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Mineral deposit mapping is very essential for sustainable and eco-friendly exploitation of natural resources. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has abundant natural resources such as natural gas, oil and minerals. It reserves high quantity of minerals such as phosphates, bauxites, copper, gold and other industrial minerals. The red soil regions located in Hail and Qassim provinces of Saudi Arabia have rich amount of bauxite (major aluminum ore) deposits. In order to initiate the focus on mapping of mineral deposits along this area, standardized hyper-spectral analysis has been carried out by using Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) satellite data. The spectral signature of gibbsite (major element in bauxite) samples is analyzed with reference to the spectral features of gibbsite in the visible near infrared and short-wave infrared bands electromagnetic spectrum. Advanced hyper-spectral transformations such as minimum noise fraction function and pixel purity index have been performed to identify the target end-member. The existence of the mineral is confirmed by comparing the spectral signatures of the end-member with the predefined spectral plots of ASTER and United States Geological Survey spectral libraries. Finally, the end-members are mapped and their abundance is estimated in 0–1 scale. The study has opened up new areas for mapping of bauxite deposits in the area and leads to eco-friendly exploitation of natural resources. It also validates the high potential of ASTER multispectral satellite data for the exploration and mapping of mineral resources.  相似文献   

In Malaysia, the endemic level of dengue fever (DF) has already changed morbidity indicators, and the magnitude of these incidences in the last few years has surpassed the incidences of all other diseases of compulsory notification. The reasons for the dramatic emergence of DF are complex and not well understood. There are many factors that contribute to the epidemiological conditions that favour viral transmission by the main mosquito vector. This study, therefore, is filling this gap by analysing the impact of dengue incidence at a local (Subang Jaya) scale using environmental factors. Meteorological data and land-use pattern were consolidated using geographic information system (GIS) and its components as an analytical tool. We have shown that weather variables (relative humidity, temperature and precipitation) have significant correlation with DF incidence with seasonal variation. Besides land-use pattern, DF incidence shows the higher distribution in the residential area, followed by commercial and industrial area. This is due to the higher population density in residential area as well as favourable places for the breeding of dengue-carrying Aedes mosquitos created by humans in the residential area, especially one-storey houses. The analysis on the trends of DF incidence towards various housing types indicate that most of the victims’ houses fall into interconnection houses and mixed houses types compared to the independent houses area. The outcome driven from this analysis suggested that each character of the environmental factors has their own risk towards dengue incidence. In line with that, it is possible to develop a dynamic model of DF transmission using the knowledge produced by this comprehensive time series data and the results provided by the different analyses.  相似文献   

The present study has been undertaken to delineate the groundwater potential zones in the hard rock terrain of Palamu district, Jharkhand using the advanced applications of remote sensing, geographical information systems and analytic hierarchy process techniques. The integration and analyses of various thematic databases viz., geomorphology, lithology, soil, slope, lineament density, weathered zone thickness, drainage density and rainfall proved useful in the delineation of GWP zones. The study indicates that only 136?km2 of the study area exhibit excellent groundwater potential, 248?km2 has very good groundwater potential, whereas 36.89 and 38.23% are under poor and very poor groundwater potential zones, respectively. Hence, only a total of 11.6% of the area (490?km2) is classified as high to excellent groundwater potential. The final groundwater prospect map obtained was classified as excellent potential, very good potential, good potential, moderate potential, poor potential and very poor potential zone.  相似文献   

陈淑兴  柯长青 《测绘科学》2009,34(4):169-171
我国已经进入快速城市化阶段,及时掌握城市空间动态扩展信息对于城市规划、城市建设、管理及决策具有重要的现实意义。本文以无锡市1991年和2001年Landsat TM遥感影像为数据源,提取建成区信息,并引入位序-规模分布理论进行城市扩展的模拟研究。结果表明无锡市东部、东南部和西部大幅度地向外扩展,建成区面积增加了52.4km2。位序规模分布模拟表明主城区城市用地斑块不断膨胀,平均斑块面积增大,大量碎小斑块被吸收和合并,模拟结果与建成区斑块的实际扩展变化比较吻合。  相似文献   

