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This article presents a new Barrier recognition algorithm with learning, designed for recognition of earthquake-prone areas. In comparison to the Crust (Kora) algorithm, used by the classical EPA approach, the Barrier algorithm proceeds with learning just on one “pure” high-seismic class. The new algorithm operates in the space of absolute values of the geological–geophysical parameters of the objects. The algorithm is used for recognition of earthquake-prone areas with М ≥ 6.0 in the Caucasus region. Comparative analysis of the Crust and Barrier algorithms justifies their productive coherence.  相似文献   

A number of constitutive models are nowadays implemented in numerical codes which simulate the stress–strain behaviour of soil from very small to large strain. In this paper, the mechanical behaviour of Leighton Buzzard sand (grade E), used worldwide for physical modelling, has been thoroughly characterized by laboratory testing along several stress paths. Tests were aimed at calibrating a constitutive model, that allows considering stiffness nonlinearities in a wide range of strains, in the framework of isotropically hardening plasticity. As a validation, the results of dynamic centrifuge tests on a layer of the same sand were compared with finite element predictions.  相似文献   

The genetic algorithm is useful for solving an inversion of complex nonlinear geophysical equations. The multi-point search of the genetic algorithm makes it easier to find a globally optimal solution and avoid falling into a local extremum. The search efficiency of the genetic algorithm is a key to producing successful solutions in a huge multi-parameter model space. The encoding mechanism of the genetic algorithm affects the searching processes in the evolution. Not all genetic operations perform perfectly in a search under either a binary or decimal encoding system. As such, a standard genetic algorithm (SGA) is sometimes unable to resolve an optimization problem such as a simple geophysical inversion. With the binary encoding system the operation of the crossover may produce more new individuals. The decimal encoding system, on the other hand, makes the mutation generate more new genes. This paper discusses approaches of exploiting the search potentials of genetic operations with different encoding systems and presents a hybrid-encoding mechanism for the genetic algorithm. This is referred to as the hybrid-encoding genetic algorithm (HEGA). The method is based on the routine in which the mutation operation is executed in decimal code and other operations in binary code. HEGA guarantees the birth of better genes by mutation processing with a high probability, so that it is beneficial for resolving the inversions of complicated problems. Synthetic and real-world examples demonstrate the advantages of using HEGA in the inversion of potential-field data.  相似文献   

I would like to suggest a theoretical justification for the mathematical structure of some laws for predicting the maximum particle velocity vibration from blasting operations in the light of some basic notions of elastic and anelastic wave theory. Within this point of view, in dimensionally correct expressions, the terms pertaining to the rock, to the blast and to the seismic wave become evident and recognisable. A law is presented that can be used to forecast the maximum particle velocity on the basis of some blast design and rock parameters. Four tests of the proposed law performed with real data sets seem to confirm fairly well its reliability.  相似文献   

The importance of polluted alluvial soils as a potential diffuse source of heavy metals was investigated in a catchment of the Matylda stream affected by an abandoned lead and zinc ore mine in Upper Silesia, southern Poland. This was attempted by means of standard groundwater analyses performed together with measurements of Cd, Pb, Zn, Fe and Mn concentrations in soil and groundwater. The Matylda stream, receiving mine water, was converted in the 20th century into a straight channel directed in its middle reach over the valley bottom. This changed the drainage direction of the Matylda stream water. During mining operations, groundwater seepage, combined with surface drainage by shallow ditches caused pollution of sandy soils exceeding over 100 mg/kg of Cd, 24% of Zn and 4% of Pb at surface or subsurface soil horizons, and reaching at least 60 cm in depth. After mine closure in the 1970s, the network of ditches appears to be a source of Ca, Mg, chlorides, carbonates and nitrates, as indicated by the more or less regular increase of these major ion concentrations in groundwater down ditches. Whereas, the ditches are a sink rather than a source of zinc, cadmium and lead in permanently dry reaches, or transition zones in reaches with surface water flowing periodically. The metal concentrations and distribution in soil and groundwater suggest the slow mobilization of heavy metals stored in the valley bottom and the minor importance of soil as a diffuse source for surface water pollution.  相似文献   


