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1 Introduction The amount of stratospheric ozone was being re duced due to anthropogenic emission of chlorofluoro carbons (CFCs) and nitrogen orides (Molina and Row land, 1974; Rowland, 1989; Yang et al., 1998; Xiao e al., 2005). This reduction of ozone r…  相似文献   

通过正交试验研究了光照、温度和营养盐对3株盐生杜氏藻株系(BJ,OUC38和OUC8)生长和色素积累的影响,旨在探明适于盐生杜氏藻生长和β-胡萝卜素积累的光照、温度和营养盐条件,并对实验中3株株系生长和β-胡萝卜素积累速率进行了初步的比较。结果表明,盐生杜氏藻生长的最适光照和温度分别是145.3μmol.m-2.s-1和23℃;适于β-胡萝卜素积累的光照和温度分别是218.2μmol.m-2.s-1和23℃;适于生长的营养盐条件是NaNO30.4 mmo/L、尿素0.6 mmol/L和NaHCO318 mmol/L,而当NaNO3、尿素和NaHCO3浓度分别为0,0.2和18 mmol/L时有利于β-胡萝卜素的积累。高光照、低温有利于杜氏藻细胞β-胡萝卜素的积累,在218.2μmol.m-2.s-1光强和15℃条件下藻细胞β-胡萝卜素积累平均值可分别达10.39和12.46 pg/cell。3个株系中OUC38积累β-胡萝卜素的能力高于另外2株,但差异不显著。  相似文献   

Plants possess effective mechanisms to respond quickly to the external environment. Rapid activation of phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PLC) enzymes occurs after a stimulus. The PLC in Dunaliella salina plays important roles in growth and stress responses. However, the molecular basis of PLC action in D. salina remains little understood. To gain insight into the potential biological functions of this enzyme, we cloned a phospholipase C gene from D. salina in a previous study, named DsPLC (GenBank No. KF573428). Here, we present the prokaryotic expression, purification, and characterization of the DsPLC gene. The entire coding region of DsPLC was inserted into an expression vector pET32a, and the DsPLC gene was successfully expressed in Escherichia coli. The DsPLC protein was purified and identified using a polyclonal antibody and western blotting. Expressing DsPLC fused with a green fluorescent protein (GFP) in onion showed that DsPLC-GFP was localized to the intracellular membrane. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis revealed that the relative expression of the DsPLC gene was induced significantly by 3.0-mol/L NaCl at 4 h. Our results support the importance of PLC enzymes in plant defense signaling. This study provides a basis for further functional studies of the DsPLC gene and for additional analysis of the potential roles of PLC enzymes in response to abiotic stress.  相似文献   

依据2011年3月4日对胶州湾走航连续实测所得pCO2数据,结合水文、化学和生物等要素的同步实测资料,对胶州湾海域pCO2分布及其影响因素进行了初步探讨,并估算了3月海-气CO2通量。结果表明:3月胶州湾表层海水pCO2实测值在191~332μatm之间,平均值为278μatm,海-气CO2通量在-22.76~-7.13mmol·m-2·d-1,平均值为-14.2mmol·m-2·d-1,这一时期胶州湾从大气吸收约1.59×103t C,表现为大气CO2的强汇。生物活动是影响这一时期表层海水pCO2分布的主要原因。  相似文献   

研究了不同辐照强度的UV-B辐射对绿色巴夫藻(Pavlova viridis Tseng)生长、光合色素和两种抗氧化酶的影响。结果表明,(1)低强度辐射处理的绿色巴夫藻在正常培养后生长有所恢复,经辐照强度为2μW/cm2的UV-B处理的藻在培养第10天的吸光度与对照接近,大于6μW/cm2的UV-B处理的藻基本无法恢复生长;(2)处理组叶绿素a(Chla)含量均低于对照,且随辐射强度的增大不断下降,辐照强度为12μW/cm2处理组比对照下降了85.20%;(3)类胡萝卜素(CAR)含量和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性均随辐射强度的增大先升高后下降,最高含量分别比对照提高了38.55%和49.41%;(4)过氧化物酶(POD)活性随辐射强度的增大不断升高,辐照强度为12μW/cm2处理组是对照的7.98倍。UV-B辐射对绿色巴夫藻生长产生了明显的抑制作用,CAR,SOD和POD可能在绿色巴夫藻抵抗UV-B辐射中起着保护作用。  相似文献   

