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In order to investigate the parameters controlling the heterotrophic protists (nano-microzooplankton) on the continental shelf of the southern Bay of Biscay, plankton communities and their physico-chemical environment were studied 4 times in February, April, June and September–October 2004 at three stations in the euphotic zone in the Bay of Biscay. The abundance and carbon biomass of heterotrophic protists (ciliates, heterotrophic dinoflagellates and nanoflagellates) as well as all the others groups of plankton (picoplankton, nanophytoplankton, diatoms, autotrophic dinoflagellates, metazoan microzooplankton and mesozooplankton), the environmental parameters and the primary and bacteria production were evaluated at each sampling period. Microzooplankton grazing experiments were undertaken at the same time. Ciliates and heterotrophic dinoflagellates accounted for the main major component of nano- and microzooplankton communities in term of biomass. The total carbon biomass of heterotrophic protists was highest in spring and lowest at the end of summer. The development of heterotrophic protists started after a winter microphytoplankton bloom (principally large diatoms), the biomass was lower in June and was low in September (through inappropriate prey). The carbon requirement of microzooplankton ranged from 50 to more than 100% of daily primary, bacterial and nanoflagellate production. The heterotrophic protist community was predominantly constrained by bottom-up control in spring and at the end of summer via food availability and quality.  相似文献   

A fisheries research cruise conducted in 2000 offered a first opportunity to take simultaneous measurements of the activities of three enzymes in mesozooplankton samples collected at a regional scale over the continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay in the NE Atlantic, with the aim of characterizing main aspects of the functioning of the biotic environment of small pelagic fish populations. The activity of the digestive endopeptidase trypsin was selected to characterize the assimilation rate of proteins, whereas pyruvate kinase (PK) was chosen as an indicator of carbohydrate assimilation and aspartate transcarbamylase (ATC) provided an overall assessment of mesozooplankton productivity. The Bay of Biscay region is subject to various strong physical driving forces that directly affect the primary structure of the pelagic food web. On our cruise, the phytoplankton biomass distribution reflected these different physical influences: diatoms dominated the nutrient-enriched coastal water; picoplankton dominated the northern-central part where nutrients were depleted; and nanoplankton were abundant at the shelf break where internal waves provided an input of nutrients. These and other results (on bacteria, particulate organic carbon distribution, among others) illustrate the differences that exist in the microbial food webs of different sectors of the bay. The living matter produced was characterized by the quality and quantity of the smallest prey items that were available to higher trophic levels. Variations in mesozooplankton enzyme activities may agree well not only with classically expected results, but also present unexpected special features: high ATC specific activities were measured around the mouth of the Gironde, in the nutrient-rich desalted water of the plume, but surprisingly not in front of the Loire river. PK specific activities reflected preponderantly the balance between phytoplankton cells sizes and the related bacterial abundance resulting from nutrient limitation (mainly P), that induces varying carbohydrates production potential. Trypsin specific activities were moderately variable, except in a restricted area where a highly abundant protein content characterized the particulate matter and in the plume of water flowing out of the Gironde. It is concluded that the presented approach of the metabolism of mesozooplankton communities may provide novel views on crucial processes occurring at the mesoscale, which fits in generally well with the scales of ecological factors mostly influential on small pelagic fish populations.  相似文献   

Dissolved cadmium and copper species were measured in the Loire estuary and the North Biscay Bay continental shelf (France) in spring 2002. Metal behaviours along the salinity gradient, metal fluxes from the Loire system and surface distributions on the continental shelf were described and compared with the ones obtained at a period of higher discharge (i.e., winter 2001). Vertical distributions at different stations were also examined with the aim to assess whether the Loire inputs affect the Cu and Cd speciation over the continental shelf. In the Loire estuary, different metal behaviours were observed from winter. Cu and its various species mostly followed a theoretical dilution line whereas a Cd addition composed of chloro- and organic complexes was observed. According to our estimations, the Cu flux was composed, as in winter, of 40% hydrophobic organic complexes. On the other hand, Cd organic complexes accounted for less in the total dissolved metal flux than they did in winter (55 and 78% for spring and winter, respectively). On the continental shelf, a C18Cu-to-TDCu ratio of 40% was observed in the stratified area under Loire influence. For Cd, the organic fraction was relatively important in the surface waters near the mouth of the estuary and decreased deeper and seaward. Thus, the Cu and Cd speciation on the North Biscay Bay continental shelf are firstly determined by the extent of the estuarine plume. Beyond the estuarine influence, biological processes appeared to be the origin of the observed variations.  相似文献   

