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<正>Ophiolites are the best archives of the evolutionary history of ocean basins from their rift–drift and seafloor spreading stages to subduction initiation and final closure(Dilek and Furnes,2014).Mongolia,the major domain of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt,represent the accretionsubduction belts with remnants of ophiolites.Ophiolites are distributed in the Northern,Western,South and  相似文献   

The most important tectonic and magmatic events in the history of ophiolites in the Uralides and the European Variscides occurred almost sinchronously. The rocks of paleooceanic complexes in the both regions have similar paleontological and isotopic ages. The formation of the Ural and Variscan ophiolites is brought into correlation with a wide range of geodynamic settings. The Ural ophiolites mainly correspond to the suprasubduction setting, whereas the Variscan ophiolites are commonly related to rifts and mid-ocean spreading centers of the oceanic crust. The main difference is related to the origin of metamorphic rocks associated with ophiolites. The high-pressure-low-temperature metamorphism of the Ural ophiolites mainly related to the island arc-continent collision, whereas the Barrow-type metamorphism of ophiolites in the European Variscides developed at a higher temperature under medium-low pressure.  相似文献   

The ophiolites that crop out discontinuously along the~2000 km Yarlung Zangbo Suture zone(YZSZ)between the Nanga Parbat and Namche Barwa syntaxes in southern Tibet represent the remnants of Neotethyan oceanic lithosphere(Fig.1a).We have investigated the internal structure and the geochemical makeup of mafic-ultramafic rock assemblages that are exposed in the westernmost segment of the YZSZ where the suture zone architecture displays two distinct sub-belts of ophiolitic and mélange units separated by a continental Zhongba terrane(Fig.1b).These two sub-belts include the Daba–Xiugugabu in the south(Southern sub-belt,SSB)and the Dajiweng–Saga in the north(Northern sub-belt,NSB).We present new structural,geochemical,geochronological data from upper mantle peridotites and mafic dike intrusions occurring in these two sub-belts and discuss their tectonomagmatic origin.In-situ analysis of zircon grains obtained from mafic dikes within the Baer,Cuobuzha and Jianabeng massifs in the NSB,and within the Dongbo,Purang,Xiugugabu,Zhaga and Zhongba in the SSB have yielded crystallization ages ranging between130 and 122 Ma.Dike rocks in both sub-belts show N-MORB REE patterns and negative Nb,Ta and Ti anomalies,reminiscent of those documented from SSZ ophiolites.*Harzburgitic host rocks of the mafic dike intrusionsmainly display geochemical compositions of abyssal peridotites(Fig.2),with the exception of the Dajiweng harzburgites,which show the geochemical signatures of forearc peridotites(Lian et al.,2016).Extrusive rocks that are spatially associated with these peridotite massifs in both sub-belts also have varying compositional and geochemical features.Tithonian to Valanginian(150–135 Ma)basaltic rocks in the Dongbo massif have OIB-like geochemistry and 138 Ma basaltic lavas in the Purang massif have EMORB-like geochemistry(Liu et al.,2015).Tuffaceous rocks in the Dajiweng massif are140 Ma in age and show OIB-like geochemistry.We interpret these age and geochemical data to reflect a rifted continental margin origin of the extrusive rock units in both sub-belts.These data and structural observations show that the western Yarluang Zangbo ophiolites represent fragments of an Ocean-Continent Transition(OCT)peridotites altered by fluids in an initial supersubduction setting.We infer that mafic-ultramafic rock assemblages exposed in the SSB and NSB initially formed in an ocean–continent transition zone(OCTZ)during the late Jurassic,and that they were subsequently emplaced in the forearc setting of an intraoceanic subduction zone within a Neotethyan seaway during 130 to 122 Ma.The NSB and SSB are hence part of a single,S-directed nappe sheet derived from a Neotethyan seaway located north of the Zhongba terrane.  相似文献   

