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Seven early-type galaxies that are members of the massive X-ray group containing NGC 80 have been studied using two-dimensional spectroscopy with the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory. We searched for evidence for the synchronous secular evolution of the galaxies in the group. The bulges of five of the seven galaxies appear to be old, with the average age of the bulge stars being 10–15 billion years. Signs of a relatively recent star-formation burst are observed in the small S0 galaxy IC 1548, whose average bulge age is 3 billion years and average core age is 1.5 billion years. A circumnuclear polar gas ring was also detected in this galaxy; in its outer regions, it makes a smooth transition to a gas disk that counter-rotates relative to the stars. IC 1548 probably underwent a close interaction, which resulted in its transformation from a spiral to a lenticular galaxy; the same interaction may also have induced the central burst of star formation. In the giant E0 galaxy NGC 83, a compact massive stellar-gas disk with a radius of about 2 kpc and very rapid rotation is observed, with ongoing star formation; the so-called “minor merger” is likely to have occurred there. We conclude that the NGC 80 group is in a state of formation, with the small NGC 83 subgroup “falling into” the large, old NGC 80 subgroup.  相似文献   

酒坊台剖面位于萨拉乌苏河流域下游,其中末次间冰阶以来主要为风成砂沉积,间夹砂质古土壤和湖沼相粘土层等,对环境信息有良好的记录。OSL年龄结果表明该剖面顶部记录了末次冰期间冰阶(约52 ka B.P.)以来的气候演化历史。通过对剖面高精度的粒度和磁化率分析,结合Rb、Sr元素含量及其比值综合分析,表明末次冰期间冰阶以来该剖面自上而下可划分为3个主要层段,对应了深海氧同位素MIS 1~3。同时在MIS 3阶段呈现出明显的MIS 3a、3b、3c亚段,结合区域研究资料,表明萨拉乌苏河流域在中—长时间尺度上,对全球性和区域性气候事件有良好的沉积响应。  相似文献   

东坪金矿成矿时代研究   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
东坪金矿是我国在碱性岩中发现的第一个大型金矿,本文在详细野外观察的基础上,用K-Ar法、~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar法测定了成矿期花岗细晶岩脉、主成矿期矿石的同位素年龄,确定东坪金矿成矿时代为燕山期。  相似文献   

Dremova  G. N.  Dremov  V. V.  Orlov  V. V.  Tutukov  A. V.  Shirokova  K. S. 《Astronomy Reports》2015,59(11):1019-1035

The probability of forming a Galactic hypervelocity star is estimated for the scenario of Hills, which describes the dynamical capture of one component of a binary star by the gravitational field of the supermassive black hole in the Galactic center, leading to the ejection of the other component. Ten thousand initial orientations of the binary orbits were considered, and the semi-major axes of the binary orbits were varied in a wide range from 11.3 R to 425 R . Two series of computations were carried out, in which the mass of the supermassive black hole was taken to be 106 M and 3.4 × 106 M . Numerical simulations of encounters of the binary and black hole in the framework of the three-body and N-body problems are used to localize regions favorable for the formation of hypervelocity stars. The motion of the ejected star in the regular field of the Galaxy is calculated, and the conditions under which the star escapes the Galaxy defined. The probability of escaping the Galaxy is caluclated as a function of various parameters the initial separation of the binary components and the distance of the binary from the black hole. On average, the probability of forming a hypervelocity star is higher for closer encounters and more tightly bound binary pairs.


We present the results of numerical simulations of radiating nodes in jets outflowing from young stellar objects. The development of the fundamental and first reflection harmonics of the jet during the essentially non-linear stage is considered. We have shown for the first time the possible formation of radiating nodes with diameters smaller than the jet cross section. We describe our numerical code, which makes it possible for this class of problem to maintain a stationary equilibrium in the radial coordinate and minimize the force imbalance resulting from the transfer of stationary distributions along the meridian coordinate in the computational grid.  相似文献   

We have found that the well-known rule for the distance between the stars to increase or decrease during conservative mass transfer in close binary systems is not valid. We use the equations of Mestschersky to study the evolution of the relative orbits of the stars.  相似文献   

