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Large boulder accumulations have been observed on various coasts bordering the Mediterranean and have been associated with extreme wave events such as powerful storms or tsunamis. This study provides an in-depth analysis of 430 boulder deposits, located along a 3.5 km stretch of rocky coast situated on the SE of the Maltese Islands. It includes a geomorphometric analysis of the observed boulders and use of numerical modelling to estimate wave height required to initiate boulder movement. Comparisons of aerial imagery over a period of 46 years have made it possible to identify boulder movement that could only be attributed to storm waves, given that no local tsunamigenic event has been recorded over this time period. Positioned in the central Mediterranean, the Maltese Islands are exposed to potential tsunamis generated by seismic activity associated with the Malta Escarpment, and the Calabrian and Hellenic arcs. Although imprints from historic tsunami impact cannot be excluded, results indicate that the area is exposed to strong storm waves that are capable of displacing some of the very large boulders observed on site.  相似文献   

Marine overwash from the north a few centuries ago transported hundreds of angular cobbles and boulders tens to hundreds of meters southward from limestone outcrops in the interior of Anegada, 140?km east?Cnortheast of Puerto Rico. We examined two of several cobble and boulder fields as part of an effort to interpret whether the overwash resulted from a tsunami or a storm in a location where both events are known to occur. One of the cobble and boulder field extends 200?m southward from limestone outcrops that are 300?m inland from the island??s north shore. The other field extends 100?m southward from a limestone knoll located 800?m from the nearest shore. In the two fields, we measured the size, orientation, and spatial distribution of a total of 161 clasts and determined their stratigraphic positions with respect to an overwash sand and shell sheet deposit. In both fields, we found the spacing between clasts increased southward and that clast long-axis orientations are consistent with a transport trending north?Csouth. Almost half the clasts are partially buried in a landward thinning and fining overwash sand and none were found embedded in the shelly mud of a pre-overwash marine pond. The two cobble and boulder fields resemble modern tsunami deposits in which dispersed clasts extend inland as a single layer. The fields contrast with coarse clast storm deposits that often form wedge-shaped shore-parallel ridges. These comparisons suggest that the overwash resulted from a tsunami and not from a storm.  相似文献   

Causon Deguara  J.  Gauci  R. 《Natural Hazards》2016,86(2):543-568

Large boulder accumulations have been observed on various coasts bordering the Mediterranean and have been associated with extreme wave events such as powerful storms or tsunamis. This study provides an in-depth analysis of 430 boulder deposits, located along a 3.5 km stretch of rocky coast situated on the SE of the Maltese Islands. It includes a geomorphometric analysis of the observed boulders and use of numerical modelling to estimate wave height required to initiate boulder movement. Comparisons of aerial imagery over a period of 46 years have made it possible to identify boulder movement that could only be attributed to storm waves, given that no local tsunamigenic event has been recorded over this time period. Positioned in the central Mediterranean, the Maltese Islands are exposed to potential tsunamis generated by seismic activity associated with the Malta Escarpment, and the Calabrian and Hellenic arcs. Although imprints from historic tsunami impact cannot be excluded, results indicate that the area is exposed to strong storm waves that are capable of displacing some of the very large boulders observed on site.


Dislocated boulders are one sign of high-energy wave impacts on coasts. These high-energy impacts, caused by severe storms or tsunamis, can trigger initial cracking and transport of boulders. Monitoring of these boulders, as well as the associated coastal sites is important in distinguishing between gradual coastal processes and high-energy events. Western Greece is a seismically active area, where tsunamis and high-energetic storms might occur and such past events are documented by historic and geoscientific research, making it an ideal location for monitoring dislocated boulders. Since 2008, monitoring of eight different coastal sites in this region was conducted by terrestrial laser scanning and photogrammetric approaches, with low-cost unmanned aerial vehicles. The re-use of similar surveying points in following years, allowed highly accurate monitoring. Point clouds derived from these methods were evaluated for change detection by point cloud comparisons. The data were also used to establish accurate three-dimensional models of dislocated boulders (n = 70). The determined boulder volumes of these accurate three-dimensional models were incorporated in wave transport equations and wave decay curves, and compared with monitoring results. A comprehensive overview of dislocated boulders in western Greece is presented. Three-dimensional boulder reconstruction is compared to an approach which uses a tape-based measuring of boulder axes, with the tape-based measurement showing a mean overestimation of mass by 32%. Accurate monitoring over time by both methods, is achieved by using fixed networks of reference points. Changes for each site over time, detected by direct point cloud comparisons, are fit to the possible inundation calculated by wave decay curves based on computed minimum wave heights for boulder transport. Both storm and tsunami waves may have initiated movement from the cliff edge and further transport is also possible. However, boulders showed no further movement from their current position in the area for the time period of this study.  相似文献   

