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The complexity of building models directly affects the application efficiencies of 3D urban maps. To address the challenges of building models with various structures, we propose a structural simplification method in this paper. The geometric structures of building models are classified into three categories: embedded structures, compositional structures, and connecting structures, which can be extracted separately through convex/concave analysis. Some specific rules are proposed for the simplification of geometric structures, and the building models are suggested to be simplified progressively. The robustness and efficiency of the method are demonstrated by experiments, and the applications of the Levels of detail of the building models are illustrated.  相似文献   


Repetitive structures of a building share features in terms of geometries and appearance and, therefore, the 3D information for these structures can be transferred from one specification to another for the purpose of 3D modeling and reconstruction once they are identified as repetitive structures. In this paper, a novel approach is proposed for the detection of the repetitive structures specified by the polygons of a building’s footprints. Instead of directly operating on the polygon in 2D space, the polygon is converted into a bend angle function representation in 1D space, whereby an extrusion is represented as a closed polygon intersected by the x-axis and located above it, while an intrusion is represented as a closed polygon below the x-axis. In this way, a polygon of a footprint is decomposed into a number of extrusions and intrusions which can in turn be processed. The task of detecting any repetitive structures specified in a building’s footprints then becomes the task of clustering the intersected polygons in the bend angle function space. The extrusions/intrusions which can be placed in the same clusters can be regarded as repetitive structures. Experiments show that this proposed approach can detect repetitive structures with different sizes, orientations and complexities.  相似文献   

董伟东  郭浩  罗海波  马全明 《测绘通报》2022,(1):149-154,158
主动铰接型盾构机在曲线隧道开挖中应用广泛,其盾构姿态的精密解算是盾构机自动导向系统的核心功能,也是盾构掘进中进行盾构机实时纠偏的前提和基础。国内外盾构机自动导向系统提供商对自身盾构姿态计算原理和方法保密的现状,给盾构机姿态人工复核和盾构施工带来了较大困难。本文在研究两款国产盾构机和日本演算工坊棱镜法自动导向系统的基础上,利用立体几何和空间投影变换原理,提出了主动铰接型盾构机姿态精密解算方法,给出详细推导计算公式。通过对多台盾构机在不同隧道线型内多组姿态坐标数据的计算和对比,验证了该盾构姿态精密解算方法的正确性。  相似文献   

建筑物作为三维模型的主体,其矢量化主要依赖人工勾画,虽有采用深度学习等方法进行建筑物提取的研究,但依然需要标注大量样本。针对上述问题,本文以天津市典型区域为试验区,提出一种融合高度和光谱信息的倾斜摄影数据建筑物自动提取方法。首先,通过高度初始分割、植被信息滤除、形态学后处理等,逐步优化建筑物提取结果,实现建筑物信息的自动提取,建筑物的总体识别精度达到94%。然后,通过对建筑物轮廓进行矢量化和规则化,在地理信息平台中实现了建筑物的对象化查询,拓展了实景三维模型的应用深度。  相似文献   


City models have a wide variety of uses that require different kind of data representation or data models. Having a dynamic model that enables picking the right representations (meshes, volumetric data, point cloud, etc.) can prove useful to adapt an application to each user's needs. In this paper, we present an original method to create personalised visualisations of 3D city models on the fly. By organising the server data in a hierarchy of tiles, we are able to generate personalised models based on the user's preferences. These preferences take the shape of a set of rules that apply to each tile or city object and allow the user to choose which representation of the object to use depending on its position or semantic information (classification, height, etc.). Our method is designed around existing standards, guaranteeing the interoperability of the produced models.  相似文献   

倾斜航空影像的城市建筑物三维模型构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对当前城市建筑物三维模型构建的需要,本文提出一套利用无人飞艇载四组合特宽角相机同时实现高精度空中三角测量和建筑物景观三维建模的技术路线。一方面通过基于四相机重叠影像自动匹配的自检校,达到设备轻小型化条件下的精密等效中心投影构像,用以支持高精度空中三角测量;另一方面,通过自检校的4个方向倾斜的相机,达到一次飞行同时获得四方向建筑物侧面影像的目的,为城市景观的三维表达、精细建模和可视化提供一种新的、快捷的技术方案。  相似文献   

The 3D Water Chemistry Atlas is an intuitive, open source, Web-based system that enables the three-dimensional (3D) sub-surface visualization of ground water monitoring data, overlaid on the local geological model (formation and aquifer strata). This paper firstly describes the results of evaluating existing virtual globe technologies, which led to the decision to use the Cesium open source WebGL Virtual Globe and Map Engine as the underlying platform. Next it describes the backend database and search, filtering, browse and analysis tools that were developed to enable users to interactively explore the groundwater monitoring data and interpret it spatially and temporally relative to the local geological formations and aquifers via the Cesium interface. The result is an integrated 3D visualization system that enables environmental managers and regulators to assess groundwater conditions, identify inconsistencies in the data, manage impacts and risks and make more informed decisions about coal seam gas extraction, waste water extraction, and water reuse.  相似文献   

研究了基于倾斜摄影建筑模型的采集以及提高精度的优化算法。针对已有的建筑模型采集方法无法做到很好的精度控制,建筑物边线采集方式单一,获取的边线未经过算法处理的情况,提出了约束条件的建筑边线采集方法,并在此方法基础上通过建筑边线和墙体关系开展优化建筑边线精度的算法研究,即利用给定的采集方法和优化算法。使用该采集方法获取建筑立面线粗图,并将这些数据统一批量优化,进一步从采集阶段和优化阶段有效提高立面线数据的精度。  相似文献   

陈卓  马洪超 《测绘学报》2012,41(2):252-258
大型立交桥是城市交通的重要组成部分,也是城市地区中最为复杂的地物之一。立交桥三维可视化建模是数字化城市建设的重要课题,然而其复杂的几何与拓扑结构导致许多传统的统一建模方法无法正确表达其特征,一些商业软件中的表达方法又过于抽象,无法提供直观的感受以及交互式的处理。本文提出一种基于机载LiDAR数据的大型立交桥建模方法。主要特点包括:1)采用了分割后建模的策略,提出了自动的立交桥结构分割方法,能够将复杂的交汇、分叉结构分割成多个结构简单的区段,为后续建模工作打下了重要基础;2)在轮廓中确立约束边,采用全约束三角网建模方法,建立了立交桥三维可视化模型;3)利用区段建模信息结合先验知识检测并恢复被遮挡的结构。实验结果表明,本文先分割后建模的思想在复杂结构立交桥的建模问题上可以取得令人满意的结果,全约束三角网建模的方法很好的保留了模型的三维特征,更重要的是可用于恢复被遮挡的结构,从而使得模型具有完整的三维结构。整个模型在地理位置,几何尺寸以及拓扑关系上均与实际地物保持一致,具备三维浏览以及交互式操作的条件。对模型质量和算法效率的分析进一步说明了本文方法的可行性、有效性。  相似文献   

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