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The structure of the southern Pyrenees, east of the Albanyà fault (Empordà area), consists of several Alpine thrust sheets. From bottom upwards three main structural units can be distinguished : the Roc de Frausa, the Biure-Bac Grillera and the Figueres units. The former involves basement and Paleogene cover rocks. This unit is deformed by E-W trending kilometric-scale folds, its north dipping floor thrust represents the sole thrust in this area. The middle unit is formed by an incomplete Mesozoic succession overlain by Garumnian and Eocene sediments. Mesozoic rocks internal structure consists of an imbricate stack. The floor thrust dips to the south and climbs up section southwards. The upper unit exibits the most complete Mesozoic sequence. Its floor thrust is subhorizontal. The lower and middle units thrust in a piggy-back sequence. The upper unit was emplaced out of sequence.

Lower Eocene sedimentation in the Biure-Bac Grillera unit was controlled by emergent imbricate thrusts and synchronic extensional faults. One of these faults (La Salut fault) represents the boundary between a platform domain in the footwall and a subsident trough in the hangingwall. Southward thrust propagation produces the inversion of these faults and the development of cleavage-related folds in their hangingwalls (buttressing effect). This inversion is also recorded by syntectonic deposits, which have been grouped in four depositional sequences. The lower sequences represent the filling on the hangingwall trough and the upper sequences the spreading of clastics to the south once the extensional movement ends.  相似文献   

We present a structural and kinematic study of an Early Paleozoic subduction mélange and a magmatic arc that form the main elements of the Southern Orogen Belt of Inner Mongolia, which lies in the eastearn part of the Altaids or Central Asia Orogenic Belt. The structural analysis of the mélange conducted in the Hongqi and Ondor Sum areas (western Inner Mongolia) shows two phrases of ductile deformation. The D1 event is responsible for the pervasive S1 foliation, NW–SE striking L1 stretching lineation and F1 intrafolial folds. These microstructures are coeval with a greenschist facies metamorphism. During D2, NW-verging F2 folds associated with a S2 axial planar cleavage deformed S1 and L1. The D1 kinematic criteria indicate a top-to-the-NW sense of shear. D1 and D2 developed before the unconformable deposition of the Early Devonian shallow water sandstone. A lithosphere scale geodynamic model involving an Early Paleozoic southeast-directed subduction beneath the North China Craton and late Silurian collision of the North China Craton with an hypothetical microcontinent is proposed to account for the microstructural evolution.  相似文献   

From a geologist's perspective, magnetic data are most useful in mapping contacts and providing insight into the 3D geometry of the geology. Since the early 1970s, automatic methods based on the horizontal and vertical derivatives are applied to potential field data in order to map geological lineaments. In this paper, three methods for locating magnetic contacts are applied to magnetic anomaly data of the study area. The local maxima of horizontal gradient determined on the magnetic map and its upward continued maps to several heights delineate the contacts and indicate their dips. The amplitude of the 3D analytic signal of magnetic data provides information on the location of the edge of the sources in both the horizontal and vertical dimensions. The Euler deconvolution is also used to estimate the source depth at the contact location. These results allow the production of a structural map showing the magnetic lineaments for the survey area. This map is consistent with many faults already recognised or supposed by the traditional structural studies and highlights new ones by specifying their layout and dips.  相似文献   

Apatite fission-track analysis performed on eighteen Mesozoic sediment samples of the Neuquén Basin from the Southern Central Andes orogenic front between 35°30′ and 37°S has revealed Campanian-Paleocene (75-55 Ma), late Eocene-early Oligocene (35-30 Ma) and middle Miocene (15-10 Ma) cooling episodes. Each cooling episode corresponds closely with major unconformities observed in the preserved sedimentary sequences, and is associated with kilometer-scale additional burial and subsequent exhumation. A similar degree of cooling is inferred from associated vitrinite reflectance data. Late Eocene-early Oligocene exhumation is recognized only near the eastern orogenic front adjacent to the foreland in the southernmost part of the study area and may be related partly to within-plate magmatism and associated extension in the Palaoco Basin. The Campanian-Paleocene and middle Miocene cooling episodes are recognized more widely in the fold and thrust belt and appear to coincide with periods of eastward arc expansion and mountain building processes.  相似文献   

