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A metamorphic petrological study, in conjunction with recent precise geochronometric data, revealed a complex PTt path for high-grade gneisses in a hitherto poorly understood sector of the Mesoproterozoic Maud Belt in East Antarctica. The Maud Belt is an extensive high-grade, polydeformed, metamorphic belt, which records two significant tectono-thermal episodes, once towards the end of the Mesoproterozoic and again towards the late Neoproterozoic/Cambrian. In contrast to previous models, most of the metamorphic mineral assemblages are related to a Pan-African tectono-thermal overprint, with only very few relics of late Mesoproterozoic granulite-facies mineral assemblages (M1) left in strain-protected domains. Petrological and mineral chemical evidence indicates a clockwise PTt path for the Pan-African orogeny. Peak metamorphic (M2b) conditions recorded by most rocks in the area (T = 709–785 °C and P = 7.0–9.5 kbar) during the Pan-African orogeny were attained subsequent to decompression from probably eclogite-facies metamorphic conditions (M2a).The new data acquired in this study, together with recent geochronological and geochemical data, permit the development of a geodynamic model for the Maud Belt that involves volcanic arc formation during the late Mesoproterozoic followed by extension at 1100 Ma and subsequent high-grade tectono-thermal reworking once during continent–continent collision at the end of the Mesoproterozoic (M1; 1090–1030 Ma) and again during the Pan-African orogeny (M2a, M2b) between 565 and 530 Ma. Post-peak metamorphic K-metasomatism under amphibolite-facies conditions (M2c) followed and is ascribed to post-orogenic bimodal magmatism between 500 and 480 Ma.  相似文献   

The metamorphic evolution of dolomitic marbles and associated calc-silicate rocks from Punta Tota (NE Tandilia belt, Buenos Aires province, Argentina) has been evaluated through petrographic, geothermobarometric, and fluid inclusion studies. Thin beds of dolomitic marble are intercalated in amphibolites and constitute the upper part of a stratified basement sequence, which starts at the base with garnet migmatites showing a great abundance of pegmatitic segregates, overlain by biotite–garnet gneisses. Peak metamorphic conditions are estimated at 750–800 °C and 5–6 kb, followed by near isobaric cooling to about 500–450 °C and 5.5–6.5 kb. Anhydrous progressive metamorphic assemblages in both marbles (Fo + Cal + Dol + Cpx + Spl) and adjacent calc-silicate rocks (Cpx + An + Cal + Qtz) strongly retrogressed to hydrous minerals (Tr, Tlc, Grs, Czo, Srp) with decreasing temperatures and increasing water activities. The intense rehydration of the rocks relates to the emplacement of volatile-rich pegmatitic bodies (Qtz + Pl + Kfs + Bt + Grt), which also resulted in the crystallization of clinochlore + phlogopite in the marble and biotite + muscovite in the adjacent calc-silicate rocks. Metamorphic reactions based on textural relations and evaluated on a suitable petrogenetic grid, combined with geothermobarometric results and fluid inclusion isochores, indicate a metamorphic evolution along a counterclockwise PT path. Two probable geotectonic settings for the determined PT trajectory are proposed: (1) thinning of the crust and overlying supracrustal basin in an ensialic intraplate tectonic setting and (2) development of a marginal back-arc basin, associated with an oceanic–continental convergent plate margin. In both models, the initial extensional regime is followed by a compressional stage, with overthickening of the basement and supracrustal rocks, during the climax of the Transamazonian cycle at approximately 1800 Ma ago. Continuous convergence and blockage of structures produce transition to transcurrent tectonics (transpression) with a consequent moderate uplift.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study of the metamorphic evolution of pelitic, semi-pelitic migmatites and mafic granulites of the Chafalote Metamorphic Suite (CMS), Uruguay, which represents the southernmost exposures of high-grade metamorphic rocks in the Dom Feliciano Belt, Uruguain—Sul-Rio-Grandense shield, South America. This belt is one of the Brasiliano orogens that crop out along the Brazilian and Uruguayan Atlantic margin, and the CMS is one of several disconnected segments of supracrustal rock in a dominantly granitic terrain. Petrological evidence from CMS mafic granulites and semi-pelitic migmatites indicates four distinct metamorphic assemblages. The early prograde assemblage (M1) is preserved only as inclusions in porphyroblasts of the peak-metamorphic (M2) assemblage. Peak-metamorphism was followed by near-isothermal decompression (M3), which resulted in symplectites and coronitic textures in the mafic granulites and compositional zoning of Ca in garnet (decreasing rimwards) and plagioclase (increasing rimwards) in the semi-pelitic migmatites. The retrograde metamorphic assemblage (M4) is represented by hydration reaction textures replacing minerals of the M2 and M3 assemblages. Average PT calculations using the program THERMOCALC and conventional thermobarometric methods yield peak-metamorphic (M2) PT conditions of 7–10 kbar and 830–950 °C, near-decompressional (M3) PT conditions of 4.8–5.5 kbar and 788–830 °C and M4 retrograde PT conditions of 3–6 kbar and 600–750 °C. The calculated PT path for the CMS rocks is ‘clockwise’ and incorporates a near-isothermal decompression segment followed by minor cooling, consistent with a history of crustal thickening followed by extensional collapse at ca. 650–600 Ma. The metamorphism recorded by rocks of this crustal segment may be correlated with 650 Ma metamorphism in the Coastal Terrane of the Kaoko Belt in Namibia, being the first unequivocal match between South America and Africa provided by crystalline rocks south of the Congo Craton.  相似文献   