The locations of areas prone to strong earthquakes (M ≥ 6.0) in the Altai–Sayan–Baikal region are determined. Based on a scheme of morphostructural zoning of the region and by using the CORA-3 pattern recognition algorithm, all intersections of morphostructural lineaments are separated into two classes: the highly seismic intersections in the vicinities of which strong earthquakes can occur and low seismic in the vicinities of which only earthquakes with M < 6.0 are possible. Recognition was performed for the vectors the components of which were measured values of the geological–geophysical characteristics describing the respective intersection. The result obtained allows the zones of high seismic hazard to be identified more reliably in the region.


Along with the increase of mining depth, the dynamic disasters related to the instability and destruction of coal-rock are becoming more and more serious. In this paper, the uniaxial compression model of coal-rock was established by means of the micro particle flow PFC2D software firstly, and then the variation of stress field and damage field of coal-rock were analysed. Finally, the time–space constitutive model of coal-rock was discussed and modified. The research results show that: the compression stress field of coal-rock has obvious time–space effect, and along with the change of compressive stress, the stress field was transferred to the inner coal-rock body; the coal-rock damage evolution process has a similar temporal and spatial relations with the stress field evolution, the number of damage cracks were increasing with the constant change of compressive stress, and transferred to the inner coal-rock body with “string wave” feature; the time–space damage constitutive model of coal-rock established on the basis of local crack and the stress concentration factor of coal-rock was reasonable and effective, the damage degree of the whole coal-rock could be predicted by the variation of local coal-rock stress and cracks. In overall, the successful verification of the time–space relationship of coal-rock damage and stress transfer indicated that the possibility of using the constitutive model developed in this study to investigate coal-rock stability in coal mine.  相似文献   

A peralkaline, ultrapotassic dyke found at ?ebkovice (T?ebí? district, western Moravia) is a mineralogically extreme member of a dyke swarm occurring along the south-eastern border of the Moldanubian Region of the Bohemian Massif. The dyke shows a simple zoning, with a very fine-grained marginal zone grading into a medium-grained central zone. It has a primary mineral assemblage of microcline and potassic amphiboles, with accessory apatite and altered phlogopite. The microcline exhibits an unusual red luminescence colour and pronounced substitution of Fe3+ for Al, with measured contents of Fe2O3 up to 8.5 wt.% (0.31 apfu Fe3+). Amphiboles have very high K (up to 0.99 apfu) and Si contents; their compositions follow an alkaline fractionation trend from potassic-richterite to potassic-magnesio-arfvedsonite, characterized by an increase of Na/K and a decrease of Ca, Mg, Fe2+ and Ti via heterovalent substitutions [B]Ca + [C](Mg,Fe2+)  [B]Na + [C]Fe3+ and Ti + Mg  2Fe3+. The most evolved apatite is significantly enriched in SrO (up to 9.7 wt.%; 0.49 apfu Sr). The core of the dyke and late veinlets contain unique late- to post-magmatic Ba–Ti–Zr-bearing mineral assemblages of baotite, henrymeyerite, titanite, rutile, benitoite and bazirite. Anhedral baotite fills interstices distributed inhomogeneously in the dyke centre; it is locally replaced by a Ba-bearing titanite + henrymeyerite + rutile + quartz assemblage. Henrymeyerite (the second record in a lamproite) shows variable Fe/Ti ratios and represents a solid solution of the hepta- and hexatitanate components. Euhedral crystals of benitoite and bazirite are enclosed in the late-stage quartz–titanite–apatite veinlets in the fine-grained margin of the intrusion. In terms of a mineralogical–genetic classification, the ?ebkovice dyke can be considered as a new high-silica (~ 57 wt.% SiO2) variety of lamproite (variety ?ebkovice), and represents a unique expression of post-collisional potassic magmatism on the south-eastern border of the Bohemian Massif. The peralkaline dykes from this area show mineralogical and geochemical features similar to those of silica-rich orogenic lamproites emplaced at destructive plate margins. In terms of the modern classification of lamproites, the ?ebkovice dyke is the first lamproite recognised in the Variscan orogenic belt.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to determine the ultimate vertical bearing capacity of rectangular rigid footings resting on homogeneous peat stabilized by a group of cement deep mixing (CDM) columns. For this purpose, a series of physical modeling tests involving end-bearing and floating CDM columns were performed. Three length/depth ratios of 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75 and three area improvement ratios of 13.1, 19.6, and 26.2 % were considered. Bearing capacity of the footings was studied using different analytical procedures. The results indicated that compared to unimproved peat, the average ultimate bearing capacity (UBC) improvement of floating and end-bearing CDM columns were 60 and 223 %, respectively. The current study found that simple Brom’s method predicted the UBC of the peat stabilized with floating CDM columns with reasonable accuracy, but underestimated the UBC by up to 25 % in the case of end-bearing CDM columns. Published laboratory experiences of stabilizing soft soils using soil–cement columns were also collated in this paper.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - The 2011 Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami remind us once again that these types of cascade event can occur and cause considerable damage. The scientific community realizes...  相似文献   

