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Pyrite deformation in stratiform lead-zinc deposits of the Canadian Cordillera   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Pyrite textures in five stratiform lead-zinc deposits from lower to upper greenschist facies environment of the Canadian Cordillera are described and discussed in terms of deposition/early diagenesis, deformation, metamorphism and hydrothermal alteration processes. Overgrowth is an important process during both diagenesis and deformation. Diagenetic and deformational overgrowths can be distinguished. Diffusive mass transfer, involving pressure solution and oriented overgrowth of pyrite is the main deformation mechanism in pyrite deposits at low metamorphic grades. Although diffusive mass transfer favours fine-grained mineral aggregates, its effect on coarse pyrite grains has also been identified. Ore minerals dissolved by pressure solution may be transported, with the assistance of pore fluids within fractures and grain boundaries, over distances significantly greater than the scale of individual grains to give a range of pressure solution/overgrowth textures. The textural modification of pyritic ores from the early stages of diagnesis, through metamorphism and deformation, to post deformation thermal annealing, has important implications for the distribution of trace elements and isotopic compositions in pyritic ores.  相似文献   

Lahar deposits occur within a shallow marine sedimentary succession of the Pliocene La Cueva Formation in the Coastal Cordillera of central Chile (33°40′–34°15′S). Provenance studies of the abundant volcanic material in the lahar deposits suggest that they derive from denudation by mass wasting of Oligocene–Miocene volcanic rocks on the western slopes of the Main Andean Cordillera at the same latitude. Pliocene rock debris deposits preserved in the region of El Teniente (34°S) and scattered along the westernmost part of the Andes of central Chile indicate catastrophic erosive events related to the rapid uplift of the cordilleran block. This rock debris was deposited by avalanches and transformed further downslope into lahars by dilution with stream water. Lahars were channeled along the ancient drainage system that reached a shallow Pliocene sea at the site of the present Coastal Cordillera. The exceedingly rapid exhumation of active porphyry systems during the Early Pliocene in this part of the Andes may have played a role in affecting hydrothermal processes, brecciation, and diatreme formation at the porphyry systems of El Teniente and Río Blanco–Los Bronces.  相似文献   

Notwithstanding the current fashion which favours an epigenetic origin for what used to be termed SEDEX deposits, there are several lines of evidence to indicate that Phanerozoic base-metal orebodies of this type have at least some exhalative aspects. The fossil polychaete worms, which occur in Lower Carboniferous pyrite mounds at Tynagh and Silvermines in Ireland, have affinities to Paralvinella, an organism that lives attached to hydrothermal chimneys at the Juan de Fuca hot spring site in the Northeast Pacific. In addition, fossil tube worms, and their moulds, occur both in silica masses underlying the Carboniferous giant Red Dog sulphide orebody in Alaska and in Devonian barite and base-metal deposits in North America and in Russia, respectively. The development of sulphide and carbonate fossil microbialites over exhalative centres further supports generation of some mineral deposits on sea or lake floors. Carbonate microbialite mounds are also developing today over warm springs and seepages.The existence of an environment in which sulphide mineralisation developed at the sea floor has implications also in a different sphere. Life itself may have emerged in a similar milieu at 4.2 Ga from iron monosulphide bubbles. A primitive metabolism could have been driven by the high, long-lived and constant, redox potential of 300 mV made available across an iron monosulphide membrane which would have been spontaneously generated where sulphide-bearing, submarine, alkaline springs issued into the acidic, iron-bearing, Hadean ocean. The alkaline spring provided bisulphide to the iron-rich (carbonic) acid ocean for the precipitation of iron-monosulphide bubbles (probotryoids), as well as acetate (Shock, 1992) — the feeder to the biochemical Krebs cycle, driven in reverse by the high partial pressure of CO2. In addition to its scientific significance, an understanding of these beginnings may well benefit research into many aspects of economic geology.Even more extreme redox contrasts are revealed by the presence of sedimentary jasper or iron formation in three of the major Carboniferous sulphide orebodies in Ireland. Pyritic sulphide microbialites also grew over some of the associated fossil hot-spring sites and may be recognised by their bacteriogenic δ34S values (−20 to −40‰). Recognition of such fossil hot-spring sites could lead to further discoveries of SEDEX deposits.  相似文献   

