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Comparison of Selected Elution Procedures for the Valuation of the Mobility of Metals from Sediment and Sewage Sludge Several methods of extraction are generally used to evaluate environmental or ecological toxicity and deposition of waste material. In this paper, the application of the German standard methods DIN 38414-S7, DIN 38414-S4, pHstat method, “Schweizer method” (elution test, Switzerland), and some variants of the pHstat method on two very different samples are described. A rudimental sediment and a municipal sewage sludge are chosen as sample materials. The metal contents of extract solutions are determined by ICP-OES. The results of the DIN-S4 extractions depend definitely on the mechanic way of movement, i.e. the amount of heavy metals which are mobilized out of the samples differs considerably. In fact, DIN-S7 in combination with DIN-S4 is not sufficient to estimate the mobility of heavy metals. Solid samples should only be evaluated by applying a combination of several methods of extraction. The usefulness of the pHstat method for an evaluation is discussed.  相似文献   

Statistische Zusammenhänge zwischen den Gütekriterien CSV-Mn, UV-Transmission, ges, Kohlenstoff, Trübung und Plankton bei der Mehrschichtfiltration von weichem Talsperrenwasser sowie Fehlerquellen bei der Auswertung des Datenmaterials nach der Methode der linearen Regression werden behandelt. Die Regressionsfunktionen und Korrelationskoeffizienten für Reinwasser sowie Roh- und Reinwasser werden für mehrere Versuchsreihen angegeben.  相似文献   

Thirteen alicyclic compounds (C5… C7) are examined for their biochemical degradability in a laboratory activating tank and in two respirometers (Warburg, Sapromat). The tests were performed with adapted and nonadapted activated sludge. In addition, the COD was determined by three different methods. With the exception of cycloheptane (BOD < 25% of the BODtheor.), six compounds prove to be easily degradable (BOD > 45% of the BODtheor.) and six compounds prove to be degradable (BOD 45… 25% of the BODtheor.).  相似文献   

Two different formulations of Trichlorfon were examined for their acute toxicity in laboratory tests. Cyprinus carpio L., Salmo gairdneri Rich. and the fish food organisms Cyclops spec., Diaptomus spec. and Chironomus spec. were used as test objects. The differences in toxicity between crystalline and technical Trichlorfon were not very large. The recorded lethal concentrations are summarized in graphical representations and tables. After exposure for several hours to lower concentrations of active constituents, the toxicant-damaged fishes regained their original activity of life during a subsequent phase of recovery Tests of fish food organisms with 100 … 200 μg/l Trichlorfon led to death within 48 hours. Also on chironomid larvae Trichlorfon has a lethal effect at 0.2 mg/l within 48 hours. Toxicity is increased by the hardness constituents of the water. As experiments conducted with Crustacea have shown, growth is inhibited only at a certain concentration in the body.  相似文献   

Ecological base line states for fish communities are necessary for the evaluation of ecological integrity. In Austria the fish communities of all the larger lakes are strongly influenced by human activities, like commercial fisheries, fish stocking, eutrophication or shore line degradation, and therefore these baseline states can not be developed by comparison with a natural, undisturbed lake. We developed ecological baseline states for the fish communities of the lakes Hallstättersee, Traunsee, Mondsee, Irrsee and Wallersee by reconstructing the native fish communities of these lakes from historical documents (from between 1500 to 1940). Then we classified the potential fish species of these lakes according to their ecological requirements. Finally we developed the base line states with 16 different ecological factors similar to the factors used for the ecological integrity assessment procedure for streams.

The process of reconstructing the fish communities and some advantages and disadvantages of the base line states for fish communities are discussed.  相似文献   

Competitive adsorption equilibria were determined for mixtures consisting of the biologically active xenobiotics 2,4-dichlorophenol and 8-hydroxyquinoline. The adsorption data as well as their pH dependence could be adequately represented by using numerical solutions of the IAS theory and the potential theory, respectively. Breakthrough curves for various adsorptive systems are discussed for the compounds under consideration with respect to competition effects.  相似文献   

Binding Character of Selected Elements in Acidic Mining Lake Sediments To investigate the vertical element distribution in an acidic mining lake the concentrations of selected elements were measured by ICP‐MS and ICP‐OES. By knowing the metal concentrations in different depths it is possible to divide these metals into three groups. While the concentrations of iron, manganese, and zinc decline with decreasing depth, those of aluminium, copper, and nickel rise up. For lead and cobalt no distinct tendency could be determined. The limit value for all measured elements was not exceeded in any sampling location. The binding character of the metals is, besides the seasonal conditions of the lake (circulation in spring and stagnation in summer), influenced by the sediment depth. The addition of Carbokalk® for lake water neutralization had no significant effect on binding character of the analyzed metals. The application of a sequential extraction procedure enabled a classification of the available metal binding forms. All analyzed metals occurred mainly in compounds which are difficult to mobilize and for environment only slightly available.  相似文献   

