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本文从高斯型的初始质量密度扰动出发,采用球对称演化模型计算了星系大尺度本动速度随尺度的分布。采用这样一种模型可以避免通常流体模型中线性增长以及窗函数的假设,对不同的宇宙物质主导成分的讨论表明,在各种情况下本动速度的期待值v_p在大尺度上的分布是随着尺度的增大而逐渐减小,这与流体模型以及宇宙弦模型下的趋势是一致的,但对所有参数的可能取值所作的计算表明,理论结果很难解释Dressler等人在r~60h~(-1)Mpc的尺度上观测到的大的本动速度,这很可能是由于在本星系群(LG)之外r 60h~(-1)Mpc的远处存在着一个大质量的物质凝聚区域。  相似文献   

本文用树形法,模拟试验由一种星系相互作用模式产生椭圆星系的可能性.并用惯量张量分析方法和曲线拟合对椭球体进行结构分析,得到椭球体的半长轴相对长度.  相似文献   

本用树形法,模拟试验由一种星系相互作用模式产生椭圆星系的可能性。  相似文献   

本文在Wen等人工作的基础上,对CfA红移巡天样本中银道以北和以南天区中星系的大尺度分布分别进行了分维计算并比较其所得结果。分析表明,这两个区域内星系的大尺度分布存在显著差异。说明CfA样本还不能构成代表宇宙大尺度结构的好样本。另一方面,两个区域中样本分析结果又存在着一些明显的共同点:它们都表现出明显的多级分形特征。结合对IRAS星系红移巡天样本和星系分立小天区红移巡天样本的分析结果。我们认为,多级分形很可能是宇宙大尺度结构的一个普遍和重要的特征。本文对这一特征的含义也作了简略的讨论。  相似文献   

在对不同光度星系大尺度分布进行空间两点相关函数分析的基础上,仍以CfA红移巡天资料为样本,对不同光度星系分布进行了交叉相关分析。结果表明,不同光度星系间的交叉相关函数仍可近似地以幂函数表示,说明不同光度星系在空间是一起成团的。但在较小尺度上((?)4—6Mpc),光度较高的星系间相关更强,而在更大一些尺度上光度较高的星系间相关减弱更快,甚至变得比与光度较低星系间的相关更弱。结合前面对自相关函数分析的结果可以看到,统计上看来,星系分布形成群和团。群或团中亮的星系形成更致密的分布而较暗的星系则在这些群和团中分布较弥散。此结果表明星系光度和其环境(密度)有关,从而从观测上为Biased星系形成理论提供了一个可能的证据。  相似文献   

徐璺  俞允强 《天文学报》1996,37(3):339-344
最近对哈勃常数的观测趋于一个大的值,引进宇宙学常数为主的宇宙学成了保持平坦宇宙并解决年龄矛盾的主要方法.本文讨论了(h,Ω∧,ΩM)=(0.8,0.8,0.2)的宇宙模型的一些后果,并和高红移椭球星系的观测,以及星系计数的观测作了比较.尽管观测事实表明Ω∧=0.8模型比Ω∧=0模型更具有优势,但这个结论仍是模糊的.除了年龄问题外,还不能排除(0.8,0,1)标准宇宙学的存在.  相似文献   

The values of the initial velocity of the meteoroids ejected from the parent bodies are small and as a result, the most of the young meteoroid streams have similar orbits to their parent bodies. Assuming that the members of the observed meteor stream evolved under the influence of gravitational perturbations mostly, Pittich [1991, Proceedings of the Conference on Dynamic of Small Bodies of the Solar System, Polish-Slovak Conference, Warsaw, October 25–28, 1988, pp. 55-61], Williams [1996, Earth, Moon, Planets 72, 321–326; 2001, Proceedings of the Meteoroids 2001 conference, Kiruna, Sweden, August 6–10, 2001, pp. 33–42] estimated the ejection velocities of the stream meteoroids. Equation relating the ejection velocity Δυ and the change Δa of the semi-major axis, Williams (2001), was applied with two slightly different variations. In the first one (M1) as Δa the difference between the mean orbit of the stream and the orbit of the parent body was substituted, in the second one (M2), as Δa the dispersion of semi-major axes around the mean orbit of the stream was used. The results obtained by these two methods are not free from discrepancies, partly explained by the particular orbital structure of the stream. Kresak [1992, Contrib. Astron. Obs. Skalnate Pleso 22, 123–130] strongly criticized the attempts to determine the initial velocities of the stream using the statistics of the meteor orbits. He argued that this is essentially impossible, because the dispersion of the initial velocities are masked by much larger measuring errors and by the accumulated effects of planetary perturbations. In our paper, we study the reliability of M1 and M2 methods. We made a numerical experiment consisting of formation of several meteor streams and their dynamical evolution over 5000 years. We ejected meteoroids particles from the comets: 1P/Halley, 2P/Encke, 55P/Tempel-Tuttle, 109P/Swift-Tuttle and from minor planets (3200) Phaethon and 2002 SY50. During the integration, the ejection velocities were estimated using both M1 and M2 methods. The results show that the velocities obtained by M1 method are unstable: too high or too low, when compared with the known ejection velocities at the time of the stream formation. On the other hand, the velocities obtained using M2 method are too small, mostly. In principle, M2 estimates the dispersion of the distribution of the ejection velocities around the mean value, not the mean value itself. Applying more accurate Equation relating Δυ and Δa we decreased the bias of the results, but not their variation observed during the evolution of the streams and the parent bodies. We have found that the variability of the estimated ejection velocities was caused mainly by the gravitational changes of the semi-major axis and eccentricity of the parent body. In brief, we have found that the reliability of the results obtained by M1 or M2 method are low, and have to be used with great care.  相似文献   

