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草地生态系统是地球上最重要的陆地生态系统之一,中亚地区拥有世界上最大的连片草原,具有发展畜牧业的良好条件。但是近30年来中亚草地生态系统出现了显著的退化,同时畜牧业也出现了整体衰退,畜产品转而依赖进口。研究采用生态足迹方法,分析了中亚地区草地生态承载容量及其生态占用的变化趋势及特征,发现中亚地区草地生态容量远高于全球水平,尚有较大的开发利用潜力。通过对中亚各国畜产品国际贸易的分析发现,各国畜产品国际贸易呈现逆差,且净进口量逐年增加。畜产品对外依存度持续增加,不利于中亚地区畜牧业持续性发展。未来,中亚国家应从产业政策、生态治理、科技创新等要素着手,进行系统优化和提升,提高草地畜牧业生产率,同时加强草地生态保护,实现草地生态经济系统的协调性和可持续发展。  相似文献   

This paper quantitatively analyzes the utilization efficiency of agricultural resources in Central Asia by calculating the consumption coefficient of the main resources, including arable land, water and fertilizers. The results of these investigations reveal the following:(1)The average consumption coefficients of cultivated land resources in Central Asia are much higher than the world average value of up to 7.74 m~2/kg, which is 3.6 times that of China, suggesting that the cultivated land resource consumption coefficient of cultivated land resource utilization efficiency is low in the Central Asian region.(2) Up to 80% of available water resources are used for agriculture irrigation. The average agricultural water consumption in Central Asia is about 9.43 m~3/kg, or nearly 9.3 times the average value elsewhere in Asia, indicating that agricultural water use efficiency in this region is very low and water resources are wasted.(3) The fertilizer consumption coefficient in Central Asia is 0.035 kg/kg, which is close to the world average, but the utilization efficiency of fertilizer is relatively high. Therefore, in the future development of agriculture, Central Asia should pay more attention to the management of agricultural water resources in order to improve the utilization efficiency of these resources as well as that of arable land.  相似文献   

喜马拉雅地区拥有世界上最高和最多样的林线。亚高山林线作为山地森林和高山植被之间最明显的边界之一,多年来一直吸引着研究者的兴趣。然而,由于地理位置偏远,与欧洲同领域的研究相比,喜马拉雅山脉的林线生态学研究不足。本文综述了气候变化情景下喜马拉雅地区的植物区系组成、林线的分布格局和气候条件,形成林线的碳供应机制,以及气候变化影响下林线的迁移和林木更新。研究发现西藏东部地区是喜马拉雅林线分布最高的地区,大果圆柏和川西云杉是分布最高的林线树种,林线是低温限制导致植物生长受限形成的,全球林线有相当一致的低温阈值,而水分和养分并非林线形成的全球限制因子。在未来全球变暖的情况下,预计林线将向更高海拔推进,但在大多数情况下,林线交错带树木更新增加比林线推进更常见。为了使我们能够预测人类活动和相关的全球变化对这一敏感区域的潜在影响和变化,需要对林线交错带进行更详细的机制研究。  相似文献   

This study presents a soil and water integrated model(SWIM) and associated statistical analyses for the Huaihe River Basin(HRB) based on daily meteorological, river runoff, and water resource data encompassing the period between 1959 and 2015. The aim of this research is to quantitatively analyze the rate of contribution of upstream runoff to that of the midstream as well as the influence of climate change and human activities in this section of the river. Our goal is to explain why extreme precipitation is concentrated in the upper reaches of the HRB while floods tend to occur frequently in the middle reaches of this river basin. Results show that the rate of contribution of precipitation to runoff in the upper reaches of the HRB is significantly higher than temperature. Data show that the maximum contribution rate of upstream runoff to that of the midstream can be as high as 2.23%, while the contribution of temperature is just 0.38%. In contrast, the rate of contribution of human activities to runoff is 87.20% in the middle reaches of the HRB, while that due to climate change is 12.80%. Frequent flood disasters therefore occur in the middle reaches of the HRB because of the combined effects of extreme precipitation in the upper reaches and human activities in the middle sections.  相似文献   

