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Hydrological modelling of large river catchments is a challenging task for water resources engineers due to its complexity in collecting and handling of both spatial and non-spatial data such as rainfall, gauge discharges, and topographic parameters. In this paper an attempt has been made to use satellite-based rainfall products such as Climatic Prediction Centre (CPC)-National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) data for hydrological modelling of larger catchment where the limited field rainfall data is available. Digital Elevation Models (DEM) such as Global DEM (1 km resolution) and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) 3-arc second (90 m resolution) DEM have been used to extract topographic parameters of the basin for hydrological modelling of the study area. Various popular distributed models have been used in this study for computing excess rainfall, direct runoff from each sub-basin, and flow routing to the main outlet. The Brahmaputra basin, which is very complex both hydraulically and hydrologically due to its shape, size, and geographical location, has been examined as study area in this study. A landuse map derived from the satellite remote sensing data in conjunction with DEM and soil textural maps have been used to derive various basin and channel characteristics such as each sub-basin and channel slope, roughness coefficients, lag-time. Percentage of residual flows computed between observed flows and simulated flows using Global and SRTM DEMs are discussed. It is found that the topographic parameters computed using SRTM DEM could improve the model accuracy in computing flood hydrograph. Need of using better resolution satellite data products and the use of high-density field discharge observations is discussed.  相似文献   

Groundwater assessment has been carried out through hydrogeomorphological and geophysical survey. Remotely sensed data has been used to delineate the hydrogeomorphological units. Each hydrogeomorphological unit has been further sub-divided based on the tone, texture and pattern. These units its have been categorised based on depth of weathering, local geomorphological association, recharge characteristics etc. The top layer resistivity of hydrogeomorphological units has been analysed by electrical resistivity method. Correlation between different sub-units of same hydrogeomorphic unit and top soil resistivity has been attempted. The correlation and integration of resistivity map with geomorphological map were carried out through. ‘GRAM’ Geographic information System, This has helped in better understanding the surface resistivity pattern. These sub divisions have different geohydrological and recharge characteristics. Resistivity zonation map prepared on the basis of limited field data anfd through interpolation/extrapolation can be modified/corrected with the help of information derived from remotely sensed data to obtain more realistic picture.  相似文献   

Geological studies in the area around Badami, Bijapur District, Karnataka, were carried out with the help of Landsat imagery and aerial photographs. The study are forms a part Kaladgi Basin which is located on the northernmost fringes of the exposed Dharwar Craton. Archaen Peninsular Gneiss and intrusive Granodiorite/Granites (≈Clospet Granite) form the basement for the Middle to Late Proterozoic Kaladgi Super Group sediments which are, in turn, overlain in the north by the Upper Cretaceous to Lower Eocene Deccan flood basalt lavas. Geological mapping of the study area and inferences about the structural setup were primarily based on interpretation of the remotely sensed data. The combined interpretative study of Landsat imagery and aerial photographs was instrumental in mapping of the lithostratigraphic units exposed in the study area along with the structures associated with them.  相似文献   

This study is aimed at using the Empirical Line Method (ELM) to eliminate atmospheric effects with respect to visible and near infrared bands of advanced spaceborne thermal emission and reflection radiometer (ASTER) and enhanced thematic mapper plus (ETM+) data. Two targets (Amran limestone as light target and quartz-biotite-sericite-graphite schists as dark target), which were widely exposed and easy to identify in the imagery were selected. The accuracy of the atmospheric correction method was evaluated from three targets (vegetation cover, Amran limestone and Akbra shale) of the surface reflectance. Analytical spectral devices (ASD) FieldSpec3 was used to measure the spectra of target samples. ETM+ data were less influenced by the atmospheric effect when compared to ASTER data. Normalized differences vegetation indices (NDVI) displayed good results with reflectance data when compared with digital number (DN) data because it is highly sensitive to ground truth reflectance (GTR). Most of the differences observed before and after calibration of satellite images (ASTER and ETM+) were absorbed in the SWIR region.   相似文献   

