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The city of Benevento (Southern Italy) has been repeatedly struck by large historical earthquakes. A heterogeneous geologic structure and widespread soft soil conditions make the estimation of site effects crucial for the seismic hazard assessment of the city. From 2000 until 2004, we installed seismic stations to collect earthquake data over zones with different geological conditions. Despite the high level of urban noise, we recorded more than 150 earthquakes at twelve sites. This data set yields the first, well documented experimental evidence for weak to moderate local amplifications. We investigated site effects primarily by the classical spectral ratio technique (CSR) using a rock station placed on the Benevento hill as reference. All sites in the Calore river valley and in the eastern part of the Benevento hill show a moderate high-frequency (f > 4 Hz) amplification peak. Conversely, sites in the Sabato river valley share weak-to-moderate amplification in a wide frequency band (from 1–2 to 7–10 Hz), without evident frequency peaks. Application of no-reference-site techniques to earthquake and noise data confirms the results of the CSRs in the sites of the Calore river valley and of the eastern part of the Benevento hill, but fails in providing indications for site effects in the Sabato river valley, being the H/V ratios nearly flat. One-dimensional modeling indicates that the ground motion amplification can be essentially explained in terms of a vertically varying geologic structure. High-frequency narrow peaks are caused by the strong impedance contrast existing between near-surface soft deposits and stiff cemented conglomerates. Conversely, broad-band amplifications in the Sabato river valley are likely due to a more complex layering with weak impedance contrasts both in the shallow and deep structure of the valley.  相似文献   

Damage scenarios relevant to the building stock of the town of Potenza, Southern Italy, are presented. A procedure for the preparation of scenarios has been purposely set up. In the first step, the inventory of the building stock has been made. Location and characteristics of buildings have been obtained from a survey carried out after the 1990 Potenza earthquake and further updated in 1999. In the second step, the absolute vulnerability of the buildings has been evaluated. A hybrid technique has been used, where typological analyses and expert judgement are combined together. Beyond the classes of vulnerability A, B and C of the MSK scale, the class D of EMS98 scale, for the less vulnerable buildings, has been considered. The third step has been the selection of the reference earthquakes by including also local amplification effects. Two events with 50 and 475 years return periods have been chosen as representative, respectively, of a damaging and of a destructive seismic event expected in Potenza. The sites that may exhibit important amplification effects have been identified using the first level method of the TC4 Manual. Damage scenarios of dwelling buildings have been prepared in the fourth step and reported in a GIS. They are relevant to the selected reference earthquakes, taking into account or not site effects. The generally low vulnerability of buildings results in a limited number of damaged buildings for the lower intensity earthquake, and of collapsed buildings, for the higher intensity earthquake. The influence of site effects on the damage distribution is significant. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Seven sites were instrumented in the Parsa area located in the seismically active Dead Sea rift system. Moderate and weak motions generated by earthquakes and ambient noise were used to identify amplifications due to geological and topographic effects.Three observation methods were applied to estimate site effects: (1) conventional soil–bedrock station-pair spectral ratios for earthquake motions and microtremors; (2) horizontal-to-vertical component spectral ratios for shear-waves observed simultaneously at a site (receiver function estimates) and (3) horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios of microtremor measurements (Nakamura estimate). The site response spectra of soil sites exhibited significant peaks between 1 and 3 Hz with amplification factors typically within the range of 2.5–4.0. A bedrock site on the high plateau near the escarpment top showed a peak between 2 and 3 Hz, mainly due to an EW oscillation of the NS topographic feature. Our observations indicated that seismograms recorded in the tunnel were either enriched or depleted at certain frequencies owing to interference of incident and surface-reflected waves.  相似文献   

胡鹏  罗永红  宋志宾  南凯 《地震学报》2022,44(3):528-537
基于四川石棉县安顺场隐伏断层穿越区的60余次环境噪声测试,探讨了隐伏断层对环境噪声H/V谱比特征的影响,并且通过研究区所获卓越频率对其覆盖层厚度进行估算,以覆盖层厚度的变化揭示了隐伏断层的行迹。结果显示:① 在排除可能受河流影响引发的高频区后,隐伏断层带处的H/V谱比曲线多呈现高频、低放大系数和多峰值频率等特点;② 覆盖层厚度在部分强风化区和河流高频区存在5—10 m的差异;③ 环境噪声阵列反演所得部分覆盖层厚度变化较大区域与隐伏断层的形迹吻合。   相似文献   

