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在对Snake模型研究分析的基础上,结合地图制图的需求,从3个方面对Snake模型进行改进:首先建立Snake模型中参数与道路曲线形态特征的关系,以更好地保持移位前后道路形态的相似性;其次控制Snake模型中外力的传播范围,以尽量保持要素位置的准确性;最后,通过道路交叉点的权重属性控制,保证移位后各交叉点的连通性以及道路的整体拓扑关系不发生变化。在此基础上,提出道路网移位整体思路,并采用改进的Snake模型对其进行移位,解决空间冲突。  相似文献   

本文首先对移位算法的发展史进行简要介绍,然后,在其基础上,根据各移位算法的思想特征,对各移位算法进行归纳,将其划分为七类,并对每一类算法的核心思想进行详细论述,最后,对各类移位算法进行评价,分析其优缺点,总结各类算法中的可借鉴思想,为更好地实现移位奠定基础。  相似文献   

介绍了在地图缩编中因道路符号所对应的实际尺寸加宽而破坏了建筑物与道路符号的正确关系时,针对第二、三、四类建筑物进行移位所涉及的数学方法,并给出了实验结果。最后,介绍了用栅格探测加矢量计算法对移位后可能产生的要素间的后继图形冲突所进行的探测,以及消除后继冲突的方法。  相似文献   

本文在分析传统道路与建筑物空间冲突算法的基础上,借鉴其优点,从保持建筑物间的整体空间布局特征,以及模拟人工移位的处理方法角度出发,提出根据区域密集程度的不同,划分为稀疏区、密集区、高密集区三个等级区域,并制定相应的多层次移位处理原则,然后,根据道路与建筑物的邻近程度,将建筑物分为多等级的移位层,对移位层内的冲突进一步细分;据此,依据移位层的邻近程度,将多层次处理原则贯穿于要素冲突外力的计算、外力的聚合以及其移位算法的确定中,分别对道路与建筑物的冲突、建筑物之间的冲突分别进行处理。  相似文献   

比例射线移位算法处理冲突目标群,能够较好地保持移位后目标群的空间分布模式,常被应用于点群移位。本文在对已有算法的研究基础上,对其进行改进:首先考虑了存在线状要素时点群移位的新情况;其次,提出了可变参数的衰减函数控制模型。最后本文通过实验,演示了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

周启  艾廷华  张翔 《测绘学报》2013,(4):615-620
制图综合中的移位在解决空间冲突时,需要顾及多种上下文条件下的邻近目标的空间冲突,同时要保持目标群分布模式形态。本研究针对该问题,建立了多力源作用下的移位场模型,实现满足以上条件的多边形目标群的移位。该模型在Voronoi图剖分结构中,通过邻近距离阈值探测空间冲突,并作为斥力发生源,基于多源斥力的向量和计算得到最终移位的方向与偏移距离。该模型同时利用群组的方式保持空间目标的分布模式形态。本研究通过街区中建筑物群的综合试验,验证了基于该移位场模型的移位不会产生新的空间冲突,较好地保持了移位前的相对空间关系。  相似文献   

杨莉 《测绘工程》2015,(10):51-55
在对Snake模型研究的基础上,结合建筑物群在移位中的特点,从2个方面对Snake模型进行改进:首先,在Snake模型中加强对齐排列建筑物群这一重要空间特征的识别,以便保持对齐排列建筑物群在移位前后不变;其次,针对传统Snake模型有时无法解决两个建筑物空间冲突的缺点,对街区中的建筑物群实行分层次移位,先将有冲突的两个建筑物作为整体,与剩余其它建筑物利用Snake模型一起移位,然后再根据文中提出的建筑物间相互冲突的4种受力模型,进行建筑物间空间冲突的移位。最后利用改进的Snake模型进行移位实验和分析。  相似文献   

刘晴  郭庆胜  龙毅 《测绘工程》2015,(12):68-71
点状要素群移位的比例射线算法能够较好地保持移位后点群的空间分布模式。文中从农村居民地群移位的实际要求出发,对比例射线移位算法进行了改进:首先考虑居民地面积的不同大小对移位的影响;其次,设计比例射线移位的迭代方法;最后对于非常邻近的居民地群的移位,采用"微小"移位方法。通过实验验所改进的算法是有效的。  相似文献   

