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In this paper, two push moraine systems associated with two small subpolar glaciers, Finsterwalderbreen and Penckbreen, were investigated. This study showed that at these glaciers the push moraines were formed in association with surges, which produced a different style of moraine depending on the rheology of the deformed material and the glacial history. The moraines are similar in that they are formed by folded outwash sediments and contain little till. However, the forms of these moraines are very different. The Penckbreen moraine is composed of a lower shallow marine sand, silt and clay, and an upper fluvial sand and gravel. Deformation at this site led to the formation of large anticlines in the silts and clays, with disharmonic smaller folds and thrusts in the upper gravels, above a detachment surface between the fine-grained and overlying coarse-grained lithologies. This deformation decreases towards the foreland, with marine and fluvial sediments responding differently because of their different rheological properties. This moraine was formed during one surge event which occured during the early 19th century. In contrast, the Finsterwalderbreen moraine is composed of outwash sand and gravel, and was formed as the result of a series of surge events. These advances all reached a similar limit and occurred at regular intervals. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents detailed geomorphological and sedimentological investigations of small recessional moraines at Fjallsjökull, an active temperate outlet of Öræfajökull, southeast Iceland. The moraines are characterized by striking sawtooth or hairpin planforms, which are locally superimposed, giving rise to a complex spatial pattern. We recognize two distinct populations of moraines, namely a group of relatively prominent moraine ridges (mean height ~1.2 m) and a group of comparatively low-relief moraines (mean height ~0.4 m). These two groups often occur in sets/systems, comprising one pronounced outer ridge and several inset smaller moraines. Using a representative subsample of the moraines, we establish that they form by either (i) submarginal deformation and squeezing of subglacial till or (ii) pushing of extruded tills. Locally, proglacial (glaciofluvial) sediments are also incorporated within the moraines during pushing. For the first time, to our knowledge, we demonstrate categorically that these moraines formed sub-annually using repeat uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery. We present a conceptual model for sub-annual moraine formation at Fjallsjökull that proposes the sawtooth moraine sequence comprises (i) sets of small squeeze moraines formed during melt-driven squeeze events and (ii) larger push moraines formed during winter re-advances. We suggest the development of this process-form regime is linked to a combination of elevated temperatures, high surface meltwater fluxes to the bed and emerging basal topography (a depositional overdeepening). These factors result in highly saturated subglacial sediments and high porewater pressures, which induces submarginal deformation and ice-marginal squeezing during the melt season. Strong glacier recession during the summer, driven by elevated temperatures, allows several squeeze moraines to be emplaced. This process-form regime may be characteristic of active temperate glaciers receding into overdeepenings during phases of elevated temperatures, especially where their englacial drainage systems allow efficient transfer of surface meltwater to the glacier bed near the snout margin. © 2020 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   

The nested moraines of the Chilean Lake District have been used to establish a glacial chronology for southernmost South America. This paper focuses on non-climatic controls which may have modulated the climatic signal. It presents a model for formation of the moraines around Lagos Puyehue and Rupanco where there is a nested complex dating from the last glaciation. These moraines can be divided into two types on the basis of their form, position and constituent materials: rampart moraines are broad amalgamated moraine complexes whilst ridge moraines are narrow single ridges usually located around lakeshores. Both types have lateral moraines with low up-glacier longitudinal gradients. Sections in the moraines show they are largely composed of stratified glaciofluvial sediments overthrust on their proximal flanks by clay-rich diamicts containing reworked glaciofluvial material. Despite their different characteristics, a single model explains the features of both moraine types and their location around the down-glacier ends of the lakes. Moraine formation depends crucially on the presence of a layer of water-saturated, fine, impermeable sediment in the lake basins which allows the glacier lobes to advance with negligible surface gradients, probably on a deforming bed. Although the formation of moraines requires a climatically triggered advance, their precise position is not dictated by climatic factors but by contrasts in sediment permeability and grain-size.  相似文献   

