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The Korea Meteorological Administration uses soil moisture (SM) observed by the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-2 (AMSR2) to monitor drought. However, it may not be appropriate for monitoring drought in South Korea due to significant underestimation of SM. In this study, we used a deep learning method that performs better than traditional statistical and physical models for reliable estimation of SM based on remotely sensed satellite data. For estimating SM, we carefully selected input variables that exhibit a feedback loop with SM. To build an effective deep learning model, we examined the influences of sampling criteria and input parameters as well as the accuracy of several deep neural networks. The selected model was cross-validated to determine its stability. The estimated SM using deep learning had a high correlation coefficient (R) of 0.89 and a low root mean square error (RMSE; 3.825%) and bias (?0.039%) compared to in-situ measurements. A time series analysis using dynamic time warping was conducted which showed that the estimated SM was almost similar to the in-situ SM. In order to investigate the improvement in SM estimation using our method, it was compared with the Global Land Data Assimilation System and AMSR2. Significant improvements in R and a reduction in error values by more than half were achieved using our method. The estimated SM has finer spatial resolution at 4 km, and it can be rapidly produced, which will be useful for drought monitoring over the Korean Peninsula in near-real-time.  相似文献   

There are several issues with Web-based search interfaces on a Sensor Web data infrastructure. It can be difficult to (1) find the proper keywords for the formulation of queries and (2) explore the information if the user does not have previous knowledge about the particular sensor systems providing the information. We investigate how the visualization of sensor resources on a 3D Web-based Digital Earth globe organized by level-of-detail (LOD) can enhance search and exploration of information by easing the formulation of geospatial queries against the metadata of sensor systems. Our case study provides an approach inspired by geographical mashups in which freely available functionality and data are flexibly combined. We use PostgreSQL, PostGIS, PHP, and X3D-Earth technologies to allow the Web3D standard and its geospatial component to be used for visual exploration and LOD control of a dynamic scene. Our goal is to facilitate the dynamic exploration of the Sensor Web and to allow the user to seamlessly focus in on a particular sensor system from a set of registered sensor networks deployed across the globe. We present a prototype metadata exploration system featuring LOD for a multiscaled Sensor Web as a Digital Earth application.  相似文献   

大规模的煤炭开采活动将对生态环境产生扰动,而土壤含水量是受扰动的生态参数之一,且具有重要意义.现有的土壤含水量产品分辨率较低,不适用于区域尺度的研究,而高精度的微波反演由于数据的局限性无法进行长时问序列的研究.本文以我国的重要产煤基地锡林浩特市为研究区,以2004—2020年的AMSR-E与AMSR-2土壤含水量产品及...  相似文献   

Significant advances have been achieved in generating soil moisture (SM) products from satellite remote sensing and/or land surface modeling with reasonably good accuracy in recent years. However, the discrepancies among the different SM data products can be considerably large, which hampers their usage in various applications. The bias of one SM product from another is well recognized in the literature. Bias estimation and spatial correction methods have been documented for assimilating satellite SM product into land surface and hydrologic models. Nevertheless, understanding the characteristics of each of these SM data products is required for many applications where the most accurate data products are desirable. This study inter-compares five SM data products from three different sources with each other, and evaluates them against in situ SM measurements over 14-year period from 2000 to 2013. Specifically, three microwave (MW) satellite based data sets provided by ESA's Climate Change Initiative (CCI) (CCI-merged, -active and -passive products), one thermal infrared (TIR) satellite based product (ALEXI), and the Noah land surface model (LSM) simulations. The in-situ SM measurements are collected from the North American Soil Moisture Database (NASMD), which involves more than 600 ground sites from a variety of networks. They are used to evaluate the accuracies of these five SM data products. In general, each of the five SM products is capable of capturing the dry/wet patterns over the study period. However, the absolute SM values among the five products vary significantly. SM simulations from Noah LSM are more stable relative to the satellite-based products. All TIR and MW satellite based products are relatively noisier than the Noah LSM simulations. Even though MW satellite based SM retrievals have been predominantly used in the past years, SM retrievals of the ALEXI model based on TIR satellite observations demonstrate skills equivalent to all the MW satellite retrievals and even slightly better over certain regions. Compared to the individual active and passive MW products, the merged CCI product exhibits higher anomaly correlation with both Noah LSM simulations and in-situ SM measurements.  相似文献   

