It is found that the annual sediment yield has generally had a decreasing trend in the past half century. According to the changes in annual runoff and the sediment yield per area, rivers in China can be classified into the following three groups: 1) rivers with decreasing annual sediment transport and stable runoff; 2) rivers with both decreasing annual sediment transport and runoff and 3) rivers with greatly reduced annual sediment transport and decreasing annual runoff. The results indicate that, in all southern rivers (to the south of the Huaihe River including the Huaihe River), there has been little change in average annual runoff but a dramatic decrease in annual sediment transport. In the northern rivers, however, both the annual sediment yield and the runoff show significant evidence of reduction. To further investigate the recent changes in annual runoff and sediment transport, the short-term observation data from these 10 gauging stations in the recent 10 years have been assessed. Results show that both the annual sediment transport and the runoff have decreased" significantly in the northern rivers in the past 10 years. Using the Yellow River at the Lijin Station as an example, the average annual runoff for the last 10 years is only 1/3 of the long term average value and the average annual sediment yield of the last 10 years is only 1/4 of the long term average value. More unusually, in the Yongding River the annual sediment yield has approached zero and the runoff has decreased significantly. In addition, the impacts of human activities on the changes in both runoff and sediment transport have been discussed.  相似文献   

Sediment production, transport and yield were quantified over various timescales in response to rainfall and runoff within an alluvial gully (7 · 8 ha), which erodes into dispersible sodic soils of a small floodplain catchment (33 ha) along the Mitchell River, northern Australia. Historical air photographs and recent global positioning system (GPS) surveys and LiDAR data documented linear increases in gully area and volume, indicating that sediment supply has been relatively consistent over the historic period. Daily time lapse photography of scarp retreat rates and internal erosion processes also demonstrated that erosion from rainfall and runoff consistently supplied fine washload (< 63 µm) sediment in addition to coarse lags of sand bed material. Empirical measurements of suspended sediment concentrations (10 000 to >100 000 mg/L) and sediment yields (89 to 363 t/ha/yr) were high for both Australian and world data. Total sediment yield estimated from empirical washload and theoretical bed material load was dominated by fine washload (< 63 µm). A lack of hysteresis in suspended sediment rating curves, scarp retreat and sediment yield correlated to rainfall input, and an equilibrium channel outlet slope supported the hypothesis that partially or fully transport‐limited conditions predominated along the alluvial gully outlet channel. This is in contrast to sediment supply‐limited conditions on uneroded floodplains above gully head scarps. While empirical data presented here can support future modelling efforts to predict suspended sediment concentration and yield under the transport limiting situations, additional field data will also be needed to better quantify sediment erosion and transport rates and processes in alluvial gullies at a variety of spatial and temporal scales. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Gould–Dincer suite of techniques (normal, log-normal and Gamma), which is used to estimate the reservoir capacity–yield–reliability (S–Y–R) relationship, is the only known available procedure in the form of a simple formula, based on annual streamflow statistics, that allows one to compute the S–Y–R relationship for a single storage capacity across the range of annual streamflow characteristics observed globally. Several other techniques are available but they are inadequate because of the restricted range of flows on which they were developed or because they are based on the Sequent Peak Algorithm or are not suitable to compute steady-state reliability values. This paper examines the theoretical basis of the Gould–Dincer approach and applies the three models to annual streamflow data for 729 rivers distributed world-wide. The reservoir capacities estimated by the models are compared with equivalent estimates based on the Extended Deficit Analysis, Behaviour analysis and the Sequent Peak Algorithm. The results suggest that, in the context of preliminary water resources planning, the Gould–Dincer Gamma model provides reliable estimates of the mean first passage time from a full to empty condition for single reservoirs. Furthermore, the storage estimates are equivalent to deficits computed using the Extended Deficit Analysis for values of drift between 0.4 and 1.0 and the values are consistent with those computed using a Behaviour simulation or a Sequent Peak Algorithm. Finally, a sensitivity analysis of the effect on storage of the four main streamflow statistics confirms that the influential ones are mean and standard deviation, while effects of skew and serial correlation are orders of magnitude lower. This finding suggests that the simple reduced form of the Gould–Dincer equation may profitably be used for regional studies of reservoir reliability subject to climate change scenarios based on regional statistics, without having to perform calculations based on time series, which may not be easily obtained.  相似文献   