K. Sajeev  M. Santosh  H.S. Kim 《Lithos》2006,92(3-4):465-483
The Kodaikanal region of the Madurai Block in southern India exposes a segment of high-grade metamorphic rocks dominated by an aluminous garnet–cordierite–spinel–sillimanite–quartz migmatite suite, designated herein as the Kodaikanal Metapelite Belt (KMB). These rocks were subjected to extreme crustal metamorphism during the Late Neoproterozoic despite the lack of diagnostic ultrahigh-temperature assemblages. The rocks preserve microstructural evidence demonstrating initial-heating, dehydration melting to generate the peak metamorphic assemblage and later retrogression of the residual assemblages with remaining melt. The peak metamorphic assemblage is interpreted to be garnet + sillimanite + K-feldspar + spinel + Fe–Ti oxide + quartz + melt, which indicates pressure–temperature (P–T) conditions around 950–1000 °C and 7–8 kbar based on calculated phase diagrams. A clockwise P–T path is proposed by integrating microstructural information with pseudosections. We show that evidence for extreme crustal metamorphism at ultrahigh-temperature conditions can be extracted even in the cases where the rocks lack diagnostic ultrahigh-temperature mineral assemblages. Our approach confirms the widespread regional occurrence of UHT metamorphism in the Madurai Block during Gondwana assembly and point out the need for similar studies on adjacent continental fragments.  相似文献   

John Wakabayashi   《Tectonophysics》2004,392(1-4):193
Metamorphic pressure (P)–temperature (T) paths are commonly used as tools to interpret the tectonic history of orogenic belts, those deformed belts of rocks that record past activity along active plate margins. Many studies and reviews relating PT path development to tectonics have focused on thrusting–thermal relaxation cycles, with special emphasis on collisional processes. Other studies have assumed that PT paths resulted from a single tectono-metamorphic event that accounted for the entire burial–exhumation history of the rocks. In many cases, such assumptions may prove invalid.This paper speculates on the relationship of tectonic processes other than thrusting–heating to PT path development. The processes discussed herein include subduction initiation, triple-junction interactions, initiation and shut off of arc volcanism, subcontinental delamination, and hot spot migration. All of these processes may leave a signature in the metamorphic rock record. Examples are presented from a number of localities, most of which are from the Pacific Rim. Although thrusting–heating cycles have influenced metamorphic evolution in many orogenic belts, the potential impact of other types of tectonic mechanisms should not be overlooked.  相似文献   

Because of late metamorphic and tectonic overprints, the reconstruction of prograde parts of PT paths is often difficult. In the SW Variscan French Massif Central, the Thiviers-Payzac Unit (TPU) is the uppermost allochthon emplaced above underlying units. The TPU experienced a Barrovian metamorphism coeval with a top-to-the-NW ductile shearing (D2 event) in Early Carboniferous times (ca. 360–350 Ma). The tectonic setting of the D2 event, compression or synconvergence extension, remains unclear. Using the THERMOCALC software and the model system MnNCKFMASH, the peak PT conditions are estimated from garnet rims and matrix minerals and the prograde evolution is deduced from garnet core compositions. The combination of these two approaches demonstrates that the TPU experienced pressure and temperature increases before reaching peak conditions at 6.6–9.0 +/− 1.2 kbar and 615–655 +/− 35 °C. This kind of PT path shows that the regional D2 event corresponds to crustal thickening.  相似文献   

