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The native Olympia oyster, Ostrea lurida, was once abundant in many US Pacific Northwest (PNW) estuaries, but was decimated by human activity in the late nineteenth early to twentieth centuries. Having been the subject of only few modern, detailed studies, a dearth of basic physiological information surrounded O. lurida and how it compared to the now dominant, non-native Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. Utilizing laboratory and in situ studies in Yaquina Bay, OR, we explored the clearance rates of both species across a wide range of conditions. Pacific oysters not only had greater size-specific clearance rates than Olympia oysters, but also had a lower optimum temperature. Clearance rates for both species were reduced at lower salinity, at lower organic content, and at higher turbidity. Clearance rate models were constructed for each species using three approaches: (1) a single mechanistic model that incorporated feeding response functions of each species to the effects of temperature, salinity, turbidity, and seston organic content based on laboratory studies; (2) another additive model in which the number and type of response functions from laboratory studies were allowed to vary; and (3) a statistical model that utilized environmental data collected during in situ feeding trials. Clearance rate models that correlated feeding activity with in situ environmental data were found to often better predict oyster clearance rates (based on Adj R 2) for both species in Yaquina Bay, OR, than mechanistic, additive models based on laboratory feeding response functions; however, in situ correlative models varied in accuracy by species and season. This work represents important first steps towards better understanding the physiological ecology of the native Olympia oyster and how it differs from introduced and now dominant Pacific oyster.  相似文献   

Once viewed as an inexhaustible fishery resource, eastern oyster reefs (Crassostrea virginica) have been dramatically depleted. In North Carolina alone, eastern oyster harvests have declined by 90% since the early 1900s. However, eastern oyster restoration and management efforts have substantially increased since the 1970s. Oyster reefs provide habitat and refuge for organisms, improve water quality, and decrease erosion. Oyster restoration projects aim to construct reefs that function similarly to their natural counterparts. Therefore, post-creation monitoring of these reefs is crucial in determining restoration success. However, monitoring is often lacking or focused only on oyster density and size rather than ecosystem functions such as nekton utilization. This study examines nekton utilization among created reefs compared to natural reefs in an estuary in Wilmington, North Carolina. The objective was to determine whether the created reefs function similarly to the natural reefs in abundance, species richness, and fish size. Using seine nets and Breder traps, reefs were sampled over a 5-month period. No significant difference was detected among reefs for nekton abundance, species richness, and standard length. This is a promising result for future management, indicating that created and natural reefs can support similar communities of fishes and shrimp.  相似文献   

The role of positive and indirect interactions is often crucial in communities with intense abiotic stress such as salt marshes. The burrowing crab, Neohelice (=Chasmagnathus) granulata, is the dominant benthic macroinvertebrate of southwest Atlantic marshes (southern Brazil to Northern Argentinean Patagonia), having strong direct and indirect effects on marsh soil and, in consequence, on marsh vegetation and primary consumers. In this work, we investigate if this crab indirectly modifies habitat use by the granivorous rodents, Akodon azarae and Oligoryzomys flavescens, by increasing nutrient availability and thus enhancing seed production by the marsh plant Spartina densiflora. The study was conducted at the Mar Chiquita Coastal Lagoon, Argentina (37°32′ S). Rodent frequencies in S. densiflora were positively correlated with crab densities throughout the low and middle marsh. Additionally, the highest quality of S. densiflora and inflorescence density was recorded at the highest crab densities. Experimental manipulation of crab densities shows that N. granulata indirectly enhances the performance of S. densiflora (e.g., decreased fiber content and C/N ratios) and increases density of seeds. Moreover, N. granulata also facilitates S. densiflora seed availability to rodents by concentrating them in sediment mound at their burrows entrances. Experimental rodent exclusions showed that rodent species used S. densiflora seeds, a variable positively related to crab burrow density. Thus, our results show that N. granulata drives the granivorous rodent distribution and the intensity of seeds–rodent interaction trough facilitative and indirect interactions in marsh community.  相似文献   