The striped dolphin, Stenella coeruleoalba, is an oceanic species that occasionally occurs in neritic habitats; in the Bay of Biscay it is abundant offshore and erratic in occurrence over the shelf. Given that prey assemblages differ widely among these habitats both in terms of taxonomic composition and of ecology, this would suggest that striped dolphins are able to shift from vertically migrating meso-pelagic prey to neritic or coastal prey types. We investigated the striped dolphin's dietary plasticity by examining the stomach contents of individuals stranded along the French Atlantic coast. 1109 prey items were identified belonging to 30 distinct taxa and their biomass was calculated. Fish accounted for 91% of the diet by number and 61% by mass; the rest was mostly cephalopods, crustaceans being present as trace. Specific composition included both oceanic (myctophid and sternoptychid fish; histioteuthid, gonatid and brachioteuthid cephalopods), neritic (gadids and anchovy; loliginid, sepiolid and sepiid cephalopods) and even coastal (atherinid fish) prey types, showing that these animals had changed their diet as they moved over the shelf.  相似文献   

Ciliate assemblages, together with phytoplankton and heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) as their potential food, have been surveyed monthly along the salinity gradient of the Nervión River estuary from March 2000 to March 2002. A total of 135 taxa of ciliate have been identified corresponding to 20 orders. Scuticociliates, naked choreotrichs and oligotrichs were the most abundant groups, distributed throughout a broad range of salinity. In addition to these groups, which were the dominant taxa in the middle estuary, tintinnids were characteristic of the ciliate assemblages of the outer estuary whereas in the innermost part naked choreotrichs and oligotrichs decreased in number, being substituted by sessilids, hymenostomatids, peniculids and cyrtophorids. Total ciliate concentrations were among the highest reported in the literature for other estuaries and coastal waters, frequently reaching 105 cells l−1. Meanwhile, tintinnid concentrations were comparable with those of other estuarine and coastal waters. Based on a principal component analysis (PCA) three main groups were delineated, with ciliates and their potential food sources as variables. One was that constituted by freshwater ciliate such as sessilids, hymenostomatids, cyrtophorids and pleurostomatids, which appear in low numbers in the innermost part, mainly in winter. Another group contained diatoms, chlorophytes, flagellates, euplotids and scuticociliates, all of them broadly distributed along the estuary and reaching their maximum density in late spring–summer. The third group was made up of taxa mainly appearing at the seaward end such as dinoflagellates, cyanobacteria, haptorids, tintinnids, naked choreotrichs and oligotrichs, which reached the highest densities in summer and early autumn. Ciliates do not seem to be food limited in the Nervión River estuary or much controlled by metazoan grazing.  相似文献   

Analysis of living (Rose Bengal-stained) benthic foraminifera in 13 multicorer samples taken along the Cap Breton canyon (Bay of Biscay) revealed that the combination of organic-rich material and sediment instability provides very specific benthic ecosystem conditions. The active canyon hosts different foraminiferal assemblages that appear to be determined by different types and frequencies of environmental disturbance at the sites. Most of them are strongly dominated by shallow-infaunal living taxa that combine a tolerance for low-quality organic matter with a high reproductive potential. Foraminiferal assemblages characterized by high densities, very superficially living taxa and strong dominance of bolivinids and buliminids, follow a poor pioneer fauna dominated by Technitella melo. These assemblages are observed in the narrow canyon axis, where frequent sediment resuspension occurs and affects habitat stability. Assemblages studied from sites outside the canyon axis are still dominated by shallow-infaunal species but show lower foraminiferal densities and higher diversities. Deep-infaunal taxa are only present in some inner meanders and more distal stations. These assemblages are typical for ecological niches that are relatively stable and unaffected by re-sedimentation processes. They have attained a more advanced stage of ecosystem stability. They are influenced by neither lateral sediment nor enriched organic matter input.  相似文献   