The authors present a tentative model for the relationship between deformation, uplift and molasse sedimentation in the Columbian Orogen of the Canadian Cordillera. Data are mainly drawn from the north-central part of the Columbian Orogen. Two distinct deformational episodes are recognized. The first, probably of mid-Jurassic age, was accompanied by regional metamorphism and resulted in southwesterly directed folds and related faults. This episode of crustal shortening appears to have been the precursor of uplift in the western Columbian Orogen (Omineca Crystalline Belt), causing the progradation of a primogenic non-marine molasse over marine shale and flysch. The second deformation, of probable late Cretaceous to Eocene age, caused overprinting of earlier structures by steep faults in the west and led to the growth of the fold-and-thrust belt of the Rocky Mountains. This episode created a morphogenic drainage system with molasse deposition in intramontane fault basins and along both flanks of the Columbian Orogen. Modal analyses from fluviatile sandstones within the primogenic and morphogenic molasse illustrate the progressive stripping of sedimentary and volcanic units along both sides of the orogenic core zone. Post-orogenic drainage from Miocene to Recent was strongly modified by the development of high-gradient drainage towards the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

The relationships between oil shales, evaporites and sedimentary ore deposits can be classified in terms of stratigraphic and geochemical coherence. Oil shale and black shale deposition commonly follows continental red beds and is in turn followed by evaporite deposition. This transgressive-regressive sequence represents an orderly succession of depositional environments in space and time and results in stratigraphic coherence. The amount of organic carbon of a sediment depends on productivity and preservation, both of which are enhanced by saline environments. Work on Great Salt Lake. Utah, allows us to estimate that only 5% of TOC originally deposited is preserved. Inorganic carbonate production is similar to TOC production, but preservation is much higher.Oil shales and black shales commonly are enriched in heavy metals through scavenging by biogenic particles and complexation by organic matter. Ore deposits are formed from such rocks through secondary enrichment processes, establishing a geochemical coherence between oil shales and ore deposits. The Permian Kupferschiefer of N. Europe is used as an example to define a Kupferschiefer type (KST) deposit. Here oxygenated brines in contact with red beds become acidified through mineral precipitation and acquire metals by dissolving oxide coatings. Oxidation of the black shale leads to further acid production and metal acquisition and eventually to sulfide deposition along a reducing front. In order to form ore bodies, the stratigraphic coherence of the red bed-black shale-evaporite succession must be joined by the geochemical coherence of the ore body-evaporite-black shale association. The Cretaceous Cu-Zn deposits of Angola, the Zambian Copperbelt as well as the Creta, Oklahoma, deposits are other KST examples. In the Zambian Copperbelt, evaporites are indicated by the carbonate lenticles thought to be pseudomorphs after gypsum-anhydrite nodules. MVT deposits are also deposited by acid brines, but at more elevated temperatures and with carbonates as principal host rocks. The Pine Point deposits are cited for their close association with evaporites.Alkaline, metal-rich brines are postulated for the HYC deposit of McArthur River, Australia. Such brines are known from the Green River Formation and deposits formed from such brines constitute the GRT class. They can be recognized by the presence of Magadi-type cherts and zeolite-analcime-K-spar tuffs. The Cu-Co ore bodies of Outokumpu, Finland, might also belong to this type. A new classification of sedimentary ore deposits is proposed, based on their geochemical environment. KST and MVT are formed from acid ore fluids, while GRT and CT (Creede type) are derived from basic ore fluids. pH of the fluids is best evaluated not from the ores themselves, but from their effect on the host-rocks.  相似文献   

This volume summarizes the exploration geochemical conditions in the secondary environment, in the Canadian Cordillera and the Canadian Shield. This is achieved by a number of conceptual models which describe the principles and mechanisms of formation of anomalies, which govern the use of exploration geochemistry. These models have been constructed by drawing together information already existing in the literature plus 38 individual case histories contained in this volume.The formation of anomalies is described for: (1) residual overburden, (2) overburden of local origin (e.g. till), and (3) transported overburden of remote origin (e.g. stratified glacial drift and alluvium). Within each of these categories the effect of element mobility, seepage zones, bogs, variation in overburden thickness, rock type change and soil type change are also described.An attempt has been made, not only to summarize both these conditions where geochemistry can be used as a reliable exploration tool, but also to identify areas where the use of geochemistry is unreliable.A summary is also given of the length of anomalous dispersion and contrast in both soil and sediments for all the case histories quoted, both in this volume and in the literature. This summary is divided according to the type of deposit, i.e. porphyry copper, massive sulphide, etc., and provides a guide for planning the optimum sampling interval.  相似文献   