Multimethod analyses of several size fractions of clays were used to reconstruct the diagenetic history of the shallow buried claystones within the Paris Basin. A systematic decrease occurred in K-Ar dates relative to the decrease in size of the clay fractions, signifying higher amounts of newly formed clay material in the finer fractions. We suggest that the authigenic clay minerals occurring in the fine fractions had an Al-montmorillonite composition. By assuming that the isotopic K-Ar and Rb-Sr dates obtained on a bentonite layer in the sedimentary sequence stand for pure, authigenic clay minerals, one may interpret all K-Ar dates as mixtures of one authigenic and two detrital end-members. The results imply that a period of low sea level favoured diagenetic smectite-type clay formation about 10-15 million years after deposition of the sediments. Signatures of limited-scale chemical and isotopic homogenisation mean that the rock volumes affected by the diagenetic modifications had to be quite limited. The study of clay minerals extracted from some stylolites further suggests that any overpressure related to the origin of stylolites had no effect on clay authigenesis.  相似文献   

Lead isotope ratios were used to trace the origin of Pb in a soil–plant (Urtica dioica)–snail (Cepaea nemoralis) food chain in two polluted locations in the floodplains of the rivers Meuse and Rhine (Biesbosch National Park) and one reference location in the Netherlands. Lead isotope ratios and concentrations were determined in soil, litter, plant leaves, snails, rainwater and airborne particulate matter. Anthropogenic Pb in the soils of all locations was found to be derived from deposition of Pb polluted river sediments. Discharging rivers influenced the reference location before being reclaimed from the sea. The river sediment contains anthropogenic Pb from various sources related to industrial activities in the hinterland of the rivers Meuse and Rhine. Lead in the atmosphere contributed substantially to Pb pollution and Pb transfer in plant leaves and snails in all locations. Lead pollution in plant leaves and snails can be explained from a mixture of river sediment-Pb and atmospheric Pb from various transfer routes that involve low concentrations.  相似文献   

Rapid and progressive reaction of alkaline–carbonatitic tuffs with magmatic and crustal fluids disguises their initial character and origin. This is collectively indicated from (a) the extensive literature on zeolite formation from volcanic glass precursors and alkaline fluids, (b) mineralogical characteristics of specific zeolite species, (c) a comparative review of global distributions of alkaline–carbonatite suites and of zeolite minerals, and (d) new trace element data from zeolite samples. A unifying conceptual model based on tectonic and geological settings, hydrological regime and mineralogy is presented that helps to explain the global distributions and current understanding of occurrences. The model will assist in resource exploration by contributing deeper understanding of the economically important bedded zeolite deposits and further, serve as a guide to the discovery of new alkaline–carbonatitic suites, potentially of economic significance (metallic ores and rare earth elements). It follows that future testing of the hypothesis will impact on models of natural carbon cycling as volcanic contributions of CO2 are reviewed.  相似文献   

