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The teeth, or elements, ofconodonts are among the most important Palaeozoic microfossils. Despite this, the biological relationships of conodonts have long remained enigmatic. Recent evidence of their soft anatomy, and of the ultrastructure of the elements, has finally revealed that they are vertebrates. These discoveries push vertebrate origins firmly back into the Cambrian and add a large cohort of specialists to the ranks of the vertebrate palaeontologists.  相似文献   

斑岩铜矿若干问题的最新研究进展   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
斑岩铜矿是最重要的铜矿床类型,对其成矿作用的认识对找矿实践具有重要指导意义,为此,文章通过收集和整理有关文献总结了近年来斑岩铜矿研究在构造和岩浆对成矿作用的控制、成矿金属和成矿流体来源、矿石伴生金属组分含量的影响因素等方面所取得的成果。近几年的研究工作揭示:斑岩铜矿的大规模成矿作用与洋壳高浮力块体(包括无震海岭和洋底高原)的俯冲有关,高氧逸度的岩浆活动有利于斑岩铜矿的形成,与无矿斑岩体相比,含铜斑岩体一般具有低稀土元素含量以及亏损Ho和Er等特征;斑岩铜矿中铜和金多由俯冲洋壳所释放的流体对地幔中硫化物的氧化作用释放而来;在部分斑岩铜矿中,岩浆来源流体可构成绢英岩化期流体的主体;斑岩铜矿伴生金属组分的含量受许多因素控制,其中包括岩浆源区地幔演化、火成岩岩石类型、岩浆侵位深度和成矿温度等多个方面。部分研究成果应作为找矿标志在实践中运用。  相似文献   

张传林  叶现韬  李怀坤 《地质通报》2014,33(05):606-613
报道了塔里木库鲁克塔格地区新元古代晚期花岗闪长岩和钾长花岗岩的锆石U-Pb年龄和Hf同位素组成。花岗闪长岩锆石U-Pb谐和年龄为630.1±1.3Ma,钾长花岗岩锆石U-Pb谐和年龄为630.6±1.3Ma。Hf同位素组成表明,这2种岩石主要来自古老(中)基性地壳的重熔,可能有部分地幔物质的加入。结合已有的研究表明,650~615Ma期间的岩浆活动代表了塔里木地块新元古代最晚期的岩浆活动,是Rodinia超大陆解体过程中的产物,与泛非造山事件无关。塔里木地块自新元古代中期到早寒武世,持续接受了被动大陆边缘沉积,表明在这一时期塔里木为冈瓦那大陆之外独立的大陆块体,或是位于冈瓦那大陆最边缘的稳定大陆块体。  相似文献   

报道了塔里木库鲁克塔格地区新元古代晚期花岗闪长岩和钾长花岗岩的锆石U-Pb年龄和Hf同位素组成。花岗闪长岩锆石U-Pb谐和年龄为630.1±1.3Ma,钾长花岗岩锆石U-Pb谐和年龄为630.6±1.3Ma。Hf同位素组成表明,这2种岩石主要来自古老(中)基性地壳的重熔,可能有部分地幔物质的加入。结合已有的研究表明,650~615Ma期间的岩浆活动代表了塔里木地块新元古代最晚期的岩浆活动,是Rodinia超大陆解体过程中的产物,与泛非造山事件无关。塔里木地块自新元古代中期到早寒武世,持续接受了被动大陆边缘沉积,表明在这一时期塔里木为冈瓦那大陆之外独立的大陆块体,或是位于冈瓦那大陆最边缘的稳定大陆块体。  相似文献   

扇三角洲亚相定量划分的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
沉积相的定量划分一直是沉积学中一个难以解决的问题。通过水槽实验发现扇三角洲的形成是一个不断向前缘和侧缘前积、向上加积的过程,加积层和前积层分别代表了扇三角洲的平原部分和前缘部分。从剖面上来看,自扇三角洲根部至前端,平原部分的厚度逐渐减薄,而前缘部分的厚度则逐渐增厚。提出以剖面上前积层和加积层厚度相等的点作为扇三角洲平原与前缘亚相的厘定界限,由此可以解决扇三角洲平原与前缘亚相在平面上的定量划分问题。根据陡坡带扇三角洲模拟实验发现,剖面上前积层厚度与加积层厚度相等的点随着扇体的生长而不断变化,但平原部分与扇体延伸长度的比值λ保持不变,只受原始地形坡度α和扇面坡角β的影响。扇面坡角β是一个经验值常数,因此,在勘探过程中,只要通过地层倾角测井求出原始地形坡度α,再根据地震剖面或单井资料统计确定扇体的延伸长度,就可以计算出前缘亚相的分布范围,从而为预测油气勘探的有利相带提供依据。  相似文献   

