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A ca. 600 m thick siliciclastic succession in northern Russia contains abundant and diverse microfossils that document early to middle Ediacaran deposition along the northeastern margin of the East European Platform. The Vychegda Formation is poorly exposed but is well documented by a core drilled in the Timan trough region (Kel’tminskaya-1 borehole). Vychegda siliciclastics lie unconformably above Tonian to lower Cryogenian strata and below equivalents of the late Ediacaran Redkino succession that is widely distributed across the platform. The basal 10 m of the formation preserve acritarchs and fragments of problematic macrofossils known elsewhere only from pre-Sturtian successions. In contrast, the upper, nearly 400 m of the succession contains abundant and diverse large acanthomorphic acritarchs attributable to the Ediacaran Complex Acanthomorph Palynoflora (ECAP). This distinctive set of taxa is known elsewhere only from lower, but not lowermost, Ediacaran rocks. In between lies an additional assemblage of relatively simple filaments and stratigraphically long ranging sphaeromorphic acritarchs interpreted as early Ediacaran in age. Bearing in mind that knowledge of late Cryogenian (post-Strurtian/pre-Marinoan) microfossils is sparse, the Vychegda record is consistent with data from Australia and China which suggest that diverse ECAP microfossil assemblages appeared well into the Ediacaran Period. Accumulating paleontological observations underscore both the promise and challenges for the biostratigraphic characterization of the early Ediacaran Period.  相似文献   

Oxidation of galena (PbS) to oxysulfates, (PbO·PbSO4, 3PbO·PbSO4 and 4PbO·PbSO4), has been observed using Raman spectroscopy. Peaks associated with the oxidation products have been assigned. The reaction appears to be a high temperature oxidation induced by the high laser (25 mW at 514.5 nm) power density at freshly cleaved galena surfaces. Damage to the galena surface was observed visually under the microscope. Moderate laser powers (5 mW at 514.5 nm) did not result in any damage. No Raman bands were observed or expected for freshly cleaved galena because it has the rock salt structure. Laser-induced production of these oxysulfates is dramatically different from high temperature methods previously employed. This procedure will permit easy identification of galena in complex mineral ore samples. Spontaneous air oxidation of freshly cleaved galena to oxides or polysulfides was not detected.  相似文献   

Discoidal sedimentary structures are commonly described in Proterozoic strata, and even more common in Ediacaran to lower Cambrian sedimentary successions. Many abiotic processes are able to produce such circular or discoidal structures in bedding planes, however, their abundance in Ediacaran strata suggests a possible correlation with the evolution and preservation of epibenthic metazoans that emerged at the end of this period. In the South American paleontological record, studies regarding the Ediacaran soft-bodied organisms are meager and restricted to few reports in Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina. In many cases, such “fossils” were only tentatively characterized in terms of their general morphology and putative taxonomic affinity. Thus, considering the almost absence of work on these enigmatic structures in South America, this paper aims to make a critical analysis on the main occurrences of Ediacaran-Cambrian discoidal structures described in this continent. Based on a detailed review and unpublished data, it was possible to provide a general picture concerning the main paleoenvironmental and sedimentary significance of this structures, as well as on the most promising prospects in terms of the paleontological record of Ediacaran soft-bodied metazoans in South American. In this sense, it was settled that occurrences such as those in the Jaibaras and Itajaí basins should be reassessed in order to establish reliable criteria of biogenicity. In the case of the material from the Sete Lagoas and Tagatiya Guazu formations, it is considered more parsimonious to interpret the discoidal features as resulting from microbial processes. Similarly, the discoidal structures of the Cerro Negro Formation presents a series of internal laminations and textures that resembles those developed by processes of microbial grain binding and trapping suggesting that, at least part of this material, can be related to microbially induced sedimentary structures. Finally, for the ichnologically diversified Puncoviscana and Camaquã basins, two different scenarios were identified. The first presents an ichnological assemblage strongly indicative of lower Paleozoic, and possibly Cambrian affinity. Thus, the discs in association with these traces, should be viewed with caution and interpretations made in light of a Paleozoic context. The second possesses an ichnological association typical of that expected for the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition, and the diversity of discoidal forms can potentially represent imprints of macroorganisms on a microbially bounded substrate, thus deserving a more detailed approach.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(15):1864-1875

