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This article explores the causes for differences in the average CO2 emissions intensity of the new passenger car (NPC) fleet in member states (MS) across Europe. Although EU policies mitigating CO2 emissions from NPCs have been in place since 1999, MS strongly diverge in the absolute amount and relative change in emissions over the last decade. The authors employ a qualitative approach to analyse the factors, in particular national vehicle taxes, contributing to this divergence and the relative contribution of national and European policies in reducing national CO2 emissions from NPCs. The analysis shows that there has been a significant reduction in CO2 emissions intensity of NPCs since 2007 across most MS, compared with the six years previous to that date. This would indicate that EU-wide policies, such as the CO2 vehicles regulation, along with the economic recession in 2008, have influenced national NPC CO2 emissions. Generally, countries with CO2-differentiated vehicle taxes are observed as more likely to have achieved greater reductions in CO2 emissions. However, over the same period there have been many confounding factors, such as economic instability in the EU, that also influence NPC emissions. Using more detailed case study analyses of six countries, the authors find that there is scope for well-designed national vehicle tax policies to drive NPC emissions down further than the EU average. In countries with the highest success rate, such as the Netherlands, the design of the vehicle tax, as part of a well-aligned policy package, has been very important in delivering the biggest reductions in CO2 emissions from NPCs.


The transport sector continues to be an intractable source of CO2 emissions. Governments around the world are seeking effective policies to deal with the increase in passenger car CO2 emissions appropriate to their own circumstances. This article examines the experience of EU MS with CO2-differentiated vehicle taxes in reducing CO2 emissions in the context of other national and international contributing factors. It should therefore both be useful to policy makers and contribute to climate policy research in general.  相似文献   

This study aims at better understanding how, and to what extent, perceptions of a policy instrument’s distributional effects impact on policy support, focusing on the case of CO2 taxes on petrol in Sweden. Through a large-scale (N?=?5000) randomized survey experiment with a 2?×?3 factorial design, the extent to which perceptions of fairness determine attitudes to a suggested increase of the Swedish CO2 tax is explored. Furthermore, the study considers whether these effects change with the level of the suggested tax increase, as well as whether negative sentiments can be alleviated by combining it with a compensatory measure in the shape of a simultaneous income tax cut financed by the revenues from the tax increase. The results show that a higher tax increase is both viewed as more unfair and enjoys weaker support. Furthermore, compensatory measures can be a powerful policy design tool to increase perceptions of the policy as fair, but the effect of compensation on policy support is conditioned by the individual’s left–right ideological position. Whereas people self-identifying to the right react favourably to compensatory measures, people self-identifying to the left become less supportive of a tax increase when combined with a simultaneous cut in income taxes.

Key policy insights
  • Perceptions of fairness are highly important for explaining public support for climate policy tools, specifically CO2 taxes.

  • Compensatory measures can be a powerful policy design tool to increase perceptions of the policy as less unfair.

  • However, the effect of compensatory measures on policy support is conditioned by ideological position, and only successful among people to the ideological right.

  • In contexts dominated by right-wing ideals, a combination of a tax and a compensatory scheme may be a successful route forward towards increased climate policy support.

  • In left-oriented contexts the results imply that a CO2 tax without compensation seems more likely to increase support.


基于生产与消费视角的CO2环境库茨涅兹曲线的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 基于生产和消费视角,对人均GDP和单位GDP的CO2排放之间的内在关系进行了实证分析。对1990-2004年44个国家的人均GDP与生产型和消费型的单位GDP的CO2排放进行面板数据的单位根检验和协整分析,在此基础上,对CO2环境库茨涅兹曲线(EKC)进行模拟。结果显示:无论是从生产视角还是从消费视角,单位GDP的CO2排放量都具有显著的倒"U"形状,符合环境库茨涅兹曲线特征。但对于多数发展中国家,消费型单位GDP的CO2排放量总是低于生产型单位GDP的CO2排放量,表明多数发展中国家在国际贸易中存在着内涵CO2排放的净出口,这对从生产角度核算国家温室气体排放体系提出了挑战。最后,分析了CO2环境库茨涅兹曲线对中国应对气候变化的启示。  相似文献   