采用星载微波辐射计AMSR-E的低频C波段(6.925GHz),改进了山区微波辐射传输方程,以中国青藏高原地区为例,研究山区可能产生的多种地形效应对微波辐射特征以及土壤水分反演的影响。结果表明,地形效应使得垂直极化亮温最多衰减达到16K,水平极化的亮温最大增强了18K,土壤水分在地形的影响下将被高估超过最大允许误差4%。最后,利用地形效应模拟模型计算的山区地表有效发射率,为山区土壤水分的反演提出了可行的地形校正方法。  相似文献   


Currently, many soil erosion studies at local, regional, national or continental scale use models based on the USLE-family approaches. Applications of these models pay little attention to seasonal changes, despite evidence in the literature which suggests that erosion risk may change rapidly according to intra-annual rainfall figures and vegetation phenology. This paper emphasises the aspect of seasonality in soil erosion mapping by using month-step rainfall erosivity data and biophysical time series data derived from remote-sensing. The latter, together with other existing pan-European geo-databases sets the basis for a functional pan-European service for soil erosion monitoring at a scale of 1:500,000. This potential service has led to the establishment of a new modelling approach (called the G2 model) based on the inheritance of USLE-family models. The G2 model proposes innovative techniques for the estimation of vegetation and protection factors. The model has been applied in a 14,500 km2 study area in SE Europe covering a major part of the basin of the cross-border river, Strymonas. Model results were verified with erosion and sedimentation figures from previous research. The study confirmed that monthly erosion mapping would identify the critical months and would allow erosion figures to be linked to specific land uses.  相似文献   

聂娟  邓磊  郝向磊  刘明  贺英 《遥感学报》2018,22(3):400-407
高分四号(GF-4)是国家高分辨率对地观测系统重大专项天基系统中的一颗地球同步卫星,为探索GF-4号卫星在大面积干旱监测中的应用,本文对该卫星在快速监测大面积干旱方面的应用能力进行了初步探讨。以2016年内蒙古自治区巴林左旗和巴林右旗地区严重旱灾为例,利用NDVI差值对该区域的干旱情况进行了监测,并与MODIS NDVI产品进行对比分析,得到了研究区内2016年干旱分布情况,结果表明其总体趋势与MODIS NDVI产品一致,且细节信息更加丰富。本文主要是GF-4卫星数据结合GF-1卫星数据对内蒙部分干旱区域进行监测和分析,体现了国产高分辨率卫星数据,尤其是GF-4卫星数据,对提高中国突发灾害的应对能力具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Quantitative remote sensing retrieval algorithms help understanding the dynamic aspects of Digital Earth. However, the Big Data and complex models in Digital Earth pose grand challenges for computation infrastructures. In this article, taking the aerosol optical depth (AOD) retrieval as a study case, we exploit parallel computing methods for high efficient geophysical parameter retrieval. We present an efficient geocomputation workflow for the AOD calculation from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite data. According to their individual potential for parallelization, several procedures were adapted and implemented for a successful parallel execution on multi-core processors and Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). The benchmarks in this paper validate the high parallel performance of the retrieval workflow with speedups of up to 5.x on a multi-core processor with 8 threads and 43.x on a GPU. To specifically address the time-consuming model retrieval part, hybrid parallel patterns which combine the multi-core processor’s and the GPU’s compute power were implemented with static and dynamic workload distributions and evaluated on two systems with different CPU–GPU configurations. It is shown that only the dynamic hybrid implementation leads to a greatly enhanced overall exploitation of the heterogeneous hardware environment in varying circumstances.  相似文献   

In that orcharding in early-to-mid twentieth century southeastern Australia involved use of certain heavy metal and As compounds in regular pest-control spray procedures, some interest attaches to the possibility that these landparcels are underlain by’ soils with above-background Cu, Pb and As levels. Interpretation of Land-cover changes allowed land parcels previously occupied by orchards to be identified in the 1950s through time-series air-photos. A comparison of soil analysis results referring to soil samples from control sites, and from land parcels formerly occupied by orchardists, shows that contamination (above-background) levels of cations in the pesticides can be found in the top 6 cm of former orchard soils. It is clear that digital spatial data handling and culturally-informed air photo interpretation has a place in soil contamination studies, land-use planning (with particular reference to re-development) and in administration of public health.  相似文献   

