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The broad X-ray iron line, detected in many active galactic nuclei, is likely to be produced by fluorescence from the X-ray-illuminated central parts of an accretion disc close to a supermassive black hole. The time-averaged shape of the line can be explained most naturally by a combination of special and general relativistic effects. Such line profiles contain information about the black hole spin and the accretion disc, as well as the geometry of the emitting region, and may help to test general relativity in the strong gravity regime. In this paper we embark on the computation of the temporal response of the line to the illuminating flux. Previous studies concentrated on the calculation of reverberation signatures from static sources illuminating the disc. In this paper we focus on the more physically justified case of flares located above the accretion disc and corotating with it. We compute the time-dependent iron line, taking into account all general relativistic effects, and show that its shape is of a very complex nature, and we also present light curves accompanying the iron line variability. We suggest that present and future X-ray satellites like XMM or Constellation-X may be capable of detecting features present in the computed reverberation maps.  相似文献   

We present Fe Kα line profiles from and images of relativistic discs with finite thickness around a rotating black hole using a novel code. The line is thought to be produced by iron fluorescence of a relatively cold X-ray-illuminated material in the innermost parts of the accretion disc and provides an excellent diagnostic of accretion flows in the vicinity of black holes. Previous studies have concentrated on the case of a thin, Keplerian accretion disc. This disc must become thicker and sub-Keplerian with increasing accretion rates. These can affect the line profiles and in turn can influence the estimation of the accretion disc and black hole parameters from the observed line profiles. We here embark on, for the first time, a fully relativistic computation which offers key insights into the effects of geometrical thickness and the sub-Keplerian orbital velocity on the line profiles. We include all relativistic effects such as frame-dragging, Doppler boost, time dilation, gravitational redshift and light bending. We find that the separation and the relative height between the blue and red peaks of the line profile diminish as the thickness of the disc increases. This code is also well suited to produce accretion disc images. We calculate the redshift and flux images of the accretion disc and find that the observed image of the disc strongly depends on the inclination angle. The self-shadowing effect appears remarkable for a high inclination angle, and leads to the black hole shadow being in this case, completely hidden by the disc itself.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the process of alignment of a spinning black hole and a surrounding misaligned accretion disc. We use a simplified set of equations, that describe the evolution of the system in the case where the propagation of warping disturbances in the accretion disc occurs diffusively, a situation likely to be common in the thin discs in active galactic nuclei (AGN). We also allow the direction of the hole spin to move under the action of the disc torques. In such a way, the evolution of the hole–disc system is computed self-consistently. We consider a number of different situations and we explore the relevant parameter range, by varying the location of the warp radius R w and the propagation speed of the warp. We find that the dissipation associated with the twisting of the disc results in a large increase in the accretion rate through the disc, so that AGN accreting from a misaligned disc are likely to be significantly more luminous than those accreting from a flat disc. We compute explicitly the time-scales for the warping of the disc and for the alignment process and compare our results with earlier estimates based on simplified steady-state solutions. We also confirm earlier predictions that, under appropriate circumstances, accretion can proceed in a counter-aligned fashion, so that the accreted material will spin-down the hole, rather than spinning it up. Our results have implication in a number of different observational features of AGN such as the orientation and shape of jets, the shape of X-ray iron lines and the possibility of obscuration and absorption of X-ray by the outer disc as well as the general issue of the spin history of black holes during their growth.  相似文献   

The fluorescent iron K α emission-line profile provides an excellent probe of the innermost regions of active galactic nuclei. Fe  xxv and Fe  xxvi in diffuse plasma above the accretion disc can affect the X-ray spectrum by iron K α resonant absorption. This in turn can influence the interpretation of the data and the estimation of the accretion disc and black hole parameters. We embark on a fully relativistic computation of this effect and calculate the iron line profile in the framework of a specific model in which rotating, highly ionized and resonantly absorbing plasma occurs close to the black hole. This can explain the features seen in the iron K α line profile recently obtained by Nandra et al. for the type 1 Seyfert galaxy NGC 3516. We show that the redshift of this feature can be mainly gravitational in origin and accounted for without the need to invoke fast accretion of matter on to the black hole. New X-ray satellites such as XMM , ASTRO-E and Chandra provide excellent opportunities to test the model against high-quality observational data.  相似文献   