中国金矿床成矿时代及其特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据 70 4个主要金矿床的成矿时代研究 ,将中国金矿床划分为古元古代、中新元古代、早古生代、晚古生代、三叠纪、侏罗 -白垩纪、新生代 7个成矿期。统计分析了各成矿期形成的金矿床数量、储量及矿床类型 ,总结了各成矿期金矿床的分布特征。  相似文献   

Stochastization in stellar systems is analyzed in the framework of the paradigm of Krylov and Gurzadyan-Savvidi. The use of a Holtsmark distribution for the random forces with a Rastorguev-Sementsov cutoff confirms that τ e /τ c N 1/5, where τ c is the crossing time, τ e is the effective stochastization time, and N is the number of stars. More oblate systems evolve more rapidly, and rotation slows stochastization. The need for a cutoff does not arise if a Petrovskaya distribution is adopted for the random forces (although applying a cutoff does not change the results). In this case, τ e /τ c varies with N approximately as N 0.3. It is found theoretically that τ e /τ c N 1/3/(lnN)1/2 for large N. Thus, the evolutionary scale found is close to that proposed earlier by Genkin.  相似文献   

The nature of stellar complexes with peculiar populations and morphologies is investigated. The existence in the LMC of complexes made up of isolated stars, on the one hand, and consisting exclusively of clusters, on the other hand, could be due to different turbulence patterns in the initial gaseous medium. Arc-shaped stellar complexes are unlikely to be the result of star formation in a gaseous shell swept up by a central source of pressure, and instead probably reflect the shape of a bow shock that develops when a sufficiently dense cloud is subject to dynamical pressure. A peculiar arc-shaped complex in NGC 6946, which contains a young, massive cluster, may be the result of an oblique infall of a high-velocity cloud onto a region of the gaseous disk of the Galaxy with a strong, regular magnetic field; the properties of this complex can be explained as the result of a collision of the resulting shocks. The arc-shaped complexes in the LMC were also probably produced by high-velocity clouds moving obliquely through the more tenuous gas of the LMC disk. A similar complex in NGC 300 may owe its origin to the effect produced on a dense cloud by the shock from an extremely powerful external explosion, whose stellar remnant may have survived as an X-ray source now located along the line of symmetry of the arc of the complex. The rareness of such structures can be explained by the narrow range of conditions under which they can develop.  相似文献   

The conditions for the fragmentation of the baryonic component during mergers of dark matter halos in the early Universe are studied. We assume that the baryonic component undergoes a shock compression. The characteristic masses of protostellar molecular clouds and the minimum masses of protostars originating in these clouds decrease with increasing halo mass. This may indicate that the initial stellar mass function in more massive galaxies was shifted towards lower masses during the initial stages of their formation. This would result in an increase in the number of stars per unit mass of the halo, i.e., in an increase in the efficiency of star formation.  相似文献   

We suggest and justify a new photometric method enabling the derivation of the relative thickness of a galactic disk from the two-dimensional surface-brightness distribution of the galaxy in the plane of the sky. The method is applied to images of 45 early-type (S0-Sb) galaxies with known radial exponential or piece-wise-exponential (with a flatter outer profile) surface-brightness distributions. The data were taken from the open SDSS archive. The statistics of the estimated relative thicknesses of the stellar disks of early-type galaxies show the following features. The disks of lenticular and spiral early-type galaxies have similar thickness. The presence of a bar results in only a slight increase of the thickness. However, there is a substantial difference between the thicknesses of disks with a single exponential brightness profile and exponential disks that represent the inner segments of Type III profiles (after Erwin); i.e., they have an outer exponential disk with a larger characteristic scale. The disks are significantly thicker in the former than in the latter case. This may provide evidence that a single exponential scale in a disk surface-brightness distribution forms due to viscosity effects acting over the entire period of star-formation evolution in the disk.  相似文献   

梁嘉琪  肖良  李相传  王兴  王钦 《地质论评》2019,65(Z1):69-70
正内蒙古第三纪地层的沉积类型属于陆相沉积,它广泛分布于全区各地,其中汉诺坝组中赋存数量丰富、种类繁多的植物大化石及孢子花粉,是古生物学者研究内蒙古新生代化石的重点地层。汉诺坝组岩层近水平,多构成开阔平坦的高台地形,主要由一套灰、黑、紫灰色橄榄玄武岩组成,夹砖红色泥岩、灰白色泥灰岩及灰黑色泥岩和黑色油页岩。  相似文献   