The metamorphic evolution of the Garzón Massif, Colombia, is established on the basis of the textural, goethermobarometric, and geochronological relationships of the metamorphic minerals. The geothermobarometric data define a clockwise, nearly isothermal decompression path (ITD) for rocks from Las Margaritas migmatites, constrained by four PT areas: 780–826 °C and 6.3–8.0 kbar, 760–820 °C and 8.0–8.8 kbar, 680–755 °C and 6.6–9.0 kbar, and 630 °C and 4 kbar. For the a garnet-bearing charnockitic gneiss from the Vergel granulites, the path is counterclockwise, constrained by geothermobarometric data of 5.3–6.2 kbar and 700–780 °C and 6.2–7.2 kbar and 685–740 °C. The clockwise ITD path represents a loop followed by the orogen during the transitional granulite–amphibolite metamorphic conditions, probably associated with a subduction process followed by a collisional tectonic event. This subduction framework produced continental crust thickening between 1148 and 1034 Ma and later collision with another continental block approximately 1000 Ma ago. The orogenic exhumation occurred with moderate uplift rate. The counterclockwise trajectory and two metamorphic events suggest a vertical displacement between the Vergel granulites and Las Margaritas migmatites units, because there is no isotopic difference that indicates the existence of different terranes. The data confirm that the metamorphic evolution for this domain was more dynamic than previously believed and includes: (1) metamorphic processes with the generation of new crust with a possible mixture of old material and (2) metamorphic recycling of continental crust. These geological processes characterize a complex Mesoproterozoic orogenic event that shares certain features with the Grenvillian basement rocks participating in the formation of Rodinia.  相似文献   

The Mondoñedo thrust sheet has been studied to investigate the complex dynamic relationships that may be involved in the development of low- and medium-P metamorphic domains. This unit underwent an initial medium-P event during the initial stages of Variscan convergence, related to crustal thickening. Subsequently, the thrust sheet evolved to a low-P baric type of metamorphism, related to syn-convergence thinning and exhumation. Its footwall, cropping out in two tectonic windows, registered a different evolution, with a low-P history that evolved from low- to high-T under a high geothermal gradient. Several different PT paths of the Mondoñedo thrust sheet and its relative autochthon are traced and interpreted according to the structural evolution of the area. Following the initial crustal thickening, two main syn-convergence extensional shear zones developed. One of them occurs in the hangingwall, whereas the other affects the footwall unit. Both extensional shear zones were contemporaneous with ductile thrusting in the inner parts of the thrust sheet, and their activity is viewed as a consequence of the need for gravitational re-equilibration within the orogenic wedge.The most commonly accepted models of tectonothermal evolution in regions of thickened continental crust assume that low-P metamorphism is essentially a late phenomenon, and is linked to late-orogenic tectonic activity. In the Mondoñedo thrust sheet, our conclusions indicate that low-P metamorphism may also develop during convergence, and that this may occur in at least two cases. One is tectonic denudation of an allochthonous unit during its emplacement, and the other, thinning and extension at the footwall unit of an advancing thrust sheet. As a consequence, the low-P evolution may show different characteristics in different units of an orogenic nappe pile.  相似文献   

Integration of fluid inclusion analysis with high spatial resolution Ar–Ar dating of K-feldspar cements has been used to resolve and reconstruct palaeo-fluid flow. Fluid inclusion analysis allows discrimination of distinct cement phases, thereby identifying discrete episodes of fluid flow. Ar–Ar dating of the same cements via high spatial resolution laserprobe establishes absolute age constraints on the framework previously constructed. Integration of these two datasets yields temperature–composition–time data.  相似文献   