自20世纪60年代以来,由于气候变化和人类活动的影响,洮儿河中上游地区出现了湿地退化、水土流失等严重的生态环境问题,成为我国东北典型的生态敏感地区。本文从水热平衡的角度,利用水分适宜性指数(cr),分析了洮儿河中上游地区1961–2012年的水分适宜性,采用Mann-Kendall法、滑动t检验和累积距平方法检测了径流突变点,以突变点为界,把整个研究时期划分为四个阶段,采用累积量斜率变化率分析法(SCRCQ)分析了不同阶段气候变化和人类活动对径流量的影响,最后利用敏感系数法和SCRCQ方法相结合,把气候变化和人类活动对径流量的影响转化为对cr变化的贡献。研究结果表明:近52年以来,洮儿河中上游地区水分适宜性指数(c_r)呈减小趋势,其影响因子净辐射、径流量也呈现减小趋势,降水量呈现增加趋势,其中只有降水量变化趋势不显著,没有通过a=0.05的Mann-Kendall显著性检验;1961–2012年间,洮南站径流量发生了三次突变,尽管每个阶段降水量和人类活动对径流量的影响程度不同,但人类活动是影响径流量的主要因子;52年以来,对cr变化影响最大的因子是降水量,大于人类活动和净辐射对cr变化的贡献。  相似文献   

目前,关于里海的两个主要问题是水位变化及其生态条件。历史上,里海的海水入侵和衰退对该区域的生活和生产有很大影响。应用地质数据、历史数据和考古数据,以及观测数据,本文对地质历史时期里海水位的变化、年度和季度变化以及短期的波动进行了研究。文章对解释里海水位波动的两种不同的方法进行了论述,并认为里海水位变化是受地质、水文气候和水量平衡以及人类活动等因素的影响的多级过程,其中主要影响因素为水文气候的变化。  相似文献   

The vulnerable ecosystem of the arid and semiarid region in Central Asia is sensitive to precipitation variations. Long-term changes of the seasonal precipitation can reveal the evolution rules of the precipitation climate. Therefore, in this study, the changes of the seasonal precipitation over Central Asia have been analyzed during the last century(1901–2013) based on the latest global monthly precipitation dataset Global Precipitation Climatology Centre(GPCC) Full Data Reanalysis Version 7, as well as their relations with El Ni?oSouthern Oscillation(ENSO). Results show that the precipitation in Central Asia is mainly concentrated in spring and summer seasons, especially in spring. For the whole study period, increasing trends were found in spring and winter, while decreasing trends were detected in summer and fall. Inter-annual signals with 3–7 years multi-periods were derived to explain the dominant components for seasonal precipitation variability. In terms of the dominant spatial pattern, Empirical orthogonal function(EOF) results show that the spatial distribution of EOF-1 mode in summer is different from those of the other seasons during 1901–2013. Moreover, significant ENSO-associated changes in precipitation are evident during the fall, winter, spring, and absent during summer. The lagged associations between ENSO and seasonal precipitation are also obtained in Central Asia. The ENSO-based composite analyses show that these water vapor fluxes of spring, fall and winter precipitation are mainly generated in Indian and North Atlantic Oceans during El Ni?o. The enhanced westerlies strengthen the western water vapor path for Central Asia, thereby causing a rainy winter.  相似文献   

气候变化的海拔依赖性在世界上大多数山脉地区已有报道,但导致这种变异的原因尚不明确。本研究利用中国四个不同的观测和再分析资料数据集,主要研究气候变暖对海拔的依赖性,结果表明:无论是在青藏高原地区还是中国其他地区,气候变暖的程度与海拔高度的一致性并不明显。但是,气候变暖与不同海拔水汽的变异具有很好的相关性。比湿度较低时,气温变化随比湿度的增加而升高;当比湿度上升到一定值,气温变化则随比湿度的增加而下降。而地表温度变化的最大值出现在比湿度2.0–3.0 g kg~(-1)范围内。因此,本研究揭示了水汽对气候变暖的海拔依赖性起到调节作用。  相似文献   