In the mines of the Nacional de Grafite Company around Itapecerica (Minas Gerais), located in the southern Sao Francisco Craton, occurs a supracrustal succession of high-grade metamorphic rocks including quartzite, garnet-biotite gneiss, and graphite schist formed in the Palaeoproterozoic (2.0 Ga). During metamorphic processes, organic matter was progressively transformed into graphite. From four graphite samples of three different mines (two samples from high-grade metamorphic graphite schist and two generated by hydrothermal recrystallization of the graphite schist), the origin and formation temperature of this mineral was obtained by C isotopes, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Raman spectroscopy. The values of δ13C range between ?21.23 and ?27.89 ‰, indicating that the source of the graphite was a primitive biogenic carbon material. High-grade metamorphic graphites show average temperatures around 729°C, while hydrothermal recrystallizated graphites (vein-graphites) show temperatures around 611°C by XRD, which correspond to granulite- to amphibolite facies conditions. The hydrothermal process with percolation of C-O-H fluids leads to a decrease in the crystal size along stacking direction (Lc(002)) when compared with the previously formed high-grade metamorphism graphites. An update of the current tectonic model about the collisional process during Rhyacian-Orosirian orogeny in the Sao Francisco Craton is proposed to insert the formation of the Itapecerica graphite-rich metasedimentary sequence.  相似文献   

Lawsonite eclogite (metabasalt and metadolerite) and associated metasedimentary rocks in a serpentinite mélange from an area just south of the Motagua fault zone (SMFZ), Guatemala, represent excellent natural records of the forearc slab–mantle interface. Pseudosection modelling of pristine lawsonite eclogite reproduces the observed predominant mineral assemblages, and garnet compositional isopleths intersect within the phase fields, yielding a prograde PT path that evolves from 20 kbar, 470 °C (M1) to 25 kbar, 520 °C (M2). The dominant penetrative foliation within the eclogite blocks is defined by minerals developed during the prograde evolution, and the associated deformation, therefore, took place during subduction. Thermometry using Raman spectra of carbonaceous material in metasedimentary rocks associated with the SMFZ eclogites gives estimates of peak‐T of ~520 °C. Barometry using Raman spectroscopy shows unfractured quartz inclusions in garnet rims retain overpressures of up to ~10 kbar, implying these inclusions were trapped at conditions just below the quartz/coesite transition, in agreement with the results of phase equilibrium analysis. Additional growth of Ca‐rich garnet indicates initial isothermal decompression to 20 kbar (M3) followed by hydration and substantial cooling to the lawsonite–blueschist facies (M4). Further decompression of the hydrated eclogite blocks to the pumpellyite–actinolite facies (3–5 kbar, 230–250 °C) is associated with dehydration and veining (M5). The presence of eclogite as m‐ to 10 m‐sized blocks in a serpentinite matrix, lack of widespread deformation developed during exhumation and derived prograde PT path associated with substantial dehydration of metabasites within the antigorite stability field suggest that the SMFZ eclogites represent the uppermost part of the forearc slab crust sampled by an ascending serpentinite diapir in an active, moderate‐T subduction zone.  相似文献   