The chromites from the alpine type ultramafic intrusive of Sukinda, India, display a typical partly inverse spinel form and occur in two distinct zones: Brown Ore Zone (BOZ) and Grey Ore Zone (GOZ). The host ultramafites are mostly altered and are represented by the serpentinite, tremolite-talc(chlorite) schist, talc-serpentine schist and chlorite rock. The less altered variants are dunite, harzburgite and websterite. A dyke of orthopyroxenite runs through the main ultramafic body.The composition of olivine (Fo92), orthopyroxene (En92–89) and Al2O3 contents of the parental liquid (10.40–11.45%) determined from chromites, suggest that the parent melt is of boninitic affinity. The chemical plot of TiO2 content against cr# of chromites corroborates a boninitic parental melt. The Fe–Mg partitioning in olivine and chromite depicts the temperature for chromitites as 1200 °C. A compositional plot of mg# and cr# suggests crystallization at high pressure conditions, corresponding to the kimberlite xenolith field. From the PT diagram of pyrolite melting and mineral assemblage, the pressure of crystallization is stipulated to be ≥1.2 GPa. The fO2 values estimated from Fe3+/Cr+Al+Fe3+ ratios range from 10−8.3 to 10−9.3 for the GOZ and 10−7.1 to 10−7.3 for the BOZ. The fO2 values together with the pressure range suggest crystallization at upper mantle conditions. The heterogeneity in chemical composition and fO2 conditions for the GOZ and BOZ could be linked to heterogeneity in the upper mantle.  相似文献   

The tectono‐metamorphic evolution of the Hercynian intermediate–upper crust outcropping in eastern Sila (Calabria, Italy) has been reconstructed, integrating microstructural analysis, P–T pseudosections, mineral isopleths and geochronological data. The studied rocks belong to a nearly complete crustal section that comprises granulite facies metamorphic rocks at the base and granitoids in the intermediate levels. Clockwise P–T paths have been constrained for metapelites of the basal level of the intermediate–upper crust (Umbriatico area). These rocks show noticeable porphyroblastic textures documenting the progressive change from medium‐P metamorphic assemblages (garnet‐ and staurolite‐bearing assemblages) towards low‐P/high‐T metamorphic assemblages (fibrolite‐ and cordierite‐bearing assemblages). Peak‐metamorphic conditions of ~590 °C and 0.35 GPa are estimated by integrating microstructural observations with P–T pseudosections calculated for bulk‐rock and reaction‐domain compositions. The top level of the intermediate–upper crust (Campana area) recorded only the major heating phase at low‐P (~550 °C and 0.25 GPa), as documented by the static growth of biotite spots and of cordierite and andalusite porphyroblasts in metapelites. In situ U–Th–Pb dating of monazite from schists containing low‐P/high‐T metamorphic assemblages gave a weighted mean U–Pb concordia age of 299 ± 3 Ma, which has been interpreted as the timing of peak metamorphism. In the framework of the whole Hercynian crustal section the peak of low‐P/high‐T metamorphism in the intermediate‐to‐upper crust took place concurrently with granulite facies metamorphism in the lower crust and with emplacement of the granitoids in the intermediate levels. In addition, decompression is a distinctive trait of the P–T evolution both in the lower and upper crust. It is proposed that post–collisional extension, together with exhumation, is the most suitable tectonic setting in which magmatic and metamorphic processes can be active simultaneously in different levels of the continental crust.  相似文献   

40Ar/39Ar dating and estimates of regional metamorphic PT conditions were carried out on the basement rocks of the Eastern Kunlun Mountains, Western China. Samples from the Jinshuikou, Xiaomiao, Kuhai, Wanbaogou, and Nachitai groups revealed distinct metamorphic events and four age groups. The age group in the range from 363 to 439 Ma is interpreted to represent cooling after Middle Silurian–Late Devonian granulite(?) and amphibolite facies metamorphism, which is dominated by low–middle pressure/high temperature conditions. This tectono-thermal event is related to the closure of an oceanic basin or marginal sea. An age group of 212–242 Ma represents cooling after Triassic metamorphic overprint, which is probably associated with magmatic intrusions. This thermal event, together with the Permo-Triassic ophiolite zone along the South Kunlun Fault, relates to the closure of a major ocean (between India and Eurasia) and the eventual N-ward accretion of the Qiangtang block in Permo-Triassic times. The significance of the age group of 104–172 Ma may be related to the ductile deformation along the Xidatan fault due to the northward-directed accretion of the Lhasa block. Biotites from Nachitai record a partial isotopic resetting at ca. 32 Ma that is interpreted to represent a late-stage exhumation caused by further crustal shortening.  相似文献   