在膜基—气体吸收耦合实验装置上,评价了疏水性PP(聚丙烯)微孔膜,活化MDEA(N-甲基二乙醇胺)溶液分离混合气中CO2传质性能,研究了气液流速、吸收剂和混合气的浓度等因素对总传质系数的影响,采用阻力层关联方程模型预测总传质系数Kov值。结果表明:活化MDEA溶液能提高总传质系数Kov值,模型的计算值和实验值符合较好。  相似文献   

《Climate Policy》2013,13(4):355-376
Many stabilization scenarios have examined the implications of stabilization on the assumption that all regions and all sectors of all of the world's economies undertake emissions mitigations wherever and whenever it is cheapest to do so. This idealized assumption is just one of many ways in which emissions mitigation actions could play out globally, but not necessarily the most likely. This paper explores the implications of generic policy regimes that lead to stabilization of CO2 concentrations under conditions in which non-Annex I regions delay emissions reductions and in which carbon prices vary across participating regions. The resulting stabilization scenarios are contrasted with the idealized results. Delays in the date by which non-Annex I regions begin to reduce emissions raise the price of carbon in Annex I regions relative to the price of carbon in Annex I in an idealized regime for any given CO2 concentration limit. This effect increases the longer the delay in non-Annex I accession, the lower the non-Annex I carbon prices relative to the Annex I prices, and the more stringent the stabilization level. The effect of delay is very pronounced when CO2 concentrations are stabilized at 450 ppmv, however the effect is much less pronounced at 550 ppmv and above. For long delays in non-Annex I accession, 450 ppmv stabilization levels become infeasible.  相似文献   

Since April 1986, measurements of the CO2 concentration in the surface air have been conducted at the Meteorological Research Institure (MRI, 36°04 N, 140°07 E, 25 m above sea level) in Tsukuba, located 50 km northeast of Tokyo, Japan. The CO2 data measured over times between 11:00 Japan Standard Time (JST) and 16:00 JST (C N ) were considered to be representative of the air (within a few ppmv) in the planetary boundary layer. To evaluate the representative CO2 level on a spatial scale larger than that of the C N record, the CO2 data with hour-to-hour variation less than 1 ppmv were selected (C P ). Comparison of these data with those of Ryori (39°02 N, 141°50 E), a continental station operated by the Japan Meteorological Agency, indicates that the C P record provides a representative CO2 level in the air on spatial scales of at least a few hundred kilometers.The C N record allows an investigation of the internanual changes in photosynthesis/respiration against changes in climatological parameters. Within a small temperature anomaly (ca.±1 °C) respiration is sensitive to the temperature change, while photosynthesis is less sensitive. When the temperature anomaly is large, however, photosynthesis and respiration tend to be competitive.  相似文献   

The Paris Agreement, which entered into force in 2016, sets the ambitious climate change mitigation goal of limiting the global temperature increase to below 2°C and ideally 1.5°C. This puts a severe constraint on the remaining global GHG emissions budget. While international shipping is also a contributor to anthropogenic GHG emissions, and CO2 in particular, it is not included in the Paris Agreement. This article discusses how a share of a global CO2 budget over the twenty-first century could be apportioned to international shipping, and, using a range of future trade scenarios, explores the requisite cuts to the CO2 intensity of shipping. The results demonstrate that, under a wide range of assumptions, existing short-term levers of efficiency must be urgently exploited to achieve mitigation commensurate with that required from the rest of the economy, with virtually full decarbonization of international shipping required as early as before mid-century.

Key policy insights

  • Regulatory action is key to ensuring the international shipping sector’s long-term sustainability.

  • For the shipping industry to deliver mitigation in line with the Paris Agreement, virtually full decarbonization needs to be achieved.

  • In the near term, immediate and rapid exploitation of available mitigation measures is of critical importance.

  • Any delay in the transition will increase the risk of stranded assets, or diminish the chances of meeting the Paris Agreement's temperature commitments.