Two-mica granites that locally contain garnet and sillimaniteoccur as dikes, sills, and sheets up to 50 m thick within thesillimanite zonc of the Monashee Mountains in the southeasternCanadian Cordillera of British Columbia. Syn-kinematic and post-kinematicgranites are recognized. U-Pb dating of zircon demonstrates that the syn-kinematic granitesare 100.4?0.3 Ma old, based on duplicate concordant single abradedzircon analyses. Other zircons have slightly older Pb/Pb dates,indicating small amounts of inherited zircons. Monazites are99?10 Ma old. Post-kinematic granites have 62.5?0.2 Ma zirconages and 634+0.1 Ma monazite ages. High initial 87 ratios (0.71492–0.74181)and evidence of Precambrian Pb inheritance indicates that bothsyn- and post-kinematic granites were derived from a crustalsource. Geobarometric estimates suggest that both generationsof granites equilibrated at 6–8 kb (22–30 km). Zirconand monazite saturation temperatures range from 660–824?Cand indicate that these minerals were liquidus phases earlyin the crystallization history of the granites. Because monazitesaturation temperatures generally exceed those of zircon, itis possible that some monazites may be inherited. Apatite saturationtemperatures in excess of 900?C suggest that both generationsof granites contain source inherited apatite. Syn- and post-kinematic granites have essentially identicalmajor and trace element chemistries. Syn-kinematic graniteshave steep light rare earth element (LREE) enriched patternswith pronounced negative Eu anomalies. The REE patterns of post-kinematicgranites range from steep LREE enriched patterns with negativeNd and Eu anomalies to flat patterns with low LREE contents,negative Nd anomalies, and both positive and negative Eu anomalies.Modelling of REE, Rb, Sr, and Ba contents demonstrates thatsyn-kinematic gramtes could have been generated by a low degreeof partial melting (with 10–25% feldspar fractionationof the melt) of Late Proterozoic Horsethief Creek Group metapelitesleaving a monazite-bearing upper amphibolite facies residue.Post-kinematic granites were produced by partial melting ofa geochemically and isotopically similar metapelitic source.The suite of post-kinematic granites can be related by a smallamount (up to 0.1%) of monazite crystal fractionation.  相似文献   

Carbonatites are known to range in age from the Archean through to the Recent, with an increasing abundance towards more recent times. Of the known 500 or so carbonatites, however, few have been precisely dated. In this paper, some new, precise U/Pb, Th/Pb as well as Pb/Pb dates from several carbonatite complexes from Europe and North America are presented and used to establish important reference points in defining mantle perturbations. Events at 2617, 1964, 583 and 382 Ma are now firmly established for the Fennoscandian Shield, while several distinct events of 2680 Ma, and between 1897–1881 and 1164–1083 Ma are documented for the Canadian Shield. Other, less well-defined, events in Canada include magmatism at 1770 Ma from Argor, 570 Ma from Manitou Islands, and an event at 360 Ma from the Canadian Cordillera. One carbonatite from the Ukrainian Shield (Chernigovka) has been precisely dated at 2074 Ma. Events from the Fennoscandian Shield also include carbonatitic magmatism at 1792 Ma from Halpanen, and between 386 and 377 Ma from Kola. Most of these events from quite distinct Archean cratons can be correlated with LIPs and associated mafic magmatism, such as flood basalts and regional dyke swarms, generally considered to be the result of plume magmatism and associated continental fragmentation. Few mafic events are associated with the post-orogenic shoshonitic magmatism at ca. 1800 Ma for the Fennoscandian Shield and the Devonian continental margin extension in the Canadian Cordillera.  相似文献   

The Postmasburg Mn/Fe-ores occur exclusively in dolomitic Precambrian sinkhole structures with siliceous breccias and shales as hostrocks. The main manganese minerals are braunite and bixbyite, apart from secondary alteration products of the psilomelane-manganomelane family. Various generations of ore minerals could be identified. The ore mineralization is subdivided into three different genetic types. They are classified either as pure karst deposits or as combined formations of karst origin and shallow marine sedimentation due to the transgression of the Banded Iron Formation (BIF) sea. Post-sedimentary metamorphism is identified as very low grade. The development of the different ore types is illustrated schematically.  相似文献   