Compact remnants – stellar mass black holes and neutron stars formed in the inner few parsec of galactic centres are predicted to sink into the central parsec due to dynamical friction on low-mass stars, forming a high concentration cusp. Same physical region may also contain very high-density molecular clouds and accretion discs that are needed to fuel supermassive black hole (SMBH) activity. Here we estimate gas capture rates on to the cusp of stellar remnants, and the resulting X-ray luminosity, as a function of the accretion disc mass. At low disc masses, most compact objects are too dim to be observable, whereas in the high disc case most of them are accreting at their Eddington rates. We find that for low accretion disc masses, compact remnant cusps may be more luminous than the central SMBHs. This 'diffuse' emission may be of importance for local moderately bright active galactic nuclei (AGNs), especially low-luminosity AGNs. We also briefly discuss how this expected emission can be used to put constraints on the black hole cusp near our Galactic Centre.  相似文献   

Double-peaked broad emission lines in active galactic nuclei are generally considered to be formed in an accretion disc. In this paper, we compute the profiles of reprocessing emission lines from a relativistic, warped accretion disc around a black hole in order to explore the possibility that certain asymmetries in the double-peaked emission-line profile which cannot be explained by a circular Keplerian disc may be induced by disc warping. The disc warping also provides a solution for the energy budget in the emission-line region because it increases the solid angle of the outer disc portion subtended to the inner portion of the disc. We adopted a parametrized disc geometry and a central point-like source of ionizing radiation to capture the main characteristics of the emission-line profile from such discs. We find that the ratio between the blue and red peaks of the line profiles becoming less than unity can be naturally predicted by a twisted warped disc, and a third peak can be produced in some cases. We show that disc warping can reproduce the main features of multipeaked line profiles of four active galactic nuclei from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.  相似文献   

We report on partially overlapping XMM–Newton (∼260 ks) and Suzaku (∼100 ks) observations of the iron K band in the nearby, bright type 1 Seyfert galaxy Mrk 509. The source shows a resolved neutral Fe K line, most probably produced in the outer part of the accretion disc. Moreover, the source shows further emission bluewards of the 6.4 keV line due to ionized material. This emission is well reproduced by a broad line produced in the accretion disc, while it cannot be easily described by scattering or emission from photoionized gas at rest. The summed spectrum of all XMM–Newton observations shows the presence of a narrow absorption line at 7.3 keV produced by highly ionized outflowing material. A spectral variability study of the XMM–Newton data shows an indication for an excess of variability at 6.6–6.7 keV. These variations may be produced in the red wing of the broad ionized line or by variation of a further absorption structure. The Suzaku data indicate that the neutral Fe K α line intensity is consistent with being constant on long time-scales (of a few years), and they also confirm as most likely the interpretation of the excess blueshifted emission in terms of a broad ionized Fe line. The average Suzaku spectrum differs from the XMM–Newton one in the disappearance of the 7.3 keV absorption line and around 6.7 keV, where the XMM–Newton data alone suggested variability.  相似文献   

The central engines of active galactic nuclei (AGN) contain cold, dense material as well as hot X-ray-emitting gas. The standard paradigm for the engine geometry is a cold thin disc sandwiched between hot X-ray coronae. Strong support for this geometry in Seyferts comes from the study of fluorescent iron line profiles, although the evidence is not ubiquitously airtight. The thin disc model of line profiles in AGN and in X-ray binaries should still be benchmarked against other plausible possibilities. One proposed alternative is an engine consisting of dense clouds embedded in an optically thin, geometrically thick X-ray-emitting engine. This model is also motivated by studies of geometrically thick engines such as advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs). Here we compute the reprocessed iron line profiles from dense clouds embedded in geometrically thick, optically thin X-ray-emitting discs near a Schwarzschild black hole. We consider a range of cloud distributions and disc solutions, including ADAFs, pure radial infall and bipolar outflows. We find that such models can reproduce line profiles similar to those from geometrically thin, optically thick discs and might help alleviate some of the problems encountered from the latter. Thus, independent of thin discs, thick disc engines can also exhibit iron line profiles if embedded dense clouds can survive long enough to reprocess radiation.  相似文献   

