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Lacustrine sediments from southeastern Arabia reveal variations in lake level corresponding to changes in the strength and duration of Indian Ocean Monsoon (IOM) summer rainfall and winter cyclonic rainfall. The late glacial/Holocene transition of the region was characterised by the development of mega-linear dunes. These dunes became stabilised and vegetated during the early Holocene and interdunal lakes formed in response to the incursion of the IOM at approximately 8500 cal yr BP with the development of C3 dominated savanna grasslands. The IOM weakened ca. 6000 cal yr BP with the onset of regional aridity, aeolian sedimentation and dune reactivation and accretion. Despite this reduction in precipitation, the lake was maintained by winter dominated rainfall. There was a shift to drier adapted C4 grasslands across the dune field. Lake sediment geochemical analyses record precipitation minima at 8200, 5000 and 4200 cal yr BP that coincide with Bond events in the North Atlantic. A number of these events correspond with changes in cultural periods, suggesting that climate was a key mechanism affecting human occupation and exploitation of this region.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotopes of goethite from ferricrete deposits were measured from both northern and southern Rocky Mountain localities to assess geographic variability in regional Holocene paleoclimate change. A ∼3.7‰ increase in oxygen isotope values of 14C-dated goethites in the northern Rocky Mountains suggests a regional-scale relative increase in amounts of isotopically heavy summer precipitation since the early Holocene. In contrast, oxygen isotope values from the southern Rocky Mountains increase abruptly ∼2.1‰ at ∼6200 14C yr B.P., then decrease ∼2.4‰ between ∼2000 14C yr B.P. and the present. We interpret this period of relatively high δ18O values as evidence for a middle Holocene warm period combined with a relatively strong summer monsoon. These variable climate records suggest that the Rocky Mountains of the western United States have had a spatially heterogeneous Holocene climate history.  相似文献   

A 172 cm-long sediment core was collected from a small pristine lake situated within a centripetal drainage basin in a tropical karst environment (Ribeira River valley, southeastern Brazil) in order to investigate the paleoenvironmental record provided by the lacustrine geochemistry. Sediments derived from erosion of the surrounding cambisoils contain quartz, kaolinite, mica, chlorite and goethite. Accelerator mass spectroscopy (AMS) 14C dating provided the geochronological framework. Three major sedimentary units were identified based on the structure and color of the sediments: Unit III from 170 to140 cm (1030±60–730±60 yr BP), Unit II from 140 to 90 cm (730±60–360±60 yr BP) and Unit I from 90 to 0 cm (360±60–0 yr BP). Results of major and trace element concentrations were analysed through multivariate statistical techniques. Factor analysis provided three factors accounting for 72.4% of the total variance. F1 and F2 have high positive loadings from K, Ba, Cs, Rb, Sr, Sc, Th, light rare earth element (LREE), Fe, Cr, Ti, Zr, Hf and Ta, and high negative loadings from Mg, Co, Cu, Zn, Br and loss on ignition (LOI). F3, with positive loadings from V and non-metals As and Sb, accounts for a low percentage (9.7%) of the total variance, being therefore of little interpretative use. The profile distribution of F1 scores reveals negative values in Units I and III, and positive values in Unit II, meaning that K, Ba, Cs, Rb, Sr, Sc, Th, LREE, Fe, Cr, Ti, Zr, Hf and Ta are relatively more concentrated in Unit II, and Mg, Co, Cu, Zn and Br are relatively more abundant in Units I and III. The observed fluctuations in the geochemical composition of the sediments are consistent with slight variations of the erosion intensity in the catchment area as a possible response to variations of climatic conditions during the last millennium.  相似文献   

Core MAN015 from Pacific coastal Guatemala contains sediments accumulated in a mangrove setting over the past 6500 yr. Chemical, pollen, and phytolith data, which indicate conditions of estuarine deposition and terrigenous inputs from adjacent dry land, document Holocene climate variability that parallels the Maya lowlands and other New World tropical locations. Human population history in this region may be driven partly by climate variation: sedentary human populations spread rapidly through the estuarine zone of the lower coast during a dry and variable 4th millennium B.P. Population growth and cultural florescence during a long, relatively moist period (2800–1200 B.P.) ended around 1200 B.P., a drying event that coincided with the Classic Maya collapse.  相似文献   