位于南大西洋东岸被动大陆边缘之上的尼日尔三角洲发育一大型重力滑动构造。自非洲大陆向南大西洋方向,该重力滑动构造可以划分出前缘挤压构造变形区和后缘拉张构造变形区。前缘挤压构造变形,形成褶皱冲断带;后缘拉张构造变形,形成堑垒构造;两者之间的过渡带发育滑脱褶皱。三角洲沉积的时代为始新世—第四纪,地层剖面自下而上依次是海相页岩(Akata组)、近海三角洲相砂岩—页岩互层(Agbada组)和陆相冲积砂岩(Benin组)。3个岩石地层单元都是穿时的,向大洋方向变新。重力滑动构造的主滑脱面位于Akata海相页岩中。根据生长地层、不整合以及卷入变形的地层时代,重力滑动构造起始于约12 Ma,伴生有广泛发育的泥构造。重力滑动构造的形成可能与新生代喀麦隆火山带(Cameroon volcanic line)的火山活动有一定的关系。  相似文献   

采用2007年8月、2008年3月、2008年7月和2008年12月在灌河口至射阳河口岸段6条断面采集的底质样和相应潮滩表层沉积物样,以及废黄河口附近12条加密断面底质样,进行了粒度分析,并结合地质地貌、动力条件和水深资料,探讨了废黄河三角洲海域沉积物的粒度特征、分布类型及其规律。结果表明:废黄河三角洲海域沉积物类型主要为粘土质粉砂,由陆向海粒径逐渐变细,沿岸分布上则呈现自北向南逐渐变粗的规律;整个研究区域的沉积物呈现较粗,分选较差,呈正偏峰态窄尖的粒度特征;潮间带表层沉积物出现粗化现象。  相似文献   

对胶南造山带基础地质问题的新认识   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
:胶南造山带主体是由晚元古代同造山双花岗岩组成的造山带 ,有少量造山前幔源深成岩及造山后碱性花岗岩类。零星分布的地层残片可分为晚太古代胶东岩群 ,早元古代荆山群、粉子山群及震旦纪朋河石岩组。造山带经历了高压相系—中低压相系多期、多相变质作用 ,主要构造形迹为韧性剪切带 ,其次为穹隆构造、弧形构造。胶南造山带可分为北段、中段和南段 3部分 ,北段、中段属于华北板块南部边缘带 ,南段属扬子板块北部边缘带。  相似文献   

俄罗斯砂岩型铀矿的新近研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
俄罗斯地质学家А.Б.哈列佐夫博士于2002年1月14-25日在核工业北京地质研究院讲学和交流,系统地介绍了俄罗斯近年来在铀矿地质领域,特别是可地浸砂岩型铀矿床普查、钻探、预测工作和地浸矿床开采工艺上的一系列研究进展,并以达尔马托夫矿床为例,详细地介绍了古河谷型铀矿床的分布规律和赋存特征,地浸方法开采的地质工艺特性;最后,前瞻性地预测了俄罗斯渗入型铀矿成矿前景。我国北方与俄罗斯相邻,有些地区的地质构造背景、成矿地质特征与俄罗斯相似,介绍这些内容可为我们进行新一轮砂岩型铀矿成矿预测、找矿勘探工作等方面提供参考。  相似文献   

Karen J. Bakker 《Geoforum》2003,34(3):359-374
A little over a decade after privatization, the water supply industry in England and Wales is undergoing a period of restructuring; many water companies have withdrawn from equity markets, some have separated asset ownership from operation and maintenance, and others have made proposals to return water supply infrastructure to public control through ‘mutuals’ or ‘customer corporations’. This paper situates the restructuring of the water industry within broader debates over ‘associative self-governance’ taking place in Britain. Underpinned by a conceptual framework drawing on insights from regulation theory, in which governance models are enacted through regulatory practice, the interrelationship between restructuring and re-regulation of the water supply industry is analyzed. The paper argues that the failure of the post-privatization regulatory model to contain the contradictions between stable returns and the efficiency imperative, on the one hand, and politically acceptable rates of return and the equity imperative, on the other, led to a re-regulation of the water supply industry, which was a key factor in restructuring. Restructuring has entailed multiple strategies (diversification, internationalization, vertical de-integration, mutualization, securitization), which are briefly analyzed. In contrast to analyses which depict restructuring as a ‘retreat of the market’, the analysis presented in this paper emphasizes the continuity of the commercial governance model applied in the water supply industry in 1989. In interpreting restructuring as an industry response to re-regulation of services provision, the paper interrogates the incentive structure underpinning current proposals for a ‘mutual’ future for public services in Britain.  相似文献   