实时获取农作物长势及产量等信息对于现代农业的发展具有重要意义。近年来,随着遥感技术(remote sensing,RS)和地理信息系统(geographic information system,GIS)广泛应用于农作物估产领域,相继出现了一些较为实用的估产方法,主要有结合辅助数据的估产方法、基于植被指数的估产方法、基于特定模型的估产方法和基于农作物估产平台(软件)的开发等。其中,基于植被指数的估产方法又分为单一和多植被指数估产2类方法。在对近年来该领域大量文献深入研究的基础上,着重就几类热点方法展开论述,并对每类方法的优势和缺陷进行了评述,最后对该领域需要进一步研究的方向进行了探讨和展望,以期为后续研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Mineral resource potential mapping is a complex analytical process,which requires the consideration and the inte-gration of a number of spatial evidences like geological,geomorphological,and wall rock alteration.The aim of this paper is to establish mineral exploration model for copper,lead,and zinc in Lanping basin area using the capability of analytical tools of Geographic Information System(GIS) and remote sensing data to generate maps showing favorable mineralized area.The geo-exploration dataset used f...  相似文献   

王牲  江南  胡斌  魏清字  胡显志 《测绘科学》2010,35(2):164-166,53
对于动态监测太湖蓝藻水华空间分布的业务需求,构建相应遥感动态监测信息系统可以为之提供有力支持。本文从系统总体结构和系统技术流程角度介绍系统的构建思路,并且探讨研发本系统的关键技术。本系统采用系统配置与单体模式技术实现系统架构,并设计良好的数据结构组织影像数据处理过程,同时将当前蓝藻水华遥感信息提取的主要方法应用到系统影像建模中,使得本系统在太湖蓝藻水华遥感监测的业务化运行中取得明显效果。  相似文献   

通讯光缆选线的遥感及GIS辅助决策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细介绍了基于遥感和地理信息系统(GIS)的某地通讯光缆选线基本流程。借助遥感和栅格GIS分析软件Idrisiforwindows,成功规划出了最佳通讯光缆支线位置,实现了通讯光缆选线的遥感和GIS辅助决策分析。  相似文献   

龙门山南段(芦山段)旅游资源遥感调查与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
芦山县地处龙门山南段,是成都平原向龙门山山地过渡的地带,特殊的地质、地貌条件和人类活动造就了区内山体、峡谷、岩溶、瀑布、湖泊、河流、森林和花卉等一大批自然景观,同时孕育了大批极具旅游价值的人文景观。这些旅游景观多以点状方式散布在全县范围内,人们对于全县的旅游资源,尤其是自然景观的分布范围和规模没有一个全面的认识,为此必须对芦山县的旅游资源进行大范围的调查。但是逐一调查每个景观难度较大,也难以从宏观和微观两个层次上去把握资源的分布和特征,本文利用ETM遥感图像,按照先解译自然景观,再结合其他资料间接判定人文景观的方法,实现了对区内旅游资源的调查和评价。  相似文献   


The development of spatial decision support for environmental resource management, e.g. forest and agroecosystem management, biodiversity conservation, or hydrological planning, started in the 1980s and was the focus of many research groups in the 1990s. The combined availability of spatial data and communication, computing, positioning, geographic information system (GIS)- and remote sensing (RS)-technologies has been responsible for the implementation of complex SDSS since the late 1990s. The regional GIS-based modelling of environmental resources, and therefore ecosystems in general, requires setting-up an extensive geo and model database. Spatial data on topography, soil, climate, land use, hydrology, flora, fauna and anthropogenic activities have to be available. Therefore, GIS- and RS-technologies are of central importance for spatial data handling and analysis. In this context, the structure of spatial environmental information systems (SEIS) is introduced. In SEIS, the input data for environmental resource management are organised in at least seven sub-information systems: base geodata information system (BGDIS), climate information system (CIS), soil information system (SIS), land use information system (LUIS), hydrological information system (HIS), spatial/temporal biodiversity information system (STBIS), forest/agricultural management information system (FAMIS). The major tasks of a SEIS are to (i) provide environmental resource information on a regional level, (ii) analyse the impact of anthropogenic activities and (iii) simulate scenarios of different impacts.  相似文献   