To test whether invasive Spartina alterniflora marshes were functionally equivalent to native Scirpus mariqueter marshes, the present study used bottomless lift nets (20 m2) during 12 high-tide events from August to October 2008 to compare nekton densities and biomass between the two marsh types in the Dongtan wetland. A total of eight species of fish, two species of shrimp, and three species of crab were collected. So-iny mullet Chelon haematocheilus, keeled mullet Liza carinata, Asian freshwater goby Acanthogobius ommaturus, and ridge-tail prawn Exopalaemon carinicauda dominated samples from the two marsh types and accounted for over 90% of the total catch. There were significantly greater densities and biomass (p < 0.05) of total nekton (all species combined) and two mullets (C. haematocheilus and L. carinata) in S. alterniflora marshes than in S. mariqueter marshes in August 2008, while no significant differences (p > 0.05) between the two marsh types were observed for densities and biomass of any species or total nekton in September and October 2008. Non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination did not show clear separation of samples between the two marsh types (r = 0.071, p = 0.159). Furthermore, there were no habitat-specific differences (p > 0.05) in the size distributions of the three numerically dominant species (C. haematocheilus, L. carinata, and A. ommaturus). We concluded that S. alterniflora marshes were utilized by nekton in a fashion similar to their utilization of native S. mariqueter marshes under similar physical conditions.  相似文献   

Predicting population- and ecosystem-level benefits of habitat restoration minimally requires an understanding of the link between the trophic ecology of a species and their use of a habitat. This study combined novel, non-lethal natural tracers of trophic ecology with acoustic tagging techniques to examine spatial and temporal patterns of habitat use of spotted seatrout Cynoscion nebulosus on Half Moon Reef (HMR), a recently restored oyster reef in Matagorda Bay, Texas. Forty-one spotted seatrout (408?±?25 mm total length) were captured at HMR, surgically implanted with acoustic transmitters, and monitored by an array of underwater listening stations from December 2015 to August 2016. Patterns of presence-absence on HMR were strongly influenced by water temperature, and to a lesser extent, salinity and tidal height. Overall, spotted seatrout residency to HMR was low, with fish being present on the reef 24% of days. When present, individual fish exhibited strong site-attachment to small portions of the reef. Residency to HMR increased significantly with size, while scale stable isotope analysis revealed fish exhibiting high residency to HMR occupied significantly smaller isotopic niches. If indeed smaller fish with decreased residency rely upon a wider range of prey items across multiple habitats than larger, more resident individuals, restored oyster reef habitat may be expected to primarily benefit larger spotted seatrout.  相似文献   

Filter-feeding bivalves, like oysters, couple pelagic primary production with benthic microbial processes by consuming plankton from the water column and depositing unassimilated material on sediment. Conceptual models suggest that at low to moderate oyster densities, this deposition can stimulate benthic denitrification by providing denitrifying bacteria with organic carbon and nitrogen (N). While enhanced denitrification has been found at oyster reefs, data from oyster aquaculture are limited and equivocal. This study measured seasonal rates of denitrification, as well as dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA), and dissolved inorganic N fluxes at a rack and bag eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) aquaculture farm. Consistent with models, denitrification was enhanced within the farm, with an average annual increase of 350% compared to a reference site. However, absolute denitrification rates were low relative to other coastal systems, reaching a maximum of 19.2 μmol m?2 h?1. Denitrification appeared to be nitrate (NO3 ?) limited, likely due to inhibited nitrification caused by sediment anoxia. Denitrification may also have been limited by competition for NO3 ? with DNRA, which accounted for an average of 76% of NO3 ? reduction. Consequently, direct release of ammonium (NH4 +) from mineralization to the water column was the most significant benthic N pathway, with seasonal rates exceeding 900 μmol m?2 h?1 within the farm. The enhanced N processes were spatially limited however, with significantly higher rates directly under oysters, compared to in between oyster racks. For commercial aquaculture farms like this, with moderate oyster densities (100–200 oysters m?2), denitrification may be enhanced, but nonetheless limited by biodeposition-induced sediment anoxia. The resulting shift in the sediment N balance toward processes that regenerate reactive N to the water column rather than remove N is an important consideration for water quality.  相似文献   

