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江苏省湿地保护立法评析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
许岚  郭会玲 《湿地科学》2009,7(2):112-117
江苏省作为湿地大省,目前尚未形成湿地专门立法.现有省级湿地保护法律散见于多个地方性法规、规章之中,且存在不少问题.分散立法过分强调湿地生态系统中单项因素的保护,忽视湿地整体保护的立法;分散立法必然导致多头管理;目前,湿地保护立法偏重湿地经济价值,忽视湿地生态功能价值;立法滞后会导致湿地遭受严重破坏;也影响了江苏省湿地保护进展.为了有效保护湿地资源,当务之急需要制定江苏省省级层面专门的湿地保护地方性法规.针对江苏省大面积滩涂湿地被过度围垦现象,建议制定江苏省沿海湿地围垦利用管理的地方性法规.同时,建议制定保护特定生境的地方性法规,共同组建完善的湿地保护法律体系.  相似文献   

(一)加快地名立法工作党的十一届三中全会以来,百业兴举,迅猛发展,我国的法制建设也进人了一个崭新的发展时期.特别是立法上加大了力度,国家立法机关先后颁发了百余部普通法和专门法。这是我国立法史上的黄金时期。地名法规的滞后状况已经在很大程度上阻碍了地名事业的发展,因此,出台《中华人民共和国地名法》已经成为地名界最迫切的要求,也是大势所趋。因为通过《地名管理条例》、《地名管理条例实施细则》以及地方有关部门制定的地方性法规、办法的实践,为国家制定地名法提供了立法基础,换句话说,制定《地名法》的条件已经基…  相似文献   

湿地是生物资源生存和发展的重要栖息地之一,对四川省社会经济可持续发展具有重要意义.破坏湿地会产生严重的社会危害性,湿地应受法律的保护.为切实加强湿地保护,在国家尚无湿地保护单行法律法规的情况下,四川省经过反复立法调研,并借鉴其他省份的经验,出台了这一地方性法规,将该省湿地保护管理正式纳入法制化轨道.  相似文献   

湿地是生物资源生存和发展的重要栖息地之一,对四川省社会经济可持续发展具有重要意义。破坏湿地会产生严重的社会危害性,湿地应受法律的保护。为切实加强湿地保护,在国家尚无湿地保护单行法律法规的情况下,四川省经过反复立法调研,并借鉴其他省份的经验,出台了这一地方性法规,将该省湿地保护管理正式纳入法制化轨道。  相似文献   

随着我国地名工作的全面深化,地名管理法制建设已经越来越引起人们的重视。国务院和地方各级人民政府分别制定、颁布了《地名管理条例》及地方性地名管理法规,依法管理地名,在许多地方已纳入政府工作的议事日程并已经付诸实施。但是,毋需讳言,目前地名管理法制建设的状况,同迅速发展的市场经济  相似文献   

从地方到中央:中国湿地保护制度的现实与未来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑惠  刘瑞婷  李媛辉 《湿地科学》2020,18(2):150-157
2003年,黑龙江省颁布了中国首部湿地保护地方性法规,经过10余年的立法探索,中国已经有27个省(自治区或直辖市)颁布了湿地保护条例,形成湿地保护制度27项,构建了包括湿地保护基础制度、湿地开发利用制度、湿地修复制度、湿地监管制度和法律责任制度在内的湿地保护制度体系,为湿地中央立法积累了有益的经验。目前,湿地地方立法存在地方湿地保护制度框架体系不完整、制度配套不齐全和部分制度有待完善等问题。在未来湿地中央立法时,应该在地方湿地保护制度体系的基础上,对其进行细节完善,使制度之间得以相互配合,发挥其保护湿地的最大功效。  相似文献   

正20世纪90年代中后期,中国的城镇化进入高速发展阶段,产业集聚、基础设施建设带动经济高速增长,并引发了大规模的人口流向城镇地区。然而快速发展背后隐藏着重重危机,城市的社会、环境、文化等问题频发,人地关系越发尖锐,"城市病"也越发严重。"地方性"作为一个地方所具备的独特性,体现出地方文化的本质。在全球化的背景下,城镇化的进程中,不断消弭,"千城一面"、"千村一面"愈演愈烈,严重影响着可持续发展。如何在城镇化过程中进行地方性的传承和保护刻不容缓。由北京大学汪芳副教授和德国莱布尼兹汉诺威大学Martin Prominski教授主编,受中德科学中心  相似文献   