CO2 exchange at air-sea interface in the Huanghai Sea   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
INTRODUCTIONTheroleoftheoceaniscrucialintheoverallcycleofCOZ,withitsspecialpumpingmechanismssuchassolubilitypumpingattheair-seainterfacewithcarbonatechemistry,biologicalpumpinginsurfacewatersandalsointhewatercolumn,anddynamicpumpingassociatedwithoceancirculation(BroeckerandPeng,1982).Inordertounderstandthesevariouspumpingprocessesintheocean,muchresearchhasbeencarriedoutonaglobalscaleasapartofeffortstounderstandtheglobalgeochemicalcycleofCOZ.TheHuanghaiSea,atypicalmid-latitudeepicontine…  相似文献   

1 Introduction R ed tide is a global m arine ecological calam ity.In recentyears, there has been an increase in frequen-cy, affected area and extentof injury of red tide out-breaks in the coastalw aters ofour country.A ccordingto China M arine D isaster B ulletin issued by the StateO ceanic A dm inistration of C hina, harm ful red tideshad occurred up to 119 tim es in 2003, w hich w as 40tim es m ore than thatin 2002. O w ing to the w orsenedcultural environm ent and increased nutrient en…  相似文献   

用气体混合仪设置不同的CO_2浓度处理组,测定了杜氏盐藻(Dunaliella salina)细胞密度、碳酸酐酶活性、甘油含量等生理指标,结合蛋白质组学分析方法,比较了不同CO_2浓度下细胞内主要代谢路径蛋白表达的差异。结果表明:在一定范围内,随着CO_2浓度的升高,杜氏盐藻的生理活性及光合活性提高;而CO_2浓度过高对盐藻生长呈抑制作用; 3%CO_2浓度最适于本实验杜氏盐藻藻株的生长。随着CO_2浓度的升高,胞外碳酸酐酶活性下降。低浓度的CO_2有利于β-胡萝卜素的积累,且光系统Ⅱ(PSⅡ)光合活性在CO_2浓度0.03%~3%范围内上升, CO_2浓度达9%时降低,与光合作用相关蛋白的表达趋势接近。上述结果说明杜氏盐藻可能通过调节光合作用中叶绿素等捕光色素的合成及相关蛋白的表达笼统,以响应CO_2浓度的变化;而过高浓度的CO_2可对细胞产生氧化损害,引起热激蛋白和超氧化物歧化酶等蛋白含量的上调以应对氧化胁迫。  相似文献   

Carbon cycle is connected with the most important environmental issue of Global Change.As one of the major carbon reservoirs, oceans play an important part in the carbon cycle. In recent years, iron seems to give us a good news that oceanic iron fertilization could stimulate biological productivity as CO2 sink of human-produced CO2. Oceanic iron fertilization experiments have verified that adding iron into high nutrient low chlorophyll (HNLC) seawaters can increase phytoplankton production and export organic carbon, and hence increase carbon sink of anthropogenic CO2, to reduce global warming. In sixty days, the export organic carbon could reach 10 000 times for adding iron by model prediction and in situ experiment, i.e. the atmospheric CO2 uptake and inorganic carbon drawdown in upper seawaters also have the same magnitude. Therefore, oceanic iron fertilization is one of the strategies for increasing carbon sink of anthropogenic CO2. The paper is focused on the iron fertilization, especially in situ o  相似文献   