40Ar/39Ar dating yielded the reliable ages of andesite from the Unerikan complex (102.1 ± 1.4 Ma) and basaltic andesite from the Burunda complex (107.3 ± 2.4 Ma). The established age of volcanism is close to one of the stages of formation of the Khingan–Okhotsk volcanoplutonic belt. The petrography and geochemistry of basic, normal-basic, and normal rocks point to their dual character: They combine features specific for tholeiitic and calc-alkalic rocks. Most likely, these rocks formed in the setting of transform continental margin.  相似文献   

The Neogene–Quaternary Siwalik foreland fold and thrust belt is studied for better understanding of tectonics along the Kameng river section of Arunachal Pradesh, India. The Kimi, Dafla, Subansiri, and the Kimin Formation correspond to Lower, Middle and Upper Siwaliks, respectively. The lithology in the foreland basin is dominantly sandstones, siltstones, claystones, carbonaceous shales, and boulder beds in the upper part. The structural style of the sedimentary sequence from the Main Boundary Thrust southward shows first order ramp-flat geometry. The brittle shear transfers slip across glide horizons to shallower depth. Repeated splay generations from a major regional-scale floor transfers slip from one glide horizon to another that shortens and thickens the crust. In the micro-scale, the lithological response in the structural development is well documented as pressure solution seams and other diagenetic deformation signatures. The basement asperity plays a significant role as the moving thrust front produced a major lateral ramp. The differential movement of the mountain front on both sides of the ramp is decipherable. This is especially true at the western part of the SE flowing Kameng river. The tectonic evolution of the area initiated with slip along the MBT \(\sim \)11 Ma ago along with the deposition of the Siwalik sediments. With southward propagation of the mountain front, the foreland basin shifted towards S, produced splay thrusts from the Himalayan Frontal Thrust-1 (HFT-1), which has been uplifting the Kimin and the older terraces.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of complex geochemical and Sm–Nd isotope-geochemical studies of terrigenous rocks of the Upper Amur and Zeya–Dep troughs, as well as U–Pb geochronological studies of detrital zircons. It is established that the studied troughs have orogenic nature, which is of key significance for understanding the geodynamic evolution of East Asia in the Mesozoic. Such interpretation is consistent with structural features of the troughs (migration of basin axis inward the continent with time, stratigraphic rejuvenation in the same direction), which are typical of foreland basins regarded as analogues of foreland (marginal) troughs. Obtained data indicate that orogenic processes responsible for the formation of the Mongol-Okhotsk fold belt began in the Early Jurassic.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2008,340(2-3):112-126
Permo-Triassic intermediate–felsic magmatism is developed along the Truong Son fold belt, located in the eastern margin of the Indochina Block. It comprises a succession of the active continental margin associations: calc-alkaline volcano-plutonic associations (272–248 Ma), peraluminous granites (259–245 Ma), and subalkaline felsic volcano-plutonic associations (younger than 245 Ma). Detailed study of geochemical characteristics such as trace elements (LILE, REE, HFSE) and isotopes (Sr, Nd, Pb) indicates that they are homogeneous and that they are products of the Palaeotethys subduction process in relation to Indochina (IC)/North Vietnam–South China (NV–SC) amalgamation (S.L. Chung et al., Abstr., GEOSEA 98, Malaysia, 1998, pp. 17–19). The Indosinian characteristics are represented by mantle–crust interaction in magma generation, controlled by their emplacement localities in relation to the Kontum Uplift. The spatial and temporal evolution of Permo-Triassic magmatism allows reconstructing the geodynamic history of the Indosinian orogeny. It confirms that this event ended in Early to Middle Triassic (246–240 Ma, after C. Lepvrier et al., Tectonophysics 393 (2004) 87–118).  相似文献   

