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The fauna of seagrass-covered mud banks in Florida Bay, documented in the mid 1980s prior to recent seagrass die-off, phytoplankton blooms, and other ecosystem changes, was reexamined in the mid 1990s for faunal changes that might be associated with environmental perturbations. During both decades, decapod crustaceans and fishes were collected with 1-m2 throw traps from seagrass beds at six sites that differ in the amount of freshwater and/or marine influence and in seagrass community metrics. The most common faunal changes were declines in seagrass-canopydwelling forms and increases in benthic forms. At three sites with relatively lush seagrass meadows, above-ground seagrass standing crop declined and abundance of the benthic predatory fishOpsanus beta increased. The degree of faunal change among these sites appeared to be related either to salinity variability or to the degree of exposure to the ecosystem changes that have taken place in Florida Bay. At two sites with poorly developed seagrass meadows, seagrass standing crop and canopy height did not change significantly between decades, but there was an increase in shoot density and total leaf area. The animal communities at these sites were characterized by significant increases in the abundance of benthic crustaceans. At the site on the edge of Rankin Lake, the basin where seagrass die-off was first observed in Florida Bay during 1987, seagrass standing crop, canopy height, shoot density, and leaf area declined significantly between decades, but species richness of both crustaceans and fishes increased. The abundance of canopy-dwelling crustaceans and fishes declined markedly at this site, whereas the abundance of benthic forms less dependent on seagrass cover generally increased. In retrospect, we believe the fauma at this site during the 1980s, characterized by high productivity but few species, was already showing signs of the stresses that led to the seagrass die-off that began in 1987.  相似文献   


Four meadows of turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum Banks ex Konig) in Sarasota Bay, Florida were sampled on a bimonthly basis from June 1992 to July 1993 to determine spatial and temporal variation in short shoot density, biomass, productivity, and epiphyte loads. Concurrent with the seagrass sampling, quarterly water-quality monitoring was undertaken at ≥3 sites in the vicinity of each studied seagrass meadow. Three months after termination of the seagrass sampling effort, a biweekly water-quality monitoring program was instituted at two of the seagrass sampling sites. In addition, a nitrogen loading model was calibrated for the various watersheds influencing the seagrass meadows. Substantial spatial and temporal differences in turtle grass parameters but smaller spatial variation in water quality parameters are indicated by data from both the concurrent quarterly monitoring program and the biweekly monitoring program instituted after termination of the seagrass study. Turtle grass biomass and productivity were negatively correlated with watershed nitrogen loads, while water quality parameters did not clearly reflect differences in watershed nutrient inputs. We suggest that traditional water-quality monitoring programs can fail to detect the onset or continuance of nutrient-induced declines in seagrass health. Consequently, seagrass meadows should be monitored directly as a part of any effort to determine status and/or trends in the health of estuarine environments. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY074 00029


Seagrass meadows are often cited as important nursery areas for newly settled red drum even though many estuaries, such as Galveston Bay, Texas, support large numbers of red drum and have limited seagrass cover, suggesting the use of alternate nursery areas. We examined patterns of habitat use for newly settled red drum at six sampling areas in Galveston Bay; two areas had seagrass beds and four areas had no seagrass. We measured densities in different habitat types using epibenthic sleds and enclosure samplers. Peak recruitment of young red drum to the estuary occurred during September through December. Highest densities of new settlers were found in seagrass meadows (primarilyHalodule wrightii), but when seagrass was absent, the highest densities of red drum occurred along theSpartina alterniflora marsh edge interface. Densities were relatively low on nonvegetated bottom away from the marsh edge. We also examined density patterns in other habitat types at selected sampling areas and found no red drum within marsh vegetation away from the marsh edge interface (5 and 10 m into the marsh interior). Oyster reefCrassostrea virginica was sampled using lift nets, and we found no red drum using this habitat, although adjacent seagrass and marsh interface habitats were used. Even though red drum densities in marsh edge were low relative to seagrass, the large areal extent of marshes in the bay complex probably makes marsh edge the most important nursery habitat for red drum in Galveston Bay.  相似文献   

