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Our study attempts to provide insight into the physicochemical processes operating in bottom seawater and to develop mathematical models for the formation of marine nodules owing to the diffusive transport of the major elements from ambient water to the nodule. A comparison of the model results with experimental data on the growth rates and the age of nodules provided an argument in favor of a rapid-growth concept (millimeters per thousand years). The distribution of trace elements in the nodules was derived from the limited source model and appeared to be related to the process of nodule formation; therefore, it is largely identical for many of the trace elements. These results are in line with the experimental data. Both stable and radioactive isotopes show an exponential concentration profile measured in the outer layers of the nodule, which has no bearing on radioactive decay. Given these results, the earlier conclusions on the slow growth of the nodules (millimeters per million years), which were based on the interpretation of the observed isotope distribution as a result of radioactive decay, appear questionable.  相似文献   

袁晶  张为  张小峰 《水科学进展》2013,24(3):358-365
传统固定结构的计算网格不适于处理计算边界动态变化的问题,利用动网格技术,结合土力学中粘性土河岸的崩塌机理,建立了可变网格下的堤防溃口展宽二维数学模型,在对模型进行验证对比的基础上,对北江下游的大塘围蓄滞洪区口门处的崩塌展宽过程进行了模拟,模型计算结果表明:随着溃堤水流对堤防土体的冲蚀,堤防发生崩塌破坏,溃口洪水流量迅速增大,与实际相符,说明通过采用可变网格与土力学中粘性土河岸崩塌机理相结合的计算方法,使得模型具备准确模拟蓄滞洪区口门处横向崩塌展宽过程的优点。  相似文献   

The Permian activity in the Oslo region started with lava effusions. Monzonitic rhomb porphyry flows predominate, with basaltic flows inbetween. Then a number of basalt volcanoes formed. This phase ended in explosive volcanism, producing ignimbrites, and the explosive activity is considered the primary cause for formation of at least four large and a few smaller cauldrons (or calderas). Below the lava surface monzonitic magma and associated syenitic and granitic magmas crystallized to larvikite, nordmarkitic and granitic rocks. These magmas are assumed to be formed by local melting of portions of the lower crust. The mode of emplacement is stoping.  相似文献   

北江大堤石角段基岩渗漏评价及形态机理分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文从地下水动态异常入手,通过对地层透水性、地下水的流速流向分析,阐明了北江大堤石角段7+140-7+430存在基岩集中渗漏通道,并通过连通试验证实。最后分析了基岩集中渗漏通道形成的原因。  相似文献   

A procedure based on the finite element method is suggested for modeling of 3D hydraulic fracturing in the subsurface. The proposed formulation partitions the stress field into the initial stress state and an additional stress state caused by pressure buildup. The additional stress is obtained as a solution of the Biot equations for coupled fluid flow and deformations in the rock. The fluid flow in the fracture is represented on a regular finite element grid by means of “fracture” porosity, which is the volume fraction of the fracture. The use of the fracture porosity allows for a uniform finite element formulation for the fracture and the rock, both with respect to fluid pressure and displacement. It is demonstrated how the fracture aperture is obtained from the displacement field. The model has a fracture criterion by means of a strain limit in each element. It is shown how this criterion scales with the element size. Fracturing becomes an intermittent process, and each event is followed by a pressure drop. A procedure is suggested for the computation of the pressure drop. Two examples of hydraulic fracturing are given, when the pressure buildup is from fluid injection by a well. One case is of a homogeneous rock, and the other case is an inhomogeneous rock. The fracture geometry, well pressure, new fracture area, and elastic energy released in each event are computed. The fracture geometry is three orthogonal fracture planes in the homogeneous case, and it is a branched fracture in the inhomogeneous case.  相似文献   

