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The difficulties arisen in an assimilation pond, as it is called, after 17 years of operation were solved by a stabilization system for the purification of effluents and utilization for fish breeding. It consists of two basins (0.56 and 1.04 ha) and a fish pond (15.58 ha) to which water can flow from a brook by-passing the system. When the stabilization system had worked for 6 years, it was proved that in the case of the average daily intake of milk of 93,846…118,134 litres, effluents flowing out of the dairy plant amounted to 205.28…228.53 m3, on average. The BOD5 of effluents ranged from 201.33 to 261.73 kg/d and the total solids ranged from 95.5 to 139.3 kg/d on average. The average daily outflow from the pond amounted to 394.7…1567.0 m3 of water with 4.1…23.8 kg of BOD5 and with 29.3…112.4 kg of total solids. The average decrease of the main nutrients and extractable substances ranged from 62.8% (Ca2+) to 100% (NO?3). Only the BOD5 value at the end of the growing season in 1984 (8.4…10.3 mg/l) exceeded three times the standards for the admissible pollution of the receiving stream.  相似文献   

The effluent from biological treatment plants of cane sugar factories undergoes a final purification in laboratory models with a Chlorella culture at volume loads of 76… 325 mg/l. d BOD5 or 121… 555 mg/l-d COD. The coefficient of removal on the basis of BOD5 is found to be linearly negatively correlated with the retention time, but independent of the substrate concentration and composition as well as of the pre-treatment of the wastewaters (aerobic or anaerobic). A dimensioning on the basis of the COD is not possible because of the high phytoplankton content in the effluent of the ponds.  相似文献   

The most important measure is that the freshwater demand of 0.5 m3 per t beet processing is strictly kept to or fallen below, to which a catalogue of measures with ten points is presented. The wastewaters which cannot be used again have to be stored prior to the final purification in order to compensate for quantities and concentrations, aerated storage ponds being successful for small sugar factories as the purification technology. For this, three cases are described as examples: supplementary equipment of two anaerobic ponds with a rod-roll aeration, by which within two months (May to July) the BOD3 is reduced from 1,200 to 11 mg/l. The aeration of a pond of 12.5 ha (370,000 … 500,000 m3) by means of a centrifugal aerator (45 kW) does not lead to completely aerobic conditions: Accumulation up to 350 t BOD5, 200 t organic acids at a reduction of 100 t sulphate, 45 t of which being converted via sulphides by photoautotrophic sulphur bacteria. This combination of anaerobic and aerobic processes is very economical. At aeration with ca. 1 W/m3 in the third case in summer there are achieved wastewater loads which are of a receiving-water quality.  相似文献   

It is proposed to evaluate two theoretical characteristics, i.e., BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) and k 0 (the coefficient of oxidation rate by new formulas based on two experimental variables: BOD T and BOD2T (biochemical oxygen consumption in two periods T and 2T day, respectively). The formulation and an analytical solution are given for a direct problem describing the process of biochemical oxidation of organic matter (OM) in a water volume in the absence of aeration (e.g., in a water body under ice or in a sealed flask used to measure biochemical oxygen consumption). The problem is solved based on the closed (modified) Streeter–Phelps system. Unlike the classical Streeter–Phelps system, the closed system excludes physically incorrect solutions (e.g., negative concentrations of dissolved oxygen (DO)) [4]. The solution of the direct problem is used to formulate an inverse problem, whose solution is given in the form of formulas for evaluating BOD and k 0. These formulas are used to compile tables to illustrate the essence of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Summary The BOD5 test is discussed with particular reference to its evaluation for assessing strong organic effluents. It is pointed out that due to the non-linear relationship between BOD as determined in diluted samples and the dilutions applied, the calculation upon which the results are based may give rise to considerable errors. Some physiological principles underlying these facts are discussed and it is recommended that the BOD test be replaced by enzymatic methods wherever applicable. The advantage of the latter ones is that the experiments can be conducted on the undiluted sample and at such dilutions as are required for practical purposes of water and effluent control and that no long-incubation periods are required.   相似文献   

