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Marine overwash from the north a few centuries ago transported hundreds of angular cobbles and boulders tens to hundreds of meters southward from limestone outcrops in the interior of Anegada, 140?km east?Cnortheast of Puerto Rico. We examined two of several cobble and boulder fields as part of an effort to interpret whether the overwash resulted from a tsunami or a storm in a location where both events are known to occur. One of the cobble and boulder field extends 200?m southward from limestone outcrops that are 300?m inland from the island??s north shore. The other field extends 100?m southward from a limestone knoll located 800?m from the nearest shore. In the two fields, we measured the size, orientation, and spatial distribution of a total of 161 clasts and determined their stratigraphic positions with respect to an overwash sand and shell sheet deposit. In both fields, we found the spacing between clasts increased southward and that clast long-axis orientations are consistent with a transport trending north?Csouth. Almost half the clasts are partially buried in a landward thinning and fining overwash sand and none were found embedded in the shelly mud of a pre-overwash marine pond. The two cobble and boulder fields resemble modern tsunami deposits in which dispersed clasts extend inland as a single layer. The fields contrast with coarse clast storm deposits that often form wedge-shaped shore-parallel ridges. These comparisons suggest that the overwash resulted from a tsunami and not from a storm.  相似文献   

Marine hypersaline ponds on Anegada, British Virgin Islands contain stratigraphic evidence (Shell and Sand Sheet) of a A.D. 1650?C1800 overwash event that could have formed through a hurricane or tsunami. Candidates for the deposit include far-field (e.g. 1755 Lisbon tsunami) and local Puerto Rico Trench events (e.g. 1690), but hurricanes cannot be ignored. The goal of this study is to provide additional information to assess the origin of the deposit by examining the taphonomic characters of Homotrema rubrum, a common encrusting foraminifer in Caribbean reef settings. Surface samples (n?=?12) from major sub-environments (reef-flat, beach, storm wrack, and dune) and pond sections (n?=?6; 20?C80?cm thick) are analyzed for their Homotrema concentration (specimens/cm3) and taphonomic character. Particle-size analysis was conducted on the same sections and samples. Highly Preserved (red colored, angular, intact chambers) Homotrema dominate the beach, storm wrack, and reef-flat deposits relative to the dune sand, but the beach and storm wrack contain the largest specimens. The Shell and Sand Sheet in the pond has Highly Preserved and abundant Homotrema (specimens/cm3) versus other sedimentary units in the ponds (e.g. Mud Cap and Shelly Mud). Its taphonomic character is most similar (test size and condition) to the storm wrack deposit on the beach indicating an outside provenance for the sand. Concentration of Homotrema in the Shell and Sand Sheet declined southward indicating a northerly reef-flat provenance for the overwash, although it does not preclude a southern inundation as well. It is unclear whether Homotrema individuals originated from the reef itself or were eroded from older beach ridge deposits during the overwash event. Conclusions from Homotrema taphonomic analysis were limited by the lack of comparative data from known hurricane and tsunami deposits in other Caribbean regions.  相似文献   