Geographical design of riparian buffers with long-term vegetation cover for environmental restoration in agricultural watersheds needs to assess how much farmland is located in the buffers of a concerned watershed. Traditionally, this assessment was done by field surveying and manual mapping, which was a time-consuming and costly process for a large region. In this paper, remote sensing (RS) and geographical information system (GIS) as cost-effective techniques were used to develop a catchments-based approach for identifying critical sites of agricultural riparian buffer restoration. The method was explained through a case study of watershed with 11 catchments and results showed that only four of the catchments were eligible in terms of higher priority for riparian buffer restoration. This research has methodological contributions to the spatial assessment of farming intensities in catchments-based riparian buffers across a watershed and to the geographical designs of variable buffering scenarios within catchments. The former makes the catchments-based management strategy possible, and the latter provides alternative restoration scenarios to meet different management purposes, both of which have direct implementations to the environmental restoration of riparian buffers in the real world. This study, thus, highlights the great potential of RS and GIS applications to the planning and management of riparian buffer restoration in agricultural watersheds.  相似文献   

Geographical design of riparian buffers with long-term vegetation cover for environmental restoration in agricultural watersheds needs to assess how much farmland is located in the buffers of a concerned watershed.Traditionally,this assessment was done by field surveying and manual mapping,which was a time-consuming and costly process for a large region.In this paper,remote sensing(RS) and geographical information system(GIS) as cost-effective techniques were used to develop a catchments-based approach for ...  相似文献   

为了研究内蒙古东乌旗Pb-Zn-Ag多金属成矿区的找矿远景,在对Landsat7 ETM+数据进行几何纠正、大气校正和去干扰等预处理的基础上,对多波段假彩色合成图像做滤波处理以增强区域构造信息、进行线性构造解译;运用分形几何学原理和计盒维数法求取线性构造分维值,得到线性构造的统计自相似性和分形特征;采用主成分分析和阈值分割法对图像进行铁染、羟基蚀变信息提取;最后根据区内线性构造、遥感蚀变信息、岩体分布特征、区域地球化学异常和已知矿床(点)分布资料综合分析,圈定出3个级别的7个找矿预测区,再次证实了基于遥感图像的线性构造和遥感蚀变异常信息可以作为找矿预测的标志.  相似文献   

从公路选线、工程地质勘察、工程设计到公路运行管理,3S技术的信息分析方法有其他手段不可替代的作用;遥感航测制图更有其速度快、质量高、节省人力物力的优势,而3维遥感数据是公路勘测设计自动化的基础,是体现设计思想、优化路线方案最先进有效的手段。  相似文献   

以里下河地区防汛信息系统为例 ,阐述了利用 TM遥感图像进行 GIS土地利用更新的试验研究。采用了最大似然分类法和模糊分类法两种监督分类方法进行分类试验。提出了两种提高训练区采样效率的基于 GIS本底数据的采样方法 ,即半人工采样方法和全自动分类区直方图提取法。对上述方法分别做了土地利用分类试验 ,对分类结果进行了分析比较 ,并作出了相应的结论。  相似文献   

耕地是丘陵山区稀缺的土地资源,具有地形条件复杂、种植结构多样的特点,导致了山地耕地信息难以快速、准确获取,并且基于传统的遥感数据及遥感监测方法开展山区耕地信息快速自动提取比较困难。针对这一问题,本文以西南山区贵州省息烽县作为试验区,根据地理空间异质性特征,提出分区控制、分层提取的耕地形态信息提取思路,构建了一种地貌单元约束条件下的分区分层耕地形态信息的提取方法。该方法首先根据地貌-植被特征将试验区划分为平坝区、山坡区、林草区3类地理分区;然后在每类分区基础上,根据耕地所呈现的视觉特征划分为不同的类型,对不同类型的耕地分别设计不同的深度学习模型进行分层提取。试验结果证明,该方法对山区复杂地形背景噪声具有较好的抑制作用,所提取的耕地地块信息相比于传统方法更符合实际耕地的实际分布形态,有效地减少了漏提率和错提率。  相似文献   