The study evaluates and compares Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data of various grid spacing derived using high resolution Cartosat 1 stereo data for hydrologic applications. DEM is essential in modeling different environmental processes which depend on surface elevation. The accuracy of derived DEM varies with grid spacing and source. The CartoDEM is the photogrammetric DEM derived from stereo pairs. Damanganga basin lying in the Western Ghats was analysed using 11 Carto stereo pairs. The process of triangulation resulted in RMSE of 0.42. DEM was extracted at 10 m, 20 m, 30 m, 40 m, 50 m and 90 m grid spacing and compared with ASTER GDEM (30 m) and SRTM DEM (90 m). DEM accuracy was checked with Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) statistic for random points generated in different elevation zones. Extracted stream networks were compared based on Correctness Index and Figure of Merit index, calculated for all the Digital Elevation Models at varying cell sizes. In order to further evaluate the DEM’s, a simple flood simulation with no water movement and no consideration of real time precipitation data was carried out and relationship between heights of flood stage and inundation area for each Digital Elevation Model was also established.  相似文献   

Swades Pal 《国际地球制图》2019,34(10):1055-1074
Punarbhaba river of Indo-Bangladesh has experienced hydro-ecological alteration after installation of Komardanga dam in 1992 and consequently wetland and inundation areas have undergone into transformation. The present work intends to explore the impact of flow attenuation on contemporary and upcoming flood extent and flood plain wetlands. In post-dam condition, average and maximum flows are attenuated by 36 and 41%, respectively, and as a result the active flood prone area is squeezed considerably by 39.72%. Average flood water depth is also reduced by 37.87% (4.45metre) after flow modification. Due to shrinkages of flood prone areas, wetland area is also reduced from 215.70 to 90.40 km2 and larger part of the present wetland area is under stress and critical state. Predicted flood prone areas in next 25 years will be 328.91 km2 and consequently 65.63 km2 wetland areas may further be under hydro-ecological threats. Release of ecological flow is essential to restore and preserve the wetland.  相似文献   

The Mumbai-Navi Mumbai cities (Bombay and New Bombay) are among the highest populated cities in the country. The population pressure has caused drastic landuse change in the last seventy years. Multi-date data from SOI topographical maps and Landsat TM digital data have been used to study the landuse change. The change has been quantified using A GIS It was observed that 55% reduction in forest/agricultural land, while a 300% increase in built-up land has taken place in the last seventy years. This has affected the natural drainage system of the cities, causing flooding during monsoons. The quantum of draînage basin area and stream length, in the ten basins which drain the area, under influence of built-up land was found by using a map overlay of the drainage network map and landuse map of 1994. The results shed light on the extent of drainage network disruption within these two neighbouring cities.  相似文献   

Multi-technique space geodetic analysis software has been developed which allows to combine data on the observation level. In addition to local tie information, site-wise common parameters, i.e., troposphere and clocks, can be estimated with this software. Thus, it will be discussed how common parameters have to be estimated and where biases/offsets need to be taken into account. To test such a novel concept, Global Positioning System (GPS) and Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) data from the CONT11 campaign are being utilized. Since the VLBI baselines of this campaign extend over several thousands of kilometers, GPS data are processed in precise-point positioning mode and satellite orbits and clocks are kept fixed to the IGS final products. From the obtained results, it can be shown that the combination of space geodetic data on the observation level leads to a consistent improvement of station position repeatability as well as nuisance parameters like troposphere estimates. Furthermore, estimation of common parameters (troposphere or clocks) at co-located sites helps to improve the solution further and derive an utmost physically consistent model of the concerned parameters.  相似文献   

Monitoring of river width and centerline is one of the most important activities in river engineering. Changes in the width and center line can be attributed to several reasons and monitoring these changes can be conveniently achieved with the aid of remote sensing images. In this study, digital image processing techniques have been implemented using the image processing tool-box available in MATLAB for studying temporal variations of width and centerline of the river Brahmaputra in its 300 Km reach in the state of Assam, India. The current study uses relatively high resolution imageries acquired from the LANDSAT series of satellites. Apart from the LANDSAT imageries, the low resolution imageries acquired by MODIS program is also used in order to see the variation in the obtained results. The evaluation of the results shows that the digital image processing technique is very handy and can be applied to obtain the centerline and width of a river. The evaluation also shows that the low resolution image can also be used for obtaining centerline of a river. However, it may give erroneous result when width of the river is narrow or very large.  相似文献   