The biostratigraphy and diversity patterns of terrestrial, hoofed mammals help to understand the transition between the Palaeogene and the Neogene in Western Europe. Three phases are highlighted: (1) the beginning of the Arvernian (Late Oligocene, MP25-27) was characterised by a “stable” faunal composition including the last occurrences of taxa inherited from the Grande Coupure and of newly emerged ones; (2) the latest Arvernian (Late Oligocene, MP28-30) and the Agenian (Early Miocene, MN1-2) saw gradual immigrations leading to progressive replacement of the Arvernian, hoofed mammals towards the establishment of the “classical” Agenian fauna; (3) the beginning of the Orleanian (Early Miocene, MN3-4) coincided with the African-Eurasian faunal interchanges of the Proboscidean Datum Events and led to complete renewal of the Agenian taxa and total disappearance of the last Oligocene survivors. Faunal balances, poly-cohorts and particularly cluster analyses emphasise these three periods and define a temporally well-framed Oligocene–Miocene transition between MP28 and MN2. This transition started in MP28 with a major immigration event, linked to the arrival in Europe of new ungulate taxa, notably a stem group of “Eupecora” and the small anthracothere Microbunodon. Due to its high significance in the reorganisation of European, hoofed-mammal communities, we propose to name it the Microbunodon Event. This first step was followed by a phase of extinctions (MP29-30) and later by a phase of regional speciation and diversification (MN1-2). The Oligocene–Miocene faunal transition ended right before the two-phased turnover linked to the Proboscidean Datum Events (MN3-4). Locomotion types of rhinocerotids and ruminants provide new data on the evolution of environments during the Oligocene–Miocene transition and help understand the factors controlling these different phases. Indeed, it appears that the faunal turnovers were primarily directed by migrations, whereas the Agenian transitional phase mainly witnessed speciations.  相似文献   

Ephemeral fluvial systems are commonly associated with arid to semi-arid climates. Although their complex sedimentology and depositional settings have been described in much detail, depositional models depicting detailed lateral and vertical relationships, and interactions with coeval depositional environments, are lacking compared to well-recognized meandering and braided fluvial systems. This study critically evaluates the applicability of current models for ephemeral fluvial systems to an ancient arid fluvial example of the Lower Jurassic Kayenta Formation of the Colorado Plateau, USA. The study employs detailed sedimentary logging, palaeocurrent analysis and photogrammetric panels across the regional extent of the Kayenta. A generic model that accounts for the detailed sedimentology of a sandy arid ephemeral fluvial system (drawing upon both ancient and geomorphological studies) is developed, along with analysis of the spatial and temporal interactions with the aeolian setting. Results show that the ephemeral system is dominated by laterally and vertically amalgamated, poorly channelized to sheet-like elements, with abundant upper flow regime flat beds and high sediment load structures formed between periods of lower flow regime conditions. Through interaction with a coeval aeolian system, most of the fluvial deposits are dominated by sand-grade sediment, unlike many modern ephemeral fluvial systems that contain a high proportion of conglomeratic and/or finer grained mudstone and siltstone deposits. During dominantly fluvial deposition, high width to thickness ratios are observed for channelized and sheet-like elements. However, with increasing aridity, the aeolian environment becomes dominant and fluvial deposition is restricted to interdune corridors, resulting in lower width to thickness ratio channels dominated by flash-flood and debris-flow facies. The data presented here, coupled with modern examples of ephemeral systems and flood regimes, suggest that ephemeral flow produces and preserves distinctive sedimentological traits that can not only be recognized in outcrops, but also within core.  相似文献   

