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China is now experiencing rapid urbanization. Powerful tools are required to assess its urban spatial policies before implemented toward a more competitive and sustainable development paradigm. This study develops a Land Use Transport Interaction(LUTI) model to evaluate the impacts of urban land-use policies on urban spatial development. The model consists of four sub-models, i.e., transport, residential location, employment location and real estate rent sub-models. It is then applied to Beijing metropolitan area to forecast the urban activity evolution trend based on the land-use policies between 2009 and 2013. The modeling results show that more and more residents and enterprises in the city choose to agglomerate on outskirts, and new centers gradually emerge to share the services originally delivered by central Beijing. The general trend verifies the objectives of the government plan to develop more sub-centers around Beijing. The proposed activity-based model provides a distinct tool for the urban spatial policy makers in China. Further research is also discussed at the end.  相似文献   

牛方曲  王芳 《地理学报》2018,73(2):380-392
中国目前正经历着城市化转型,科学合理的空间政策是城市可持续发展的重要保障,因此开展政策情景实验、辅助空间决策具有重要现实意义。本文构建了土地利用—交通集成模型,模拟城市活动空间分布,称作SDA(Spatial Distribution of Activities)模型。该模型主要包含4个子模型:交通模型、家庭区位模型、经济活动区位模型、房租模型;并以北京市为例模拟土地利用政策对城市空间发展的影响。研究表明,延续过去5年(2009-2013年)房地产开发模式至2030年,则由于周边房地产开发数量较高、房租较低,越来越多的人口和企业将向郊区聚集(增长速度更大)。该趋势与目前疏解北京社会经济活动、缓解交通拥堵的规划目标相一致,模型可以很好地检验土地利用政策情景影响。而“基于活动”的模型被认为是模型发展趋势,因此,本文构建的SDA模型不仅可以检验不同政策对城市空间影响、辅助城市空间决策,也有助于推动LUTI模型的发展及其在国内的应用,丰富和发展国内城市空间模拟分析的研究内容。  相似文献   

内蒙古是我国北方重要的生态屏障区,在区域生态系统防风固沙中发挥了重要的作用。本研究基于RWEQ模型模拟了内蒙古2010年和2015年生态系统防风固沙物质量,通过恢复成本法估算了其价值量,分析了内蒙古各盟市以及各生态系统防风固沙物质量和价值量变化的空间格局。结果表明2015年内蒙古防风固沙物质量和价值量总量分别为73.87亿t和738.66亿元,相比于2010年共减少了4.61亿t和46.16亿元。在各盟市中,锡林郭勒盟防风固沙总量最高,2015年达18.65亿t,乌海市最少,呼伦贝尔市防风固沙总量增长幅度最大,达4.37亿t;在各生态系统中草地生态系统防风固沙总量最高,占比在55%以上,但总量降低了1.05亿t,森林生态系统防风固沙增长量最高,达0.19亿t。结合生态系统变化及造林实施情况分析,发现造林等工程的投入实施通过增加森林面积、提升森林质量等有效增加了防风固沙物质量,但不合理的土地利用导致沙漠化土地的增加造成了内蒙古防风固沙量的显著降低。  相似文献   

Urban expansion models are useful tools to understand urbanization process and have been given much attention.However,urban expansion is a complicated socio-economic phenomenon that is affected by complex and volatile factors involving in great uncertainties.Therefore,the accurate simulation of the urban expansion process remains challenging.In this paper,we make an attempt to solve such uncertainty through a reversal process and view urban expansion as a process wherein the urban landscape overcomes resistance from other landscapes.We developed an innovative approach derived from the minimum cumulative resistance(MCR) model that involved the introduction of a relative resistance factor for different source levels and the consideration of rigid constraints on urban expansion caused by ecological barriers.Using this approach,the urban expansion ecological resistance(UEER)model was created to describe ecological resistance surfaces suitable for simulating urban expansion and used to simulate urban expansion in Guangzhou.The study results demonstrate that the ecological resistance surface generated by the UEER model comprehensively reflects ecological resistance to urban expansion and indicates the spatial trends in urban expansion.The simulation results from the UEER-based model were more realistic and more accurately reflected ecological protection requirements than the conventional MCR-based model.These findings can enhance urban expansion simulation methods.  相似文献   