Management and restoration of wild oyster populations with the ecosystem services they provide require detailed understanding of oyster population dynamics, including temporally and spatially varying growth. Much of the existing literature documenting growth rates for eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) reports growth for large, protected, and/or hatchery-spawned oysters. By following growth of wild oysters set on planted clamshells in Delaware Bay, we document early growth (within the first year) of 21 wild oyster cohorts settling over 8 years and assess the importance of interannual variability in temperature and salinity. In general, oysters follow a linear growth trajectory in the first year of life, interspersed by periods of little to no growth in the colder months. Wild oysters settling in the Delaware Bay mid-salinity region reach a size between 27 and 33 mm in their first year and tend to reach greater shell heights at 1 year of age in higher salinity years and at temperatures averaging 23 °C. Multi-year, population-level estimates of wild growth such as these are important for understanding changes in restored and managed oyster populations, and resulting ecosystem services, under naturally variable conditions.  相似文献   

To offer an insight into the toxicity of nanomaterials (NM) on the growth of bacteria, Escherichia coli (E. coli), Bacillus subtilis (B. subtilis) and Agrobacterium tumefaciens (A. tumefaciens) were exposed to nano-Au, nano-Ag, nano-Fe and fullerene (C60) in this study. As an effective bactericide, nano-Ag induced high toxicity on these three bacteria; C60 could inhibit their growth; however, B. subtilis and E. coli could recover as exposure time extended. Nano-Au and nano-Fe had hardly any effect on three bacteria. A. tumefaciens showed the lowest resistance and slowest growth rate during exposure. Images obtained by scanning electron microscope (SEM) revealed that nano-Ag could cause damage to the cell structure of three bacteria at 1 μg/mL. Slight damage on E. coli was found when exposed to C60, whereas no obvious physical damage was found after exposure to nano-Au or nano-Fe. It is assumed that surface activities of NM might be responsible for the different toxic effects on these bacteria.  相似文献   

The compressibility at room temperature and the thermal expansion at room pressure of two disordered crystals (space group C2/c) obtained by annealing a natural omphacite sample (space group P2/n) of composition close to Jd56Di44 and Jd55Di45, respectively, have been studied by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Using a Birch–Murnaghan equation of state truncated at the third order [BM3-EoS], we have obtained the following coefficients: V 0 = 421.04(7) Å3, K T0 = 119(2) GPa, K′ = 5.7(6). A parameterized form of the BM3 EoS was used to determine the axial moduli of a, b and c. The anisotropy scheme is β c  ≤ β a  ≤ β b , with an anisotropy ratio 1.05:1.00:1.07. A fitting of the lattice variation as a function of temperature, allowing for linear dependency of the thermal expansion coefficient on the temperature, yielded αV(1bar,303K) = 2.64(2) × 10−5 K−1 and an axial thermal expansion anisotropy of α b  ≫ α a  > α c . Comparison of our results with available data on compressibility and thermal expansion shows that while a reasonable ideal behaviour can be proposed for the compressibility of clinopyroxenes in the jadeite–diopside binary join [K T0 as a function of Jd molar %: K T0 = 106(1) GPa + 0.28(2) × Jd(mol%)], the available data have not sufficient quality to extract the behaviour of thermal expansion for the same binary join in terms of composition.  相似文献   

Vegetable tannins are complex polyphenols, which occur widely in nature. Traditionally, natural tannins have been used for tanning leather. In Brazil, the main tannin-based products are obtained from Acacia mearnsii, which is a leguminous tree native to Southeastern of Australia, and the first seeds were brought to Brazil in 1928. The main cultivation of acacia was established in Rio Grande do Sul state due to the possibility of raw material for charcoal, adhesives to fuel and for tanning leather. The leather tanning processes based on plant tannins are thought to be less harmful than chromium-based tanning, and it has been used as a sustainable alternative. However, there is scarce information about the environmental impact of the leather tanning processes, with most studies reporting inhibitory effects against microorganisms at high doses and stimulatory and positive health effects at low concentrations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the toxicity of tannin preparations extracted from A. mearnsii in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Vegetable tannin toxicity in yeast was tested using two tannin treatments in different concentrations. In general, the results showed toxicity of vegetable in yeast, BY4741 and gsh1Δ strains.  相似文献   