An experimental micrometeorological set-up was established at the CARBOEURO-FLUX site in Tharandt, Germany, to measure all relevant variables for the calculation of the vertical and horizontal advective fluxes of carbon dioxide. The set-up includes two auxiliary towers to measure horizontal and vertical CO2 and H2O gradients through the canopy, and to make ultrasonic wind measurements in the trunk space. In combination with the long-term flux tower an approximately even-sided prism with a typical side-length of 50 m was established. It is shown that under stable (nighttime) conditions the mean advective fluxes have magnitudes on the same order as the daily eddy covariance (EC) flux, which implies that they play a significant, but not yet fully understood, role in the carbon budget equation. The two advective fluxes are opposite and seem to cancel each other at night (at least for these measurements). During the day, vertical advection tends to zero, while horizontal advection is still present implying a flow of CO2 out of the control volume. From our measurements, a mean daily gain of 2.2 gC m–2 d–1 for the horizontal advection and a mean daily loss of 2.5 gC m–2d–1 for the vertical advection is calculated for a period of 20 days. However the large scatter of the advective fluxes has to be further investigated. It is not clear yet whether the large variability is natural or due to measurement errors and conceptual deficiencies of the experiment. Similar results are found in the few comparable studies.  相似文献   

Anemometer and CO2 concentration data from temporary campaigns performed at six CARBOEUROFLUX forest sites were used to estimate the importance of non-turbulent fluxes in nighttime conditions. While storage was observed to be significant only during periods of both low turbulence and low advection, the advective fluxes strongly influence the nocturnal CO2 balance, with the exception of almost flat and highly homogeneous sites. On the basis of the main factors determining the onset of advective fluxes, the ‘advection velocity’, which takes net radiation and local topography into account, was introduced as a criterion to characterise the conditions of storage enrichment/depletion. Comparative analyses of the six sites showed several common features of the advective fluxes but also some substantial differences. In particular, all sites where advection occurs show the onset of a boundary layer characterised by a downslope flow, negative vertical velocities and negative vertical CO2 concentration gradients during nighttime. As a consequence, vertical advection was observed to be positive at all sites, which corresponds to a removal of CO2 from the ecosystem. The main differences between sites are the distance from the ridge, which influences the boundary-layer depth, and the sign of the mean horizontal CO2 concentration gradients, which is probably determined by the source/sink distribution. As a consequence, both positive and negative horizontal advective fluxes (corresponding respectively to CO2 removal from the ecosystem and to CO2 supply to the ecosystem) were observed. Conclusive results on the importance of non-turbulent components in the mass balance require, however, further experimental investigations at sites with different topographies, slopes, different land covers, which would allow a more comprehensive analysis of the processes underlying the occurrence of advective fluxes. The quantification of these processes would help to better quantify nocturnal CO2 exchange rates.  相似文献   

《Climate Policy》2013,13(6):569-576
In contrast to many discussions based on annual emissions, this article presents calculations and projections of cumulative contributions to the stock of atmospheric CO2 by the major players, China, Europe, India, Japan and the USA, for the period 1900–2080. Although relative contributions to the climate problem are changing dramatically, notably due to the rapid industrialization of China, long-term responsibilities for enhanced global warming have not been transparently quantified in the literature. The analysis shows that if current trends continue, by the middle of this century China will overtake the USA as the major cumulative contributor to atmospheric concentrations of CO2. This has enormous implications for the debate on the ethical responsibilities of the major greenhouse gas emitters. Effective climate policy will require both the recognition of shared responsibility and an unprecedented degree of cooperation.  相似文献   

Slovenia is required to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to an average of 8% below the base year 1986 in the period 2008–2012, due to the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol in 2002. It was the first of the transition countries to implement a CO2 tax in 1997. At the beginning of 2005, Slovenia joined other EU Member States by implementing the Emissions Trading Scheme. In contrast with other new EU Member States, Slovenia will be a net buyer of allowances. Therefore future movements on the emissions market will play an important role in the compliance costs of achieving the Kyoto target. The main purpose of this article is to present the establishment and characteristics of the first national allocation plan (NAP1) and to describe the main elements of the second national allocation plan (NAP2) for Slovenia within the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, the expected movements on the emissions allowances market in Slovenia, the expected compliance cost of achieving the Kyoto target and to present the main characteristics and efficiency of the CO2 tax in Slovenia.  相似文献   