In order to investigate the relationships between the change of TCO2, △PCO2 and SST, current, upwelling and biological activities during El Nin(~)o event in the subtropical Pacific, the responses of TCO2 and △PCO2 in surface water in the subtropical Pacific during El Nin(~)o and La Nina have been simulated using a three-dimension carbon cycle model with biota pump. The results of numerical simulations show that TCO2 in sea water increases with reducing of SST during mature phase of El Nin(~)o in the subtropical West Pacific . At the same period , the Kuroshio in this region was weakened , the zonal currents were divergence , the upwelling carried the water with high concentrations of CO2 to the sea surface , so both of TCO2 and △PCO2 in surface water were increased . But TCO2 and △pCO2 were decreased during La Nina period. These simulated results confirmed the observations in 1982/1983 , 1986/1987 ,1991/1995 and 1997/1998 El Nin(~)o events .  相似文献   

The data were collected during Chinese Arctic and Antarctic Expeditions in the western Arctic Ocean and the marginal sea ice zone (MSIZ) of the Southern Ocean, respectively in the boreal summer from July to September of 1999 and in the austral summer from December of 1999 to January of 2000. The concentrations of CO2 in surface water of the survey regions would mostly present lower than those in the atmosphere. A significant biological driving force could also been observed in summer waters in both of the above oceans. Air to sea CO2 fluxes were also calculated to compare oceanic uptake capacity of CO2 in both oceans with the world oceans using Liss, Wanninkhof, and Jacobs‘s methods. The averaged CO2 fluxes of air to sea in the western Arctic Ocean or in the MSIZ of the Southern Ocean doubled that in the world oceans.  相似文献   

CO2排放造成全球气温多变,“多米诺骨牌被推翻”导致一系列环境问题接踵而至,因此,开展CO2海上封存研究对实现“碳达峰、碳中和”目标具有重要意义。以中国近海盆地为研究对象,运用层次分析法(AHP)和模糊综合评价相结合的方法,从封存安全性、封存规模、封存可行性3方面考虑,构建了由3个一级指标、8个二级指标组成的CO2封存适宜性评价指标体系,对中国近海十大盆地的CO2封存适宜性进行评价。评价结果显示,中国近海盆地CO2封存适宜性优劣顺序依次为:珠江口盆地、东海陆架盆地、渤海湾盆地、北部湾盆地、莺歌海盆地(莺歌海组)、南黄海盆地、北黄海盆地、琼东南盆地、台西盆地、台西南盆地,其中,珠江口盆地和东海陆架盆地可作为CO2近海封存的首选盆地。  相似文献   

微藻固碳是一种新型节能减排技术,具有长期可持续发展的潜力。本文对两株富油微藻(球等鞭金藻和微拟球藻)进行了富碳培养下生长特性及中性脂积累特性的研究。两株富油微藻的最佳培养条件为10%CO2浓度和f培养基。本研究对两株富油微藻的最大生物量产率、总脂含量、最大油脂产率、微藻的C含量和CO2固定率进行了测定。球等鞭金藻的各参数指标分别为:142.42±4.58g/(m2·d),39.95%±0.77%,84.47±1.56g/(m2·d),45.98%±1.75%和33.74±1.65g/(m2·d)。微拟球藻的各参数指标分别为:149.92±1.80g/(m2·d),37.91%±0.58%,89.90±1.98g/(m2·d),46.88%±2.01%和34.08±1.32g/(m2·d)。实验结果显示,两株海洋微藻均属于高固碳优良藻株,适合应用于微藻烟气减排技术开发,具备用于海洋生物质能耦合CO2减排开发的潜力。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the simultaneous measurement of dissolved gases (CO2 and O2/Ar ratios) by membrane inlet mass spectrometry (MIMS) along the 180° meridian in the Southern Ocean. The calibration of pCO2 measurements by MIMS is reported for the first time using two independent methods of temperature correction. Multiple calibrations and method comparison exercises conducted in the Southern Ocean between New Zealand and the Ross Sea showed that the MIMS method provides pCO2 measurements that are consistent with those obtained by standard techniques (i.e. headspace equilibrator equipped with a Li–Cor NDIR analyser). The overall MIMS accuracy compared to Li–Cor measurements was 0.8 μatm. The O2/Ar ratio measurements were calibrated with air-equilibrated seawater standards stored at constant temperature (0 ± 1 °C). The reproducibility of the O2/Ar standards was better than 0.07% during the 9 days of transect between New Zealand and the Ross Sea.The high frequency, real-time measurements of dissolved gases with MIMS revealed significant small-scale heterogeneity in the distribution of pCO2 and biologically-induced O2 supersaturation (ΔO2/Ar). North of 65°S several prominent thermal fronts influenced CO2 concentrations, with biological factors also contributing to local variability. In contrast, the spatial variation of pCO2 in the Ross Sea gyre was almost entirely attributed to the biological utilization of CO2, with only small temperature effects. This high productivity region showed a strong inverse relationship between pCO2 and biologically-induced O2 disequilibria (r2 = 0.93). The daily sea air CO2 flux ranged from − 0.2 mmol/m2 in the Northern Sub-Antarctic Front to − 6.4 mmol/m2 on the Ross Sea shelves where the maximum CO2 influx reached values up to − 13.9 mmol/m2. This suggests that the Southern Ocean water (south of 58°S) acts as a seasonal sink for atmospheric CO2 at the time of our field study.  相似文献   

