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Abstract— On September 15th, 2007, around 11:45 local time in Peru, near the Bolivian border, the atmospheric entry of a meteoroid produced bright lights in the sky and intense detonations. Soon after, a crater was discovered south of Lake Titicaca. These events have been detected by the Bolivian seismic network and two infrasound arrays operating for the Comprehensive Nuclear‐Test‐Ban Treaty Organization, situated at about 80 and 1620 km from the crater. The localization and origin time computed with the seismic records are consistent with the reported impact. The entry elevation and azimuthal angles of the trajectory are estimated from the observed signal time sequences and back‐azimuths. From the crater diameter and the airwave amplitudes, the kinetic energy, mass and explosive energy are calculated. Using the estimated velocity of the meteoroid and similarity criteria between orbital elements, an association with possible parent asteroids is attempted. The favorable setting of this event provides a unique opportunity to evaluate physical and kinematic parameters of the object that generated the first actual terrestrial meteorite impact seismically recorded.  相似文献   

Abstract— The recent Carancas meteorite impact event caused a worldwide sensation. An H4–5 chondrite struck the Earth south of Lake Titicaca in Peru on September 15, 2007, and formed a crater 14.2 m across. It is the smallest, youngest, and one of two eye‐witnessed impact crater events on Earth. The impact violated the hitherto existing view that stony meteorites below a size of 100 m undergo major disruption and deceleration during their passage through the atmosphere and are not capable of producing craters. Fragmentation occurs if the strength of the meteoroid is less than the aerodynamic stresses that occur in flight. The small fragments that result from a breakup rain down at terminal velocity and are not capable of producing impact craters. The Carancas cratering event, however, demonstrates that meter‐sized stony meteoroids indeed can survive the atmospheric passage under specific circumstances. We present results of a detailed geologic survey of the crater and its ejecta. To constrain the possible range of impact parameters we carried out numerical models of crater formation with the iSALE hydrocode in two and three dimensions. Depending on the strength properties of the target, the impact energies range between approximately 100–1000 MJ (0.024–0.24 t TNT). By modeling the atmospheric traverse we demonstrate that low cosmic velocities (12–14 kms?1) and shallow entry angles (<20 °) are prerequisites to keep aerodynamic stresses low (<10 MPa) and thus to prevent fragmentation of stony meteoroids with standard strength properties. This scenario results in a strong meteoroid deceleration, a deflection of the trajectory to a steeper impact angle (40–60 °), and an impact velocity of 350–600 ms?1, which is insufficient to produce a shock wave and significant shock effects in target minerals. Aerodynamic and crater modeling are consistent with field data and our microscopic inspection. However, these data are in conflict with trajectories inferred from the analysis of infrasound signals.  相似文献   

Abstract– The <1,100 yr old Whitecourt meteorite impact crater, located south of Whitecourt, Alberta, Canada, is a well‐preserved bowl‐shaped structure having a depth and diameter of approximately 6 and 36 m, respectively. There are fewer than a dozen known terrestrial sites of similar size and age. Unlike most of these sites, however, the Whitecourt crater contains nearly all of the features associated with small impact craters including meteorites, ejecta blanket, observable transient crater boundary, raised rim, and associated shock indicators. This study indicates that the crater formed from the impact of an approximately 1 m diameter type IIIAB iron meteoroid traveling east‐northeast at less than approximately 10 km s?1, striking the surface at an angle between 40° and 55° to horizontal. It appears that the main mass survived atmospheric transit relatively intact, with fragmentation and partial melting during impact. Most meteoritic material has a jagged, shrapnel‐like morphology and is distributed downrange of the crater.  相似文献   

Abstract– The 45 m in diameter Kamil impact crater was formed <5000 yr ago in the eastern Sahara, close to the southern border of modern Egypt. The original features of this structure, including thousands of fragments of the meteorite impactor, are extremely well preserved. With the exception of a single 83 kg regmaglypted individual, all specimens of Gebel Kamil (the iron meteorite that formed the Kamil crater) are explosion fragments weighing from <1 g to 34 kg. Gebel Kamil is an ungrouped Ni‐rich (about 20 wt% Ni) ataxite characterized by high Ge and Ga contents (approximately 120 μg g?1 and approximately 50 μg g?1, respectively) and by a very fine‐grained duplex plessite metal matrix. Accessory mineral phases in Gebel Kamil are schreibersite, troilite, daubréelite, and native copper. Meteorite fragments are cross‐cut by curvilinear shear bands formed during the explosive terrestrial impact. A systematic search around the crater revealed that meteorite fragments have a highly asymmetric distribution, with greater concentrations in the southeast sector and a broad maximum in meteorite concentration in the 125–160° N sector at about 200 m from the crater rim. The total mass of shrapnel specimens >10 g, inferred from the density map compiled in this study is 3400 kg. Field data indicate that the iron bolide approached the Earth’s crust from the northwest (305–340° N), travelling along a moderately oblique trajectory. Upon hypervelocity impact, the projectile was disrupted into thousands of fragments. Shattering was accompanied by some melting of the projectile and of the quartz‐arenite target rocks, which also suffered shock metamorphism.  相似文献   