The continental margin off the Makran coast of Iran and Pakistan is an excellent example of active deformation of sediments at a compressive plate boundary. Seismic reflection profiles across the margin suggest that relatively flat-lying sediments from the Oman abyssal plain are being scraped off the Arabian plate and accreted onto the Eurasian plate in a series of tightly folded sediment ridges aligned parallel to the coast. The most active folding appears to be occurring in the southernmost of the ridges, where it has formed a frontal fold up to 750 m high, with a width of 3–4 km. Filling of the basins between the ridges with later sediment becomes progressively more complete towards the north, and produces a smooth continental shelf near the coast, where the ridges are completely buried by sediment. Evidence for the possible presence of northward-dipping thrust faults which uplift the ridges towards the coast is seen in the consistent back-tilting of the sediments in the inter-fold basins.Below the abyssal plain to the south of the folded zone the sediments are divided by a prominent reflector, horizon A, into an upper group of flat-lying beds that overlie strata which dip gently to the north. A sharp velocity increase occurs across this horizon. The deepest observable reflector, horizon B, is seen as a series of diffraction hyperbolae which dip conformably northwards at about 1°. Velocity determinations from refraction and variable-angle reflection stations over the abyssal plain indicate a thick pile of low-velocity material which is probably sediment lying above horizon B. The material directly below horizon B has a velocity of 4.5 ± 0.2km/s and is probably volcanic in origin.  相似文献   

This paper considers the links between structure, sediment transport and sediment delivery at Glacier de St. Sorlin, France. Sediment transported by the glacier is concentrated at flow‐unit boundaries as medial moraines, controlled by the position of bedrock outcrops in the accumulation area. Rockfall entrained within primary stratification is tightly folded at flow‐unit boundaries under high cumulative strains and laterally compressive stress. High cumulative strains and laterally compressive stresses lead to the development of longitudinal foliation from primary stratification. Folding elevates subglacial sediments into foliation‐parallel debris ridges, which are exposed in the ablation area. Crevasses and shear planes within the glacier have little control on sediment transport. Debris stripes in the proglacial area are morphologically similar to foliation‐parallel debris ridges; however, they are not structurally controlled, but formed by fluvial erosion. The conclusion of this study is that at Glacier de St. Sorlin proglacial sediment‐landform associations are subjected to intense syn‐ and post‐depositional modification by high melt‐water discharges, hence their composition does not reflect that of sediments melting out at the terminus. The action of melt water limits the potential of the sedimentary record to be used to constrain numerical models of past glacier dynamics in debris‐poor glacierized Alpine catchments. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The recently deglaciated environments in maritime permafrost regions are usually affected by very active paraglacial processes. Elephant Point is an ice‐free area of 1.16 km2 located in the SW of Livingston island (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica). Between 1956–2010 the retreat of the ice cap covering most part of this island has exposed 17.3% of the land surface in this peninsula. Two geomorphological units were identified in this new ice‐free area: a moraine extending from the western to the eastern coastlines and a relatively flat proglacial surface. The glacier in 1956 sat in contact with the northern slope of the moraine, but its accelerated retreat ‐ in parallel to the warming trend recorded in the Antarctic Peninsula ‐ left these areas free of glacier ice. Subsequently, the postglacial evolution was controlled by the relaxation phase typical of paraglacial systems. The typology and intensity of geomorphological processes show a significantly different dynamics between the southern and northern slopes of the moraine. This pattern is related to the different stage of paraglacial adjustment in both slopes. In the southern side, on coarser sediments, pronival ramparts, debris flows and alluvial fans are distributed, with a low to moderate activity of slope processes. In the northern side, mass wasting processes are extremely active on fine‐grained unconsolidated sediments. Ice‐rich permafrost is being degraded by thermokarst processes. Landslides and mudflows transfer large amounts of sediments down‐slope. The surface affected by retrogressive‐thaw slumps in the moraine has been quantified in 24,172 m2, which accounts for 9.6% of its surface. The abundance of kettle‐lakes is also indicative of the degradation of the ground ice. Paraglacial processes are expected to continue in the moraine and proglacial area in the near future, although their intensity and duration will depend on the magnitude and rate of future climate trends in the northern Antarctic Peninsula. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