We examined the spatial and temporal variability in drift macroalgal abundance in two seagrass dominated estuarine systems on the Texas coast: Redfish Bay (in the Copano-Aransas Estuary) and Lower Laguna Madre. Measurements of benthic macroalgal variability were made in conjunction with a suite of biotic (seagrass biomass, percent cover, blade width and length, shoot density, epiphyte biomass, seagrass blade C:N ratios, and drift macroalgal abundance and composition) and abiotic (inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations, chlorophylla, total suspended solids, light attenuation, salinity, temperature, total organic carbon and porewater NH4 +) indicators. All parameters were measured at 30 sites within each estuary semiannually from July 2002 to February 2004. Principal components analysis (PCA) was used to examine relationships between drift macroalgal abundance and biotic and abiotic parameters. In both Redfish Bay and Lower Laguna Madre, drift macroalgal distribution was widespread, and during three of four sampling periods, abundance was equal to abovegro und biomass ofThalassia testudinum, the dominant seagrass. Drift macro algal abundance was highly variable within sites, between sites, and between seasons in both estuaries. No significant differences in drift macroalgal abundance were found between Redfish Bay and Lower Laguna Madre. In Redfish Bay, drift macroalgae (90.1±10.2 gm−2) tended to accumulate in bare patches within seagrass beds. In Lower Laguna Madre, drift macroalgae (72.7±10.7 gm−2) tended to accumulate in areas of dense seagrass cover rather than in bare areas. We found no relationship between drift macroalgal abundance and low (<2μM) water column nutrient concentrations, and although several of our measured parameters were related to drift macroalgal abundance, none alone sufficiently explained the variability in abundance noted between the two estuarine systems. The contrasting patterns of macroalgal accumulation between Redrish Bay and Lower Laguna Madre likely reflect differences in water circulation characteristics between the two regions as dictated by local physiography, in cluding the shape and orientation of the lagoons, with seasonal variations in macroalgal abundance related to changes in freshwater inflow and nutrient loading.  相似文献   

Beginning in late 1987 Florida Bay experienced a large and unprecedented die-off ofThalassia testudinum. The die-off occurred only in stands of denseT. testudinum. We initiated an experimental monitoring effort in 1989 to attempt to ascertain the cause of this die-off phenomenon. From 1989 to 1995 the abundance and productivity ofT. testudinum was measured at five stations associated with the seagrass die-off and three stations where no die-off had occurred (including one on the seaside of Key Largo, outside of Florida Bay). Early in the study the salinity was very high, exceeding 46 psu, but it has decreased to 29–38 psu in recent years. Seagrass standing crop and either short-shoot density or mass per short shoot declined at nearly all stations, including the stations without die-off (unaffected stations). Over the course of the study, areal productivity declined at three die-off stations; but mass-specific productivity increased at all die-off stations and one unaffected station. Seasonality was pronounced; detrended standardized residuals showed responses for all of the seagrass parameters to be greater than the yearly mean in spring and summer and less than the mean in fall and winter. Detrended residuals also showed decreased productivity to be correlated with increased salinities in the summer despite a long-term record of declining salinities. We propose a conceptual model of the seagrass die-off phenomenon. We document that salinity does contribute to stress onT. testudinum in Florida Bay, but salinity is believed to be only one contributing factor to the loss of seagrasses. The documented increase in the mass-specific productivity ofT. testudinum over the period 1989–1995 suggests seagrasses are growing rapidly in Florida Bay by 1995; we predict that the loss ofT. testudinum may be slowing down and that recovery is possible.  相似文献   

