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This paper explores the intersection of religion and migration, and investigates how religious beliefs, practices, and identities can be both beneficial and/or a deterrence to the process of social integration. A qualitative case study was conducted at a multicultural, nondenominational Christian church in Dublin, Ireland, composed of both Irish‐born citizens and migrants from around the world. Within the church, Irish‐born and foreign‐born congregants frequently interact, suggesting religion is a bridge that is encouraging social integration. Alternatively, noncongregant Irish‐born members in the larger community where the church is located are skeptical of the church and maintain that it is a type of religious cult. From this perspective, religion can be perceived as a barrier that hinders a migrant's ability to integrate into society. Consequently, this paper analyzes the dichotomous function of religion and religious identity within the social integration process in Dublin, Ireland.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The residential patterns, adaptation experiences, and impacts of immigrants on North American cities have been well documented in the geographical literature. In this article, we build on prior work by testing the theories of Gaim Kibreab, who identified three factors that shape the experiences of recent refugees: attitudes of the receiving society; current policy environments; and employment opportunities in local communities. We analyze some of the ways in which these factors operate as interrelated systems for two comparative groups of foreign‐born migrants in Portland, Oregon: sub‐Saharan Africans; and Russians and Ukrainians. Using a mixed‐methods approach, we triangulate data from a blend of in‐depth interviews, participant observation in the community and at refugee and immigrant social service agencies, census and other statistical records, and cartographic analyses to report on the findings of our work. Data suggest that the residential, economic, and social spaces of new refugees are constructed as a complex multiplicity of networks and relationships that link time and place  相似文献   

In the Philippines, a Catholic social movement for local development and broad structural transformation, referred to as Basic Ecclesial Communities, offers a counter‐narrative to state development. Predicated on the power of networked local groups, the Diocese of San Carlos has taken the original concept and rescaled it, operating a variety of social‐action programmes at the diocese level. The focus of this paper is a unique partnership between the diocese and the Armed Forces of the Philippines, which has produced a number of measurable positive changes in under‐serviced areas. We remain uncertain, however, about the extent to which the church is cooperating with, or being co‐opted by, the military as it enters into partnership, and many members of the clergy share our scepticism. In this paper we draw upon Gramsci's concept of passive revolution (1971) as a means to conceptualize both the efforts of the church to reform society from within, and the reaffirmation of the hegemonic discourse that seems inevitable.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The assemblage of objects that constitute the publicly visible religious landscape of the United States—houses of worship and a variety of church‐related enterprises—deviates so markedly from its counterparts in other lands that we can regard its uniqueness as a significant argument for American exceptionalism. The diagnostic features in question include the extraordinary number and variety of churches and denominations, their special physical attributes, the near‐random microgeography of churches in urban areas, and, most especially, their nomenclature and the widely distributed signage promoting godliness and religiosity. Such landscape phenomena suggest connections with much‐deeper issues concerning the origin and evolution of American society and culture.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Given shortcomings in traditional methods of gauging levels of religious sentiment in national or local communities—affiliation with a congregation, church attendance, responses to opinion polls—this exploratory article proposes a novel, arguably more sensitive measure of personal religiosity, the Gravestone Index; that is, the incidence of religious symbols, iconography, or text on permanent memorials. Its application to 58,490 grave markers observed in 111 community, or nondenominational, cemeteries in the United States, Canada, and Great Britain yielded substantial findings, some expected but others violently at odds with the conventional wisdom. Seemingly reflecting the secularization of society, the Gravestone Index declines throughout the early twentieth century but, contrariwise, has rebounded strongly since the 1960s, indicating some sort of ongoing religious revival in all three lands. However, it fails to show any of the anticipated regional variation within the United States, notably that between South and non‐South. Even more surprisingly, it records a level of British and Canadian religiosity persistently far above the U.S. value.  相似文献   

Using data from a survey carried out in six tobacco growing villages across Malawi in 2004–5, this paper summarizes some main differences found in subsistence production and income levels between male‐ and female‐headed households and the disparities among female‐headed households in the light of economic liberalization policies of the past two decades. The disadvantaged position of female‐headed households in terms of land and labour endowment, together with the high cost of inputs since the structural adjustment programmes and removal of subsidies since the 1980s has prevented poorer female‐headed households not only from attaining maize self‐sufficiency, but also from engaging in high‐return agriculture such as tobacco production. Although livelihood diversification is adopted by both male‐ and female‐headed households, many female‐headed households still depend on low‐entry‐barrier activities such as agricultural waged labour and are unable to break out of the poverty cycle. However, female‐headed households are a heterogeneous category and factors such as the availability of nonfarm income opportunities, social networks to access labour and capital, land acquisition through flexible applications of patrilineal inheritance rules, and the existence of formal channels for credit and informal tobacco trading have enabled some to improve agricultural productivity and achieve high incomes.  相似文献   