A method for the chromatographic analysis of small amounts of phthalates in water was developed. The reaction conditions for the quantitative alkaline hydrolysis of phthalates in water samples to corresponding alcohols are described. The procedure enables us to determine water samples in concentrations of 0.045 … 45 mg/l of di-i-octyl phthalate. The final determination is carried out by the direct injection of otherwise unprepared hydrolytic products into the column of a steam-solid chromatograph. The individual alcohols have been separated according to their boiling points (alcohols C4? C9 are eluated under the five-min retention time). The quantitative hydrolysis course was verified on the natural samples of ground water contaminated by ca. 10 thousand kg of di-i-octyl phthalate by a standard addition method. The accuracy of this determination was 97.5% (variation coefficient ? cx = 1.5%). The stability of di-i-octyl phthalate in water at 20°C and various pH values were also tested.  相似文献   

Source rock extracts and crude oils from the Songliao Basin were analyzed by high-temperature gas chromatography (HTGC), gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HTGC-MS) and gas chromatography-isotope ratio-mass spectrometry (GC-IRMS), for high molecular-weight alkanes. The distributions of n-alkanes in the Nenjiang Formation extracts are in the C14―C63 range; a bimodal distribution occurs in the C-21 and C21―40 regions. The C30―C37 n-alkanes are accompanied by C29―C35 hopanes, whereas the high molecular-weight C45―C47 n-alkanes co-occur with abundant isoalkanes, alkylcyclohexanes and alkylcyclopentanes. The high δ 13C values of the n-alkanes and the microscopic maceral compositions indicate a highly diversified organic source input for the Nenjiang Formation source rocks, ranging from aquatic plants, blue alge-bacteria, to land plant material. In contrast, n-alkanes in the rock extracts of the Qingshankou Formation are characterized by a single modal distribution, with relatively low abundances of C29―C35 hopanes, but high molecular-weight isoalkanes, alkylcyclohexanes and alkylcyclopentanes. The relatively low δ 13C values of C22―C44 n-alkanes and organic material compositions indicate that the source rocks in the Qingshankou Formation contain dominantly type I algal organic matter. The relative abundance of C 40 compounds in source rocks changes little at low maturity stage, but decreases drastically at higher maturity levels, with a concurrent reduction in the odd/even carbon predominance. In crude oils, in contrast, the relative abundance of C 40 compounds appears to relate closely with the oil source and oil viscosity.  相似文献   

Studies of water, suspension, and sediments of the Volga R. (from Konakovo Town to the delta) showed that at the confluence with tributaries, diffusion and dilution play the major role. Changes in conductivity, Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), pH, suspension, chlorophyll a, dissolved and organic carbon, lipids, and hydrocarbons take place mostly under the effect of natural processes. Typical features in the case of summer low-water period are low chlorophyll a, suspension, and BOD5. The accumulation of pollutants takes place in bottom sediments because of an increase in the share of Corg, and hydrocarbons have a petroleum and pyrogenic composition.  相似文献   