We consider possibilities for presently operating and planned infrared, submillimeter, and millimeter telescopes for observations of the epoch of reionization in the Universe, i.e., of the sources of ultraviolet radiation that have caused the reionization (galaxies, quasars, etc.) and the ionized intergalactic medium. Along with direct observations of such sources in the optical and infrared, we analyze the feasibility of observations of the intergalactic gas, as well as fluctuations of the temperature and polarization of the cosmic microwave background due to inhomogeneities in the reionization process.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the distribution of young objects (open clusters, classical Cepheids, and HII regions) projected onto the plane of the Galaxy using wavelet smoothing. This smoothing technique enables investigation of the large-scale structure of the distribution of young objects. All the studied objects display a similar spiral structure, whose appearance essentially corresponds to a regular alternation of young and older stellar complexes along sections of the spiral arms. A four-arm spiral structure with its arms originating at the Galactic center is obtained if the major arms are taken to be the Carina-Sagittarius arm and an outer arm behind the Perseus arm. If all the observed arms are taken to be major arms, we obtain a 12-arm structure, in contradiction with the size of the region in which the structure is observed in the Galaxy. This discrepancy can be removed if the arms originate from a ring formed by a sufficiently long bar-like structure, rather then from the Galactic center.  相似文献   

江西省新元古代地层发育良好,近年来在1∶5万区调中获得了较为丰富的微古植物化石资料.通过对其进行比较系统的整理与总结,共计发现微古植物化石52属111种,按地层区划及不同时期又可划分为9个微古植物组合.本文概述了各组合特征,同时结合区域地层及同位素年龄资料进行了对比讨论.  相似文献   

A series of dynamical models of the Galaxy is constructed assuming that the entire disk is near the gravitational-stability limit. This imposes constraints on the dynamical and kinematic parameters of the main subsystems (the disk, bulge, and halo). The disk surface density in the solar neighborhood should not exceed 58 M/pc2. Further, we find that the observed local decrease in the rotational velocity at 6 kpc ? r ? 10 kpc is not associated with details of the radial distribution of matter in the Galaxy and instead results from dynamical processes or some other factors responsible for noncircular motions. It follows from the presence of a long-lived bar and the observed distribution of the stellar-velocity dispersion that the central maximum in the rotation curve at radius r ? 300 pc cannot be associated with a very concentrated bulge core. The best agreement between the observational data and the parameters of the dynamical models is achieved for a radial disk scale length of L ? 3 kpc. The relative contribution of the disk to the circular rotational velocity at r = 2.2L is 73%.  相似文献   

六苴铜矿是云南楚雄盆地重要的砂岩铜矿,矿体呈层状、似层状产出。晚白垩世,六苴铜矿区沉积环境从曲流河演化为氧化--咸化湖泊,形成了边滩、决口扇和水下扇等有利相带。成矿作用发生在成岩或埋藏阶段,在古新世元永井早期,马头山组下段(主含矿层)埋深至928m时,含矿热液向有利沉积相带运移,这个过程可能延长至元永井末期(56Ma),当时主含矿层埋深至3400m。进入始新世改造期,形成了一些细铜矿脉。  相似文献   

Panko  E. A.  Yemelianov  S. I.  Korshunov  V. M.  Sirginava  A. R. 《Astronomy Reports》2021,65(10):1002-1006
Astronomy Reports - We present the results of study of the 2D distribution of galaxies in galaxy clusters with redshifts $$z < 0.15$$ in rich regions. Our data consists of two sets extracted...  相似文献   

Our previous studies of large-scale vortical flows arising in shear flows of stellar accretion disks with Keplerian azimuthal velocity distributions as a result of the development of small perturbations are continued. The development of large-scale instability in an accretion disk is investigated via mathematical modeling. One result obtained is the change of the disk flow structure due to the formation of large vortices. In the limiting case, sufficiently long evolution leads to the formation of several asymmetric spiral structures of the flow of disk matter. The presence of large-scale structures leads to angular-momentum redistribution in the disk.  相似文献   

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