Coastal boulder deposits and chevrons are two features whose origin have triggered controversial discussions. Boulders are often used as indicators of past tsunamis and storms, with the former interpretation in many cases preferred due to the clast size. Chevrons, defined as large parabolic sand bodies, were previously attributed to (mega-)tsunami, potentially caused by oceanic impacts, because of their dimensions, height above sea level and alignment of the central axis. This study documents that chevrons along the Quobba coast in Western Australia are parabolic dunes and not related to tsunami inundation; their age is consistent with an arid period at about 3·9 to 2·3 ka when the sea level was 1 to 2 m higher than today. The internal age distribution proves an inland migration. Weakly developed soil horizons represent phases of intermittent dune stabilization and later reactivation. The calculated velocities required for wind transport and the prevailing wind directions are consistent with on-site meteorological parameters. The boulders at Quobba are most likely to be remnants of in situ platform denudation that produces shell hash, coral clasts and boulders. An unknown portion of the boulders was certainly moved by tropical cyclones. A previously proposed tsunami origin is unsustainable because the observed features can be explained by processes other than tsunamis. Boulders were tilted during gravitative platform collapse, standing water caused dissolution of the boulder bottoms, creating ‘pseudo-rockpools’, consequently not applicable as upside-down criteria, and ages of attached encrusting organisms document their colonization at higher sea level and (sub)recent frequent inundation by wave splash during rough seas.  相似文献   

Coastal boulder fields provide clues to long-term frequency-magnitude patterns of coastal flooding events and have the potential to play an important role in coastal hazard assessment. Mapping boulders in the field is time and labour-intensive, and work on intertidal reef platforms, as in the present study, is physically challenging. By addressing coastal scientists who are not specialists in remote sensing, this contribution reports on the possibilities and limitations of digital applications in boulder mapping in Eastern Samar, Philippines, where recent supertyphoons Haiyan and Hagupit induced high waves, coastal flooding and boulder transport. It is demonstrated how satellite imagery of sub-metre resolution (from Pléiades and WorldView-3 imagery) enables efficient analysis of transport vectors and distances of larger boulders, reflecting variation in latitudes of both typhoon tracks and approaching angles of typhoon-generated waves. During the investigated events, boulders with a-axes of up to 8 m were clearly identified to have been shifted for up to 32 m, mostly along the seaward margin of the boulder field. It is, however, hard to keep track of smaller boulders, and the length of a-axes and b-axes including their orientation is often impossible to map with sufficient accuracy. Orthophotographs and digital surface models created through the application of an unmanned aerial vehicle and the ‘Structure from Motion’ technique provide ultra-high-resolution data, and have the potential to not only improve the results of satellite image analysis, but also those from field mapping and may significantly reduce overall time in the field. Orthophotographs permit unequivocal mapping of a-axes and b-axes including their orientation, while precise values for c-axes can be derived from the respective digital surface models. Volume of boulders is best inferred from boulder-specific Structure from Motion-based three-dimensional models. Battery power, flight speed and altitude determine the limits of the area covered, while patches shielded by the boulders are difficult to resolve. For some tasks, field mapping remains mandatory and cannot be replaced by currently available remote sensing tools: for example, sampling for rock type, density and age dating, recording of lithological separation of boulders from the underlying geological unit and of geomorphic features on a millimetre to decimetre-scale, or documentation of fine-grained sediment transport in between the boulders in supratidal settings. In terms of future events, the digital products presented here will provide a valuable reference to track boulder transport on a centimetre to decimetre-scale and to better understand the hydrodynamics of extreme-wave events on a fringing reef coastline.  相似文献   