In this study, we describe two experiments of seismic noise measurements carried out in Naples, Italy. The site allowed measurements to be obtained both at the surface and in a tunnel that is 120-m-deep. The main goal was to compare the seismic response evaluated at the surface to the in-tunnel response, through spectral, polarization, and resonance directivity analyses. In the 1 to 20 Hz frequency band, the noise level was up to 15 dB higher at the surface than in the tunnel. The polarization properties and horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios appear not to be influenced by the tunnel geometry or by the topography. Some preferential alignments were observed in the polarization azimuths computed at the surface, which are likely to be due to local sources, rather than morphological features. The absence of directivity effects and the low noise levels in the tunnel make this site suitable for installing seismic stations. We also studied how the subsoil structure affects the seismic motion at the surface. The dispersive properties of the Rayleigh waves were investigated using the spatial autocorrelation method. A joint inversion of the dispersion data and the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios provided the subsurface Vs profile. The derived model has a low velocity contrast at depth, such as to generate moderate and broad H/V spectral ratio peak amplitude. The normalized spectral ratio appears more appropriate to identify the soil-resonance frequencies.  相似文献   

The Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio from earthquake (HVSR) and from ambient noise (HVN) recordings realistically indicate the fundamental frequency of soil response but, for the majority of the worldwide examined sites, they do not provide reliable amplification curves as calculated by the earthquake standard Spectral Ratio (SSR). Given the fact that HVSR and especially HVN can be easily obtained, it is challenging to search for a meaningful correlation with SSR amplification functions for the entire frequency band and to use the results for the SSR estimate at a further site where only noise measurements are available. To this aim we used recordings from 75 sites worldwide and we applied a multivariate statistical approach (canonical correlation analysis) to investigate and quantify any correlation among spectral ratios. The canonical correlation between SSR and HVN is then used to estimate the expected SSR at each site by a weighted average of the SSR values measured at the other sites; the weights are properly set to account more for sites with similar behaviour in terms of the canonical correlation results between HVN and SSR. This procedure, repeated for all sites in turn, constitutes the basis of a cross validation. The comparison between the inferred and the original SSR highlights the improvements of site response estimation with respect to the use of ambient noise techniques. The goodness and limitations of the reconstruction procedure are explained by specific geological settings.  相似文献   

In the framework of the SESAME project one of the tasks was the compilation of all available ambient noise measurements within urban environments affected by historical or/and recent strong earthquakes in Europe. The aim of such a task was to give an answer to the question; “How does horizontal-to-vertical ambient noise spectral ratio compare with damage in modern cities?”. For this purpose five European urban areas, namely, Angra do Heroismo (Portugal), Fabriano and Palermo (Italy), Thessaloniki and Kalamata (Greece) were selected for which spatial damage information was available either in terms of modified Mercalli intensity or in EMS98 damage grades. The geological setting of the examined sites as well as the causative earthquakes are satisfactorily known. Ambient noise recordings compiled for all examined sites have been homogeneously processed by a technique developed and agreed upon SESAME project. Using a standard multivariate statistical analysis, namely, factor analysis and canonical correlation, the horizontal-to-vertical ambient noise spectral ratio (HVNSR) is correlated with damage pattern observed within examined urban areas. Results show that, in some cases (Thessaloniki, Palermo), the HVNSR seems to be able to differentiate between areas previously shown to be associated with higher damage. In other cases however (Angra do Heroismo, Fabriano, Kalamata), the correlation is not statistically significant indicating thus the complex character of the parameters involved, implying that currently there is no a straightforward way that a value of HVNSR can correctly predict the extent to which a given region will be associated with increased damage.  相似文献   