天然气水合物具有资源储量大、分布范围广等特点,是一种潜力巨大的替代能源,经济、高效、安全地开发天然气水合物是目前研究的热点。CO2-CH4置换水合物开采法既可以置换出水合物储层中的甲烷,同时还将CO2封存其中以保持地层稳定,受到了广泛的关注。本文从CO2-CH4置换的可行性、实验模拟与数值模拟的角度综述了近些年CO2-CH4置换水合物开采法的最新研究进展,并针对置换过程效率低、速度慢等缺点,探讨了改变CO2注入相态、CO2协同小分子气体以及CO2置换联合开采法等强化置换技术,指出了不同强化方法的技术壁垒及应用局限,展望了CO2-CH4置换水合物开采技术的研究方向和发展前景。  相似文献   

The 3rd Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition(CHINARE–Arctic III) was carried out from July to September in 2008. The partial pressure of CO2(pCO2) in the atmosphere and in surface seawater were determined in the Bering Sea during July 11–27, 2008, and a large number of seawater samples were taken for total alkalinity(TA) and total dissolved inorganic carbon(DIC) analysis. The distributions of CO2 parameters in the Bering Sea and their controlling factors were discussed. The pCO2 values in surface seawater presented a drastic variation from 148 to 563 μatm(1 μatm = 1.013 25×10-1 Pa). The lowest pCO2 values were observed near the Bering Sea shelf break while the highest pCO2 existed at the western Bering Strait. The Bering Sea generally acts as a net sink for atmospheric CO2 in summer. The air-sea CO2 fluxes in the Bering Sea shelf, slope, and basin were estimated at-9.4,-16.3, and-5.1 mmol/(m2·d), respectively. The annual uptake of CO2 was about 34 Tg C in the Bering Sea.  相似文献   

Intertidal marine macroalgae experience periodical exposures during low tide due to their zonational distribution. The duration of such emersion leads to different exposures of the plants to light and aerial CO2, which then affect the physiology of them to different extents.The ecophysiological responses to light and CO2 were investigated during emersion in two red algae Gloiopeltis furcata and Gigartina interrnedia, and two brown algae Petaloniafascia and Sargassum hemiphyllum, growing along the Shantou coast of China. The light-saturated net photosynthesis in G. furcata and P. fascia showed an increase followed by slightly desiccation, whereas that in G.interrnedia and S. hemiphyllum exhibited a continuous decrease with water loss. In addition, the upper-zonated G. furcata and P. fascia,exhibited higher photosynthetic tolerance to desiccation and required higher light level to saturate their photosynthesis than the lower-zonated G. interrnedia and S. hemiphyllum. Desiccation had less effect on dark respiration in these four algae compared with photosynthesis. The light-saturated net photosynthesis increased with increased CO2 concentrations, being saturated at CO2 concentrations higher than the present atmospheric level in G. furcata, G. intermedia and S. hemiphyllum during emersion. It was evident that the relative enhancement of photosynthesis by elevated CO2 in those three algae increased, though the absolute values of photosynthetic enhancement owing to CO2 increase were reduced when the desiccation statuses became more severe. However, in the case of desiccated P. fascia (water loss being greater than 20 %), light saturated net photosynthesis was saturated with current ambient atmospheric CO2 level. It is proposed that increasing atmospheric CO2 will enhance the daily photosynthetic production in intertidal macroalgae by varied extents that were related to the species and zonation.  相似文献   