郑中  郑圣峰  王亚林  刘金龙  黄潇莹 《地理空间信息》2019,17(7):82-84,90,I0002
在分析当前城乡规划监督管理工作中普遍存在的问题和难点的基础上,构建了基于遥感、大数据和云服务等新技术的督察信息化模式——重庆市城乡规划遥感督察系统,实现了对督察业务数据的统一管理、分析和辅助决策,可满足规划督察工作内业分析、外业核查、信息填报、信息审核、考核处理等各阶段的业务需要,切实提高了城乡规划督察工作的效率。  相似文献   

渤海近岸水体漫衰减系数Kd(490)遥感反演模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
崔廷伟  张杰  马毅  孙凌  赵文静 《遥感学报》2009,13(3):417-429
利用2005年渤海近岸水体生物光学数据集, 建立了基于水体遥感反射率光谱Rrs(λ)数据的490nm波段水体漫衰减系数Kd(490)经验反演模型, 经实测数据检验, 模型反演结果的平均相对误差为18.4%, 均方根误差(对数坐标下)为0.094m-1, 相关系数R2 (对数坐标下)为0.902。分析了模型的噪声敏感性, 在输入端引入±5%误差的情况下, 模型反演结果的平均相对误差波动在9%以内, 均方根误差的变化在0.035m-1以内, 模型是稳定可靠的。以ENVISAT MERIS数据为例, 进行了模型的示范应用, 给出了渤海Kd(490)的空间分布。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the land use/land cover, landforms, shoreline and coastal regulation zone (CRZ) changes of Greater Visakhapatnam coastal region using Indian Remote Sensing-IRS P6 (Resourcesat-I) satellite data and collateral information. Prominent changes have been observed during the past 30 years through land use/land cover analyzes which clearly indicate that thecoastal regulatory zones have altered in respect of both natural and anthropogenic activities. Various geomorphic units were identified and confirmed with appropriate field work. Significant changes have been recognized in the shoreline map, which denote that the area of erosional shoreline is larger than the accretional and stable prone shoreline. The availability of high resolution data has helped to prepare large-scale maps for implementation of CRZ measures. The results were promising and suggest that the modern geo-spatial information and technological tools are extremely helpful for conducting coastal morphological studies.  相似文献   

Wetlands are among Earth's most dynamic, diverse and varied habitats as the balance between land and water surfaces provide shelter to a unique mixture of plant and animal species. This study explores the changes in two Mediterranean wetland delta environments formed by the Axios and Aliakmonas rivers located in Greece, over a 25-year period (1984–2009). Direct photo-interpretation of four Landsat TM images acquired during the study period was performed. Furthermore, a sophisticated, semi-automatic image classification method based on support vector machines (SVMs) was developed to streamline the mapping process. Deposition and erosion magnitudes at different temporal scales during the study period were quantified using both approaches based on coastline surface area changes. Analysis using both methods was conducted in a geographical information systems (GIS) environment.Direct photo-interpretation, which formed our reference dataset, showed noticeable changes in the coastline deltas of both study areas, with erosion occurring mostly in the earlier periods (1990–2003) in both river deltas followed by deposition in more recent years (2003–2009), but at different magnitudes. Spatial patterns of coastline changes predicted from the SVMs showed similar trends. In absolute terms SVMs predictions of sediment erosion and deposition in the studied area were different in the order of 5–20% in comparison to photo-interpretation, evidencing the potential capability of this method in coastline changes monitoring. One of the main contributions of our work lies to the use of the SVMs classifier in coastal mapping of changes, since to our knowledge use of this technique has been under-explored in this application domain. Furthermore, this study provides important contribution to the understanding of Mediterranean river delta dynamics and their behaviours, and corroborates the usefulness of EO technology and GIS as an effective tool in policy decision making and successful landscape management. The latter is of considerable scientific and practical value to the wider community of interested users, given the continued open access to observations from this satellite radiometer globally.  相似文献   

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