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顾及地图要素级别的几何信息量量测方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
类型和级别是作为地图要素表达的重要方式,但将其引入地图信息量量算是很困难的。本文在总结了传统量测方法不足的基础上,利用加权Voronoi图的空间划分特性,用各生成元面积比重新定义了熵的计算公式,基于经典信息量量算方法提出一种多级要素地图几何信息量量测方法;同时指出对多类地物应独立计算信息量。实验表明,该方法符合熵的相关结论,同时符合人的空间认知特性。  相似文献   

Due to the advances in Web technologies,various raster maps are available through Web Map Services such as Google maps and Yahoo maps.These online maps are used to visualize diverse types of disasters.Understanding disasters with these online maps has become an important research issue.In this article,we propose a map-based general-purpose emergency management support system based on a computational model of generalized(multiplicatively weighted,order-k,and Minkowski-metric)Voronoi diagrams.The proposed system tessellates Web maps and models disasters(or emergency response units)having different weights in the complete order from 1 to k-1 in the three popular Minkowski metrics(Euclidean,Manhattan,and Maximum distance)pro-vide insightful information for various what-if emergency scenarios.The proposed map-based emergency management support system systematically supports neighboring queries,districting queries,location optimization queries,and routing queries.We pro-vide specific examples to illustrate how our system supports these queries.  相似文献   

Two alternative approaches are investigated to compute the discrete Stokes integral for gravimetric geoid determination so that geographical grid subdivision and gridding is not required. The techniques are based on Voronoi and Delaunay structures, in which the target area is partitioned into polygons and triangles, respectively, and the computation is carried out by point-wise integration. In the Voronoi scheme, polygonal areas just contain the observed gravity anomalies, instead of the interpolated ones; thus no gridding process or data interpolation is necessary, and only the original data are used. In the Delaunay scheme, gridding is also not required, but observed anomalies are interpolated into triangular compartments whose vertices hold the gravity stations. Geoidal undulations are thus computed at the barycenters (centroids) of the triangles. Both schemes were applied to the local gravimetric geoid determination in two distinct areas of Brazil (municipality of Rio de Janeiro, and Resende). The gravity observations are almost uniformly distributed spatially at both sites, and their topographies are very rugged. The Stokes component was also computed by means of classical numerical integration (space-domain), and compared with the Voronoi and Delaunay schemes to give root-mean-square (RMS) differences of 0.022 and 0.024 m, respectively, at the Rio de Janeiro site. In Resende, the comparisons yielded RMS differences of 0.040 and 0.053 m. The largest difference did not exceed 0.100 m for both methods and datasets. The one-dimensional (1-D) FFT (spectral domain) technique was also used on the Rio de Janeiro dataset, which gave RMS differences of 0.031 m for the classical method, 0.039 m for the Voronoi scheme, and 0.047 m for the Delaunay scheme. Relative comparisons with 465 GPS-leveling baselines in the Rio de Janeiro site gave RMS differences of 0.069, 0.061, 0.071, and 0.071 m, for the Voronoi, Delaunay, classical, and 1-D FFT methods, respectively. Since the Voronoi and Delaunay schemes avoid the gridding step, the pre-processing time and labor are reduced. As with other methods, the dependence upon data quality and distribution is the main drawback of both schemes. Finally, the Voronoi and Delaunay schemes proved to be computationally as efficient as the 1-D FFT method for only the geoid height computation.  相似文献   


We attempt to describe the role of tessellated models of space within the discipline of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) – a speciality coming largely out of Geography and Land Surveying, where there was a strong need to represent information about the land’s surface within a computer system rather than on the original paper maps. We look at some of the basic operations in GIS, including dynamic and kinetic applications. We examine issues of topology and data structures, and produced a tessellation model that may be widely applied both to traditional “object” and “field” data types. The Part I of this study examined object and field spatial models, the Voronoi extension of objects, and the graphs that express the resulting adjacencies. The required data structures were also briefly described, along with 2D and 3D structures and hierarchical indexing. The importance of graph duality was emphasized. Here, this second paper builds on the structures described in the first, and examines how these may be modified: change may often be associated with either viewpoint or time. Incremental algorithms permit additional point insertion, and applications involving the addition of skeleton points, for map scanning, contour enrichment or watershed delineation and simulation. Dynamic algorithms permit skeleton smoothing, and higher order Voronoi diagram applications, including Sibson interpolation. Kinetic algorithms allow collision detection applications, free-Lagrange flow modeling, and pen movement simulation for map drawing. If desired these methods may be extended to 3D. Based on this framework, it can be argued that tessellation models are fundamental to our understanding and processing of geographical space, and provide a coherent framework for understanding the “space” in which we exist.  相似文献   