The Adriatic coast of southern Apulia (Italy) is marked by the presence of large boulder accumulations. Boulders are up to 8 t in weight and arranged either in small groups or rows composed of a few imbricated elements. The lower surface of some of the boulders is covered by biogenic encrustation which suggests that they were possibly carved from the mid or sublittoral zone and that they capsized during their transport. Other boulders, detached from the supratidal zone, have their surface affected by tilted rock pools. New horizontal solution pans are continually forming.A detailed survey of a large boulder accumulation was carried out at Torre Santa Sabina. Direct observations were also made concerning the carving out and transportation of one single boulder during the severe storms in that area on January 4th, 2002 and on January 12th, 2003. Collated data from both the survey and the direct observations including some radiocarbon age determinations and hydrodynamic calculations suggest that the studied accumulation was due to the superimposed effects of one or two tsunami as well as of storm waves. Tsunami would be responsible for the detachment and transportation of the largest boulders, while storm waves may have been responsible for the carving out and transportation of the newer, smaller blocks and for moving once again the largest boulders. It was in this way that a typical boulder accumulation was produced.The collated data suggest that two tsunami may have recently struck the Adriatic coast of southern Apulia. The first possibly took place on the Dalmatian coast as a result of the earthquake on April 6, 1667 which destroyed Ragusa (modern day Dubrovnik). The second tsunami would have accompanied the strong earthquake which took place in southern Apulia on February 20, 1743.  相似文献   

Single-layer and massive boulder beds, which include boulder pavements, are sporadically distributed in the glaciogenic Permo-Carboniferous Dwyka Formation. These matrix-supported beds consist of moderately to poorly sorted, rounded boulders, cobbles and pebbles with a clast composition similar to those in the underlying or overlying diamictite. Alternatively, the clasts are composed of monolithic basement rock-types. The clasts show a long-axis orientation which, in the case of the boulder pavements, is parallel to the striae on the pavements. The various types of boulder beds have a similar mode of deposition and their subglacial origin is evidenced by the clast orientation, clasts with stoss and lee sides, stacking of clasts, and the development of a cleavage in the matrix due to horizontal stresses exerted by the boulders in the subglacial sediment. Subglacial streams, kame mounds, subaqeously winnowed till, or boulder beaches supplied the coarse debris which was entrained in the basal ice by plastic flow and regelation. Selective lodgement of the transported boulders occurred down-glacier when the basal thermal conditions changed from cold-freezing to warm-melting. The formation of the different types of boulder beds is thought to depend primarily on the concentration of coarse debris in the basal ice.  相似文献   

The tsunami of 2004 in the Indian Ocean transported thousands of meters-long boulders shoreward at Pakarang Cape, Thailand. We investigated size, position and long axis orientation of 467 boulders at the cape. Most of boulders found at the cape are well rounded, ellipsoid in shape, without sharp broken edges. They were fragments of reef rocks and their sizes were estimated to be < 14m3 (22.7t). The distribution pattern and orientation of long axis of boulders reflect the inundation pattern and behavior of the tsunami waves. It was found that there is no clear evidence indicating monotonous fine/coarse shoreward trends of these boulders along each transect line. On the other hand, the large boulders were deposited repeatedly along the three arcuate lines at the intertidal zone with a spacing of approximately 136m interval. This distribution pattern may suggest that long-lasting oscillatory flows might have repositioned the boulders and separated the big ones from small. No boulders were found on land, indicating that the hydraulic force of the tsunami wave rapidly dissipated on reaching the land due to the higher bottom friction and the presence of a steep slope. We further conducted numerical calculation of tsunami inundation at Pakarang Cape. According to the calculation, the sea receded and the major part of the tidal bench (area with boulders at present) was exposed above the sea surface before the arrival of the first tsunami wave. The first tsunami wave arrived at the cape from west to east at approximately 130min after the tsunami generation, and then inundated inlands. Our calculation shows that tsunami wave was focused around the offshore by a small cove at the reef edge and spread afterwards in a fan-like shape on the tidal bench. The critical wave velocities necessary to move the largest and average-size boulders by sliding can be estimated to be approximately 3.2 and 2.0m/s, respectively. The numerical result indicates that the maximum current velocity of the first tsunami wave was estimated to be from 8 to 15m/s between the reef edge and approximately 500m further offshore. This range is large enough for moving even the largest boulder shoreward. These suggest that the tsunami waves that were directed eastward, struck the reef rocks and coral colonies, originally located on the shallow sea bottom near the reef edge, and detached and transported the boulders shoreward.  相似文献   