Distribution of Selected Toxic Trace Elements in the Sediment of Lake Breitling near Brandenburg. Considerable enrichments of several heavy metals in relation to the local geological background were found in the surface sediments of Lake Breitling (Havel lake system) (Zn: 50-fold, Cd: 25-fold, Cu: 14-fold, Pb: 13-fold), whereas Be, Co and V are remarkably unchanged if the increased clay mineral content in the more recent sediments is considered. – The heavy metal distribution patterns indicate a high percentage of atmospheric input of these elements, and according to geochemical profiles heavy metal deposition has been constant on a high level for years. – Especially the most enriched Zn which was found to some extent NH4Ac-exchangeable deserves ecotoxic attention.  相似文献   

The P-uptake by Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli is determined in batch culture with peptone/glucose/sodium chloride or peptone/acetate/sodium chloride as substrate at 60 to 120 mg/1 orthophosphate for 20 h with cell densities of 2 · 107/ml (Acinetobacter) or 1.2 · 109. The measurements were carried out by means of an Na2HPO4 (32P) addition of 95 to 420 kBq. During the stationary phase the bacteria achieved the following P-contents in the biomass in fg/g bacterium: Acinetobacter 6 to 13, Pseudomonas 0.2 to 0.6, Escherichia 0.04 to 0.09; during the phase of growth Acinetobacter achieved 40 to 100 fg/bacterium. Acetate as the substrate did not result in any increase of the P-uptake. The maximum accumulation with Acinetobacter was 13 % P in the dry substance.  相似文献   

Behaviour of Some Pharmaceuticals during Artificial Groundwater Recharge – Elimination and Effects on Microbiology The behaviour of bezafibrate, carbamazepine, clofibric acid, diclofenac, ibuprofen, and gemfibrozil during artificial groundwater recharge was investigated with different test systems simulating field conditions. The given concentrations of the pharmaceuticals were 100 μg/L in the influent of the systems. Concentrations in the influent as well as in the effluent were measured by GC‐MS. These column experiments indicated a significant elimination of bezafibrate, diclofenac, and ibuprofen (60 to 80%) during slow sand filtration. The results showed a moderate elimination of clofibric acid and gemfibrozil (40 to 60%) but a rather low elimination of carbamazepine (<40%). The adaptation times until the elimination processes started were about 5 days. Only the elimination of carbamazepine needed a lag phase up to 17 days. Additional column experiments with groundwater model systems indicated a high persistence of pharmaceuticals under aerobic and anaerobic groundwater conditions. The elimination was less than 20%. Only diclofenac was eliminated with rates between 60% and 80% in aerobic systems and between 40% and 60% in anaerobic systems. Analysis of eubacterial 16S‐rDNA by PCR and DGGE demonstrated changes in the microbial community structure in slow sand filters after application of pharmaceuticals. Adaptation processes may cause these changes, e.g. the appearance or disappearance of single species. Also differences between the populations of water and of the solid phase in slow sand filters could be demonstrated by DGGE pattern.  相似文献   

The sorption of Co(II)., Mn(II)- and Fe(II)-ions from aqueous solution on three power plant ashes was investigated in dependence on pH-value and solution concentration. Sorption increases with rising pH-value and increasing solution concentration. The results can be interpreted with the pH-dependent occurrence of the hydrolysis products of the metal ions in solution and their reaction with the ash phase.  相似文献   

Poecilia reticulata PETERS (guppy) and the green alga Monoraphidium griffithii were used for testing of different fluorotensides. After the representation of the methods of investigation and the definition of criteria of toxicity the obtained results of investigation are discussed. In general, the toxicity of the four investigated fluorotensides to algae was lower than to fish. The anionic fluorotenside CF3—(CF2)n—CFH—COONa was an exception. In tables and diagrams the results are summarized. Finally, for the condition of the receiving-water biocenosis class “2” the respective still permissible matter concentrations are proposed. They vary between 0.05 and 0.2 mg/1.  相似文献   

After their extraction from water, 16 water pollutants of the families of triazines, urea herbicides, phenoxycarboxylic acids and organochlorine and organophosphorus insecticides are separated and identified by thin-layer chromatography. The method is suitable for routine analyses and was tested on model waters, inclusive of water from the Elbe river. The rate of redetection is up to 80%, the detection limit is at 0.5… 2 μg of the individual pollutants.  相似文献   

The toxic effects of alkali cyanide, complex cyanide-containing heavy metal salts—as of iron, cadmium, copper, nickel and mercury—were investigated according to standard methods with the aid of the test organisms Poecilia reticulata (guppy) as well as the green alga Ankistrodesmus falcatus (β- bis α-mesosaprobic). Since various complex compounds can be photolytically decomposed, also discontinuous light-dark phases were used. As discussed equilibrium calculations have shown, inter alia also the pH-value is important in the fish organisms used with different reactions to ions and molecularly dissolved compounds. The results are summarized in tables and graphic representations, the substances investigated being classified into groups with “strong” and “high” toxic actions.  相似文献   

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