This paper presents findings from a study about the relationships between social change and settlement change in Samoa, where a form of landlessness is emerging in low income areas of the main town, Apia. It examines changing reciprocal kinship arrangements with respect to customary rural village plantation land and changes in both individual and household relationships with the church. Although these relationships are typically closely bound in Pacific island societies, recent field‐based research has revealed the expansion of landless urban settlements with households that are alienated from rural village‐based kin and, by extension, customary land.  相似文献   

Post‐eruptive fluvial erosion of welded pyroclastic flow deposits often depends on the recession of waterfalls because of their rapid erosion involved. We examine the recession rate of Shomyo Falls, which consists of Pleistocene welded pyroclastic flow deposits in Tateyama, north‐central Japan. The mean recession rate of the waterfall obtained from lithological and topographical evidences is 0.08‐0.15 m/a for 100000 a. However, the recession rate estimated by means of an empirical equation comprising physical parameters of erosive force and bedrock resistance is 0.006‐0.011 m/a with small uncertainties. The discrepancy between the geology‐based and equation‐based recession rates indicates that some factors, not taken account of in the equation, significantly influence the recession rate. We suggest that a factor in the rapid erosion of the waterfall is a large amount of transported sediment acting as abrasive material, which is supplied from high mountains in the watershed above the waterfall.  相似文献   

以世界文化遗产的云南红河哈尼梯田为例,基于元阳县自然资源局的土地利用的空间矢量数据,利用地理信息系统技术提取2013-2018年元阳县与梯田核心景区的土地利用类型信息,分析梯田耕作时空演变的总体特征和变化趋势,选取级差地租理论解释梯田耕作的演化逻辑,并通过实地调研说明政府的外力干预效果。结果表明:1)梯田核心区的耕地比例大于整个元阳县的耕地比例,且不同于元阳县内旱地面积大于水田面积,核心区内的水田面积为旱地面积的一倍,表明核心区的水田比非核心区保护得更好;2)在没有外力干预的自然情况下非核心区与核心区水田分别呈现改旱和撂荒趋势,民族内部的文化力量难以可持续抗衡这种变迁。而政府作为市场失灵的调控机关,在遗产保护任务和政治利益激励的诉求下,干预了核心区的梯田演变过程,通过提高级差地租Ⅱ实现核心区的土地增值,集中加大对核心区的资源要素投入,从而有效延缓了梯田遗产消失或变更的进程;而非核心区由于缺乏政府有力的干预,梯田正呈现逐渐消失的趋势。  相似文献   

Recently reported detrital zircon (DZ) data help to associate the Paleogene strata of the Gulf of Mexico region to various provenance areas. By far, recent work has emphasised upper Paleocene‐lower Eocene and upper Oligocene strata that were deposited during the two episodes of the highest sediment supply in the Paleogene. The data reveal a dynamic drainage history, including (1) initial routing of western Cordilleran drainages towards the Gulf of Mexico in the Paleocene, (2) an eastward shift of the western continental divide, from the Jura‐Cretaceous cordilleran arc to the eastern edge of the Laramide province after the Paleocene and (3) a southward shift, along the eastern Laramide province, of the headwaters of river systems draining to the Mississippi and Houston embayments at some time between the early Eocene and Oligocene. However, DZ characterisation of most (~20 Myr) of the middle Eocene‐lower Oligocene section remains limited. We present 60 DZ age spectra, most of which are from the middle or upper Eocene outcrop belts, with 50–200‐km spacing. We define six to eight distinct groups of DZ age spectra for middle and upper Eocene strata. Data from this and other studies resolve at least six substantial temporal changes in age spectra at various positions along the continental margin. The evolving age spectra constrain the middle and upper Eocene drainage patterns of large parts of interior North America. The most well‐resolved aspects of these drainage patterns include (1) persistent rivers that flowed from erosional landscapes across the Paleozoic Appalachian orogen either into the low‐lying Mississippi embayment or directly into the eastern Gulf; (2) at least during marine regressions, a trunk channel that likely flowed southward along the axial part of Mississippi Embayment and integrated tributaries from the east and west; and (3) rivers that flowed to the Houston embayment in the middle Eocene that likely originated in the Laramide province in central Colorado and southern Wyoming, as Precambrian basement highs in those source areas were being unroofed.  相似文献   