Marine phanerogams are ecosystem engineers, as their presence induces major environmental changes that impact on the benthic fauna. Consequently, modifications to the structure of benthic communities would be expected to be associated with seagrass decline. Since 2005, Zostera noltii seagrass beds in Arcachon Bay (France), the largest in Europe, have undergone a severe decline. Twelve stations distributed throughout the lagoon were sampled in 2002, and all were found to be densely planted at that time. Subsequently, the same stations were revisited in 2010 and seagrass cover had drastically decreased by that time. Based on benthic macrofauna, multidimensional scaling (MDS) analysis identified four groups. Years were separated. In 2002, two groups were distinct in relation to the water body, since in 2010 separation between the two other groups was related to seagrass occurrence. When looking at community structure and dominant species there were moderate differences within and between years, independent of seagrass decline. Seagrass loss did not drastically modify the species composition as they were preserved in the remaining seagrass patches. However, there was a drop in macrofauna abundance in unvegetated muddy compared with abundance in the remaining seagrass areas. Epifauna was particularly affected by seagrass decline. Among biotic indicators based on macrofauna, multivariate indicator MISS (Macrobenthic Index in Sheltered Systems) was in agreement with the similarity of macrofauna structure among groups, while other tested indicators performed badly in relation to seagrass occurrence. However, no index detected seagrass loss, highlighting the necessity of maintaining a separate survey on seagrass cover.  相似文献   

We explain a new method of quantifying seagrass cover and describing seagrass species composition during fisheries-independent monitoring. This new method is similar to a point-intercept method developed to estimate arboreal crown cover, but it uses an aquascope designed for shallow water. The method does not require a diver. Seagrass cover (cover ratio) distinguished different percentage cover categories in 0.25-m2 seagrass plots. Estimates of species composition determined by using the new method were most similar to those obtained by using estimates of aboveground biomass. Within each 141-m2 area sampled with a 21.3-m fish seine, we accurately estimated seagrass cover ratio and species composition with six observations that typically required less than 6 total minutes. Within such areas, 42 trials were conducted to evaluate the precision with which different observers estimated seagrass cover ratio and species composition. In 98% of the trials, observers attained statistically similar estimates of cover ratio, and in 100% of the trials in areas with multiple seagrass species, observers attained statistically similar estimates of species composition. We conclude that the new method provided efficient and reasonably accurate means to quantify seagrass cover and species composition.  相似文献   

The Florida Bay ecosystem has changed substantially in the past decade, and alterations in the seagrass communities have been particularly conspicuous. In 1987 large areas ofThalassia testudinum (turtlegrass) began dying rapidly in western Florida Bay. Although the rate has slowed considerably, die-off continues in many parts of the bay. Since 1991, seagrasses in Florida Bay have been subjected to decreased light availability due to widespread, persistent microalgal blooms and resuspended sediments. In light of these recent impacts, we determined the current status of Florida Bay seagrass communities. During the summer of 1994, seagrass species composition, shoot density, shoot morphometrics, and standing crop were measured at 107 stations. Seagrasses had been quantified at these same stations 10 yr earlier by Zieman et al. (1989).T. testudinum was the most widespread and abundant seagrass species in Florida Bay in both 1984 and 1994, and turtlegrass distribution changed little over the decade. On a baywide basis,T. testudinum density and biomass declined significantly between surveys; mean short-shoot density ofT. testudinum dropped by 22% and standing crop by 28% over the decade.T. testudinum decline was not homogeneous throughout Florida Bay; largest reductions in shoot density and biomass were located principally in the central and western bay. Percent loss ofT. testudinum standing crop in western Florida Bay in 1994 was considerably greater at the stations with the highest levels of standing crop in 1984 (126–215 g dry wt m−2) than at the stations with lower levels of biomass. While turtlegrass distribution remained consistent over time, both the distribution and abundance of two other seagrasses,Halodule wrightii andSyringodium filiforme, declined substantially between 1984 and 1994. Baywide,H. wrightii shoot density and standing crop declined by 92%, andS. filiforme density and standing crop declined by 93% and 88%, respectively, between surveys. Patterns of seagrass loss in Florida Bay between 1984 and 1994 suggest die-off and chronic light reductions were the most likely causes for decline. If die-off and persistent water-column turbidity continue in Florida Bay, the long-term future of seagrasses in the bay is uncertain.  相似文献   