Cadmium and other heavy metals lead to environmental danger, and these heavy metals are a great threat to human and other animal’s health. Investigation of the relationship between survival of E. coli and metallothionein smtA gene expression against cadmium ion is the goal of this research. Survival of recombinant bacteria containing smtA gene was analyzed against various concentrations of cadmium chloride salt using optical density (OD). At the resistive range, recombinant bacteria were subjected to different treatments. At the logarithmic phase of bacterial growth, sampling, RNA extraction and cDNA synthesis were performed and smtA gene expression was then analyzed by real-time PCR using designed primers for smtA gene and Amp resistance (as the calibrator gene). Relative gene expression was calculated using the ??Ct method. The resistive range against cadmium chloride was 0.5–0.7 mM (minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC = 0.5 mM)). Survival and gene expression analysis showed that in induced bacteria, smtA expression was increased significantly that in turn conferred resistance to cadmium chloride prominently. There was a direct relationship between increased smtA gene expression and survival of the recombinant bacteria. Therefore, our result may help to confront to cadmium metal environmental pollution using overexpression of smtA gene expression in recombinant bacteria.  相似文献   

An Inconvenient Truth (AIT) has earned Al Gore an Oscar and a share of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize and has been widely acclaimed by the mass media. However, significant errors exist in the film, owing to alarmism and exaggeration. As this forum does not provide for a detailed examination of these errors, this paper will focus only on the portrayal of the hydrologic cycle by AIT—precipitation and floods, soil moisture and droughts, and storminess. AIT argues that precipitation and intense rainfalls, floods, droughts, and the total number, intensity, and duration of tropical cyclones have all increased due exclusively to anthropogenically-driven climate change; indeed, AIT paints a picture of near scientific certainty with an overwhelming bias toward catastrophe scenarios. A closer look at the science, however, reveals that the data do not support these claims and that the scientific community is divided as to what the impact of anthropogenic climate change on the hydrologic cycle will be. Thus, the film gives a false impression of both the current state of climate change and that ‘the science is settled’.
David R. LegatesEmail:

Frequent blooms of the dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella in southern Chile encouraged undertaking the present study which uses the oyster Ostrea chilensis as a model for evaluating the feeding, growth, lipid storage and mortality responses to diets containing paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) produced by A. catenella. Medium-term (30 days) physiological responses of two groups of juvenile oysters were measured every 10 days. Five replicates were exposed to diets containing A. catenella and other five replicates were fed with a diet containing the non-toxic algae Isochrysis galbana. Diets were continuously supplied at a concentration of 2 mg L?1, in which the feeding and metabolic activity was measured, and the scope for growth calculated. Lipids storage, actual growth and mortality were also measured every 10 days. The results showed that the toxic diet has dramatic negative effects on feeding and metabolism of the juvenile individuals of O. chilensis, with high reduction of the lipid storage and growth. Mortality was also increased in individuals fed with the contaminated diet. This study supports the conclusion that the toxic dinoflagellate A. catenella restricts the energy acquisition in the juvenile O. chilensis, an important fishery and aquaculture resource in southern Chile.  相似文献   

Japanese knotweed s.l. (Fallopia spp.) is a highly invasive clonal plant, best known from roadside and riparian habitats. Its expansion into beaches on Long Island, NY, USA, represents a major habitat shift. I surveyed populations from beaches and wetlands and conducted a common garden experiment to test for variation in drought tolerance and phenotype among populations and habitats. All populations were composed mostly of first- and later-generation hybrids. I found significant variation among populations in growth, lamina size, specific leaf area (SLA), and biomass allocation, in both the field and the common garden. Lamina size, growth, and root-to-shoot responded plastically to drought treatment. Wetland populations tolerated drought as well as beach populations. Differentiation in SLA between habitats suggests that some selection for beach genotypes may have occurred. It appears that both hybridization and phenotypic plasticity are contributing to the expansion of Fallopia spp. into novel habitat.  相似文献   