Coastal erosion that is generated by the reduction of the annual sediment yield at river outlets, due to the construction of reservoirs, constitutes one of the main environmental problems in many parts of the world. Nestos is one of the most important boundary rivers, flowing through Bulgaria and Greece, characterized by its great biodiversity. In the Greek part of the river, two reservoirs, the Thisavros Reservoir and the Platanovrysi Reservoir, have already been constructed and started operating in 1997 and 1999, respectively. The present paper constitutes the first attempt where the assessment of reservoir sedimentation effect on the coastal erosion for the case of the Nestos River delta and the adjacent shorelines is addressed in detail, through mathematical modeling, modem remote sensing techniques and field surveying. It is found that the construction and operation of the considered reservoirs have caused a dramatic decrease (about 83%) in the sediments supplied directly to the basin outlet and indirectly to the neighbouring coast and that this fact has almost inversed the erosion/accretion balance in the deltaic as well as the adjacent shorelines. Before the construction of the reservoirs, accretion predominated erosion by 25.36%, while just within five years after the construction of the reservoirs, erosion predominates accretion by 21.26%.  相似文献   

Annual and monthly streamflows for 729 rivers from a global data set are used to assess the adequacy of five techniques to estimate the relationship between reservoir capacity, target draft (or yield) and reliability of supply. The techniques examined are extended deficit analysis (EDA), behaviour analysis, sequent peak algorithm (SPA), Vogel and Stedinger empirical (lognormal) method and Phien empirical (Gamma) method. In addition, a technique to adjust SPA using annual flows to account for within-year variations is assessed. Of our nine conclusions the key ones are, firstly, EDA is a useful procedure to estimate streamflow deficits and, hence, reservoir capacity for a given reliability of supply. Secondly, the behaviour method is suitable to estimate storage but has limitations if an annual time step is adopted. Thirdly, in contrast to EDA and behaviour which are based on time series of flows, if only annual statistics are available, the Vogel and Stedinger empirical method compares favorably with more detailed simulation approaches.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study was to compute a detailed budget for a small semiarid tropical drainage basin in Kenya. Results indicated that transfer of sediments (‘inputs’) from primary source areas was minor in comparison to changes in storage. The major sediment source area within the Katiorin drainage basin was the colluvial hillslope zone. The net change in storage within this zone was approximately 2100 Mg yr?1. Surface wash and rilling were the dominant transport processes responsible for the remobilization of colluvial sediments. Sediment storage within the in-channel reservoir increased by 60 Mg yr?1, which was minor when compared to the total store of sediment in this reservoir. During 1986, the channel network stored only a small fraction ( < 3 per cent) of the sediment delivered from the hillslope subsystem. Therefore, the in-channel reservoir had limited influence on sediment conveyance to the basin outlet. These data indicate that a static equilibrium condition cannot be assumed within the Katiorin drainage basin. Such an assumption would result in erosion estimates of approximately 5.5 mm yr?1 for the entire basin (based on a sediment output of 7430 Mg km?2 yr?1 and a measured bulk density of 1.35 Mg m?3). However, this masked the actual rates of 1.2 to 7.1 mm yr?1 in subbasin primary source areas, and rates of 0.6 to 17 mm yr?1 for colluvial material in the various subbasins. The extreme accelerated erosion rates resulted from minimal ground vegetation, steep slopes, soil crust formation, an erodible substrate, and a well-integrated drainage network for rapid conveyance of sediments from the hillslope subsystem to the basin outlet.  相似文献   

The content of 19 metals(chromium,cobalt,nickel,strontium,arsenic,magnesium,barium,cesium,gallium,rubidium,uranium,vanadium,zinc,lead,copper,cadmium,iron,manganese,and aluminum) in sediment in three ephemeral streams(Nahal Sansana,Nahal Revivim and Nahal Pura) with reservoirs in the Negev Desert is studied herein.The study was done in September 2016.The samples were collected from the surface layer of sediment(up to 10 cm) in the reservoirs and in the channels upstream and downstream of the reservoirs.Silt,which on average,accounted for 72% dominated in the sediment.In the spatial distribution of the particle size,sand and gravel fractions were deposited in the reservoirs.Aluminum,iron,and magnesium accounted for 99% of all analyzed metals.The Principal Component Analysis(PCA) and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis(HCA) showed that sediment in the Negev Desert channel upstream of the reservoirs had similar concentrations of metals.Similarities were also found between the analyzed reservoirs.The bottom sediment in reservoirs had higher concentrations of metals than sediment upstream and downstream of the reservoirs.The comparison of concentrations in upstream and downstream locations did not show any unambiguous trends because metal concentrations downstream from the reservoirs were not always lower than upstream of the reservoirs.The analysis of the sediment enrichment factor(EF) showed the highest value in the reservoirs and the lowest downstream of the reservoirs.The concentrations of most analyzed metals did not indicate the possibility of potential ecological risk(SQG).  相似文献   