The effects of exposure to UV-B radiation,280-315 nm,and dark or dark repair conditions on the early development of Chondrus ocellatus Holm collected from Qingdao coast were studied under the laboratory condition.After being exposed to different doses [0,36,72,108,144 and 180 J/(m 2 · d)] of UV-B radiation,one treatment of tetraspores were put back to normal culture condition (PAR),the other treatment were put into dark condition to repair for 2 h.During the cultivation,the diameter of the tetraspores were recorded every 4 d till the 50th day when vertical branches formed in all treatments.Then at the 50th day,CPDs,phycoerythrin,chlorophyll a and MAAs (Palythine and asterina-330) were measured.The results showed that low doses UV-B radiation could significantly accelerate the growth rate of the tetraspores of C.ocellatus and the growth rate reduced gradually with UV-B radiation keep on increasing.The variation trend of both the phycoerythrin and chlorophyll a concentration reduced significantly ( P < 0.05) once given the UV-B radiation. Under UV-B stress,the CPDs were induced,and the concentrations of CPDs were significant low in dark repair groups.The data of MAAs analyzed by LC/MS in the tetraspores of C. ocellatus suggested that there were two MAAs formed (palythine and asterina-330) after UV-B radiation induced, and low dose of UV-B irradiation could significantly induced the concentration of MAAs.From the growth and development state of the tetraspores,negative effects of UV-B radiation on the dark repair groups were more serious than PAR.  相似文献   

光强和二氧化碳浓度变化对浒苔幼苗生长及生理的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大气CO2浓度升高引起的海洋酸化如何在光变环境下影响大型海藻固碳量的问题,关系到未来海洋初级生产力的变化趋势。为研究大型海藻对CO2浓度升高和光强变化的响应,本文选取浒苔(Ulva prolifera)幼苗为实验材料,探讨其在不同光强下[80、260μmol/(m2·s)]和两种CO2浓度(正常CO2浓度:400μL/L和高CO2浓度:1 000μL/L)下的生理变化。研究发现,在正常CO2浓度、高光条件下,浒苔幼苗的生长最快,超氧化物特化酶(SOD)活性最高,而过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性在低光、高CO2处理下有最大值。光合色素含量和光系统Ⅱ的光化学效率在不同处理间没有显著性差异,但叶绿素a与类胡萝卜素的比值在低光正常CO2处理下有最大值。同时,高光高CO2处理下,浒苔幼苗的可溶性蛋白含量最低。  相似文献   

徐军田  高坤山 《海洋学报》2013,35(5):184-190
大气CO2持续升高,导致溶入海水中的CO2增多,海水表层的H+浓度增加,从而引起海洋酸化。为了探讨近岸定生大型海藻对这种环境变化的响应,本文选择经济海藻坛紫菜为实验材料,研究海洋酸化与紫外辐射对藻体生长以及光合特性的影响。实验分两个CO2处理,分别为正常空气水平(390 ppmv)和高CO2水平(800 ppmv); 三种辐射处理,分别为全波长辐射(PAB)、滤除紫外线B(PA)和仅接受可见光处理(PAR)。研究结果表明,CO2培养下的坛紫菜,在仅有可见光(P)或者同时有紫外线A(PA)存在的情况下,显著促进藻体的生长;但在全波长辐射处理下(PAB),这种作用不明显。高CO2降低了藻体在P和PA处理下的光合作用速率,但对PAB处理作用不显著。高CO2处理下的藻体,UV-B显著降低了全波长辐射下藻体紫外吸收物质的含量,但在正常CO2水平下,紫外辐射的作用不显著。这表明高CO2导致的生长优势被紫外辐射的负面效应所抵消,在全球变化的过程中,紫外辐射的进一步加强在海洋酸化的背景下甚至有可能降低坛紫菜的产量。  相似文献   

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