Waters from the Atlantic Ocean washed southward across parts of Anegada, east-northeast of Puerto Rico, during a singular event a few centuries ago. The overwash, after crossing a fringing coral reef and 1.5?km of shallow subtidal flats, cut dozens of breaches through sandy beach ridges, deposited a sheet of sand and shell capped with lime mud, and created inland fields of cobbles and boulders. Most of the breaches extend tens to hundreds of meters perpendicular to a 2-km stretch of Anegada??s windward shore. Remnants of the breached ridges stand 3?m above modern sea level, and ridges seaward of the breaches rise 2.2?C3.0?m high. The overwash probably exceeded those heights when cutting the breaches by overtopping and incision of the beach ridges. Much of the sand-and-shell sheet contains pink bioclastic sand that resembles, in grain size and composition, the sand of the breached ridges. This sand extends as much as 1.5?km to the south of the breached ridges. It tapers southward from a maximum thickness of 40?cm, decreases in estimated mean grain size from medium sand to very fine sand, and contains mud laminae in the south. The sand-and-shell sheet also contains mollusks??cerithid gastropods and the bivalve Anomalocardia??and angular limestone granules and pebbles. The mollusk shells and the lime-mud cap were probably derived from a marine pond that occupied much of Anegada??s interior at the time of overwash. The boulders and cobbles, nearly all composed of limestone, form fields that extend many tens of meters generally southward from limestone outcrops as much as 0.8?km from the nearest shore. Soon after the inferred overwash, the marine pond was replaced by hypersaline ponds that produce microbial mats and evaporite crusts. This environmental change, which has yet to be reversed, required restriction of a former inlet or inlets, the location of which was probably on the island??s south (lee) side. The inferred overwash may have caused restriction directly by washing sand into former inlets, or indirectly by reducing the tidal prism or supplying sand to post-overwash currents and waves. The overwash happened after A.D. 1650 if coeval with radiocarbon-dated leaves in the mud cap, and it probably happened before human settlement in the last decades of the 1700s. A prior overwash event is implied by an inland set of breaches. Hypothetically, the overwash in 1650?C1800 resulted from the Antilles tsunami of 1690, the transatlantic Lisbon tsunami of 1755, a local tsunami not previously documented, or a storm whose effects exceeded those of Hurricane Donna, which was probably at category 3 as its eye passed 15?km to Anegada??s south in 1960.  相似文献   

A distinctive Shell and Sand Sheet found beneath the marine ponds of Anegada, British Virgin Islands, was formed by a post-1650 AD overwash event, but its origin (tsunami or hurricane) was unclear. This study assesses the taphonomic characters of the shell and large clast material (>2?mm) to determine its provenance and origin. Pond-wide stratigraphic units (Shelly Mud, Shell and Sand Sheet, Mud Cap) were analyzed (12 samples) at four sites in Bumber Well and Red Pond along with eight samples from the Shell and Sand Sheet in a 2-km transect of Bumber Well. Mollusks in the pond muds include Anomalocardia spp. and cerithids with no allochthonous shells from the offshore reef-flat. Results show that the shells and clasts (>2?mm) are derived from the erosion and winnowing of the underlying Shelly Mud of the former marine pond, forming a distinctive sheet-like deposit with Homotrema sand. The Shell and Sand Sheet contains articulated Anomalocardia bivalves and moderate numbers of angular fragments (approximately 35%) that are likely from crab predation. Radiocarbon dates of articulated Anomalocardia specimens from the Shell and Sand Sheet range widely (approximately 4000?years), with shell condition (pristine to variably preserved) showing no correlation with age. The articulated condition of the bivalves with the wide-ranging dates suggests erosion and winnowing of the underlying Shelly Mud but minimal transport of the bivalves. The Shell and Sand Sheet has taphonomic characteristics indicative of a widespread tsunami overwash (sheet-like extent and articulated specimens) but lacks allochthonous reef-flat shells. Reef-flat shell material may not have penetrated the pond, as a tsunami would have to cross the reef-flat and overtop high dunes (2.2?m) hindering transport of larger shell material but allowing the Homotrema sand to penetrate. Processes including hurricane overwash, pond wave action, or tidal channel opening and closure are not favoured interpretations as they would not produce extensive sheet-like deposits. Taphonomic analysis is hampered by the limited (400?C500?years BP) depositional history from Anegada??s ponds and the lack of comparative data from other Caribbean locations.  相似文献   

Based on the combined analysis of the seismologic and other geophysical data (the gravity and magnetic fields and the acoustic basement topography), it was revealed that the largest earthquakes that occurred in the region of the Central Kuril Islands in 2006, 2007, and 2009 were related to the block structure of the Earth’s crust. The aftershocks of the largest earthquakes recorded in 2006 and 2007 became foreshocks for the earthquakes of 2007 and 2009, respectively. In total, the earthquakes that occurred in this area in the period of 2006–2012 are closely related to the tectonic destruction zone existing there, clarify its position, and support the previous concept of the superimposed and cross cutting relationships of this zone with respect to the Kuril Island Arc.  相似文献   