Mainland SE Asia is composed of a number of continental fragments and volcanic arcs, separated by oceanic suture zones, which were accreted to the growing Asian continent during the Triassic Indosinian orogeny. The evolution of this orogeny has always been quite controversial. Indeed, the effects of this orogeny in Thailand have often been interpreted without considering the detailed tectonic evolution of the portion of the Indochina Block’s margin formed by Khao Khwang Platform area of the Saraburi Group, in central Thailand. This area is unusual because: (1) an extensive area representing a thin-skinned fold and thrust belt is well-exposed due to quarrying; and, (2) the fold and thrust belt displays a series of E–W and WNW–ESE striking thrusts and associated folds that are not easily explained in the context of the traditional interpretation where the terranes have been accreted broadly along N–S striking collisional zones. Detailed structural observations in numerous quarries around Highway 21 in a 13 km long dip-direction traverse have revealed that overall the thrust belt is composed of several large thrusts with an approximately northwards transport direction. In the southern part of the area, south-verging structures are present. Although the dominant structural trend is northwards-verging, interference structures, and late strike-slip faults indicate there is more than one phase of structural development present.  相似文献   

Geomorphological heritage is a widely used term in European and North-American countries, but is still scarcely mentioned in Africa. Nevertheless, the attractiveness of the African countries is often intimately connected to its breathtaking and endless geological landscapes. Morocco is one of those countries that has the widest diversity in landscapes and landforms, ranging from the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts over the Rif, Middle Atlas, High Atlas and Anti-Atlas mountain chains to the great rocky and sandy deserts in the South. A wide variety of geological units hosting different types of important economic mineral deposits cover a temporal range from Late Precambrian to Quaternary. A detailed geomorphological study has been carried out in the region of Ifrane and Azrou (Middle Atlas, Central Morocco) using a combination of high resolution satellite data and direct field observations integrated by geological maps and scientific literature. In order to describe and evaluate the geomorphological heritage of this area, 40 geomorphosites have been selected comprising springs, karst landforms (polje, dolines, caves, sinkholes, stone forests, cryptokarstic dolines), carbonate depositional landforms (travertines and waterfalls), fluvial landforms (meanders, canyons, palaeo-valleys, etc.), structural landforms (triangular facets, hogbacks, cuestas, residual outcrops, etc.) and volcanic landforms (volcanoes, caldeira, pyroclastic cones, lava tube). The results of this research have been summarised in a thematic map, representing the geomorphosites related to various landscape units.  相似文献   