An online spatial biodiversity model (SBM) for optimized and automated spatial modelling and analysis of geospatial data is proposed, which is based on web processing service (WPS) and web service orchestration (WSO) in parallel computing environment. The developed model integrates distributed geospatial data in geoscientific processing workflow to compute the algorithms of spatial landscape indices over the web using free and open source software. A case study for Uttarakhand state of India demonstrates the model outputs such as spatial biodiversity disturbance index (SBDI) and spatial biological richness index (SBRI). In order to optimize and automate, an interactive web interface is developed using participatory GIS approaches for implementing fuzzy AHP. In addition, sensitivity analysis and geosimulation experiments are also performed under distributed GIS environment. Results suggest that parallel algorithms in SBM execute faster than sequential algorithms and validation of SBRI with biological diversity shows significant correlation by indicating high R2 values.  相似文献   

In that orcharding in early-to-mid twentieth century southeastern Australia involved use of certain heavy metal and As compounds in regular pest-control spray procedures, some interest attaches to the possibility that these landparcels are underlain by soils with above-background Cu, Pb and As levels. Interpreta- tion of Land-cover changes allowed land parcels previously occupied by orchards to be identified in the 1950s through time-series air-photos. A comparison of soil analysis results referring to soil samples from control sites, and from land parcels formerly occupied by orchardists, shows that contamination (above-background) levels of cations in the pesticides can be found in the top 6 cm of former orchard soils. It is clear that digital spatial data handling and culturally-informed air photo interpretation has a place in soil contamination studies, land-use planning (with particular reference to re-development) and in administration of public health.  相似文献   

Geographic information has a great potential to be re-used when supported by mechanisms for its discovery. Above all, the quality of a catalogue service is the key feature supporting users in the discovery process. So far, there have been in existence various methodologies dealing with the normalized evaluation of quality with respect to catalogue services. Their biggest weakness seems to be in the depth of quality testing, i.e. some influences are beyond the scope of evaluation of these methodologies with respect to quality in catalogue services. In this study, the quality of 45 catalogue services across Europe was verified with the proposed normalized evaluation methodology originating from documents within the INfrastruture for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe (INSPIRE) framework. This paper discusses the (statistical) influence of factors that may significantly change the results of catalogue service testing. The proposals for improving the existing INSPIRE normalized evaluation procedure are applicable for any spatial data infrastructure and/or Digital Earth component using the Open Geospatial Consortium Catalogue Service for the Web as a basis.  相似文献   

An algorithm for the determination of the spherical harmonic coefficients of the terrestrial gravitational field representation from the analysis of a kinematic orbit solution of a low earth orbiting GPS-tracked satellite is presented and examined. A gain in accuracy is expected since the kinematic orbit of a LEO satellite can nowadays be determined with very high precision, in the range of a few centimeters. In particular, advantage is taken of Newton's Law of Motion, which balances the acceleration vector with respect to an inertial frame of reference (IRF) and the gradient of the gravitational potential. By means of triple differences, and in particular higher-order differences (seven-point scheme, nine-point scheme), based upon Newton's interpolation formula, the local acceleration vector is estimated from relative GPS position time series. The gradient of the gravitational potential is conventionally given in a body-fixed frame of reference (BRF) where it is nearly time independent or stationary. Accordingly, the gradient of the gravitational potential has to be transformed from spherical BRF to Cartesian IRF. Such a transformation is possible by differentiating the gravitational potential, given as a spherical harmonics series expansion, with respect to Cartesian coordinates by means of the chain rule, and expressing zero- and first-order Ferrer's associated Legendre functions in terms of Cartesian coordinates. Subsequently, the BRF Cartesian coordinates are transformed into IRF Cartesian coordinates by means of the polar motion matrix, the precession–nutation matrices and the Greenwich sidereal time angle (GAST). In such a way a spherical harmonic representation of the terrestrial gravitational field intensity with respect to an IRF is achieved. Numerical tests of a resulting Gauss–Markov model document not only the quality and the high resolution of such a space gravity spectroscopy, but also the problems resulting from noise amplification in the acceleration determination process.  相似文献   