Albian pelagic successions of the Nebeur area in northwestern Tunisia consist of radiolarian-bearing and organic-rich black shale beds, which represent the lower part of the Fahdene Formation. The carbonate content of the organic-rich beds ranges between 40 and 48%. Total organic carbon (TOC) analyses via Rock Eval pyrolysis yielded values ranging between 0.7 and 2.8% and a mixed marine/terrestrial origin. Tmax values vary between 424 and 450 °C, indicative of submature to mature organic matter. High resolution planktic foraminiferal and radiolarian biostratigraphy suggest that the black shales beds span the mid- to late Albian, confined to the middle part of the Ticinella primula zone, upper Biticinella breggiensis zone and lower appeninica + buxtorfi zone. Episodes of organic-rich deposition in the “Tunisian Trough” are interpreted as being the sedimentary record of the global oceanic anoxic events OAE1b, c, and d respectively. Age-diagnostic radiolarian assemblages recovered from late Albian organic-rich black shales lie within the UA13–UA14 boundary biochronozones. The abundance of radiolarian and calcispheres (i.e. pithonella) within the black shales suggests high productivity periods and eutrophic conditions probably triggered by upwelling currents.  相似文献   

风成沉积地层化学元素记录的毛乌素沙地气候变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
毛乌素沙地位于东亚季风边缘区,是研究全球气候变化和沙漠变迁的理想场所。选取沙地东缘风成砂/古土壤/湖沼相沉积序列,以常量化学元素含量及比值变化揭示了全新世的气候变化。结果表明:常量化学元素氧化物含量在全剖面上呈SiO2 > Al2O3 > K2O > Na2O > Fe2O3 > MgO > CaO,且在不同沉积相中含量存在差异;常量化学元素氧化物与<63 μm粉黏组分及磁化率的相关性分析显示,Al2O3、Fe2O3、MgO三者之间呈显著正相关性,且与粉黏组分、低频磁化率(Xlf)也呈显著正相关性,表明<63 μm粉黏组分、Xlf可以反映夏季风的强弱;全新世气候变化存在多次暖湿冷干波动,10.39 ka BP之前出现3次快速的气候颤动,表现为3层风成砂与3层湖沼相互层沉积,指示存在3次冬夏季风交替变化;10.39~9.34 ka BP、8.68~8.29 ka BP、2.72~1.34 ka BP为3次明显的冬季风势力增强、风沙活动加剧的相对冷干气候;在9.34~8.68 ka BP、8.29~2.72 ka BP、1.34~0.62 ka BP为3次明显的夏季风盛行、降水增多、生草成壤的相对暖湿气候;0.62 ka BP之后与现代气候状况相近。化学元素及其比值反映出毛乌素沙地具有千百年尺度的气候波动,并与北半球其他地区气候变化有着良好的对比。  相似文献   

新疆罗布泊湖盆沉积物剖面粒度与磁学特征及沉积环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李艳红  徐莉  陈成贺日  杨甲全 《地质通报》2014,33(10):1507-1513
通过对新疆罗布泊东南部阿奇克谷地西部LB剖面沉积物中的粒度组分及磁化率特征进行研究,综合沉积序列及岩性变化特征,分析了罗布泊阿奇克谷地第四系以来的沉积环境。结果表明,LB剖面湖相沉积物粒度组分主要集中于粉砂粒级,沉积物含有少量亚铁磁性矿物,超顺磁颗粒物含量较高。沉积物磁化率值的大小与粒度存在相关性,沉积物的中值粒径、粘土组分(小于2μm)及砂组分(大于63μm)含量与磁化率呈正相关,粉砂组分(2~63μm)含量与磁化率呈负相关。根据沉积物的粒度与磁化率组合的变化特征,结合岩性特征,将LB剖面划分为4个阶段:新近系末期(4.14~3.32m)气候以暖干为主;中更新世晚期(3.32~2.93m)粗颗粒呈现先降低后增加的趋势,水动力增强,磁化率的波动升高并保持较高水平,气候转向暖湿;晚更新世(2.93~1.44m)气候湿润,入湖的河道与水流量不断的发生改变,河流带入湖中的的外源物质的量不稳定,粒度和磁化率值波动变化较大,气候呈现暖干—暖湿的波动变化;全新世时期(1.44~0m)沉积物颗粒偏粗,磁化率值呈波动增加趋势,气候向冷湿转变,最终向干旱化发展。第四系以来沉积环境与古气候均有明显变化,本区气候环境经历了暖干—暖湿—暖干—冷湿的变迁过程,并最终向干旱趋势发展,体现为冷期湿润、暖期干旱的特征。  相似文献   

