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INTRODUCTION TheDabieMountainsareacollisionalorogenbe tweentheSouthandNorthChinablocks.Theageof theultrahighpressuremetamorphism(Hackeretal., 1998;Rowleyetal.,1997;Amesetal.,1993;Liet al.,1993)andthelateststratainvolvedintheforeland fold thrustbelt(Xueta…  相似文献   

Located in the middle segment of the Trans-North China Orogen, the Fuping Complex is considered as a critical area in understanding the evolution history of the North China Craton (NCC). The complex is composed of various high-grade and multiply deformed rocks, including gray gneiss, basic granulite, amphibolite, fine-grained gneiss and marble, metamorphosed to upper amphibolite or granulite facies. It can be divided into four rock units: the Fuping TTG gneisses, Longquanguan augen gneisses, Wanzi supracrustals, and Nanying granitic gneisses. U-Pb age and Hf isotope compositions of about 200 detrital zircons from the Wanzi supracrustals of the Fuping Complex have been analyzed. The data on metamorphic zircon rims give ages of 1.82-1.84 Ga, corresponding to the final amalgamation event of the NCC, whereas the data for igneous zircon cores yield two age populations at -2.10 and -2.51 Ga, with some inherited ages scattering between 2.5 and 2.9 Ga. These results suggest that the Wanzi supracrustals were derived from the Fuping TTG gneisses (-2.5 Ga) and the Nanying granitic gneisses (2.0-2.1 Ga) and deposited between 2.10 and 1.84 Ga. All zircons with -2.51 Ga age have positive initial εHf values from +1.4 to +10.9, suggesting an important crustal growth event at -2.5 Ga through the addition of juvenile materials from the mantle. The Hf isotope data for the detrital zircons further imply that the 2.8 Ga rocks are important components in the lower crust, which is consistent with a suggestion from Nd isotope data for the Eastern Block. The zircons of 2.10 Ga population have initial εHf values of-4.9 to +6.1, interpreted as mixing of crustal re-melt with minor juvenile material contribution at 2.1 Ga. These results are distinct from that for the Western Block, supporting that the Fuping Complex was emplaced in a tectonic active environment at the western margin of the Eastern Block.  相似文献   

Based on their REE features, stratoid or lenticular amphibolites in the Dabie Complex are di-vided into two types:one is characterized by flat REE distribution patterns and the other by LREE-enrichment. Results of the REE quantitative modeling suggest that the amphibolites were formed from 20% partial melting of garnet lherzolite and 35-56% fractional crystallization of olivine(type TH1) or 14-20% fractional crystallization of olivine and clinopyroxene(type TH2).  相似文献   

The discoveries of oil and gas reservoirs in the volcanic rocks of the Songliao Basin(SB) have attracted the attention of many researchers. However, the lack of studies on the genesis of the volcanic rocks has led to different opinions being presented for the genesis of the SB. In order to solve this problem, this study selected the volcanic rocks of the Yingcheng Formation in the Southern Songliao Basin(SSB) as the research object, and determined the genesis and tectonic setting of the volcanic rocks by using LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating and a geochemical analysis method(major elements, trace elements, and Hf isotopes). The volcanic rocks of the Yingcheng Formation are mainly composed of rhyolites with minor dacites and pyroclastic rocks. Our new zircon U-Pb dating results show that these volcanic rocks were erupted in the Early Cretaceous(113–118 Ma). The primary zircons from the rhyolites have εHf(t) values of +4.70 to +12.46 and twostage model age(TDM2) of 876–374 Ma. The geochemical data presented in this study allow these rhyolites to be divided into I-type rhyolites and A-type rhyolites, both of which were formed by the partial melting of the crust. They have SiO2 contents of 71.62 wt.%–75.76 wt.% and Al2 O3 contentsof 10.88 wt.% to 12.92 wt.%. The rhyolites have distinctively higher REE contents than those of ordinary granites, with obvious negative Eu anomalies. The light to heavy REE fractionation is not obvious, and the LaN/YbN(average value = 9.78) is less than 10. The A-type rhyolites depleted in Ba, Sr, P, and Ti, with relatively low Nb/Ta, indicating that the rocks belong A2 subtype granites formed in an extensional environment. The adakitic dacites are characterized by high Sr contents(624 to 1,082 ppm), low Y contents(10.6 to 12.6 ppm), high Sr/Y and Sr/Yb ratios, and low Mg# values(14.77 to 36.46), indicating that they belong to "C" type adakites. The adakitic dacite with high Sr and low Yb were likely generated by partial melting of the lower crust under high pressure conditions at least 40 km depth. The I-type rhyolites with low Sr and high Yb, and the A-type rhyolites with very low Sr and high Yb, were formed in the middle and upper crust under low pressure conditions, respectively. In addition, the formation depths of the former were approximately 30 km, whereas those of the latter were less than 30 km. The geochemical characteristics reveal that the volcanic rocks of Yingcheng Formation were formed in an extensional environment which was related to the retreat of subducted Paleo-Pacific Plate. At the late Early Cretaceous Period, the upwelling of the asthenosphere mantle and the lithosphere delamination caused by the retreat of the subducted Paleo-Pacific Plate, had resulted in lithosheric extension in the eastern part of China. Subsequently, a large area of volcanic rocks had formed. The SB has also been confirmed to be a product of the tectonic stress field in that region.  相似文献   