Land use intensity quantifies the impacts of human activities on natural ecosystems, which have become the major driver of global environmental change, and thus it serves as an essential measurement for assessing land use sustainability. To date, land-change studies have mainly focused on changes in land cover and their effects on ecological processes, whereas land use intensity has not yet received the attention it deserves and for which spatially-explicit representation studies have only just begun. In this paper, according to the degree and reversibility of surface disturbance by human activities, there are four main classes of land use intensity: artificial land, semi-artificial land, semi-natural land, and natural land. These were further divided into 22 subclasses based on key indicators, such as human population density and the cropping intensity. Land use intensity map of China at a 1-km spatial resolution was obtained based on satellite images and statistical data. The area proportions of artificial land, semi-artificial land, semi-natural land, and natural land were 0.71%, 19.36%, 58.93%, and 21%, respectively. Human and economic carrying capacity increased with the increase of land use intensity. Artificial land supports 24.58% and 35.62% of the total population and GDP, using only 0.71% of the total land, while semi-artificial land supported 58.24% and 49.61% of human population and GDP with 19.36% of China's total land area.  相似文献   

揭示喀斯特城市流域土地利用对生态系统服务功能的影响机制,对喀斯特地区的社会经济发展与生态环境保护具有重要意义。本研究以贵州典型喀斯特城市流域—南明河流域为例,基于Arc GIS技术平台揭示了2000–2020年3个时期流域的土地利用时空演变规律,采用In VEST模型对流域不同土地利用类型的生态系统服务功能进行了系统评价。结果表明:(1)流域土地利用以林地、耕地和草地为主,土地利用变化方式主要表现为建设用地的增长,增长了13.07%;(2)流域水源涵养功能显著提升,碳储存功能略微减弱,空间上两者的物质量均呈现东北高、西南低的分布特征;(3)林地对流域水源涵养和碳储量的贡献率均超过57%,林地转为建设用地,耕地转为林地分别是生态系统服务功能减弱和增强的两种土地利用变化形式。本研究可为喀斯特生态脆弱区土地利用结构优化、水土资源开发和生态系统可持续管理提供重要数据支撑与科学参考。  相似文献   

城市土地的高效利用是城市高质量发展的关键因素之一,特别是对于土地资源相对稀缺的大型城市。以国家中心城市建设对象郑州市为例,通过构建土地利用效益系统分析框架与城市土地利用转移矩阵,本文揭示了快速扩张型城市的土地利用效益系统演化规律、子系统间的动态耦合协调关系以及土地利用类型之间的转换逻辑。研究发现:郑州市土地利用效益系统逐步从生态环境效益偏好型(1998–2005年)向社会经济效益偏好型(2006–2019年)进行转变,并呈现典型的“倒U型”演化特征。伴随这一演化过程,郑州市的城市空间快速增长了461 km2。土地利用转移矩阵的分析显示,郑州市土地利用类型转换幅度最大的是草地、耕地、林地以及水域等土地利用/覆被类型,其在22年间不断转换为城市建设用地,并成为郑州市城市空间快速扩张的主要原因。地方政府应当根据城市土地利用效益系统特征和子系统间耦合协调关系演化态势,主动实施差异化的城市土地利用策略,同时积极把握城市增长边界划定契机,持续推进城市发展转型升级和生态城市建设。  相似文献   

This study is proposed to reconstruct a high-resolution spatial distribution of historical land use pattern with all land use types to overcome low-accuracy and/or the monotonic land use type in current historical land use reconstruction studies. The year of 1820 is set as the temporal section and the administrative area of Jiangsu Province is the study area. Land use types being reconstructed include farmland, residential land(including both urban land and rural residential land), water body, and other land(including forest land, grassland, and unused land). Data sources mainly refer to historical documents, historical geographic research outcomes, contemporary statistics, and natural environmental data. With great considerations over regional natural resources and social and economic conditions, a few theoretical assumptions have been proposed to facilitate the adjustment on prefecture farmland, urban land, and rural residential land. Upholding the idea that the contemporary land use pattern has been inherently in sequence with the historical land use pattern as well as the land use pattern shall be consistent to its accessibility, this study reconstructs the land use pattern in Jiangsu Province in 1820 with 100 m*100 m grids based on accessibility analysis and comprehensive evaluation. The outcome has been tested as valid by regionalization and correlation analysis. The resulted spatial distribution shows that back in 1820 in Jiangsu Province:(1) farmland, urban land, rural residential land, water body, and other land take about 48.49%, 4.46%, 0.16%, 15.03%, and 31.86% of the total land area respectively;(2) the land use pattern features high proportion of land in farming while low-proportion land in non-farming uses while population, topography, and the density of water body lead to great spatial variations; and(3) the reconstruction methodology has been tested as reasonable based on significant positive correlations between 1820 data and 1985 for both farmland and rural residential land at the prefecture level.  相似文献   

