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Progressive geomorphic changes in the flight of fluvial terraces along the Rappahannock River, Virginia, provide a framework for analysing the effect of time on landforms. The oldest terrace is probably no younger than early Quaternary, and the youngest major fill terrace probably correlates with the high sea level of the last major interglacial. A uranium-series date of 187,000 yr has been obtained on coral from marine sediments related to this terrace. Indices of terrace preservation, especially drainage densities and area to perimeter ratios, show systematic changes with terrace age. Hence, these variables appear to satisfactorily indicate relative age, and could perhaps be used to estimate actual ages if suitably calibrated. The morphology of scarps formed by entrenchment of the fluvial terraces is more variable than analogous morphology of fault scarps and wave-cut bluffs. However, measurements of the fluvial scarps clearly indicate that for a given terrace age, higher scarps tend to have steeper slopes, and that for a given scarp height, older scarps tend to have gentler slopes. The terrace forms themselves are preserved for at least several million years. Depositional features such as bars and channels with l–3m of relief are preserved on terraces on the order of 105 yr old. Scarps related to the formation of terraces of this age are well preserved and have slopes of about 6–8 degrees where the scarp height is about 5 m. The preservation of fluvial landforms and scarps suggests that, if fault scarps comparable to these features were commonly formed by earthquakes in low relief areas of the eastern United States, many should be recognizable.  相似文献   

Walker Creek in Marin County, California is a coastal stream draining to Tomales Bay, which lies in the San Andreas Rift Zone. Its valley contains an alluvial fill with a basal gravel dated at 5000 years BP. In upstream parts of the watershed, channels are incised arroyo-like in the fill leaving the valley floor standing as a high terrace averaging 5·5 m (18 ft) high. Below this terrace is an inner terrace of historic age that stands 2·4 m (8 ft) above the streambed. The stratigraphy and morphology of this valley are seen in others nearby, and indicate that in the last half of Holocene time in this region a single episode of valley alluviation was followed by two episodes of valley cutting. The second episode of valley cutting is occurring in the present time. During the last 60 years the flow has become seasonal, the stream has incised 1·5 m (5 ft) below the inner terrace in upstream reaches, aggraded 1·2 m (4 ft) in downstream reaches, and extended its estuary. Incision upstream has begun to re-expose the bedrock valley floor and is associated with aggradation downstream that has caused the flood plain to overtop both terraces. This has decreased the stream's gradient. Using a stream that is currently effecting major changes in its valley and channel morphology, two aspects of hydraulic adjustment in fluvial systems are examined. The changes in the average slope of the longitudinal profile are small but measureable. Profile concavity has not changed measurably. The various profiles that have existed in Holocene time show that stream gradient can be, but is not necessarily, slightly adjusted during valley filling and cutting. Flow measurements at a high discharge show that the channel has begun to assume the hydraulic geometry of an ephemeral channel. Adjustments of depth, velocity, and roughness appear to be hydraulic adjustments in response to changing watershed conditions.  相似文献   

The sediment stratigraphy of a 4 m thick intercalated Holocene alluvial fill and valley floor peat at a site in the Milfield Basin, Northumberland, has been dated by a series of eight 14C assays, and related to a previously analysed pollen record. The sequence extends from the earliest Holocene until c. 2800 cal. BP . Prior to the onset of peat inception, substantial amounts of channel-trenching can be demonstrated to have occurred in the Milfield Basin during the Loch Lomond Stadial. There is no measurable early Holocene accelerated fluvial activity, but a major flooding event occurred at c. 7500 cal. BP , much earlier than recorded elsewhere in the region. The explanation for this is not clear. However, the cessation of mid-Holocene overbank sedimentation at c. 4000–3500 cal. BP is tentatively correlated with slope stability associated with woodland regeneration. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