Abstract— Numerous circular depressions north of Burghausen in eastern Bavaria, with diameters ranging from meters to tens of meters in size and dispersed over an area of at least 11 times 7 km, are suspected to have an extraterrestrial origin since they resemble other small meteorite impact craters. The depressions are bowl‐shaped, have high circularity and a characteristic rim. Most of them were formed in unconsolidated glacial gravels and pebbles intermixed with fine‐grained sand and clay. Magnetic investigations reveal weak anomalies with amplitudes of less than ±10 nano Tesla (nT). In some cases, the origins of the anomalies are suspected to be due to human activity within the structures. So far, no traces of meteoritic material have been detected. An evident archaeological or local geological explanation for the origin of the craters does not exist. A World War I and II explosive origin can be excluded since trees with ages exceeding 100 years can be found in some craters. One crater was described in 1909. Carbon‐14 dating of charcoal found in one crater yielded an age of 1790 ± 60 years. Hence, a formation by meteorite impacts that occurred in Celtic or early medieval times should be considered. A systematic archaeological excavation of some structures and an intensified search for traces of meteoritic material are planned.  相似文献   

Kamil is a 45 m diameter impact crater identified in 2008 in southern Egypt. It was generated by the hypervelocity impact of the Gebel Kamil iron meteorite on a sedimentary target, namely layered sandstones with subhorizontal bedding. We have carried out a petrographic study of samples from the crater wall and ejecta deposits collected during our first geophysical campaign (February 2010) in order to investigate shock effects recorded in these rocks. Ejecta samples reveal a wide range of shock features common in quartz‐rich target rocks. They have been divided into two categories, as a function of their abundance at thin section scale: (1) pervasive shock features (the most abundant), including fracturing, planar deformation features, and impact melt lapilli and bombs, and (2) localized shock features (the least abundant) including high‐pressure phases and localized impact melting in the form of intergranular melt, melt veins, and melt films in shatter cones. In particular, Kamil crater is the smallest impact crater where shatter cones, coesite, stishovite, diamond, and melt veins have been reported. Based on experimental calibrations reported in the literature, pervasive shock features suggest that the maximum shock pressure was between 30 and 60 GPa. Using the planar impact approximation, we calculate a vertical component of the impact velocity of at least 3.5 km s?1. The wide range of shock features and their freshness make Kamil a natural laboratory for studying impact cratering and shock deformation processes in small impact structures.  相似文献   

Abstract— A magnetic model is proposed for the Bosumtwi meteorite impact structure in Ghana, Africa. This relatively young (~1.07 Ma) structure with a diameter of ~10.5 km is exposed within early Proterozoic Birimian—Tarkwaian rocks. The central part of the structure is buried under postimpact lake sediments, and because of lack of drill cores, geophysics is the only way to reveal its internal structure. To study the structure below and beyond the lake, a high‐resolution, low altitude (~70 m) airborne geophysical survey across the structure was conducted, which included measurements of the total magnetic field, electromagnetic data, and gamma radiation. The magnetic data show a circumferential magnetic halo outside the lakeshore, ~12 km in diameter. The central‐north part of the lake reveals a central negative magnetic anomaly with smaller positive side‐anomalies north and south of it, which is typical for magnetized bodies at shallow latitudes. A few weaker negative magnetic anomalies exist in the eastern and western part of the lake. Together with the northern one, they seem to encircle a central uplift. Our model shows that the magnetic anomaly of the structure is presumably produced by one or several relatively strongly remanently magnetized impact‐melt rock or melt‐rich suevite bodies. Petrophysical measurements show a clear difference between the physical properties of preimpact target rocks and impactites. Suevites have a higher magnetization and have low densities and high porosities compared to the target rocks. In suevites, the remanent magnetization dominates over induced magnetization (Koenigsberger ratio > 3). Preliminary palaeomagnetic results reveal that the normally magnetized remanence component in suevites was acquired during the Jaramillo normal polarity epoch. This interpretation is consistent with the modelling results that also require a normal polarity magnetization for the magnetic body beneath the lake. The reverse polarity remanence component, superimposed on the normal component, is probably acquired during subsequent reverse polarity events.  相似文献   

