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冰斗系统是冰斗作用以山体为载体进行剥蚀作用形成的结果,其在山体上形成的以缩口、三角脊、残弧等为代表的冰斗遗迹很难被后期的风化作用所消解,因此冰斗系统在解读古冰川作用中具有极为重要的意义。在对全球冰斗系统进行研究的过程中,发现了雪球事件,根据深海沉积物研究获得的环境变化信息,初步确定最近的一次雪球事件发生在渐新世,也即33.7~23.8Ma之间。研究发现雪球事件发生时,全球仅在赤道附近形成了4处陆生生物避难区,分别为刚果盆地、亚马逊盆地、阿拉弗拉海以及新加坡东部海域。研究认为,渐新世雪球事件塑造的冰斗地貌,是全球现代山区地貌的本底与基础。  相似文献   

“赤峰地区第四纪冰川遗迹研究”项目取得进展。近日,内蒙古赤峰学院环境与资源管理系副教授任晓辉特邀了中国石油大学地球科学系吕洪波教授一起对内蒙古赤峰市克什克腾旗鸽子洞山进行了实地考察,确认了古冰斗、刃脊、鼓丘等冰川遗迹,为中国北方第四纪大陆冰川增加了新的证据。  相似文献   

我国东部中低山区第四纪冰川的存在与否一直存在争议,但冰川必然对山体进行冰蚀作用形成冰蚀地貌。为了分析我国东部中低山区的山体地貌是否具有冰蚀特征,该文选取了现代冰川集中发育区-喜马拉雅山脉作为冰蚀地貌的研究对象,通过宏观分析,除了由缩口、三角脊、残弧组成的冰斗系统外,还发现冰蚀作用过程存在避谷、吞脊、切壁、穿梁等特殊习性。分析认为冰蚀过程主要受制于雪线高程、积雪高程与坡向坡角三方面因素的控制。以此为基础,对我国东部的江西庐山、山东蒙山、大兴安岭主峰黄岗梁三个地区的山体地貌进行对比分析,发现这些山区的山体地貌与喜马拉雅山脉的冰蚀地貌具有一致性。文章从冰蚀过程的角度确认了我国东部中低山区存在第四纪冰川的事实。  相似文献   

喜马拉雅山与我国东部中低山区冰蚀地貌对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
我国东部中低山区第四纪冰川的存在与否一直存在争议,但冰川必然对山体进行冰蚀作用形成冰蚀地貌。为了分析我国东部中低山区的山体地貌是否具有冰蚀特征,该文选取了现代冰川集中发育区—喜马拉雅山脉作为冰蚀地貌的研究对象,通过宏观分析,除了由缩口、三角脊、残弧组成的冰斗系统外,还发现冰蚀作用过程存在避谷、吞脊、切壁、穿梁等特殊习性。分析认为冰蚀过程主要受制于雪线高程、积雪高程与坡向坡角三方面因素的控制。以此为基础,对我国东部的江西庐山、山东蒙山、大兴安岭主峰黄岗梁三个地区的山体地貌进行对比分析,发现这些山区的山体地貌与喜马拉雅山脉的冰蚀地貌具有一致性。文章从冰蚀过程的角度确认了我国东部中低山区存在第四纪冰川的事实。  相似文献   

1934年,李四光来到江西庐山,看着眼前完美的U型谷、冰擦痕和冰臼,他彻底地被震撼了.这,就是存在了至少50万年的第四纪冰川啊.而在20世纪初,一些外国专家断言"中国绝不可能有第四纪冰川遗迹".  相似文献   

论述了第四纪冰川在学术界的之争,论证了山西宁武的冰川是第四纪冰川,并从冰缘地貌中仔细寻找,可发现早期的冰川地貌.山西的冰川地质遗迹虽然分散,但都非冰川作用不能解释的.  相似文献   

新昌惊现第四纪冰川遗迹--冰石河、冰臼群和李四光环   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
浙江新昌是国家级地质公园.有着硅化木的宝库、复合型丹霞地貌的代表和火山凝灰岩的全息档案馆及恐龙乐园这四大特色.4月上旬,中国地质科学院地质研究所、中国第四纪冰川权威专家韩同林教授与中国地质科学院科技处陈尚平副教授一行到新昌考察时,在新昌发现了中国第四纪冰臼群、冰石河和李四光环.新昌第四纪冰川遗迹的发现,不仅丰富了新昌国家级地质公园的内涵,而且对研究全球的环境演化及对今后气候演化趋势、变化幅度等具有重要意义.  相似文献   