艾廷华  禹文豪 《测绘学报》2013,42(5):760-766
Voronoi图是地理空间设施分布特征提取的重要几何模型,基于不同的空间距离概念可建立不同的Voronoi图。本研究顾及城市网络空间中设施点的服务功能及相互联系发生于网络路径距离而非传统的欧式距离的事实,针对网络空间Voronoi图模型,建立一种网络空间Voronoi图生成的栅格扩展算法。首先对图结构的边目标剖分为细小的线性单元,称作网络空间的栅格化,引入水流扩展思想,将事件点发生源视为“水源”,以栅格单元长度为扩展步长,让水流方向沿着网络上的可通行路径同时向外蔓延,直至与其他水流相遇或者到达边的尽头。该算法可方便地加入网络图结构中的多种约束,如街道边的单向行驶、结点的限制性连接等实际空间限制条件。通过大规模实际数据的“数字城市”POI点服务范围的试验表明该算法的效率高。  相似文献   

Land cover maps play an integral role in environmental management. However, countries and institutes encounter many challenges with producing timely, efficient, and temporally harmonized updates to their land cover maps. To address these issues we present a modular Regional Land Cover Monitoring System (RLCMS) architecture that is easily customized to create land cover products using primitive map layers. Primitive map layers are a suite of biophysical and end member maps, with land cover primitives representing the raw information needed to make decisions in a dichotomous key for land cover classification. We present best practices to create and assemble primitives from optical satellite using computing technologies, decision tree logic and Monte Carlo simulations to integrate their uncertainties. The concept is presented in the context of a regional land cover map based on a shared regional typology with 18 land cover classes agreed on by stakeholders from Cambodia, Laos PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. We created annual map and uncertainty layers for the period 2000–2017. We found an overall accuracy of 94% when taking uncertainties into account. RLCMS produces consistent time series products using free long term historical Landsat and MODIS data. The customizable architecture can include a variety of sensors and machine learning algorithms to create primitives and the best suited smoothing can be applied on a primitive level. The system is transferable to all regions around the globe because of its use of publicly available global data (Landsat and MODIS) and easily adaptable architecture that allows for the incorporation of a customizable assembly logic to map different land cover typologies based on the user's landscape monitoring objectives  相似文献   

This paper endeavours to put the discussion on errors and uncertainties in geographical information systems (GISs) in a more systematic way by examining the strength and weakness of discrete objects and continous fields, the two distinct schools of spatial data modelling. In doing so, it argues that neither discrete objects nor continous fields alone provide objective and complete representations of highly complex geographical phenomena, though there are good reasons for asserting that continuous fields are better suited to modelling spatial dependence, heterogeneity and fuzzines significant in geographical reality than discrete objects. Thus, there seems to be merit in adopting an integrated model incorporating analytical capabilities of fields and generalization functions of objects, for which extended TIN (triangulated irregular network) models along with their duals (Voronoi diagrams) provide a pragmatical solution.  相似文献   

李佳  段平  梁明  吕海洋 《测绘通报》2017,(10):84-88
针对以欧氏距离作为放大因子对电子地图进行放大裁剪引起的信息失衡问题,提出了采用地理多要素Voronoi图相邻关系的地图放大裁剪方法,可有效避免以欧氏距离作为地图放大因子的地图信息失衡问题。将电子地图中的地理要素分为点、线、面,对于点要素,构建它的Voronoi图;对于非点要素,即线和面要素,构建它们的近似Voronoi图,当用户对电子地图中感兴趣地理要素目标放大时,只需要提取该目标的多要素Voronoi图相邻要素的近似Voronoi图,并计算它们的最小外包矩形,将最小外包矩形区域用于最终的地图放大裁剪区域,则可较好地顾及用户感兴趣地理要素目标周围的地理要素信息,可提高地图的易读性。采用本文方法对某区域电子地图进行了试验,结果表明,地理多要素Voronoi图相邻关系的地图放大裁剪方法能够较好地顾及目标周边地理要素信息,避免了以欧氏距离为放大因子的地图信息失衡。  相似文献   