李遥  牛生杰  吕晶晶 《大气科学》2020,44(4):808-815
为了获得更加准确的冬季降水数据,针对PARSIVEL2(Particle Size and Velocity)测量降雪时近地面水平风的影响进行了订正及误差计算。订正结果表明:一定风速下,不考虑风的影响会造成小粒子直径的明显低估,而对于同一粒径段的粒子,风速越大,计算过程中对于粒子直径的低估越明显。风速不超过2 m s?1时,其降雪粒子下落末速度计算误差在3%左右,直径计算误差在7%以内(水平偏转角度45°)。在对2018年1月4日南京一次降雪过程中获取的真实雪花谱的分析中可以看出,忽略风的影响会导致雪花谱峰值的偏移和谱的缩窄,这会造成小粒子数浓度的高估和大粒子数浓度的低估,进而影响微物理量的计算。具体表现在雷达反射率因子Z和降雪强度I的低估,及Z–I关系拟合系数a值的实际数值会大于计算值,b值则偏小。但当风速较大时,近地面流场比较复杂,垂直向湍流运动不可忽略,此种订正方法很可能不再适用。建议在以后的业务观测中增设防风圈或在后续的数据处理中增加针对风的订正,以排除风对降雪测量的影响。  相似文献   

CO2倍增对我国东部极端降水的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 利用GFDL-CM2.1耦合模式控制试验和CO2增长试验逐日降水输出结果,评估了CO2浓度加倍对我国极端降水变化的影响。结果表明:CO2浓度加倍导致我国东部地区年极端降水的强度增强、降水量显著增多及降水频次显著增加(除华北南部外); CO2浓度加倍对我国春夏季极端降水影响较大,导致东部多数地区春夏季极端降水频次增加,强度增强;而CO2浓度加倍导致华北南部和长江中下游春夏季雨日减少以及小雨、中雨减少,从而导致年总降水量减少。  相似文献   

We present an approach for assessing the impact of systematic biases in measured energy fluxes on CO2 flux estimates obtained from open-path eddy-covariance systems. In our analysis, we present equations to analyse the propagation of errors through the Webb, Pearman, and Leuning (WPL) algorithm [Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc. 106, 85–100, 1980] that is widely used to account for density fluctuations on CO2 flux measurements. Our results suggest that incomplete energy balance closure does not necessarily lead to an underestimation of CO2 fluxes despite the existence of surface energy imbalance; either an overestimation or underestimation of CO2 fluxes is possible depending on local atmospheric conditions and measurement errors in the sensible heat, latent heat, and CO2 fluxes. We use open-path eddy-covariance fluxes measured over a black spruce forest in interior Alaska to explore several energy imbalance scenarios and their consequences for CO2 fluxes.  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of stratospheric HO2 and NO2 concentrations were determined using matrix isolation and ESR. Up to 10 different samples per flight were collected in situ by a balloon borne cryosampler. Free radicals and trace constituents which are condensable at 68 K are trapped in a polycristalline H2O or D2O matrix. After collection, the samples are stored at a temperature below 83 K until they are analysed in the laboratory by X-band ESR spectroscopy at 4 K. The HO2 and NO2 were identified and calibrated by comparison with standard samples collected in the laboratory under typical stratospheric sampling conditions. From several flights over Southern France (44°N) we obtained two profiles of the stratospheric NO2 mixing ratio. One, from 21 October 1982, agrees well with previous measurements. The other, from 8 October 1981, is lower by one order of magnitude. The few HO2 data obtained around 35 km altitude agree with previous measurements. An isolated measurement at 17 km altitude is one order of magnitude higher than the model predicted HO2 concentration.  相似文献   

This article analyses the determinants of CO2 emission for 15 post-Soviet Union independent (PSI) countries given their recent transition to market-based economies and their relatively high levels of corruption. The direct and indirect effects of economic growth on CO2 emission for the PSI countries are derived using a multiple-equation generalized method of moment (GMM) approach to account for simultaneity among corruption, growth and CO2 emission. A linear relationship between gross domestic product (GDP) and CO2 emission was observed from the analysis. Furthermore, GDP influences CO2 emission directly, but also indirectly through its impact on corruption. Similarly, corruption affects CO2 emission directly, as well as indirectly through its impact on GDP. Political democracy and economic freedom increase CO2 emission indirectly through their impact on economic growth. Improved energy efficiency and the EU climate policy reduce CO2 emission, while inflows of foreign direct investment tend to increase CO2 emission.

