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The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami deposited a sheet of sand with surficial bedforms at the Andaman coast of Thailand. Here we show the recognition of bedforms and the key internal sedimentary structures as criteria of the tsunami supercritical flow condition. The presence of well‐preserved capping bedforms implied a dominant tsunami inflow. Sets of internal sedimentary structures including parallel lamination, seaward and landward inclined‐laminations, and downstream dipping laminae indicated antidune structures that were generated by a supercritical flow current in a depositional stage during the inflow. A set of seaward dipping cross‐laminations containing sand with mud drape on the surface of one depositional layer are a unique indication of an outflow structure. A majority of deposits show normal grading, but in some areas, localized reverse grading was also observed. The recognition of these capping bedforms and determination of the internal sedimentary structures provides new key criteria to help derive a better understanding of tsunami flow conditions.  相似文献   

The 2004 tsunami deposits and probable paleotsunami deposits were studied at the southern Kho Khao Island, on Andaman Sea coast of Thailand. The 2004 tsunami laid down about 8?cm of fining upward medium sand and locally about 40?cm of massive coarse sand with common mud clasts. The sediments were characterized by the presence of marine foraminiferal assemblage; however, already after 5?years many of carbonate foraminiferal tests were partly or completely dissolved. The probable paleotsunami deposits form layer about 1?m thick. It consists of massive very coarse sand with common big shells and mud clasts. Its composition suggests a marine origin and the presence of mud clasts, and similarity to the 2004 tsunami deposits suggests that the layer was left by paleotsunami, which took place probably during the late Holocene, even though two shells within the layer gave 14C ages of 40,000?years or more.  相似文献   

The 2004 earthquake left several traces of coseismic land deformation and tsunami deposits, both on the islands along the plate boundary and distant shores of the Indian Ocean rim countries. Researchers are now exploring these sites to develop a chronology of past events. Where the coastal regions are also inundated by storm surges, there is an additional challenge to discriminate between the deposits formed by these two processes. Paleo-tsunami research relies largely on finding deposits where preservation potential is high and storm surge origin can be excluded. During the past decade of our work along the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and the east coast of India, we have observed that the 2004 tsunami deposits are best preserved in lagoons, inland streams and also on elevated terraces. Chronological evidence for older events obtained from such sites is better correlated with those from Thailand, Sri Lanka and Indonesia, reiterating their usefulness in tsunami geology studies.  相似文献   

Geological identification of past tsunamis is important for risk assessment studies, especially in areas where the historical record is limited or absent. The main problem when using the geological evidence is to distinguish between tsunami and storm deposits. Both are high-energy events that may leave marine traces in coastal stratigraphic sequences. At Martinhal, SW Portugal both storm surge and tsunami deposits are present at the same site within a single stratigraphic sequence, which makes it suitable to study the differences between them, excluding variations caused by local factors.

The tsunami associated with the Lisbon earthquake of November 1st 1755 AD, had a major impact on the geomorphology and sedimentology of Martinhal. It breached the barrier and laid down an extensive sheet of sand, as described in eyewitness reports. Besides the tsunami deposit the stratigraphy of Martinhal also displays evidence for storm surges that have breached and overtopped the barrier, flooding the lowland and leaving sand layers. Both marine-derived flood deposits show similar grain size characteristics and distinctive marine foraminifera. The most important differences are the rip-up clasts and boulders exclusively found in the tsunami deposit and the landward extent of the tsunami deposit that everywhere exceeds that of the storm deposits. Identification of both depositional units was only possible using a collection of different data and extensive stratigraphical information from cores as well as trenches.  相似文献   