We present XMM-Newton observations of Mrk 359, the first narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy (NLS1) discovered. Even among NLS1s, Mrk 359 is an extreme case with extraordinarily narrow optical emission lines. The XMM-Newton data show that Mrk 359 has a significant soft X-ray excess which displays only weak absorption and emission features. The     continuum, including reflection, is flatter than that of the typical NLS1, with     . A strong emission line of equivalent width ≈200 eV is also observed, centred near 6.4 keV. We fit this emission with two line components of approximately equal strength: a broad iron line from an accretion disc and a narrow, unresolved core. The unresolved line core has an equivalent width of ≈120 eV and is consistent with fluorescence from neutral iron in distant reprocessing gas, possibly in the form of a 'molecular torus'. Comparison of the narrow-line strengths in Mrk 359 and other low–moderate luminosity Seyfert 1 galaxies with those in QSOs suggests that the solid angle subtended by the distant reprocessing gas decreases with increasing active galactic nucleus luminosity.  相似文献   

We present XMM-Newton European Photon Imaging Camera (EPIC) observations of the bright Seyfert 1 galaxy MCG–6-30-15, focusing on the broad Fe K α line at ∼6 keV and the associated reflection continuum, which is believed to originate from the inner accretion disc. We find these reflection features to be extremely broad and redshifted, indicating an origin in the very central regions of the accretion disc. It seems likely that we have caught this source in the 'deep minimum' state first observed by Iwasawa et al. The implied central concentration of X-ray illumination is difficult to understand in any pure accretion disc model. We suggest that we are witnessing the extraction and dissipation of rotational energy from a spinning black hole by magnetic fields connecting the black hole or plunging region to the disc.  相似文献   

A model for the inner regions of accretion flows is presented where, owing to disc instabilities, cold and dense material is clumped into deep sheets or rings. Surrounding these density enhancements is hot, tenuous gas where coronal dissipation processes occur. We expect this situation to be most relevant when the accretion rate is close to Eddington and the disc is radiation-pressure-dominated, and so may apply to narrow-line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) galaxies. In this scenario, the hard X-ray source is obscured for most observers, and so the detected X-ray emission would be dominated by reflection off the walls of the sheets. A simple Comptonization calculation shows that the large photon-indices characteristic of NLS1s would be a natural outcome of two reprocessors closely surrounding the hard X-ray source. We test this model by fitting the XMM-Newton spectrum of the NLS1 1H  0707–495  between 0.5 and 11 keV with reflection-dominated ionized disc models. A very good fit is found with three different reflectors each subject to the same  Γ=2.35  power law. An iron overabundance is still required to fit the sharp drop in the spectrum at around 7 keV. We note that even a small corrugation of the accretion disc may result in  Γ>2  and a strong reflection component in the observed spectrum. Therefore, this model may also explain the strength and the variability characteristics of the MCG–6-30-15 Fe K α line. The idea needs to be tested with further broad-band XMM-Newton observations of NLS1s.  相似文献   

We consider the power of a relativistic jet accelerated by the magnetic field of an accretion disc. It is found that the power extracted from the disc is mainly determined by the field strength and configuration of the field far from the disc. Comparing it with the power extracted from a rotating black hole, we find that the jet power extracted from a disc can dominate over that from the rotating black hole. However, in some cases, the jet power extracted from a rapidly rotating hole can be more important than that from the disc, even if the poloidal field threading the hole is not significantly larger than that threading the inner edge of the disc. The results imply that the radio-loudness of quasars may be governed by its accretion rate, which might be regulated by the central black hole mass. It is proposed that the different disc field generation mechanisms might be tested against observations of radio-loud quasars if their black hole masses are available.  相似文献   