Policy relevance

First, PSI countries need to invest more in efficient energy technologies to mitigate CO2 emission levels significantly. Second, PSI policies aimed at reducing deforestation (thereby increasing population density) may help mitigate carbon emission. Third, PSI countries would be well served to recognize the detrimental effects of foreign direct investment before embarking on a misguided policy path that attracts such inflows at any cost.  相似文献   

采用基于离子液体[Bmin][BF4]+AMP作为捕集CO2的复合溶液,在膜吸收-热再生循环装置上,研究了该复合溶液捕集CO2的过程和传质性能;通过阻力层传质模型,比较了预测值与实验值.结果表明:在相同条件和较高负载下,复合溶液具有较高的传递推动力和更高的传质系数;模型预测值和实验值符合较好,平均误差为12.8%.实验证明复合溶液的传质性能优于单一溶液.  相似文献   

基于典型城市站太原站2018年3月—2019年2月的大气CO2在线观测资料,利用筛分法(Meteorological filtering method, MET)和黑碳示踪法(Black Carbon tracer, BC)进行本底/非本底的筛分,得到了本底浓度的变化特征。结果表明,太原大气CO2浓度季均值冬季最高,夏季最低;不同季节呈“单峰型”日变化特征,日振幅均在26.0×10-6以上;4个季节CO2浓度与地面风速存在显著负相关关系;CO2浓度抬升区域主要受当地工业布局的影响,最大抬升幅度在秋季达17.4×10-6;使用气象筛分法(MET)得到年均本底浓度为(431.4±19.9)×10-6,人为排放等对其影响为23.5×10-6,年振幅比同纬度其它本底站大,为34.5×10-6;黑碳示踪法(BC)得到冬季季均本底浓度为(445.0±22.9)×10-6,比MET筛...  相似文献   

Emissions of N2O, CH4, and CO2 from soils at two sites in the tropical savanna of central Venezuela were determined during the dry season in February 1987. Measured arithmetic mean fluxes of N2O, CH4, and CO2 from undisturbed soil plots to the atmosphere were 2.5×109, 4.3×1010, and 3.0×1013 molecules cm-2 s-1, respectively. These fluxes were not significantly affected by burning the grass layer. Emissions of N2O increased fourfold after simulated rainfall, suggesting that production of N2O in savanna soils during the rainy season may be an important source for atmospheric N2O. The CH4 flux measurements indicate that these savanna soils were not a sink, but a small source, for atmospheric methane. Fluxes of CO2 from savanna soils increased ninefold two hours after simulated rainfall, and remained three times higher than normal after 16 hours. More research is needed to clarify the significance of savannas in the global cycles of N2O, CH4, CO2, and other trace gases, especially during the rainy season.  相似文献   

Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) was used to study the chemical form of iron, manganese and other paramagnetic species in airborne particles collected on southern coastal part of the North Sea, located in France. In parallel, chemical analysis was performed to obtain the metal concentrations in samples whereas an individual analysis of particles was provided by scanning electron microscopy coupled to an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer (SEM-EDX). EPR spectra have evidenced Fe3+ and Mn2+ ions in the form of isolated or agglomerated species, as well as carbonaceous products with variable signal intensities according to the wind direction. The monitoring of a signal of isolated Mn2+ ions on a distance close to 90 km was proposed as tracer of particles from a Mn local emission source. Fe3+ signals are relative to agglomerated species and differences in the type of interaction between these species were evidenced following the wind direction. Fe3+ EPR signals parameters revealing antiferromagnetic contribution in Fe-rich particles were found for an industrial origin at Dunkerque.  相似文献   

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