High-resolution multibeam bathymetric data and acoustic sub-bottom profiles were recently collected in Grand Lake (Labrador), one of the deepest lake basins in eastern North America, to reconstruct: (1) the retreat of the Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) west of Lake Melville and (2) the history of sedimentation since deglaciation in this 54 km-long, 3 km-wide fjord-lake. Our results provide a morphostratigraphical framework that brings new insights to the style and pattern of retreat of the LIS in the region, as well as deglacial and postglacial sedimentary dynamics. Terrestrial glacial lineations observed on a digital elevation model (DEM) provide evidence of a previously undocumented ice stream in the Grand Lake area. This newly mapped ice stream suggests that the calving bay formed in Lake Melville triggered a reorganization of the regional drainage pattern of the LIS. The sedimentary infill of Grand Lake consists of a sequence of deglacial to postglacial sediments that contain deposits related to a series of mass movements. The 8.2 cal ka BP cold event is recorded in Grand Lake by a series of closely spaced moraines deposited at the outlet of the fjord-lake to form a morainic complex similar to the Cockburn morainic complex on Baffin Island. During deglaciation, a dense dendritic network of proglacial gullies incised into the steep sidewalls of the lake. Since deglaciation, paraglacial and postglacial sedimentation has led to the deposition of large prograding deltas at the fjord head, where density currents remain active today and have formed a series of sediment waves on the frontal slopes and a prodeltaic environment. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A sequence of Late Holocene moraines on the foreland of the Mueller Glacier, Southern Alps, New Zealand, forms part of a local moraine‐age database used to establish a regional glacier chronology and subsequently to investigate potential intra‐hemispheric and global climate forcing mechanisms. We present new sedimentological and geomorphological evidence that a set of these moraine ridges, previously considered to represent individual advances, constitutes a single moraine complex (the ‘Mueller Memorial Moraine’) formed by supraglacial transport of a large volume of landslide debris to the glacier terminus. Because a moraine formed in this way is not necessarily associated with an advance triggered by a climate event, we question the palaeoclimatic significance of the Mueller Memorial Moraine, as well as that of other moraines in comparable settings. Our findings suggest that the mode of formation and glacio‐dynamical context of moraines whose ages contribute to existing palaeoclimate reconstructions need to be re‐examined in order to assess the reliability of these reconstructions. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

At Pedro Beach on the southeastern coast of Australia a series of foredune ridges provides an opportunity to explore the morphodynamic paradigm as it applies to coastal barrier systems using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating, ground penetrating radar (GPR) and airborne LiDAR topography. A series of sandy dune-capped ridges, increasing in height seawards, formed from c. 7000 years ago to c. 3900 years ago. During this time the shoreline straightened as the embayment filled and accommodation space for Holocene sediments diminished. Calculation of Holocene sediment accumulation above mean sea level utilising airborne LiDAR topography shows a decline in average sediment supply over this time period coupled with a decrease in shoreline progradation rate from 1.2 m/yr to 0.38 m/yr. The average ridge ‘exposure lifetime’ during this period increases resulting in higher ridges as dune-forming processes have longer to operate. Increasing exposure to wave and wind energy also appears to have resulted in higher ridges as the sheltering effect of marginal headlands was diminished. An inherited disequilibrium shoreface profile will drive onshore accumulation of sandy sediments forming a prograded barrier; however, if there is no longer ‘accommodation space’ for sediment, this will be an overriding factor causing the cessation of progradation, as occurred c. 3900 years ago at Pedro Beach. Excess sediment in the nearshore zone after 3900 years ago may have been moved northward to nourish downdrift beaches in the compartment. A high outer foredune has formed through vertical accretion after 500 years ago, evidenced by GPR subsurface structures and OSL ages, with a distinct period of vertical and lee slope accretion and dated to the period 1890–1930 AD. The increased dune sediment transport resulting in foredune building is attributed to recent human disturbance. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Spinifex-like textured metaperidotites from the Higo Metamorphic Rocks (HMR), west-central Kyushu, Japan, may be formed by high-pressure dehydration of antigorite, and may indicate deep subduction of serpentinite reaching a pressure–temperature condition of 1.6 GPa and 740–750 °C. Three rock types have been identified based on mineral assemblage and rock texture: Type I (L) consisting of medium-grained (1–5 cm long) olivine + enstatite + chromite ±tremolite with secondary talc and anthophyllite that occurs in low-grade metamorphic rocks of the biotite zone, Type I (H) of coarse-grained (up to 10 cm long) olivine + enstatite (with clinoenstatite lamella) + chromite ±tremolite with secondary talc that occurs in high-grade metamorphic rocks of the garnet-cordierite zone, and Type II composed of Al-spinel + chlorite + olivine + apatite + ilmenite with minor sodic gedrite in the garnet-cordierite zone together with Type I (H). Olivines in all rock types are mostly serpentinized during exhumation. The chromite-olivine thermometer gives 560–690 °C for Type I (L) rocks, and the spinel-olivine thermometer gives 610–740 °C for Type II rocks. The peak metamorphic pressure will be higher than 1.6 GPa based on the location of the experimentally determined invariant point (P = 1.6 GPa and T = 670 °C) of antigorite + forsterite + enstatite + talc + H2O. This estimate is consistent with the occurrence of chlorite in Type II rocks, which is stable up to 890 °C at 2.0 GPa. The spinifex-like textured metaperidotites occur as small bodies in the low P/T type gneisses, implying tectonic juxtaposition of them probably during exhumation of the HMR. Recent findings of medium pressure (0.9–1.2 GPa) granulites and gneisses from the HMR may indicate that the HMR has a deep root into the wedge mantle from which the spinifex-like textured metaperidotites have derived.  相似文献   

l INTRODUCTlONIn this study, formation of alluvial deltas was treated as a river-dominated type of topograPhy process,caused simply by sediment deposition from a channel into a wide basin. The influences of waves, tides,and density differences related to coastal effects were excluded. There have been numerous experimentalstUdies on river delta problems. For examPle, Shieh et al. (1988, 1997) used coarse sediment asexperimental material and revealed the development and the geometric simil…  相似文献   