采用质性研究方法,以中部地区湖北的“毛嘴模式”为例,围绕武汉汉正街与仙桃毛嘴镇的城乡联系问题,研究人口回流及返乡创业所带动的地方发展,解析其对乡村振兴的重要作用。研究发现:①劳动力回流受家庭需求、家乡发展环境等多重因素影响;资本回流的主要影响因素是雇佣“本地化”劳动力,也涉及城市更新及其“外部性”效应的间接影响;②技能型劳动力回流以及企业家在城-乡间的高频流动,有利于发挥流动人口的“桥梁”作用;③回流人口主要从事与之前就业相关的行业,倾向于在镇区或市区购买商品房,促进了乡村经济转型,同时利于社会资本的培育,重塑了乡村社会空间。  相似文献   

This paper addresses questions of ethnography in geographic fieldwork through research conducted on globalisation and work in Tiruppur, an industrial boomtown in South India. During the last two decades of the twentieth century, Tiruppur town in western Tamilnad State became India's centrepiece in the export of garments made of knitted cloth. This industrial boom has been organised through networks of small firms integrated through intricate subcontracting arrangements controlled by local capital of Gounders from modest agrarian and working‐class origins. In effect, the whole town works like a decentralised factory for the global economy, but with local capital of peasant‐worker origins at the helm. My research explores the historical geographic trajectories linking agrarian and industrial work, and the ways in which these histories are used in the present. In these uses of the past in remaking self and place, I interrogate the self‐presentations of Tiruppur's entrepreneurs, as these “self‐made men” hinge their retrospective narratives of class mobility and industrial success on their propensity to “toil”. This paper explores questions of ethnographic method emerging from a political‐economic context in which globalisation has worked by turning “toil” into capital.  相似文献   

John Turnbull Thomson is more known in New Zealand for his work as Chief Surveyor of Otago Province (1856–1876) and first Surveyor General of New Zealand (1877–1879). He was also a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society of London from 1848 until his death in 1884. Thomson was an important and early self‐declared ‘does’ of geographer in New Zealand, prior to the establishment of university geography in 1937. Thomson's contribution included survey and mapping but he also gave public lectures on geography and contributed to debates about glaciation.  相似文献   

For all its vitality political ecology often appears to be a project in which work by Anglo‐Americans in particular, if it is not privileged, certainly predominates. This trend reflects wider language and intellectual tendencies in human geography and the social sciences that distort the development of the field by downplaying or obscuring the contributions of many non‐Anglo‐Americans and by naturalizing Anglo‐American assumptions at the heart of research. The latter in turn determine what constitutes ‘good’ work – even as there is no single definition of political ecology. Arguing against this tendency, this paper draws on postcolonial thinking to emphasize the need to reassess and reorient the field as ‘other’ political ecologies are feasible and desirable.  相似文献   

上海从业劳动力空间分布变动分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
王桂新  魏星 《地理学报》2007,62(2):200-210
根据地方专业化指数与负指数函数模型方法, 利用上海市1996 年和2001 年两次基本单位普查基于工作地的从业劳动力数据, 分别以不同圈层、区县及乡镇街道为基本地域单元, 系统地考察了1996~2001年间上海从业劳动力的空间分布及其变动特征。发现上海从业劳动 力分布总体上呈都心区密度最高、由此向外依次降低的负指数函数分布的圈层结构模式。其 变动呈现都心区密度下降、周边地区上升、从业劳动力由都心区逐步向周边地区扩散的均衡化趋势。第二、三产业从业劳动力的分布变动互不相同: 第二产业主要表现为由中心城区向郊区扩散的较大范围的单向均衡化变动; 第三产业从业劳动力空间分布的变动则相对更向中心城区集聚, 表现为在距离市中心15 km 圈内由都心区向其边缘区扩散、15 km 圈以外地区特别是远郊区则反呈趋向中心城区的集中化变动。上海城市功能分异正向中心城区以“商” 为主、郊区以“工”为主, 空间模式由单中心结构向多中心结构演变。从业劳动力的这种空 间分布模式及其变动趋势, 基本符合大城市空间发展的一般规律。  相似文献   