The changing distribution of surface mass (oceans, atmospheric pressure, continental water storage, groundwater, lakes, snow and ice) causes detectable changes in the shape of the solid Earth, on time scales ranging from hours to millennia. Transient changes in the Earth’s shape can, regardless of cause, be readily separated from steady secular variation in surface mass loading, but other secular changes due to plate tectonics and glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) cannot. We estimate secular station velocities from almost 11 years of high quality combined GPS position solutions (GPS weeks 1,000–1,570) submitted as part of the first international global navigation satellite system service reprocessing campaign. Individual station velocities are estimated as a linear fit, paying careful attention to outliers and offsets. We remove a suite of a priori GIA models, each with an associated set of plate tectonic Euler vectors estimated by us; the latter are shown to be insensitive to the a priori GIA model. From the coordinate time series residuals after removing the GIA models and corresponding plate tectonic velocities, we use mass-conserving continental basis functions to estimate surface mass loading including the secular term. The different GIA models lead to significant differences in the estimates of loading in selected regions. Although our loading estimates are broadly comparable with independent estimates from other satellite missions, their range highlights the need for better, more robust GIA models that incorporate 3D Earth structure and accurately represent 3D surface displacements.  相似文献   

The present investigation has been designed to analyze the landform and soil relationship in a geologically complex terrain of Tirora tahsil of Gondia district, Maharashtra using remotely sensed data and GIS technique. The geomorphologic units of the study area were delineated through visual interpretation of IRS–ID LISS-III data based on the spatial variation of the image characteristics. Thirteen landform units have been identified in the tahsil. The slope varied from level to nearly level with an area of about 63.76% of the tahsil. Rest of the area ranged from very gentle to moderately steep slopes. During soil survey, soil profiles were studied for morphological features. Horizon-wise soil samples were collected from the representative soil profiles on each landform unit. The depth of soil varied from 25 to 160 cm and colour from dark brown to very dark grayish brown. The texture ranged from clay loam to clayey in accordance with higher and lower topographic positions respectively. Higher available water holding capacity (AWC 285 mm) is found in low-lying area and low to medium AWC (140 mm) is noticed in the soils developed at higher elevation. The soils reaction (pH) is strongly acidic in nature (pH 5.2) on dissected hills, linear ridge and moderately weathered pediments, whereas, the soils are moderately to slightly acidic in nature (pH 5.5 to 6.5) on hills, shallow weathered pediments, moderately weathered pediments, deeply weathered pediments, narrow valleys, and broad valley floors. Slightly alkaline condition (pH 7.6) was observed on foot slopes and aggraded valley fills. The electrical conductivity of the soils is found almost same in all landforms. The cation exchange capacity of the area varies from 10.5 to 51.5 cmol(p+)kg?1. The base saturation increases with decreasing elevation and slope. The four major soil orders viz, Entisols, Alfisols, Inceptisols and Vertisols are found in the study areas which are further classified into suborder and great group levels. The landform and soil relationship was analyzed to appraise the land resources in the tahsil. The study shows that the application of remotely sensed data and GIS are immensely helpful in land resources appraisal for their management on sustainable basis.  相似文献   

Although poor precipitation due to delayed arrival and/or early retreat of the southwest monsoon is considered the chief architect of drought in India, heat waves may also play a crucial role in the intensification of droughts. In the Indian subcontinent, occurrence of heat waves during the pre-monsoon and high air-temperature in the subsequent monsoon season imparts thermal stress on vegetation causing degradation of vegetation health (VH). In the present study, various vegetation indices and land-use/land-cover data derived from multi-sensor satellite have been used to assess VH and agricultural drought in Gujarat during 1981–2010. This Geographical Information Systems-based study has also used heat wave and temperature data to analyze the adverse effects of high temperature on VH. The time series of Vegetation Condition Index and Temperature Condition Index (TCI) has shown that the combined influence of moisture-stress and thermal stress determines the occurrence and severity of drought, which is reflected in the Vegetation Health Index (VHI). A strong correlation among aboveground air-temperature, the TCI and the VHI indicates definite influence of thermal stress on VH. Further, a systematic variation and strong resemblance between temperature, crop yield, TCI and VHI has established the impact of thermal stress on agricultural productivity.  相似文献   