The petrographic composition of boulder–pebble material from numerous till sections of the Timan–Pechora–Vychegda region was scrutinized to establish locations of glacial provenances and pathways of the terrigenous material transport during different Neopleistocene glaciations. Analysis of a great body of factual materials confirmed high feasibility of the application of petrographic data on the coarse-clastic material and the ratio of distal and proximal components in tills for their subdivision and correlation. The most reliable and regionally consistent criteria are represented by index boulders and orientation of elongated rock clasts, as well as isotope datings of rock clasts in till horizons.  相似文献   

Waters from the Atlantic Ocean washed southward across parts of Anegada, east-northeast of Puerto Rico, during a singular event a few centuries ago. The overwash, after crossing a fringing coral reef and 1.5?km of shallow subtidal flats, cut dozens of breaches through sandy beach ridges, deposited a sheet of sand and shell capped with lime mud, and created inland fields of cobbles and boulders. Most of the breaches extend tens to hundreds of meters perpendicular to a 2-km stretch of Anegada??s windward shore. Remnants of the breached ridges stand 3?m above modern sea level, and ridges seaward of the breaches rise 2.2?C3.0?m high. The overwash probably exceeded those heights when cutting the breaches by overtopping and incision of the beach ridges. Much of the sand-and-shell sheet contains pink bioclastic sand that resembles, in grain size and composition, the sand of the breached ridges. This sand extends as much as 1.5?km to the south of the breached ridges. It tapers southward from a maximum thickness of 40?cm, decreases in estimated mean grain size from medium sand to very fine sand, and contains mud laminae in the south. The sand-and-shell sheet also contains mollusks??cerithid gastropods and the bivalve Anomalocardia??and angular limestone granules and pebbles. The mollusk shells and the lime-mud cap were probably derived from a marine pond that occupied much of Anegada??s interior at the time of overwash. The boulders and cobbles, nearly all composed of limestone, form fields that extend many tens of meters generally southward from limestone outcrops as much as 0.8?km from the nearest shore. Soon after the inferred overwash, the marine pond was replaced by hypersaline ponds that produce microbial mats and evaporite crusts. This environmental change, which has yet to be reversed, required restriction of a former inlet or inlets, the location of which was probably on the island??s south (lee) side. The inferred overwash may have caused restriction directly by washing sand into former inlets, or indirectly by reducing the tidal prism or supplying sand to post-overwash currents and waves. The overwash happened after A.D. 1650 if coeval with radiocarbon-dated leaves in the mud cap, and it probably happened before human settlement in the last decades of the 1700s. A prior overwash event is implied by an inland set of breaches. Hypothetically, the overwash in 1650?C1800 resulted from the Antilles tsunami of 1690, the transatlantic Lisbon tsunami of 1755, a local tsunami not previously documented, or a storm whose effects exceeded those of Hurricane Donna, which was probably at category 3 as its eye passed 15?km to Anegada??s south in 1960.  相似文献   

Huayanpeng boulder beach is located at the Cape of Putuo Island, southeast coast of China. From 6000 years ago, sea level changed little and turned steady, which was prone to forming the boulder beach. Since then, numerous storm surges propagated from the West Pacific Ocean have imposed on the bedrock of the eastern coast of Putuo Island, resulting in a large amount of rocks fallen from the hill-slope onto the beach. The similarity of rock lithology between the bedrock and the boulders of the study area supports the hypothesis of Holocene steady sea-level controls on the formation of the beach. Long-term littoral currents, including storm weather and normal weather conditions, have greatly sorted the boulder beach vertically and transversely. From east to west, the beach turns wider and gradient becomes gentler, and the boulders reduce its size, from, on average, 1.0 m to 0.5 m, with a decrease in flattening and an increase in sphericity and psephicity. The sizes of the boulders and flattening turn bigger from supra-littoral to inter-littoral zone, while sphericity and psephicity turn smaller and lower. These basal characteristics of boulders highlight the linkage of beach formation to the high-storm energy propagated from the open seas during the typhoon season.  相似文献   