A peat bed on east-central Graham Island of the Queen Charlotte Islands occurs within a nonglacial fluvial succession that is both overlain and underlain by glacial deposits. Radiocarbon dates of 27,500 ± 400 and 45,700 ± 970 yr B.P. at the top and base of the peat, respectively, indicate that it was deposited during the mid-Wisconsin nonglacial interval. The peat is the first documented mid-Wisconsin organic deposit in northern coastal areas of British Columbia. Three local pollen zones are represented. The lowest zone (PM-1) is restricted to sandy silt directly underlying the dated peat. Very high Cyperaceae and moderate Poaceae pollen percentages characterize zone PM-1, and a variety of other herbs are common, suggesting an open landscape rather than a forested one. The middle zone (PM-2) is characterized by abundant pollen of Picea, Tsuga mertensiana, and Cyperaceae, and also contains pollen of Abies, a genus now absent from the Queen Charlotte Islands. Graham Island probably had extensive forests at this time, but abundant pollen and macrofossils of Cyperaceae and emergent aquatics such as Hippuris vulgaris, Veronica scutellata, Potentilla palustris, and Menyanthes trifoliata indicate that there also were open wetland areas. Zone PM-3 also contains abundant arboreal pollen. Large amounts of Sphagnum spores and Selaginella selaginoides megaspores indicate succession of the wetland area at the sample site to a peat bog. Paleoecological analysis of the data suggests that subalpine vegetation elements were depressed by at least 400 m, probably due to a cooler climate. Probable modern analogs in southeastern Alaska and the presence of Abies (probably A. amabilis) indicate that precipitation was higher on eastern Graham Island during the mid-Wisconsin than at present.  相似文献   

The tsunami of 2004 in the Indian Ocean transported thousands of meters-long boulders shoreward at Pakarang Cape, Thailand. We investigated size, position and long axis orientation of 467 boulders at the cape. Most of boulders found at the cape are well rounded, ellipsoid in shape, without sharp broken edges. They were fragments of reef rocks and their sizes were estimated to be < 14m3 (22.7t). The distribution pattern and orientation of long axis of boulders reflect the inundation pattern and behavior of the tsunami waves. It was found that there is no clear evidence indicating monotonous fine/coarse shoreward trends of these boulders along each transect line. On the other hand, the large boulders were deposited repeatedly along the three arcuate lines at the intertidal zone with a spacing of approximately 136m interval. This distribution pattern may suggest that long-lasting oscillatory flows might have repositioned the boulders and separated the big ones from small. No boulders were found on land, indicating that the hydraulic force of the tsunami wave rapidly dissipated on reaching the land due to the higher bottom friction and the presence of a steep slope. We further conducted numerical calculation of tsunami inundation at Pakarang Cape. According to the calculation, the sea receded and the major part of the tidal bench (area with boulders at present) was exposed above the sea surface before the arrival of the first tsunami wave. The first tsunami wave arrived at the cape from west to east at approximately 130min after the tsunami generation, and then inundated inlands. Our calculation shows that tsunami wave was focused around the offshore by a small cove at the reef edge and spread afterwards in a fan-like shape on the tidal bench. The critical wave velocities necessary to move the largest and average-size boulders by sliding can be estimated to be approximately 3.2 and 2.0m/s, respectively. The numerical result indicates that the maximum current velocity of the first tsunami wave was estimated to be from 8 to 15m/s between the reef edge and approximately 500m further offshore. This range is large enough for moving even the largest boulder shoreward. These suggest that the tsunami waves that were directed eastward, struck the reef rocks and coral colonies, originally located on the shallow sea bottom near the reef edge, and detached and transported the boulders shoreward.  相似文献   

We have investigated the banded coral Montastrea annularis as a recorder of the history of fallout Pu in surface seawater. Thirty annual growth bands, representing growth during ‘coral years’ 1951–1980, were subsampled from M. annularis collected at St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. ‘Coral years’ begin and end in late summer-early autumn and are designated for the calendar year in which they end. 239,240Pu was finite in coral years 1954–1980, and the coral Pu record is very simply related to the fallout history of 90Sr. Peaks in coral Pu in coral years 1959 and 1964 correspond to fallout peaks in 1959 and 1963, respectively. Peak broadening and time lags in the coral Pu record, as compared to the 90Sr fallout record are consistent with retention of fallout Pu in surface seawater for about two years (characteristic removal time) during the period of major fallout, and possibly longer thereafter. The simplicity of the coral Pu record and its close correspondence with fallout history suggest that 239,240Pu was incorporated into the coral skeleton with constant discrimination relative to Ca; the effects of speciation and oxidation state upon Pu incorporation are presently unknown.