The investigated chromitite dike is located at the top of an upwelling mantle structure of the Oman ophiolite (Maqsad diapir), in undeformed dunites displaying evidence for magma impregnation and circulation, just below the paleo-ridge axis. The chromitite dike is undeformed, its shape is that of an upward widening tube. It exhibits an internal layering which is roughly perpendicular to the cavity axis and comprises a vertical succession of four main layers showing a graded-bedding. Chromitite magmatic structures are beautifully preserved and result from a progressive crystallization from small euhedral crystals to wide octahedron-shaped nodules; dissolution textures provide evidence for late magmatic desequilibrium; sedimentation structures include flattening of the largest nodules. The silicate matrix comprises poikilitic forsterite and a locally abundant association of primary pargasite and plagioclase and alteration minerals (vesuvianite-chlorite-dolomite); pargasite inclusions are very abundant in the chromite. Chromite composition changes from one layer to the other and from core to rim in the chromite nodules (chromium decreases and titanium increases); Ti contents are generally high (0.4 to 0.8 wt.% TiO2) with respect to podiform chromites. Platinum-group elements are not abundant but they show a strong fractionation at the scale of the orebody and of the main graded-bedded layers (Pd/Ir ratio varies from 0.5 to 11.5). REE patterns of chromitite parallel to those of gabbros and furthermore display a sea water related hydrothermal alteration (Ce negative anomaly).

The chromitite dike of Maqsad provides evidence for the crystallization of chromitite bodies in subvertical magma conduits below oceanic ridges; it corroborates the model of Cassard et al. (1981) and Lago et al. (1982) concerning the formation of chromitite pods in ophiolites which were later deformed and transposed into the horizontal plane due to the plastic flow prevailing away from the paleo-axial zone. Layering and chromite compositional variations are ascribed to a multicellular convective system segregating various stocks of chromite particles either in the upwelling flow of fresh magma or in the convective cells of fractionated residual magma in the confined part of the cavity. The estimated life-time for the magma influx is very short (<2 months). The parent-magma was probably of MORB-type and already fractionated (Ti-rich and PGE-poor), which is consistent with the strong evidence of magma-peridotite interactions in the core of the Maqsad diapir. Hydrous fluids were present during chromite crystallization (pargasite inclusions) suggesting that fluid-rich melts occur in the upper mantle.  相似文献   

长白山天池火山是中国最具潜在喷发危险的多成因复式火山,在近2000年来,曾经发生过世界上最大规模的喷发。为了进一步研究长白山天池火山的潜在危险,有必要研究火山的岩浆囊位置和分布。为此,在长白山天池火山开展了一条南北方向的重力剖面测量。结合前人工作,如地震勘探P波速度反演和大地电磁测深(MT)电阻率反演,以及地质信息,采用人机交互的形式,建立了一条长约150km的密度模型。从建模结果图中可以发现:(1)长白山天池下方存在地壳岩浆囊;(2)长白山天池北坡地壳存在一个高阻、低密度体,深度在7~15km,距离天池2~10km,可能是富含气体的岩浆囊;(3)在南坡和北坡大约3km深度处普遍存在一个岩浆岩层;(4)在天池下存在一个已经塌陷堵塞的火山颈。  相似文献   

月球早期经历了岩浆洋阶段,岩浆洋的研究对认识月球内部构造有着重要意义。月球岩浆洋演化主导模型认为:岩浆洋结晶到80%左右,斜长石开始结晶,并上浮形成斜长岩月壳。该模型与观察事实存在两点矛盾:1)基于该模型计算结晶的斜长石An牌号比高地样品斜长石An牌号测试结果低;2)该模型散热速率计算指示岩浆洋在几个百万年时间内固化,而同位素体系对月球岩石样品定年结果表明月壳的结晶年龄十分古老,并且结晶区间跨越了270Myr,这与主导模型之间存在矛盾。以解决以上两点矛盾为目的,本文论证岩浆洋在演化之初硕部存在冷却"盖层",并将硅酸盐熔体在温度梯度下的热扩散效应引入岩浆洋演化模型。热扩散效应指均一的物质在温度梯度下发生分异的过程。本文工作模型是:由于月球的重力常数小,不能有效的保持大气,因此月球的岩浆洋表面温度很低。此时岩浆洋自上而下存在一个过渡的瞬态固化"盖层"(淬火层),岩浆洋自上而下存在温度梯度,岩浆洋在该梯度下发生热扩散效应(Soret效应),Soret效应导致上部结晶斜长石的熔体富Ca和贫Na,因此结晶的斜长石An牌号高。  相似文献   