Glacial Lake Benson formed in west-central Minnesota as the Des Moines lobe of the Laurentide ice sheet retreated north of a small moraine in the Minnesota River lowland. Although previous research has constrained the timing of glacial Lake Agassiz immediately to the north, little age control is available for the formation of glacial Lake Benson and ice-marginal positions to the south. In order to constrain the age of glacial Lake Benson and test the application of single-grain optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating to ice-marginal deposits, seven OSL samples were collected from a variety of depositional settings. These included deltaic deposits linked to specific lake levels, pro-glacial fluvial, ice-contact and supra-glacial deposits. Single-grain OSL results indicate evidence for incomplete resetting (partial bleaching) of the luminescence signal, as expected for glacial environments, and therefore ages were calculated using a minimum age model. OSL results constrain the timing of ice-margin retreat and lake formation to 14.4–14.8 ka. Analysis of single-grain equivalent dose distributions indicates that deposits created by glacial-dominated processes typically had higher over-dispersion (>50%) and greater positive skew (>0.9) than deposits originating from fluvial processes. These results suggest that water-lain deposits should be targeted for OSL sampling over those created by glacial processes when dating ice-proximal settings.  相似文献   

Abstract The Miura Group (Miocene-Pliocene) of south-central Japan shows a number of unique lithological and structural features. The group is composed of volcanic arc-derived marine sediments, and those in the south of the Mineoka Tectonic Belt particularly show various kinds of complex structures such as layer-parallel faults, thrust duplexes, imbricate thrusts and vein structures, yet the degree of compaction of the sediments is still remarkably low. These structures involve deformations at a very early stage and at shallow depths. They arose shortly after sedimentation within the Izu fore arc, and continued during accretion to the Honshu fore arc. The deformational stages are classified here into three stages, the first comprises bedding-parallel faulting associated with gravitational sliding and sediment injection. The first vein structures formed during this stage in the Izu fore arc area. These structures are cut by features developed during the second and third stages: especially thrusting, including duplex and imbricate thrusts. This horizontal shortening occurred during the accretionary prism formation on the subduction plate boundary. The second vein structures formed during this stage in the accretionary prism formation. The origin of the vein structures was discussed both by field observation and laboratory experiments. The latter suggests earthquake origin and the formative process is explained in relation to the field evidence.  相似文献   

A series of trenches about a metre deep, 20 to 30 m wide, and as much as 2 km in length occurs in central Wisconsin, along the east shore of proglacial Lake Wisconsin. They are interpreted to be collapse trenches formed when shore ice melted after being buried beneath an expanding outwash plain.  相似文献   

Spindle- and parabolic-shaped drumlins examined at fifty-five localities in northern Ireland possess stratification sequences on their lee-side flanks. These forms lack the distinctive steep stoss- and tapering lee-ends of classical drumlins and tend to occur in linear zones transverse to late Pleistocene ice-flow. In most cases (90 per cent) the stratified deposits infill embayments excavated in the lee-side of barkhanoid forms and, in the remainder (10 per cent), they are superimposed on the lee-side of whaleback forms. The stratification sequences developed as a result of sedimentation in interconnected subglacial water-filled cavities and are unlike remanie proglacial sediments moulded by ice into drumlin form. Stratigraphic evidence indicates that the lee-side sequences developed during drumlin streamlining, which supports the view that subglacial hydraulic processes played an important role in drumlin formation.  相似文献   