城镇化是当今世界最引人注目的社会、经济和地理现象之一。地方性是地方本身所具有的自然特质和文化特征,在城镇化发展中面临着变异消亡的压力和转型发展的机遇。面对不同背景和发展阶段,中国和德国的城镇化建设和地方性保护研究具有独特性、共同性和互补性。基于此,本次会议以"城镇化和地方性:凸显场地特质的可持续规划设计策略"为主题,在地理、规划、景观、建筑、旅游、历史等学科领域范围内,探讨中德双方在不同的城镇化发展阶段所关注的人地关系矛盾及其解决措施和相关经验。基于可持续发展的时代背景,通过中德学者的交流和沟通,旨在丰富城镇化与地方性的研究视角、研究素材和研究技术,为中德两国乃至世界城市的发展提供有借鉴意义的理论和实践经验。研讨会为中德两国学者在"城镇化和地方性"研究领域的合作带来了一个良好的开端,47位参会专家共形成了13个合作研究小组,并有两对中德高校签订合作协议,未来将在"城镇化与地方性"这个主题下展开进一步的研究。  相似文献   

地方性概念随着旅游开发的深入逐步受到学者们广泛关注。地方性是乡村旅游开发的根本吸引力,但在全球化大背景下乡村作为被消费的场所,地方性日益淡化。因此对乡村旅游过程中地方性的关注十分必要。本文基于地方居民角度,以福建省永定县洪坑村为案例,对其地方性进行解读并分析影响因素与机制,弥补了国内目前多从游客视角对旅游地地方性的研究。研究表明:物质形态、内在文化和活态环境共同构成乡村旅游中地方性的表现形式;经济、制度、文化三个因素通过利益、博弈和内涵驱动共同对地方性产生作用;地方居民具有主体与客体的双重身份。最后,从加强村民社区参与、改革政府管理模式与旅游规划等方面对洪坑村旅游开发提出对策与建议。  相似文献   

10月16日至18日,第三次八城市地名工作交流会在天津召开。天津市地名委副主任、市规划局副局长马百祥到会致词并作了天津市地名工作简介。会议由天津市地名办主任陈灿文主持。这次会议就地名立法工作展开了深入的探讨。现行的地名法规是十几年前制定的,但随着国家体制和运行机制变化,这些法规日益表现出它的欠缺与不足。因此,加速地名立法,使地名工作走上法制化道路已迫在眉睫。会议就规范地名标志和地名信息库的研制介绍了天津的经验和做法,并实地考察了居民区标志设置和量化门牌设置情况。加速地名立法,规范地名管理@黄伟  相似文献   

Local communities are adopting sustainable development goals as outlined in Agenda 21. The pressure-state-response model proposed by the OECD and adopted in Australia is extended with environmental sustainability and environmental health indicators to emphasise interaction between the bio-physical and socio-economic sub-systems. Indicators are selected with the participation of local residents to monitor sensitive local environmental concerns, to motivate change and to provide benchmarks for comparison with other areas. Partnerships are proposed to use established programmes to provide much of the data required.  相似文献   

Summary Local authorities have been seen as an important agent in the development of more sustainable economies. This paper explores the level and form of 'greening' taking place amongst local authorities in the Midland region of the UK. Particular attention is paid to intra-regional variations in environmental policy-making.  相似文献   

River catchments have been the dominant form of regionalisation for natural-resource management in many countries since the 1980s. Local governments play a considerable role in planning with ever-increasing responsibilities for sustainable environmental management, planning and development controls. There has also been an increasing emphasis on community participation in resource management, which emphasises the need to re-examine the requirements for spatial definition of resource governance regions. This paper proposes three principles. First, the nature and reach of environmental externalities of resource use should determine the size and nesting of resource management regions. Second, the boundaries of resource governance regions should enclose areas of greatest interest and importance to local residents. Third, the biophysical characteristics of a resource governance region should be as homogenous as possible, which provides resource planning and management efficiencies. The paper describes a range of concepts and empirical techniques used to apply these principles to the derivation of a resource governance regionalisation of the State of New South Wales, Australia.  相似文献   

环境伦理与区域可持续发展(英文)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The scientific environmental ethics plays a key role in the recognition of the human-environment interactions. Modern environmental ethics is the philosophical re-thinking of modern human race environmental behavior. The development of environmental ethics theory, as well as its application in reality, determines the viewpoints of environmental ethics. Sustainable development implies harmony on human-environment interactions and inter-generation responsibility, with emphasis on a harmonious relationship among population, resources, environment and development, so as to lay a sustainable and healthy foundation of resources and environment for future generations. The harmonious society construction in China that is raised by the Chinese central government should be covered by environmental ethics. The connotation of open environmental ethics includes a respect for nature, care for the individual human race, and respect for the development of future generations, which means giving consideration to natural values, individual and human race benefits and welfare across generations. The role of environmental ethics in regional development consists of cognition, criticism, education, inspiration, adjusting, legislation and promoting environmental regulations. The major problems in regional development are extensive resource exploration, fast population growth, irrational industrial structure, unfair welfare distribution and the twofold effects of science and technology development. The formulation of environmental ethics that aims at regional sustainable development, can not only harmonize the relationship of population, resource, environment and economic development, but also guide behavior selection, push social and political system transformation, strengthen the legal system, and raise environmental awareness of the public.  相似文献   