OSL, radiocarbon dating of pedogenic carbonate and tephrochronology have been used in an attempt to provide a detailed and reliable chronology for Birdlings Flat loess, a thick, proximal loess found on the lower flanks of Banks Peninsula, Canterbury, New Zealand. In a ca 15 m thick section at Ahuriri Quarry the Kawakawa tephra isochron of 26,500 cal. yr BP is identified at a depth of ca. 1.35 m on the basis of glass counting and electron microprobe fingerprinting. Radiocarbon ages of filamentous or root pseudomorph carbonate increase down section from ca. 10,000 cal. yr BP at 2.80 m to ca. 30,000 14C yr BP at 10.90 m. Ages from carbonate lining cracks are often out of sequence, indicating deep percolation by bypass flow down preferential flow paths. OSL ages show reversals with respect to each other, carbonate radiocarbon ages, and with the position and accepted age of Kawakawa tephra. Coincident radiocarbon and OSL ages at 3.85 m depth indicate that OSL ages are underestimates by at least 20%. Before OSL can be deemed a high accuracy dating method of the quatzo-feldspathic loess of South Island, New Zealand, more research into the causes of age underestimation and age reversals must be carried out. The last major episode of loess accumulation on the flanks of Banks Peninsula in Canterbury began before ca. 30,000 14C yr BP (ca. 35,000 cal. yr BP) and possibly before 43,000 yr based on OSL.  相似文献   

Projections of the impacts of modern Relative Sea Level (RSL) rise on estuarine mangroves should be supported by coastal topographic data and records of mangrove dynamics under past RSL change. This work identified inland and seaward mangrove migrations along the Jucuruçu River (Bahia, Northeastern Brazil), during the Holocene based on sedimentary features, palynological and geochemical (δ13C, δ15N, C/N) data integrated with digital elevation models. During the Middle Holocene, in response to RSL rise, the estuary saw mangrove forest establish up to ~37 km inland. RSL stood between -1.4 (+0.36/-2.2 m) and +1 (2.19/0.2 m) around 7400 cal yr BP, and rose to a highest position of +3.25 (4.22/2.45 m) reached around 5350 cal yr BP. That marine incursion caused the inland replacement of freshwater vegetation by mangroves on tidal flats. Since then, the estuary experienced RSL fall, reducing inland tidal water salinity towards the Late Holocene, making that the mangroves were replaced by freshwater floodplain vegetation. Today, in the seaward part of the estuary near its mouth, mangroves occupy an area of ~10 km2 along tidal channels. Considering a RSL rise of 98 cm up to the end of the 21st century, at a rate significantly higher than that of Middle Holocene RSL rise (1.5 mm/yr) and fall (0.6 mm/yr), the current mangrove substrates are expected to drown and/or eroded near the coast, while new mangroves may establish inland, at topographically higher tidal flats in nowadays freshwater-tidal zones. Mangrove area could expand over 13 km2 of coastal and flood plain. Following the same interaction between RSL/climate changes and Holocene mangrove dynamics, such upstream mangrove migration may be attenuated or intensified by changes in fluvial discharge. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study describes the formation of two successive baymouth spits systems on the south‐eastern Brazilian coast and the degradation of the first system. The study area includes the Jureia Beach spit, the deflected Ribeira de Iguape River mouth, the central Iguape sandy headland, the Icapara Inlet of the Mar Pequeno Lagoon and the northern end of the Comprida Island barrier spit. The wave and river flow patterns were combined with the coastline evolution and the alongshore migration rates deduced from satellite images. Initially, both spits showed convergent alongshore migration rates equal to or less than 83 m/yr. However, the extreme river flow due to high rainfall during a very strong El Niño event in 1983 eroded the inland side of the Jureia Beach spit, which finally retreated due to wave erosion. In 1989, a sand bank emerged in the river mouth, which attached to the central headland forming a recurved northeastward spit. In 1994, the high fluvial discharge associated with another very strong El Niño event caused the landward migration of the new spit and emersion of a second sand bank. This second sand bank merged with the Jureia Beach spit in 1997 at an alongshore migration rate of 1795.6 m/yr. Wave erosion of the central headland continued and the attached spit disappeared in 2000. In 2009, the headland erosion merged the river mouth and the Icapara Inlet, which resulted in flanking baymouth spits in a configuration that remains today. Therefore, two models for the formation of baymouth spits have been documented for wave‐dominated microtidal coasts in humid tropical regions with intense fluvial discharge. The convergent longshore migration of the spits is controlled by both the bidirectional longshore drift and the fluvial discharge, the latter eroding the fronting spit, supplying sediments and acting as a hydraulic blockage for longshore drift. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