Monitoring biophysical and biochemical vegetation variables in space and time is key to understand the earth system. Operational approaches using remote sensing imagery rely on the inversion of radiative transfer models, which describe the interactions between light and vegetation canopies. The inversion required to estimate vegetation variables is, however, an ill-posed problem because of variable compensation effects that can cause different combinations of soil and canopy variables to yield extremely similar spectral responses. In this contribution, we present a novel approach to visualise the ill-posed problem using self-organizing maps (SOM), which are a type of unsupervised neural network. The approach is demonstrated with simulations for Sentinel-2 data (13 bands) made with the Soil-Leaf-Canopy (SLC) radiative transfer model. A look-up table of 100,000 entries was built by randomly sampling 14 SLC model input variables between their minimum and maximum allowed values while using both a dark and a bright soil. The Sentinel-2 spectral simulations were used to train a SOM of 200 × 125 neurons. The training projected similar spectral signatures onto either the same, or contiguous, neuron(s). Tracing back the inputs that generated each spectral signature, we created a 200 × 125 map for each of the SLC variables. The lack of spatial patterns and the variability in these maps indicate ill-posed situations, where similar spectral signatures correspond to different canopy variables. For Sentinel-2, our results showed that leaf area index, crown cover and leaf chlorophyll, water and brown pigment content are less confused in the inversion than variables with noisier maps like fraction of brown canopy area, leaf dry matter content and the PROSPECT mesophyll parameter. This study supports both educational and on-going research activities on inversion algorithms and might be useful to evaluate the uncertainties of retrieved canopy biophysical and biochemical state variables.  相似文献   

This article investigates the performance of MERIS reduced resolution data to monitor water quality parameters in the Berau estuary waters, Indonesia. Total suspended matter (TSM), Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration and diffuse attenuation coefficient (Kd ) were derived from MERIS data using three different algorithms for coastal waters: standard global processor (MERIS L2), C2R and FUB. The outcomes were compared to in situ measurements collected in 2007. MERIS data processed with C2R gave the best retrieval of Chl-a, while MERIS L2 performed the best for TSM retrieval, but large deviations from in situ data were observed, pointing at inversion problems over these tropical waters for all standard processors. Nevertheless, MERIS can be of use for monitoring equatorial coastal waters like the Berau estuary and reef system. Applying a Kd (490) local algorithm to the MERIS RR data over the study area showed a sufficient good correlation to the in situ measurements (R 2 = 0.77).  相似文献   


The Shahr-e-Babak region located in the Kerman metallogenic belt is one of the high potential segments of Urumieh–Dokhtar magmatic arc for porphyry copper and epithermal gold mineralization in the south of Iran. This high potential zone encompasses several porphyry copper deposits under exploitation, development and exploration stages. The aim of this study is to evaluate Landsat-8 data and comparison with the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer data-sets for mapping hydrothermal alteration zones related to Cenozoic magmatic intrusions in Shahr-e-Babak region. Previous studies have proven the robust application of ASTER in lithological mapping and mineral exploration; nonetheless, the Landsat-8 data have high capability to map and detect hydrothermal alteration zones associated with porphyry copper and epithermal gold mineralization. In this investigation, several band combinations and multiplications, developed selective principal component analysis and image transformations were developed for discriminating hydrothermal alteration zones associated with porphyry copper mineralization using Landsat-8 data.  相似文献   

The Likelihood Ratio (LR) Model has been applied as an improvement upon the Frequency Ratio (FR) that computes the ratio of the percentage of the landslide pixels to the percentage of the non-landslide pixels instead of the total number of pixels used in the denominator as in case of the FR. The comparative assessment of the two techniques is made through spatial modelling of GIS vector data using the ArcGIS software. Two different Landslide Information Values were computed for each polygon element of the study area employing the two FR techniques that categorized the study area into five classes of vulnerability using natural breaks (Jenks) technique. Subsequently, vulnerability zonation maps were prepared showing the different levels of landslide vulnerability. The LR technique yielded significantly higher vulnerability assessment accuracy (77%) as compared to the standard FR (71%).  相似文献   

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