Based on the studies of meteorites,theauthors introduce the formation and evolutionof the solar system,including condensation,heating and alteration in the solar nebula,thermal metamorphism,igneous fractionationand shock metamorphism in parent bodies ofmeteorites.Heterogeneities in chemical and  相似文献   

The Dabie Mountains are believed to be a collisional orogenic belt between the Yangtze amd Sino-Koreancontinental plates. It is composed of the foreland fold-thrust zone, the subducting cover and basement of theYangtze continental plate, the coesite- and diamond-bearing ultra-high pressure metamorphic zone and themeta-ophiolitic melange zone in the subducting basement, the fore-arc flysch nappe and the back thrust zoneoccurring respectively on the southern and northern margins of the Sino-Korean continental plate and the in-herited basin with molassic deposits on the northern margin. When the palaeo-Dabie oceanic plate subductednorthward in the Early Palaeozoic, volcanic arc and back arc basin probably formed on the southern margin ofthe Sino-Korean continental plate. The Sm / Nd isotopic dating of the strata and eclogite which were drawn in-to the foreland fold-thrust zone indicates that the intense collision of the two continental plates took place inthe Early Mesozoic.  相似文献   

The plastic deformation of garnet in coesite-bearing eclogite,quartz eclogite and garnet amphibolite of the UHPM complex in Yingshan County in the Dabie Mountains has been studied. The stress generated by the strong tectonic movement was an important component of the total pressure that resulted in the formation of the eclogite in the Dabie UHPM zone. The three-dimensional tectonic principal stresses and additional tectonic stress-induced hydrostatic pressure [ps=(σ1 σ2 σ3)/3] are reconstructed according to the differential stress and the strain ratio(α) of the garnet in the minor coesite-bearing eclogite of the Yingshan County. Then the gravity-induced hydrostatic pressure(pg) is calculated following the equation p minus ps,where p is estimated to be 2.8 Gpa based on the quartz-coesite geobarmeter. Therefore,the thickness of the rock column overlying the coesite-bearing eclogite in the Ying-shan County is determined ≥32 km. This estimation,significantly different from ≥100 km,the previous one obtained solely based on the weight/specific weight ratio(W/SW),offers a proper explanation for the puzzle that no tracer of the addition of mantle-derived material has been found in the Dabie UHPM zone during the process of UHPM,although a number of researchers claim that this process took place at the depth of the mantle(≥100 km). It is concluded that attention should be paid to the additional tectonic stress-induced hydrostatic pressure in the study of UHPM zones.  相似文献   

The Jitang metamorphic complex is key to studying the tectonic evolution of the Northern Lancangjiang zone. Through structural-lithological mapping, structural analysis and laboratory testing, the composition of the Jitang metamorphic complex was determined. The macro- and microstructural analyses of the ductile detachment shear zone (Guoxuepu ductile shear zone, 2–4 km wide) between the metamorphic complex and the overlying sedimentary cap show that the shear sense of the ductile shear zones is top-to-the-southeast. The presence of various deformation features and quartz C-axis electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) fabric analysis suggests multiple deformation events occurring at different temperatures. The average stress is 25.68 MPa, with the strain rates (?) ranging from 9.77×10?14 s?1 to 6.52×10?16 s?1. The finite strain of the Guoxuepu ductile shear zone indicates an elongated strain pattern. The average kinematic vorticity of the Guoxuepu ductile shear zone is 0.88, implying that the shear zone is dominated by simple shear. The muscovite selected from the protomylonite samples in the Guoxuepu ductile shear zone yields a 40Ar-39Ar age of 60.09 ± 0.38 Ma. It is suggested that, coeval with the initial Indo–Eurasian collision, the development of strike-slip faults led to a weak and unstable crust, upwelling of lower crust magma, then induced the detachment of the Jitang metamorphic complex in the Eocene.  相似文献   

GeodynamicsonFormationandEvolutionofBohaiwanBasin,China*ZhangShulinTianShichengDepartmentofPetroleumGeology,ChinaUniversityof...  相似文献   