El Chichón volcano has produced at least 11 eruptive events in the past 8000 years, all of which display a relatively constant trachyandesitic composition. The constancy of the eruptive products attests to the tapping of a long-lived magma chamber and suggests a system held in steady state between the influx of basaltic magma and differentiation of resident magma. We have sampled eruptive products from eight of these events, subjecting their dominant phenocryst phases (plagioclase and hornblende) to argon isotopic analysis in order to investigate the dynamics of a steady state magmatic system. Plagioclase from the older eruptions, 1500 yr BP, 1600 yr BP, 2000 yr BP and 3100 yr BP, display variable enrichment of 40Ar (excess argon), whereas hornblende from the same eruptions shows little or no enrichment. In contrast, both plagioclase and hornblende phenocrysts from the younger eruptions in 1982, 550 yr BP, 900 yr BP and 1250 yr BP have argon isotopic ratios near-atmospheric values. Isochron analysis of these mineral phases rules out xenocrystic contamination as the source of excess argon, while mafic enclaves and isotopic and compositional zoning evidence frequent recharge events, suggesting the source of this argon is most likely the same as the source of this basaltic magma; correlation with Cl points to melt/vapor inclusions as the primary host for Ar within the phenocrysts. Argon isotopic variations point to a disturbance of the system between 1500 yr BP and 1250 yr BP, while compositional evidence for a major mafic input is present in the 900 yr BP eruption, indicating a complex relationship between recharge and isotopic signature of eruptive products. The amount of excess argon within a plagioclase phenocryst are a function of variations in melt and vapor inclusion abundance, time elapsed between melt/vapor inclusion entrapment and eruption, variations in Ar abundance in melt (itself a function of vapor exsolution timing) and time variations in Ar isotopic composition of the melt; subdued behavior of hornblende is due to slower diffusion and minimal inclusions.  相似文献   

We investigate the late Quaternary active deformation along the Jordan Valley segment of the left-lateral Dead Sea Fault and provide new insights on the behaviour of major continental faults. The 110-km-long fault segment shows systematic offsets of drainage systems surveyed at three sites along its southern section. The isotopic dating of six paleoclimatic events yields a precise chronology for the onset of six generations of gully incisions at 47.5 ka BP, 37.5 ka BP, 13 ka BP, 9 ka BP, 7 ka BP, and 5 ka BP. Additionally, detailed mapping and reconstructions provide cumulative displacements for 20 dated incisions along the fault trace. The individual amounts of cumulative slip consistently fall into six distinct classes. This yields: i) an average constant slip rate of 4.7 to 5.1 mm/yr for the last 47.5 kyr and ii) a variable slip rate ranging from 3.5 mm/yr to 11 mm/yr over 2-kyr- to 24-kyr-long intervals. Taking into account that the last large earthquake occurred in AD 1033, we infer 3.5 to 5 m of present-day slip deficit which corresponds to a Mw  7.4 earthquake along the Jordan Valley fault segment. The timing of cumulative offsets reveals slip rate variations critical to our understanding of the slip deficit and seismic cycle along major continental faults.  相似文献   

Over 1000 m of fluvial molasse, exhibiting a stable detrital remanent magnetization, is exposed in a mammal-bearing sequence in the Upper Siwalik Group of the Pabbi Hills, Pakistan. The magnetic polarity chronology reveals that the sequence records a time period of 2.6 m.y., extending from the early Gauss Normal Epoch into the Brunhes Normal Epoch. During this period, sedimentation rates increased upward in time from 0.25 m/1000 yr to 0.45 m/1000 yr. The sudden disappearance of red beds and a change in the lithoclastic composition of basal channel sands suggests that about 800,000 years ago the primary source area began shifting from the metamorphic terrane of the Himalayan Orogen to a more local sedimentary terrane on the folded margins of the Himalayan foredeep. About 500,000 years ago the anticlinal Pabbi Hills attained surface expression. Uplift continued at a minimum rate of 1 m/1000 yr.A local Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary based on the Olduvai Normal Event is clearly recognized. Local fossil finds reveal thatEquus, diagnostic element of the Pinjor faunal zone, appeared locally about 1.8 m.y. ago and thatHipparion, a faunal element of the Tatrot and earlier faunal zones, persisted locally until at least 3.0 m.y. ago.  相似文献   