Organic matter has been observed in cores of the Soultz-sous-Forêts granite (Alsace, France) at depths between 2158 and 2160 m, in a highly fractured and altered zone. The granite is overlain by a 1400-m-thick sedimentary cover containing petroleum (Pechelbronn oil field). The Soultz area is devoted to Hot Dry Rock geothermics thanks to a high geothermal gradient (up to 100 °C/km). During drilling operations, an artesian source produced oil in a fractured zone of the sedimentary cover (Buntsandstein). Its gas-chromatography and mass-spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis revealed the presence of normal alkanes (n-alkanes, i.e. linear hydrocarbons) centered on C17, branched alkanes with a major C19 peak, and few unsaturated hydrocarbons. The aromatic fraction is present in small amounts. In the Soultz granite, where it is altered, organic matter is exclusively associated with tosudite (interstratified clay mineral) which crystallized in plagioclase sites during a hydrothermal alteration episode. Organic matter has been later displaced and concentrated along veinlets in which illite and carbonates have crystallized during another hydrothermal alteration stage. The soluble organic matter analyzed by GC-MS is composed of aliphatic acids, n-alkanes with a bimodal C18 and C24-C25 centered distribution, alkylbenzenes and aromatic acids. Organic compounds in the granite would either originate from a single source (immature sediments) or from two sources (immature sediments and migration of the Pechelbronn oil). No real evidence was found to prove which hypothesis is the best one. The presence of organic matter in the granite shows the importance of fluid flows between the sedimentary cover and the granitic basement through major fractures. In addition, the impregnation of plagioclase pseudomorphs with organic matter is made possible due to their high interconnection degree and to the intergranular microfracturation of the granite. The succession of several hydrothermal events with different physico-chemical characteris- tics may also be inferred from the occurrence of organic matter found in association with neoformed clay minerals in the granite.  相似文献   

After extensive experiments aimed at determining the free volatile fatty acids (C2 to C6) in organically highly polluted percolation water of household refuse dumping places there proved optimum a column packed with 10% Carbowax 20 M on Chromatron N-AW-DMCS after having been conditioned for five days at 270°C and subsequently covered with 10% hard wax. On short retention times the investigated isomeric column pairs are completely separated. Equally favourable results were obtained also for liquid manure and silage extracts. The detection limits lie between 10 and 20 mg/l, the relative standard deviation is 20 … 30% in the range of the lower detection limit and 2 … 3% at 200 mg/l in the upper range. In the investigation of percolation waters with concentrations between 235 and 4300 mg/l reproducibility lies at a mean relative standard deviation of 0.5 … 2.8%. The technique is well suited for routine checking.  相似文献   

Seven short sediment cores from the southern Okinawa Trough were collected and analyzed for the aliphatic hydrocarbon concentrations by capillary gas chromatography to explore the deposition of hydrocarbons to this area. For all cores studied, ratios of Σhydrocarbons/TOC, (nC27+nC29+nC31)/TOC, terrigenous/aquatic, and diploptene/ΣC25–33n-alkanes fluctuated around a mean value with coefficients of variation ranging from 9.0% to 19.7%, 4.9% to 20.0%, 27.3% to 129%, and 3.8% to 163%, respectively. For the nC31/(nC27+nC29+nC31) ratio, only station 21 showed fluctuation. Moreover, the carbon preference indexes in the C25–C33n-alkane range also exhibited fluctuating values with coefficients of variation of 1.9–14.4%. These results indicate that concentrations of hydrocarbon inputs to the sampling sites vary with time; this may result from complex current flow and sediment transport, leading to variable lipid deposition. In addition, significant correlation between diploptene (hop-22(29)-ene) and higher plant n-alkanes was found for cores 21, 42 and 46, indicating that diploptene was predominantly from higher plant sources. However, no correlation between diploptene and higher plant n-alkanes was found for cores 20, 36, 43 and 44; autochthonous sources of diploptene in these cores were quite probable.  相似文献   

In continuation of a publication on the behaviour of fluorotensides in aqueous solution there were tested four selected fluorotensides, among them a noniononic ethoxylated substance and three anion-active substances, in two different equipment with respect to their biochemical degradability. The BOD5, the potassium permanganate consumption, the dry matter contents and the loss on ignition as well as the dehydrogenase test were used as parameters for judging the degradation behaviour. In all the four cases a high biochemical stability was found, so that they must be classified into the group C “biochemically not degradable or difficult to degrade” in agreement with the results found, according to the water pollutants catalogue.  相似文献   