Porphyry and skarn Cu–Fe–Au–Mo deposits are widespread in the Middle and Lower Yangtze River metallogenic belt (MLYMB), eastern China. The Matou deposit has long been regarded as a typical Cu–Mo porphyry deposit within Lower Yangtze part of the belt. Recently, we identified scheelite and wolframite in quartz veins in the Matou deposit, which is uncommon in other porphyry and skarn deposits in the MLYMB. We carried out detailed zircon U–Pb dating and geochemical and Sr–Nd–Hf isotopic studies of the granodiorite porphyry at Matou to define any differences from other ore-related granitoids. The porphyry shows a SiO2 content ranging from 61.85 wt.% to 65.74 wt.%, K2O from 1.99 wt.% to 3.74 wt.%, and MgO from 1.74 wt.% to 2.19 wt.% (Mg# value ranging from 45 to 55). It is enriched in light rare earth elements and large ion lithophile elements, but relatively depleted in Nb, Ta, Y, Yb and compatible trace elements (such as Cr, Ni, and V), with slight negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.88–0.98) and almost no negative Sr anomalies. Results of electron microprobe analysis of rock-forming silicate minerals indicate that the Matou porphyry has been altered by an oxidized fluid that is rich in Mg, Cl, and K. The samples show relatively low εNd(t) values from −7.4 to −7.1, slightly high initial 87Sr/86Sr values from 0.708223 to 0.709088, and low εHf(t) values of zircon from −9.0 to −6.5, when compared with the other Cu–Mo porphyry deposits in the MLYMB. Zircon U–Pb dating suggests the Matou granodiorite porphyry was emplaced at 139.5 ± 1.5 Ma (MSWD = 1.8, n = 15), which is within the age range of the other porphyries in the MLYMB. Although geochemical characteristics of the Matou and other porphyries in the MLYMB are similar and all adakitic, the detrital zircons in the samples from Matou suggest that Archean lower crust (2543 ± 29 Ma, MSWD = 0.25, n = 5) was involved with the generation of Matou magma, which is different from the other porphyries in the belt. Our study suggests that the Matou granodiorite porphyry originated from partial melting of thickened lower crust that was delaminated into the mantle, similar to the other porphyries in the MLYMB, but it has a higher proportion of lower crustal material, including Archean rocks, which contributed to the formation of the porphyry and related W-rich magmatic-hydrothermal system.  相似文献   

Debacker  T.N.  Sintubin  M.  Verniers  J. 《Geologie en Mijnbouw》1999,78(1):47-56
The presence of convergent cleavage fans in folded Silurian pelitic deposits along the southern extremity of the Brabant Massif has commonly been considered as an indication for a polyphase deformation history. Recent field work on the classic section at Ronquières shows, however, that all the structural elements can be explained by a single progressive deformation, taking place at gradually higher structural levels. This deformation is considered to have occurred at the time of the Acadian orogeny. The section under study contains a fold train of five gentle to open first-order folds, unconformably overlain by gently S-dipping Givetian rocks. Although the Silurian turbidite deposits are predominantly pelitic, the folds are characterized by convergent cleavage fans. The trend of the cleavage fan axes remains constant in the various folds throughout the section. In contrast, the trend of the folds hinge lines gradually changes along the section from a clockwise relation with the cleavage fan axis in the northern part (anticlockwise cleavage transection) towards an anticlockwise relation in the southern part (clockwise cleavage transection). Individual fault/fault intersections have a constant trend throughout the section, parallel to the cleavage fan axes and the mean fold hinge line. Small kink bands and small transverse joints reflect the same structural trend. The coaxial disposition of the structural elements seems at first sight incompatible with the presence of both clockwise and anticlockwise cleavage-transected folds. This disposition may, however, be explained by an en-echelon periclinal nature of the fold train, possibly formed in a slightly constrictional deformation environment.  相似文献   

This paper presents new petrologic data for high-pressure, low-temperature (HP–LT) metamorphic rocks at Juisui. We reinterpret the so-called “Tamayen block” (Yang and Wang, 1985) or “Juisui block” (Liou, 1981, Beyssac et al., 2008) as a tectonic mélange. It is not a coherent sheet but rather a mixture dominated by greenschist and pelitic schist with pods of serpentinite, epidote amphibolite, and rare blueschist. Four types of glaucophane-bearing rocks are newly recognized in this mélange. Type I is in contact with greenschist lacking glaucophane and garnet. Glaucophane is present only as rare inclusions within pargasite. This type records metamorphic evolution from epidote blueschists-, epidote amphibolite-, to greenschist-facies. Type II contains characteristic zoned amphiboles from barroisite core to Mg-katophorite mantle and glaucophane rim, implying an epidote amphibolite-facies stage overprinted by an epidote blueschists-facies one. Type III includes winchite and indicates PT conditions of about 6–8 kbar, approaching 400 °C. Type IV contains paragonite but lacks garnet; amphibole shows a Na–Ca core surrounded by a glaucophane rim. This type shows a high-pressure (?) epidote amphibolite-facies stage overprinted by an epidote blueschists-facies one. Amphibole zoning trends and mineral assemblages imply contradictory PT paths for the four types of glaucophane-bearing rocks—consistent with the nature of a tectonic mélange. The new PT constraints and petrologic findings differ from previous studies (Liou et al., 1975, Beyssac et al., 2008).  相似文献   