The Cenozoic sedimentary succession of Bangladesh provides an archive of Himalayan erosion. However, its potential as an archive is currently hampered by a poor lithostratigaphic framework with limited age control. We focus on the Hatia Trough of the Bengal Basin and the adjacent fold belt of the Chittagong Hill Tracts which forms the outermost part of the west‐propagating Indo‐Burmese wedge. We present a basin‐wide seismic stratigraphic framework for the Neogene rocks, calibrated by biostratigraphy, which divides the succession into three seismically distinct and regionally correlatable Megasequences (MS). MS1 extends to NN15‐NN16 (ca. 2.5–3.9 Ma), MS2 to NN19‐NN20 (ca. 0.4–1.9 Ma) and MS3 to present day. Our seismic mapping, thermochronological analyses of detrital mineral grains, isotopic analyses of bulk rock, heavy mineral and petrographic data, show that the Neogene rocks of the Hatia Trough and Chittagong Hill Tracts are predominantly Himalayan‐derived, with a subordinate arc‐derived input possibly from the Paleogene IndoBurman Ranges as well as the Trans‐Himalaya. Our seismic data allow us to concur with previous work that suggests folding of the outer part of the west‐propagating wedge only commenced recently, within the last few million years. We suggest that it could have been the westward encroachment and final abutment of the Chittagong Hill Tracts fold belt onto the already‐uplifted Shillong Plateau that caused diversion of the palaeo‐Brahmaputra to the west of the plateau as the north‐east drainage route closed.  相似文献   

The core questions pertaining to contract farming or ‘vertical co‐ordination’ relate to the ownership of decision‐making. Where decision‐making is partly removed from farmers there arise issues of sustainability which are inadequately addressed by current practice. A mail questionnaire conducted in North‐west Tasmania in 1990–91 obtained responses from 310 farmers, a 68 per cent return rate from the 456 valid cases initially identified. At the time of the survey, 119 respondents were involved in contract cropping, and a majority of these responses indicated a need for greater co‐ordination in farm planning. This co‐ordination requires a re‐think of the roles of both agribusiness firms and farmer organisations, as well as acceptance by farmers that long‐term planning for crop rotation and soil management has associated self‐benefit. Responsibility for soil erosion is seen to lie partly at the feet of processing firms which relegate production tasks to farmers under contract, but frequently appear to ignore the impact of short‐term planning horizons upon farmer capacity to manage soils for erosion minimisation. With few exceptions, such as the processor firm specialising in the perennial crop pyrethrum and one onion processor that encourages soil conservation, in North‐west Tasmania processing firms generally play no part in planning for sustainable land use.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This geography of women's work in the less‐developed world is set in Tarija, Bolivia, a small city that has been dramatically changed by economic crisis and structural‐adjustment programs. Explored is the spatial component of women's economic activities in a low‐income barrio following the imposition of structural‐adjustment programs in the 1980s and 1990s. Women who pursue employment away from home must rely on other women. In particular, households that include more than one woman who is capable of handling important daily chores are more likely to have a woman engaged in income‐generating activities away from the home and the neighborhood. Women at home make it possible for other women to extend their economic activity into the broader community. These findings are important because they draw attention to women's reliance on other women, how women use space, and how they are constrained by spatial factors as they negotiate their daily lives.  相似文献   

In recent years, contrasting seismic tomographic images have given rise to an extensive debate about the occurrence and implications of migrating slab detachment beneath southern Italy. One of the most pertinent aspects of this process is the concentration of the slab pull force, and particularly its surface expression in terms of vertical motions and related basin subsidence/uplift. In this study we focused on shallow‐water to continental, Pliocene‐Quaternary basins that formed on top of the Apennine allochthonous wedge after its emplacement onto a large foreland carbonate platform domain (Apulian Platform). Due to the thick‐skinned style of deformation controlling the Pliocene‐Pleistocene stages of continental shortening, a high degree of coupling with the downgoing plate appears to characterize the late tectonic evolution of the southern Apennines. Therefore, the wedge‐top basins analysed in this study, although occurring on the deformed edge of the overriding plate, are capable of recording deep geodynamic processes affecting the slab. Detailed stratigraphic work on these wedge‐top basins points to a progressive SE‐ward migration of basin subsidence from c. 4 to c. 2.8 Ma over a distance of about 140 km along the strike of the Apennine belt. Such a migration is consistent with a redistribution of slab‐pull forces associated with the progressive lateral migration at a mean rate in the range of 12–14 cm y–1 of a slab tear within the down‐going Adriatic lithosphere. These results yield fundamental information on the rates of first‐order geodynamic processes affecting the slab, and on related surface response.  相似文献   

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