In the southern sector of the Southern Brasília Belt, late Neoproterozoic arc–passive margin collision resulted in juxtaposition of an arc‐derived nappe (the Socorro–Guaxupé Nappe) over a stack of passive margin‐derived nappes (the Andrelândia Nappe Complex) that lies on top of autochthonous basement of the São Francisco Craton. (U–Th)–Pb monazite ages are reported from the high‐grade nappes of the Andrelândia Nappe Complex to better constrain the high‐temperature retrograde evolution. For residual HP granulites from the uppermost Três Pontas–Varginha Nappe, (U–Th)–Pb ages of c. 662 and 655 Ma from low yttrium monazite inclusions in the rims of, or associated with garnet are interpreted to date the late‐stage close‐to‐peak prograde evolution, whereas an age of c. 648 Ma from a similar low yttrium monazite inclusion is interpreted to record post‐peak recrystallization with melt via factures in garnet. For the same nappe, ages of 640–631 Ma retrieved from higher yttrium areas or cores in monazite grains that occur both as inclusions in garnet and in the matrix are interpreted to record growth of monazite either by local breakdown of garnet (±older monazite) and mass exchange with a matrix melt reservoir along cracks or growth from residual melt in the matrix as it crystallized during high‐pressure, close‐to‐isobaric cooling close to the solidus, the temperature of which, at a given pressure, varies with bulk composition of the residual granulites. (U–Th)–Pb ages in the range 620–588 Ma from lower yttrium areas in these monazite grains and from matrix‐hosted patchy monazite are interpreted to date exhumation, as recorded by close‐to‐isothermal decompression and subsequent close‐to‐isobaric cooling. Older monazite ages in this group are interpreted to record late‐stage interaction with melt close to the solidus whereas younger monazite ages are interpreted to record recrystallization of monazite by dissolution–reprecipitation owing to ingress of alkali fluid from the Carmo da Cachoeira Nappe beneath as fluid was released by crystallization of in‐source melt at the solidus. In the underlying Carmo da Cachoeira Nappe, higher yttrium areas in monazite and one single domain monazite yield chemical ages of 619–616 Ma, which are interpreted to date growth as in‐source melt crystallized close to the solidus along the high‐pressure, close‐to‐isobaric segment of the retrograde P–T evolution. Younger (U–Th)–Pb ages of 600–595 Ma retrieved from lower yttrium areas and one single domain monazite are interpreted to record recrystallization of monazite by dissolution–reprecipitation owing to release of fluid at the solidus during exhumation of this nappe. Monazite from the Carvalhos Klippe, interpreted to be correlative with the uppermost nappe, yields a wide range of (U–Th)–Pb ages: for two zoned grains, c. 619 and c. 614 Ma from higher yttrium cores, and c. 583 and c. 595 Ma from lower yttrium rims; and, 592–580 Ma from single domain grains in one sample, and ages of c. 593 and c. 563 Ma from monazite in a second sample. Ages younger than 605 Ma are interpreted to date a fluid‐induced response to the early stages of orogenic loading associated with terrane accretion in the Ribeira Belt to the southeast. The results reported here demonstrate that ages retrieved from monazite that grew close to the solidus in residual granulites from a single tectonic unit will vary from sample to sample according to differences in the solidus temperatures. Further, we show that monazite inclusions may yield ages that are younger than the host mineral and confirm the propensity of monazite to record evidence of tectonic events that are not always registered by other high‐temperature mineral chronometers.  相似文献   