正Objective The giant Nyainqentanglha granitic batholith, located in the Lhasa Terrane, is the youngest granite pluton emplaced at 18.3–11.0 Ma during the Miocene epoch. A series of NE-striking sinistral normal ductile shear zones developed on its north and south sides. The ductile shear zones are considered to be the western boundary faults of the Yadong-Gulu rift system and have the potential to provide critical temporal constraints for the large-scale East–West extension event in the Tibetan Plateau. Based on  相似文献   

The Susong complex zone is a relatively low-grade metamorphic unit located in the southern part of the Dabie orogen and preserves a variety of metasedimentary rocks, mostly with epidote–amphibolite facies. However, their depositional age, provenance and tectonic setting of sedimentary protolith remain controversial due to the lack of fossils, precise dating and integrated geochemical investigation. This study has conducted whole-rock elemental, and zircon U-Pb SHRIMP dating and Lu-Hf isotope ana...  相似文献   

正Objective The North China Craton(NCC)is one of the oldest cratons in the world.The accretionary belt at its northern margin has been the focus of scholars both at home and abroad(Zhu Junbing and Ren Jishun,2017).In recent years,a series of Late Paleozoic–Mesozoic intrusions trending E–W have been discovered within the northern margin of the NCC,forming a magmatic belt.The study  相似文献   

Zircon U–Pb ages and trace elements were determined for granulites and gneiss at Huangtuling, which are hosted by ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks in the Dabie Orogen, east-central China. CL images reveal core–rim structure for most zircons in the granulites. The cores show oscillatory zoning, relatively high Th/U ratios, and HREE enriched patterns, consistent with a magmatic origin. They gave a weighted mean 207Pb/206Pb age of 2766 ± 9 Ma, interpreted as dating magma emplacement of the protolith. The rims are characterized by sector or planar zoning, low Th/U ratios, negative Eu anomalies and flat HREE patterns, consistent with their formation under granulite-facies metamorphic conditions. Zircon U–Pb dating yields a weighted mean 207Pb/206Pb age of 2029 ± 13 Ma, which is interpreted to record a metamorphic event, possibly during assembly of the supercontinent Columbia. The gneiss has a protolith age of 1982 ± 14 Ma, which is younger than the zircon age of the granulite-facies metamorphism, suggesting a generally delay between HT metamorphism and the intrusion of post-collisional granites. A few inherited cores with igneous characteristics have 207Pb/206Pb ages of 2.90, 3.28 and 3.53 Ga, suggesting the presence of Mesoarchean to Paleoarchean crustal remnants in the Yangtze Craton. A few Cretaceous metamorphic ages were also obtained, suggesting the influence of post-collisional collapse in response to Cretaceous extension of the Dabie Orogen. It is inferred that the recently discovered Archean basement of the Yangtze Craton occurs as far north as the Dabie Orogen.  相似文献   

Hornblende from the Lone Grove Pluton, Llano Uplift, Texas, has served as an irradiation reference material in 40Ar/39Ar studies for decades. In order to evaluate the apparent age bias that currently exists between the U‐Pb and 40Ar/39Ar systems, zircon and titanite were dated by isotope dilution‐thermal ionisation mass spectrometry (ID‐TIMS) from the same rock from which the hornblende 40Ar/39Ar reference material HB3gr is derived. Zircon U‐Pb data indicate initial crystallisation at 1090.10 ± 0.16 Ma (2s), a date that is 1.7% older than the accepted K‐Ar date (1072 ± 14 Ma, 2s) for HB3gr; an offset that exceeds the typical 0.5–1% bias between the two systems, though remaining within uncertainty due to the large uncertainties in the 40K decay constant. Zircon data are presented using both EARTHTIME tracers ET535 and ET2535 and are statistically indistinguishable. Single grain titanite analyses range between 1082 ± 0.75 and 1086 ± 0.81 Ma (2s) and are interpreted to record the subsequent cooling following crystallisation at rates between 30 and 50 °C Ma?1. This is supported by the observation that hornblende 40Ar/39Ar dates corrected for decay constant bias are resolvably younger than the zircon U‐Pb date and in good agreement with titanite U‐Pb dates, permitting the conclusion that both titanite U‐Pb and hornblende 40Ar/39Ar systems provide a record of cooling.  相似文献   