中亚国家距离公海遥远,仅凭管道出口或进口石油,因此面临着来自油气管道沿线国家巨大的地缘政治压力。本研究选取了哈萨克斯坦、土库曼斯坦作为中亚出口国代表,选取吉尔吉斯斯坦作为中亚进口国代表,从相关性、多样性和国际关系影响三个角度,利用2005—2016年联合国COMTRADE数据库的能源贸易数据,分析中亚国家所面临的能源风险。研究结果显示:哈土两国的石油市场多样化程度较高且市场之间相关程度较低,这种市场配置使出口国、过境国和进口国之间的关系对石油出口的影响较小;而土库曼斯坦的天然气市场因为多样性不足,国际关系能够对天然气出口造成较大的影响;吉尔吉斯斯坦的能源进口仅来源于数个相邻或相近的国家。本文认为中亚国家的能源安全深受四个政治因素的影响:(1)与俄罗斯的关系很大程度上决定了中亚国家能源出口市场的格局,因为中亚国家市场多样化的关键在欧洲;(2)中亚能源博弈的管线竞争对中亚国家能源出口安全有重要影响,因为这些新管道能够将中亚与欧洲和中国市场直接联系在一起;(3)中国作为邻近中亚的巨大能源市场能够帮助中亚国家有效回避俄罗斯对能源出口的控制;(4)对于进口国而言,中亚地区的地缘政治格局对其能源安全起到了决定性的作用。  相似文献   

The study on the relationship of abandoned settlements and climate change in the oases could provide a historical reference for understanding human responses to present and future global warming in the arid zone. A total of 554 abandoned historical settlements in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China, were used to examine the relationship between abandoned settlements and temperature change over the past 2000 years. The analysis covered dynastic epochs from the Han Dynasty(206BC–220AD) to the Qing Dynasty(1644AD– 1911AD) in the oases of Xinjiang. Greater density of settlements was found at the oases larger than 2000 km~2, which were more stable and less sensitive to climate change compared to smaller oases. Settlements flourished at small oases and the middle and lower reaches of rivers during warm periods and shrank back to piedmont basins and upstream alluvial fans during cold periods. These results demonstrated responses of oasis agriculture to climate change.  相似文献   

Air temperature(AT) is a subsystem of a complex climate.Long-range correlation(LRC) is an important feature of complexity.Our research attempt to evaluate AT’s complexity differences in different land-use types in the Heihe River Basin(HRB) based on the stability and LRC.The results show the following:(1) AT’s stability presents differences in different land-use types.In agricultural land,there is no obvious variation in the trend throughout the year.Whereas in a desert,the variation in the trend is obvious: the AT is more stable in summer than it is in winter,with Ta ranges of [8,20]°C and SD of the AT residual ranges of [0.2,0.7],respectively.Additionally,in mountainous areas,when the altitude is beyond a certain value,AT’s stability changes.(2) AT’s LRC presents differences in different land-use types.In agricultural land,the long-range correlation of AT is the most persistent throughout the year,showing the smallest difference between summer and winter,with the Hs range of [0.8,1].Vegetation could be an important factor.In a desert,the long-range correlation of AT is less persistent,showing the greatest difference between summer and winter,with the Hs range of [0.54,0.96].Solar insolation could be a dominant factor.In an alpine meadow,the long-range correlation of AT is the least persistent throughout the year,presenting a smaller difference between summer and winter,with the Hs range of [0.6,0.85].Altitude could be an important factor.(3) Usually,LRC is a combination of the Ta and SD of the AT residuals.A larger Ta and smaller SD of the AT residual would be conducive to a more persistent LRC,whereas a smaller Ta and larger SD of the AT residual would limit the persistence of LRC.A larger Ta and SD of the AT residual would create persistence to a degree between those of the first two cases,as would a smaller Ta and SD of the AT residual.In addition,the last two cases might show the same LRC.  相似文献   