Epigenetic gorges form when channels that have been laterally displaced during episodes of river blockage or aggradation incise down into bedrock spurs or side‐walls of the former valley rather than excavating unconsolidated fills and reinhabiting the buried paleovalley. Valley‐filling events that promote epigenetic gorges can be localized, such as a landslide dam or an alluvial/debris flow fan deposit at a tributary junction, or widespread, such as fluvial aggradation in response to climate change or fluctuating base‐level. The formation of epigenetic gorges depends upon the competition between the resistance to transport, strength and roughness of valley‐filling sediments and a river's ability to sculpt and incise bedrock. The former affects the location and lateral mobility of a channel incising into valley‐filling deposits; the latter determines rates of bedrock incision should the path of the incising channel intersect with bedrock that is not the paleovalley bottom. Epigenetic gorge incision, by definition, post‐dates the incision that originally cut the valley. Strath terraces and sculpted bedrock walls that form in relation to epigenetic gorges should not be used to directly infer river incision induced by tectonic activity or climate variability. Rather, they are indicative of the variability of short‐term bedrock river incision and autogenic dynamics of actively incising fluvial landscapes. The rate of bedrock incision associated with an epigenetic gorge can be very high (>1 cm/yr), typically orders of magnitude higher than both short‐ and long‐term landscape denudation rates. In the context of bedrock river incision and landscape evolution, epigenetic gorges force rivers to incise more bedrock, slowing long‐term incision and delaying the adjustment of rivers to regional tectonic and climatic forcing. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hunter-gatherer communities in the American Southeast reached an apogee of social and political complexity in the period between ca. 4200 and 3000 cal yr BP. In the lower Mississippi Valley(LMV) the Poverty Point culture defined this period of socio-political elaboration. However, following a significant period of climate change that led to exceptional flooding and a major reorganization of the course of the Mississippi River, this culture collapsed beginning ca. 3300–3200 cal yr BP and the LMV was abandoned for the subsequent 500 years. In this study, we use data from the Jaketown site in the Yazoo Basin of west-central Mississippi to refine the chronology of the climate event that caused the collapse of the Poverty Point culture. A large flood buried Poverty Point-era occupation deposits at Jaketown around 3310 cal yr BP. Lateral migration of the Mississippi River during flooding led to inundation of the Yazoo Basin and re-occupation of ancient river courses. A coarse sand stratum topped by a more than a meter-thick fining upward sediment package marks a crevasse deposit caused by a rupture of the natural levee at Jaketown. This levee breach was part of a larger pattern of erratic flooding throughout the LMV and is associated with major landscape evolution and the abandonment of Poverty Point sites within the valley. Early Woodland peoples re-colonized the crevasse surface after ca. 2780 cal yr BP. Following this event, the Jaketown site and the eastern Yazoo Basin witnessed a period of landscape stability that lasts to this day. These archaeological data demonstrate how climate change and natural disasters can lead to socio-political dissolution and reorganization even in relatively small-scale hunter-gatherer populations.  相似文献   

The ecotone between alpine steppe and meadow in the central Tibetan Plateau is sensitive to climate changes. Here we used the pollen records from three lakes in this region to reconstruct the evolution of local vegetation and climate since 8200 cal. yr BP. The history of temperature and precipitation was reconstructed quantitatively with multi-bioclimatic indexes and a transfer function from pollen records. Results show that the steppe/meadow dominated during the period of 8200–6500 cal. yr BP, especially 8200–7200 cal. yr BP, indicating the central Tibetan Plateau was controlled by strong monsoon. The steppe dominated during the periods of 6000–4900, 4400–3900, and 2800–2400 cal. yr BP. The steppe decreased gradually and the meadow expanded during the period of 4900–4400 cal. yr BP. Three century-scale drought events occurred during 5800–4900, 4400–3900 and 2800 cal. yr BP, respectively. The first time when the regional climate shifted to the present level was at 6500 cal. yr BP in the central Plateau. Since 3000 cal. yr BP, the temperature and precipitation have decreased gradually to the present level. However, the cold climate between 700–300 cal. yr BP likely corresponds to the Little Ice Age. Supported by Chinese Academy of Sciences 100 Talents Project (Grant No. 29082762), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40671196, 40372085, 49371068, 49871078), and U.S. National Science Foundation (Grant Nos. ATM-9410491, ATM-008194)  相似文献   