Each winter, populations of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) migrate north from the coastal mid-Atlantic region of the US to the coastal waters of New England. During this migration, striped bass spend significant time in estuaries and saltmarshes, presumably to forage. However, the extent to which saltmarsh productivity supports striped bass remains unresolved. We used a three-isotope Bayesian mixing model to determine the relative contribution of three primary producers [C4 saltmarsh cordgrass (Spartina spp.), phytoplankton, and benthic diatoms] to striped bass tissue. Phytoplankton (51 % contribution) and Spartina-derived sources (44 % contribution) are the primary sources of production to striped bass, while benthic diatoms made a relatively small contribution (5 %). Our results highlight the importance of saltmarshes to striped bass by showing that primary producers unique to saltmarsh ecosystems support a large proportion of striped bass production.  相似文献   

There is currently limited research available on the secondary metabolites of moulds in workplaces. The aim of this study was to determine the mould contamination in museums (N = 4), composting plants (N = 4) and tanneries (N = 4) and the secondary metabolite profiles of Alternaria, Aspergillus and Penicillium isolates from these workplaces. Alternaria, Aspergillus and Penicillium species were identified using the ITS1/2 sequence of the rDNA region. Mould metabolites were quantitatively analysed on standard laboratory medium and mineral medium containing materials specific to each workplace using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. We also examined the cytotoxicity of the moulds using MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazolyl-2)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assays. Air microbiological contamination analyses showed a number of microorganisms, ranging from 2.4 × 103 CFU m?3 (composting plants) to 6.8 × 104 CFU m?3 (tanneries). We identified high percentages of Alternaria, Aspergillus and Penicillium moulds (air 57–59%, surfaces 10–65%) in all workplaces. The following moulds were the most cytotoxic (>90%): Alternaria alternata, A. limoniasperae, Aspergillus flavus, Penicillium biourgeianum, P. commune and P. spinulosum. The same mould species isolated from different working environments exhibited varying toxigenic and cytotoxic properties. Modifying the culture medium to simulate environmental conditions most often resulted in the inhibition of secondary metabolite production. Moulds isolated from the working environments produced the following mycotoxins (ng g?1): chanoclavines (0.28–204), cyclopiazonic acid (27.1–1045), fumigaclavines (0.33–10,640,000), meleagrin (0.57–13,393), roquefortins (0.01–16,660), rugulovasines (112–220), viridicatin (0.12–957), viridicatol (4.23–2753) and quinocitrinines (0.07–1104), which may have a negative impact on human health.  相似文献   

The feeding behavior of three species of mussels, the native Ischadium recurvum and the invasives Mytella charruana and Perna viridis, was studied in an invaded ecosystem in Florida (USA). In situ feeding experiments using the biodeposition method were performed along a salinity gradient in four different locations along the St. Johns River. Water characteristics, such as salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and seston loads, were recorded to identify relationships between these variables and the feeding behavior of the mussels. Feeding behavior of the species varied by study site. Clearance, filtration, organic ingestion, and absorption rates of I. recurvum were negatively affected by salinity. For the invasive mussel, M. charruana, rejection was positively related to salinity while total ingestion, organic ingestion, and absorption rates were positively related to the percentage of organic matter in the seston. For P. viridis, total and organic ingestion rates were negatively affected by salinity but positively affected by total particulate matter. Condition indices for P. viridis and M. charruana were 13.16?±?0.64 and 6.63?±?0.43, respectively, compared to 4.82?±?0.41 for the native species I. recurvum, indicating that these mussels are well adapted to the environmental conditions in the area. This study indicates that the three species have different preferred habitats because of their specific responses to water characteristics. Thus, the invasive mussels will not totally occupy the niche of the native mussel in Florida despite overlapping zones. These data may help identify potential invaded areas and understand the extent of the invasion.  相似文献   

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