A coupled hydrodynamic and sediment transport model (Delft3D) was used to simulate the water levels, waves, and currents associated with a seagrass (Zostera marina) landscape along a 4-km stretch of coast in Puget Sound, WA, USA. A hydroacoustic survey of seagrass percent cover and nearshore bathymetry was conducted, and sediment grain size was sampled at 53 locations. Wave energy is a primary factor controlling seagrass distribution at the site, accounting for 73% of the variability in seagrass minimum depth and 86% of the variability in percent cover along the shallow, sandy portions of the coast. A combination of numerical simulations and a conceptual model of the effect of sea-level rise on the cross-shore distribution of seagrass indicates that the area of seagrass habitat may initially increase and that wave dynamics are an important factor to consider in predicting the effect of sea-level rise on seagrass distributions in wave-exposed areas.  相似文献   

The effects of seagrass bed geometry on wave attenuation and suspended sediment transport were investigated using a modified Nearshore Community Model (NearCoM). The model was enhanced to account for cohesive sediment erosion and deposition, sediment transport, combined wave and current shear stresses, and seagrass effects on drag. Expressions for seagrass drag as a function of seagrass shoot density and canopy height were derived from published flume studies of model vegetation. The predicted reduction of volume flux for steady flow through a bed agreed reasonably well with a separate flume study. Predicted wave attenuation qualitatively captured seasonal patterns observed in the field: wave attenuation peaked during the flowering season and decreased as shoot density and canopy height decreased. Model scenarios with idealized bathymetries demonstrated that, when wave orbital velocities and the seagrass canopy interact, increasing seagrass bed width in the direction of wave propagation results in higher wave attenuation, and increasing incoming wave height results in higher relative wave attenuation. The model also predicted lower skin friction, reduced erosion rates, and higher bottom sediment accumulation within and behind the bed. Reduced erosion rates within seagrass beds have been reported, but reductions in stress behind the bed require further studies for verification. Model results suggest that the mechanism of sediment trapping by seagrass beds is more complex than reduced erosion rates alone; it also requires suspended sediment sources outside of the bed and horizontal transport into the bed.  相似文献   

Light attenuation in marine ecosystems can limit primary production and determine the species composition and abundance of primary producers. In Florida Bay, the importance of understanding the present light environment has heightened as major upstream water management restoration projects have been proposed and some are already being implemented. We analyzed a 2-yr (2001–2003) data set of the light attenuation coefficient (Kt) and its principal components (water, chromophoric dissolved organic matter [CDOM], tripton, phytoplankton) obtained at 40 stations within Florida Bay, calibrated synoptic underway data to produce high spatial resolution maps, examined the potential for light limitation, and quantified the individual effect of each component upon light attenuation. Tripton was the dominant component controlling light attenuation throughout Florida Bay, whereas the contribution of chlorophylla and CDOM to Kt was much smaller in all regions of Florida Bay. It was possible to accurately estimate the light attenuation coefficient from component concentrations, using either a mechanistic or a statistical model with root mean square errors of 0.252 or 0.193 m−1, respectively. Compared to other estuaries, Florida Bay had the lowest overall Kt and the greatest relative contribution from tripton. Comparing the recent data to a study of Florida Bay’s light environment conducted in 1993–1994, we found that overall water clarity in the Bay increased significantly, indicated by a nearly 3-fold decrease in Kv as a result of lower tripton concentrations, although the percent contribution of each of the components to Kt is unchanged. Only the northwest corner of Florida Bay, an area comprised of approximately 8% of the Bay’s total area, was found on average to have sufficient light attenuation to limit the growth of seagrasses. This is much less extensive than in 1993–1994, when seagrass growth was potentially limited by light at over 50% of the stations sampled.  相似文献   