To aid the Pu interpretation Ca, Mg, Sr, Na and natural radionuclides (238U, 228Ra, 232Th and 210Pb) were also determined in the annual bands. In small samples (0.5 g) Ca, Mg and Na show correlated variations which could be due to seasonal variability in uptake. The 238U and 228Ra records were generally consistent with uptake, at constant discrimination, from surface-water reservoirs of nearly constant concentration, although one sample showed probable diagenetic addition of U. 232Th was not detected with certainty; this implies that terrigenous particles were not consistently entrapped within the coral skeleton. Interpretation of 210Pb was difficult because 226Ra was not measured.

Montastrea annularis preserves a record of fallout Pu. To make this record useful it must be considered in the broadest possible geochemical context.  相似文献   

A previously uncollected fauna of ammonites, bivalves, and other molluscs, associated with radiolarian microfossils, has been newly recognized near Lawn Hill on the east coast of central Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia. The regional biostratigraphic zonation indicates that the Lawn Hill fauna is correlative with the Nostoceras hornbyense zonule of the Pachydiscus suciaensis ammonite biozone, recognized in the Nanaimo Group of southeast Vancouver Island. The Nostoceras hornbyense Zone (new) is herein proposed for strata of Pacific coast Canada containing the zonal index. Several molluscan taxa present in the Lawn Hill section are new to British Columbia and the ammonite fauna suggests that the Nostoceras hornbyense Zone is late Campanian in age, supported by radiolarian taxa present in the section. Strata sampled in the Lawn Hill section preserve reversed-polarity magnetization, considered likely correlative with Chron 32r. The presence of the Nostoceras hornbyense Zone on Queen Charlotte Islands is the first recognition of this zone in Canada north of central Vancouver Island and represents the youngest Cretaceous known in this region. Campanian radiolarians identified from the Lawn Hill section are also the first recognized from the Pacific coast of Canada.  相似文献   

Forty-four boulders from moraines in two glacial valleys of Mount Erciyes (38.53°N, 35.45°E, 3917 m), central Turkey, dated with cosmogenic chlorine-36 (36Cl), indicate four periods of glacial activity in the past 22 ka (1 ka = 1000 calendar years). Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) glaciers were the most extensive, reaching 6 km in length and descending to an altitude of 2150 m above sea level. These glaciers started retreating 21.3 ± 0.9 ka (1σ) ago. They readvanced and retreated by 14.6 ± 1.2 ka ago (Lateglacial), and again by 9.3 ± 0.5 ka ago (Early Holocene). The latest advance took place 3.8 ± 0.4 ka ago (Late Holocene). Using glacier modeling together with paleoclimate proxy data from the region, we reconstructed the paleoclimate at these four discrete times. The results show that LGM climate was 8–11 °C colder than today and moisture levels were somewhat similar to modern values, with a range between 20% more and 25% less than today. The analysis of Lateglacial advance suggests that the climate was colder by 4.5–6.4 °C based on up to 1.5 times wetter conditions. The Early Holocene was 2.1–4.9 °C colder and up to twice as wet as today, while the Late Holocene was 2.4–3 °C colder and its precipitation amounts approached to similar conditions as today. Our paleoclimate reconstructions show a general trend of warming for the last 22 ka, and an increase of moisture until Early Holocene, and a decrease after that time. The recent glacier terminates at 3450 m on the northwest side of the mountain. It is a remnant from the last advance (possibly during the Little Ice Age). Repeated measurements of glacier length between 1902 and 2008 reveal a retreat rate of 4.2 m per year, which corresponds to a warming rate of 0.9–1.2 °C per century.  相似文献   