Thallium in Low Temperature Ore Deposits,China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
is paper deals with thallium in typical low-temperature deposits of Au,Tl,As,Sb and Hg in South China with respect to its mode of occurrence,minerals and geochemical correlations with many other coexisting major and trace elements,Criteria are proposed for identifying independent thallium deposits and thallium-bearing deposits and the Nanhnu realgar deposit is classified for the first time as an independent thallium deposit,Tl,F.Cl.I and B are suggested as indicators for low-temperature mineralization with examples furnished for their applications.  相似文献   

江西省相山矿田横涧-岗上英矿床构造控矿特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
横涧-岗上英铀矿床产在相山大型塌陷式火山盆地的北部, 区域NE向、EW向断裂构造与火山构造复合控制次花岗斑岩体和铀矿床的定位, 矿区次花岗斑岩的产出明显受到高角度逆断层的制约, 铀矿化主要受构造裂隙控制, 含矿裂隙带沿斑岩体内外接触带呈弧形展布。依据横涧-岗上英地区次花岗斑岩岩体及矿体空间展布及产状特征, 厘定了控岩构造系统, 通过分析构造裂隙特征及其与铀矿化的关系, 划分了成矿前、成矿期、成矿后构造体系, 初步认为矿区的构造演化可分为三期6个阶段。   相似文献   

The Thor-Odin dome region of the Shuswap metamorphic core complex, British Columbia, contains migmatitic rocks exhumed from the deep mid-crust of the Cordilleran orogen. Extensive partial melting occurred during decompression of the structurally deepest rocks, and this decompression path is particularly well recorded by mafic boudins of silica-undersaturated, aluminous rocks. These mafic boudins contain the high-temperature assemblages gedrite+cordierite+spinel+corundum+kyanite/sillimanite±sapphirine±högbomite and gedrite+cordierite+spinel+corundum+kyanite/sillimanite+garnet±staurolite (relict)±anorthite. The boudins are interlayered with migmatitic metapelitic gneiss and orthogneiss in this region.

The mineral assemblages and reaction textures in these rocks record decompression from the kyanite zone (P>8–10 kbar) to the sillimanite–cordierite zone (P<5 kbar) at T750 °C, with maximum recorded temperatures of 800 °C. Evidence for high-temperature decompression includes the partial replacement of garnet by cordierite, the partial to complete replacement of kyanite by corundum+cordierite+spinel (hercynite)±sapphirine±högbomite symplectite, and the replacement of some kyanite grains by sillimanite. Kyanite partially replaced by sillimanite, and sillimanite with coronas of cordierite±spinel are also observed in the associated metapelitic rocks.

Partial melt from the surrounding migmatitic gneisses has invaded the mafic boudins. Cordierite reaction rims occur where minerals in the boudins interacted with leucocratic melt. When combined with existing structural and geochronologic data from migmatites and leucogranites in the region, these petrologic constraints suggest that high-temperature decompression was coeval with partial melting in the Thor-Odin dome. These data are used to evaluate the relationship between partial melting of the mid-crust and localized exhumation of deep, hot rocks by extensional and diapiric processes.  相似文献   

西藏多龙矿集区是近年来中国新发现的具有世界级潜力的铜金矿集区。该矿集区现已查明多不杂、波龙、拿若和铁格隆南4个大型-超大型矿床,并新发现地堡那木岗和拿顿矿点。文章对上述矿床(点)脉体、蚀变、矿化和流体特征开展了系统研究和对比。结果表明,多不杂、波龙和拿若矿床矿化类型以斑岩型为主,同时钾硅酸盐化、绢英岩化、青磐岩化等蚀变广泛发育,而铁格隆南矿床除上述蚀变类型外,还叠加有高级泥化蚀变,并发育与之相关的浅成低温热液型矿化。根据脉体特征对比和流体包裹体温压计算推测,上述4个矿床矿化类型的差异可能由剥蚀深度的差异所引起(前三者剥蚀深度约为2~3 km,后者约为1~1.5 km)。此外,地堡那木岗矿点蚀变类型以绢英岩化、泥化为主,该矿点发育与斑岩型金矿中类似的深色条带状石英脉,指示该地区可能存在斑岩型金矿。拿顿矿点为典型的高硫型浅成低温热液型矿化,铜金矿体赋存于角砾岩筒中。野外地质调查表明,上述矿点地表蚀变岩盖(Lithocaps)发育,并且蚀变岩盖空间分布位置与下伏铜金矿体表现出良好的匹配关系,可有效地指导找矿勘查工作。流体包裹体实验进一步表明,铜金元素在斑岩型矿化中的沉淀可能与温度降低和氧逸度的变化有关,而在浅成低温热液型矿化中的沉淀则受控于温度的降低和流体的不混溶作用。最后,在前人年代学研究基础上,结合本次实验结果构建了该地区与成矿作用有关的时空演化模型。  相似文献   