Extensive valley fills at the base of the escarpment in upper Wolumla Creek, on the south coast of New South Wales, Australia, have formed from a combination of ‘cut and fill’ processes. The valley fills comprise series of alternating, horizontally bedded sand and mud units, reflecting reworking of detritus from deeply weathered granites of the Bega Batholith. Sand units are deposited as sand sheets or splays on floodplain surfaces or in floodouts that form atop intact valley fill surfaces downstream of discontinuous gullies. Alternatively, sands are deposited from bedload and form bars or part of the valley floor within channel fills. Organic-rich mud units are deposited from suspension in swamps or in seepage zones at the distal margin of floodouts. Within 5 km of the escarpment, valley deposits grade downstream from sand sheet and splay deposition in floodouts, to mud deposition in swamp and seepage zones. Radiocarbon dates indicate that virtually the entire valley fill of upper Wolumla Creek was excavated prior to 6000 years BP . Remnant terraces are evident at valley margins. The valley subsequently filled between 6000 years BP and 1000 years BP producing valley fills around 12 m deep, but no greater than 300 m wide. Reincision into the valley fill, on a scale smaller than the present incision phase, is indicated at around 1000 years BP , following which the channel refilled. Portion plans dated from 1865 refer to the study area as ‘Wolumla Big Flat’, and show large areas of swampy terrain, suggesting that the valley fill had re-established by this time. Within a few decades of European settlement the valley fill incised once more. Upper Wolumla Creek now has a channel over 10 m deep and 100 m wide in places, draining a catchment area of less than 20 km2. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The 1883 eruption of Augustine Volcano produced a tsunami when a debris avalanche traveled into the waters of Cook Inlet. Older debris avalanches and coeval paleotsunami deposits from sites around Cook Inlet record several older volcanic tsunamis. A debris avalanche into the sea on the west side of Augustine Island ca. 450 years ago produced a wave that affected areas 17 m above high tide on Augustine Island. A large volcanic tsunami was generated by a debris avalanche on the east side of Augustine Island ca. 1600 yr BP, and affected areas more than 7 m above high tide at distances of 80 km from the volcano on the Kenai Peninsula. A tsunami deposit dated to ca. 3600 yr BP is tentatively correlated with a southward directed collapse of the summit of Redoubt Volcano, although little is known about the magnitude of the tsunami. The 1600 yr BP tsunami from Augustine Volcano occurred about the same time as the collapse of the well-developed Kachemak culture in the southern Cook Inlet area, suggesting a link between volcanic tsunamis and prehistoric cultural changes in this region of Alaska.  相似文献   

渤海湾沿岸晚第四纪地层 C14年代学研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
根据47个C14年代数据,对渤海湾沿岸晚第四纪地层进行了年代划分。以全新世海相地层下伏的泥炭层或淤泥层为标志层,其下为晚更新世地层,其上为全新世地层,年代界限为距今10300年。全新世地层进一步划分为早全新世地层、中全新世地层和晚全新世地层,其年代依次为距今10300—8000年、8000—2500年、2500—现代  相似文献   

Roccamonfina, part of the Roman Potassic Volcanic Province, is an example of a composite volcano with a complex history of caldera development. The main caldera truncates a cone constructed predominantly of this caldera may have been associated with one of the ignimbritic eruptions of the Brown Leucitic Tuff (BLT) around 385 000 yr BP. The Campagnola Tuff, the youngest ignimbrite of the BLT, however, drapes the caldera margin and must postdate at least the initial stages of collapse. During the subsequent history of the caldera there were several major explosive eruptions. The largest of these was that of the Galluccio Tuff at about 300 000 yr BP. It is likely that there was further collapse within the main caldera associated with these eruptions. It is of note that despite these subsequent major explosive eruptions later collapse occurred within the confines of the main caldera. Between eruptions caldera lakes developed producing numerous lacustrine beds within the caldera fill. Extensive phases of phreatomagmatic activity generated thick sequences of pyroclastic surge and fall deposits. Activity within the main caldera ended with the growth of a large complex of basaltic trachyandestite lava domes around 150 000 yr BP. Early in the history of Roccamonfina sector collapse on the northern flank of the volcano formed the northern caldera. One of the youngest major events on Roccamonfina occurred at the head of this northern caldera with explosive activity producing the Conca Ignimbrite and associated caldera. There is no evidence that there was any linkage in the plumbing systems that fed eruptions in the main and northern calderas.  相似文献   