Large acanthomorphic acritarchs have been found in chert of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation at several localities in South China, including the East Yangtze Gorges of Hubei Province, Weng’an area of Guizhou Province, and elsewhere. However, their potential for biostratigraphic subdivision and correlation of Ediacaran successions is limited by facies control, taphonomic biases, and taxonomic problems. In the Yangtze Gorges, the Doushantuo Formation is generally subdivided into four lithologic members. However, in the Weng’an area, the Doushantuo Formation comprises just a lower and upper part separated by a mid-Doushantuo erosional surface. In the Yangtze Gorges at the Zhangcunping section, the Doushantuo succession is similar to that at Weng’an. So far, the correlation between the Yangtze Gorges and Weng’an area, and elsewhere has been an issue of debate. To resolve the debate, we selected eight sections in the Yangtze Gorges area and systemically sampled chert nodules of the Doushantuo Formation, focusing in particular on the upper Doushantuo Formation. Our data confirm two different assemblages appearing separately in the second and third members, which are separated by a negative δ13C excursion (EN2). The lower assemblage is characterized by Tianzhushania and a diverse suite of large acanthomorphic acritarchs. The upper assemblage is distinguished from the lower assemblage, by (1) absence of Tianzhushania; (2) occurrence of abundant, 100–150 μm, smooth-walled spherical microfossils; (3) occurrence of highly diverse acanthomorphic acritarchs including species extending from the second member and new forms in this member; (4) occurrence of unnamed new forms of protist; and (5) occurrence of the tubular microfossil Sinocyclocylicus guizhouensis. Since the Tianzhushania-dominated assemblage is not present in Australia, it seems that only the upper acanthomorph assemblage is present and thus the lower Doushantuo acanthomorph assemblage is missing in Australia.  相似文献   

中国云南东部晋宁、江川地区的伊迪卡拉(震旦)系顶部灯影组旧城段新发现了多样的宏体化石群,除了丰富的Vendotaenia与Tyrasotaenia类化石以外,以形体较大的Tawuia类和Longfengshaniaceae科等具固着构造的底栖多细胞藻类化石占据优势,另有一些形态奇特、亲缘关系不明的宏体化石,该组合与华南陡山沱组和灯影组石板滩段的宏体化石组合相比存在着明显的差别。依据形态特征,本文概述了部分产自江川旧城段的具有不同类型固着构造的底栖藻类和归属不明的宏体化石特征。华南滇东地区旧城段形态多样的宏体藻类化石的发现,进一步表明伊迪卡拉纪末期存在后生植物的多样化发展。这一时期浮游微生物和后生植物的共同繁盛可能为早寒武世“澄江生物群”的爆发奠定了生态基础。  相似文献   

This paper is focused on the progress in the determination of water in glasses and melt inclusions with Raman spectroscopy. Using the presented "Comparator Technique" the water content of a sample is determined by siruple comparison with a known standard. A calibration curve is not necessary. Furthermore, with this technique the water concentration in silicate melt inclusions can be determined without exposing the inclusions for measurements. This is very important for extremely water-rich melt inclusions, which would loose H2O on exposure.  相似文献   

本文重点通过研究峡东地区埃迪卡拉系陡山沱组碳同位素的变化规律,来探讨其全球地层对比意义.峡东地区埃迪卡拉系陡山沱组经历了三次比较显著的碳同位素负漂移(EN1~EN3)和两次正漂移(EP1、EP2).第一次碳同位素负漂移(ENI)发生在南沱冰期之后陡山沱组底部盖帽碳酸盐岩层位及其上部的白云岩,与世界其他地区Marinoan冰期之后盖帽碳酸盐岩的碳同位素负漂移可进行对比;第二次碳同位素负漂移(EN2)发生在陡山沱组中部;第三次负漂移(EN3)发生在陡山沱组顶部,是该地质历史时期持续时间最长的一期碳同位素负漂移,同澳大利亚、阿曼、纳米比亚、加里福尼亚、西伯利亚、苏格兰等地碳同位素异常均可进行对比.两次正漂移(EP1、EP2)分别位于第二段中部和第三段的下部,分别与陡山沱组所含的两个疑源类组合具有很好的对应关系;而EN3则与陡山沱组上部所含的宏体化石组合(庙河生物群)相对应;表明碳同位素的变化与生物演化具有一定的对应关系.研究表明,利用碳同位素变化特征进行埃迪卡拉纪地层洲际对比是行之有效的手段之一.  相似文献   