东北是否发育第四纪冰川及其范围、性质与冰期问题,始终没有定论。在对长白山及大兴安岭冰川遗迹厘定基础上,进行了专项调查,并采用地理信息系统(GIS)、遥感(RS)及全球定位系统(GPS)的3S技术,采取钻探测图、孢粉、泥砾粒度与渗透性分析及14C定年等方法,在长白山及大兴安岭发现了冰蚀谷及泥砾堆积等新的冰川遗迹,进一步肯定了两座山地第四纪冰川的存在及其多期性。在小兴安岭首次发现冰蚀岩墙等冰川遗迹,填补了研究空白,证明小兴安岭也曾发育第四纪冰川。综合多种信息,确定长白山与大兴安岭分别有4次冰期和3次间冰期,小兴安岭至少有1次冰期。最后构建了可以与国际对比的冰期序列,重建了区域第四纪冰川环境演化模式:早更新世早期冷干,中晚期偏暖湿;中更新世早期冷湿,中晚期暖湿;晚更新世早期冷稍湿,中期暖湿,晚期冷干。  相似文献   

针对山东蒙山发育的第四纪冰川遗迹,采用光释光的测年方法,获得了8.2ka冰期年龄值,以此为基础建立了拦马冰期,属于全新世早期。为了能够获得其他测年成果的相互验证,该次研究采用了宇生核素的测年方法,获得了3个年龄值:7.01ka,8.57ka,9.95ka,均属于全新世早期,与光释光方法获得的年龄值具有较高的一致性。在海拔752m的清荣峡谷内的冰碛表面,获得了5.27ka的全新世中期的年龄,对应冰碛建立了清荣冰期。通过该项研究,结合蒙山冰川遗迹的特征及其风化程度,反映了冰川遗迹、测年数据与环境气候之间的吻合性,综合确认了我国东部全新世早期拦马冰期、全新世中期清荣冰期的存在,也证明了全新世,在山东蒙山及我国东部中低山区受到东亚冷槽的影响,曾经存在冰川作用。  相似文献   

中国东部末次冰期雪线高程重建与成冰气候分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在蒙山第四纪冰川遗迹与光释光测年研究的基础上,结合以往我国东部猛犸象化石出土位置、孢粉数据库、以及雪线高程的研究成果,首次对我国东部末次冰期时的雪线高程进行了恢复重建,并绘制了我国东部及东亚地区雪线高程图,在此基础上对我国东部蒙山冰期时的气候特征进行了探讨,认为我国东部冰期时的北路寒潮形成的"东亚冷槽",是我国东部第四纪山谷冰川的表现形式及形成原因。  相似文献   

Glacial cirques are typical landscape features of mid-latitude mountain environments like the Central Pyrenees. Their morphology as well as their spatial distribution provides insights about past glaciers and climates. In this study, we examine the distribution, morphometrical and topographical characteristics of glacial cirques in two U-shaped glacial valleys located in the Central Pyrenees – the Aran and the Boí valleys. They are located in different aspects of this mountain range(north vs south) under different climatic influences that promoted distinct glaciation patterns during the late Pleistocene. The spatial mapping of these landforms was carried out using high-resolution imagery and field observations. We analysed the data of the morphometrical and topographical variables of the glacial cirques by using different statistical and geospatial methods in order tounveil the factors controlling their formation and development. A total of 186 glacial cirques were mapped in the study area, including 119 in the Aran and 67 in the Boí valleys. The local topography and microclimate conditions lead to substantial differences in both areas in terms of the morphology and dimensions of the cirques. Glacial cirques in Boí are distributed at slightly higher elevations than in Aran and they are also larger, though their dimensions decrease with elevation in both valleys. Aran cirques are mostly oriented NE, while Boí landforms do not show any prevailing aspect. Even though lithology does not control the distribution of the glacial cirques, some specific lithological settings may favour the development of larger cirques. In general, glacial cirques in the Aran and the Boí valleys show morphometrical properties similar to those reported in other mid-latitude mountain ranges.  相似文献   

APRELIMINARYSTUDYONQUATERNARYGLACIALLANDFORMSINMT.MA’ANLuoChengde(罗成德)DepartmentofGeography,LeshanTeachersColege,Leshan614004...  相似文献   