Following the analytical work of Armstrong et al. (Icarus 160:183–196, 2002), we detail an expanded N-body calculation of the direct transfer of terrestrial material to the Moon during a giant impact. By simulating 1.4 million particles over a range of launch velocities and ejecta angles, we have derived a map of the impact velocities, impact angles, and probable impact sites on the moon over the last 4 billion years. The maps indicate that the impacts with the highest vertical impact speeds are concentrated on the leading edge, with lower velocity/higher-angle impacts more numerous on the Moon’s trailing edge. While this enhanced simulation indicates the estimated globally averaged direct transfer fraction reported in Armstrong et al. (Icarus 160:183–196, 2002) is overestimated by a factor of 3–6, local concentrations can reach or exceed the previously published estimate. The most favorable location for large quantities of low velocity terrestrial material is 50 W, 85 S, with 8.4 times more impacts per square kilometer than the lunar surface average. This translates to 300–500 kg km−2, compared to 200 kg km−2 from the previous estimate. The maps also indicate a significant amount of material impacting elsewhere in the polar regions, especially near the South Pole-Aiken basin, a likely target for sample return in the near future. The magnitudes of the impact speeds cluster near 3 km/s, but there is a bimodal distribution in impact angles, leading to 43% of impacts with very low (<1 km/s) vertical impact speeds. This, combined with the enhanced surface density of meteorites in specific regions, increases the likelihood of weakly shocked terrestrial material being identified and recovered on the Moon.  相似文献   

The values of the proper motions of 36 pulsars are analysed. It is shown that the birthplaces of pulsars are located within the OB-associations and/or in the galactic arms. Eleven cases of pulsar formation in associations, and fourteen cases of formation in the galactic arms, have been established. More precise parameters of pulsars — such as: distances, ages, spatial velocity components —, and the spatial velocity distribution of pulsars is constructed.  相似文献   

Doyle  J. G.  O'Shea  E.  Erdélyi  R.  Dere  K. P.  Socker  D. G.  Keenan  F. P. 《Solar physics》1997,173(2):243-258
Nonthermal velocities are presented for spectral lines covering the temperature range 10 4–10 6 K, measured from high-spectral-resolution data for several solar features observed at the limb by the high resolution telescope and spectrograph (HRTS), including a coronal hole, quiescent regions and several small-scale active regions. These results are compared with predictions based on acoustic waves and heating via Alfvén waves. It is likely that more than one mechanism is operating simultaneously, in particular, resonant Alfvén wave heating, which is very sensitive to background plasma motions.  相似文献   

In the relativistic case, the dispersion equation of longitudinal oscillations in unmagnetized, collisionless and isotropic plasmas of fast electron distribution is derived from the longitudinal dielectric constant of plasma. The equation is analytically solved, and the long-wavelength and short-wavelength dispersion relations are obtained. Because of the discontinuity of the analytical dispersion curve, the dimensionless dispersion equation of longitudinal oscillations is numerically calculated to obtain the full dispersion curve of longitudinal oscillations in relativistic plasmas of fast electron distribution. Further more, by fitting the numerical solution, a simple functional expression of the dispersion curve is given in favor of applications. Finally, in the extremely relativistic case, the dispersion relation of fast electron distribution is compared with that of Maxwell distribution. It is shown that the two kinds of dispersion relations have similar properties in a certain range of wave numbers.  相似文献   

在相对论性情况下,从等离子体纵介电常数出发,推导出无磁化、无碰撞、各向同性的快电子分布等离子体纵振荡的色散方程.对纵振荡的色散方程进行解析分析,得到长波支和短波支的色散关系.由于解析色散曲线的不连续性,直接对无量纲化的纵振荡色散方程进行数值计算,得到相对论性快电子分布等离子体纵振荡完整的色散曲线.对数值结果进行拟合,得到简单的色散函数表述以便于应用.并在极端相对论条件下,将这种分布与经典Maxwell分布的色散关系进行比较,得出两种分布情况下纵振荡的色散关系在一定的波数范围内有类似的性质.  相似文献   

We used a sample of 20 poor groups of galaxies to study the low mass tail of the relationships among the X-ray temperature T, the X-ray luminosity Lx and the optical velocity dispersion σ. We obtained redshifts for the fainter members of these groups. We find that X-ray bright groups have more members and higher velocity dispersions on average. Using the fainter group members and MonteCarlo tests, we define the number of group members required to calculate a robust velocity dispersion. There is a tendency to underestimate the group velocity dispersion for samples of fewer than∼ 10 members that introduces systematic errors in the slope of the relationships among Lx, T, and σ. A comparison with the data of Ponman and Mahdavi shows that our improved velocity dispersions provide better constraints on the relationship between the kinematics of the hot gas and galaxies in these common environments. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Existing methods for conversion between synodic and sidereal rotation velocities of the Sun are tested for validity using state-of-the-art ephemeris data. We found that some of them agree well with ephemeris calculations while others show a discrepancy of almost 0.01° day?1. This discrepancy is attributed to a missing factor and a new corrected relation is given.  相似文献   

Using a pulsar timing system developed at Urumqi Astronomical Observatory‘s 25-m telescope, we observed scintillation dynamic spectra for seven pulsars at the relatively high frequency of 1540 MHz over a wide frequency band of 320 MHz. Averaging observations at different epochs, we obtain time scales and decorrelation bandwidths for diffractive scintillation and show that these imply a power-law index for the electron density fluctuation close to 4.0. Assuming this value and that the scattering disk is approximately midway between the pulsar and the earth, we compute transverse velocities for the seven pulsars. These values are generally in good agreement with the proper motion velocities.  相似文献   

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