Geochemical analysis of surface sediment samples collected in 2005 and 2006 was used to evaluate the potential sources of the organic matter present in sediments of southeast Poland's Solina Reservoir.Statistical analysis of sediment variables(carbon to nitrogen ratio, and the carbon 13 and nitrogen 15 isotope ratios) determined for the organic fraction indicated significant spatial variability with respect to sources of organic matter. A binary mixing model was developed from literature sources to predict the relative contributions of allochthonous and autochthonous production to sediment organic matter.Autochthonous production was shown to account for 60-75% of bulk sedimentation in the lacustrine parts of the reservoir, near the dam. In contrast, autochthonous production accounted for only 25% of sedimentation in the riverine zone receiving stream inputs. Statistical analysis identified the δ~(15)N of organic matter as the best predictor of the source of organic matter. Multiple regression analysis indicated that two water-quality variables(nitrate and dissolved silica) were significantly related to the δ~(15)N signature of organic matter. This led to a conclusion that limnetic nitrate and dissolved silica concentrations were regulating organic matter production in the Solina Reservoir.  相似文献   


The drawdown of Crombie Reservoir in November 2001 afforded the opportunity to examine the exposed sediments trapped since impoundment in 1868. Direct measurements of infill depth enabled an isopachyte map to be produced. Gravimetric conversion using measured bulk densities and a trap efficiency term indicated a long-term catchment sediment yield of 59.1 t km?2 year?1. Core stratigraphy analysis indicated that sediments were dark brown/black cohesive silty-muds with multiple sandy sub-units, representing a combination of discrete flood events and previous drawdown surfaces. Dating, constrained by mineral magnetic and 137Cs analysis, indicated that sedimentation rates have varied from 0.2 to 0.8 g cm?2 year?1, corresponding to a four-fold variation in catchment sediment yield (approximately 20–93 t km?2 year?1), most likely controlled by extensive conversion of moorland to woodland, and post-World War II agricultural expansion. The Crombie investigation is combined with other reservoir sedimentation surveys within the Midland Valley of Scotland. Area-specific sediment yields (t km?2 year?1) evidence a weak, though statistically significant (p > 0.05), positive correlation with catchment area (km2). The increase in area-specific yield with catchment area contradicts the decline, which is generally expected, and is taken to reflect the significance of channel erosion within water supply basins featuring mainly natural and semi-natural vegetation cover and low-intensity land management practices. With stable slopes channel erosion dominates and area-specific sediment yield increases downstream due to greater entrainment and transport potential. The high degree of scatter in the Midland Valley database reflects significant variations in the extent of land-use change and the local importance of agricultural improvements and afforestation practices.  相似文献   

This paper investigates temporal variations in fluxes of peat and other sediment in the catchment of March Haigh Reservoir, West Yorkshire. Long‐term estimates of sediment yield were derived from a study of reservoir sediments. Magnetic properties were used to correlate ten cores to a master profile dated using 210Pb and 137Cs. A 14C date suggests that most of the organic component of the sediment is allochthonous and derived from peat eroded from the catchment. Organic sediment yields suggest low catchment erosion rates between 1838 and 1963. Blanket peat erosion increased significantly after 1963, and peaked between 1976 and 1984. Estimates of total sediment yield range between 2 and 28 t km?2 a?1. These yields are significantly lower than those from some previous studies examining reservoir sedimentation in other blanket peat‐covered catchments. The low yield estimates may be due to relatively low rates of erosion in the basin, but may also be partly explained by maintenance of silt traps during the early life of the reservoir and removal of sediment by scouring. Sedimentation within the reservoir is spatially variable, and bathymetry and sediment source appear to be the dominant controls on sedimentation patterns within the reservoir. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Estimation of specific yield (Sy) of an aquifer is of great importance in water resource management. In this study, an experimental drainage method was developed to determine specific yield of an alluvial aquifer of the Platte River valley, Nebraska, USA. Sets of sediment cores with continuous interval depth were collected to plastic tubes using the direct push technique and then taken to the laboratory. During the Sy experiment, those sediment cores were re-saturated by placing them vertically in a large water tank. Sy was determined by the water drained from the sediments by force of gravity in a bracket. Our results show that the values of Sy varied largely with depth at each site and the variability for Sy with interval depth between the test sites is also observed. This spatial heterogeneity in Sy might result from the variation of grain size, grain shape, sorting and compaction of sediments in different cores with interval depth. The Sy for all sediment cores ranged from 0.01 to 0.18 and the mean value was 0.08±0.04. Our drainage method can functionally preserve the sedimentary structures in their original state and it is easier to experiment at a lower expense.  相似文献   

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