The interstellar collector on NASA's Stardust mission captured many particles from sources other than the interstellar dust stream. Impact trajectory may provide a means of discriminating between these different sources, and thus identifying/eliminating candidate interstellar particles. The collector's aerogel preserved a clear record of particle impact trajectory from the inclination and direction of the resultant tracks. However, the collector also contained aluminum foils and, although impact crater studies to date suggest only the most inclined impacts (>45° from normal) produce crater morphologies that indicate trajectory (i.e., distinctly elliptical), these studies have been restricted to much larger (mm and above) scales than are relevant for Stardust (μm). It is unknown how oblique impact crater morphology varies as a function of length scale, and therefore how well Stardust craters preserve details of impactor trajectory. Here, we present data from a series of impact experiments, together with complementary hydrocode modeling, that examine how crater morphology changes with impact angles for different‐sized projectiles. We find that, for our smallest spherical projectiles (2 μm diameter), the ellipticity and rim morphology provide evidence of their inclined trajectory from as little as 15° from normal incidence. This is most likely a result of strain rate hardening in the target metal. Further experiments and models find that variation in velocity and impactor shape complicate these trends, but that rim morphology remains useful in determining impact direction (where the angle of impact is >20° from normal) and may help identify candidate interstellar particle craters on the Stardust collector.  相似文献   

The last two decades have witnessed a continually expanding programme of investigation concerned with the discovery of terrestrial impact craters or astroblemes as Dietz has called them. These are the wounds produced on the Earth's surface by the high speed collisions with giant meteorites which have taken place throughout geological time. With the exception of a few comparatively recent craters, most of the large scars originated tens or hundreds of millions of years ago and have been preserved as fossils in rocks which have since undergone considerable erosion and alteration.Although various workers have now gathered an impressive array of evidence appertaining to the topographical, petrological and mineralogical changes wrought by the sudden release of enormous quantities of energy when collisions occur, it still remains true that most discoveries of craters are made as a result of their quasi-circular appearance on maps or aerial photographs.A search of maps of the British Isles has revealed several possible impact sites, of which the most convincing is the feature known as St. Magnus Bay in the Shetland Islands. No explanation other than massive impact seems able to account for the peculiar shape of the bay and its resemblance to certain ancient Canadian impact crater residuals.In size it ranks among the dozen or so largest terrestrial impact features and is thus an important object for further study; in its own right and in the context of the currently enhanced speculation concerning the origin of craters on such bodies as the Moon and Mars.  相似文献   

The Glasford structure in Illinois (USA) was recognized as a buried impact crater in the early 1960s but has never been reassessed in light of recent advances in planetary science. Here, we document shatter cones and previously unknown quartz microdeformation features that support an impact origin for the Glasford structure. We identify the 4 km wide structure as a complex buried impact crater and describe syn‐ and postimpact deposits from its annular trough. We have informally designated these deposits as the Kingston Mines unit (KM). The fossils and sedimentology of the KM indicate a marine depositional setting. The various intervals within the KM constitute a succession of breccia, carbonate, sandstone, and shale similar to marine sedimentary successions preserved in other craters. Graptolite specimens retrieved from the KM place the time of deposition at approximately 455 ± 2 Ma (Late Ordovician, Sandbian). This age determination suggests a possible link between the Glasford impact and the Ordovician meteorite shower, an increase in the rate of terrestrial meteorite impacts attributed to the breakup of the L‐chondrite parent body in the main asteroid belt.  相似文献   