Epithermal precious metal deposits have only quite recently been added to the metallogenic view of Italy. It was only in the late 1980s that two districts were recognized, in Sardinia and southern Tuscany, previously long known for a large variety of other commodities. The Sardinian epithermal precious metal district is associated with the Oligocene-Miocene Sardinian calc-alkaline magmatic cycle. The most relevant areas include the Au deposit at Furtei, already in production, and the Osilo prospect, where extensive exploration is under way. The deposit at Furtei contains at least six tonnes of gold metal. The mineralogy of the deposit and of the alteration assemblages is typical of the acid-sulfate (high-sulfidation) class of volcanic-hosted epithermal deposits. Fluids associated with alteration and mineralization have moderate temperatures (200–300 °C) and low salinities (less than 6% wt. NaCl equivalent); high-temperature, high-salinity fluids similar to porphyry-style systems also circulated at Furtei. At Osilo, a number of quartz veins containing up to several ppm Au have been identified. The alteration assemblage includes adularia and illite, i.e. is typical of low-sulfidation deposits. Fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures range from 198 to 270 °C, with salinities of less than 4% wt. NaCl equivalent. In southern Tuscany, a number of carbonate-hosted (“Carlin type”) gold showings occur at the edges of the geothermal fields of Larderello, Amiata and Latera, an area previously known for Sb mineralization. In fact, many showings coincide with former Sb mines, and stibnite, along with pyrite, is the most common sulfide mineral. Gold is typically invisible. Fluids hosted in a variety of minerals from these occurrences span a relatively large temperature range (132 to 245 °C), with constantly low salinities (less than 7% wt. NaCl equivalent). The onset of (presumably meteoric) hydrothermal fluid circulation can be ascribed to the emplacement of Neogene Tuscan magmatic rocks, but the ultimate source of gold remains speculative. Received: 13 October 1998 / Accepted: 5 February 1999  相似文献   

Groundwater samples from six wells and various species of plants from soils developed on ophiolites were collected from an arid area (AlKhod area, Oman) and analyzed for trace elements including rare earth elements (REEs). The distribution patterns of REEs in plants indicated an enrichment in middle REEs (MREEs?=?Sm to Dy) and heavy REEs (HREEs?=?Ho to Lu), when they are normalized to the REE composition of the Post Archean Australian Shale (PAAS), with a significant negative anomaly in Ce and a positive anomaly in Eu. Compared to Oman ophiolites, the REEs in different species of plants are depleted in Ce and enriched in MREEs and slightly enriched in light REE (LREE?=?from La to Nd). Relative to PAAS, the distribution of REEs in groundwaters revealed similar patterns to the REE distribution in plants. The distribution patterns of REEs in plants relative to those in waters are nearly flat. These patterns suggest that the transfer of REEs from soil solutions to the groundwaters in Oman occurs without any significant fractionation.  相似文献   

The Indian Ocean Tsunami of December 2004 caused inundation of seawater along the Northern coast of Tamil Nadu, India, resulting in loss of 8,000 people with extensive damage to properties. The paper describes the inundation of seawater in two northern districts, namely Kancheepuram and Villupuram districts, which showed distinct patterns of inundation of seawater and run-up levels due to variations in geomorphic features. TUNAMI N2 model was used to predict the seawater inundation for earthquakes occurred in 1881 at Car Nicobar, Sumatra 2004 and a worst-case scenario. The coastal areas with beaches having gentle slope showed more inundation compared with coastal areas having varied slope and habited by sand dunes and coastal vegetation. Appreciable inundation of seawater with tsunami simulated for 1881 Car Nicobar indicated that proximity to the source plays a major role besides earthquake parameters in causing inundation. The worst-case scenario generated from subduction zone of Car Nicobar using Sumatra 2004 earthquake parameters revealed extreme vulnerability of coasts of both the districts to giant tsunamis.  相似文献   

A dynamic, large deformation problem of fluid–solid–geomembrane interaction is analysed by the use of material point method, a variant of the finite element method stated in a Lagrangian–Eulerian format. A low-order element is used for space discretisation and the fluid is treated as a compressible liquid with a high value of bulk modulus. Therefore, two algorithms known from literature are applied to mitigate the effects related to the volumetric locking phenomenon. Moreover, a procedure of detecting the free surface is proposed. The method is applied to problems of determining the shape of geo-tubes, collapsing water column, and finally, to the problem of installation of a geo-container on the bed of a water reservoir. The obtained numerical outcomes are compared with the experimental results and the analytic ones when available.  相似文献   

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