This article presents a quantitative analysis of fictional maps and their relation to historic maps from different periods. Fictional maps are maps of imaginary territories. This type of map is now common in fiction, but they arose relatively late, in the second half of the nineteenth century, and are considered an independent branch of cartography today. They stand out through the way they are published because they are component parts of books and not independent cartographic works, and therefore their creators are not cartographers but rather the authors of these books. Fictional maps are mostly subordinate to the story, but they serve to give a sense of historical authenticity and draw the reader into the story. Without networks of coordinates and with labels such as ‘the end of the world’, they are spatially indeterminate, but they establish a connection between the fictional landscape and its identity. This study deals with 89 fictional maps from recent children’s and young adult literature. First we present a historical overview of these works and fictional maps, and then a cartographic analysis of fictional maps. We examined seventy-seven books with fictional maps and evaluated the maps according to five groups of standard cartographic elements: natural elements, built elements, toponyms, mathematical elements, and explanatory elements. We discuss the differences between cartographic representation of fictional maps and historic maps, and build a cartographic model based on the frequency of cartographic elements to put fictional maps into historic and geographical contexts.  相似文献   

康顺  李佳田  武昊 《测绘学报》2017,46(5):649-657
点模式及其趋同研究是揭示地学现象的产生、发展与演变,量化空间相似性分布、诠释空间分布成因的重要方式。目前,点模式研究侧重于已知频率与随机分布的一元独立性检验、距离测度下单观测值的二元相关性分析,而针对集聚过程相关性,空间拓扑与非拓扑邻近、综合多观测值的点模式趋同量化研究顾及不足。据此,以空间邻近性聚类、局部相关的多指标评价为切入点,本文提出了一种Voronoi邻近关系支持下的点模式趋同提取方法。首先,以Voronoi邻近相关表集聚算法剖分出空间独立性点模式;其次,依据Voronoi邻近关系指数测度、样本分布均值与分布方差的趋同假设,使用拉普拉斯平滑算子评价趋同度;最后,依据λ截矩阵,提取出Voronoi邻近、非Voronoi邻近关系支持下的强趋同点模式。试验以云南省腾冲市居民点数据为算例,经与点模式构建的聚类方法对比、趋同度计算与强趋同提取,验证了该方法的可行性与有效性。  相似文献   

针对省级地理国情普查数据库数据海量、种类多样、更新持续、应用广泛等特征,本文提出一种集地理国情普查数据库建库、更新与应用于一体的数据库管理系统设计方案。研究在分析现有地理国情普查数据库特点的基础上,从总体设计思想、系统架构、运行模式、接口设计等几个方面进行探讨,期望为各级地理国情普查数据库管理系统建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

杨永崇  郭岚 《测绘科学》2007,32(4):185-186,165
比例尺与分辨率是两个相似的概念,但比例尺通常被理解为缩小倍数,而分辨率则通常被理解为细节表现力或精细度。与纸质地图不同,地图比例尺的概念对于数字地图是没有实际意义的。所以用分辨率代替比例尺来描述数字地图较为贴切。数字地图的分辨率主要是说明地图中地理信息的详细程度、细致程度、精确程度和表达方式,数字地图的空间分辨率可用类似于比例尺精度的数字来表示。  相似文献   

This paper endeavours to put the discussion on errors and uncertainties in geographical information systems (GISs) in a more systematic way by examining the strength and weakness of discrete objects and continuous fields, the two distinct schools of spatial data modelling. In doing so, it argues that neither discrete objects nor continuous fields alone provide objective and complete representations of highly complex geographical phenomena, though there are good reasons for asserting that continuous fields are better suited to modelling spatial dependence, heterogeneity and fuzziness significant in geographical reality than discrete objects. Thus, there seems to be merit in adopting an integrated model incorporating analytical capabilities of fields and generalization functions of objects, for which extended TIN(triangulated irregular network) models along with their duals (Voronoi diagrams) provide a pragmatical solution.  相似文献   

根据地图表达地理属性的量表性质,将地图设色方案分为定性设色、顺序设色和双向设色等3种方式。基于这3种地图设色方式的特点,根据红-绿色盲的光谱特性,设计了一系列实验地图,通过颜色辨识的心理学实验,分析了红-绿色盲的视觉特征,初步揭示出一些针对红-绿色盲人群使用的地图设色原则,为制作红-绿色盲人群使用的地图提供了有效的参考。  相似文献   

《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(3):276-285

Traditionally schematised maps make extensive use of curves. However, automated methods for schematisation are mostly restricted to straight lines. We present a generic framework for topology-preserving curved schematisation that allows a choice of quality measures and curve types. The framework fits a curve to every part of the input. It uses Voronoi diagrams to ensure that curves fitted to disjoint parts do not intersect. The framework then employs a dynamic program to find an optimal schematisation using the fitted curves. Our fully-automated approach does not need critical points or salient features. We illustrate our framework with Bézier curves and circular arcs.  相似文献   