岩浆洋分异与月壳   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾了岩浆洋慨念最初的由来,具体阐述了月浆洋冷却结晶形成斜长岩月壳的过程。根据行星演化、核一幔分异及地球化学方面等方面提供的证据,论证了岩浆洋是行星早期演化必然经历的一个阶段。已有的岩浆洋结晶模型都认为岩浆洋中的岩浆在成分上是均一的。根据目前实验火成岩石学方面的进展,认为这个前提不存在,提出了月浆洋Sorer分异的一个新假说。此模型为今后研究岩浆洋分异提供了一个新思路,并指出了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

Certain dikes in the Kangerdlugssuaq area of east Greenland correspond rather closely with the presumed bulk composition of the nearby Skaergaard intrusion and therefore allow a better characterization of the chemistry of the Skaergaard initial magma than has so far been possible. They indicate that Wager's chilled margin composition needs only minor revision, except in the case of Al2O3. Other dikes belonging to the same suite show a range of compositions extending up to the differentiation stage represented by the lower part of the Skaergaard middle zone and these allow an investigation, using computer least squares and Rayleigh fractionation modelling, of the early part of the Skaergaard differentiation trend which is otherwise unexposed. We conclude that the only important cumulus phases at this stage were olivine and plagioclase but clmopyroxene grew by heteradcumulus growth and effectively eliminated all intercumulus liquid. The liquids described here are similar to many ocean-floor basalts.  相似文献   

花岗岩浆形成定位机制的思考与研究进展   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
陈国能  王勇  陈震  彭卓伦 《岩石学报》2017,33(5):1489-1497
花岗岩(广义)是陆壳的标志,也是地球岩石圈区别于其它行星岩石圈的标志。文章介绍了行星探测和大洋调查等方面的成果对花岗岩形成的地质约束:行星从岩浆表壳向岩石表壳转换过程以及现代地幔过程,均没有产生有规模意义的花岗岩;花岗岩及其所标志的陆壳,应是星球出现水圈和沉积岩之后的产物;花岗岩在地球岩石圈二维空间上的平均生长速率,大约为485×10~3km~2/Myr;岩浆主要来自地壳岩石的部分熔融(深熔)。在此基础上,文章介绍了深熔作用方面的研究进展,讨论了部分熔融岩石的流变行为与其内熔体比的关系,并比较了岩浆侵入模型与岩浆对流模型在解释花岗岩形成定位机制方面的异同。侵入模型的困难之一来自岩体与源区分离。由于源区位于岩体下方且远离岩体,因而是不可观察的,除非岩体及其与源区之间的岩石因风化或构造被剥蚀殆尽。文章最后介绍了"深熔-对流"模型的研究进展。该模型认为"源区"与"定位区间"是统一的,当"源区"岩石的熔体比例超过流变学的临界熔体比,岩石转变为"脏"岩浆;"脏"岩浆层内的重力分异诱发热对流,后者引起"顶蚀作用",导致重熔界面(MI)或固-液转换界面(SLT)不断向上移动和岩浆层的逐渐增厚。基本认识是:熔区内的热对流是深熔作用能够形成大规模花岗岩浆的必要条件;没有对流,陆壳岩石的部分熔融只能产生混合岩,不能产生岩基规模的花岗岩。  相似文献   