The sandy deposits produced by tsunamis and liquefaction share many sedimentary features, and distinctions between the two are important in seismically active coastal zones. Both types of deposits are present in the wetlands bordering Puget Sound, where one or more earthquakes about 1100 years ago caused both tsunami flooding and sediment venting. This co‐occurrence allows an examination of the resulting deposits and a comparison with tsunami and liquefaction features of modern events. Vented sediments occur at four of five wetland field localities and tsunami deposits at two. In comparison with tsunami deposits, vented sediments in this study and from other studies tend to be thicker (although they can be thin). Vented sediments also have more variable thickness at both outcrop and map scale, are associated with injected dykes and contain clasts derived from underlying deposits. Further, vented sediments tend to contain a greater variety of sedimentary structures, and these structures vary laterally over metres. Tsunami deposits compared with vented sediments are commonly thinner, fine and thin landward more consistently, have more uniform thickness on outcrop and map scales, and have the potential of containing coarser clasts, up to boulders. For both tsunami deposits and vented sediments, the availability and grain size of source material condition the characteristics of the deposit. In the cases presented in this paper, both foraminifera and diatom assemblages within tsunami deposits and vented sediments consisted of brackish and marine species, and no distinction between processes could be made based on microfossils. In summary, this study indicates a need for more careful analysis and mapping of coastal sediments associated with earthquakes to avoid misidentification of processes and misevaluation of hazards.  相似文献   

Four sand units deposited by tsunamis and one sand unit deposited by storm surge(s) were identified in a muddy marsh succession in a narrow coastal lowland along the Pacific coast of central Japan. Tsunamis in ad 1498, 1605, 1707 and 1854 that were related to large subduction‐zone earthquakes along the Nankai Trough, and storm surges in 1680 and/or 1699 were responsible for the deposition of these sand units. These sand units are distinguished by lithofacies, sedimentary structures, grain‐size and mineral composition, and radiocarbon ages; their ages are supported by events in local historical records. The tsunami deposits in the study area are massive or parallel‐laminated sands, with associated intraclasts, gravels, draping mud layers and, rarely, a return‐flow subunit. The storm surge deposits are devoid of these characteristics, and are composed of groups of thin, current ripple‐laminated sand layers. The differences in sedimentary structures between the tsunami and storm surge deposits are attributed to the different characteristics of tsunami and storm waves.  相似文献   

Marine overwash from the north a few centuries ago transported hundreds of angular cobbles and boulders tens to hundreds of meters southward from limestone outcrops in the interior of Anegada, 140?km east?Cnortheast of Puerto Rico. We examined two of several cobble and boulder fields as part of an effort to interpret whether the overwash resulted from a tsunami or a storm in a location where both events are known to occur. One of the cobble and boulder field extends 200?m southward from limestone outcrops that are 300?m inland from the island??s north shore. The other field extends 100?m southward from a limestone knoll located 800?m from the nearest shore. In the two fields, we measured the size, orientation, and spatial distribution of a total of 161 clasts and determined their stratigraphic positions with respect to an overwash sand and shell sheet deposit. In both fields, we found the spacing between clasts increased southward and that clast long-axis orientations are consistent with a transport trending north?Csouth. Almost half the clasts are partially buried in a landward thinning and fining overwash sand and none were found embedded in the shelly mud of a pre-overwash marine pond. The two cobble and boulder fields resemble modern tsunami deposits in which dispersed clasts extend inland as a single layer. The fields contrast with coarse clast storm deposits that often form wedge-shaped shore-parallel ridges. These comparisons suggest that the overwash resulted from a tsunami and not from a storm.  相似文献   

Although the north‐western coast of Western Australia is highly vulnerable to tropical cyclones and tsunamis, little is known about the geological imprint of historic and prehistoric extreme wave events in this particular area. Despite a number of site‐specific difficulties such as post‐depositional changes and the preservation potential of event deposits, both tropical cyclones and tsunamis may be inferred from the geomorphology and the stratigraphy of beach ridge sequences, washover fans and coastal lagoons or marshes. A further challenge is the differentiation between tsunami and storm deposits in the geological record, particularly where modern deposits and/or historical reports on the event are not available. This study presents a high‐resolution sedimentary record of washover events from the Ashburton River delta (Western Australia) spanning approximately the last 150 years. A detailed characterization of event deposits is provided, and a robust chronostratigraphy for the investigated washover sequence is established based on multi‐proxy sediment analyses and optically stimulated luminescence dating. Combining sedimentological, geochemical and high‐resolution optically stimulated luminescence data, event layers are assigned to known historical events and tropical cyclone deposits are separated from tsunami deposits. For the first time, the 1883 Krakatoa and 1977 Sumba tsunamis are inferred from sedimentary records of the north‐western part of Western Australia. It is demonstrated that optically stimulated luminescence applied in coastal sedimentary archives with favourable luminescence characteristics can provide accurate chronostratigraphies even on a decadal timescale. The results contribute to the data pool of tropical cyclone and tsunami deposits in Holocene stratigraphies; however, they also demonstrate how short‐lived sediment archives may be in dynamic sedimentary environments.  相似文献   