正21世纪以来,中国乡村的重构已成为全球社会经济变化最重要的组分之一。短短几十年间,中国从一个具有深厚乡土文化根基的传统农业大国转变为一个极为先进和高度城市化的国家。这次转变的规模和意义堪比19世纪到20世纪初欧洲所经历的工业化与城市化,其影响也如20世纪欧洲所经历的那样,遍及整个世界。尽管当中存在趋同,今时的中国并非维多利亚时代的欧洲,我们不能期望二者的转变轨迹、产生的影响和收获的响应会完全相同。  相似文献   

As an important branch of human geography, transportation geography has experienced three periods of evolution: foundation, systematization, and rapid development of the discipline. It has gradually become a relatively mature discipline. During the period 1930– 1980, the development of transportation geography consisted mainly of the publication of theoretical texts. During 1980–2000, it gradually became a systematic discipline. Since the start of the 21 st century, transportation geography has focused mainly on exploring the impacts of transportation on socio-economic development. Currently, studies on transportation geography have led to significant developments in a number of areas, including transportation theory, facility distribution and planning, transportation flows and network analysis, evaluation of transport modes, transportation planning, and simulation and assessment of urban transportation. Such studies have also enriched human geography research, provided a wider geographical overview and elucidated the development mechanism of transportation, as well as helped to understand the impacts of transport development on socio-economic systems. Some findings obtained by geographers have been widely used in transportation geography and related fields, including the four basic laws of transportation generation, the hub–spoke mode of transport organization, the subordinating and guiding functions of transportation on socio-economic development, regional transport dominance measures, accessibility measures, and spatial organization of port systems.  相似文献   

The core objective of rural vitalization is to systemically establish a coupling pattern of various rural development elements including population, land and industry. As one of the prerequisites, land resources is required to be optimally allocated via land consolidation. Consequently, land consolidation contributes greatly to population agglomeration, industrial development and resources support under the context of combating rural decline. Based on the key elements affecting rural development, this paper elaborates the connotation of rural vitalization and land consolidation in the new era as well as their relationships. Furthermore, the paper analyzes the alternative paths for achieving rural vitalization via land consolidation, and discusses the future directions of land consolidation and rural vitalization. The conclusions are drawn as follows:(1) To cope with the loss and decline of the intrinsic elements in rural areas, rural vitalization is a development strategy aimed at realizing economic, political, cultural and ecological rejuvenation in rural area by reshaping socio-economic morphology and spatial pattern in rural territory.(2) From the perspective of rural vitalization, land consolidation is endowed with new connotation, which should not only target at activating the key elements of rural development, but also place emphasis on coordinating material space and spirit core as well as integrating the restructuring of the physical space and the rural governance system.(3) Land consolidation should be compatible with regional natural conditions and the current stage of socio-economic development. According to the principle of regional planning and classification strategy, the appropriate models and paths should be adopted to promote the benign interactions of population, land and industry based on engineering techniques and ecological means.(4) Under the background of national strategy of rural vitalization, it is necessary to reshape the value orientation of land consolidation based on a scientific understanding of urban-rural relations and rural territorial functions, coordinate land consolidation planning and rural vitalization planning under the unified spatial planning system, and explore the new model combining land consolidation and multifunctional agriculture.  相似文献   

城市中心人口减少以及城市面积向外部扩张严重影响了城市的自然生态环境,这是目前世界许多大城市如加拿大蒙特利尔面临的共同问题。限制城市向外部的扩展需要从城市中心的吸引力来平衡。本文采用数理统计和综合归纳方法,在蒙特利尔城市中心最受欢迎的社区之一Sainte-Marie进行了两次现场调查,以定量分析城市中心目前的吸引力。结果表明,目前本地住宅/服务业的中高档需求有所提高,对代表城市特征的一些变量进行相关性分析,认为人们在城市中心的吸引力和阻力的权衡中,不仅仅以"自由居住意志"为唯一选择依据,而是继续生活在Sainte-Marie。本文结论还认为,目前通过城市邻里的吸引力水平限制城市扩张仍然面临很大的挑战。  相似文献   