姚智  张朴  刘爱民 《贵州地质》2002,19(2):99-102
研究表明,喀斯特坡体上能否生长森林,与喀斯特区域地貌类型的关系极为密切,本文通过荔波茂兰与望谟麻山两地的对比认为,山盆期地貌保存良好的地区,有利于森林的生长与恢复;而乌江期地貌叠加发育的地区,则不利于森林的生长。从而说明已石漠化的喀斯特坡体并非全是人为被坏所为,也非所有石漠化喀斯特地区一经封山便可恢复森林。  相似文献   

The identification of potential recharge areas and estimation of recharge rates to the confined semi-fossil Ohangwena II Aquifer (KOH-2) is crucial for its future sustainable use. The KOH-2 is located within the endorheic transboundary Cuvelai-Etosha-Basin (CEB), shared by Angola and Namibia. The main objective was the development of a strategy to tackle the problem of data scarcity, which is a well-known problem in semi-arid regions. In a first step, conceptual geological cross sections were created to illustrate the possible geological setting of the system. Furthermore, groundwater travel times were estimated by simple hydraulic calculations. A two-dimensional numerical groundwater model was set up to analyze flow patterns and potential recharge zones. The model was optimized against local observations of hydraulic heads and groundwater age. The sensitivity of the model against different boundary conditions and internal structures was tested. Parameter uncertainty and recharge rates were estimated. Results indicate that groundwater recharge to the KOH-2 mainly occurs from the Angolan Highlands in the northeastern part of the CEB. The sensitivity of the groundwater model to different internal structures is relatively small in comparison to changing boundary conditions in the form of influent or effluent streams. Uncertainty analysis underlined previous results, indicating groundwater recharge originating from the Angolan Highlands. The estimated recharge rates are less than 1% of mean yearly precipitation, which are reasonable for semi-arid regions.  相似文献   

In this study, we present 87Rb/86Sr and 230Th/238U isotope analyses of glasses and phenocrysts from postcaldera rhyolites erupted between 150 to 100 ka from the Long Valley magmatic system. Both isotope systems indicate complex magma evolution with preeruptive mineral crystallization and magma fractionation, followed by extended storage in a silicic magma reservoir. Glass analyses yield a Rb-Sr isochron of 257 ± 39 ka, which can be explained by a feldspar-fractionation event ∼150 ky before eruption. Individual feldspar-glass pairs confirm this age result. A mineral 230Th-238U isochron in a low-silica rhyolite from the Deer Mountain Dome defines an age of 236 ± 1 ka, but the glass and whole rock do not lie on the isochron. U-Th fractionation of the rocks is controlled by the accessory minerals zircon and probably allanite, which crystallized at 250 ± 3 ka and 187 ± 9 ka, respectively. All major mineral phases contain accessory mineral phases; therefore, the mineral isochron represents a mixture of zircon and allanite populations. A precision of ±1 ka for the mixing array implies that the minor phases must have crystallized within this timescale. Longer periods of crystal growth would cause the mixing array to be less well defined. U-series data from other low- and high-silica rhyolites indicate younger accessory mineral crystallization events at ∼200 and 140 ka, probably related to the thermal evolution of the magma reservoir. These crystallization events are, however, only documented by the accessory minerals and had no further influence on bulk magma compositions. We interpret the indistinguishable age results from both isotope systems (∼250 ka) to record the fractionation of small magma batches by filter pressing from a much larger underlying magma volume, followed by physical isolation and extended storage at the top of the magma reservoir for up to 150 ky.  相似文献   