A case study was conducted for the Thailand Khao Lak coast using a forward numerical model to understand uncertainties associated with interpreting tsunami deposits and relating them to their tsunami sources. We examined possible effects of the characteristics of tsunami source, multiple waves, sediment supply and local land usages. Numerical results showed that tsunami-deposit extent and thickness could be indicative of the slip value in the source earthquake near the surveyed coastal locations, provided that the sediment supply is unlimited and all the deposits are well preserved. Deposit thickness was found to be largely controlled by the local topography and could be easily modified by backwash flows or subsequent tsunami flows. Between deposit extent and deposit thickness, using deposit extent to interpret the characteristics of a tsunami source is preferable. The changing of land usages between two tsunami events could be another important factor that can significantly alter deposit thickness. There is a need to develop inversion models based on tsunami heights and/or run-up data for studying paleotsunamis.  相似文献   

X‐ray computed microtomography is used to obtain high resolution imagery of a historical tsunami deposit in Andalusia, Spain (1755 Lisbon tsunami). The technique allows characterization of grain‐size distribution, structures, component analysis and sedimentary fabric of fine‐grained unconsolidated tsunami deposits at resolutions down to particle scale. The results are validated by comparing to data obtained using other techniques such as laser diffraction, anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and X‐ray microfluorescence on the same deposits. Specific technical details such as sampling, scanning and image processing methods, and further improvements are addressed. The use of X‐ray computed microtomography provides new insights into the stratigraphy of the deposits and gives access to significantly more detailed view of key sedimentary features such as mudlines, rip‐up clasts, crude laminations, convolutions, floating outsized clasts and contacts between successive units. This analysis of the 1755 tsunami deposits using X‐ray computed microtomography allows the proposal of new hypotheses for the sedimentary processes forming tsunami deposits. Deposition by settling is limited and the section analysed here is dominated by a high shear stress leading to the development of traction carpets, with laminated mudlines corresponding to the basal frictional region of these carpets. The onset of the tsunami backwash is marked by a micro‐vortex resembling Kelvin–Helmoltz instabilities.  相似文献   

This study proposes a tsunami depositional model based on observations of emerged Holocene tsunami deposits in outcrops located in eastern Japan. The model is also applicable to the identification of other deposits, such as those laid down by storms. The tsunami deposits described were formed in a small bay of 10–20-m water depth, and are mainly composed of sand and gravel. They show various sedimentary structures, including hummocky cross-stratification (HCS) and inverse and normal grading. Although, individually, the sedimentary structures are similar to those commonly found in storm deposits, the combination of vertical stacking in the tsunami deposits makes a unique pattern. This vertical stacking of internal structures is due to the waveform of the source tsunamis, reflecting: 1) extremely long wavelengths and wave period, and 2) temporal changes of wave sizes from the beginning to end of the tsunamis.

The tsunami deposits display many sub-layers with scoured and graded structures. Each sub-layer, especially in sandy facies, is characterized by HCS and inverse and normal grading that are the result of deposition from prolonged high-energy sediment flows. The vertical stack of sub-layers shows incremental deposition from the repeated sediment flows. Mud drapes cover the sub-layers and indicate the existence of flow-velocity stagnant stages between each sediment flow. Current reversals within the sub-layers indicate the repeated occurrence of the up- and return-flows.

The tsunami deposits are vertically divided into four depositional units, Tna to Tnd in ascending order, reflecting the temporal change of wave sizes in the tsunami wave trains. Unit Tna is relatively fine-grained and indicative of small tsunami waves during the early stage of the tsunami. Unit Tnb is a protruding coarse-grained and thickest-stratified division and is the result of a relatively large wave group during the middle stage of the tsunami. Unit Tnc is a fine alternation of thin sand sheets and mud drapes, deposited from waning waves during the later stage of the tsunami. Unit Tnd is deposited during the final stage of the tsunami and is composed mainly of suspension fallout. Cyclic build up of these sub-layers and depositional units cannot be explained by storm waves with short wave periods of several to ten seconds common in small bays.  相似文献   