Scott C. Mest  David A. Crown 《Icarus》2005,175(2):335-359
The geology and stratigraphy of Millochau crater (21.4° S, 275° W), located in the highlands of Tyrrhena Terra, Mars, are documented through geomorphic analyses and geologic mapping. Crater size-frequency distributions and superposition relationships are used to constrain relative ages of geologic units and determine the timing and duration of the geologic processes that modified Millochau rim materials and emplaced deposits on Millochau's floor. Crater size-frequency distributions show a Middle Noachian age for rim materials and Middle Noachian to Early Hesperian ages for most of the interior deposits. Valley networks and gullies incised within Millochau's rim materials and interior wall, respectively, indicate fluvial activity was an important erosional process. Millochau contains an interior plateau, offset northeast of Millochau's center, which rises up to 400 m above the surrounding crater floor and slopes downward to the south and west. Layers exposed along the northern and eastern scarp boundaries of the plateau are tens to hundreds of meters thick and laterally continuous in MOC images. These layers suggest most materials within Millochau were emplaced by sedimentary processes (e.g., fluvial or eolian), with the potential for lacustrine deposition in shallow transient bodies of water and contributions of volcanic airfall. Mass wasting may have also contributed significant quantities of material to Millochau's interior, especially to the deposits surrounding the plateau. Superposition relationships combined with impact crater statistics indicate that most deposition and erosion of Millochau's interior deposits is ancient, which implies that fluvial activity in this part of Tyrrhena Terra is much older than in the eastern Hellas region. Eolian processes mobilized sediment to form complicated patterns of long- and short-wavelength dunes, whose emplacement is controlled by local topography. These deposits are some of the youngest within Millochau (Amazonian) and eolian modification may be ongoing.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Sirente crater field consists of a 120 m wide, rimmed main depression flanked to the northwest by about 30 smaller depressions. It has been dated to the first centuries A.D. An impact origin is suggested, but not confirmed. The small size combined with the properties of the target material (carbonate mud) would neither allow shock features diagnostic of impact, nor projectile vaporization. Consequently, a meteoritic component in the sediments would be very localized. At impacts of this size the projectile most likely is an iron meteorite. Any iron meteorites on the ground surface would, in Iron Age Europe, have been removed shortly after the event. However, if the depressions are of impact origin they should contain meteorites at great depth in analogy with known craters. The magnetic properties of iron meteorites differ distinctly from the very low magnetic sediments and sedimentary rocks of the Sirente area. We have used a proton precession magnetometer/gradiometer to produce magnetic anomaly maps over four of the smaller depressions (~8 m diameter), as well as two crossing profiles over a fifth depression (~22 m diameter). All show distinct magnetic anomalies of about 20 nT, the larger depression up to 100 nT. Magnetic modeling shows a best fit for structures with upturned strata below their rims, excluding a karstic origin but supporting an explosive formation. The 100 nT anomaly can only be explained by highly‐magnetic objects at a few meters depth. All together, the magnetic data provides a strong indication for an impact origin of the crater field.  相似文献   

Abstract— The impact origin of small craters in sedimentary rocks is often difficult to confirm because of the lack of characteristic shock metamorphic features. A case in point is the 3.1 Ma Aouelloul crater (Mauritania), 390 m in diameter, which is exposed in an area of Ordovician Oujeft and Zli sandstone. We studied several fractured sandstone samples from the crater rim for the possible presence of shock metamorphic effects. In thin section, a large fraction of the quartz grains show abundant subplanar and planar fractures. Many of the fractures are healed and are evident only as fluid inclusion trails. A few grains showed sets of narrow and densely spaced fluid inclusions trails in one (rarely two) orientations per grain, which could be possible remnants of planar deformation features (PDFs), although such an interpretation is not unambiguous. In contrast, an impact origin of the crater is confirmed by Re-Os isotope studies of the target sandstone and glass found around the crater rim, which show the presence of a distinct extraterrestrial component in the glass.  相似文献   

Hale crater, a 125 × 150 km impact crater located near the intersection of Uzboi Vallis and the northern rim of Argyre basin at 35.7°S, 323.6°E, is surrounded by channels that radiate from, incise, and transport material within Hale’s ejecta. The spatial and temporal relationship between the channels and Hale’s ejecta strongly suggests the impact event created or modified the channels and emplaced fluidized debris flow lobes over an extensive area (>200,000 km2). We estimate ∼1010 m3 of liquid water was required to form some of Hale’s smaller channels, a volume we propose was supplied by subsurface ice melted and mobilized by the Hale-forming impact. If 10% of the subsurface volume was ice, based on a conservative porosity estimate for the upper martian crust, 1012 m3 of liquid water could have been present in the ejecta. We determine a crater-retention age of 1 Ga inside the primary cavity, providing a minimum age for Hale and a time at which we propose the subsurface was volatile-rich. Hale crater demonstrates the important role impacts may play in supplying liquid water to the martian surface: they are capable of producing fluvially-modified terrains that may be analogous to some landforms of Noachian Mars.  相似文献   