ZHENG Du  DAI Erfu 《地理学报》2012,22(1):86-92
The scientific environmental ethics plays a key role in the recognition of the human- environment interactions. Modern environmental ethics is the philosophical re-thinking of modern human race environmental behavior. The development of environmental ethics theory, as well as its application in reality, determines the viewpoints of environmental ethics. Sustainable development implies harmony on human-environment interactions and inter- generation responsibility, with emphasis on a harmonious relationship among population, resources, environment and development, so as to lay a sustainable and healthy foundation of resources and environment for future generations. The harmonious society construction in China that is raised by the Chinese central government should be covered by environmental ethics. The connotation of open environmental ethics includes a respect for nature, care for the individual human race, and respect for the development of future generations, which means giving consideration to natural values, individual and human race benefits and welfare across generations. The role of environmental ethics in regional development consists of cognition, criticism, education, inspiration, adjusting, legislation and promoting environmental regulations. The major problems in regional development are extensive resource exploration, fast population growth, irrational industrial structure, unfair welfare distribution and the twofold effects of science and technology development. The formulation of environmental ethics that aims at regional sustainable development, can not only harmonize the relationship of population, resource, environment and economic development, but also guide behavior selection, push social and political system transformation, strengthen the legal system, and raise environmental awareness of the public.  相似文献   

In 1988, responding to international legislation that requires sustainable fishery management, the Australian Fishery Management Authority (AFMA) implemented an individual transferable quota (ITQ) management system to address the environmental crisis in the South East Fishery. Defining sustainability in its broadest context to include social as well as economic and ecological dimensions, this paper firstly describes the environmental crisis and the South East Fishery's ITQ management system. Secondly, Christy's (1973) paper is employed as a catalyst to compare the theoretical socio-economic outcomes with the actual operation of ITQs. The brief South East Fishery experience suggests that the logic behind ITQs is correct. Production has become reorganised. Operators are not only fewer, but also embrace professionalism, quality, efficiency, and the operation of the free market within the industry. However, because of the local idiosyncrasies of this multi-species fishery, the legislation over territorial waters, and the absence of alternative employment, fishers have adopted non-quota fishing techniques and entered seas under New South Wales jurisdiction. Without a social re-adjustment policy or buy-out scheme, the AFMA's objective of ecologically sustainable development cannot be attained.  相似文献   

Sustainable economic development strategies promote mutually-beneficial environmental, social and economic progress. Such strategies now form an essential basis for local and regional development. Various models of sustainable economic and environmental industry development have been introduced in recent years, some of which have proved to be of particular value. The theory and practice of sustainable economic development has made rapid progress, and this approach to local and regional development is now generally accepted as offering the opportunity to solve a range of environmental and economic problems and to promote new economic activities that can generate jobs in socially excluded communities.  相似文献   

桥梁环境刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桥梁生态系统是由桥梁建筑主体和与之相联系的环境背景以及桥梁景观所构成.桥梁生态系统是一个复杂的类似城市生态系统又具有自然生态系统的全部特征的人工生态系统,同时符合人文景观的特点.桥梁建设必须走可持续发展的道路,实现人类与自然环境的协调发展.桥梁环境保护应从保护桥梁生态系统的角度来进行,充分考虑到工程地质环境、水文地质环境、生态环境和人文景观这几个方面.桥梁环境作为资源,应考虑环境费用与资源效益,应从环境立法、环境管理与环境决策的各个环节贯彻环境成本管理,从法律与制度上确保桥梁环境保护的正确实施.  相似文献   

怒江大坝建设中的各方博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
在怒江上修建大坝是否可行,引起了社会各界的广泛争议。赞成者和反对者各执一词,使得怒江大坝工程的上马被迫搁浅。应用博弈论的方法可以分析在怒江大坝建设的论证过程中,中央政府、环保人士和当地人民的利益关系,并且可以证明在没有环境保护法律的保障下,环保评价的弊端。通过对各方博弈的分析,说明了政府在进行怒江大坝建设的决策过程中,必须高瞻远瞩,以全社会的可持续发展为根本出发点,同时要兼顾当地人民的利益,并要以此为基础制定出一套科学的工程建设环境评价法律。  相似文献   

在很多情况下,自然保护区管理与保护区周边社区的发展处于矛盾之中。高黎贡山国家级自然保护区地处滇西民族地区,生物多样性保护面临着社区发展的很大压力。综合保护与发展的思想对解决这样的矛盾提供了很好的思路,即要确保生物多样性保护,就需要调和保护区管理与当地社区的社会与经济需求,在保护区外向当地社区提供可行的经济替换,减轻他们对保护区的依赖,从而使当地群众在自然资源管理中扮演积极的角色。高黎贡山国家级自然保护区保山管理局在加强依法管护的同时,运用综合保护与发展策略,将保护区管理与周边社区的发展联系起来,利用自身的一些优势,为周边社区引进项目、资金、技术,促进社区资源管理与经济发展,减缓了社区对保护区的压力,提高了社区群众对自然保护和可持续发展的认识,有的村社还组织起生物多样性保护协会、森林共管委员会等保护性组织,积极参与保护工作。  相似文献   

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