湖南骑田岭地区锡矿床特征及找矿前景   总被引:50,自引:9,他引:50       下载免费PDF全文
骑田岭地区锡矿找矿的突破,是近两年国土资源重大调查取得的重大成果。区内锡矿产于骑田岭复式花岗岩体南部以及接触带,多呈脉状产出。锡矿类型以云英岩化花岗岩型、蚀变斑状花岗岩型、蚀变构造带型为主,具有矿体厚度碱、蚀变强、品位较高、矿石利用性能好的特点。现已估算锡资源量约60万吨,还有成矿条件类似的北部及同一构造岩浆岩带的其他地区,进一步开展该地区国土资源大调查将会扩大现有的找矿成果。  相似文献   

Despite evidence for its involvement, the importance of amphibolein controlling the compositions of mafic alkaline magmas remainsunder-appreciated. Relatively small variations in large ionlithophile elements (LILE) with respect to other incompatibleelements, such as light rare-earth elements (LREE) or Th, requirethat amphibole was an important residual phase during the productionof Late Tertiary to Recent olivine nephelinite (Ol-NEPH) magmasbeneath the northern Canadian Cordillera. The erupted maficmagma types define a continuous array from Ol-NEPH to hypersthene-normativeolivine basalt (Hy-NORM AOB). The overall compositional arrayhas a sense of curvature which is counter to binary mixing,but can be modeled by two distinct linear melting trends: onefrom Ol-NEPH to basanite (BASAN) compositions, during whichamphibole controlled the composition of the melt, and the ratiosof LILE/LREE change significantly, but the ratios of high fieldstrength elements (HFSE) remain relatively constant; the otherfrom BASAN to Hy-NORM AOB corresponding to the melting of alherzolite assemblage, following the exhaustion of amphibole,across which the ratios of LILE/LREE remain relatively constant,but the ratios of HFSE change significantly. Other intraplate alkaline suites, such as those of the HawaiianIslands, show similar evidence for the involvement of residualamphibole in the genesis of Ol-NEPH to BASAN magmas. The meltingof any amphibole-bearing mantle assemblage is likely to be atwo-step process, regardless of whether the amphibole is segregatedas veins or distributed interstitially. In a water-undersaturatedenvironment, the first stage of melting is controlled by thebreakdown of amphibole, which produces silica-saturated liquidsbelow 12 kbar and silica-undersaturated liquids at greater depths,with little contribution from other mineral phases. In the secondstage, following the exhaustion of amphibole, the major elementcompositions of subsequent melts change rapidly to equilibratewith a lherzolite mineralogy, but the incompatible trace-elementcharacteristics of the former amphibole persist. KEY WORDS: amphibole; mafic alkaline magmas; northern Canadian Cordillera; trace elements *Corresponding author  相似文献   