Onshore tsunami deposits may consist of inflow and backflow deposits. Grain sizes can range from clay to boulders of several metres in diameter. Grain‐size distributions reflect the mode of deposition and may be used to explore the hydrodynamic conditions of transport. The absence of unique sedimentary features identifying tsunami deposits makes it difficult in some cases to distinguish inflow from backflow deposits. On Isla Mocha off central Chile, the 27 February 2010 tsunami left behind inflow and backflow deposits of highly variable character. Tsunami inflow entrained sands, gravels and boulders in the upper shoreface, beach, and along coastal terraces. Boulders of up to 12 t were transported up to 300 m inland and 13 m above sea‐level. Thin veneers of coarse sand were found up to the maximum runup at 600 m inland and 19 m above sea‐level. Backflow re‐mobilized most of the sands and gravels deposited during inflow. The orientation of erosional structures indicates that significant volumes of sediment were entrained also during backflow. A major feature of the backflow deposits are widespread prograding fans of coarse sediment developed downcurrent of terrace steps. Fan sediments are mostly structureless but include cross‐bedding, imbrication and ripples, indicating deposition from bedload traction currents. The sediments are poorly sorted, grain sizes range between medium to coarse sand to gravel and pebbles. An assessment of the backflow transport conditions of this mixed material suggests that bedload transport at Rouse numbers >2·5 was achieved by supercritical flows, whereas deposition occurred when currents had decelerated sufficiently on the low‐gradient lower coastal plain. The sedimentary record of the February 2010 tsunami at Isla Mocha consists of backflow deposits to more than 90%. Due to the lack of sedimentary structures, many previous studies of modern tsunami sediments found that most of the detritus was deposited during inflow. This study demonstrates that an uncritical use of this assumption may lead to erroneous interpretations of palaeotsunami magnitudes and sedimentary processes if unknowingly applied to backflow deposits.  相似文献   

黄乐清  刘伟 《沉积学报》2016,34(5):830-841
报道了湘西北地区早奥陶世桐梓组地层中的风暴岩,并对该套事件沉积体的区域展布及表现形式进行了系统阐述。通过对野外剖面的仔细观测和室内资料的综合研究,普遍见指示潮坪环境的半球状叠层石、羽状交错层理等,并识别出各种侵蚀-撕裂构造、粒序层理、韵律层理、变形层理及沙纹-波状层理等风暴沉积标志,丘状交错层理常保存不全,综合分析后认为该风暴岩为潮坪风暴沉积,并进一步划分出4种类型的风暴沉积序列。同时,区内桐梓组见有大套滑塌重力流沉积,经对比,可能为同一飓风事件在不同环境中产生的不同物质记录。该套风暴岩具有重要的地质意义:风暴沉积特征的变化蕴含了丰富的气候变化信息,反映出晚寒武世至早奥陶世时期全球温室继承、转型的一种气候响应。风暴岩、风暴浊积岩及滑塌角砾岩的发现,为该时期“鄂西台洼”的存在提供了新的沉积学证据;也为区内含矿段地层的精细划分和对比提供实际参考;同时,对分析华南板块的向北漂移提供了更仔细、更可靠的参考数据。  相似文献   

Detailed logging and analysis of the facies architecture of the upper Tithonian to middle Berriasian Aguilar del Alfambra Formation (Galve sub‐basin, north‐east Spain) have made it possible to characterize a wide variety of clastic, mixed clastic–carbonate and carbonate facies, which were deposited in coastal mudflats to shallow subtidal areas of an open‐coast tidal flat. The sedimentary model proposed improves what is known about mixed coastal systems, both concerning facies and sedimentary processes. This sedimentary system was located in an embayed, non‐protected area of a wide C‐shaped coast that was seasonally dominated by wave storms. Clastic and mixed clastic–carbonate muds accumulated in poorly drained to well‐drained, marine‐influenced coastal mudflat areas, with local fluvial sandstones (tide‐influenced fluvial channels and sheet‐flood deposits) and conglomerate tsunami deposits. Carbonate‐dominated tidal flat areas were the loci of deposition of fenestral‐laminated carbonate muds and grainy (peloidal) sediments with hummocky cross‐stratification. Laterally, the tidal flat was clastic‐dominated and characterized by heterolithic sediments with hummocky cross‐stratification and local tidal sandy bars. Peloidal and heterolithic sediments with hummocky cross‐stratification are the key facies for interpreting the wave (storm) dominance in the tidal flat. Subsidence and high rates of sedimentation controlled the rapid burial of the storm features and thus preserved them from reworking by fair‐weather waves and tides.  相似文献   