制图综合常要求将地形图要素从其正确的图面位置偏移一点。本文就线状要素的移位问题进行讨论。首先提出移位场的概念,这对于由于移位所产生的“连锁反应”能较好地解决;然后,提出一种栅格探测——矢量计算方祛,加快移位计算的速度。  相似文献   

用计算机模拟人类制图员解决地图缩编中的图形冲突   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
针对地图综合中因道路符号的夸大表示而引起的道路与建筑物的图形冲突,提出了让计算机模拟人类制图员具备视觉及分析功能的具体方法,设计了一种新颖的栅格矢量混合数据结构,以便通过将移位区内的所有建筑物分类,进行制图移位和受控变形等解决图形冲突。  相似文献   

针对地图中道路与建筑物的具体冲突问题,分析了移位的约束条件,阐述移位算法的发展历史,并对其算法进行了分析与研究,最后设计了解决道路与建筑物具体冲突问题的移位方案。  相似文献   

Multiple constraints for schematic road network map cartographic design are analyzed and summarized. Based on this, a set of quantitative criteria are set up and a new road network generalization method including progressive selection and displacement is proposed. Furthermore, topological checking methods for road networks are researched. Based on these constraints, the points in a road network are classified, and a satisfactory and effective schematic map is designed in a concrete experiment while maintaining topological consistency of the road network between the original and the schematic map.  相似文献   

Multiple constraints for schematic road network map cartographic design are analyzed and summarized. Based on this, a set of quantitative criteria are set up and a new road network generalization method including progressive selection and displacement is proposed. Furthermore, topological checking methods for road networks are researched. Based on these constraints, the points in a road network are classified, and a satisfactory and effective schematic map is designed in a con- crete experiment while maintaining topological consistency of the road network between the original and the schematic map  相似文献   

基于弹性力学思想的居民地点群目标位移模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
侯璇  武芳  刘芳  邓红艳 《测绘科学》2005,30(2):44-47
本文引入弹性力学思想对空间目标进行冲突探测及受力分析 ,用空间距离聚类及建立最小生成树的方法把空间关系较近的、相互独立的点状要素聚类组合成多个有机的整体 ,对每个整体用有限元的方法通过多次迭代。本算法的实验结果满足了诸多的制图约束条件 ,能够很方便地应用在制图综合中的位移操作中  相似文献   

针对大中比例尺地图中的行政界线、地块权属界线的制图综合问题,利用Douglas Peuker算法,提出距离阈值自适应求解算法对图形进行综合;将平差理论应用于综合后图形的处理中,保证图形的综合质量。讨论了面积、长度、固定点、直角/直线条件的建立,结合实例,研究了综合、平差的算法框架与实施步骤。  相似文献   


When road symbols are shown in a size proportionate to the reduced scale, several problems of legibility may arise concerning the urban blocks. By the method proposed in this paper, in order to overcome these problems, urban block areas are enlarged through amalgamation and the intervening roads in the amalgams are eliminated. This method includes two new approaches for computation of threshold used in determination of important roads based on the connectivity measure, and for definition of minimum block space and area requirements based on graphic limits. A block life cycle was designed for amalgamation of blocks. For the amalgamation process, a new algorithm was developed. The experimental testing indicates that important roads and the roads surrounding the urban area have been preserved. A simpler and more legible road network has been acquired. This method can be described as a more holistic approach as the buildings are taken into account. The problems arising in the experimental testing indicate that the cartographic selection/elimination process is not sufficient by itself for road network generalization, which can be assumed as one of the integral parts of Digital Earth. As well as the selection/elimination, processes such as displacement and caricaturizing are also needed.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the rules representing relief with contour lines and methods for automatically constructing relation of contour lines. Mean-while, the improvement of existent methods for extracting the topographic characteristic points and lines is described. On the basis of this analysis, we propose a series of practicable progressive graphic simplification ideas of contour lines and concrete algorithms for the exception’s handling. In this way, graphic generalizations of contour lines at different scales are integrated into one model that is convenient to implement, and in which contour lines’ intersection in generalization can be controlled.  相似文献   

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