The conditions of magma formation were reconstructed on the basis of characteristic features of the evolution of the Kurile-Kamchatka island-arc system, structural and chemical zoning patterns of volcanic complexes, and available published data on peridotite and basalt melting and stability of hydrous minerals. It was shown that the volcanic arc of the Sredinnyi Range of Kamchatka occurs now at the final stage of subduction, whereas subduction beneath the volcanic arc of eastern Kamchatka began at the end of the Miocene, after its jump into the present-day position. The volcanism of Southern Kamchatka and the Kuriles has occurred under steady-state subduction conditions since the Miocene and is represented by typical island-arc magmas. The latter are generated in a mantle wedge, where the melting of water-saturated peridotite occurs in a high-temperature zone under the influence of fluid. The formation of the frontal and rear volcanic zones was related to the existence of two levels of water release from various hydrous minerals. During the initial and final stages of subduction, as well as in the zone of Kamchatka—Aleutian junction, partial melting is possible in the upper part of the subducted slab in contact with a hotter mantle material compared with the mantle in a steady-state regime. This is responsible for the coexistence of predominant typical island-arc rocks, rocks with intraplate geochemical signatures, and highly magnesian rocks, including adakites.  相似文献   

非粘性沙坝溃决数学模型及求解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考虑一维陡坡浅水方程与Exner方程耦合构建漫顶溃坝数学模型,利用Roe格式黎曼近似解法求解,并用预测-校正法处理源项保证水流、泥沙侵蚀输运和底床演变过程的计算稳定.模型实例计算结果表明,该方法能较好地计算非粘性模型沙坝漫顶溃决问题,可为溃坝数值计算提供新的思路.  相似文献   

针对弹塑性储层,基于线弹性理论假设的传统起裂模型已不再适用,需要研究基于非线性本构方程的起裂模型。基于岩石非线性本构方程,运用塑性全量理论,建立了弹塑性地层井周应力场模型;结合"井壁"应力场模型和弹塑性岩石破坏准则,建立了弹塑性地层的起裂压力预测模型。结果表明:岩石产生塑性屈服,"井眼"应力集中效应会减弱,"周向张应力会减小",甚至无法产生。屈服后的起裂压力比线弹性理论预测值大,起裂模式存在拉张和剪切两种方式,剪切起裂存在破坏角。屈服后,幂硬化指数小于等于0.5的岩石只可能产生剪切起裂;幂硬化指数大于0.5的岩石,屈服应力、幂硬化指数、内摩擦角和凝聚力越小,越容易产生剪切起裂,反之越容易产生拉张起裂。  相似文献   

Geochemical and geochronological studies of the main types of granitoids of the Angara-Vitim batholith (AVB) and granites of the Zaza complex in western Transbaikalia were carried out. U-Pb (SHRIMP-II) and Rb-Sr dating yielded the age of autochthonous gneiss-granites of the Zelenaya Griva massif (325.3±2.8 Ma), quartz syenites of the Khangintui pluton (302.3±3.7 Ma) and intruding leucogranites of the Zaza complex (294.4±1 Ma), monzonites of the Khasurta massif (283.7±5.3 Ma), and quartz monzonites of the Romanovka massif (278.5±2.4 Ma). The U-Pb and Rb-Sr dates show that the Late Paleozoic magmatism in western Transbaikalia proceeded in two stages: (1) 340–320 Ma, when predominantly mesocratic granites of the Barguzin complex, including autochthonous ones, formed, and (2) 310–270 Ma, when most AVB granitoids formed. We suggest that at the early stage, crustal peraluminous granites formed in collision geodynamic setting. At the late (main) stage, magmatism occurred in postorogenic-extension setting and was accompanied by the formation of several geochemical types of granitoids: (1) typical intrusive mesocratic granites of the Barguzin complex, similar to those produced at the first stage; (2) melanocratic granitoids (monzonitoids, quartz syenites), which were earlier dated to the early stage of the AVB evolution; (3) leucocratic medium-alkali (peraluminous) granites of the Zaza intrusive complex; and (4) some alkali-granite and syenite intrusions accompanied by alkaline mafic rocks. The diversity of granitoids that formed at the late stage of magmatism was due to the heterogeneous composition of crust protoliths and different degrees of mantle-magma participation in their formation.  相似文献   