目前很少见到关于气候变化影响亚洲北山羊物种栖息地的研究。通过调查气候变化对塔吉克斯坦东部亚洲北山羊(Capra sibirica)分布的影响,并采用生态位建模比较了亚洲北山羊的适宜栖息地的当前与未来分布情况。预计到2070年,现有适宜栖息地的18%(2689 km^2)将变得不适宜亚洲北山羊的生存,损失的区域主要位于研究区域的东南部和西北部地区。新的适宜栖息地可能会扩展到当前亚洲北山羊范围之外:到2070年将扩展30%(4595 km^2)的范围,这些区域与亚洲北山羊现有的分布有很强的相关性。东南部的损失与该地区当前大多数的亚洲北山羊栖息地重叠,主要出现在比研究区域海拔低得多的区域(3500–4000 m)。当同时考虑损失和收益时,亚洲北山羊可能会净扩展到新的适宜栖息地。到2070年,亚洲北山羊的平均栖息地增加量约为30%(1379 km^2),表明适宜栖息地已向北部低温栖息地转移。研究结果有助于规划气候变化情景下塔吉克斯坦东部山区对生物多样性保护的潜在影响。应该特别注意东南地区的高地山羊种群,那里的栖息地可能由于气候对山区生态系统的影响而变得不适合该物种继续生存。  相似文献   

过去300年大兴安岭北部气候变化特征(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Greater Khingan Mountains(Daxinganling) are China's important ecological protective screen and also the region most sensitive to climate changes. To gain an in-depth understanding and reveal the climate change characteristic in this high-latitude, cold and data-insufficient region is of great importance to maintaining ecological safety and corresponding to global climate changes. In this article, the annual average temperature, precipitation and sunshine duration series were firstly constructed using tree-ring data and the meteorological observation data. Then, using the climate tendency rate method, moving-t-testing method, Yamamoto method and wavelet analysis method, we have investigated the climate changes in the region during the past 307 years. Results indicate that, since 1707, the annual average temperature increased significantly, the precipitation increased slightly and the sunshine duration decreased, with the tendency rates of 0.06℃/10 a, 0.79 mm/10 a and –5.15 h/10 a, respectively(P≤0.01). Since the 21 st century, the period with the greatest increase of the annual average temperature(also with the greatest increase of precipitation) corresponds to the period with greatest decrease of sunshine duration. Three sudden changes of the annual average temperature and sunshine duration occurred in this period while two sudden changes of precipitation occurred. The strong sudden-change years of precipitation and sunshine duration are basically consistent with the sudden-change years of annual average temperature, suggesting that in the mid-1860 s, the climatic sudden change or transition really existed in this region. In the time domain, the climatic series of this region exhibit obvious local variation characteristics. The annual average temperature and sunshine duration exhibit the periodic variations of 25 years while the precipitation exhibits a periodic variation of 20 years. Based on these periodic characteristics, one can infer that in the period from 2013 to 2030, the temperature will be at a high-temperature stage, the precipitation will be at an abundant-precipitation stage and the sunshine duration will be at an less-sunshine stage. In terms of spatial distribution, the leading distribution type of the annual average temperature in this region shows integrity, i.e., it is easily higher or lower in the whole region; and the second distribution type is more(or less) in the southwest parts and less(or more) in the northeast parts. Precipitation and sunshine duration exhibit complex spatial distribution and include fourspatial distribution types. The present study can provide scientific basis for the security investigation of homeland, ecological and water resources as well as economic development programming in China's northern borders.  相似文献   