黔西北遵义丁台剖面下寒武统龙王庙阶清虚洞组的底部和中部发育两套具有不同沉积特征的风暴沉积,与同时期风暴沉积多发现于黔东湘西台缘区不同,研究在黔西北台地内部发现该时期风暴沉积。其底部风暴沉积段发育侵蚀底面、粗粒滞留沉积、丘-洼状交错层理、沙纹层理和泥晶灰岩背景沉积,共识别出三种类型的风暴沉积序列,其沉积特征指示其形成于正常浪基面与风暴浪基面之间的中缓坡环境,而中部风暴沉积段则发育粗粒滞留沉积、粒序层理、沙纹层理和具鸟眼构造的藻屑灰岩背景沉积,可识别出四种类型的风暴沉积序列,其沉积特征指示其形成于浪基面之上的浅水潮坪环境。本剖面上下两段形成于不同沉积背景的风暴沉积的发现不仅丰富了我们对风暴沉积的认识,更为重要的是为研究早寒武世龙王庙期扬子地台的古纬度及古板块演化、地层等时对比和古地理演化提供了极有价值的资料。  相似文献   

The December 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami (IOT) had a major impact on the geomorphology and sedimentology of the east coast of India. Estimation of the magnitude of the tsunami from its deposits is a challenging topic to be developed in studies on tsunami hazard assessment. Two core sediments (C1 and C2) from Nagapattinam, southeast coast of India were subjected to textural, mineral, geochemical and rock-magnetic measurements. In both cores, three zones (zone I, II and III) have been distinguished based on mineralogical, geochemical and magnetic data. Zone II is featured by peculiar rock-magnetic, textural, mineralogical and geochemical signatures in both sediment cores that we interpret to correspond to the 2004 IOT deposit. Textural, mineralogical, geochemical and rock-magnetic investigations showed that the tsunami deposit is featured by relative enrichment in sand, quartz, feldspar, carbonate, SiO 2, TiO 2, K 2O and CaO and by a depletion in clay and iron oxides. These results point to a dilution of reworked ferromagnetic particles into a huge volume of paramagnetic materials, similar to what has been described in other nearshore tsunami deposits (Font et al. 2010). Correlation analysis elucidated the relationships among the textural, mineral, geochemical and magnetic parameters, and suggests that most of the quartz-rich coarse sediments have been transported offshore by the tsunami wave. These results agreed well with the previously published numerical model of tsunami induced sediment transport off southeast coast of India and can be used for future comparative studies on tsunami deposits.  相似文献   

谭志远 《地质与勘探》2022,58(4):875-886
通过野外实测剖面和镜下薄片观察,于通过野外实测剖面和镜下薄片观察,在川南柏香田剖面早志留世石牛栏组下部发现一套风暴沉积,具有侵蚀底面、砾屑层、粒序层理、丘-洼状交错层理、沙纹层理以及风暴与平静天气形成的沉积物互层等风暴沉积特征。理想风暴沉积序列由6个沉积单元组成,根据剖面不同沉积单元间的排列组合,将其划分为4种风暴沉积序列,各序列间存在一定继承性,由下向上表现为远源型风暴向近源型风暴的转变、风暴强度逐渐增强的过程。结合更靠扬子东南缘的深水剖面重力流沉积的缺乏,可以推断早志留世石牛栏期研究区的沉积模式为碳酸盐缓坡。结合风暴的形成机制以及石牛栏组风暴沉积的发育特征可知(尤其是正粒序层理和典型丘状交错层理):研究区早志留世处于中低纬度的古地理位置,可为上扬子区古气候及古扬子海盆演化提供依据;上扬子区早志留世同期异相地层存有争议,风暴沉积特征为石牛栏组、小河坝组、罗惹坪组等地层提供等时性对比标尺;川南早志留世石牛栏组沉积环境意见不一,风暴沉积为其碳酸盐岩缓坡环境提供证据资料。通过总结前人对风暴岩物性认识,结合上扬子区同期地层油气地质条件,可提供油气勘探新途径。川南柏香田剖面早志留世石牛栏组下部发现一套风暴沉积,发育侵蚀底面、砾屑层、粒序层理、丘-洼状交错层理、沙纹层理以及风暴与平静天气形成的沉积物互层等风暴沉积特征。理想风暴沉积序列由6个沉积单元组成,根据剖面不同沉积单元间的排列组合,将其划分为4种风暴沉积序列,各序列间存在一定继承性,由下向上表现为远源型风暴向近源型风暴的转变、风暴强度逐渐增强的过程。结合更靠扬子东南缘的深水剖面中重力流沉积的缺乏,可以推断早志留世石牛栏期研究区的沉积模式为碳酸盐缓坡。结合风暴的形成机制以及石牛栏组风暴沉积的发育特征可知(尤其是正粒序层理和典型丘状交错层理):研究区早志留世存于中低纬度的古地理位置,可为上扬子区古气候及古扬子海盆演化提供依据;上扬子区早志留世同期异相地层存有争议,风暴沉积特征为石牛栏组、小河坝组、罗惹坪组等地层提供等时性对比标尺;川南早志留世石牛栏组沉积环境意见不一,风暴沉积为其碳酸盐岩缓坡环境提供证据资料;总结前人对风暴岩物性认识,结合上扬子区同期地层油气地质条件,提供油气勘探新途径。  相似文献   