大别造山带岳西地区中生代岩浆岩年代学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
北大别岳西地区广泛分布燕山期侵入岩和火山岩。14个岩浆岩样品中锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年结果显示,这些岩浆岩形成于134~125 Ma之间。以130 Ma为界,岩浆岩可以分为两个期次:早期以石英闪长岩—石英二长闪长岩—似斑状二长花岗岩组合为主;晚期以二长花岗岩—钾长花岗岩组合及脉岩为主。早期岩浆岩含有古元古代(1900~2120 Ma)、新元古代(670~800 Ma)和三叠纪继承锆石;晚期岩浆岩中缺少古元古代继承锆石,以新元古代、三叠纪及140~160 Ma时期的继承锆石为主。高Sr低Y地球化学特征仅出现在早期岩浆岩中,结合继承锆石的年龄特征,表明早期岩浆岩物质来源于加厚的基性下地壳,下地壳的拆沉和岩石圈的减薄发生在约130 Ma;而晚期岩浆岩为以新元古代年龄的中—下地壳在减薄后的环境下发生深熔作用形成。  相似文献   

大别超高压碰撞造山带岩石锆石U/Pb同位素框架年代学   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用SIMS和TIMS法对大别造山带各主要构造地体 (南大别、北大别、北淮阳和苏鲁 )中的片麻岩和榴辉岩中锆石进行了U Pb定年 ,得到的年龄主要分布在 12 0~ 140Ma,190~ 2 5 0Ma ,6 5 0~ 85 0Ma ,~ 190 0Ma和~ 2 5 0 0Ma。第一组年龄主要和侏罗纪—白垩纪的岩浆构造活动有关 ,第二组年龄和超高压变质作用有关 ,第三至第五组年龄则主要反映了变质岩原岩的年龄。根据锆石中的Th U讨论了各种锆石年龄的成因及其意义。  相似文献   

Komatiites are presented as direct evidence for higher mantle temperatures during the Archean. In the North China Craton, komatiites with spinifex structure have been identified only at one locality, i.e. the Sujiagou area, western Shandong. They were considered as formed during the early Neoarchean mainly based on their association with supracrustal rocks considered to be that age. This study carried out SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating on metamorphosed trondhjemitic and monzogranitic dykes intruding the Sujiagou komatiites, and they have magmatic zircon ages of 2592 ± 12 Ma and 2586 ± 13 Ma respectively. This provides direct evidence that the komatiites formed during the early Neoarchean.  相似文献   

安徽省大别山南部宿松杂岩变质作用研究   总被引:7,自引:13,他引:7  
魏春景  单振刚 《岩石学报》1997,13(3):356-368
宿松杂岩的变质作用可分为3个阶段:早期、主期和晚期阶段。主期阶段的矿物组合在云母片岩中为石榴石+多硅白云母+石英+磁铁矿±钠云母±绿帘石/黝帘石;在白云母钠长(二长)片岩和片麻岩中为石榴石+多硅白云母+钠长石+石英+绿帘石/黝帘石±冻蓝闪石;在石榴石钠长角闪岩中为石榴石+冻蓝闪石+钠长石+黝帘石+石英±钠云母±金红石/磁铁矿。根据多种地质温压计和变质反应可以推测主期变质条件为:T=520℃~580℃,P=1.2~1.4GPa,地热梯度为12℃/km,相当于高压过渡型。晚期阶段变质条件为:T=460℃~480℃,P=0.6~0.7GPa,为中压绿帘角闪岩相。宿松杂岩的变质条件介于其南部的蓝闪绿片岩相和北部的榴辉岩相之间,三者是扬子板块向华北板块之下俯冲到不同深度的产物。  相似文献   

黑龙江杂岩带的形成演化及地质意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
黑龙江杂岩带呈南北向带状展布于佳木斯地块西缘,出露于嘉荫—牡丹江缝合带以东.研究证明其主体形成时代为晚海西期到印支期,地球化学特征显示其极可能形成于佳木斯与松嫩地块(松花江—嫩江地块)间板块俯冲碰撞或陆间洋盆消失闭合的环境.综合佳木斯地块同位素研究成果,结合该区古生物的研究和地质特点,推演出依兰地区黑龙江杂岩的形成演化...  相似文献   

张传林  杨志华 《地质学报》2000,74(4):313-324
本文在总结前人对秦岭造山带中蛇绿岩研究成果的基础上,结合我们的工作实践,对秦岭南北两条蛇绿岩形成时代、构造背景以及它们对秦岭-大别山构造演化的制约提出以下认识:①北秦岭构造带不存在显生宙的蛇绿岩套。分布于北秦岭商丹构造带的松树沟蛇绿岩是秦岭造山带中保存最完整的蛇绿岩,形成时代不晚于1000Ma,就位于980Ma。分布于二郎坪群、丹凤群中的超镁铁岩及镁铁质岩可能不属于典型的蛇绿岩,形成时代不晚于80  相似文献   

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