Mathematical transformation models of TDS (total dissolved salts) and organic substance concentration as BOD5 (biochemical oxygen demand) in water of the Angara River and the proposed Boguchan Reservoir have been developed. Having filled the reservoir to a water level of 208 m, in an average year it is shown that increase in surface water mineralization is expected in the cross-section of Boguchan Hydroelectric Power Station giving TDS of up to 20–40 mg/dm3, and values of BOD5 will increase to 2.0–3.9 mgO2/dm3. In a low-water year the value of BOD5 may be as great as 5 mgO2/dm3; mineralization, in contrast, decreases. Several years after reservoir filling, the values of BOD5 would decrease, but water quality of the upper part of the reservoir would still depend on the degree of treatment of wastewater discharged to it.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis

Citation Savichev, O.G. and Matveenko, I.A., 2013. Evaluation of chemical composition changes of surface water in Boguchan Reservoir (Siberia, Russia). Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (3), 706–715.  相似文献   

An igneous intrusion of 94m thick was discovered intruding into the Silurian sandstone from Tazhong 18 Well. The petroleum previously preserved in the Silurian sandstone reservoir was altered into black carbonaceous bitumen by abnormally high heat stress induced by the igneous intrusion. The reflectance of the carbonaceous bitumen reaches as high as 3.54%, indicating that the bitumen had evolved into a high thermal evolution level. Similar to the Silurian samples from the neighboring Tazhong 11, Tazhong 12, Tazhong 45 and Tazhong 47 wells, the distribution of C27, C28 and C29 steranes of the carbonaceous bitumen is still “V”-shaped and can still be employed as an efficient parameter in oil source correlation. The “V”-shaped distribution indicates that the hydrocarbons from the Tazhong 18 and the neighboring wells were all generated from the Middle-Upper Ordovician hydrocarbon source rocks. However, the oil source correlation parameters associated with and terpanes had been changed greatly by the high heat stress and can no longer be used in oil source correlation. The δ 13C values of the petroleum from the neighboring wells are between −32.53%. and −33.37%., coincident with those of the Paleozoic marine petroleum in the Tarim Basin. However, the δ 13C values of the carbonaceous bitumen from the Tazhong 18 Well are between −27.18%. and −29.26%., isotopically much heavier than the petroleum from the neighboring wells. The content of light hydrocarbons (nC14nC20) of the saturated hydrocarbon fraction in the carbonaceous bitumen is extremely higher than the content of heavy hydrocarbons. The light/heavy hydrocarbon ratios (ΣnC21 nC22 + are between 4.56 and 39.17. In the saturated fraction, the even numbered hydrocarbons are predominant to the odd numbered, and the OEP (Odd to Even Predominance) values are between 0.22 and 0.49. However, the content of light hydrocarbons in the petroleum from the neighboring wells is relatively low and the content of the even numbered hydrocarbons is almost equal to that of the odd numbered. Compared with the samples from the neighboring wells, the abundance of non-alkylated aromatic hydrocarbons, such as phenanthrenes, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), such as fluoranthane, pyrene, benzo[a]anthracene and benzofluoranthene, are relatively high. Supported by the National Key Basic Research and Development Project (Grant No. 2005CB422103)  相似文献   