土地景观形态能够反映土地利用空间行为特征。在对鄱阳湖地区1995年、2000年、2015年和2018年4个时间点的土地利用现状进行描述的基础上,通过分形维数、分形稳定性、斑块密度、斑块形状破碎度和景观隔离指数分析区域景观格局变化,并运用分形理论对土地利用空间行为进行分析。研究结果显示在1995年到2018年的20多年间,建设用地一直是分形维数最高的土地类型;但从时间尺度上,建设用地的分形维数呈下降趋势,表明建设用地空间形态在土地利用空间行为的作用下逐渐向有序方向发展。水田、旱地和有林地一直是分形维数最低的土地利用类型,且处于景观分形不稳定状态。斑块密度、斑块形状破碎化指数以及景观分离度指数的计算结果支持了分形维数分析的结论。从实现区域土地合理布局的角度,建议通过科学合理的规划,降低区域建设用地的分形维数,引导建设用地有序发展。对于诸如有林地、灌木林地、高覆盖度草地和水域等自然景观,应增加其分形维数以减少人为干扰,维护其稳定性。同时建议在国土空间规划中引入分形维数,将分形维数作为评价区域土地利用格局合理性的一项指标。  相似文献   

北京城市副中心(通州区)承接着北京中心城区的非首都核心功能,其快速建设发展亟需对区域内土地利用演变格局的科学认识。本文分析了改革开放40年来通州区土地利用演变格局,根据土地利用历史演变特征与城市发展规划目标,结合文旅发展驱动要素,运用FLUS模型模拟城镇化加速、减速和可持续发展3种情景下2035年北京城市副中心(通州区)土地利用空间分布格局。结果表明:(1)北京城市副中心(通州区)以城镇发展建设为主,1980—2010年高速城镇化阶段形成“沿六环顺运河”的城市扩张格局,2010—2020年低速城镇化阶段用地分布稳定,通州区形成从西北至东南城乡分异、土地集约化发展格局,副中心作为通州区城镇化的典型区域具有与通州整体相似的时空演变特征;(2)到2035年,3种情景间土地利用变化幅度和空间分布存在显著差异,城镇可持续发展情景下生态用地面积与分布最优,有利于实现城市可持续发展。在与三大副中心分区规划的契合程度分析中,可持续发展情景下预测模拟与市政府发布的《北京城市副中心控制性详细规划(街区层面)(2016—2035年)》(简称《规划》)用地高度契合,但文化旅游功能区和宜居生活风貌区中模拟预测与...  相似文献   

协调度模型在城市土地利用潜力评价中的应用   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
以往在利用协调度模型进行相关研究时,大多采用两段叙述的分段函数,假定所有序参量的功效性都是单向的,非正即负。然而城市土地利用系统中影响系统发展与演化的各个序参量对系统有序的功效并非都是单向的,某些序参量的功效可能会发生正负性的转变。因此,针对城市土地利用系统的特点,有必要在功效函数中引入第三段函数,改进传统的功效函数和协调度函数,以建立更适用于城市土地利用系统研究的协调度模型。利用该模型对广州市天河区的城市土地利用潜力进行实证评价,结果显示天河区的土地利用系统基本有序,发展比较协调,但距离最优状态尚有潜力可挖;环境和社会子系统的发展较为欠缺,在未来用地挖潜的过程中应予以重视。  相似文献   

土地休耕对于耕地休养生息,保障国家粮食安全、促进生态环境改善和土地资源永续利用具有重要意义。本文从世界不同国家和地区土地休耕制度比较、土地休耕制度的农户响应以及土地休耕制度带来的生态环境和经济效应三个方面回顾了国内外关于土地休耕制度研究所取得的重要成果。在此基础上,针对中国耕地轮作休耕制度,提出了相关的政策建议:(1)根据土地受破坏程度的不同,制定休耕土地评价体系和补贴核算标准,有针对性的将强制休耕与自愿参与相结合;(2)完善监管机制和约束机制,提高农户环境意识、环保技能,改变农户的生产习惯,鼓励农民有针对性的改种其他覆盖率较高的作物保护土地。(3)针对休耕制度实施过程中产生负面效应采取相对应的管理和补偿措施。  相似文献   