Abstract— In this edition of The Meteoritical Bulletin, 1394 recognized meteorites are reported, 27 from specific locations within Africa, 133 from Northwest Africa, 1227 from Antarctica (from ANSMET, PNRA, and PRIC expeditions), and 7 from Asia. The Meteoritical Bulletin announces the approval of four new names series by the Nomenclature Committee of the Meteoritical Society, two from Africa and one from Asia, including Al Haggounia, from Al Haggounia, Morocco, which is projected to be on the order of 3 metric tons of material related to enstatite chondrites and aubrites. Approved are two falls from Africa, Bassikounou (Mauritania) and Gashua (Nigeria). Approved from areas other than Antarctica are one lunar, two Martian, 32 other achondrites, three mesosiderites, two pallasites, one CM, two CK, one CR2, two CV3, one CR2, and four R chondrites. The Nomenclature Committee of the Meteoritical Society announces 48 newly approved relict meteorites from two new name series, Österplana and Gullhögen (both from Sweden).  相似文献   

Abstract— The 1.13-km-diameter Pretoria Saltpan impact crater is located about 40 km NNW of Pretoria, South Africa. The crater is situated in 2.05 Ga old Nebo granite of the Bushveld Complex that is locally intruded by about 1.3 Ga old volcanic rocks. In 1988, a borehole was drilled in the center of the crater. At depths >90 m, breccias were found that contained minerals with characteristic shock-metamorphic features, thus confirming the impact origin of the crater. Fragments of impact glass were recovered from the melt breccias and several hundred sub-millimeter-sized glass fragments were subjected to fission track analysis. The measurements were complicated by the inhomogeneous composition of the impact glasses, but analysis of a large number of tracks yielded an age of 220 ± 52 ka for the Saltpan crater.  相似文献   

Abstract— The late Eocene Chesapeake Bay impact structure (CBIS) on the Atlantic margin of Virginia is one of the largest and best‐preserved “wet‐target” craters on Earth. It provides an accessible analog for studying impact processes in layered and wet targets on volatile‐rich planets. The CBIS formed in a layered target of water, weak clastic sediments, and hard crystalline rock. The buried structure consists of a deep, filled central crater, 38 km in width, surrounded by a shallower brim known as the annular trough. The annular trough formed partly by collapse of weak sediments, which expanded the structure to ?85 km in diameter. Such extensive collapse, in addition to excavation processes, can explain the “inverted sombrero” morphology observed at some craters in layered targets. The distribution of crater‐fill materials in the CBIS is related to the morphology. Suevitic breccia, including pre‐resurge fallback deposits, is found in the central crater. Impact‐modified sediments, formed by fluidization and collapse of water‐saturated sand and silt‐clay, occur in the annular trough. Allogenic sediment‐clast breccia, interpreted as ocean‐resurge deposits, overlies the other impactites and covers the entire crater beneath a blanket of postimpact sediments. The formation of chaotic terrains on Mars is attributed to collapse due to the release of volatiles from thick layered deposits. Some flat‐floored rimless depressions with chaotic infill in these terrains are impact craters that expanded by collapse farther than expected for similar‐sized complex craters in solid targets. Studies of crater materials in the CBIS provide insights into processes of crater expansion on Mars and their links to volatiles.  相似文献   

Abstract— The 3.6 Myr old El'gygytgyn impact crater is located in central Chukotka, northeastern Russia. The crater is a well‐preserved impact structure with an inner basin about 15 km in diameter, surrounded by an uplifted rim about 18 km in diameter. The flat floor of the crater is in part occupied by Lake El'gygytgyn, 12 km in diameter, and surrounding terraces. The average profile of the rim is asymmetric, with a steep inner wall and a gentle outer flank. The rim height is about 180 m above the lake level and 140 m above the surrounding area. An outer ring feature, on average 14 m high, occurs at about 1.75 crater radii from the center of the structure. El'gygytgyn crater is surrounded by a complex network of faults. The density of the faults decreases from the bottom of the rim to the rim crest and outside the crater to a distance of about 2.7 crater radii. Lake El'gygytgyn is surrounded by a number of lacustrine terraces. Only minor remnants are preserved of the highest terraces, 80 and 60 m above the present‐day lake level. The widest of the terraces is 40 m above the current lake level and surrounds the lake on the west and northwest sides. The only outlet of the lake is the Enmivaam River, which cuts through the crater rim in the southeast. In terms of structure, El'gygytgyn is well preserved and displays some interesting, but not well understood, features (e.g., an outer ring), similar to those observed at a few other impact structures.  相似文献   

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