With the widespread use of tag clouds, multiple map-based variations have been proposed. Like standard tag clouds (also called word clouds), these ‘tag maps’ all share the basic strategy of displaying words within a ‘geographic space’ and scaling the word size to depict frequency (or importance) of those words within some dataset. While some tag maps simply plot a standard tag cloud on top of a map, the subset of tag maps we focus on here are those in which the collection of words are displayed within bounded geographic regions (often of irregular shape) that the words are relevant for. For this form of tag map, map scale and polygon shape add constraints to word size and position that have not been considered in most prior approaches to tag map word layout. In this paper, we present a layout strategy for tag map generation that includes consideration of the shape and size of the geographical regions acting as containers for the tags. The method introduced here uses a triangulated irregular network (TIN) to subdivide the geographical region into many triangle subareas, with the centroid of each triangle being a potential location to centre a tag on. All the triangles are sorted by their area and all the tags are sorted by their weight value (e.g. frequency, importance or popularity). Positioning of tags is undertaken sequentially from most important (or frequent or popular) with potential locations being the TIN triangle centroids (tried from largest to smallest triangle). After each tag placement, the TIN is recalculated to integrate the tag centroid and bounding corners into the TIN creation. The limited whitespace in the geographical region, at any specific scale, is used fully by dynamically adjusting the font size along with the number and the direction of tags. The method can be applied to add tags within geographic polygons that are convex, concave and other more complex regions containing holes or islands.  相似文献   

《The Cartographic journal》2013,50(3):225-231

This paper is about different worlds, and how we try to unite them. One of these worlds is the world of National Atlases: collections of complex, high-quality maps presenting a nation to the geographically interested. The second is the world of National Spatial Infrastructures: highly organized, standardized and institutionalized large collections of spatial data and services. In the paper, we describe the two worlds and their fundamental differences and we present the theoretical framework in which these worlds could be united. We introduce a test bed we are using to try out the theoretical framework in a real-life use case. In the architecture of that test bed, we introduce a National Atlas Services layer and describe how we have created an Atlas Map Viewer component, using the Open Web Platform. We conclude by commenting on the results thus far and taking a look into future developments.  相似文献   

This paper presents a Web-based three-dimensional Geographic Information System (3DGIS) for Wenchuan earthquake disaster assessment. With the help of information technology resources, geoscientists are in a position to learn more about the structure of the earthquake in efficient ways. Due to huge spatial datasets of Wenchuan, China and narrow network bandwidth, general-purpose applications are difficult to transmit and visualize these datasets on the network. The application aims to interactively represent and transfer large spatial objects of Wenchuan County, China, as well as for dynamically rendering them in networking environments. Level-of-detail (LOD) terrain models and vector maps are created, and the server–client architecture is presented. The application provides an effective way for powerful access and manipulation of large-scale Wenchuan datasets.  相似文献   

A vehicle mobility estimator has been developed to produce decision aid maps for projecting civil or military forces on operational theatres. Based on the exploitation of classical geographical sources (e.g. digital elevation models, optical images, and vector databases) and thematic sources (e.g. climate, meteorological, pedological and land cover databases), the system computes speed maps for different kinds of vehicles moving both on‐road and off‐road. Such computations are realized through a ground‐vehicle interaction module that estimates the vehicle performance from experimental results, numerical simulations and empirical relationships. The system's architecture is built using a GIS interface that manages the data, the computation and the presentation layers. An operational version of this tool has been tested and validated on several operational theatres in France and in northern Africa. The results show good agreement between the predicted mobility performance of various vehicles and those observed on the field. A case study is presented to illustrate the mobility maps and demonstrate their relevance in the decision‐making chain depending on different climate contexts. A short application to itinerary optimization is presented as a promising future application.  相似文献   


World maps can have quite different depictions of reality depending on the projection adopted, and this can influence our perception of the world. In this respect, shape is a significant property that needs to be considered, especially when representing large regions in general-purpose world maps. A map projection distorts most geometric properties (area, distance, direction/angle, shape, and specific curves) and usually preserves a single property or provides a compromise between different properties when transforming terrestrial features from globe to plane. The distortions are mainly classified based on area, distance and direction/angle and analyzed with Tissot’s theorem. However, this theorem offers a local (pointwise) solution, so the distortion assessment is valid at infinitesimal scale (i.e. for very small regions). For this reason, different approaches are required to analyze the distortions at finite scale (i.e. for larger regions). However, there are very few attempts at analyzing and comparing shape distortion of landmasses in world map projections owing to the fact that shape measurement is difficult and usually involves measuring different characteristics. Seeking to fill this gap, in this study, compactness and elongation distortion measures are introduced. In this regard, 16 world map projections are analyzed and compared with these distortion measures in a GIS environment, based on map datasets of continents and countries. An analysis of the effect of the levels of detail of the datasets is also presented.  相似文献   

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