缅甸是一个以农业为主的国家,农业资源丰富、发展潜力巨大,其农业发展在国际粮食安全中的重要性日益凸显,对缅甸农业土地资源的评估,是对其农业发展和粮食安全评估的基础。本研究分析了缅甸适宜进行农业开垦的土地与主要环境变量之间的关系,构建了缅甸农业土地适宜性综合评价模型。评价结果表明:1)所选取的评价指标与缅甸农业土地适宜性之间具有较强的相关关系(AUC 0.8),结合贡献度高低,筛选了包括土壤、气候、地形以及灌溉条件共11个主要因子;2)土壤厚度是影响缅甸农业土地适宜性的最主要的因子,土层厚度小于100cm时,农业土地适宜性较低;地形条件中,坡度是影响适宜性的主要的因素,当坡度大于20°时,农业土地适宜性较低;气候条件中,降水是主要的影响因素;河网密度与土地适宜性呈现出正相关的态势;3)缅甸当前适合进行农业生产的土地达到40万km~2,其中高度适宜性的土地(Grade5)面积达29万km~2,占国土面积的近40%;从行政区域来看,主要分布在马圭省、实皆省、伊洛瓦底省和仰光省,上述省份也是缅甸重要的粮食主产区。  相似文献   

Poverty is a key issue restricting rural sustainable development; concurrently, regional land degradation impedes agricultural development and rural revitalization. China faces severe land degradation and deepening rural poverty under the context of rapid urbanization. To address these challenges, sustainable land use is an important tool in our society's economic development. Rural engineering, including rural land consolidation, reclamation, restoration, reallocation, improvement, and development, is the most direct and effective way to achieve rural sustainable poverty alleviation. This study clarifies the framework between land engineering and rural poverty alleviation, and introduces land engineering technologies, newly created land utilization practices, and the contributions to poverty alleviation in representative degraded land regions. Land engineering can increase land quantity,improve land quality, enhance land ecological function, and promote man-land system coupling. Further, it can erase rural poverty by increasing county revenue and households' income, lead to industrial development, and improve living environment. Specifically, degraded sandy land, gully land, hollowed construction land, and barren hilly land are transformed into productive land by improving the land structure. Innovated land engineering technologies and sustainable land utilization modes can provide the basic theories and reference approaches for rural poverty alleviation. Identifying obstacles to effective land and corresponding engineering practices are crucial to regional land exploitation and development, improving quality of life and alleviating rural poverty.  相似文献   

The cultivation of mountainous land results in water loss and soil erosion. With rapid urbanization and industrialization in China, labor emigration relieves the cultivation of mountainous areas in regions with high poverty and leads to a significant land use transition. This research built an analysis framework for "land use transition – driving mechanism – effects –responses" for mountainous areas of China undergoing land use transition and then proposed the direction of mountainous land consolidation. The results showed that the turning point of land use morphology was the core of rural land use transition in mountainous areas. The expansion of cropland and the contraction of forestland have transitioned to the abandonment of cropland and the expansion of forestland; this transition was the main characteristic of the dominant land use change. Land marginalization and land ecological functional recovery were the main characteristics of the recessive land use transition in mountainous areas. Socioeconomic factors were the primary driving forces during land use transition in mountainous areas, with labor emigration being the most direct force. The rising costs of farming and the challenging living conditions causing labor emigration were fundamental driving forces. Rural land use transition in mountainous areas reduced the vulnerability of the ecological function of land ecosystems. The advantages and disadvantages of the socioeconomic effects should focus on rural development of mountainous areas as well as the livelihood of farmers; this should be further supported by empirical and quantitative research. Rural land use transition of mountainous areas improves natural restoration and is related to socioeconomic development. Rural land consolidation of mountainous areas should conform to land use transition,with the goal of shifting from the increase of cultivated land to the synergies of ecological and environmental protection.  相似文献   

本文基于预期效用假设提出了可结合竞争学习算法(CLG–LUSA)的新方法,即土地利用适宜性分析的GIS模型。该模型使用了Kohonen的自组织映射法和线性矢量化法来实现多选项的综合排序。该模型还利用决策者的优选位置和环境数据,来构造一个分支决策属性空间。决策和不确定性映射来自于该分支算法。使用该模型算法的一个例子就是在古巴市选择椰子最合适的生长环境。结果表明,CLG–LUSA模型能够提供决策过程中关键环节的精确视觉反馈,从而制定最适合个人或群体决策支持方法。  相似文献   

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