H/V noise spectral ratio (HVSR), standard spectral ratio (SSR), and receiver functions (RF) techniques have been used in the Quito (Ecuador) urban area to estimate the frequency dependence of soil response. Two amplified frequencies obtained by the HVSR method appear on about 60 sites. Taking into account the most amplified frequency rather than considering only the first amplified frequency, generally associated with the fundamental frequency, we find that iso-frequency curves tightly fit the surface geology. The second amplified frequency is interpreted as the fundamental frequency of the soft thin topmost layer, which in some cases amplifies the surface ground motion more than the rest of the soil column. This hypothesis is further supported by the results provided from the SSR and RF studies at a station located on top of a solid waste landfill, and by a study of known thickness of a waste landfill, using the HVSR method.  相似文献   

The issue is addressed as to whether the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) method is sensitive to the amplitude of ground motion from near-field earthquakes. Twenty-one three-component accelerograms from two closely located similar soil sites in the town of Lefkas are used. The recordings represent 17 earthquakes covering a wide range of magnitudes, epicentral distances and azimuths. Peak horizontal accelerations (PGA) and velocities (PGV) lie in the ranges 20–540 cm/s2 and 1.4–55.2 cm/s. For each HVS ratio, the site's fundamental-resonance frequency, fres, is determined visually. Linear correlation analysis shows that fres is strongly (negatively) correlated to PGA and PGV (r between −0.7 and −0.8); no correlation is found with resonance amplitude or epicentral distance. We show that the observed correlation is attributable to soil nonlinearity and indicate how weak-motion estimates of fres can be corrected for use in assessing site response during strong shaking.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to improve our knowledge of the attenuation structure in the Southern Apennines using a new amplitude ratio tomography method (Phillips et al., Geophys Res Lett 32(21):L21301, 2005) applied on both direct and coda envelope measurements derived from 150 events recorded by 47 stations of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia National Seismic Network (Rete Sismica Nazionale Centralizzata). The two-dimensional (2-D) analysis allows us to take into account lateral crustal variations and heterogeneities of this region. Using the same event and station distribution, we also applied a simple 1-D methodology, and the performance of the 1-D and 2-D path assumptions is tested by comparing the average interstation variance for the path-corrected amplitudes using coda and direct waves. In general, coda measurement results are more stable than using direct waves when the same methodology is applied. Using the 2-D approach, we observe more stable results for both waves. However, the improvement is quite small, probably because the crustal heterogeneity is weak. This means that, for this region, the 1-D path assumption is a good approximation of the attenuation characteristics of the region. A comparison between Q tomography images obtained using direct and coda amplitudes shows similar results, consistent with the geology of the region. In fact, we observe low Q along the Apennine chain toward the Tyrrhenian Sea and higher values to the east, in correspondence with the Gargano zone that is related to the Apulia Carbonate Platform. Finally, we compared our results with the coda Q values proposed by Bianco et al. (Geophys J Int 150:10–22, 2002) for the same region. The good agreement validates our results as the authors used a completely independent methodology.  相似文献   

Stochastic modelling is applied to the analysis of local earthquake recordings, which are usually extremely rich in random incident-wave trains that are chaotically superimposed because of scattering effects in the Earth's crust. The presence in the seismic signal of effects connected with the scale of inhomogeneity in the lithosphere cannot be deterministically described in detail. The application of a stochastic second-order autoregressive model to accelerometric records for the higher magnitude (ML ? 6) Friuli earthquakes and to short-period seismometric records for the aftershocks of the strong earthquake of 6 May 1976 has allowed inferences to be drawn about the spectral properties of seismic signals and the propagation mechanisms of seismic waves. These inferences are based on an extremely small number of parameters of a mathematical model suitable for simultaneously describing the random sequence of scattered wave trains in the time and frequency domains. Useful physical information has been obtained about the dynamic characteristic correlation times and the predominant frequency of the seismic signals; moreover, the strength, σ2e(t), of the innovation of the stochastic process fitting the real digital data set has been estimated. From the envelopes of σ2e(t), the quantity heuristically used in the stochastic approach to describe seismic excitation, the·mean free-path between successive scatterings (l), or the equivalent diffusivity coefficient (d) and turbidity (g), and their dependence on seismic wave frequency have been investigated. For Friuli, using seismometric data at an epicentral distance of ~ 20 km and earthquakes with a magnitude just under 2, mean free-path estimates obtained by means of autoregressive parameters vary from ~ 5 km for the strong interaction model to ~ 30 km for the single scattering model. Furthermore, by means of accelerometric records for the strongest earthquakes in Friuli during May and September 1976, the dependence for the maximum of the seismic excitation on the epicentral distance R was estimated as (σ2e)maxR?ν (with ν 1.94 ± 0.13), which is in good agreement with results obtained for the same region using standard methods by means of acceleration peaks versus R. Lastly, stochastic modelling provides a method of estimating change versus time for the predominant frequency and characteristic correlation time of narrow band digital recordings. These two parameters were computed by means of autoregressive parameters in different physical situations and were found to be functions of the earthquake source, the instrumentation frequency response, and the Earth's filtering effects.  相似文献   