Revealing of the sources and distributions of sedimentary organic matter in the East China Sea (ECS) is important for understanding its carbon cycle, which has significant temporal and spatial variability due to the influences of recent climate changes and anthropogenic activities. In this study, we report the contents of both terrestrial and marine biomarkers including ∑C27+C29+C31n-alkanes (38.6-580 ng/g), C37 alkenones (5.6-124.6 ng/g), brassicasterol (98-913 ng/g) and dinosterol (125-1521 ng/g) from the surface sediments in the Changjiang River Estuary (CRE) and shelf areas of the ECS. Several indices based on biomarker contents and ratios are calculated to assess the spatial distributions of both terrestrial and marine organic matter in the ECS surface sediments, and these results are compared with organic matter distribution patterns revealed by the δ13C (−20.1‰ to −22.7‰) and C/N ratio (5-7.5) of total organic matter. The contents of terrestrial biomarkers in the ECS surface sediments decrease seaward, controlled mostly by Changjiang River (CR) inputs and surface currents; while higher contents of the two marine biomarkers (brassicasterol and dinosterol) occur in upwelling areas outside the CRE and in the Zhejiang-Fujian coastal zone, controlled mostly by marine productivity. Four proxies, fTerr(δ13C) (the fraction of terrestrial organic matter in TOC estimated by TOC δ13C), odd-alkanes (∑C27+C29+C31n-alkanes), 1/Pmar-aq ((C23+C25+C29+C31)/(C23+C25) n-alkanes) and TMBR (terrestrial and marine biomarker ratio) (C27+C29+C31n-alkanes)/((C27+C29+C31) n-alkanes+(brassicasterol+dinosterol+alkenones)), reveal a consistent pattern showing the relative contribution of terrestrial organic matter (TOM) is higher in the CRE and along the Zhejiang-Fujian coastline, controlled mostly by CR inputs and currents, but the TOM contribution decreases seaward, as the influences of the CR discharge decrease.  相似文献   

We studied spatial and temporal characteristics of seismic attenuation inCentral Italy using S- and coda- waves recorded by the MarchesanSeismograph Network from earthquakes located in the epicentral area ofthe 1997 Umbria-Marche sequence. The amplitude decay of the S waveswith distance was defined calculating empirical attenuation functions at 15frequencies between 1 and 25 Hz. We analyzed separately foreshocks andaftershocks and we found the same attenuation functions, suggesting thatthe possible temporal variations could be confined in a small area. Thefrequency dependence of Q S was approximated by the equation Q S=18 · f 2.0between 1 and 10 Hz. At higher frequencies (10–25 Hz), the frequencydependence of Q s weakens, having an average value of Q S=990. We also estimated Q from coda waves (Q C) using the single-scattering models of Aki andChouet (1975) and Sato (1977). We found that Q C=77 · f 0.6, (between 2 and 20Hz) at the western side of the mountain chain, using either foreshocks oraftershocks. This relation is consistent with previous estimates of Q Creported for the Central Apennines. For a volume sampling the Colfioritobasin, the Apennines and the Marche region we found that Q C=55 · f 0.8,indicating highattenuation below the mountain belt. To detect small temporal changes ofQ, we calculated spectral ratios of 5 temporal doublets located in theepicentral area and recorded at the closest station. We found temporalchanges of Q that vary from 27% to 56%, depending on the locationof the doublets. This variability suggests that the temporal change ofattenuation may depend on the spatial variation of Q and perhaps on thespatial distribution of tectonic stress in the epicentral area.  相似文献   

Polyfluorinated compounds (PFCs) were investigated in waste water treatment plant (WWTP) effluents and surface waters of the River Elbe from samples collected in 2007. Concentrations of various PFCs, including C4–C8 perfluorinated sulfonates (PFSAs), C6 and C8 perfluorinated sulfinates, 6:2 fluorotelomer sulfonate, C5–C13 perfluorinated carboxylic acids (PFCAs), C4 and C8 perfluoroalkyl sulfonamides and 6:2, 8:2 and 10:2 unsaturated fluorotelomercarboxylic acids were quantified. ∑PFC concentrations of the river water ranged from 7.6 to 26.4 ng L−1, whereas ∑PFC concentrations of WWTP effluents were approximately 5–10 times higher (30.5–266.3 ng L−1), indicating that WWTPs are potential sources of PFCs in the marine environment. PFC patterns of different WWTP effluents varied depending on the origin of the waste water, whereas the profile of PFC composition in the river water was relatively constant. In both kinds of water samples, perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) was the major PFC, whereas perfluorobutane sulfonate (PFBS) was the predominant PFSA.  相似文献   