Interpretation of subglacial processes and environments can be usefully informed by the stratigraphy and structures of sediments preserved within drumlins, and the down‐ice variability of these sediments. Drumlins in Clew Bay, western Ireland, were formed by westward late Pleistocene ice flow onto the Atlantic shelf, but the depositional processes and environments of these sediments remain uncertain. This study describes and interprets the drumlin stratigraphy and sediment properties and structures from two drumlins on the south side of Clew Bay. Drumlin sediments are dominated by massive to stratified diamicton deposited subglacially by deformation of flows of varying rheology. Folds, shears and clastic dikes within the sediments suggest active subglacial water flow related to variations in ice flow and ice‐bed coupling. The distal ends of the drumlins are dominated by stratified diamicton and gravel units with sandy interbeds. These sediments reflect deposition in a leeside subglacial cavity formed coevally with bedform development. A model is proposed that can account for sediment stratigraphic patterns and drumlin formation. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The sediment yields of Alpine catchments are commonly determined from streamload measurements made some distance downstream from glaciers. However, this approach indiscriminately integrates erosion processes occurring in both the glacial and proglacial areas. A specific method is required to ascertain the respective inputs from (i) subglacial and supraglacial sediments, (ii) proglacial hillslopes and (iii) proglacial alluvial areas or sandurs. This issue is addressed here by combining high‐resolution monitoring (2 min) of suspended sediment concentrations at different locations within a catchment with discharge gauging and precipitation data. This methodological framework is applied to two proglacial streams draining the Bossons glacier (Mont Blanc massif, France): the Bossons and Crosette streams. For the Bossons stream, discharge and suspended load data were acquired from June to October 2013 at 1.15 and 1.5 km from the glacial terminus, respectively upstream and downstream from a small valley sandur. These hydro‐sedimentary data are compared with the Crosette stream dataset acquired at the outlet of the Bossons glacier subglacial drainage system. A fourfold analysis focusing on seasonal changes in streamload and discharge, multilinear regression modelling, evaluation of the sandur flux balance and probabilistic uncertainty assessment is used to determine the catchment sediment budget and to explain the proglacial sediment dynamics. The seasonal fluctuation of the sediment signal observed is related to the gradual closing of the subglacial drainage network and to the role of the proglacial area in the sediment cascade: the proglacial hillslopes appear to be disconnected from the main channel and the valley sandur acts as a hydrodynamic sediment buffer both daily and seasonally. Our findings show that an understanding of proglacial sediment dynamics can help in evaluating paraglacial adjustment and subglacial erosion processes. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Proglacial icings are one of the most common forms of extrusive ice found in the Canadian Arctic. However, the icing adjacent to Fountain Glacier, Bylot Island, is unique due to its annual cycle of growth and decay, and perennial existence without involving freezing point depression of water due to chemical characteristics. Its regeneration depends on the availability of subglacial water and on the balance between ice accretion and hydro‐thermal erosion. The storage and conduction of the glacial meltwater involved in the accretion of the icing were analyzed by conducting topographic and ground penetrating radar surveys in addition to the modelling of the subglacial drainage network and the thermal characteristics of the glacier base. The reflection power analysis of the geophysical data shows that some areas of the lower ablation zone have a high accumulation of liquid water, particularly beneath the centre part of the glacier along the main supraglacial stream. A dielectric permittivity model of the glacier – sediment interface suggests that a considerable portion of the glacier is warm based; allowing water to flow through unfrozen subglacial sediments towards the proglacial outwash plain. All these glacier‐related characteristics contribute to the annual regeneration of the proglacial icing and allow for portions of the icing to be perennial. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Proglacial lakes are effective sediment traps but their impact on the reliability of downstream sediment records to reconstruct glacier variability remains unclear. Here, we investigate the sedimentary signature of the recent recession of Steffen Glacier (Chilean Patagonia, 47°S) in downstream fjord sediments, with a focus on identifying the trapping (decreased downstream sediment yield) and filtering (removal of coarse particles) effectiveness of a growing intermediate proglacial lake. Four sediment cores were collected along a 14 km longitudinal transect in Steffen Fjord and the sediment physical and chemical properties were compared with aerial imagery at high temporal resolution. The caesium-137 (137Cs) chronology of the most distal core and sediment trap data suggest that sediment accumulation in the fjord remained relatively stable through time, despite the accelerating glacier recession and the growth of Steffen proglacial lake. This is in contrast with many studies that indicate a decrease in sediment yield during proglacial lake expansion. It implies that the increase in sediment export due to accelerating meltwater production may be balanced by the sediment trapping effect of the growing proglacial lake. The fjord sediments show a slight fining upward accompanied by a marked decrease in flood-induced grain-size peaks, most likely due to the increasing filtering and dampening effect of the expanding proglacial lake. Our findings show that the filtering effect of the proglacial lake reached a threshold in 1985, when the lake attained an area of 2.02 km2. The additional 5 km of glacier recession during the following 32 years did not have any significant impact on downstream sedimentation. This study confirms that proglacial lakes act as sediment traps but it indicates that (1) the trapping effect can be outpaced by accelerating glacier recession and (2) the filtering effect becomes stable once the lake attains a certain critical size. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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