Microcracks in brittle rocks affect not only the local mechanical properties, but also the poroelastic behavior and permeability. A continuum coupled hydro-mechanical modeling approach is presented using a two-scale conceptual model representing realistic rock material containing micro-fractures. This approach combines a microcrack-based continuous damage model within generalized Biot poroelasticity, in which the tensors of macroscopic elastic stiffness, Biot effective stress coefficient and of overall permeability are directly related to microcrack growth. Heterogeneity in both mechanical and hydraulic properties evolves from an initially random distribution of damage to produce localized failure and fluid transmission. A significant advantage of the approach is the ability to accurately predict the evolution of realistic fracturing and associated fluid flow in permeable rocks where pre-existing fractures exert significant control. The model is validated for biaxial failure of rock in compression and replicates typical pre- and post-peak strength metrics of stress drop, AE event counts, permeability evolution and failure modes. The model is applied to the simulation of hydraulic fracturing in permeable rocks to examine the effects of heterogeneities, permeability and borehole pressurization rate on the initiation of fracturing. The results indicate that more homogenous rocks require higher hydraulic pressure to initiate fracturing and breakdown. Moreover, both the fracturing initiation pressure and breakdown pressure decrease with permeability but increase with borehole pressurization rate, and the upper and lower limit of the initiation pressure are seen to be given by the impermeable (Hubbert–Willis) and permeable (Haimson–Fairhurst) borehole wall solutions, respectively. The numerical results are shown to be in good agreement with the experimental observations and theoretical results. This coupled damage and flow modeling approach provides an alternative way to solve a variety of complicated hydro-mechanical problems in practical rock engineering with the process coupling strictly enforced.  相似文献   

A numerical modeling framework is described that is able to calculate the coupled processes of fluid flow, geomechanics, and rock failure for application to general engineering problems related to reservoir stimulation, including hydraulic fracturing and shear stimulation. The numerical formulation employs the use of an embedded fracture modeling approach, which provides several advantages over more traditional methods in terms of computational complexity and efficiency. Specifically, the embedded fracture modeling strategy avoids the usual requirement that the discretization of the fracture domain conforms to the discretization of the rock volume surrounding the fractures. As fluid is exchanged between the two domains, conservation of mass is guaranteed through a coupling term that appears as a simple source term in the governing mass balance equations. In this manner, as new tensile fractures nucleate and propagate subject to mechanical effects, numerical complexities associated with the introduction of new fracture control volumes are largely negated. In addition, the ability to discretize the fractures and surrounding rock volume independently provides the freedom to choose an acceptable level of discretization for each domain separately. Three numerical examples were performed to demonstrate the utility of the embedded fracture model for application to problems involving fluid flow, mechanical deformation, and rock failure. The results of the numerical examples confirm that the embedded fracture model was able to capture accurately the complex and nonlinear evolution of reservoir permeability as new fractures propagate through the reservoir and as fractures fail in shear.  相似文献   

宋兆杰 《地质与勘探》2019,55(4):1059-1065
致密油水平井多级分段压裂对压裂液的用量很大,低返排率造成压裂施工后仍有大量压裂液滞留在裂缝中。通过岩石表面润湿性评价实验和压裂液静滤失评价实验,对压裂液与致密砂岩基质相互作用进行描述和阐释。润湿性测量结果表明,在滤失实验后,致密砂岩表面润湿性由强亲水性向弱亲水性甚至中性润湿转变,这能够降低压裂液向致密砂岩基质中的滤失(渗吸)速率,减少压裂液对致密储层伤害的同时节约压裂液整体用量。静滤失评价实验结果表明,特低渗透砂岩的压裂液滤失曲线可表现出完整的三段式滤失规律,而致密砂岩仅能呈现稳定滤失阶段;岩心渗透率越低,压裂液滤失量越少,达到稳定滤失状态所需的时间越长,且采出液中聚合物浓度明显较低;不同滤失压差时达到滤失稳定时刻的采出液聚合物浓度均在200 mg/L左右,且滤失速率基本相同,均表明大滤失压差所造成的渗滤能力增强与其所导致的岩心伤害基本相抵消。  相似文献   

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