Strong ground motions recorded on the sedimentary deposits of the Po River alluvial plain during the Emilia (Northern Italy) Mw 5.7 earthquake of May 29, 2012 are used to assess the vertical profile of shear-wave velocity above the limestone basement. Data were collected by a linear array installed for site effect studies after the Mw 5.9 mainshock of May 20, 2012. The array stations, equipped with both strong and weak motion sensors, are aligned in the South–North direction, at distances ranging from 1 to 26 km from the epicenter. The vertical components of ground motion show very distinctive, large-amplitude, low-frequency dispersive wave trains. Wavelet analysis yields group-velocity dispersion curve in the 0.2–0.7 Hz frequency band. The availability of a long ambient noise record allows estimates of the site resonance frequency along with its stability among stations. The joint inversion of dispersion of surface waves and ellipticity curves derived from ambient noise H/V allows extending investigations down to the sediment-limestone interface, at a depth of about 5,000 m. Our results add new information about the velocity structure at a scale that is intermediate between the local scale already investigated by other authors with small-aperture arrays using ambient noise and the regional scale inferred from modeling of seismogram waveforms recorded at hundreds of kilometers from the source.  相似文献   

The WWF-Natural Marine Reserve of Miramare (Trieste, Italy) is located in a major industrial and vacation area in the Adriatic Sea. Consequently, noise emanating from boating and shipping is an inevitable factor for local fishes. This study investigates the effects of ambient and ship noise on representatives of three vocal fish families with different hearing abilities. Ambient and ship noise were recorded, their sound pressure levels measured and played back in the lab. Auditory sensitivity was determined in Chromis chromis, Sciaena umbra and Gobius cruentatus, utilizing the auditory evoked potential recording technique. Compared to lab conditions, hearing thresholds determined during ambient noise playbacks were barely masked. Contrary, the noise emanating from a cabin-cruiser substantially reduced auditory sensitivity relative to thresholds in ambient noise. This masking effect was most pronounced in the frequency range where acoustic communication takes place. Boat noise potentially affects acoustic communication in fishes inhabiting the reserve.  相似文献   

A complex seismic sequence characterised by two thrust earthquakes of magnitudes M \(_\mathrm{L}\) 5.9 and M \(_\mathrm{L}\) 5.8 occurred on May 20 and 29, 2012, respectively, and activated the central portion of the Ferrara Arc structure beneath the Po Plain in northern Italy. The sequence, referred to as Emilia 2012, was recorded by the Italian Strong Motion Network, the Irpinia Network, the Friuli Venezia Giulia Network and 15 temporary stations installed by the Civil Protection Department. In this study, we compile and analyse a large dataset that contains 3,273 waveforms from 37 \(M_\mathrm{L} \ge 4.0\) seismic events. The main aim of this paper is to characterise the ground motion induced by the Emilia 2012 seismic sequence and compare it with other data in the Italian strong motion database and to the recent Ground Motion Prediction Equations (GMPEs) developed for northern Italy, all of Italy and Europe. This is achieved by (1) the computation and analysis of the strong motion parameters of the entire Emilia Strong Motion Dataset (ESMD) and (2) a comprehensive investigation of the May 29 event recordings in terms of time–frequency analysis, the ground motion parameters and the response spectra. This detailed analysis was made possible by the temporary Civil Protection Department stations that were installed soon after the May 20 event at several municipalities in the epicentral area. Most of the recordings are characterised by low-frequency content and long durations, which is a result of the thick sedimentary cover that is typical of the Po Plain. The distributions of the observed horizontal peak ground accelerations and velocities (PGAs and PGVs) with distance are generally consistent with the GMPEs. This is particularly true for the data from M \(_\mathrm{L} \ge \) 5.0 (M \(_\mathrm{W}\ge \) 5.0) events, though the data are scattered at distances beyond approximately 60–70 km and show faster attenuation than the European GMPEs. The horizontal components for the May 29 event at two near-fault stations (Mirandola and San Felice sul Panaro) are overestimated by all of the analysed GMPEs. In contrast, the vertical components, which played an important role in the shaking near the source, are underestimated. The May 29 event produced intense velocity pulses on the horizontal components and the highest peak ground acceleration ever recorded in Italy on the vertical component of the Mirandola near-fault station. The ground motion recordings contained in the ESMD significantly enrich the Italian strong motion database. They contribute new information about (1) the possibility of exceeding the largest recorded PGA in Italy, (2) the development of a spectral design that takes into account the role of the vertical component and the extreme variability of the near-fault ground shaking, and (3) the characterisation of the ground motions in deep sedimentary basins.  相似文献   