A Late Holocene cliff-top deposit of large boulders well above the limits of modern storm waves is described from the southern coast of the Atacama Desert (northern Chile). The largest moved boulder weighs >40 t and field data point to a flood height >18·5 m above high tide level and an inland penetration greater than 284 m from the cliff edge. The minimum flow velocity needed for particle entrainment was estimated as 10·1 ms−1 and the most likely processes of sediment deposition for different boulders were deduced. The boulder distribution, sorting and orientation of imbricated debris, together with the significant wave height of extreme storms reported and the occurrence of interplate earthquakes in the study area indicate that the deposit records a single event, interpreted here as a tsunami wave train rather than exceptional storm waves. The boulder field was dated to between the 13th and the 16th Centuries ce and possibly correlates with the 1420 Oei orphan tsunami, that affected the eastern coast of Japan. A magnitude of 8·8 to 9·4 has been estimated for the earthquake, which may be one of the larger events of a super-cycle of earthquakes in the southern Atacama Desert. These cycle-ending earthquakes involve large rupture areas (lengths in excess of 600 km) and highly destructive ocean-wide tsunamigenic events.  相似文献   

A distinctive Shell and Sand Sheet found beneath the marine ponds of Anegada, British Virgin Islands, was formed by a post-1650 AD overwash event, but its origin (tsunami or hurricane) was unclear. This study assesses the taphonomic characters of the shell and large clast material (>2?mm) to determine its provenance and origin. Pond-wide stratigraphic units (Shelly Mud, Shell and Sand Sheet, Mud Cap) were analyzed (12 samples) at four sites in Bumber Well and Red Pond along with eight samples from the Shell and Sand Sheet in a 2-km transect of Bumber Well. Mollusks in the pond muds include Anomalocardia spp. and cerithids with no allochthonous shells from the offshore reef-flat. Results show that the shells and clasts (>2?mm) are derived from the erosion and winnowing of the underlying Shelly Mud of the former marine pond, forming a distinctive sheet-like deposit with Homotrema sand. The Shell and Sand Sheet contains articulated Anomalocardia bivalves and moderate numbers of angular fragments (approximately 35%) that are likely from crab predation. Radiocarbon dates of articulated Anomalocardia specimens from the Shell and Sand Sheet range widely (approximately 4000?years), with shell condition (pristine to variably preserved) showing no correlation with age. The articulated condition of the bivalves with the wide-ranging dates suggests erosion and winnowing of the underlying Shelly Mud but minimal transport of the bivalves. The Shell and Sand Sheet has taphonomic characteristics indicative of a widespread tsunami overwash (sheet-like extent and articulated specimens) but lacks allochthonous reef-flat shells. Reef-flat shell material may not have penetrated the pond, as a tsunami would have to cross the reef-flat and overtop high dunes (2.2?m) hindering transport of larger shell material but allowing the Homotrema sand to penetrate. Processes including hurricane overwash, pond wave action, or tidal channel opening and closure are not favoured interpretations as they would not produce extensive sheet-like deposits. Taphonomic analysis is hampered by the limited (400?C500?years BP) depositional history from Anegada??s ponds and the lack of comparative data from other Caribbean locations.  相似文献   