We examine the physical processes of radiatively driven mass accretion on to galactic nuclei, owing to intensive radiation from circumnuclear starbursts. The radiation from a starburst not only causes the inner gas disc to contract via radition flux force, but also extracts angular momentum owing to relativistic radiation drag, thereby inducing an avalanche of the surface layer of the disc. To analyse such a mechanism, the radiation–hydrodynamical equations are solved, including the effects of the radiation drag force as well as the radiation flux force. As a result, it is found that the mass accretion rate owing to the radiative avalanche is given by M ˙ ( r )= η ( L */ c 2)( r / R )2 (Δ R / R )(1 −  e −τ) at radius r , where the efficiency η ranges from 0.2 up to 1, L * and R are respectively the bolometric luminosity and the radius of the starburst ring, Δ R is the extent of the emission regions, and τ is the face-on optical depth of the disc. In an optically thick regime, the rate depends upon neither the optical depth nor the surface mass density distribution of the disc. The present radiatively driven mass accretion may provide a physical mechanism which enables mass accretion from 100-pc scales down to ∼ parsec scales, and it may eventually be linked to advection-dominated viscous accretion on to a massive black hole. The radiation–hydrodynamical and self-gravitational instabilities of the disc are briefly discussed. In particular, the radiative acceleration possibly builds up a dusty wall, which 'shades' the nucleus in edge-on views. This provides another version of the model for the formation of an obscuring torus.  相似文献   

Fluorescent iron line profiles currently provide the best diagnostic for engine geometries of active galactic nuclei (AGN). Here we construct a method for calculating the relativistic iron line profile from an arbitrarily warped accretion disc, illuminated from above and below by hard X-ray sources. This substantially generalizes previous calculations of reprocessing by accretion discs by including non-axisymmetric effects. We include a relativistic treatment of shadowing by ray-tracing photon paths along Schwarzschild geodesics. We apply this method to two classes of warped discs, and generate a selection of resulting line profiles. New profile features include a time-varying line profile if the warp precesses about the disc, profile differences between 'twisted' and 'twist-free' warps and the possibility of steeper red and softer blue fall-offs than for flat discs. We discuss some qualitative implications of the line profiles in the context of Type I and II Seyfert AGN and other sources.  相似文献   

A number of recent results from X-ray observations of active galactic nuclei involving the Fe K α line (reduction of line variability compared with the X-ray continuum variability, the X-ray 'Baldwin effect') were attributed to the presence of a hot, ionized skin of an accretion disc, suppressing emission of the line. The ionized skin appears as a result of the thermal instability of X-ray irradiated plasma. We test this hypothesis by computing the Thomson thickness of the hot skin on top of the αP tot Shakura–Sunyaev disc, by simultaneously solving the vertical structure of both the hot skin and the disc. We then compute a number of relations between observable quantities, e.g. the hard X-ray flux, amplitude of the observed reprocessed component, relativistic smearing of the K α line and rms variability of the hard X-rays. These relations can be compared with present and future observations. We point out that this mechanism is unlikely to explain the behaviour of the X-ray source in MCG–6-30-15, where there are a number of arguments against the existence of a thick hot skin, but it can work for some other Seyfert 1 galaxies.  相似文献   

Spectra of Seyfert 1s are commonly modelled as emission from an X-ray-illuminated flat accretion disc orbiting a central black hole. This provides both reprocessed and direct components of the X-ray emission, as required by observations of individual objects, and possibly a fraction of the cosmological X-ray background. There is some observational motivation for us to at least consider the role that an effectively concave disc surface might play: (1) a reprocessed fraction ≳1/2 in some Seyferts and possibly in the X-ray background, and (2) the commonality of a sharp iron line peak for Seyferts at 6.4 keV despite a dependence of peak location on inclination angle for flat disc models. Here it is shown that a concave disc may not only provide a larger total fraction of reprocessed photons, but can also reprocess a much larger fraction of photons in its outer regions compared with a flat disc. This reduces the sensitivity of the 6.4-keV peak location to the inner disc inclination angle because the outer regions are less affected by Doppler and gravitational effects. If the X-ray source is isotropic, the reprocessed fraction is directly determined by the concavity. If the X-ray source is anisotropic, the location of iron line peak can still be determined by concavity but the total reflected fraction need not be as large as for the isotropic emitter case. The geometric calculations herein are applicable to general accretion disc systems illuminated from the centre.  相似文献   