This paper integrates genetic algorithm and neural network techniques to build new temporal predicting analysis tools for geographic information system (GIS). These new GIS tools can be readily applied in a practical and appropriate manner in spatial and temporal research to patch the gaps in GIS data mining and knowledge discovery functions. The specific achievement here is the integration of related artificial intelligent technologies into GIS software to establish a conceptual spatial and temporal analysis framework. And, by using this framework to develop an artificial intelligent spatial and temporal information analyst (ASIA) system which then is fully utilized in the existing GIS package. This study of air pollutants forecasting provides a geographical practical case to prove the rationalization and justness of the conceptual temporal analysis framework.  相似文献   

The aim of the international project “Global Land Ice Measurements from Space (GLIMS)” headed by the US Geological Survey is to establish a world wide glacier inventory based on satellite imagery. This data set will form a first digital baseline study for future glacier monitoring. The presented GIS-based glacier inventory for King George Island is a case study for the area of the Antarctic Peninsula. In the database of the glacier inventory topographic information, specific glaciological parameters as well as metadata will be included. The topographic data consists of drainage basin limits, basin areas, altitudinal ranges, perimeters and mean lengths. Glaciological data sets should comprise information on glacier retreat in different periods, glacier velocities, ice thickness and bedrock topography as well as derived parameters. Modelled and measured mass balance parameters could be included as additional data layers. In particular, these metadata records must comprise background information on data accuracy and data sources and should be compatible with a future data model for the King George Island GIS (KGIS). Three examples illustrate that the GLIMS database will not only contain information valuable for glaciological applications, but also other environmental studies on the island will benefit from this standardised remote sensing data sets. Therefore, a very close link between the data models of KGIS and GLIMS has to be established to enable these synergisms. Finally, better access to historic aerial photography would enable a continuous record of glacier retreat from the beginning of the 1950's onward.  相似文献   

This paper presents a Spatial Decision Support System for local governments of developing countries. It allows municipality government, enterprises, scientific community and civil society to address decision problems using GIS. The framework is supported by four modules of information technologies: Environmental Decision Support Database, Data Manipulation, Decision Support, and Mapping. A case study is presented covering the implementation of this framework in one municipality of Cuba. An example of land suitability planning for coconut crops is used to evaluate the system performance and usability. Results show local municipalities are able to use this framework to solve local decision problems using state of the art decision making even with low infrastructure development.  相似文献   

A multi-thematic analysis based on different physical factors has been adopted to generate integrated maps on erosion proneness as well as on critical slope under a GIS platform for terrain evaluation. This spatial data on erosion proneness has demonstrated that 17.62 km2 area, out of the 140 km2 in the catchment zone, needs careful attention for ecorestoration. In the critical slope map four land stability classes have been demarcated. The area represented as Unstable and Moderately-stable is found to be important for slope stability problems. Temporal change in the drainage network over a period of four decades as well as the extent of loss in the perennial status of tributaries have been recorded to evaluate the landform changes. A catchment treatment plan has also been suggested.  相似文献   