A synthesis is given in this paper on late Mesozoic deformation pattern in the zones around the Ordos Basin based on lithostratigraphic and structural analyses. A relative chronology of the late Mesozoic tectonic stress evolution was established from the field analyses of fault kinematics and constrained by stratigraphic contact relationships. The results show alternation of tectonic compressional and extensional regimes. The Ordos Basin and its surroundings were in weak N-S to NNE-SSW extension during the Early to Middle Jurassic, which reactivated E-W-trending basement fractures. The tectonic regime changed to a multi-directional compressional one during the Late Jurassic, which resulted in crustal shortening deformation along the marginal zones of the Ordos Basin. Then it changed to an extensional one during the Early Cretaceous, which rifted the western, northwestern and southeastern margins of the Ordos Basin. A NW-SE compression occurred during the Late Cretaceous and caused the termination of sedimentation and uplift of the Ordos Basin. This phased evolution of the late Mesozoic tectonic stress regimes and associated deformation pattern around the Ordos Basin best records the changes in regional geodynamic settings in East Asia, from the Early to Middle Jurassic post-orogenic extension following the Triassic collision between the North and South China Blocks, to the Late Jurassic multi-directional compressions produced by synchronous convergence of the three plates (the Siberian Plate to the north, Paleo-Pacific Plate to the east and Lhasa Block to the west) towards the East Asian continent. Early Cretaceous extension might be the response to collapse and lithospheric thinning of the North China Craton.  相似文献   

The Phanerozoic geodynamic evolution of Europe is reviewed for the purpose of identifying its bearing on the petrogenesis of the Cenozoic European Volcanic Province. Several events capable of modifying the chemistry and mineralogy of the mantle, such as subduction of oceanic crust, continent-continent collision, and ocean formation are emphasized. The area now occupied by the Mediterranean Sea and, in general, all of Europe, underwent a complex geodynamic evolution, involving large relative crustal movements. The Paleozoic to Recent evolution of the circum-Mediterranean Sea area can be summarized as follows: (1) extension during the Precambrian (presence of ~3000 to 4000 km wide oceanic crust between Laurussia (consisting of the Laurentian and Baltica-Fenno-scandian cratons) and Gondwana (South America, Africa, Australia, India, and Antarctica); (2) collisional movements with the formation of “Andean-type” margins during the Late Precambrian to Middle Paleozoic, followed by “Himalayan-type” margins during the Carboniferous (Hercynian orogeny sensu stricto); (3) change of plate movements and development of tensional (transtensive) stresses at the end of the Paleozoic, as indicated by the formation of the North Atlantic-Tethys rift system, with the Cretaceous formation of the Ligurian-Piedmontese and the Mesogean Ocean; (4) the Alpine orogeny, with a two-stage compressive cycle-(a) Eoalpine (Paleogene closure of the Ligurian-Piedmontese Ocean; formation of the Betic Cordillera, western-northern Alps, and Carpatho-Balkan Arc), with Europe-verging thrusts; and (b) Neoalpine (Neogene-Pleistocene formation of the Apennine, Maghrebide, Dinaride, and Hellenide chains, plus the backthrusted southern Alps, all with African vergence; opening of two diachronous backarc basins-the Ligurian-Provencal Basin and the Tyrrhenian Sea-in the western Mediterranean). Hercynian-age modifications (the most important of which are subduction-related) led to almost unique isotopic ratios, such as low 143Nd/144Nd, 206Pb/204Pb, 3He/4He, and slightly radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr ratios.

During the Cenozoic and Quaternary, widespread magmatic activity developed throughout Europe. These products, mainly represented by mildly to strongly alkaline rocks with sodic affinity and tholeiitic mafic rocks (basanite, alkali basalts, tholeiitic basalts), show quite uniform geochemical and isotopic compositions typical of a within-plate tectonic setting. Moreover, subduction-related magmatism (mainly represented by low-to high-K calc-alkaline and shoshonitic series + ultrapotassic rocks such as lamproites) developed in response to the subduction systems of the Alpine orogeny. With respect to the circum-Italian realm, the igneous rocks emplaced during the last 30 Ma are essentially related to the Alpine orogeny. This activity is represented by rocks of extremely variable composition (alkaline-both sodic and potassic to ultrapotassic-and subalkaline [tholeiitic and calc-alkaline]) and probably carbonatitic.  相似文献   