Concern for the status of horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) has increased as harvest for conch and eel bait has increased and spawning habitat has decreased. In early 1999 a workshop was held at the behest of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission to design a statistically valid survey of horseshoe crab spawning in Delaware Bay. The survey that resulted was a redesign of a volunteer-based spawning survey that began in 1990, and its network of volunteers was relied on to implement the three-stage sampling design in 1999. During May and June of 1999, 163 participants surveyed during the highest of the daily high tides on 16 beaches (8 on each site of Delaware Bay). During the first half of the spawning season, spawning was associated with lunar phases, but moderated by wave height. Disproportionately more spawning occurred within 3 d of the first new and full moons, and spawning activity (measured by an index of female density) was correlated inversely to the percent of beaches with waves ≥0.3 m. Spawning was heaviest on the Delaware shore around the full moon in May in spite of low waves in New Jersey during the new and full moons in May. Number of beaches sampled was the most important factor in determining the precision of the spawning index and power to detect a decline. Explicit consideration of statistical power has been absent from the current debate on horseshoe crab status and harvest. Those who argue against harvest restrictions because of a lack of statistically significant declines take on a burden to show that the surveys they cite have high statistical power. We show the Delaware Bay spawning survey will achieve high statistical power with sufficient sampling intensity and duration. We recommend that future Delaware Bay spawning surveys sample on 3 d around each new and full moon in May and June and increase the number of beaches to ensure high statistical power to detect trends in baywide spawning activity.  相似文献   

Seagrass beds have declined in Chesapeake Bay, USA as well as worldwide over the past century. Increased seston concentrations, which decrease light penetration, are likely one of the main causes of the decline in Chesapeake Bay. It has been hypothesized that dense populations of suspension-feeding bivalves, such as eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica), may filter sufficient seston from the water to reduce light attenuation and enhance seagrass growth. Furthermore, eastern oyster populations can form large three-dimensional reef-like structures that may act like breakwaters by attenuating waves, thus decreasing sediment resuspension. We developed a quasi-three-dimensional Seagrass-Waves-Oysters-Light-Seston (SWOLS) model to investigate whether oyster reefs and breakwaters could improve seagrass growth by reducing seston concentrations. Seagrass growth potential (SGP), a parameter controlled by resuspension-induced turbidity, was calculated in simulations in which wave height, oyster abundance, and reef/breakwater configuration were varied. Wave height was the dominant factor influencing SGP, with higher waves increasing sediment resuspension and decreasing SGP. Submerged breakwaters parallel with the shoreline improved SGP in the presence of 0.2 and 0.4 m waves when sediment resuspension was dominated by wave action, while submerged groins perpendicular to the shoreline improved SGP under lower wave heights (0.05 and 0.1 m) when resuspension was dominated by along-shore tidal currents. Oyster-feeding activity did not affect SGP, due to the oysters’ distance from the seagrass bed and reduced oyster filtration rates under either low or high sediment concentrations. Although the current implementation of the SWOLS model has simplified geometry, the model does demonstrate that the interaction between oyster filtration and along-shore circulation, and between man-made structures and wave heights, should be considered when managing seagrass habitats, planning seagrass restoration projects, and choosing the most suitable methods to protect shorelines from erosion.  相似文献   