A new model to calculate tsunami travel times in the Andaman Sea region has been developed. The model specifically provides more accurate travel time estimates for tsunamis propagating to Patong Beach on the west coast of Phuket, Thailand. More generally, the model provides better understanding of the influence of the accuracy and resolution of bathymetry data on the accuracy of travel time calculations. The dynamic model is based on solitary wave theory, and a lookup function is used to perform bilinear interpolation of bathymetry along the ray trajectory. The model was calibrated and verified using data from an echosounder record, tsunami photographs, satellite altimetry records, and eyewitness accounts of the tsunami on 26 December 2004. Time differences for 12 representative targets in the Andaman Sea and the Indian Ocean regions were calculated. The model demonstrated satisfactory time differences (<2 min/h), despite the use of low resolution bathymetry (ETOPO2v2). To improve accuracy, the dynamics of wave elevation and a velocity correction term must be considered, particularly for calculations in the nearshore region.  相似文献   

海南岛东南部海岸砂丘风暴冲越沉积记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过海南岛东南部海岸详细的古风暴学考察,在尖岭海岸发现了含有风暴冲越沉积物的海岸沙丘剖面,分别命名为JL-1和JL-2剖面,试图从海岸沙丘沉积记录中提取历史上的风暴事件信息。沉积物粒度、磁化率等参数的指标分析表明,这两个剖面含有典型的风暴冲越沉积物,利用放射性核素AMS14C测年、OSL测年分析,并结合历史文献记载,确定这些风暴沉积层是多次台风作用的产物,其形成机制与风暴浪越过海岸沙丘的堆积有关,风暴流越过沙丘顶部后不能回流,导致风暴流携带的沉积物迅速沉积。此外,依据Stockdon经验公式计算结果,该地点沉积记录所代表的最大风暴事件相当于100到200年一遇的重现期。研究表明,该处海岸沙丘冲越沉积含有南海台风强度与重现期的重要信息。  相似文献   

鄂东黄石地区下三叠统大冶组风暴沉积   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
鄂东黄石地区下三叠统大冶组灰岩中发育了典型的风暴沉积,风暴岩由砾屑灰岩、颗粒灰岩和泥灰岩组成,其中风暴沉积构造包括丘状交错层理、递变层理、砾屑的撕裂构造及水平层理等,不同层位具有不同的风暴沉积构造类型和组合特征。根据风暴沉积的岩石特征、构造类型、规模、组合特点,并结合沉积背景分析,风暴沉积序列可进一步分为深水远源型、过渡型和浅水近源型。大冶组一段风暴沉积具有深水远源特点,沉积环境为水体较深的外陆棚; 大冶组二段风暴沉积具有过渡型特点,沉积环境为向上变浅的内陆棚; 大冶组三、四段风暴沉积具有浅水近源特点,沉积环境为浅水陆棚至滨岸。大冶组沉积序列具有向上变浅的特点,沉积环境由深水陆棚逐渐向滨岸转变。风暴沉积的识别对重建鄂东黄石地区早三叠世古地理具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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