Land cover and land use change (LCLUC) is a global phenomenon, and LCLUC in urbanizing regions has substantial impacts on humans and their environments. In this paper, a semi-automatic approach to identifying the type and starting time of urbanization was developed and tested based on dense time series of Vegetation-Impervious-Soil (V-I-S) maps derived from Landsat surface reflectance imagery. The accuracy of modeled V-I-S fractions and the estimated time of initial change in impervious cover were assessed. North Taiwan, one of the regions of the island of Taiwan that experienced the greatest urban LCLUC, was chosen as a test area, and the study period is 1990 to 2015, a period of substantial urbanization. In total, 295 dates of Landsat imagery were used to create 295 V-I-S fraction maps that were used to construct fractional cover time series for each pixel. Root Mean Square Error (RMSE)s for the modeled Vegetation, Impervious, and Soil were 25 %, 22 %, 24 % respectively. The time of Urban Expansion is estimated by logistic regression applied to Impervious cover time series, while the time of change for Urban Renewal is determined by the period of brief Soil exposure. The identified location and estimated time for newly urbanized lands were generally accurate, with 80% of Urban Expansion estimated within ±2.4 years. However, the accuracy of identified Urban Renewal was relatively low. Our approach to identifying Urban Expansion with dense time series of Landsat imagery is shown to be reliable, while Urban Renewal identification is not.  相似文献   

Markov chains have been used to model spatial changes in a variety of spheres. Changes in social situations, economic standards, natural resource availability, and even weather conditions have been explored and predicted using Markov Random Function (MRF) and Markov Random Chains (MRC). In this section, we try to use data of Mahata village of Bhatar Block, extracted from GIS based maps/images in a MRC to obtain present transition probabilities and predict future changes. The village is facing the problem of decreasing the water table and at the same time the number of surface water bodies is also decreasing. This is a serious situation for the development of the agricultural activities in general and at the same time it poses threat to the human habitation of the village in the long run. The average depth of the ground water table from ground level increased from 8 meter to 15 meter within the last 10 years. The threat is coming from the changes in land use and land cover, especially due to substantial extension of agricultural activities which is expanding at a very fast rate. Increasing population is also demanding more lands for settlement and industrial uses. The surface water bodies i.e. the ponds etc. are used for such intensive irrigation purposes. As a result the surface water bodies depletes before the onset of summer. The cultivators use those dried up ponds or surface water bodies for agricultural purposes also. There is thus a serious trend to convert the surface water bodies into the agricultural land. It is estimated using MRC, that in next 25 years, the number of surface water bodies will deplete by 50% in the agriculturally active Bhatar PS at the current rates of depletion. Shifting to less water needy crops, prevention of LULC conversion, and water harvesting would provide some solace to the situation.  相似文献   

There have been rapid population and accelerating urban growth with associated changes in land use and soil degradation in northeast China, an important grain-producing region. The development of integrated use of remote sensing, geographic information systems, and combined cellular automata– Markov models has provided new means of assessing changes in land use and land cover, and has enabled projection of trajectories into the future. We applied such techniques to the prefecture-level city of Harbin, the tenth largest city in China. We found that there had been significant losses of the land uses termed “cropland”, “grassland”, “wetland”, and “floodplain” in favour of “built-up land” and lesser transformations from “floodplain” to “forestland” and “water body” over the 18-year period. However, the transition was not a simple process but a complex network of changes, interchanges, and multiple transitions. In the absence of effective land use policies, projection of past trajectories into a balance state in the future would result in the decline of cropland from 65.6% to 46.9% and the increase of built-up area from 7.7% to 23.0% relative to the total area of the prefecture in 1989. It also led to the virtual elimination of land use types such as unused wetland and floodplain.  相似文献   

This paper shows the first comparison between data from Sentinel-2 (S2) Multi Spectral Instrument (MSI) and Landsat 8 (L8) Operational Land Imager (OLI) headed up to greenhouse detection. Two closely related in time scenes, one for each sensor, were classified by using Object Based Image Analysis and Random Forest (RF). The RF input consisted of several object-based features computed from spectral bands and including mean values, spectral indices and textural features. S2 and L8 data comparisons were also extended using a common segmentation dataset extracted form VHR World-View 2 (WV2) imagery to test differences only due to their specific spectral contribution. The best band combinations to perform segmentation were found through a modified version of the Euclidian Distance 2 index. Four different RF classifications schemes were considered achieving 89.1%, 91.3%, 90.9% and 93.4% as the best overall accuracies respectively, evaluated over the whole study area.  相似文献   

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