南岭与中生代花岗岩类有关的成矿作用及其大地构造背景   总被引:70,自引:2,他引:70  
由于受到来自印支半岛的挤压,在华南内部发生了以碰撞-挤压-推覆-隆升为主的印支造山运动。南岭地区印支期花岗岩(240~205Ma)主要形成于碰撞及“后碰撞”(post-collision)的动力学环境,但没有造成大规模的金属成矿作用。南岭地区从燕山期进入后造山(post-orogeny)地球动力学环境。从花岗岩类的成矿学特征及其大陆动力学背景出发,尝试把燕山期划分为早、中,晚三期。南岭地区燕山早期(185~170Ma)出现了玄武质岩浆活动、双峰式岩浆活动、A型花岗岩及板内高钾钙碱性岩浆活动,反映了岩石圈的局部“伸展一裂解”和地幔物质的上涌,伴随Pb,Zn,Cu,Au成矿作用。燕山中期南岭地区岩石圈全面拉张一减薄,地幔上涌一玄武质岩浆底侵引发大规模的地壳熔融,导致大范围陆壳重熔型花岗岩的生成。该期的第一阶段(170~150Ma)以大规模花岗岩类侵位为主,第二阶段(150~140Ma)花岗岩类活动很少,却发生了W,Sn及其他稀有金属的大规模成矿作用。燕山晚期虽然是华南地区岩石圈全面发生裂解的时期,但由于受太平洋构造体系的影响,在南岭东端至东南沿海广大地区,燕山晚期(140~65Ma)出现了先挤压、后拉张的动力学背景,在100Ma前形成的钙碱性和橄榄安粗两个系列的岩浆活动,伴随Au,Ag,Pb—Zn,Cu,(Mo,Sn)等成矿作用。而在南岭地区,该时期花岗质火山-侵入杂岩及基性岩脉等广泛发育,有关的成矿作用以火山岩型U矿、斑岩型Sn矿,以及印支期花岗岩中的铀活化成矿作用为特征。  相似文献   

珠兰埠岩体是南岭地区大面积出露的岩体之一, 也是缺少精确年龄数据的复杂岩体之一, 在以往工作中被认为是燕山期早期岩体, 此后相关研究较少, 由于时代和方法的限制未见确切的同位素年龄数据发表。本文采用LA-(MC)-ICPMS锆石U-Pb法对珠兰埠复式岩体的粗粒斑状黑云母花岗岩、中细粒含斑黑云母花岗岩进行同位素年代学研究, 探讨其成矿可能性。获得粗粒斑状黑云母花岗岩、中细粒含斑黑云母花岗岩等时线年龄分别为228.7±2.0 Ma和231.0±1.2 Ma, 表明珠兰埠复式花岗岩体主体形成于印支期, 而不是前人认为的燕山早期, 由此修正了岩体成岩时代, 同时结合珠兰埠岩体的地球化学特征与印支期花岗岩的成矿特点, 较好印证了目前在该岩体及其周边, 并未发现钨矿床的现象。本研究成果为赣南地区花岗岩研究提供了新的实例。  相似文献   

中国的全球构造位置和地球动力系统   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
任纪舜  赵磊  徐芹芹  朱俊宾 《地质学报》2016,90(9):2100-2108
现今之中国位于亚洲大陆东南部,西太平洋活动带中段;在全球板块构造图上,中国位于欧亚板块的东南部,南为印度板块,东为太平洋板块和菲律宾海板块。地质历史上,以中朝、扬子、塔里木等小克拉通为标志的中国主体属于冈瓦纳和西伯利亚两个大陆之间的转换(互换)构造域:古生代时期,位于古亚洲洋之南,属冈瓦纳结构复杂的大陆边缘;中生代阶段,位于特提斯之北,属劳亚大陆的一部分。显生宙中国大地构造演化依次受古亚洲洋、特提斯-古太平洋、太平洋-印度洋三大动力体系之控制,形成古亚洲洋、特提斯和太平洋三大构造域。不论古亚洲洋,还是特提斯,都不是结构简单的大洋盆地,而是由一系列海底裂谷带(小洋盆带)和众多微陆块组合而成的结构复杂的洋盆体系。加之中、新生代的太平洋构造域和特提斯构造域叠加在古生代的古亚洲洋构造域之上,使中国地质构造图像在二维平面上呈现镶嵌构造,在三维空间上呈现立交桥式结构,使中国不仅是亚洲,也是全球构造最复杂的一个区域。不同阶段的地球动力体系在中国的叠加、复合,使多旋回构造-岩浆和成矿作用成为中国地质最突出的特征。因而中国的造山带大多是多旋回复合造山带,成矿(区)带大多是多旋回复合成矿(区)带,大型含油气盆地大多是多旋回叠合盆地。  相似文献   