The tufa deposits developed in the Mijares River canyon at the eastern sector of the Iberian Range were studied by using geomorphological, stratigraphic, micromorphological, mineralogical and chronological (U/Th and 14C) techniques. These tufas are located along a high‐gradient river profile reach, with high water turbulence and mechanical outgassing, related to Quaternary faulting activity upstream in the regional context of an extensional tectonic regime. Two stepped and terraced fluviatile tufa structures with large phytohermal barrage frameworks and smaller dammed areas have been differentiated. The first structure, Upper Pleistocene in age (from 200 000 to 50 000 years BP ), is made up by two morphosedimentary units reaching 120 m in thickness, and the second one, Holocene in age (10 000–5000 years BP ), is 35 m in thickness. These structures record a more or less continuous tufa development with a mean deposition rate ranging between 1 and 5 mm a−1 as minimum. A preferential growth with high biological activity during warm and wet palaeoenvironmental stages (isotopic stages 7, 3 and 1) can be deduced. Thus, neotectonic activity controlled the location along the Mijares River as well as the large thickness of the tufa deposits, whereas warm climatic periods favoured intense tufa activity in the fluvial system. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Western Namibia is a significant global source of atmospheric mineral dust. We investigate the relationship between dust and source sediments, assessing the sustainability of dust flux. Remote sensing studies have highlighted specific ephemeral fluvial systems as important contributors to dust flux, including highlighting sections of valleys that are the origins of dust plumes in the period 2005–2008. Little is known however about the specific within‐valley dust sediment sources, particularly whether dust is derived from modern ephemeral channel floors or older valley fill sediments, many of which have been reported in the region. As part of a region‐wide analysis of aeolian dust flux, we investigate the sediment properties of atmospheric dust samples and valley sediments from the Huab valley, one of the principal regional dust sources. Trapped dust samples contain up to 88% very fine sand and silt when collected samples are disaggregated prior to analysis. Valley fill surface samples comprise 80% very fine sand and silt, and the surface of the modern ephemeral channel 30%. Valley fill sediments were sampled at depths up to 3.6 m below the present surface and reveal Holocene depositional ages from 0.6 ± 0.03 ka back to 9.79 ± 0.73 ka. These sediments contain 30% to 6% very fine sand and silt, with levels decreasing with depth and age. Aeolian bedforms in the valley system (nebkhas on the fill surface and climbing dunes on valley margins) indicate that aeolian processes under the influence of strong seasonal easterly winds likely result in dust being winnowed out of the valley fill surfaces, with sandy bedforms being constructed from the coarser component of the fill sediments. The volume of valley fill sediment suggests dust sourced from Holocene sediments is likely to continue into the future regardless of flow conditions in the modern channel system. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This field study was conducted to examine whether the method or the flow rate (fill rate) used to fill a sample vial affects recovery of volatile organics (VOCs). To our knowledge, there have not been any systematic studies that have examined this issue. For this field study, three fill rates (50 mL/min, 250 mL/min, and ~1 L/min) and three filling methods (top‐pour, side‐pour, and bottom‐fill) were used to fill sample vials. We found that the bottom‐fill method, with the tubing submerged in the sample as it fills, yielded the greatest recovery (i.e., highest concentrations) of VOCs. Little improvement was observed by pouring down the side of a vial vs. simply pouring straight down from the top. We also found that filling the vials at the fastest fill rate (~1 L/min) yielded higher recovery than the slowest fill rate (50 mL/min) using all three filling methods. These results are counter to prevailing guidance and conventional wisdom that slower filling is preferable to faster filling and that pouring down the side of a sample vial is the best practice for VOC sampling. However, because we were unable to randomize the order the samples were collected with respect to fill rate, we recommend a follow‐on study be conducted that will allow us to confirm our findings and better determine which fill rates minimize losses of VOCs  相似文献   

Weichselian geomorphological and fluvial evolution has been recorded in the valley fill of the Reusel, a small tributary of the lower Maas river. It has been studied by means of borehole sections. A first deep incision into the substratum occurred during the Early Weichselian-Lower Pleniglacial. This was followed by aggradation, at first by a braided river, at a later date by a meandering river, dating respectively from the Lower and Middle Pleniglacial. The Upper Pleniglacial aggradation again points to a braided river system. The end of the Pleniglacial is characterized by aeolian infilling of the valley and decreasing carrying capacity of the river.  相似文献   

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