In this paper, we examined the response of geochemical records in lacustrine sediments to climate and human activity in Mengjin, Henan Province of China during the middle Holocene. Indices used in this study include K, Na, Mn, Ba, Sr, Al, Ti, cation ratios, and Gramineae pollen in lacustrine sediments. Results indicate a drought event in this area around 5660 cal a BP, which weakened soil leaching and changed the element composition of surface soil runoff entering the paelo-lake and lacustrine sediments. Human activity appearing from 4695 cal a BP to 4000 cal a BP also affected the chemical composition of lake sediments. Human activities led to enhanced soil erosion and destroyed soil leaching horizons. Therefore, the substance of soil illuvial layer exposed to the surface and entering the paleo-lake were substantially altered by human activities.  相似文献   

沈渭洲  舒良树  向磊  张芳荣  王博 《岩石学报》2009,25(10):2442-2458
本文研究的井冈山地区位于华夏地块中部,在早古生代寒武纪-奥陶纪时期沉积了巨厚的泥砂质韵律岩层夹碳酸盐岩和含碳岩层.它们具有较高的SiO_2(53.12%~86.37%,平均为70.16%)和Al_2O_3含量(5.43%~22.70%,平均为13.54%),高的Al_2O_3/(CaO+Na_2O)(1.36~174.6,平均为45.5)与K_2O/Na_2O比值(1.0~64.7,平均为20.4)以及低的TiO_2(0.30%~0.95%,平均为0.62%)和CaO含量(0.05%~6.05%,平均为0.63%).它们具有与上地壳相似的微量元素和稀土元素组成,即富集大离子亲石元素和轻稀土元素,铕负异常明显.它们的主量元素、微量元素和稀土元素特征显示其沉积环境主要为被动大陆边缘浅海环境,物源区被剥蚀物质以上地壳成分为主.根据研究区内早古生代沉积物中没有蛇绿岩和火山岩、Ce异常较弱、有机碳的δ~13C_org值较低(-30.2‰~-25.4‰)、以及在沉积物中普遍发育的浅海沉积标志,如波痕、荷重模、泥砾、小型斜层理、含腕足类和腹足类等生物化石的灰岩透镜体等,认为研究区在早古生代时期不是洋盆,而是浅海-半深海或陆壳海槽,是由成冰纪时期的裂解事件,使原先的华南地块被肢解成许多次级块体(如武夷、赣中南、云开等)、各块体间成为浅海盆地的结果.  相似文献   

西藏纳木错湖相沉积的U系、14C年龄和孢粉分析结果表明,纳木错沿岸的拔湖约1.5~8.3m和8.3~15.6m的T1和T2分别形成于末次盛冰期以来约(11.81±0.10)~(4.22±0.09)kaB.P.期间和(28.2±2.8)kaB.P.左右。该套湖相层的孢粉组合、地层和湖岸堤的分布表明,在末次盛冰期期间,纳木错湖面主要波动于拔湖12~20m之间,但湖面最低可达拔湖约8m。区域植被主要为以蒿和莎草科为主、含松和桦的草原。在约11.8~4.2kaB.P.期间,湖面波动于拔湖2~9m之间,区域气候整体较为暖湿。其中全新世大暖期出现在约8.4~4.2kaB.P.期间,气候温暖湿润,区域出现针叶林或针阔叶混交林,气温可能比现今高约5℃,降水量可能比现今多100~200mm,湖面扩张并升高,最高可达拔湖约10m。  相似文献   

An 8400 cal yr record of vegetation change from the northern Peten, Guatemala, provides new insights into the environmental history of the archaeological area known as the Mirador Basin. Pollen, loss on ignition, and magnetic susceptibility analyses indicate warm and humid conditions in the early to mid-Holocene. Evidence for a decrease in forest cover around 4600 cal yr B.P. coincides with the first appearance of Zea mays pollen, suggesting that human activity was responsible. The period between 3450 cal yr B.P. and 1000 cal yr B.P. is characterized by a further decline in forest pollen types, includes an abrupt increase in weedy taxa, and exhibits the highest magnetic susceptibility values since the early Holocene, all of which suggest further agricultural disturbance in the watershed. A brief drop in disturbance indicators around 1800 cal yr B.P. may represent the Preclassic abandonment of the area. Changing pollen frequencies around 1000 cal yr B.P. indicate a cessation of human disturbance, which represents the Late Classic collapse of the southern Maya lowlands.  相似文献   