In volatile-saturated magmas, degassing and crystallisation are interrelated processes which influence the eruption style. Melt inclusions provide critical information on volatile and melt evolution, but this information can be compromised significantly by post-entrapment modification of the inclusions. We assess the reliability and significance of pyroxene-hosted melt inclusion analyses to document the volatile contents (particularly H2O) and evolution of intermediate arc magmas at Volcán de Colima, Mexico. The melt inclusions have maximal H2O contents (≤4 wt%) consistent with petrological estimates and the constraint that the magmas crystallised outside the amphibole stability field, demonstrating that pyroxene-hosted melt inclusions can preserve H2O contents close to their entrapment values even in effusive eruptions with low effusion rates (0.6 m3 s?1). The absence of noticeable H2O loss in some of the inclusions requires post-entrapment diffusion coefficients (≤1 × 10?13 m2 s?1) at least several order of magnitude smaller than experimentally determined H+ diffusion coefficient in pyroxenes. The H2O content distribution is, however, not uniform, and several peaks in the data, interpreted to result from diffusive H2O reequilibration, are observed around 1 and 0.2 wt%. H2O diffusive loss is also consistent with the manifest lack of correlations between H2O and CO2 or S contents. The absence of textural evidence supporting post-entrapment H2O loss suggests that diffusion most likely occurred via melt channels prior to sealing of the inclusions, rather than through the host crystals. Good correlation between the melt inclusion sealing and volcano-tectonic seismic swarm depths further indicate that, taken as a whole, the melt inclusion population accurately records the pre-eruptive conditions of the magmatic system. Our data demonstrate that H2O diffusive loss is a second-order process and that pyroxene-hosted melt inclusions can effectively record the volatile contents and decompression-induced crystallisation paths of vapour-saturated magmas.  相似文献   

Postglacial climatic conditions were inferred from cores taken from Big Lake in southern British Columbia. Low concentrations of nonarboreal pollen and pigments near the base of the core suggest that initial conditions were cool. Increases in both aquatic and terrestrial production suggest warmer and moister conditions until 8500 cal yr B.P. Hyposaline diatom assemblages, increases in nonarboreal pollen, and increased concentrations of pigments suggest the onset of arid conditions from 8500 to 7500 cal yr B.P. Slightly less arid conditions are inferred from 7500 until 6660 cal yr B.P. based on the diatoms, small increases and greater variability in biogenic silica and pigments, and higher percentages of arboreal pollen. At 6600 cal yr B.P., changes in diatoms, pigments, biogenic silica, and organic matter suggest that Big Lake became fresh, deep, and eutrophic until 3600 cal yr B.P., when water levels and nutrients decreased slightly. Our paleoclimatic inferences are similar to pollen-based studies until 6600 cal yr B.P. However, unlike these studies, our multiple lines of evidence from Big Lake imply large changes in effective moisture since 6000 cal yr B.P.  相似文献   

In active landslides, the prediction of acceleration of movement is a crucial issue for the design and performance of warning systems. The landslide of Vallcebre in the Eastern Pyreenes, Spain, has been monitored since 1996 and data on rainfall, groundwater levels and ground displacements are measured on a regular basis. Displacements observed in borehole wire extensometers have shown an immediate response of the landslide to rainfall episodes. This rapid response is likely due to the presence of preferential drainage ways. The occurrence of nearly constant rates of displacement in coincidence with steady groundwater levels suggests the presence of viscous forces developed during the movement. An attempt to predict both landslide displacements and velocities was performed at Vallcebre by solving the momentum equation in which a viscous term (Bingham and power law) was added. Results show that, using similar rheological parameters for the entire landslide, computed displacements reproduce quite accurately the displacements observed at three selected wire extensometers. These results indicate that prediction of displacements from groundwater level changes is feasible.  相似文献   

内蒙古额济纳旗苏泊淖尔石制品的发现及当时的环境特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在进行地质环境调查过程中,在内蒙古额济纳旗苏泊淖尔Ⅰ级湖积阶地面上发现古人类遗存的石制品,包括石砧、石斧、石片、石核等,大致应属于全新世的遗存。天鹅湖剖面距地表70.5cm深处14C测年结果为4930a±152a,表明该剖面主要形成于全新世,与苏泊淖尔石器的时代相同,其中的记录可反映古人类活动时期的气候特征。据孢粉组合变化可以确定,该区气候总体处于干旱—半干旱状态。剖面下部在相对干旱的背景下显示出一定程度的温湿气候环境,剖面中部则为干旱稳定发展期,成为全剖面干旱程度最强、温度较低的时期,而剖面上部又表现出温度和湿度略有升高的趋势。  相似文献   

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