The Helanshan tectonic belt is located to the west of the Ordos Basin, and separates the Alxa (or Yinshan) Massif to the west from the Ordos block to the east. Triassic sedimentation in the Helanshan tectonic belt records important information about tectono-sedimentary process between the Alxa Massif and the Ordos block. Detailed geological mapping and investigation on the lithological package, sedimentary facies and paleocurrent orientation have been conducted on the Middle to Upper Triassic clastic rocks in the Helanshan tectonic belt. The succession is characterized by upward-fining sequence and comprises coarse grained alluvial-fluvial facies in the lower part as well as deltaic-lacustrine facies in the upper part. Based on detailed study and comparisons on the sedimentary sequence along various sections, the Middle to Upper Triassic strata have been revealed that show clear southeastward-deepening sedimentary differentiation and transgression from southwest to northeast, which are consistent with the southeastward flowing paleocurrent. These features indicate a southeastward-dipping paleogeography in the Helanshan tectonic belt, which was original western part of southeastward orientated fluvial-lacustrine system in the northwestern proto-Ordos Basin. Further to the east, the Triassic succession in the Ordos Basin displays gradually thickening and alluvial-fluvial system flowed from southeast to northwest, showing a huge thick sedimentary wedge in the western basin margin. Together with the Late Permian–Early Triassic closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean to the north, the Late Triassic extensional structures and diabase dykes in the Helanshan tectonic belt, all the above sedimentary features could be mostly interpreted as records of an extensional basin correlated to post-collisional collapse of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt.  相似文献   

The Chos Malal fold and thrust belt (FTB) is a thick-skinned mountain belt formed by Mesozoic deposits of the Neuquén Basin during the Andean orogeny. Four structural cross-sections in the entire deformed area, supported by field and subsurface data, suggest a strong link between thick and thin-skinned structures. Major Andean thrusts branching from a detachment placed 12 km into the crust created large basement wedges, which were inserted in the cover producing minor order structures. The westernmost of these wedges is exposed forming the Cordillera del Viento, while others basement slices at depth were interpreted from seismic lines. These thick-skinned structures transferred deformation to the cover along the Auquilco Formation and contributed to create all thin-skinned structures surveyed in the Chos Malal FTB. We recognized half-graben geometries in the seismic lines, preserving their extensional configuration, which suggests that the main normal faults were not inverted. Shortenings calculated from the restoration of the four cross-sections are 16.9 km (29.7%), 16.9 km (29.7%), 14.7 km (26.9%) and 14.15 km (26.3%), which evidence a slight diminution of the contraction toward the south probably associated with the plunge of the Cordillera del Viento structure in this segment of the Chos Malal FTB.  相似文献   

