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Based on the analysis of the induced earthquakes in China and abroad, we get some ideas about earthquakes induced by pumping water out of a well or injecting water into a well. The induced earthquakes usually occur near the well, and they are generally small earthquakes. The earthquake sources are shallow, and they belong to the main shock-after shock type of earthquake or the swarm-type of earthquake. The magnitude and the quantity of the induced earthquakes obviously depend on the pressure and the quantity of water pumped or injected. These earthquakes happen as soon as pumping or injecting occurrence, or after ten or twenty days, they may occur at the time of injecting mud or injecting high pressure water when a well is being drilled, or at the time when the ground water is being normally exploited. A large quantity of hot water has been exploited since 1990 in Xi’an, and the quantity of water exploited has been increasing year by year, as a result the groundwater level has been dropping with the water pumped out and the water level is high in summer and low in winter. The earthquakes in Xi’an region belong to the solitary-type and they spread outside Xi’an city where the wells are concentrated but no earthquake happens. The seismic frequency and the energy released have no relation with the quantity of water exploitation or the water level in the well. It is considered that geothermal exploitation does not induce earthquakes in and around Xi’an because of its specially geological condition. Foundation item: Project sponsored by the Landslide Office of Shaanxi Province and Society of Disaster Reduction of Shaanxi Province.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of the induced earthquakes in China and abroad, we get some ideas about earthquakes induced by pumping water out of a well or injecting water into a well. The induced earthquakes usually occur near the well, and they are generally small earthquakes. The earthquake sources are shallow, and they belong to the main shock-after shock type of earthquake or the swarm-type of earthquake. The magnitude and the quantity of the induced earthquakes obviously depend on the pressure and the quantity of water pumped or injected. These earthquakes happen as soon as pumping or injecting occurrence, or after ten or twenty days, they may occur at the time of injecting mud or injecting high pressure water when a well is being drilled, or at the time when the ground water is being normally exploited. A large quantity of hot water has been exploited since 1990 in Xi'an, and the quantity of water exploited has been increasing year by year, as a result the groundwater level has been dropping with the water pumped out and the water level is high in summer and low in winter. The earthquakes in Xi'an region belong to the solitary-type and they spread outside Xi'an city where the wells are concentrated but no earthquake happens.The seismic frequency and the energy released have no relation with the quantity of water exploitation or the water level in the well. It is considered that geothermal exploitation does not induce earthquakes in and around Xi'an because of its specially geological condition.  相似文献   

西安地区的地热水开采与诱发地震关系的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
通过对国内外众多震例的分析,发现了向深井抽(注)水(液体)诱发地震的一些普遍规律:诱发地震的震中在井位附近,震级小,震源浅且多为主余震型或震群型,绝少有孤立型地震发生;诱发地震的多少和大小与抽(注)水的压力和数量相关;诱发地震一般在钻井时注入泥浆、洗井时注入高压清水或正常的地下水开采等3种情况时马上发生,或滞后1~20天发生. 1990年以来西安地区大量开采地下热水,采水量逐年增多,水位逐年下降且具有夏高冬低等特征.西安地区的地震多为孤立型,震源都在10km 以下,且多分布在西安外围地区,井群较密的城郊区鲜有地震发生;地震的频次和能量的释放与西安地区的地热水开采量和水位变化无明显的关系.因此,西安地区的地热水开采并未诱发西安及其周围地区的地震.   相似文献   

依据张家口地区1996年1月1日至2015年12月31日发生的1 748个地震的震中分布,结合该区地震地质、构造等研究成果,通过对该区历史上破坏性地震和大量中小地震的时空分布特征进行分析,发现地震多集中在几组活动断层交汇区及活动断层两端、拐点、分支、分叉部位和断陷盆地边界(沉降幅度差较大地区)部位,可能是因为这些部位是应力易集中地区。该结论可为张家口地区地震预报提供初步背景参考。  相似文献   

分析研究6年的地热试验观测资料的结果表明,白家疃井地热异常信息丰富,地热异常与200km范围内,ML≥4.0地震,有较好的对应关系;1989年10月18日大同地震前地热动态有明显的中期,短期,临震异常显示。  相似文献   

根据1985年9月─1992年12月白家疃地温微变化的测量数据,用幅差法对地温的日均值变化进行了地温异常变化的判别,并与在此期间发生在首都圈(38°30'─41°N,113°─120°E)内的、M_L在3.5以上的地震进行了对应关系统计分析。结果表明,有57%的判别出的地温异常变化与46%的选出地震有对应关系。随着震级的提高,有更高比例的地震和地温异常变化有对应关系。当震中距在100─250km范围内,有大致不变比例的地震与地温异常变化有对应关系。  相似文献   