深部地下空间具有低于地面的噪声环境,为开展高精度多物理场观测提供了绝佳平台.通过淮南潘一东矿区海拔-848 m的井下巷道和地面的地震联测,我们分析了深部地下与地面的地振动背景噪声特征.对比结果显示,大于1.0 Hz的高频段,地面噪声功率谱密度(Power Spectral Density,PSD)值高出地下20~40 dB,并呈现随人类活动变化的昼夜模式;而井下观测不存在这一时变规律,地下巷道上覆870 m厚的沉积层有效衰减了浅层或地表的人文噪声.0.1~1.0 Hz频段二者差异相对减小,地面PSD值平均高出地下10 dB.小于0.1 Hz的低频噪声差异较小,或与井下气流干扰和仪器本底噪声有关.在第二地脉动谱的对比中,可发现明显的场地放大效应和地脉动峰的分裂现象.此外,深部地下低噪声环境突显了若干高频非时变信号,根据频域极化分析可厘定这些稳定噪声为井下的固定振动源.上述结果说明深部地下可以为高精度地震观测和震源定位提供优良环境,同时也给深地实验室的后续建设以及相关深地研究提供重要参考.


On May 2012, a severe seismic sequence occurred in the central part of the Po Plain (Northern Italy). It was characterized by two main shocks displaying local magnitudes 5.9 (on May 20th) and 5.8 (on May 29th), respectively; the maximum observed intensity was VII–VIII on the MCS scale. The emergency response was coordinated as usual by the Department of Civil Protection (DPC), within the general framework provided by the components and operational structures of the National Civil Protection Service. In addition to the search and rescue and to the population assistance activities, many technical activities were carried out to support the civil protection management of the recovery phase. Among these, mentioning is deserved by: the acquisition and dissemination of the accelerometric data from the National Accelerometric Network and the Seismic Observatory of the Structures, owned and operated by DPC; the evaluation of the liquefaction phenomena; the damage and building safety assessment; the regulations for the seismic safety assessment of industrial buildings, aimed at a rapid re-establishment of the productive activities; the actions undertaken following the evaluations by the Grandi Rischi Commission on the possible evolution of the seismic sequence. All these aspects will be examined under a civil protection perspective.  相似文献   




电阻率法和背景噪声法是通过获得地下介质的电阻率和速度参数的分布来探究地球内部物质分布的非均匀性特征,联合反演可以有效地发挥两种方法的优势,减小反演多解性.本文采用有限内存拟牛顿(L-BFGS)算法实现了电阻率法和背景噪声法的单方法三维反演,然后基于电阻率和速度模型结构耦合约束,采用交替迭代方式实现了电阻率法和背景噪声法的三维联合反演.通过设计规则体组合模型和不规则体组合模型进行理论模型合成数据三维反演试算,结果表明:联合反演可以获得同时满足数据拟合差和结构更为相似的速度-电阻率模型;联合反演可以压制背景噪声单方法反演出现的假异常,获得更精细的速度结构;联合反演获得的电阻率模型对倾斜异常体、高阻覆层下方异常体、圈闭的高/低阻体等边界信息有明显的提升,有效克服电阻率法单方法反演的局限,提高深部电阻率的分辨率.  相似文献   

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