The Sauwald Zone, located at the southern rim of the Bohemian Massif in Upper Austria, belongs to the Moldanubian Unit. It exposes uniform biotite + plagioclase ± cordierite paragneisses that formed during the post-collisional high-T/low-P stage of the Variscan orogeny. Rare metapelitic inlayers contain the mineral assemblage garnet + cordierite + green spinel + sillimanite + K-feldspar + plagioclase + biotite + quartz. Mineral chemical and textural data indicate four stages of mineral growth: (1) peak assemblage as inclusions in garnet (stage 1): garnet core + cordierite + green spinel + sillimanite + plagioclase (An35–65); (2) post-peak assemblages in the matrix (stages 2, 3): cordierite + spinel (brown-green and brown) ± sillimanite ± garnet rim + plagioclase (An10–45); and (3) late-stage growth of fibrolite, muscovite and albite (An0–15) during stage 4. Calculation of the P–T conditions of the peak assemblage (stage 1) yields 750–840°C, 0.29–0.53 GPa and for the stage 2 matrix assemblage garnet + cordierite + green spinel + sillimanite + plagioclase 620–730°C, 0.27–0.36 GPa. The observed phase relations indicate a clockwise P–T path, which terminates below 0.38 GPa. The P–T evolution of the Sauwald Zone and the Monotonous Unit are very similar, however, monazite ages of the former are younger (321 ± 9 Ma vs. 334 ± 1 Ma). This indicates that high-T/low-P metamorphism in the Sauwald Zone was either of longer duration or there were two independent phases of late-Variscan low-P/high-T metamorphism in the Moldanubian Unit.  相似文献   

Multi-equilibrium thermobarometry shows that low-grade metapelites (Cubito-Moura schists) from the Ossa–Morena Zone underwent HP–LT metamorphism from 340–370 °C at 1.0–0.9 GPa to 400–450 °C at 0.8–0.7 GPa. These HP–LT equilibriums were reached by parageneses including white K mica, chlorite and chloritoid, which define the earliest schistosity (S1) in these rocks. The main foliation in the schists is a crenulation cleavage (S2), which developed during decompression from 0.8–0.7 to 0.4–0.3 GPa at increasing temperatures from 400–450 °C to 440–465 °C. Fe3+ in chlorite decreased greatly during prograde metamorphism from molar fractions of 0.4 determined in syn-S1 chlorites down to 0.1 in syn-S2 chlorites. These new data add to previous findings of eclogites in the Moura schists indicating that a pile of allochtonous rocks situated next to the Beja-Acebuches oceanic amphibolites underwent HP–LT metamorphism during the Variscan orogeny. To cite this article: G. Booth-Rea et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   

Precise U–Pb geochronology and Hf isotope tracing of zircon is combined with whole-rock geochemical and Sr and Nd isotope data in order to unravel processes affecting mafic to felsic calcalkaline magmas prior to and during their crystallization in crustal magma chambers along the southern border of Central Srednogorie tectonic zone in Bulgaria (SE Europe). ID-TIMS U–Pb dating of single zircons from felsic and mixed/mingled dioritic to gabbroic horizons of single plutons define crystallization ages of around 86.5–86.0, 85.0–84.5 and 82 Ma. Concordia age uncertainties are generally less than 0.3 Ma (0.35%–2σ), and as good as 0.08 Ma (0.1%), when the weighted mean 206Pb/238U value is used. Such precision allows the distinction of magma replenishment processes if separated by more than 0.6–1.0 Ma and when they are marked by newly saturated zircons. We interpret zircon dates from a single sample that do not overlap to reflect new zircon growth during magma recharge in a long-lived crustal chamber. Mingling/mixing of the basaltic magma with colder granitoid mush at mid- to upper-crustal levels is proposed to explain zircon saturation and fast crystallization of U- and REE-rich zircons in the hybrid gabbro.Major and trace-element distribution and Sr and Nd whole-rock isotope chemistry define island arc affinities for the studied plutons. Slab derived fluids and a sediment component are constrained as enrichment sources for the mantle wedge-derived magma, though Hf isotopes in zircon suggest crustal assimilation was also important. Inherited zircons, and their corresponding ε-Hf, from the hybrid gabbroic rocks trace the lower crust as possible source for enrichment of the mantle magma. These inherited zircons are about 440 Ma old with ε-Hf of − 7 at 82 Ma, whereas newly saturated concordant Upper Cretaceous zircons reveal mantle ε-Hf values of + 7.2 to + 10.1. The upper and middle crusts contribute in the generation of the granitoid rocks. Their zircon inheritance is Lower Palaeozoic or significantly older and crustal dominated with 82–85 Ma corrected ε-Hf values of − 28. The Cretaceous concordant zircons in the granitoids are mantle dominated with a ε-Hf values spreading from + 3.9 to + 7.  相似文献   

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