The sedimentary rocks of the Metlaoui Formation in the Gafsa basin (southern Tunisia), which may be grouped in three units: the basal (Thèlja), middle (Chouabine) and upper unit (Kef Eddour), provide a record of preserved sedimentary, authigenic and biological processes. This paper presents the findings of sedimentological investigations of the biosiliceous deposits of the middle unit. This unit contains either well-preserved (Opal-A) or diagenetically altered (Opal-CT, clinoptilolite, quartz and even clays) diatom frustules. Such diagenetic changes are commonly described in marine and lacustrine biosiliceous deposits. The fossil content of theses diatomaceous layers implies shallow-marine conditions.The opal-rich sediments, and the associated facies record the transgressive transitions associated with high organic productivity, probably enhanced by seasonal input of nutrients, and high sea level stands, and a close association with stratified water column conditions. The formation of bedded diatomaceous sediments is known to require either high organic productivity or anoxic conditions in bottom/intermediate water, and eventually both processes. The initial organic content of the biogenic deposits was impoverished in early stages of sedimentation and diagenesis. A large part of the organic matter could have been destroyed during early diagenetic processes and from further oxidation in outcrops.  相似文献   

Analyses of carbon and hydrogen isotope ratios of terrestrial leaf waxes and the carbon and nitrogen abundance, ratio, and isotopic composition of bulk sediments from Lake Wandakara, a crater lake in western Uganda, East Africa, document human and climatic controls on the aquatic system and on the surrounding terrestrial vegetation during the past two millennia. Our data indicate that Wandakara was a relatively stable, productive lake surrounded by C3 vegetation from AD 70 to 1000. Abrupt changes in the δ13C of terrestrial leaf waxes indicate a series of abrupt shifts in the relative abundance of C3 and C4 vegetation caused by a combination of climate change and human activities around Wandakara beginning at AD 1000. Abrupt shifts in bulk sediment organic geochemistry, particularly C/N ratios and δ15N, indicate that human activities at this time caused permanent changes in the limnology of Lake Wandakara, including eutrophication. Our results suggest that the biogeochemistry of Lake Wandakara was more sensitive to shifting human impacts than to climate variations during the past millennium, highlighting the importance of understanding the intensity of pre-colonial human impacts on Africa's aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2020,3(2):283-291
In the greater inland Jianghan Basin of South China, three salt depressions are lacking accurate geological times, of which Jiangling Depression is the largest. Evaporites are important records of paleoclimate, however, the geological ages of evaporates are very difficult to be determined because often evaporates have scare macrofossils and microfossils. Nonmarine Cretaceous to Tertiary halite deposits interbedded with mudstones are widely distributed in China. Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum had very high temperatures and attracted strong interests of geologists because these times can be compared with future climate change because of global warming. However, previous studies focused on marine sediments found that during the Paleocene-Early Eocene, massive evaporate deposits formed in Jiangling depression of the Jianghan Basin. In this paper, the authors show that the Shashi Formation halite deposits formed in the Paleocene according to palynology. Most of these palynology fossils are arid types, so the massive evaporites in the Jiangling depression could be closely related to the hot Paleocene climate. High temperatures during the Paleocene contributed to the formation of the massive evaporates in the Jiangling Depression, until sylvite was the result.  相似文献   

位于华夏、扬子和印支板块交接部位的滇东南板仑磁铁矿集区属于个旧-文山-德保矽卡岩型锡钨多金属成矿带的重要组成部分。前人对该区矽卡岩型磁铁矿床的地质特征和矿床成因等进行了少量的研究工作, 但对矽卡岩的成因尚缺乏系统的研究, 这严重制约了对该矿集区内矽卡岩成因的认识及磁铁矿找矿潜力的准确评价。本文以矿集区内最为典型的坤洪和洞哈磁铁矿床的矽卡岩为主要研究对象, 在对矽卡岩及相关岩石的野外地质特征和岩相学等方面进行详细研究的基础上, 借助LA-ICP-MS和EPMA等方法手段, 重点对矽卡岩及相关岩石的地球化学和矿物化学特征进行系统研究。结果表明, 矽卡岩的成岩成矿演化过程可划分为早期进变质矽卡岩阶段、晚期退变质矽卡岩阶段和硫化物-碳酸盐阶段等3个阶段; (岩浆)热液成因的硅质岩条带与晚二叠世OIB型基性杂岩体(即"半瓦型"岩体)在原始地幔标准化微量元素蜘蛛网图和球粒陨石标准化稀土元素配分模式图上均存在显著的差异, 而与中三叠世岛弧型中-基性杂岩体(即"安定型"岩体)的模式曲线较为相似, 均显示出Nb、Ta、P和Ti等元素明显亏损的特征; 矽卡岩的模式曲线与硅质岩条带的模式曲线也较为相似, 且含矿矽卡岩比无矿矽卡岩无论在微量元素和稀土元素含量还是模式曲线上均更加接近于硅质岩条带。矿物化学的研究结果表明, 第一世代石榴石属于钙铁-铁铝-钙铝榴石系列(And80-83Alm9-11Gro5-7), 含较多的钙铝榴石(Gro); 而第二世代石榴石属于钙铁-铁铝榴石系列(And86-93Alm6-12), 基本上不含或仅含极少量的钙铝榴石(Gro); 由早期辉石→晚期辉石, 辉石端员组分中钙铁辉石所占的比例相对减少, 而透辉石的含量则具显著增加趋势。综合分析认为, 形成矽卡岩的热液流体主要来源于中三叠世岛弧型中-基性杂岩体; 矽卡岩型磁铁矿床的成岩成矿环境至少经历了从进变质矽卡岩阶段早期相对还原环境→进变质矽卡岩阶段晚期-退变质矽卡岩阶段相对氧化环境→后期硫化物-碳酸盐阶段相对还原环境的转变过程。  相似文献   