We consider the properties of the warped accretion disc in NGC 4258 which is delineated by maser emission. We use our analytical models to consider whether the disc could be warped by Lense–Thirring precession. We show that such models fit the shape of the disc well and we determine the goodness of fit for various combinations of the warp radius and the disc and black hole configurations. Though the fits are compelling evidence, we note that such a model has implications for the formation and longevity of the disc which might be problematic for the current understanding of Seyfert galaxies.  相似文献   

We model the optical to X-ray continuum spectrum of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy RE J1034+396. We show that the flat optical spectrum is consistent with emission from an irradiated accretion disc. The X-ray emission can be modelled with a disc blackbody and a Comptonized component. The temperature at the inner edge of the disc     Using this constraint, we show that the flat optical spectrum is consistent with emission from the irradiatively heated outer part of the accretion disc. We constrain the outer radius of the optically thick disc     and the inner radius of the irradiation-dominated region     . Our optical and X-ray spectral fits indicate a mass     , and do not rule out a low (i.e. face-on) inclination angle for the system.  相似文献   

The accretion disc in active galactic nucleus (AGN) is expected to produce strong outflows, in particular an ultraviolet (UV)-line-driven wind. Several observed spectral features, including the soft X-ray excess, have been associated with the accretion disc wind. However, current spectral models of the X-ray spectrum of AGN observed through an accretion disc wind, known to provide a good fit to the observed X-ray data, are ad hoc in their treatment of the outflow velocity and density of the wind material. In order to address these limitations we adopt a numerical computational method that links a series of radiative transfer calculations, incorporating the effect of a global velocity field in a self-consistent manner { xstar Simulation Chain for Outflows with Radiative Transfer ( xscort )}. We present a series of example spectra from the xscort code that allow us to examine the shape of AGN X-ray spectra seen through a smooth wind with terminal velocity of 0.3 c , as appropriate for a UV-line-driven wind. We calculate spectra for a range of different acceleration laws, density distributions, total column densities and ionization parameters, but all these have sharp features that contrast strongly with both the previous 'smeared absorption' models, and with the observed smoothness of the soft X-ray excess. This rules out absorption in a radiatively driven accretion disc wind as the origin of the soft X-ray excess, though a larger terminal velocity, possibly associated with material in a magnetically driven outflow/jet, may allow outflow models to recover a smooth excess.  相似文献   

The origin of the soft X-ray excess emission observed in many type-1 active galactic nuclei (AGN) has been an unresolved problem in X-ray astronomy for over two decades. We develop the model proposed by Gierliński & Done, which models the soft excess with heavily smeared, ionized, absorption, by including the emission that must be associated with this absorption. We show that, rather than hindering the ionized absorption model, the addition of the emission actually helps this model reproduce the soft excess. The emission fills in some of the absorption trough, while preserving the sharp rise at ∼1 keV, allowing the total model to reproduce the soft excess curvature from a considerably wider range of model parameters. We demonstrate that this model is capable of reproducing even the strongest soft X-ray excesses by fitting it to the XMM–Newton EPIC PN spectrum of PG1211+143, with good results. The addition of the emission reduces the column density required to fit these data by a factor of ∼2 and reduces the smearing velocity from ∼0.28c to ∼0.2c. Gierliński & Done suggested a tentative origin for the absorption in the innermost, accelerating, region of an accretion disc wind, and we highlight the advantages of this interpretation in comparison to accretion disc reflection models of the soft excess. Associating this material with a wind off the accretion disc results in several separate problems however, namely, the radial nature, and the massive implied mass-loss rate, of the wind. We propose an origin in a 'failed wind', where the central X-ray source is strong enough to overionize the wind, removing the acceleration through line absorption before the material reaches escape velocity, allowing the material to fall back to the disc at larger radii.  相似文献   

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