近32 a中亚地区气温时空格局分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐婷  邵华  张弛 《干旱区地理》2015,38(1):25-35
中亚地区生态环境脆弱,生态系统对于气候变化的响应非常敏感,但其气候变化的时空格局并不清楚。该区域气象站点分布稀疏、高精度气象数据缺乏,利用单一数据源研究气候变化具有极大的不确定性。因此,结合站点数据和再分析数据探索中亚五国气候变化时空格局具有重要的研究价值。选取31个气象站点数据(OBS)、CRU气象插值数据和CFSR、ERA-Interim和MERRA三套高精度的再分析数据,对中亚地区1980-2011年的年、四季气温的时空格局变化进行分析。研究结果表明:(1) 近32 a中亚年均气温显著升高,增温速率为0.36~0.47 ℃·(10 a)-1,即过去的近32 a中亚地区平均气温升高1.15~1.50 ℃。(2)四季气温变化中春季的增温速率最快(0.71~0.93 ℃·(10 a)-1),而冬季气温无显著性的变化。(3)中亚中部、南部、西南部、西部地区显著增温,尤其是在1990s后期至2000s前期经历了显著性地增温过程,而中亚其它地区气温无显著变化。  相似文献   

The geomorphological evolution of the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau(NETP)could provide valuable information for reconstructing the tectonic movements of the region.And the considerable uplift and climatic changes at here,provide an opportunity for studying the impact of tectonic and monsoon climate on fluvial morphological development and sedimentary architecture of fluvial deposits.The development of peneplain-like surface and related landscape transition from basin filling to incision indicate an intense uplift event with morphological significance at around 10–17 Ma in the NETP.After that,incision into the peneplain was not continuous but a staircase of terraces,developed as a result of climatic influences.In spite of the generally persisting uplift of the whole region,the neighbouring tectonic blocks had different uplift rates,leading to a complicated fluvial response with accumulation terraces alternating with erosion terraces at a small spatial and temporal scale.The change in fluvial activity as a response to climatic impact is reflected in the general sedimentary sequence on the terraces from high-energy(braided)channel deposits(at full glacial)to lower-energy deposits of small channels(towards the end of the glacial),mostly separated by a rather sharp boundary from overlying flood-loams(at the glacial-interglacial transition)and overall soil formation(interglacial).Pronounced incision took place at the subsequent warm-cold transitions.In addition,it is hypothesized that in some strongly uplifted blocks energy thresholds could be crossed to allow terrace formation as a response to small climatic fluctuations(10~3–10~4 year timescale).Although studies of morpho-tectonic and geomorphological evolution of the NETP,improve understanding on the impacts of tectonic motions and monsoonal climate on fluvial processes,a number of aspects,such as the distribution and correlation of peneplain and the related morphological features,the extent and intensity of tectonic movements influencing the crossing of climatic thresholds,leading to terrace development,need to be studied further.  相似文献   

In this study, the spatial distribution and changing trends of agricultural heat and precipitation resources in Northeast China were analyzed to explore the impacts of future climate changes on agroclimatic resources in the region. This research is based on the output meteorological data from the regional climate model system for Northeast China from 2005 to 2099, under low and high radiative forcing scenarios RCP4.5(low emission scenario) and RCP8.5(high emission scenario) as proposed in IPCC AR5. Model outputs under the baseline scenario, and RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios were assimilated with observed data from 91 meteorological stations in Northeast China from 1961 to 2010 to perform the analyses. The results indicate that:(1) The spatial distribution of temperature decreases from south to north, and the temperature is projected to increase in all regions, especially under a high emission scenario. The average annual temperature under the baseline scenario is 7.70°C, and the average annual temperatures under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 are 9.67°C and 10.66°C, respectively. Other agricultural heat resources change in accordance with temperature changes. Specifically, the first day with temperatures ≥10°C arrives 3 to 4 d earlier, the first frost date is delayed by 2 to 6 d, and the duration of the growing season is lengthened by 4 to 10 d, and the accumulated temperature increases by 400 to 700°C·d. Water resources exhibit slight but not significant increases.(2) While the historical temperature increase rate is 0.35°C/10 a, the rate of future temperature increase is the highest under the RCP8.5 scenario at 0.48°C/10 a, compared to 0.19°C/10 a under the RCP4.5 scenario. In the later part of this century, the trend of temperature increase is significantly faster under the RCP8.5 scenario than under the RCP4.5 scenario, with faster increases in the northern region. Other agricultural heat resources exhibit similar trends as temperature, but with different specific spatial distributions. Precipitation in the growing season generally shows an increasing but insignificant trend in the future, with relatively large yearly fluctuations. Precipitation in the eastern region is projected to increase, while a decrease is expected in the western region. The future climate in Northeast China will change towards higher temperature and humidity. The heat resource will increase globally, however its disparity with the change in precipitation may negatively affect agricultural activities.  相似文献   