莫托萨拉铁锰矿床位于西天山阿吾拉勒成矿带东端,研究程度相对薄弱,在矿床成因方面存在热水沉积、沉积-热液改造、胶体化学沉积等争论。本文详细研究了莫托萨拉最上层锰矿及其围岩的矿物组成、结构构造和地球化学特征,并综合前人资料对整个铁锰矿床的成因做了进一步探讨。本研究首次在矿区发现了热液长石岩,其主要由钠长石、钾长石以及少量重晶石、霓石、锌铁黄长石等矿物组成,类似于白烟型热水沉积岩。莫托萨拉最上层锰矿主要由锰橄榄石、褐锰矿、红硅锰矿、磁锰铁矿以及少量重晶石、方铁锰矿等矿物组成,发育有典型的热水内碎屑结构,指示其沉积于海底热液喷流口附近。该层锰矿的Al/(Al+Fe+Mn)值很低(0~0.02)、Si/Al值较高(7.9~10.9)、Fe/Ti值很高(428~1353),通过UCC标准化后发现明显富集Zn、Ba、Pb等元素,而Co、Ni、Cu等元素未见富集,以上地球化学特征与现代海底热液成因铁锰沉积物一致。在Fe/Ti-Al/(Al+Fe+Mn)、SiO2-Al2O3、10×(Co+Ni+Cu)-Fe-Mn、100×(Zr+Ce+Y)-15×(Cu+Ni)-(Fe+Mn)/4等判别图中,莫托萨拉的锰矿层和铁矿层样品均落在海底热液沉积区。锰矿层和铁矿层的稀土元素经PAAS标准化后具有明显的Ce负异常、Eu正异常和Y正异常,与现代海底热液成因铁锰沉积物的稀土配分模式非常相似。综合分析本次研究的矿物学、岩石学、地球化学特征以及前人资料,本文认为莫托萨拉铁锰矿床为海相热水沉积成因,成矿与同期海底火山的间歇性活动密切相关,海底热液的化学组分、温度高低和活动强弱都具有明显的脉动性。莫托萨拉矿区铁锰共存但各自独立成矿,且铁锰分离程度较高,这在显生宙沉积型锰矿中独具特色。鉴于前人曾报道莫托萨拉铁矿石中存在菌藻类微生物化石,我们推测,该矿床的铁锰分离过程除了受控于沉积环境的氧化还原条件变化外,微生物的选择性氧化沉淀可能也发挥了重要作用,值得开展深入研究。  相似文献   

松辽盆地东南缘营城组地层中发育大量的晚中生代火山岩。SHRIMP锆石U-Pb测年表明,火山岩主要形成于117~110Ma,可以划分出早、晚两期,时代上属于早白垩世Albian期-Aptian期。岩石学和地球化学研究表明火山活动早期以酸性喷发为主,晚期则以中基性的玄武粗安岩喷发为主,基本上都属高钾钙碱性系列或亚碱系列,两期火山岩具有演化的亲缘性特征。Sr-Nd同位素研究表明,早、晚两期火山岩是同源岩浆演化的产物,来源于亏损型地幔源区,但演化过程又受到地壳物质不同程度的混染。松辽盆地东南缘火山事件的精确厘定对认识覆盖区晚中生代火山活动序列及邻区岩浆事件的对比具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

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