From September to December 1995, three hydrographic surveys were carried out in the eastern Cantabrian Sea (Bay of Biscay). Changes in the water masses pattern were examined to study the variability and main energetic features in the area. At the beginning of December, an intense Poleward Current (PC), which had come from Portuguese slopes, entered the eastern Cantabrian Sea. This current was the most energetic event in this area in winter. The PC waters increased temperature by about 2 °C (subsurface layers) and salinity by 0.2 (surface layers) in the pattern of water masses in the eastern Cantabrian Sea in winter. The core current was approximately 10 km width and 120 m depth and the water transport, estimated from geostrophic current profiles, was of about 1.3 Sv.A well-defined wavelike front with two significant ridges in the western and eastern sampling area, was observed. The variability and meandering flow of the PC were driven by dominantly baroclinic instabilities, which are due to strong vertical velocity shear. In this synoptic-scale system, the potential vorticity advection, the differential vorticity advection, and the geopotential tendency have shown to be the cause of the ageostrophic motion and the main baroclinic disturbances.One important consequence of the entrance of the PC in the eastern Cantabrian Sea was the profound effect on the pattern of nutrients. The current-induced stratification pattern drives the distribution of nutrients in the different layers and the instabilities and meandering pattern of the PC was an important mechanism of fertilisation offshore.  相似文献   

To explore the spatial pattern of macrobenthic communities and their response to environmental factors in the Prydz Bay,samples were collected using a 0.25-m2 box corer at 10 stations from November 2012 to April 2013.A total of 50 species of macrobenthos belonging to 8 phyla and 33 families were identified,of which polychaetes(e.g.,Maldane sarsi)and sponges(e.g.,Halichondria sp.and Leucosolenia sp.)were the most prominent groups.The macrobenthos in study area were categorized into five functional groups based on the feeding type,and the detritivorous group represented by polychaetes showed the highest average abundance,while the planktophagous group represented by sponges showed the highest average biomass.Macrobenthos abundance(0–592 ind./m2)and biomass(0–1155.5 g/m2)in the Prydz Bay were relatively lower than those of other Antarctic shelf soft-bottom waters,although the compositions of the dominant species and functional feeding groups were similar.The results of the Spearman rank correlation analysis indicated that the average biomass of the macrobenthos and the biomass of the planktophagous group in the study area were negatively correlated with the water depth,sediment grain size and silt percentage.However,these variables were clearly not strong determinants of macrobenthos assemblage structure.Many factors not measured in the study,e.g.,sediment organic matter and iceberg interference,have probably influenced the spatial distribution of macrobenthic community structure in the Prydz Bay.  相似文献   

Marine sediments in continental shelf ecosystems harbor a rich biodiversity of benthic communities. In this study, the spatial and temporal diversity and community assemblages of free‐living marine nematodes were studied by sampling at six depths and over 3 years from the southwest continental shelf off Bay of Bengal, one of the least explored tropical shelf ecosystems. The dominant marine nematode species were related with abiotic variables as part of this study. The effects of sediment granulometry generally decreased with increasing depth and the highest nematode density and species diversity were recorded on coarse sand (shallower depths). Multivariate analysis of the nematode community data showed that community structure differed significantly among depths as well as among years. Statistical analyses showed significant correlations between the nematode community and abiotic variables. Sediment texture, organic matter, water pressure and depth profile were crucial factors for determining diversity, vertical profile and feeding types of the nematode community. Other environmental factors, including anthropogenic pressure, did not have an effect on nematode diversity except for the presence of some tolerant species (Metachromadora spp., Sabatieria spp. and Siplophorella sp.). This study represents a baseline of knowledge of free‐living marine nematode communities that can be used in the future to compare nematode assemblages from temperate shelf ecosystems.  相似文献   

本文基于1982−2021年的NOAA最优插值海表温度等资料,分析了孟加拉湾海洋热浪季节分布特征与可能成因。结果表明:大致以斯里兰卡岛与缅甸伊洛瓦底江河口连线为界,孟加拉湾西北部与东南部海域海洋热浪频率和天数呈现出不同的季节变化特征。在湾西北部海域,海洋热浪频率和天数季节变化较显著,均在夏季达到最大,春、秋季次之,冬季最少。而在湾东南部海域,二者的季节变化相对较弱。依据海洋热浪累积强度将海洋热浪从弱至强分为I~IV4种等级。分析显示,I类和II类较弱海洋热浪主要发生于夏、秋季的湾西部或西北部海域;III类以上严重海洋热浪则多发于春季的安达曼海和湾东南部海域以及夏季的缅甸西南部海域。进一步分析表明,在春、夏和秋季大部分海洋热浪活跃区,较浅的混合层及海表净热通量的变化对这些海区海洋热浪活动可能起主要作用,而冬季湾东南部海域海洋热浪形成与维持可能主要与赤道远地强迫有关。  相似文献   

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