秦同春  程国明  王海刚 《地质通报》2018,37(2-3):503-509
地面沉降不仅影响社会经济的可持续发展,还威胁人类的生命安全。为推动世界地面沉降防治工作的进一步发展,根据近几年的地面沉降研究成果,对国际地面沉降最新研究进展进行了综述,旨在分析国际先进的地面沉降研究思路、方法、技术和管理政策,为中国今后的地面沉降工作方向提供指导。从地面沉降监测手段、监测网布设、监测精度,以及沉降机理研究和管理措施几个方面对比了国内外地面沉降工作,分析了中国在地面沉降工作中的长处与不足。中国地面沉降防治工作在沉降监测、机理研究、完善相关法律法规等方面依然任重道远。  相似文献   

尼日尔三角洲位于非洲大陆西海岸的几内亚湾,由尼日尔河注入大西洋形成的,是世界上最大的三角洲之一。它发育于冈瓦纳大陆裂解形成的中、西非裂谷系和大西洋被动大陆边缘交汇部位,主体位于大西洋洋壳之上,部分位于非洲前寒武纪结晶基底之上。中、西非中生代裂谷系通过控制贝努埃-尼日尔河系的发育,间接控制三角洲的形成演化。尼日尔三角洲是一个进积型三角洲,具有典型的进积三角洲沉积序列,自下而上依次是海相页岩(Akata组)、近海三角洲相砂岩-页岩互层(Agbada组)和陆相冲积砂岩(Benin组)。三个岩石地层单位均规律性穿时,向洋方向变新。尼日尔三角洲层序中发育一大型重力滑动构造。该重力滑动构造的主滑脱面位于Akata海相页岩中,可以划分出前缘挤压构造变形区和后缘拉张伸展构造变形区。挤压构造变形区发育褶皱冲断带,伸展构造变形区发育堑垒构造,两者之间的过渡带发育滑脱褶皱。尼日尔三角洲的重力构造伴生有广泛发育的泥构造。重力动构造的形成可能与新生代喀麦隆火山带(Cameroon volcanic line)有一定的关系。  相似文献   

Flaring of associated gas from oil exploitation has several consequences on the environment. This study explores the spatial variability effects of gas flaring on the growth and development of cassava (Manihot esculenta), waterleaf (Talinum triangulare), and pepper (Piper spp.) crops commonly cultivated in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. Data was collected on soil and atmospheric temperature and moisture at a 20-m interval, starting at 40 m from the flare point to a distance of 140 m. Lengths and widths of crop leaves, height of crop plants and cassava yields were measured at the specified distances. The amino acid, ascorbic acid, starch, and sugar constituents of the cassava yields were determined. The results suggest that a spatial gradient exists in the effects of gas flares on crop development. Retardation in crop development manifests in decreased dimensions of leaf lengths and widths of cassava and pepper crops closer to the gas flare point. Statistical analysis also confirms that cassava yields are higher at locations further away from the flare point. In addition, the amount of starch and ascorbic acid in cassava decreased when the plant is grown closer to the gas flare. High temperatures around the gas flare appear to be the most likely cause of this retardation. The waterleaf crop, on the other hand, appears to thrive better around the gas flare point.  相似文献   

Deltas contain sedimentary records that are not only indicative of water‐level changes, but also particularly sensitive to earthquake shaking typically resulting in soft‐sediment‐deformation structures. The Kürk lacustrine delta lies at the south‐western extremity of Lake Hazar in eastern Turkey and is adjacent to the seismogenic East Anatolian Fault, which has generated earthquakes of magnitude 7. This study re‐evaluates water‐level changes and earthquake shaking that have affected the Kürk Delta, combining geophysical data (seismic‐reflection profiles and side‐scan sonar), remote sensing images, historical data, onland outcrops and offshore coring. The history of water‐level changes provides a temporal framework for the depositional record. In addition to the common soft‐sediment deformation documented previously, onland outcrops reveal a record of deformation (fracturing, tilt and clastic dykes) linked to large earthquake‐induced liquefactions and lateral spreading. The recurrent liquefaction structures can be used to obtain a palaeoseismological record. Five event horizons were identified that could be linked to historical earthquakes occurring in the last 1000 years along the East Anatolian Fault. Sedimentary cores sampling the most recent subaqueous sedimentation revealed the occurrence of another type of earthquake indicator. Based on radionuclide dating (137Cs and 210Pb), two major sedimentary events were attributed to the ad 1874 to 1875 East Anatolian Fault earthquake sequence. Their sedimentological characteristics were determined by X‐ray imagery, X‐ray diffraction, loss‐on‐ignition, grain‐size distribution and geophysical measurements. The events are interpreted to be hyperpycnal deposits linked to post‐seismic sediment reworking of earthquake‐triggered landslides.  相似文献   