A morphologically more diverse assemblage of Longfengshaniaceae has been found in the uppermost Ediacaran (Sinian) Jiucheng Member, Yuhucun Formation at Jinning and Jiangchuan, eastern Yunnan, South China. A majority of them are different from the Longfengshania found in the Neoproterozoic Changlongshan Formation, Yanshan Mountain area, North China and the Little Dal Group, North America. They are mainly characterized by a more varied, often thallus-like appearance with no branches, such as oval, pyriform, spindle, shovel, heart, ribbon and balloon shapes, and more sturdy stalk-like projection (stipe) with a smooth connection on the basal part of the thallus. In addition, they appear to have a remarkable attaching organ of lanceolate, shuttle-like or short stem-like structure at the base of the stipe. Six distinct morphological taxa are recognized, including one new genus, two new species and three conformis species. The characteristics of the family and the genus Longfengshania are further discussed in this paper. The new discoveries of these carbonaceous macrofossils identified as Longfengshaniaceae algae on the basis of the diagnostic forms and anastomosis patterns of their thalli and stipes demonstrate that an important evolutionary radiation of metaphytes took place in the last Ediacaran stage. The flourishing of the benthonic thallophytes attached to the substrate from eastern Yunnan and considered to be photosynthetic alga probably provided continuous nutritional habitats for the explosion and diversification of the Early Cambrian “Chengjiang biota”. Translated from Acta Geologica Sinica, 2006, 80(11): 1643–1649 [译自: 地质学报]  相似文献   

Despite the importance of organic-rich shales, microstructural characterization and theoretical modeling of these rocks are limited due to their highly heterogeneous microstructure, complex chemistry, and multiscale mechanical properties. One of the sources of complexity in organic-rich shales is the intricate interplay between microtextural evolution and kerogen maturity. In this study, a suite of experimental and theoretical microporomechanics methods are developed to associate the mechanical properties of organic-rich shales both to their maturity level and to the organic content at micrometer and sub-micrometer length scales. Recent results from chemomechanical characterization experiments involving grid nanoindentation and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) are used in new micromechanical models to isolate the effects of maturity levels and organic content from the inorganic solids. These models enable attribution of the role of organic maturity to the texture of the indented material, with immature systems exhibiting a matrix-inclusion morphology, while mature systems exhibit a polycrystal morphology. Application of these models to the interpretation of nanoindentation results on organic-rich shales allows us to identify unique clay mechanical properties that are consistent with molecular simulation results for illite and independent of the maturity of shale formation and total organic content. The results of this investigation contribute to the design of a multiscale model of the fundamental building blocks of organic-rich shales, which can be used for the design and validation of multiscale predictive poromechanics models.  相似文献   

本文报道的微体化石产于湖北宜昌樟村坪万家沟剖面埃迪卡拉纪陡山沱组第10层的硅磷质结核中,化石组合包括疑源类Appendisphaera grandis、Ericiasphaera spjeldnaesii、Knollisphaeridium maxi mum、Leiosphaeridia tenuissi ma、Meghystrichosphaeridium perfectum、Tianzhushania polysiphonia、T.spinosa、T.ornata;丝状蓝藻Oscillatoriopsis obtusa、Polytrichoides induviatus、P.lineatus、Salome hubeiensis、Siphonophycustypicum;多细胞藻类Sarcinophycus palilloformis、Wengania minuta。该微体化石组合面貌与黄陵背斜东、南翼陡山沱组二段硅质结核中以大型具刺疑源类Tianzhushania为特征的组合相同,与贵州瓮安地区陡山沱组上磷块岩下部保存的微体化石组合面貌基本一致。  相似文献   