Following extensive seagrass die-offs of the late 1980s and early 1990s, Florida Bay reportedly had significant declines in water clarity due to turbidity and algal blooms. Scant information exists on the extent of the decline, as this bay was not investigated for water quality concerns before the die-offs and limited areas were sampled after the primary die-off. We use imagery from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) to examine water clarity in Florida Bay for the period 1985 to 1997. The AVHRR provides data on nominal water reflectance and estimated light attenuation, which are used here to describe turbidity conditions in the bay on a seasonal basis. In situ observations on changes in seagrass abundance within the bay, combined with the satellite data, provide additional insights into losses of seagrass. The imagery shows an extensive region to the west of Florida Bay having increased reflectance and light attenuation in both winter and summer begining in winter of 1988. These increases are consistent with a change from dense seagrass to sparse or negligible cover. Approximately 200 km2 of these offshore seagrasses may have been lost during the primary die-off (1988 through 1991), significantly more than in the bay. The imagery shows the distribution and timing of increased turbidity that followed the die-offs in the northwestern regions of the bay, exemplified in Rankin Lake and Johnson Key Basin, and indicates that about 200 km2 of dense seagrass may have been lost or severely degraded within the bay from the start of the die-off. The decline in water clarity has continued in the northwestern bay since 1991. The area west of the Everglades National Park boundaries has shown decreases in both winter turbidity and summer reflectances, suggestive of partial seagrass recovery. Areas of low reflectance associated with a majorSyringodium filiforme seagrass meadow north of Marathon (Vaca Key, in the Florida Keys) appear to have expanded westward toward Big Pine Key, indicating changes in the bottom cover from before the die-off. The southern and eastern sections of the Bay have not shown significant changes in water clarity or bottom albedo throughout the entire time period.  相似文献   

Coastal lagoons are ubiquitous along coastlines worldwide. Here, we compare the abundance of epifauna, seagrass-associated macroinvertebrates, and small fish across a gradient of seagrass cover in shallow coastal lagoons of the northern Gulf of Mexico. Two of the lagoons had little or no seagrass cover (0–18.8 %), and four had high cover (83.8–97.5 %). All of the lagoons were partially covered with fringing marsh. We hypothesized that, due to habitat redundancy between seagrass beds and fringing marshes, seagrass-associated fish and macroinvertebrates would not be largely reduced despite the large differences in seagrass cover among the lagoons. Our results support this hypothesis. For most sampling dates, we did not find significant differences in fish and macroinvertebrate abundance among the lagoons and, when we did, several highly vegetated lagoons did not have larger abundances than sparsely vegetated lagoons. The extreme shallowness of the lagoons studied (<1 m) may also provide further protection from large predatory fishes in the absence of seagrasses. Our results also suggest that marsh detritus, by providing habitat for epifauna and helping maintain prey availability, may further temper reductions in seagrass-associated fishes and macroinvertebrates following seagrass decline. The results highlight the importance of marsh-bordered, shallow lagoons as habitat for small fish and macroinvertebrates regardless of seagrass cover. This study contributes to the characterization of habitat redundancy in coastal ecosystems and pinpoints the importance of considering all habitats in concert for the proper understanding and management of coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

During two years of sampling, 747 larval and 1,379 juvenile spotted seatrout,Cynoscion nebulosus, were collected in Tampa Bay, Florida; 93% were less than 75 mm SL. Length-frequency distributions and otolith analysis showed that spawning took place from early April until late October. Two seasonal spawning peaks (spring and summer) were made up of many smaller peaks, apparently timed with moon phases. Plankton samples contained larvae that measured up to about 7 mm SL (17 d old). Larvae collected from an upper bay station were less numerous and larger than those collected at other stations. The presence of small larvae from middle and lower bay stations indicated that spawning probably took place from the middle bay to nearshore Gulf waters. Juveniles used seagrass beds as their major habitat, but they were also found in unvegetated backwaters. Spotted seatrout grew to about 35 mm SL in 2 months, 84 mm SL in 4 months, and 140 mm SL in 6 months. Eighty-five percent of the alimentary tracts in larvae were empty; those with food contained primarily copepods. Eleven percent of the stomachs of juveniles were empty. Fish and shrimp were the most important food groups in the diets of fish >15 mm SL. Intraspecific comparisons of diets showed high dietary overlap between larval fish and those measuring 8–15 mm SL and among size classes >15 mm SL.  相似文献   