全球气候变化导致全球海洋酸化、冰雪融化、气温持续升高、极端天气发生频率增多,进而对社会经济系统产生深远影响。随着气候变化的加剧,抵抗气候风险能力较强的工业领域也遭受了严重的损失。目前,工业领域的脆弱性不断加深,工业经济损失的绝对量也在不断增长,定量评估工业经济损失是制定应对气候变化政策的重要依据,通过梳理当前的研究进展,可以为工业经济的评估提供思路和方法。因此,本文对工业领域受气候变化影响的正负面效应进行概述,发现不同工业部门受到气候变化的影响略有不同,部分区域的采矿业对气温升高的响应为正向,但风暴、干旱以及降雨会破坏采矿业的正常生产经营活动;制造业大多是室内作业,抵抗极端气候的能力相对较强,部分产业反应机制复杂;建筑业的损失多集中在间接损失,通过电力成本提高等反馈;电力、热力及水的生产和供应业在遭受极端气候时会出现传输供应损失,且作为碳排放最大的行业,其减排成本短期内会影响该部门的经济增长。工业部门为了应对气候变化付出了较大的适应和减缓成本,因此通过模型量化评估工业经济的损失,有利于制定合理的政策,保证工业经济平稳有序的增长。  相似文献   

Based on daily maximum and minimum temperature observed by the China Meteorological Administration at 115 meteorological stations in the Yangtze River Basin from 1962 to 2011,the methods of linear regression,principal component analysis and correlation analysis are employed to investigate the temporal variability and spatial distribution of temperature extremes.Sixteen indices of extreme temperature are selected.The results are as follows:(1) The occurrence of cold days,cold nights,ice days,frost days and cold spell duration indicator has significantly decreased by –0.84,–2.78,–0.48,–3.29 and –0.67 days per decade,respectively.While the occurrence of warm days,warm nights,summer days,tropical nights,warm spell duration indicator and growing season length shows statistically significant increasing trends at rates of 2.24,2.86,2.93,1.80,0.83 and 2.30 days per decade,respectively.The tendency rate of the coldest day,coldest night,warmest day,warmest night and diurnal temperature range is 0.33,0.47,0.16,0.19 and –0.07℃ per decade,respectively.(2) The magnitudes of changes in cold indices(cold nights,coldest day and coldest night) are obviously greater than those of warm indices(warm nights,warmest day and warmest night).The change ranges of night indices(warm nights and cold nights) are larger than those of day indices(warm days and cold days),which indicates that the change of day and night temperature is asymmetrical.(3) Spatially,the regionally averaged values of cold indices in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River Basin are larger than those in the middle and lower reaches.However,the regionally averaged values of most warm indices(except warm spell duration indicator) and growing season length in the middle and lower reaches are larger than those in the upper reaches.(4) The extreme temperature indices are well correlated with each other except diurnal temperature range.  相似文献   

Precipitation heterogeneity has a nontrivial influence on human life. Many studies have analyzed precipitation heterogeneity but none have proposed a systematic graded index for its evaluation, and therefore, its true characteristics have not been expressed. After comparisons of various methods, the precipitation concentration degree(PCD) method was selected to study precipitation heterogeneity. In addition to the PCD, normal distribution functions, cumulative frequencies, and percentiles were used to establish a graded index for evaluating precipitation heterogeneity. A comprehensive evaluation of precipitation heterogeneity was performed, and its spatiotemporal variation in China from 1960 to 2013 was analyzed. The results indicated that(1) seven categories of precipitation heterogeneity were identified(high centralization, moderate centralization, mild centralization, normal, mild dispersion, moderate dispersion, and high dispersion) and(2) during the study period, the precipitation in more parts of China tended to be normal or dispersed, which is beneficial to human activities.  相似文献   

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