The late Archaean (ca. 2.7 Ga) Ilomantsi greenstone belt hosts a large number of small mesozonal gold occurrences. The Rämepuro deposit is spatially related to a feldspar porphyry dyke which has intruded the contact between metagreywackes and intermediate metavolcanic rocks. It consists of gold-bearing quartz-tourmaline-sulphide veins located mainly within an intensively altered and sheared zone about 20-30 m in width. Two types of fluid inclusions were distinguished in the quartz veins: (1) H2O-CH4 (Й equiv. wt% NaCl), and (2) H2O-CO2 (⢬ equiv. wt% NaCl). The two compositionally different fluid-inclusion types occur in separate veins. The compositions of decrepitate residues indicate that the type 1 fluid inclusions consist predominantly of Na, S, Ca, Cl, and in lesser proportions of K and Fe. The residues of the type 2 fluid inclusions are dominated by Na, Ca, Cl and minor K. For the type 1 and type 2 fluid inclusions, microthermometric experiments indicate average homogenisation temperatures of 310-350 and 220-250 °C respectively. Both types of fluid inclusions contain 1-3 anisotropic solids (Ca/Mg carbonate?, nahcolite?, tourmaline?). Sulphide daughter minerals occur only in the type 1 fluid inclusions. This fluid type is also often associated with short trails of sulphide inclusions which suggest mobilisation and redistribution of ore constituents. Some type 1 fluid inclusions display distinct morphological features ("implosion textures") related to post-trapping re-equilibration. The presence of the fluid-inclusion re-equilibration textures in some auriferous quartz veins and their absence in other gold-bearing quartz veins suggest an age difference between them. This conclusion is also supported by the compositionally different fluid regimes associated with the different quartz veins, indicating a change from reducing (CH4) to a more oxidising (CO2) fluid environment. The fluid-inclusion evidence suggests two separate gold mineralisation events, one related to late Archaean regional metamorphism, the other to Palaeoproterozoic thrusting and metamorphism.  相似文献   


The Braganca amd Morais Massifs (NE Portugal) comprise a pile of four nappes on lop of the Autochthon of the Central-Iberian Zone : a Parautochthon (PTC), a Lower Allochthon (LATC), an Ophiolitic Complex (OTC) and an Upper Allochton (UATC). This article focuses on the tectonic evolution of the prc-Variscan basement preserved in the Upper Allochthonous Thrust Complex. (1) In the Morais Massif, the UATC is mainly composed of orthogneisscs, micaschists and high-grade melamorphic rocks restricted to a small duplex between the orthogneisses and the ophiolitic complex. The orthogneisses are pervasively deformed by D6 (Variscan D1). characterized by NNW-SSE stretching lineation, C-S structures, and sense of shear to the SSE. The high-grade melamorphic rocks show at least three ductile deformation phases older than the gneisses deformation. The micaschists and the orthogneisses are cut by mafic sills and dykes transformed into amphibolites by the Variscan tec-tonometamorphic evolution. In a restricted domain where dykes arc less deformed, two deformation events can be recognized and arc considered to be pre-Variscan. The walls of the dykes show a N-S stretching and mineral lineation interpreted as resulting from D6 (Variscan D1). (2) In the Braganca Massif, the UATC comprises mafic to ultrainafic igneous and high-grade melamorphic rocks, and paragncisses with ky-eclogite lenses. Six ductile deformation phases are recognized. The D1 to D4 events may correspond to a complete pre-Variscan orogenic cycle, from subduction (D1) to collision (D2-DS) and thrusting of the high-grade metamorphic rocks to upper levels in the crust (D3-D4); D5 may result from the Lower Palaeozoic extensional event that marks the begining of the Variscan Wilson cycle; D6 is interpreted as the first Variscan orogenic event with southward movement. The UATC of the Cabo Ortegal anil Braganca Massifs comprise mainly upper mantle/lower erustal rocks. By contrast, the UATC of the Ordenes and Morais Massifs is mainly composed of middle to upper erustal rocks. Vic propose that this is the result of a regional ductile normal fault (extensional event) that was active prior to the Variscan orogeny, in Lower Palaeozoic times, and affected a Precambrian basement.  相似文献   

Sedimentary indicators of catastrophic glacial megafloods—plane-bedded angular gravel, cobbles, and boulders—are described in several sections of the high terraces of the Chuya River valley. The principal difference of these sediments from typical alluvium of this area is demonstrated. The clast roundness, grain size of clasts, and sedimentary structures of the high-terrace deposits of the Chuya and Katun’ valleys indicate the same facies originated through megaflood deposition. These results are at odds with ideas of alluvial, glacial, or glaciofluvial genesis of the high-terrace deposits of the Chuya River.  相似文献   

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