Three quarters of the global human population will live in coastal areas in the coming decades and will continue to develop these areas as population density increases. Anthropogenic stressors from this coastal development may lead to fragmented habitats, altered food webs, changes in sediment characteristics, and loss of near-shore vegetated habitats. Seagrass systems are important vegetated estuarine habitats that are vulnerable to anthropogenic stressors, but provide valuable ecosystem functions. Key to maintaining these habitats that filter water, stabilize sediments, and provide refuge to juvenile animals is an understanding of the impacts of local coastal development. To assess development impacts in seagrass communities, we surveyed 20 seagrass beds in lower Chesapeake Bay, VA. We sampled primary producers, consumers, water quality, and sediment characteristics in seagrass beds, and characterized development along the adjacent shoreline using land cover data. Overall, we could not detect effects of local coastal development on these seagrass communities. Seagrass biomass varied only between sites, and was positively correlated with sediment organic matter. Epiphytic algal biomass and epibiont (epifauna and epiphyte) community composition varied between western and eastern regions of the bay. But, neither eelgrass (Zostera marina) leaf nitrogen (a proxy for integrated nitrogen loading), crustacean grazer biomass, epifaunal predator abundance, nor fish and crab abundance differed significantly among sites or regions. Overall, factors operating on different scales appear to drive primary producers, seagrass-associated faunal communities, and sediment properties in these important submerged vegetated habitats in lower Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to use an ecosystem-based approach to consider the effect of environmental conditions on the distribution and abundance of juvenile bay whiff and southern flounder within the Aransas Bay Complex, TX, USA. Species habitat models for both species were developed using boosted regression trees. Juvenile bay whiff were associated with low temperatures (<15 °C, 20–23 °C), moderate percent dry weight of sediments (25–60 %), salinity >10, and moderate to high dissolved oxygen (6–9 mg O2/l, 10–14 mg/l). Juvenile southern flounder were associated with low temperatures (<15 °C), low percent dry weight of sediment (<25 %), seagrass habitat, shallow depths (<1.2 m), and high dissolved oxygen (>8 mg O2/l). Our results indicate that conservation measures should focus along the eastern side of Aransas Bay and the north corner of Copano Bay to protect essential fish habitat. These findings provide a valuable new tool for fisheries managers to aid in the sustainable management of bay whiff and southern flounder and provide crucial information needed to prioritize areas for habitat conservation.  相似文献   

We compared (1) ichthyoplankton composition and (2) basin and channel habitat ichthyofauna and seagrass densities between 1984–1985 and 1994–1996 in Florida Bay. Stations and sampling techniques employed in 1984–1985 were duplicated in the 1994–1996 study.Thalassia testudinum, Halodule wrightii, andSyringodium filiforme densities within most of the basin and channel strata sampled in 1994–1996 had decreased by as much as 100%. We did not observe changes in the total density of juvenile and small adult fishes coincident with the reductions in seagrass densities except in the deep-water channel habitats. There was an increase in the proportion of the total ichthyofauna represented by pelagic atherinids, engraulids, and clupeids, particularly the engraulidAnchoa mitchilli, and a concomitant decrease in the proportion represented by canopy-dwelling and morebenthic-dwelling seagrass inhabitants. This suggested a shift toward a planktonic-feeding community. We observed an increase in the density and frequency of engraulid larvae, particularly in the western and Gulf of Mexico portions of Florida Bay, but no significant changes in densities of the commonly collected ichthyoplankton that are demersal as adults (i.e., Gobiidae, Callionymidae, and Blennioidei).Lucania parva, Eucinostomus spp.,Lagodon rhomboides, Floridichthys carpio, Haemulon plumieri, andSyngnathus floridae represented nearly 86% of the juvenile and small adult fish collected in 1984–1985 but represented only 29% of the ichthyofauna a decade later. The distribution of juvenile spotted seatrout had expanded into the central and northeastern basins of our sampling area, perhaps in response to reduced salinities or to the availability of food resources.  相似文献   

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