拉曼光谱是一种快速无损的分析手段,它既可观察样品的显微结构构造,也可分析样品的成分和结构。为了丰富多金属结核的岩石矿物学特征,文章对西太平洋某海山区的多金属结核样品进行了X射线粉末衍射分析和拉曼光谱分析。X射线分析结果显示该区域样品主要含有水羟锰矿、钡镁锰矿、斜长石、钙十字沸石和石英,显微构造主要有纹层状构造、柱状构造、树枝状构造、充填构造等。通过分析对比潮湿样品和烘干样品铁锰质矿物的拉曼特征谱峰,得出结核中水羟锰矿的特征谱峰位于490 cm~(-1)、570 cm~(-1)和626 cm~(-1)附近,钡镁锰矿的特征谱峰则位于640 cm~(-1)附近,与陆地上对应矿物的特征拉曼谱峰不同。结核中的钡镁锰矿结构不稳定,经过风干或者抛磨后部分产生相变,不同显微结构中,相变情况不同。经与RRUFF数据库比对,识别出钙十字沸石、斜长石等自形晶,多分布于结核最内层,往结核外层总体减少。矿物微晶多见铁锰质矿物微晶和钙十字沸石微晶,铁锰质矿物绕其向外生长。  相似文献   

变质沉积岩普遍含有碳质物,其源自沉积母岩中有机质。在变质过程中这些有机质逐渐转变为碳质物或石墨,且碳质物结晶程度可以作为变质等级的可靠指示标志。拉曼光谱是表征碳质物结晶度的有效工具,Beyssac et al.(2002a)基于碳质物拉曼光谱参数(R1=D1/G,D1和G为碳质物拉曼光谱峰强;R2=D1/(G+D1+D2),G、D1和D2为碳质物拉曼光谱峰面积)与寄主岩变质温度之间的线性关系构建了碳质物拉曼光谱温度计:T(℃)=-445(R2)+641,其简单且实用,并被应用到阿尔卑斯和喜马拉雅造山带热结构与折返机制研究中;随后,Rahl et al.(2005)对该变质温度计进行修订,修订后温度估算表达式为:T(℃)=737.3+320.9R1-1067R2-80.638R12,并将变质温度估算范围扩展为100~700℃。本文对碳质物拉曼光谱变质温度计的基本原理、方法、应用条件及其在造山带热结构重建与演化方面的研究进展进行了综述,并对碳质物拉曼光谱温度计与传统温度计估算的变质温度进行了系统的对比分析,结果表明碳质物拉曼光谱温度计代表峰期变质温度,不会受后期退变质影响,当传统温度计结果代表峰期变质温度时,二者计算结果一致。碳质物拉曼光谱温度计已被用于造山带热结构重建、折返过程的热演化,以及高应变带、流体相关热异常等研究。尽管变质过程的压力、变质持续时间、碳质物前体类型等因素对于碳质物拉曼光谱温度计的影响尚待研究,但与传统矿物组合温压计相结合,该方法可以有效评价峰期变质条件和造山多期热演化。  相似文献   

The abundance and diversity of macrofossils in the Ediacaran have attracted much attention. The upper Doushantuo macrobiotas in South China, including the Miaohe biota from Hubei and the Wenghui biota from Guizhou, are mainly preserved as the carbonaceous compressions and dominated by macroscopic algae and metazoans. Here, we describe 10 genera and 10 species (including 6 new genera and species) of macrofossils from the Wenghui biota. At present, the Wenghui biota yields macrofossils in more than 31 genera and 33 species, excluding those given no image and established on a few unascertained specimens. Based on the occurrence and distribution of macrofossils in both Miaohe and Wenghui areas, the middle-late Ediacaran (back shales of the upper Doushantuo Formation) in South China can be subdivided into two assemblage biozones in biostratigraphy: (i) the Protoconites–Linbotulitaenia–Eoandromeda–Anomalophton assemblage biozone characterized by abundant and diverse macrofossils and by the ranges of Protoconites, Linbotulitaenia and Anomalophton; and (ii) the Baculiphyca–Gesinella–Cucullus–Beltanelliformis assemblage biozone characterized by the acme of the longer macrofossils Baculiphyca and Gesinella, and by few shorter and discoidal macrofossils.  相似文献   