通过Arcgis catlog建立延怀盆地地震和活动断裂基础数据库,运用GIS软件环境的缓冲区、空间叠加及统计等分析方法,对延怀盆地内部地震活动与活动断裂关系进行研究,结果证明:中小地震活动主要沿怀涿盆地北缘断裂和延矾盆地北缘断裂分布;约83.7%的地震发生在以10 km为半径的断裂缓冲区内;在正断层缓冲区内,单位地震数较高。结合活动构造特征,分析认为,延怀盆地在全新世以来受拉张应力场控制作用,中小地震活动集中分布在盆地一侧,且靠近控制盆地的主控边界断裂。  相似文献   

Boron concentrations and isotope compositions have been measured for 93 water samples from the hot springs and drill-holes in the geothermal system in the Yunnan-Tibet Geothermal Belt(YTGB),China.Boron concentrations range from 0.036–472.4ppm,and theδ11B values range from -16.0‰to 13.1‰,indicating the non-marine origin for each geothermal system.We observed a clear binary mixing relationship between the B concentrations and B isotope compositions in Tibet geothermal area.This relationship can be well explained by two sources,i.e.,marine carbonate rocks and magmatic rocks,for the Tibet geothermal water.No evidence supports a mantle contribution to B.In addition,we found that the precipitation only plays a dilution role for B of geothermal waters.δ11B values for the precipitation across the southern Tibetan Plateau area range from -6.0‰ to -6.8‰at least.Due to data scarcity in Yunnan geothermal area,we observed possible different boron sources from the Tibet geothermal system.Comparing it with other geothermal systems in the world,we found that the samples from YTGB have the lowestδ11B values and the largest range of B concentration,which might be related to their special geological background.On the whole,the world geothermalδ11B-Cl/B relation suggests a mixing process between marine and non-marine sources.Additionally,we suggest that B source of B-enriched geothermal waters is mainly from B-enriched crustal country-rocks,instead of mantle.  相似文献   

We present Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) data from 1992–1999 and 2003–2008 as well as GPS data from 2000–2009 for the active plate boundary on the Reykjanes Peninsula, southwest Iceland. The geodetic data reveal deformation mainly due to plate spreading, anthropogenic subsidence caused by geothermal fluid extraction and, possibly, increasing pressure in a geothermal system. Subsidence of around 10 cm is observed during the first 2 years of production at the Reykjanes geothermal power plant, which started operating in May 2006. We model the surface subsidence around the new power plant using point and ellipsoidal pressure sources in an elastic halfspace. Short-lived swarms of micro-earthquakes as well as aseismic fault movement are observed near the geothermal field following the start of production, possibly triggered by the stresses induced by geothermal fluid extraction.  相似文献   

地震震动的衰减关系在地震区划和工程场地的安全性评估过程中是不可或缺的。利用河北及周边区域历史地震的等震线资料,运用统计回归的分析方法,得到统计回归方程及地震烈度衰减关系,与其他烈度衰减关系进行对比分析,并与地震应急指挥技术系统软件及地震烈度分布资料进行对比,从而得到适用于河北及周边地区的地震烈度衰减关系。  相似文献   

使用遥感数据探讨山东省地表温度变化与地震活动的关系。选取2000—2016年MODIS地表温度数据,计算山东省地表温度变异系数(CV)并绘图,与活动断裂、地震震中等图层进行空间分析。结果表明,活动断裂与震中附近地表温度的变异系数明显升高,空间标准差降低,说明地震活动较强区域地表温度变化幅度与普遍性均高于其他地区,地表温度变化与地震活动存在一定相关关系。胶东半岛地区的地表温度变化高于鲁西鲁中地区,可能预示着未来该地区地震活动性增强。  相似文献   

用小波变换分析张家口地区地震活动的周期结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张家口地区的地震活动表明,华北地区各地震带地震活动存在着复杂的相互作用关系,这种现象与未来地震危险的关系值得继续观察和研究。本文尝试用小波变换来研究地震时间序列中包含的多层次时间周期结构,并讨论了其在地震活动预测中的应用,为该地区的中长期地震预测提供参考。  相似文献   