Hurricane control on shelf-edge-reef architecture around Grand Cayman   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Rimming the outer shelf of Grand Cayman is a submerged, 87 km long shelf-edge reef that rises to within 12 m of mean sea level. It consists of an array of coral-armoured buttresses aligned perpendicular to shore and separated by steep-sided sediment-floored canyons. Individual buttresses have a diverse coral-dominated biota and consist of three architectural elements: a shield-like front wall colonized by platy corals, a dome-shaped crown colonized by head corals, and a shoreward-projecting spur covered by varying amounts of branching coral. Buttresses are commonly fronted by coral pinnacles that, in some areas, have amalgamated with buttress walls to produce pinnacle-and-arch structures. As margin orientation changes, shelf-edge-reef architecture shows systematic variations that are consistent with changes in fetch and height of hurricane waves. Along margins exposed to fully developed storm waves, shelf-edge-reef buttresses are deep, have large amplitudes, and are dominated by robust head corals. These characteristics are consistent with hurricane-induced pruning of branching corals and the flushing of significant quantities of sand from buttress canyons by return flows. Along margins impacted by fetch-limited storm waves, reef buttresses are shallower, have intermediate-amplitudes, and have a significantly higher proportion of branching corals. These characteristics are consistent with less coral pruning and sand flushing by weaker hurricane waves. Along margins fully protected from storm waves, the buttresses-canyon architecture of the shelf-edge reef breaks down producing a series of shallow, undulating, branching-coral-dominated ridges that merge laterally into an unbroken belt of coral. These characteristics correspond with negligible amounts of pruning and flushing during hurricanes. In addition to differences between margins, local intra-marginal changes in shelf-edge reef architecture are consistent with changes in the angle of hurricane-wave approach. Open sections of the shelf-edge reef, which face directly into storm waves, are pruned of branching corals and the fragments swept back onto the shelf producing extensive spurs. By contrast, on more sheltered, obliquely orientated sections, storm-waves sweep debris along and off shelf producing little or no spur development. Instead, the debris shed seawards accumulates in front of the buttress walls and initiates the development of coral pinnacles. Over time, repeated buttress pruning and canyon flushing during hurricanes not only controls reef architecture but may also influence accretion patterns. Vertical accretion is limited by the effective depth of storm-wave fragmentation. Once this hurricane-accretion threshold is reached the reef moves into a shedding phase and accretes laterally via pinnacle growth, amalgamation, and infilling. Consequently, the reef steps out over its own debris in a kind of balancing act between lateral growth and slope failure — a pattern widely recognized in ancient reefs.  相似文献   

Seven boulders measuring 100 to 1000 m3are scattered along the coastal ridge of north Eleuthera. Some are situated on ridge crests up to 20 m above present sea level. The boulders were probably deposited during oxygen-isotope substage 5e or 5d, as shown by their stratigraphic setting and by amino acid racemization ratios.d-alloisoleucine/l-isoleucine ratios were determined for land snails, and oolite of both marine and eolian origin was associated with the boulders. Like the boulders, the probable source rocks exposed in the adjacent cliffs are composed of marine and eolian limestone of oolitic and peloidal composition. The source beds are correlated with stage 9 or 11. The largest boulder is about 10 times the size of the largest Holocene ones moved by waves in the area. Tsunamis are a reasonable possibility as a transporting mechanism of the Pleistocene boulders. However, if deposited instead by storms during the last interglaciation, the storms were of much greater intensity than those occurring in the region during the late Holocene.  相似文献   

We present 10Be exposure ages from moraines in the Delta River Valley, a reference locality for Pleistocene glaciation in the northern Alaska Range. The ages are from material deposited during the Delta and Donnelly glaciations, which have been correlated with MIS 6 and 2, respectively. 10Be chronology indicates that at least part of the Delta moraine stabilized during MIS 4/3, and that the Donnelly moraine stabilized ∼ 17 ka. These ages correlate with other dates from the Alaska Range and other regions in Alaska, suggesting synchronicity across Beringia during pulses of late Pleistocene glaciation. Several sample types were collected: boulders, single clasts, and gravel samples (amalgamated small clasts) from around boulders as well as from surfaces devoid of boulders. Comparing 10Be ages of these sample types reveals the influence of pre/post-depositional processes, including boulder erosion, boulder exhumation, and moraine surface lowering. These processes occur continuously but seem to accelerate during and immediately after successive glacial episodes. The result is a multi-peak age distribution indicating that once a moraine persists through subsequent glaciations the chronological significance of cosmogenic ages derived from samples collected on that moraine diminishes significantly. The absence of Holocene ages implies relatively minor exhumation and/or weathering since 12 ka.  相似文献   