Fan-Delta,Braid Delta and the Classification of Delta Systems   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This paper mainly discusses the origin and deposhional features of fan-deltas and braid deltas. Fan-del-tas are storm discharge-dominated, while braid deltas are usually flashy flood-dominated. The two types ofdelta, like common deltas, were reworked by marine processes. Delta systems are classified into nine deltatypes on the basis of the subaerial depositional processes and the nature of marine reworking. Fan-deltas and braid deltas are of great significance for petroleum exploration. In divergent-marginforeland and intraplate rift-subsided basin settings fan-deltas often form combination traps for petroleum ac-cumulation.  相似文献   

扇三角洲、辫状河三角洲与三角洲体系的分类   总被引:126,自引:1,他引:126       下载免费PDF全文
本文主要讨论扇三角洲和辫状河三角洲的成因和沉积特征。扇三角洲是由风暴型流量控制的;辫状河三角洲通常是由湍急洪水控制的。这两种三角洲象正常的三角洲那样经受过海洋的改造。根据沉积过程和海洋改造的性质,可把三角洲体系划分为9种类型。扇三角洲和辫状河三角洲对勘探石油具有重要的意义。在前陆盆地和板内裂谷沉降盆地中,人们发现扇三角洲常常形成聚集油气的复合圈闭。  相似文献   

榆木山北缘断裂位于河西走廊中段榆木山山前,是榆木山隆起与河西走廊之间的分界断裂。研究榆木山北缘断裂的断错地貌与活动特征,有助于进一步了解该地区的地震危险性及历史地震的归属问题。本研究通过遥感影像解译、野外地质调查及无人机航空摄影测量,获得了研究点高精度DEM数据,并利用数据进行了微地貌分析,详细区分了榆木山北缘断裂被断错及未断错的洪积扇,根据断错特征使用14C测年方法对洪积扇进行了定年,对榆木山北缘断裂最新地震事件进行了限定。结果表明,榆木山北缘断裂未断错的早期洪积扇年代为2775~2940 cal.a B.P.,表明断裂最新一次地震活动发生在2775~2940 cal.a B.P. 之前。综合前人研究结果,榆木山北缘断裂的最新一次地震事件限定在约2775~2940 cal.a B.P. 至3940~4155 cal.a B.P. 之间,该结果不支持公元180年表氏(高台)7 级地震发生在榆木山北缘断裂上的观点。榆木山北缘断裂古地震离逝时间较长,已接近或超过地震复发间隔,具有较高的地震危险性。  相似文献   

The latest Carboniferous–Early Permian Dorud Group in the Chaman‐Saver area of eastern Alborz, Iran is more than 222 m thick and includes thick sequences of oncolitic limestone, sandy limestone, sandstones and shales. The Emarat and Ghosnavi formations of this Group are dated here as latest Gzhelian to early Sakmarian Stages. During the Asselian Stage, the sea level fell abruptly and epeirogenic episodes occurred. These events generated a broad, shallow carbonate platform suitable for the growth and diversity of smaller foraminifers in the Chaman‐Saver area which, consequently, displays faunal differences with the rest of the Alborz Mountains. Three foraminiferal biozones are proposed: Nodosinelloides potievskayae–Vervilleina bradyi Zone (latest Gzhelian), Calcitornella heathi–Nodosinelloides sp. Zone (latest Gzhelian–Asselian), and Rectogordius iranicus n. gen. n. sp.–Hemigordius schlumbergeri Zone (early Sakmarian). The new taxa described herein include: Pseudovidalina iranica n. sp., P. damghanica n. sp., Rectogordius iranicus n. gen. n. sp. and Tezaquina sp. 1. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

天文事件与二叠纪末联合古陆解体   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
二叠纪末发生了全球规模的剧烈变化,这种变化表现为古地磁逆转、古气候改变、显生宙规模最大的海退、缺氧事件、火山活动、地球化学异常及地史上规模最大的生物集群灭绝。全球二叠纪/三叠纪界线附近陆续发现了陨星撞击抛射物(微球粒)和不同程度的Ir等地球化学异常,表明二叠纪末发生了陨星撞击地球的天文事件。联合古陆从三叠纪开始解体,联合古陆解体的过程实际上就是特提斯洋缩小直至消亡的过程,也就是特提斯洋周缘板块聚合的过程。陨星撞击点可能位于二叠纪末特提斯洋北部,最终导致了特提斯洋消亡及联合古陆解体。  相似文献   

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