南京地区地球物理场与地震构造稳定性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
岩石圈的不均衡状态是地球物理场存在差异的原因,对区域地球物理场进行分析,可以了解岩石圈的不均衡及其构造活动的背景.本文在对南京地区地震地质环境分析的基础上,通过重力异常、地热场、深部速度结构、天然地震层析成像等地球物理资料进行系统分析,研究它们与本区地震构造稳定性的关系;分析研究地震活动,从现今地壳运动速度场与地壳形变...  相似文献   

ResearchontherelationshipbetweenEarth'svariablerotationandglobalseismic activityDa-WeiZHENGandYong-HongZHOU(郑大伟,周永宏)(Shanghai...  相似文献   

TheregionalcharacteristicsofseismicactivityinChinaZhen-LiangSHI,JianWANGandXiao-DongZHANG(时振梁,王健,张晓东)(InstituteofGeophysics,S...  相似文献   

(毛桐恩,姚家榴)Therelationshipbetweencrust-mantlestructuralratioandseismicactivity¥Tong-EnMAOandJia-LiuYAO(InstituteofGeophysics,St...  相似文献   

The Thurber iterative simultaneous inversion program is used to determine the three-dimensionalP-wave velocity structure in the Aswan seismic region of Egypt. The tomographic inversion presented in this study is based on 1131P-phase observations at 13 stations from 89 local earthquakes, all of which occurred within the Kalabsha fault zone. The assumed initial velocity model is that deduced from local explosion experiments. The results indicate that the Aswan region is characterized by a heterogeneous crust, consisting of a shallow, low-velocity zone and a deeper high-velocity anomaly. Seismic velocity structure within the shallow part demonstrates that the inferred change in velocity exists primarily across the east-west trending Kalabsha fault scarp, whereas the high-velocity zone is located south of this fault. Two well-resolved, low-velocity zones appear within the upper 6 km of the crust. The first coincides with a graben structure located between the Kalabsha and Seiyal faults and the second exists between the N-S Kurkur fault and the main axis of Lake Aswan. Both low-velocity zones occupy an area of approximately 30×40 km, located along the western bank of the lake. The most significant result of this study is that the location of the deeper, high-velocity anomaly coincides with the concentration of seismic activity in the lower crustal layer.  相似文献   

Noncondensible gases from hot springs, fumaroles, and deep wells within the Valles caldera geothermal system (210–300°C) consist of roughly 98.5 mol% CO2, 0.5 mol% H2S, and 1 mol% other components. 3He/4He ratios indicate a deep magmatic source (R/Ra up to 6) whereas δ13C–CO2 values (−3 to −5‰) do not discriminate between a mantle/magmatic source and a source from subjacent, hydrothermally altered Paleozoic carbonate rocks. Regional gases from sites within a 50-km radius beyond Valles caldera are relatively enriched in CO2 and He, but depleted in H2S compared to Valles gases. Regional gases have R/Ra values ≤1.2 due to more interaction with the crust and/or less contribution from the mantle. Carbon sources for regional CO2 are varied. During 1982–1998, repeat analyses of gases from intracaldera sites at Sulphur Springs showed relatively constant CH4, H2, and H2S contents. The only exception was gas from Footbath Spring (1987–1993), which experienced increases in these three components during drilling and testing of scientific wells VC-2a and VC-2b. Present-day Valles gases contain substantially less N2 than fluid inclusion gases trapped in deep, early-stage, post-caldera vein minerals. This suggests that the long-lived Valles hydrothermal system (ca. 1 Myr) has depleted subsurface Paleozoic sedimentary rocks of nitrogen. When compared with gases from many other geothermal systems, Valles caldera gases are relatively enriched in He but depleted in CH4, N2 and Ar. In this respect, Valles gases resemble end-member hydrothermal and magmatic gases discharged at hot spots (Galapagos, Kilauea, and Yellowstone).  相似文献   


温泉的水化学组分、循环路径和构造地热特征是分析活动断裂中流体耦合机制及讨论流体对地震发生影响的有效约束之一.本文通过对滇西北地区多条活动断裂附近的温泉资料进行收集, 应用硅-焓模型估算了该区域温泉的热储温度, 对温泉的出露温度、离子组分、热储温度、循环深度及同位素组成特征(δD和δ18O)等进行了分析.首先对区域内的地震进行了重定位分析, 讨论了小震震源深度与热储温度的关系, 而后分析了该区域的b值特征, 论述了以热储温度表示的区域浅层地热特征与地震活动的关系.结果表明2021年5月21日云南漾濞6.4级地震发生在浅层地温场高值区与低值区转换的地热温度梯度异常区内.


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