通过对金水口片麻状富铝花岗岩中锆石的宏观形态特征和微区Raman光谱特征的研究发现,该套片麻状花岗岩中的锆石主要有2种类型:颗粒较小的简单锆石和颗粒较大的复杂锆石。复杂锆石由3部分组成:细小的残留核、浅色部分和褐色部分。简单锆石和复杂锆石核部残留锆石均为变质成因;复杂锆石的浅色部分和褐色部分均为岩浆锆石。结合锆石Raman谱线研究结果,对金水口片麻状富铝花岗岩已有的锆石U-Pb年龄进行进一步的解释,认为390-414Ma可能代表了复杂锆石的浅色部分或褐色部分的岩浆锆石的形成时代,而1600-1800MaW能记录了复杂锆石核部变质事件的时代。  相似文献   

华南伊迪卡拉纪"庙河生物群"的属性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国南方伊迪卡拉(震旦)系陡山沱组页岩中,保存了以"庙河生物群"为代表的宏体碳质压膜化石群,以大量底栖固着的多细胞藻类为主,还包含推测的后生动物和海绵动物、可疑的遗迹化石等多门类生物化石,化石类型多样、分异显著,代表着新元古代"雪球"冰期之后和寒武纪早期后生动物大爆发前夕地球早期多细胞生物的一次大规模的进化辐射事件。本文通过比较湖北秭归庙河和贵州江口翁会两个典型产地的宏体化石优势属种的形态特征,以及两地所处的沉积古环境,分析探讨了这些优势类别与现生多细胞生物(包括红藻、褐藻和绿藻三大高级藻类)的亲缘关系。研究表明,寒武纪之前大约35~10Ma间,各门类多细胞藻类广泛发育,与后生动物的先驱分子构成独特的古生态群落。  相似文献   

本文对新疆可可托海3号伟晶岩脉中的绿柱石与阿祖拜328、528号伟晶岩脉中的宝石级绿柱石开展拉曼光谱对比研究,获得以下主要结论: ① 阿祖拜328、528号伟晶岩脉中宝石级绿柱石以富含Ⅰ型H2O为特征,可可托海3号脉早期形成的结构带(Ⅰ-Ⅱ带)中绿柱石以及相对富H2O岩浆体系中形成的绿柱石(Ⅳ带)以存在Ⅰ型H2O为主,演化程度相对较高,岩浆体系中结晶的结构带(Ⅲ带)以及岩浆-热液过渡阶段体系形成的结构带(Ⅴ带)中绿柱石以含有Ⅱ型H2O为特征; ② 在可可托海3号脉以及阿祖拜328号、528号脉绿柱石矿物中均发现冰晶石矿物包体,指示伟晶岩岩浆含有较高的F含量;③ 绿柱石通道水类型(Ⅰ型H2O、Ⅱ型H2O)及相对比例,是伟晶岩岩浆-热液演化过程及其形成条件的响应,在相对氧化的岩浆体系中主要形成绿柱石矿物,而相对还原的富H2O岩浆体系更有利于海蓝宝石形成.  相似文献   

Thermal maturity information has been compiled for one of the deepest parts of the Central European Basin system, the Schleswig-Holstein area in northern Germany. New vitrinite reflectance data were obtained and old data were evaluated from a total of 31 wells. Furthermore, numerical 1D basin modelling was performed in order to interpolate/extrapolate vitrinite reflectance data to base Zechstein and base Keuper. For these two horizons, maturity maps were finally compiled revealing large differences in present-day thermal maturity within the basin. For example, vitrinite reflectance at base Zechstein ranges from greater than 4.5% in the Glueckstadt Graben to less than 1% in the northern part of the study area. Highest thermal maturity of base Keuper occurs in the West Holstein Trough and in the northern part of the Glueckstadt Graben. The timing of maturation is greatly affected by the complex tectonic evolution of the area. For six key wells distributed over the entire study area, burial and temperature histories as well as evolution of maturity were evaluated using 1D basin modelling. Deepest burial and maximum temperatures occurred either during Jurassic, Upper Cretaceous or Neogene times in these wells. Only some parts of the sedimentary package in Schleswig-Holstein show a significant increase in maturity during the Tertiary leading to additional hydrocarbon generation and entrapment.  相似文献   

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