中国东部中新生代构造格局和岩浆岩带的形成与演化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在研究印支期秦岭-大别-苏鲁造山带的形成与地幔差速环流的基础上,系统综合了中国东部中新生代的基底构造对断裂构造的控制,深层构造对隆凹与断陷盆地的制约,伸展构造在陆内及陆缘外的表现,岩浆岩带的时空分布及展布特点等规律,依据中国东部中新生代构造格局与岩浆岩带在时空分布上的宽阔性、方向性、迁移性、分带性,特别是深层构造对浅层断裂构造、伸展构造的制约,以及岩浆岩带、隆起与盆地等自西向东迁移特点,提出其形成机制可能与强大地幔东向差速环流有关.  相似文献   

The Jinghong mafic–ultramafic complex, exposed in the eastern margin of the Lancangjiang tectonic belt, is related to the subduction of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean. Its petrogenesis plays a key role in constraining the tectonic evolution of the eastern Paleo-Tethys Ocean in southwestern China. In this study, we present petrological, geochemical and geochronological results of the Jinghong complex rocks, in order to decipher their origin and tectonic significance. The Jinghong mafic–ultramafic complex was composed of peridotite, gabbro, basalt and minor plagiogranite. Whole-rock geochemical data of the mafic rocks indicate that they have both MORB and IAB affinities and plot in the back-arc basin basalt (BABB) field in the FeO*/MgO vs. TiO2 diagram. Combined with their trace element characteristics, it can be concluded that the Jinghong mafic–ultramafic complex represents an ophiolite suite that was formed in a back-arc ocean basin. Precise LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating yielded weighted mean 206Pb/238U ages of 298.4 ± 1.7 Ma, 294.3 ± 1.6 Ma, and 292.8 ± 2.0 Ma for gabbroic rocks from this complex, which indicates that the Jinghong ophiolites were formed during the early Permian (298–293 Ma). We propose that during subduction of the main Paleo-Tethys Ocean, a back-arc ocean basin was formed at the east of the Lancangjiang tectonic belt.  相似文献   

<正>The internal structure-stratigraphy and geochemical signatures of most forearc-suprasubduction zone ophiolites display structural,petrological,geochemical and geochronological evidence,recording different stages of subduction initiation-related magmatism,material flux,metasomatism and deformation.There is a well-developed  相似文献   

Magmatic rocks of variable age and composition crop out extensively in Western and Northwestern Anatolia. In the present study we subdivide these granitoids according to their ages. The young granitoids (Late Cretaceous to Late Miocene) develop high-temperature metamorphic aureoles. Six isochronous belts are defined, which become progressively younger from north to south. The late Eocene to late Miocene granitoid belts are curved and open to the southwest. The old granitoids (Cambrian to Middle Jurassic) are present in the northwestern and northern parts of Anatolia. Many of their radiometric ages are disturbed as a result of later tectonic events responsible for the present-day structure of Western Turkey. Except for Cambrian granitoids, these rocks result from a series of northward-dipping subduction zones of Hercynian to Late Carboniferous age, along the Karakaya trench up to the Late Triassic, along and north of the Izmir-Ankara zone during the Middle Jurassic to the Late Cretaceous, and possibly north of the Hellenic subduction zone since the Paleogene.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The article is an overview of the magmatic and geodynamic processes that formed Aluchin and Gromadnen-Vurguveem ophiolites in the territory of Western Chukotka. The...  相似文献   

华南东部中生代岩浆作用的动力学背景及其与铀成矿关系   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:31  
陈培荣 《铀矿地质》2004,20(5):266-270
中国东南大陆在中生代岩浆作用十分强烈 ,形成了大批稀有和有色金属矿床。发生在早中生代 (T)的印支运动和晚中生代 (J K)的燕山运动是发动该区岩浆作用和成矿作用的动力条件。印支运动在区域挤压框架下导致华南大陆发生板内伸展作用 ,形成印支期花岗岩。燕山运动是相对于印支运动的后造山地质事件 ,以岩石圈发生强烈裂解为特征 ,诱发了大规模岩浆活动 ,并形成了丰富的矿产资源。受燕山期构造 岩浆热事件叠加的印支期花岗岩与铀成矿关系密切 ,可能是铀源体。因此 ,在华南的铀矿找矿工作应加强对印支期花岗岩分布格局和成矿因素的研究  相似文献   

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