This study deals with the analysis of the glacial processes that have affected the relief of Mt Chelmos in northern Peloponnesus, Greece during middle and Late Pleistocene. The goal was to compile a combined geomorphological-geological map of the study area which would enable the chronological stratification of the glacial landforms cropping up on Mt. Chelmos. Chronological stratification was further aided by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating. The map served as the basis upon which the reconstruction and discussion on the phases of the Middle-Late Quaternary paleoclimatic history of Mt. Chelmos have been made. A sophisticated semiautomated method was first used to analyze the Digital Elevation Model (DEM), combined with Aster, Quickbird and ALOS imagery in order to identify glacial and periglacial, as well as karstic features. Then, these features along with other nonrecognizable features from the remote-sensing images were documented in the field. In this way, several glacial landforms were identified, such as moraines and cirques, indicating extended glaciation phases during the middle and Late Pleistocene. Additionally, a ground moraine located at an altitude of 1900-2050 m, within the Spanolakos glacial valley, was dated using the OSL-dating method. The resulting ages indicate a phase of glacier advance/stabilization during MIS-5b (89-86 ka), which is in consistence with pollenrecord evidence from Greece and the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

We present geomorphological evidence for multiple glacial fluctuations during the Quaternary in the Taniantaweng Mountain, which is situated at the transition zone of the southeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. To reconstruct the history of glacial evolution during the Quaternary Glaciation, we present a ~13000 km~2 geomorphologic map(1:440,000) for the Quaternary glaciations, as well as three electron spin resonance(ESR) ages and three optically stimulated luminescence(OSL) ages from the landforms. By integrating these with ages from previous studies, four major glacial advances are identified during marine oxygen isotope stages(MIS) 6, 3, 2 and 1. This glacial chronology is in reasonable agreement with existing glacial chronologies from other parts of the Hengduan Mountains and surrounding mountains. Glaciers had extended to the Yuqu River during the glacial maximum advance(MIS 6), but became successively more restricted from MIS 3 to MIS 1. The glacial distribution show that precipitation brought by the south Asian monsoon might play a primary role in driving glacial advances during the last glacial period in the southeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

国产高分辨率卫星遥感技术的发展为第四系宏观、局部及细部特征调查提供了新的手段。中巴经济走廊东段地区分布较多的冲洪积扇、河谷阶地、冰川堆积等地貌类型,为了研究国产高分数据在该地区第四纪地质调查中的适用性,以高分二号(GF-2)影像为主要数据源,借助数字高程模型构建三维场景,选取中巴公路沿线盖孜河流域乌鲁阿特山前冲洪积扇、盖孜河河谷阶地与克拉牙依拉克冰川堆积物3处典型第四纪地层为研究对象,建立了遥感解译标志,并进行了精细尺度遥感解译;经过野外实地验证,查明了其物质组成与变化规律,修正了前人关于克拉牙依拉克冰川不同期次冰碛物的划分范围;通过对盖孜河河谷阶地分析,盖孜河流域晚更新世以来经历了至少5次阶段性构造抬升,阶地基座冰碛物至少由两期冰川作用形成。研究表明,GF-2影像能快速从宏观尺度上识别地貌、松散堆积物变化特征,能够看到常规方法无法观察到的地质现象;满足大比例尺解译、制图要求,特别是在微地貌识别以及第四纪地层解译中,能够提升精细地质解译水平。研究成果能为盖孜河流域河流、冰川的发展演化过程研究提供基础地质资料,为中巴公路沿线第四纪土体遥感调查提供典型案例。   相似文献   

Therearemanyquaternaryglaciallandformsinalpineareasahave3100ma.s.1.intheGongWangMountainsinthenortheastpartofYunnanProvinceofChina.TheglaciationseriesandtheglaciallandformsoftheQuaternaryhaveoncebeencoveredinanarticlesketchily(Yietal.,1991).Onthebasisoffieldinvestigationsinrecentyears,we'11goastepfurthertodiscusstheQuaternaryglaciationseriesandtheglacierlandfo~sthereinthisPaper.I.TabsQU~ANANYG~W~TheGOngWangMountainsissituatedbetweentwobranchesoftheJinshaRiver,theXiaojiangandthePudu…  相似文献   

A field investigation on Quaternary glacial landforms in Laoshan Mountain has discovered many glacial potholes, scouring grooves on top of granite ridges, and large boulders. These erosional landforms were formed by the meltwater from the overlying ice cap, suggesting that there was at least an ice cap covering Laoshan Mountain and the surrounding areas or even a continental ice sheet over the vast area of Shandong Province in the Late Pleistocene. The ice sheet was obstructed by the Laoshan Mountain, Dazhu Mountain and Xiaozhu Mountain in the coastal areas as it moved toward the Yellow Sea. The ice flows eroded the bedrock and carved the weak intersection of the fault systems in the NE and NW directions into a deep channel, which gradually formed a fjord in the area of the Jiaozhou Bay basin by 20.00 ka BP. The seawater gradually invaded the fjord from the beginning of the Holocene (11.00 ka BP) and Jiaozhou Bay was eventually formed. Similar fjords are easily found along the east of China and they share a similar origin because of the Quaternary glaciation in the region.  相似文献   

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