A large-scale boulder beach close to a tidal glacier was examined at Eqip Sermia, Disko Bugt, West Greenland, in 1989. Photographs from 1912 and 1929 show an advance of the glacier of more than 1.5 km beyond its present location. Lateral and terminal moraines were formed in the sea, and subaerial parts and their positions can be detected from the old photographs. Today the outermost part of this moraine system has disappeared totally, except for about 1 km of the lateral moraine. The distal 300 m of the still existing moraine apparently has been displaced and transformed into a shape that, in plan view and cross-section, resembles a barrier spit. The material of the boulder beach consists mainly of coarse clasts with boulders of 1 m to more than 1.5 m in diameter. Distributions of clast sizes and sediment structures on the barrier surface also suggest wave and overwash dynamics as being the responsible agents. Located in the inner part of a fiord system, the fetches are restricted and thus normal waves are very small. Large waves generated by glacier calving, and/or sea-ice action, are therefore the only processes that can explain the geomorphology and clast distribution of this coastal feature.  相似文献   

Geological identification of past tsunamis is important for risk assessment studies, especially in areas where the historical record is limited or absent. The main problem when using the geological evidence is to distinguish between tsunami and storm deposits. Both are high-energy events that may leave marine traces in coastal stratigraphic sequences. At Martinhal, SW Portugal both storm surge and tsunami deposits are present at the same site within a single stratigraphic sequence, which makes it suitable to study the differences between them, excluding variations caused by local factors.

The tsunami associated with the Lisbon earthquake of November 1st 1755 AD, had a major impact on the geomorphology and sedimentology of Martinhal. It breached the barrier and laid down an extensive sheet of sand, as described in eyewitness reports. Besides the tsunami deposit the stratigraphy of Martinhal also displays evidence for storm surges that have breached and overtopped the barrier, flooding the lowland and leaving sand layers. Both marine-derived flood deposits show similar grain size characteristics and distinctive marine foraminifera. The most important differences are the rip-up clasts and boulders exclusively found in the tsunami deposit and the landward extent of the tsunami deposit that everywhere exceeds that of the storm deposits. Identification of both depositional units was only possible using a collection of different data and extensive stratigraphical information from cores as well as trenches.  相似文献   

Marine hypersaline ponds on Anegada, British Virgin Islands contain stratigraphic evidence (Shell and Sand Sheet) of a A.D. 1650?C1800 overwash event that could have formed through a hurricane or tsunami. Candidates for the deposit include far-field (e.g. 1755 Lisbon tsunami) and local Puerto Rico Trench events (e.g. 1690), but hurricanes cannot be ignored. The goal of this study is to provide additional information to assess the origin of the deposit by examining the taphonomic characters of Homotrema rubrum, a common encrusting foraminifer in Caribbean reef settings. Surface samples (n?=?12) from major sub-environments (reef-flat, beach, storm wrack, and dune) and pond sections (n?=?6; 20?C80?cm thick) are analyzed for their Homotrema concentration (specimens/cm3) and taphonomic character. Particle-size analysis was conducted on the same sections and samples. Highly Preserved (red colored, angular, intact chambers) Homotrema dominate the beach, storm wrack, and reef-flat deposits relative to the dune sand, but the beach and storm wrack contain the largest specimens. The Shell and Sand Sheet in the pond has Highly Preserved and abundant Homotrema (specimens/cm3) versus other sedimentary units in the ponds (e.g. Mud Cap and Shelly Mud). Its taphonomic character is most similar (test size and condition) to the storm wrack deposit on the beach indicating an outside provenance for the sand. Concentration of Homotrema in the Shell and Sand Sheet declined southward indicating a northerly reef-flat provenance for the overwash, although it does not preclude a southern inundation as well. It is unclear whether Homotrema individuals originated from the reef itself or were eroded from older beach ridge deposits during the overwash event. Conclusions from Homotrema taphonomic analysis were limited by the lack of comparative data from known hurricane and tsunami deposits in other Caribbean regions.  相似文献   

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