This study established wetland microcosms that were either unplanted or planted in monoculture with native mangrove species in Taiwan (Avicennia marina, Rhizophora stylosa, and Lumnitzera racemosa) for the purpose of receiving high-salinity mariculture effluents; additionally, the microcosms operated at different hydraulic retention times (HRTs). Plant growth and the performance of the microcosms with respect to pollutant removal were investigated. The results showed that seedlings of all three mangrove species survived and grew sufficiently well under continuous flooding. The presence of mangroves consistently improved SS, BOD5, and TP removal, particularly under short HRT conditions. The mangrove microcosms removed pollutants from the mariculture effluents with efficiencies of 5.7-27.1% (SS), 4.9-36.3% (BOD5), 18.7-29.9% (TP), 21.2-49.8% (NH4-N), and 5.4-37.7% (NOx-N). A. marina and L. racemosa were more tolerant of continuous flooding than R. stylosa. However, no species displayed consistently superior performance in decreasing all pollutant-related parameters investigated. For all pollutants, microcosms operating at a 2-d HRT exhibited a higher removal efficiency than those operating at a 0.5-d HRT.  相似文献   

化学需氧量(COD)、五日生化需氧量(BOD_5)及溶解性有机碳(DOC)是指示湖泊水质的重要指标,然而上述指标测定通常耗费大量时间、试剂及人力物力且排放大量有害废液.有色可溶性有机物(CDOM)是溶解性有机物(DOM)中可以强烈吸收光谱中的紫外光和可见光的部分,数据测定耗时短、方便快捷,且样品处理过程环境友好,能在很大程度上反映湖泊水质.本研究基于2016年2、5和8月在太湖均匀布设的32个采样点进行样品采集,运用光谱吸收与三维荧光-平行因子分析(EEMs-PARAFAC)探究太湖CDOM的光谱吸收和荧光组分,探讨CDOM光谱指标对湖泊BOD_5、COD及DOC浓度等湖泊环境质量指标的可替代性.结果表明:(1)运用EEMs-PARAFAC方法解析出3种荧光组分:类腐殖酸C1、类酪氨酸C2和类色氨酸C3.(2) COD和BOD_5和DOC在空间上呈现出相似的分布趋势,不同水期的最高值均出现在竺山湾和梅梁湾,由西北湖区至中部敞水区、东南湖湾递减.(3)在不同水期,COD、BOD_5、DOC浓度和C1组分均表现为丰水期极显著大于枯水期和平水期,a_(254)在丰、平、枯水期间无显著性差异,最大值出现在丰水期;C2与C3组分均在枯水期和平水期极显著大于丰水期.(4)在不同水文时期,COD、BOD_5和DOC浓度均与a_(254)、类腐殖酸C1呈显著正相关,丰水期太湖COD、BOD_5和DOC浓度与CDOM光谱指标的线性相关性要优于枯水期和平水期.(5) CDOM光谱指标在不同水文时期均能很好地替代COD、BOD_5和DOC等作为反映太湖水体中有机物污染程度及湖泊水质的指标.  相似文献   

The single-crystal elastic moduli of the ilmenite phase of MgSiO3 have been determined from Brillouin spectroscopy. They are: C11 = 472, C12 = 168, C33 = 382, C13 = 70, C44 = 106, C14 = ?27, C66 = 152 and C25 = ?24 in GPa. These elastic properties are consistent with a structural mechanical model where the silicon octahedra are very stiff under compression and shear. This latter property yields an unexpectedly high shear modulus for the magnesium silicate ilmenite as compared with analogue compounds. The further transformation to perovskite will probably be associated with a significant increase in elastic properties since the strong silicon polyhedra form a structural network in this phase. The transformation of spinel and stishovite to ilmenite is associated with a slight density increase and a slight decrease in acoustic velocities. This transformation will probably not produce a seismic discontinuity even if it does occur in the Earth's mantle.  相似文献   

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