The type locality for high-temperature,low-pressure regional metamorphism,the Buchan Block in NE Scotland,exhibits profound differences to the rest of the Grampian Terrane.These differences have led some to regard the Buchan Block as an exotic crustal fragment comprising Precambrian basement gneisses and cover rocks thrust into their current position during Grampian orogenesis.Although rocks of the Buchan Block are now generally correlated with Dalradian strata elsewhere,the origin of the gneisses and the cause of the high heat flow and associated magmatism is debated.We report SIMS U-Pb and LA-ICPMS Hf isotopic data in zircon from high-grade rocks from the northeast(Inzie Head Gneiss)and northwest(Portsoy)corners of the Buchan Block.Around Inzie Head,upper amphibolite to granulite facies metasedimentary gneisses coexist with diorite sheets that were emplaced contemporaneously with partial melting of their host rocks,at least locally.U-Pb geochronology indicates a crystallisation age for the diorite of 486±9 Ma.Highly-deformed diorites within the Portsoy Gabbro have a crystallisation age of 493±8 Ma.Ages of ca.490 Ma for magmatism and high-grade metamorphism,which are broadly contemporaneous with ophiolite obduction and the onset of orogenesis,are significantly older than the established peak of Grampian metamorphism(ca.470 Ma).We propose a new model for the Grampian Orogeny involving punctuated tectonothermal activity due to tectonic switching during accretionary orogenesis.Rollback of a NW-dipping subduction zone at ca.490 Ma produced a back-arc environment(the Buchan Block)with associated arc magmatism and high dT/dP metamorphism.Arrival of an outboard arc resulted in shortening(the initial phase of the Grampian Orogeny)at ca.488 Ma.Rollback of a NW-dipping subduction zone to the SE of the ca.488 Ma suture began at 473 Ma and led to lithospheric-scale extension,decompression melting and advective heating of the middle crust,producing the widespread ca.470 Ma Grampian(classic Barrovian and Buchan)regional metamorphism.Resumed hinge advance and the final phase of shortening cut off the heat supply at ca.465 Ma,marking the end of the Grampian Orogeny.  相似文献   

铌钽矿研究进展和攀西地区铌钽矿成因初探   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
王汾连  赵太平  陈伟 《矿床地质》2012,31(2):293-308
铌钽矿主要产出类型包括伟晶岩型、富Li-F花岗岩型、碱性侵入岩型、碳酸岩型及冲积砂矿型。前2种类型以钽为主,后3种则以铌占主导。铌和钽大多以铌钽独立矿物(铌铁矿、钽铁矿、细晶石、烧绿石等)呈浸染状分布于含矿岩石中,也有部分以类质同象的形式分布于云母、榍石、霓石、钛铁矿等矿物中。关于铌钽矿的富集机制,一些学者认为可由富F-Na和稀有金属(铌、钽等)的花岗质熔体经结晶分异作用形成;另一些学者则根据铌钽矿化与岩石的钠长石化、锂云母化等紧密共生的特点,认为铌钽的富集是岩浆期后流体交代早期形成的花岗岩所致。攀西(攀枝花-西昌)地区的铌钽矿床(化)基本上都是沿着断裂带分布,矿体赋存于印支期碱性岩脉(碱性正长伟晶岩)中,有少数存在于碱性花岗岩中,与区域上邻近的正长岩体及花岗岩体关系密切。其矿石矿物主要为烧绿石、褐钇铌矿等。初步推断,攀西地区的铌钽矿与二叠纪地幔柱活动有关。碱性的正长岩体及花岗岩体与广泛分布的峨眉山玄武岩、辉长岩均是地幔柱岩浆活动的产物,长英质岩体(包括正长岩体和花岗岩体)是富铌钽岩石的母岩体。碱性伟晶岩脉(如炉库和白草地区)是碱性岩浆逐步演化的产物,含矿的碱性花岗岩是花岗质岩浆分异演化的结果。此外,在该地区的铌钽矿床中,铌钽矿物几乎都富集在钠长石化发育的地段,说明后期的热液交代对铌钽的富集也起到了一定作用。因此,攀西地区铌钽的富集是岩浆结晶分异和岩浆期后热液交代共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

The Shuswap metamorphic core complex of the southeast Canadian Cordillera, which is allochthonous with respect to a fixed reference frame beneath the Plains of the North American craton, evolved and became consolidated prior to major development of thrust faulting in the Rocky Mountains.Polyphase deformation of the infrastructure of the complex beneath a weakly compressed suprastructure is probably due to shear strains generated by underthrusting of marginal lithosphere rather than to gravitational upwelling and lateral spreading.Pre-metamorphic to early metamorphic strain of the complex may be related to eastward underthrusting from the west. Late metamorphic strain may be related to westward underthrusting of the North American craton from the east. Continued underthrusting of the craton led to uplift and northeastward translation of the consolidated metamorphic complex together with development of thrust faults in the Rocky Mountains.  相似文献   

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